Biblical Meaning of Names

Meaning of the name Suzana (General and Biblical)

The name Suzana is of Hebrew origin and means “lily” or “graceful lily.” In the Bible, Susanna was a woman of great beauty and virtue who was falsely accused of adultery but ultimately vindicated. The name Suzana is often associated with purity, innocence, and grace.

Suzana: A Name with Slavic Roots

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind your name? Names are more than just labels we use to identify ourselves; they often carry deep significance and history. One such name is Suzana, a beautiful and timeless name with Slavic roots. In this article, we will explore the general and biblical meanings of the name Suzana, shedding light on its rich cultural and spiritual significance.

The name Suzana is of Slavic origin, derived from the name Susan. In Slavic languages, the name Suzana is often associated with qualities such as grace, beauty, and wisdom. It is a name that exudes elegance and sophistication, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a name with a touch of old-world charm.

In addition to its general meaning, the name Suzana also has biblical significance. In the Bible, the name Susan appears in the New Testament, where it is mentioned as one of the women who followed Jesus and supported his ministry. While the exact meaning of the name Susan in the Bible is not explicitly stated, it is often interpreted as meaning “lily” or “rose,” symbolizing purity and beauty.

The biblical figure of Susan is often associated with qualities such as faithfulness, devotion, and strength. She is portrayed as a loyal follower of Jesus, who stood by him through his trials and tribulations. The name Suzana, therefore, carries with it a sense of steadfastness and unwavering faith, making it a fitting choice for those who value spiritual virtues.

In Slavic cultures, the name Suzana is often linked to folklore and mythology. In some Slavic traditions, Suzana is believed to be a protector of children and a symbol of maternal love. She is seen as a nurturing and caring figure, who watches over families and ensures their well-being. The name Suzana, therefore, holds a special place in the hearts of those who value family and tradition.

Overall, the name Suzana is a name that carries with it a sense of grace, beauty, and strength. Whether you choose it for its Slavic roots or its biblical significance, Suzana is a name that resonates with timeless qualities that have stood the test of time. It is a name that evokes images of elegance and sophistication, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate tradition and heritage.

In conclusion, the name Suzana is a name that holds deep meaning and significance. Whether you choose it for its Slavic roots or its biblical connotations, Suzana is a name that embodies qualities such as grace, beauty, and strength. It is a name that has been passed down through generations, carrying with it a sense of tradition and history. So, if you are considering naming your child Suzana, know that you are giving them a name that is rich in cultural and spiritual significance.

The Significance of Suzana in Biblical Context

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind your name? Names often hold special significance, whether they are passed down through generations or chosen for their meaning. In this article, we will explore the meaning of the name Suzana, both in a general context and in a biblical context.

In general, the name Suzana is of Hebrew origin and means “lily” or “graceful lily.” The lily is a symbol of purity, beauty, and innocence, making it a fitting name for someone who embodies these qualities. Those named Suzana are often described as elegant, gentle, and compassionate individuals who bring a sense of grace and beauty to those around them.

In the Bible, the name Suzana is not as commonly found as other names, but it does appear in the book of Daniel. In the story of Suzana and the Elders, Suzana is a virtuous woman who is falsely accused of adultery by two elders in the community. Despite facing pressure to give in to their advances, Suzana remains steadfast in her faith and refuses to compromise her integrity.

The story of Suzana and the Elders serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. Suzana’s unwavering faith and commitment to truth ultimately lead to her vindication and the punishment of those who sought to harm her.

In a broader biblical context, the name Suzana can be seen as a symbol of purity, righteousness, and moral integrity. Those who bear this name are often seen as beacons of light in a world filled with darkness, shining a bright example of faith and virtue for others to follow.

As we reflect on the meaning of the name Suzana, we are reminded of the importance of living with integrity and standing up for what is right, even when faced with challenges and opposition. Just as Suzana remained true to her beliefs in the face of adversity, so too can we draw strength from her example and strive to live lives of grace, beauty, and righteousness.

In conclusion, the name Suzana holds deep significance both in a general context and in a biblical context. As a symbol of purity, grace, and moral integrity, those who bear this name are called to embody these qualities in their lives and to stand firm in their faith, even in the face of adversity. May we all strive to live with the same courage and conviction as Suzana, bringing light and beauty to the world around us.

Exploring the Etymology of the Name Suzana

Meaning of the name Suzana (General and Biblical)
Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind your name? Names hold a special significance, often reflecting the values, beliefs, or aspirations of those who bear them. In this article, we will delve into the etymology of the name Suzana, exploring its general and biblical meanings.

The name Suzana is of Hebrew origin, derived from the name Shoshannah, which means lily or rose. In general, the name Suzana is associated with qualities such as purity, beauty, and grace. Those who bear this name are often seen as gentle, kind-hearted individuals with a strong sense of compassion and empathy.

In the Bible, the name Suzana is not as commonly found as some other names, but it does appear in the Book of Daniel. In the story of Suzana and the Elders, Suzana is a virtuous woman who is falsely accused of adultery by two elders in the community. Despite facing immense pressure and the threat of death, Suzana remains steadfast in her faith and refuses to betray her principles.

The story of Suzana serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. It also highlights the strength and resilience of women in the face of injustice and oppression. Suzana’s unwavering commitment to her beliefs and her refusal to compromise her integrity make her a symbol of courage and moral fortitude.

In addition to its biblical significance, the name Suzana also carries a more general meaning that resonates with many people. The association with flowers such as lilies and roses symbolizes beauty, purity, and renewal. Those who bear the name Suzana are often seen as individuals who bring light and positivity into the lives of others, spreading joy and happiness wherever they go.

