Everyday Questions

What The Bible Says About Divination

Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown through supernatural means. In the Bible, divination is often condemned as a form of idolatry and witchcraft. The Bible warns against seeking guidance from anything other than God and His word. Let’s explore what the Bible says about divination.

Signs and Omens in the Bible

Have you ever wondered what the Bible has to say about divination? The topic of divination, or seeking knowledge of the future through supernatural means, is a controversial one that has been debated for centuries. In the Bible, divination is often portrayed as a practice that is forbidden and condemned by God. Let’s take a closer look at what the Bible says about divination and how it relates to signs and omens.

In the Old Testament, divination is mentioned numerous times, usually in a negative context. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 warns against various forms of divination, including interpreting omens, casting spells, and consulting mediums or spiritists. The Israelites were instructed to rely on God alone for guidance and not to seek answers from occult practices. Divination was seen as a way of trying to control the future rather than trusting in God’s plan.

Throughout the Bible, there are examples of individuals who practiced divination and faced consequences for their actions. King Saul, for example, consulted a medium before his final battle with the Philistines, which ultimately led to his downfall. The story of Balaam, a diviner who was hired to curse the Israelites but ended up blessing them instead, serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of seeking supernatural knowledge outside of God’s will.

Despite the warnings against divination, there are instances in the Bible where signs and omens are used by God to communicate with his people. In the book of Genesis, God sends a rainbow as a sign of his covenant with Noah after the flood. In the book of Exodus, God uses plagues and miracles to demonstrate his power and deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt. These signs and wonders are not the result of human manipulation or divination but are instead manifestations of God’s sovereignty and grace.

In the New Testament, divination is also discouraged, with the apostle Paul warning against sorcery and witchcraft in Galatians 5:20. The early Christians were encouraged to rely on prayer, scripture, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit rather than seeking answers through occult practices. Jesus himself spoke out against those who sought signs and wonders for their own selfish purposes, emphasizing the importance of faith and trust in God’s plan.

While divination may be tempting as a way to gain insight into the future, the Bible teaches us to trust in God’s timing and wisdom. Seeking supernatural knowledge through occult practices can lead us away from God and into dangerous territory. Instead, we are called to seek guidance through prayer, scripture, and the counsel of wise believers who can help us discern God’s will for our lives.

In conclusion, the Bible is clear in its stance against divination as a means of seeking knowledge of the future. Signs and omens are not to be used for personal gain or control but are instead meant to point us towards God’s sovereignty and grace. By trusting in God’s plan and seeking his guidance through prayer and scripture, we can find peace and direction in our lives without resorting to occult practices. Let us remember the words of Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Prohibition of Divination in Scripture

Have you ever wondered what the Bible has to say about divination? Many people are curious about this topic, as divination has been a practice that has been around for centuries. In the Bible, divination is often mentioned in a negative light, with warnings against engaging in such practices. Let’s take a closer look at what the Bible says about divination and why it is prohibited in scripture.

In the Old Testament, divination is mentioned several times as a practice that is forbidden by God. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 specifically mentions divination as one of the practices that the Israelites are not to engage in. The passage reads, “There shall not be found among you anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord.”

This passage makes it clear that divination is not something that is pleasing to God. The reason for this prohibition is that divination involves seeking knowledge or guidance from sources other than God. It is a form of seeking supernatural knowledge through means that are not in line with God’s will. By engaging in divination, people are essentially putting their trust in something other than God, which goes against the teachings of the Bible.

Another reason why divination is prohibited in scripture is that it can lead people away from God and into the hands of false prophets or deceptive spirits. In 1 Samuel 28, we see the story of King Saul consulting a medium to speak with the spirit of the deceased prophet Samuel. This act of divination ultimately leads to Saul’s downfall, as he is rejected by God for seeking guidance from a source other than Him.

Throughout the Bible, we see examples of people who turn to divination in times of uncertainty or trouble, only to face negative consequences as a result. Divination is often portrayed as a practice that is rooted in fear, doubt, and a lack of faith in God’s ability to provide guidance and direction. By seeking answers through divination, people are essentially turning their backs on God and His promises.

It is important for Christians to remember that God is the ultimate source of wisdom, guidance, and truth. The Bible is clear that we are to seek God’s will through prayer, meditation on His word, and seeking counsel from wise and godly individuals. By turning to divination, we are essentially saying that we do not trust God to provide for our needs and guide us in the right direction.

In conclusion, the Bible is clear in its prohibition of divination as a practice that goes against God’s will. By engaging in divination, we are essentially putting our trust in sources other than God and opening ourselves up to deception and spiritual harm. As Christians, we are called to seek God’s will through prayer, meditation on His word, and seeking counsel from wise and godly individuals. Let us trust in God’s wisdom and guidance, knowing that He is the ultimate source of truth and direction in our lives.

Examples of Divination in the Bible

What The Bible Says About Divination
Divination is a practice that has been around for centuries, with people seeking to gain insight into the future or make decisions based on supernatural guidance. While some may see divination as harmless or even helpful, the Bible has a different perspective on the matter.

In the Bible, divination is often associated with pagan practices and is seen as a form of seeking guidance from sources other than God. The Bible warns against divination in several passages, making it clear that seeking guidance from anything other than God is not only futile but also displeasing to Him.

One example of divination in the Bible can be found in the story of King Saul. In 1 Samuel 28, Saul seeks out a medium to summon the spirit of the prophet Samuel, who had died. Despite being warned against such practices, Saul goes ahead with the divination and receives a message of doom and destruction. This story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of seeking guidance from sources other than God.

