Have you ever wondered if it is possible to be a Christian and not believe in the Old Testament? In this blog post, we will delve into the complexities of the Old Testament and its place in Christian beliefs and practices
Can A Christian Have A Boyfriend?
In this article we will deal with the topic “Is a Christian allowed to have a boyfriend” or is there anything against it?
Is Gospel Christian?
The question “Is Gospel Christian?” cannot be answered clearly. It can refer to the genre of music or to “The Good News”. However, both are Christian, so the answer is possible.
Can A Christian Watch Movies While Fasting?
In this article, we will explore the question of whether or not it is acceptable for Christians to watch movies while fasting. We will consider the biblical perspective on this topic and offer some guidance on how to make this decision in a way that is meaningful and helpful for your own spiritual journey. So: Can A Christian Watch Movies While Fasting?
Do I Have To Change My Name If I Convert To Christianity?
In this blog post, we will explore the various reasons why someone might choose to change their name after converting to Christianity, as well as the potential considerations and implications of such a decision. But let’s start with the simple question: Do I have to change my name if I convert to Christianity?
Can A Christian Kill In The Army?
The question of whether it is acceptable for Christians to kill in the army is a complex and highly debated topic that has been considered by theologians and believers for centuries. In this blog post, we will delve into this topic and explore the various arguments for and against allowing Christians to kill in the army.
Are Christians Allowed To Play Video Games?
This text deals with the question whether Christians are allowed to play video games. For some, the answer seems clear as day, while others obviously have arguments for and against. But for the very impatient, you will find the answer right in the next paragraph.
Is Confession A Protestant Thing?
Confession is something that is an obvious difference between the Protestant and Catholic conception of Christianity. Indeed, the answer is not as trivial as the question suggests.
How Long Does It Take To Read The Bible? (With Examples)
Anyone who has ever seen a Bible will have noticed that it is very thick and probably takes a long time to read through the entire Bible. In this article I would like to give you the answer to this question. How long does it take to read the Bible?
What Makes Jesus So Special?
Everyone in the Western world has heard the name Jesus Christ at some point. Some can relate him to the Bible and others consider him to be the founder of the comic buildings. But none of these answers the question, “What makes Jesus so special?”
Where Does God Come From?
In this article, let’s ask ourselves a very interesting question: Where does God come from? The background thought is actually simple: If everything comes from something, then God must come from something!
What Was Before God?
Our thinking is characterized by a linear progression of time. It has a beginning and an end. The Bible also reports on this. But if you think about it, at some point the following question must come: What was before God?
Is Jesus Catholic Or Protestant?
In this article, we will look at whether or not Jesus was Catholic or Protestant. The answer should annoy at least the Catholics (even if they should probably already know the answer)
How many gods are there in Christianity?
Let’s delve into the basics of Christianity and answer the following question: How many gods are there in Christianity? And why is this answer complicated and simple at the same time?