Biblical Meaning of Names

Meaning of the name Winfried (General and Biblical)

The name Winfried is of German origin and means “friend of peace.” In a Biblical context, the name Winfried can symbolize someone who brings peace and harmony to those around them.

Origins of the Name Winfried

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind the name Winfried? This unique and intriguing name has a rich history and carries significant symbolism. In this article, we will explore the origins of the name Winfried, both in general and in a biblical context.

The name Winfried is of Germanic origin and is derived from the elements “win” meaning “friend” and “frid” meaning “peace.” Therefore, the name Winfried can be interpreted to mean “friend of peace.” This interpretation reflects qualities of harmony, unity, and diplomacy, making it a fitting name for someone who values peace and friendship.

In a biblical context, the name Winfried holds even deeper significance. In the Bible, the concept of peace is a central theme, with numerous references to peace as a blessing from God. The name Winfried can be seen as a reminder of the importance of seeking peace in all aspects of life, both personally and in relationships with others.

The biblical significance of the name Winfried is further emphasized by the story of Saint Boniface, also known as Winfrid or Winfried. Saint Boniface was a missionary from England who played a crucial role in the Christianization of Germany in the 8th century. He is often referred to as the “Apostle of the Germans” for his efforts in spreading Christianity throughout the region.

Saint Boniface’s dedication to spreading the message of peace and love aligns with the meaning of the name Winfried. His commitment to building bridges between different cultures and promoting understanding and harmony serves as a powerful example for those who bear the name Winfried.

The name Winfried can also be associated with qualities such as compassion, empathy, and a desire for reconciliation. Those who carry this name may feel a strong sense of responsibility to promote peace and understanding in their interactions with others.

Overall, the name Winfried carries a message of hope and positivity, reminding us of the importance of fostering relationships built on mutual respect and kindness. Whether used in a general or biblical context, the name Winfried serves as a powerful symbol of peace and friendship.

In conclusion, the name Winfried holds deep meaning and symbolism, reflecting qualities of peace, friendship, and harmony. Whether viewed in a general sense or through a biblical lens, the name Winfried serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking peace in all aspects of life. Those who bear this name may feel a sense of responsibility to promote understanding and unity in their interactions with others. As we reflect on the significance of the name Winfried, may we be inspired to cultivate relationships built on love, compassion, and a shared commitment to peace.

Historical Significance of Winfried

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind the name Winfried? This name has a rich historical significance that dates back centuries. In this article, we will explore the general and biblical meanings of the name Winfried, shedding light on its origins and cultural significance.

The name Winfried is of German origin and is derived from the Old High German words “win” meaning “friend” and “fridu” meaning “peace.” Put together, Winfried translates to “friend of peace.” This name carries a sense of harmony and goodwill, reflecting the qualities of someone who values friendship and seeks to maintain peace in their relationships.

In addition to its general meaning, the name Winfried also has biblical significance. In Christian tradition, Saint Boniface, also known as Winfrid, was a missionary who played a crucial role in spreading Christianity throughout Germany in the 8th century. He is often referred to as the “Apostle of the Germans” for his efforts in converting the pagan tribes of the region to Christianity.

Saint Boniface’s dedication to his faith and his commitment to spreading the message of peace and love align with the meaning of the name Winfried. His legacy continues to inspire those who bear this name, reminding them of the importance of friendship, peace, and faith in their lives.

The historical significance of the name Winfried extends beyond its origins and biblical connections. Throughout history, individuals named Winfried have made significant contributions in various fields, leaving a lasting impact on society. From artists and writers to scientists and leaders, those with the name Winfried have left their mark on the world in different ways.

One notable figure with the name Winfried is Winfried Kretschmann, a German politician who has served as the Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg since 2011. Known for his progressive policies and commitment to environmental sustainability, Kretschmann has earned respect and admiration for his leadership in the region.

Another prominent individual with the name Winfried is Winfried Georg Sebald, a German writer and academic known for his innovative literary works that blend fiction, history, and memoir. Sebald’s unique storytelling style and profound insights into human nature have earned him critical acclaim and a dedicated following of readers around the world.

In conclusion, the name Winfried carries a deep and meaningful significance that reflects values of friendship, peace, and faith. Whether through its general meaning of “friend of peace” or its biblical connection to Saint Boniface, those who bear this name are reminded of the importance of fostering harmonious relationships and spreading love and goodwill in the world.

As we look back on the historical significance of the name Winfried and the contributions of individuals who have carried this name, we are reminded of the enduring impact that a simple name can have on shaping our identities and influencing our actions. So the next time you come across someone named Winfried, take a moment to appreciate the rich history and meaning behind their name.

Winfried in Biblical Context

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind the name Winfried? This name has a rich history and carries significant meaning in both general and biblical contexts. In this article, we will explore the origins and significance of the name Winfried, particularly in a biblical context.

In general, the name Winfried is of German origin and means “friend of peace.” This name is derived from the Old English elements “wine,” meaning “friend,” and “frith,” meaning “peace.” As such, individuals with the name Winfried are often seen as peacemakers and bringers of harmony in their relationships and communities.

In a biblical context, the name Winfried takes on added significance. The Bible is filled with stories of individuals who played important roles in promoting peace and reconciliation among people. One such figure is Saint Boniface, also known as Winfrid or Winfried, who was a missionary from England to the Germanic tribes in the 8th century.