Another example of divination in the Bible can be found in the story of the magicians in Egypt. In Exodus 7-8, Pharaoh’s magicians attempt to replicate the miracles performed by Moses and Aaron, using their divination skills to deceive Pharaoh and the people. However, their efforts are ultimately futile, as God’s power proves to be greater than any form of divination.

The Bible also speaks out against divination in Deuteronomy 18:10-12, where it lists various forms of divination, including interpreting omens, casting spells, and consulting mediums. The passage makes it clear that these practices are detestable to God and are to be avoided at all costs.

Despite the warnings against divination in the Bible, some may still be tempted to seek out supernatural guidance through practices such as tarot card readings, astrology, or palmistry. However, the Bible makes it clear that seeking guidance from anything other than God is not only futile but also displeasing to Him.

Instead of turning to divination, the Bible encourages believers to seek guidance from God through prayer, meditation on His Word, and seeking counsel from wise and godly individuals. By putting our trust in God and seeking His guidance, we can be assured that we are following His will and walking in His ways.

In conclusion, the Bible is clear in its stance against divination, warning believers against seeking guidance from sources other than God. While divination may seem tempting, the Bible makes it clear that seeking guidance from anything other than God is not only futile but also displeasing to Him. Instead of turning to divination, believers are encouraged to seek guidance from God through prayer, meditation on His Word, and seeking counsel from wise and godly individuals. By putting our trust in God and seeking His guidance, we can be assured that we are following His will and walking in His ways.

Consequences of Practicing Divination

Divination is a practice that has been around for centuries, with people seeking to gain insight into the future or make decisions based on supernatural guidance. However, the Bible is clear about its stance on divination, warning against its use and outlining the consequences for those who practice it.

In the book of Deuteronomy, divination is explicitly condemned, with the Israelites being warned not to practice it. The reason for this is that divination involves seeking guidance from sources other than God, which goes against the belief in His sovereignty and power. By turning to divination, people are essentially putting their trust in something other than God, which is seen as a form of idolatry.

The consequences of practicing divination are severe, according to the Bible. In the book of Leviticus, it is stated that those who practice divination are defiling themselves and will be cut off from their people. This suggests that there is a spiritual consequence for engaging in divination, as it separates individuals from their community and from God.

Furthermore, the book of Isaiah warns against consulting mediums and spiritists, as they are seen as going against God’s will. By seeking guidance from these sources, people are essentially rejecting God’s authority and turning to false prophets for answers. This is seen as a betrayal of faith and trust in God, which can have serious repercussions.

In the New Testament, the apostle Paul also speaks out against divination, warning that those who practice it will not inherit the kingdom of God. This is a strong statement that emphasizes the seriousness of engaging in divination and the consequences it can have on one’s spiritual well-being.

It is important to note that the Bible does not condemn seeking guidance or wisdom, but rather the means by which it is sought. Instead of turning to divination, the Bible encourages believers to seek God’s guidance through prayer, meditation, and studying His word. By aligning oneself with God’s will and seeking His wisdom, believers can avoid the pitfalls of divination and stay true to their faith.

In conclusion, the Bible is clear about its stance on divination, warning against its practice and outlining the consequences for those who engage in it. By seeking guidance from sources other than God, people are turning away from His authority and risking their spiritual well-being. Instead of turning to divination, believers are encouraged to seek God’s guidance through prayer, meditation, and studying His word. By staying true to their faith and aligning themselves with God’s will, believers can avoid the pitfalls of divination and remain in His favor.

Biblical Perspective on Seeking Guidance from God

Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads in life, unsure of which path to take? Maybe you’re facing a difficult decision or struggling with a major life change. In times like these, it’s natural to seek guidance and clarity from a higher power. For many people, turning to divination practices such as tarot cards, astrology, or psychics seems like a tempting solution. But what does the Bible have to say about divination?

In the Bible, divination is often portrayed as a practice that is forbidden by God. Leviticus 19:26 states, “Do not practice divination or seek omens.” Deuteronomy 18:10-12 also warns against various forms of divination, including interpreting omens, casting spells, or consulting mediums. These passages make it clear that seeking guidance from sources other than God is not in line with His will.

But why is divination considered sinful in the eyes of God? One reason is that it can lead to a reliance on human wisdom rather than trusting in God’s plan. By seeking answers from external sources, we may be tempted to put our faith in something other than God’s guidance. This can ultimately lead us away from His will and purpose for our lives.

Another reason divination is discouraged in the Bible is that it opens the door to spiritual deception. The Bible warns against false prophets and those who claim to have special knowledge or powers. By engaging in divination practices, we may be putting ourselves at risk of being misled by those who do not have our best interests at heart.

Instead of turning to divination, the Bible encourages us to seek guidance directly from God through prayer, meditation, and studying His word. Psalm 32:8 says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” God promises to guide us and provide wisdom if we seek Him with a sincere heart.

When we seek guidance from God, we can trust that His plans for us are good and that He will lead us in the right direction. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” By putting our faith in God’s wisdom and guidance, we can be confident that we are following His will for our lives.

In conclusion, while divination may seem like a quick fix for life’s uncertainties, it is not a practice that aligns with the teachings of the Bible. Instead of seeking answers from external sources, we are encouraged to turn to God for guidance and wisdom. By trusting in His plan and seeking His will, we can be confident that we are on the right path. So next time you find yourself in need of direction, remember to seek guidance from the ultimate source of wisdom – God.


The Bible condemns divination as an act of seeking guidance or knowledge from sources other than God. It is considered a form of witchcraft and is seen as a sin. Christians are encouraged to seek guidance and wisdom from God through prayer and scripture rather than turning to divination practices.

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