Our Little Concordance

‘Zebadiah’ in the Bible – All 9 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Zebadiah’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Zebadiah’ occurs 9 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Zebadiah’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 8:15 and Zebadiah, and Arad, and Eder,1 Chronicles 8:15

1 Chronicles 8:17 Then Zebadiah, and Meshullam, and Hizki, and Heber,1 Chronicles 8:17

1 Chronicles 12:7 and also Joelah and Zebadiah, sons of Jeroham, from Gedor.1 Chronicles 12:7

1 Chronicles 26:2 The sons of Meshelemiah: Zechariah the firstborn, Jediael the second, Zebadiah the third, Jathniel the fourth,1 Chronicles 26:2

1 Chronicles 27:7 The fourth, for the fourth month, was Asahel, the brother of Joab, and his son Zebadiah after him; and in his company there were twenty-four thousand.1 Chronicles 27:7

Number of the word / term Zebadiah in 1 Chronicles: 5

Bible passages with ‘Zebadiah’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 17:8 And with them were the Levites Shemaiah and Nethaniah and Zebadiah, and also Asahel and Shemiramoth and Jehonathan, and the Levites Adonijah and Tobijah and Tobadonijah. And with them were the priests Elishama and Jehoram.2 Chronicles 17:8

2 Chronicles 19:11 But Amariah, a priest and your high priest, shall preside over those things which pertain to God. Then Zebadiah, the son of Ishmael, who is a ruler in the house of Judah, shall be over those works that pertain to the office of the king. And you have before you the Levites as teachers. Be strengthened and act diligently, and the Lord will be with you for what is good.”2 Chronicles 19:11

Number of the word / term Zebadiah in 2 Chronicles: 2

Bible passages with ‘Zebadiah’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 8:8 From the sons of Shephatiah, Zebadiah, the son of Michael, and eighty men were with him.Ezra 8:8

Ezra 10:20 And from the sons of Immer, Hanani and Zebadiah.Ezra 10:20

Number of the word / term ‘Zebadiah’ in Ezra: 2

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 9

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