Practical Faith Life

Where To Start Reading The Bible To Get Closer To God?

Many believers want to read the Bible in order to be closer to God, but do not know where to start. Therefore, the question where to start reading the Bible to get a better connection with God? As always, the answer should be: it depends. Because there is still one general tip that can be given to almost any interested Bible reader:

Fundamentals of Christianity

Characteristics And Facts Of Simon Peter

Here you will find a profile of the apostle Simon Peter. It contains all the important data and facts about the most important disciple of Jesus. Since the most important source – the Bible – does not provide information about everything we want to know, this overview also includes information that comes from (Catholic) tradition and other traditions.

Christian Questions and Answers

Is Investing Money Biblical?

Christians and shares – an exciting sub-area of the topic “Christians and money”. In this article, however, I don’t want to go into the meaning of money and the Christian life so much;- rather, I want to look specifically at the following question from a Christian perspective: Are Christians allowed to buy stocks?

Practical Faith Life

Are The Gideons A Cult?

They stand at schools, usually in suits, and hand out small pocket Bibles to students, often in several languages – don’t they have a job? Yes, they do, that’s the gag of it. Presumably, they are some members of the Gideons. Who the Gideons are and whether they are dangerous, you could read in this article.

Practical Faith Life

How To Remember Bible Verses

Having Bible verses ready in everyday life helps to remember and apply the Word of God again and again. The only problem is that it is not easy to remember the verses. Therefore I want to help you to answer the following question: What is the best way to memorize Bible verses?