The name Suzana is also linked to the idea of growth and transformation. Like a flower that blooms and flourishes, those who bear this name are seen as individuals who are constantly evolving and striving to become the best versions of themselves. They are not afraid to embrace change and face challenges head-on, knowing that each obstacle they overcome brings them closer to their true potential.

Overall, the name Suzana is a beautiful and meaningful name that carries with it a sense of grace, beauty, and strength. Whether in its general or biblical context, the name Suzana is a reminder of the power of faith, courage, and integrity. Those who bear this name are seen as beacons of light in a world that can sometimes seem dark and uncertain.

So, the next time you hear the name Suzana, remember the rich history and symbolism that it carries. Think of the story of Suzana and the Elders, and be inspired by her courage and resilience. And remember that, like a flower that blooms in the spring, those who bear the name Suzana have the potential to bring beauty and joy into the lives of those around them.

Suzana: A Name with Deep Historical and Cultural Meaning

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind your name? Names are more than just labels we use to identify ourselves; they often carry deep historical and cultural significance. One such name is Suzana, a beautiful and timeless name that has roots in both general and biblical contexts.

In general, the name Suzana is of Hebrew origin and means “lily” or “graceful lily.” The lily is a symbol of purity, innocence, and beauty, making it a fitting name for someone who embodies these qualities. Those named Suzana are often seen as gentle, kind-hearted, and elegant individuals who bring a sense of grace and beauty to those around them.

In biblical contexts, the name Suzana is associated with a woman of great virtue and strength. In the Book of Daniel, Suzana is a woman who is falsely accused of adultery by two elders who lusted after her. Despite facing immense pressure and the threat of death, Suzana remains steadfast in her faith and refuses to give in to the elders’ demands. Through divine intervention, the truth is revealed, and Suzana is vindicated, serving as a powerful example of courage and righteousness.

The story of Suzana in the Bible highlights the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. Those who bear the name Suzana are often seen as individuals of strong moral character, integrity, and resilience. They are not afraid to speak out against injustice and are willing to fight for truth and righteousness, no matter the cost.

In addition to its biblical significance, the name Suzana has also been popularized by various historical figures and cultural icons. From famous actresses to renowned artists, those named Suzana have made their mark on the world in a variety of ways. Whether through their talent, creativity, or leadership, individuals with the name Suzana are often seen as trailblazers who inspire others to follow their dreams and make a difference in the world.

Overall, the name Suzana is a powerful and meaningful name that carries with it a rich history and cultural significance. Whether in general or biblical contexts, those named Suzana are often seen as individuals of grace, virtue, and strength. They embody the qualities of purity, beauty, and resilience, making them a source of inspiration and admiration for those around them.

So, the next time you come across someone named Suzana, take a moment to appreciate the depth and meaning behind their name. It is a name that has stood the test of time and continues to inspire and uplift those who bear it. Embrace the beauty and significance of the name Suzana, and let it serve as a reminder of the power of grace, virtue, and strength in our lives.

The Symbolism and Meaning Behind the Name Suzana

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind your name? Names hold a special significance, often reflecting the personality, characteristics, or even destiny of the person who bears them. In this article, we will explore the symbolism and meaning behind the name Suzana, both in a general sense and from a biblical perspective.

The name Suzana is of Hebrew origin, derived from the name Shoshannah, which means “lily” or “rose.” In many cultures, the lily is a symbol of purity, innocence, and beauty, while the rose is often associated with love, passion, and devotion. These qualities are often reflected in individuals who bear the name Suzana, as they are often seen as gentle, kind-hearted, and compassionate.

In the Bible, the name Suzana is not explicitly mentioned, but the similar name Susanna appears in the Book of Daniel. Susanna was a virtuous woman who was falsely accused of adultery by two elders in the community. Despite the false accusations, Susanna remained steadfast in her faith and was ultimately vindicated by the prophet Daniel. This story serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.

Those who bear the name Suzana are often seen as strong and resilient individuals, capable of overcoming challenges and obstacles with grace and dignity. They are known for their unwavering faith and their ability to inspire and uplift those around them. In many ways, individuals with the name Suzana embody the qualities of courage, integrity, and righteousness that are exemplified in the story of Susanna.

In addition to its biblical significance, the name Suzana also holds a more general meaning in various cultures around the world. In Slavic languages, Suzana is often associated with the idea of grace and elegance, reflecting the beauty and charm of those who bear the name. In Portuguese and Spanish-speaking countries, Suzana is often seen as a symbol of strength and independence, reflecting the resilience and determination of individuals with this name.

Overall, the name Suzana carries with it a sense of beauty, grace, and strength that is reflected in both its biblical and general meanings. Those who bear the name Suzana are often seen as individuals of great character and integrity, capable of making a positive impact on the world around them. Whether through their actions, their words, or their presence, individuals with the name Suzana are often seen as beacons of light and hope in a world that can sometimes seem dark and uncertain.

In conclusion, the name Suzana holds a special significance that goes beyond just a combination of letters. It is a name that carries with it a sense of beauty, grace, and strength that is reflected in both its biblical and general meanings. Those who bear the name Suzana are often seen as individuals of great character and integrity, capable of making a positive impact on the world around them. So, if you are lucky enough to know a Suzana, consider yourself blessed to have such a special person in your life.


General meaning: The name Suzana is of Hebrew origin and means “lily” or “graceful lily.”

Biblical meaning: In the Bible, the name Suzana is not specifically mentioned, but it is believed to symbolize purity, beauty, and grace.

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