In this article, we explore the question of whether Buddhists go to heaven or somehow not? The answer is clear – even if you discount the fact that this blog is a Christian blog.
Where To Start Reading The Bible To Get Closer To God?
Many believers want to read the Bible in order to be closer to God, but do not know where to start. Therefore, the question where to start reading the Bible to get a better connection with God? As always, the answer should be: it depends. Because there is still one general tip that can be given to almost any interested Bible reader:
Are There Any Good Demons?
Are there good demons? A perfectly valid question, for all who know that supernatural beings exist and that they can be good and evil. In this article I will try to answer this question as best I can – as always on the principles of the Bible.
Characteristics And Facts Of Simon Peter
Here you will find a profile of the apostle Simon Peter. It contains all the important data and facts about the most important disciple of Jesus. Since the most important source – the Bible – does not provide information about everything we want to know, this overview also includes information that comes from (Catholic) tradition and other traditions.
Is Investing Money Biblical?
Christians and shares – an exciting sub-area of the topic “Christians and money”. In this article, however, I don’t want to go into the meaning of money and the Christian life so much;- rather, I want to look specifically at the following question from a Christian perspective: Are Christians allowed to buy stocks?
Are The Gideons A Cult?
They stand at schools, usually in suits, and hand out small pocket Bibles to students, often in several languages – don’t they have a job? Yes, they do, that’s the gag of it. Presumably, they are some members of the Gideons. Who the Gideons are and whether they are dangerous, you could read in this article.
Is There Karma In Christianity?
There are people who think that karma is found in Christianity. It is not. This article will explain the basics and describe why this can not be – and karma absolutely does not belong in Christianity.
How To Remember Bible Verses
Having Bible verses ready in everyday life helps to remember and apply the Word of God again and again. The only problem is that it is not easy to remember the verses. Therefore I want to help you to answer the following question: What is the best way to memorize Bible verses?
Why Does God Want Me To Be Alone All The Time?
In this article, we will look at the question “Why doesn’t God give me a partner? After all, the Bible says, “It is not good that man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). Let’s look at several aspects of this complex question.
Does God Want Me To Be Single? (With Quiz)
Some people feel lonely or you have read in the Bible that God definitely likes singles. But then you ask yourself: Does God want me to stay single? In this article we explore this question and offer the possibility of a personal test.
Will God Forgive Me For Divorce?
Man has at least two participants in a marriage to whom he must give account: The spouse and God. It is common knowledge that God hates divorce. However, does it also mean: does God forgive (my) divorce?
How Long Does It Take To Read The Bible? (With Examples)
Anyone who has ever seen a Bible will have noticed that it is very thick and probably takes a long time to read through the entire Bible. In this article I would like to give you the answer to this question. How long does it take to read the Bible?
What Is Wrong With The Amplified Bible?
In the English-speaking world, the “Amplified Bible” is a Bible version that is becoming more and more popular. But what is the “Amplified Bible” actually and is it worth to read it?
Are All Bibles The Same?
The Bible is considered the Word of God – so all Bibles should be the same, right? In fact, that is not the case.
Does The Bible Have A Table Of Contents?
In this article we will clarify the characteristics of the Bible: Does the Bible have a table of contents or not?
Do Rich People Go To Heaven?
In this article, we will look at the question “Do rich people go to heaven”? We’ll start with the simple answer and then look at what it has to do with a camel and the eye of a needle.
Do Soldiers Go To Hell or Heaven?
This article asks the fundamental question: Are soldiers going to hell? Are all soldiers treated the same? Is there a difference if someone killed or not? Is there a difference if someone volunteered or not?
What Makes Jesus So Special?
Everyone in the Western world has heard the name Jesus Christ at some point. Some can relate him to the Bible and others consider him to be the founder of the comic buildings. But none of these answers the question, “What makes Jesus so special?”
How Old Is God The Father?
How old is God (the Father)? Is it possible to say exactly or are there some difficulties? We want to approach the answer in this text.
Where Does God Come From?
In this article, let’s ask ourselves a very interesting question: Where does God come from? The background thought is actually simple: If everything comes from something, then God must come from something!