Our Little Concordance

‘Youth’ in the Bible – All 103 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Youth’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Youth’ occurs 103 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 8:21 And the Lord smelled the sweet odor and said: “I will no longer curse the earth because of man. For the feelings and thoughts of the heart of man are prone to evil from his youth. Therefore, I will no longer pierce every living soul as I have done.Genesis 8:21

Genesis 22:3 And so Abraham, getting up in the night, harnessed his donkey, taking with him two youths, and his son Isaac. And when he had cut wood for the holocaust, he traveled toward the place, as God had instructed him.Genesis 22:3

Genesis 48:15 And Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph, and he said: “God, in whose sight my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, God who pastured me from my youth until the present day,Genesis 48:15

Number of the word / term Youth in Genesis: 3

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 24:5 And he sent youths from the sons of Israel, and they offered holocausts, and they immolated calves as peace-offerings to the Lord.Exodus 24:5

Number of the word / term Youth in Exodus: 1

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 33:25 His shoe shall be of iron and of brass. As were the days of your youth, so also shall be your old age.Deuteronomy 33:25

Number of the word / term Youth in Deuteronomy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 6:23 And the youths entered, and they led out Rahab, and her parents, also her brothers, and all her goods and kindred, and they caused them to dwell outside the camp.Joshua 6:23

Number of the word / term Youth in Joshua: 1

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Judges

Judges 18:3 And they recognized the speech of the youth who was a Levite. And while making use of an inn with him, they said to him: “Who brought you here? What are you doing here? For what reason did you want to come here?”Judges 18:3

Judges 18:15 And when they had turned aside a little, they entered the house of the Levite youth, who was in the house of Micah. And they greeted him with peaceful words.Judges 18:15

Judges 18:17 But those who had entered the house of the youth strove to take away the graven image, and the ephod, and the theraphim, and the molten idol. But the priest was standing in front of the door, with the six hundred very strong men waiting not far away.Judges 18:17

Number of the word / term Youth in Judges: 3

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 2:18 But Samuel was ministering before the face of the Lord; he was a youth girded with a linen ephod.1 Samuel 2:18

1 Samuel 2:21 Then the Lord visited Hannah, and she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters. And the youth Samuel was magnified with the Lord.1 Samuel 2:21

1 Samuel 2:26 But the youth Samuel advanced, and grew up, and he was pleasing to the Lord, as well as to men.1 Samuel 2:26

1 Samuel 12:2 And now the king advances before you. But I am old and have gray hair. Moreover, my sons are with you. And so, having conversed before you from my youth, even until this day, behold, I am here.1 Samuel 12:2

1 Samuel 14:1 And it happened that, on a certain day, Jonathan, the son of Saul, said to the youth who bore his armor, “Come, and let us go over to the garrison of the Philistines, which is across from that place.” But he did not reveal this to his father.1 Samuel 14:1

1 Samuel 14:6 Then Jonathan said to the youth who bore his armor: “Come, let us go across to the garrison of these uncircumcised. And perhaps the Lord may act on our behalf. For it is not difficult for the Lord to save, either by many, or by few.”1 Samuel 14:6

1 Samuel 17:42 And when the Philistine had seen and considered David, he despised him. For he was a youth, ruddy and of handsome appearance.1 Samuel 17:42

1 Samuel 17:55 Now at the time that Saul had seen David going out against the Philistines, he said to Abner, the leader of the military, “From what stock is this youth descended, Abner?” And Abner said, “As your soul lives, O king, I do not know.”1 Samuel 17:55

1 Samuel 30:17 And David struck them down from evening until the evening of the next day. And no one among them escaped, except four hundred youths, who had climbed on camels and fled.1 Samuel 30:17

Number of the word / term Youth in 1 Samuel: 9

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 1:5 And David said to the youth who was reporting to him, “How do you know that Saul and his son Jonathan have died?”2 Samuel 1:5

2 Samuel 1:6 And the youth, who was reporting it to him, said: “I arrived by chance on mount Gilboa. And Saul was lying upon his spear. Then the chariots and horsemen drew near to him.2 Samuel 1:6

2 Samuel 1:13 And David said to the youth who had reported it to him, “Where are you from?” And he responded, “I am the son of a man who is a new arrival from the Amalekites.”2 Samuel 1:13

2 Samuel 2:12 And Abner, the son of Ner, and the youths of Ishbosheth, the son of Saul, went out from the camp to Gibeon.2 Samuel 2:12

2 Samuel 2:13 Therefore, Joab, the son of Zeruiah, and the youths of David, went out and met them beside the pool of Gibeon. And when they had convened together, they sat down opposite one another: these on one side of the pool, and those on the other side.2 Samuel 2:13

2 Samuel 2:14 And Abner said to Joab, “Let the youths rise up and play before us.” And Joab answered, “Let them rise up.”2 Samuel 2:14

2 Samuel 2:15 Therefore, they rose up and crossed over, twelve in number of Benjamin, from the side of Ishbosheth, the son of Saul, and twelve of the youths of David.2 Samuel 2:15

2 Samuel 2:17 And a very harsh war rose up on that day. And Abner, with the men of Israel, was put to flight by the youths of David.2 Samuel 2:17

2 Samuel 2:21 And Abner said to him, “Go to the right, or to the left, and apprehend one of the youths, and take his spoils for yourself.” But Asahel was not willing to cease from pursuing him closely.2 Samuel 2:21

2 Samuel 2:30 But Joab, returning after he had released Abner, gathered together all the people. And of David’s youths, they were missing nineteen men, aside from Asahel.2 Samuel 2:30