Saint Boniface is often referred to as the “Apostle of the Germans” for his efforts in spreading Christianity and establishing churches in what is now Germany. He is also credited with reforming the Frankish church and promoting education and literacy among the people. Saint Boniface’s commitment to peace and his tireless efforts to bring people together in faith make him a fitting namesake for those with the name Winfried.

The story of Saint Boniface serves as a reminder of the importance of friendship and peace in our relationships with others. Just as Saint Boniface sought to bring people together in harmony through his missionary work, individuals with the name Winfried can also strive to be peacemakers in their own lives.

In a world filled with conflict and division, the name Winfried serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the power of friendship and reconciliation. By embodying the qualities of a friend of peace, individuals with the name Winfried can make a positive impact on those around them and contribute to a more harmonious and united society.

So, the next time you come across someone named Winfried, remember the rich history and meaning behind their name. Whether in a general or biblical context, the name Winfried symbolizes friendship, peace, and a commitment to building bridges between people. Let us all strive to be like Saint Boniface and embody the spirit of peace and reconciliation in our own lives.

Cultural Interpretations of Winfried

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind the name Winfried? This name has a rich history and carries various cultural interpretations. In this article, we will explore the general and biblical meanings of the name Winfried.

In general, the name Winfried is of German origin and means “friend of peace.” This name is derived from the Old High German elements “win” meaning “friend” and “frid” meaning “peace.” Therefore, Winfried can be interpreted as someone who is a peaceful and friendly individual. It is a name that conveys positive qualities and virtues, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a meaningful name for their child.

In addition to its general meaning, the name Winfried also has significance in the Bible. In Christian tradition, Winfried is associated with Saint Boniface, also known as Winfrid. Saint Boniface was a missionary from England who played a significant role in the spread of Christianity in Germany during the 8th century. He is often referred to as the “Apostle of the Germans” for his efforts in converting the pagan tribes of Germany to Christianity.

Saint Boniface, or Winfrid, was known for his dedication to peace and reconciliation among the warring tribes of Germany. He worked tirelessly to promote unity and harmony among the people, earning him the title of “friend of peace.” His commitment to spreading the message of love and forgiveness made him a revered figure in Christian history.

The name Winfried, therefore, carries with it the legacy of Saint Boniface and his mission of peace and reconciliation. It is a name that symbolizes the values of friendship, peace, and harmony, making it a fitting choice for those who aspire to embody these qualities in their lives.

In modern times, the name Winfried continues to be used in various cultures around the world. It is a name that transcends borders and languages, carrying with it a universal message of peace and friendship. Whether as a given name or a surname, Winfried serves as a reminder of the importance of fostering positive relationships and promoting unity among people.

Overall, the name Winfried holds deep cultural significance and carries with it a powerful message of peace and friendship. It is a name that resonates with people from all walks of life and serves as a reminder of the values that are essential for building a harmonious society. So, the next time you come across someone named Winfried, remember the rich history and meaning behind this name.

Famous Individuals Named Winfried

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind the name Winfried? This name has a rich history and carries significant meaning in both general and biblical contexts. In this article, we will explore the origins and significance of the name Winfried, as well as some famous individuals who bear this name.

The name Winfried is of Germanic origin and is derived from the elements “win” meaning “friend” and “frid” meaning “peace.” Therefore, the name Winfried can be interpreted to mean “friend of peace.” This name has a positive and peaceful connotation, reflecting qualities of harmony and friendship.

In a biblical context, the name Winfried is associated with Saint Boniface, an English missionary who played a crucial role in the conversion of the Germanic tribes to Christianity in the 8th century. Saint Boniface was originally named Winfrid, which is a variant of Winfried. He is known for his efforts to spread the Christian faith and establish churches throughout Germany, earning him the title of the “Apostle of the Germans.”

Famous individuals named Winfried have made significant contributions in various fields, leaving a lasting impact on society. One such individual is Winfried Kretschmann, a German politician who currently serves as the Minister-President of the state of Baden-Württemberg. Kretschmann is a member of the Green Party and is known for his progressive policies on environmental protection and sustainability.

Another notable figure named Winfried is Winfried Vahland, a German automotive executive who has held leadership positions at Volkswagen and Skoda Auto. Vahland is recognized for his strategic vision and innovative approach to the automotive industry, driving growth and success for the companies under his leadership.

In the world of sports, Winfried Schäfer is a former German football player and coach who has achieved success both on and off the field. Schäfer has coached various football clubs and national teams, leading them to victory in prestigious tournaments and championships. His dedication and passion for the sport have earned him a reputation as a respected figure in the football community.

The name Winfried continues to be a popular choice for parents seeking a meaningful and timeless name for their children. Its association with peace and friendship resonates with many individuals, reflecting values of harmony and unity. Whether in a general or biblical context, the name Winfried carries a positive and uplifting message that transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries.

In conclusion, the name Winfried holds a special significance that is rooted in its Germanic origins and biblical associations. Famous individuals named Winfried have made notable contributions in various fields, leaving a lasting impact on society. Whether in politics, business, sports, or other areas, individuals bearing the name Winfried have demonstrated qualities of leadership, innovation, and dedication. As a name that symbolizes peace and friendship, Winfried continues to inspire and uplift those who bear it, embodying values of harmony and unity in a diverse and interconnected world.


General: Winfried is a German name meaning “friend of peace.”

Biblical: In the Bible, the name Winfried is not mentioned specifically.

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