2 Samuel 19:7 Now then, rise up and go out, and speak so as to make amends to your servants. For I swear to you by the Lord that if you will not go forth, not even one person will be left with you this night. And this will be worse for you than all the evils that have come to you, from your youth even to the present.”2 Samuel 19:7

Number of the word / term Youth in 2 Samuel: 11

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 5:22 And he said: “It is well. My lord has sent me to you, saying: ‘Just now two youths from the sons of the prophets have come to me from mount Ephraim. Give them a talent of silver, and two changes of clothing.’ ”2 Kings 5:22

Number of the word / term Youth in 2 Kings: 1

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 12:28 and then Zadok, a youth of distinguished qualities, and the house of his father, twenty-two leaders;1 Chronicles 12:28

Number of the word / term Youth in 1 Chronicles: 1

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 10:8 But he set aside the counsel of the elders, and he began to have discussion with the youth, who had been raised with him and who were among his companions.2 Chronicles 10:8

2 Chronicles 10:10 But they responded like youths, having been raised with him in luxury, and they said: “So shall you speak to the people, who said to you, ‘Your father made our yoke heavy; you should lighten it,’ and so shall you respond to them: ‘My little finger is thicker than the back of my father.2 Chronicles 10:10

2 Chronicles 10:14 And he spoke according to the will of the youths: “My father imposed a heavy yoke upon you, which I will make heavier. My father cut you with whips; truly, I will beat you with scorpions.”2 Chronicles 10:14

Number of the word / term Youth in 2 Chronicles: 3

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Job

Job 13:26 For you write bitter things against me, and you want to consume me for the sins of my youth.Job 13:26

Job 20:11 His bones will be filled with the vices of his youth, and they will sleep with him in the dust.Job 20:11

Job 29:4 I was then just as in the days of my youth, when God was privately in my tabernacle.Job 29:4

Job 29:8 The youths saw me and hid themselves, and the elders, rising up, remained standing.Job 29:8

Job 33:25 His body is consumed by suffering. Let him return to the days of his youth.”Job 33:25

Number of the word / term Youth in Job: 5

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 25:7 Do not remember the offenses of my youth and my ignorances. Remember me according to your mercy, because of your goodness, O Lord.Psalm 25:7

Psalm 68:27 In that place, Benjamin is a youth in ecstasy of mind. The leaders of Judah are their governors: the leaders of Zebulun, the leaders of Naphtali.Psalm 68:27

Psalm 71:5 For you, O Lord, are my patience: my hope from my youth, O Lord.Psalm 71:5

Psalm 71:17 You have taught me from my youth, O God. And so I will declare your wonders continuously,Psalm 71:17

Psalm 88:15 I am poor, and I have been amid hardships from my youth. And, though I have been exalted, I am humbled and disturbed.Psalm 88:15

Psalm 103:5 He satisfies your desire with good things. Your youth will be renewed like that of the eagle.Psalm 103:5

Psalm 129:1 A Canticle in steps. They have often fought against me from my youth, let Israel now say:Psalm 129:1

Psalm 129:2 they have often fought against me from my youth, yet they could not prevail over me.Psalm 129:2

Psalm 144:12 Their sons are like new plantings in their youth. Their daughters are dressed up: adorned all around like the idols of a temple.Psalm 144:12

Number of the word / term Youth in Psalm: 9

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 2:17 and who leaves behind the Guide of her youth,Proverbs 2:17

Proverbs 5:18 Let your spring be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth:Proverbs 5:18

Proverbs 7:7 and I see little ones. I consider a frenzied youth,Proverbs 7:7

Proverbs 7:13 And overtaking the youth, she kisses him, and with a provocative face, she flatters him, saying:Proverbs 7:13

Proverbs 20:29 The joy of youths is their strength. And the dignity of old men is their grey hairs.Proverbs 20:29

Proverbs 22:6 The proverb is: A youth is close to his way; even when he is old, he will not withdraw from it.Proverbs 22:6

Number of the word / term Youth in Proverbs: 6

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 11:9 So then, rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart remain in what is good during the days of your youth. And walk in the ways of your heart, and with the perception of your eyes. And know that, concerning all these things, God will bring you to judgment.Ecclesiastes 11:9

Ecclesiastes 11:10 Remove anger from your heart, and set aside evil from your flesh. For youth and pleasure are empty.Ecclesiastes 11:10

Ecclesiastes 12:1 Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the time of affliction arrives and the years draw near, about which you will say, “These do not please me.”Ecclesiastes 12:1

Number of the word / term Youth in Ecclesiastes: 3

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 9:17 For this reason, the Lord will not rejoice over their youths. And he will not take pity on their orphans and widows. For each one is a hypocrite, and each one is wicked, and every mouth has spoken foolishness. After all this, his fury was not turned away; instead, his hand was still extended.Isaiah 9:17

Isaiah 42:22 But this same people has robbed and laid waste. All their youth are a snare, and they have been hidden in houses of confinement. They have become victims; there is no one who may rescue them. They have been plundered; there is no one who may say, “Restore.”Isaiah 42:22

Isaiah 47:12 Stand with your incantations, and with the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored from your youth, as if somehow it might benefit you, or as if it were able to make you stronger.Isaiah 47:12

Isaiah 47:15 So have all these things, in which you have labored, become to you. Your merchants from your youth, each one has erred in his own way. There is no one who can save you.Isaiah 47:15

Isaiah 54:4 Do not be afraid! For you will not be confounded, and you will not blush. And you will not be put to shame, because you shall forget the confusion of your youth, and you shall no longer remember the disgrace of your widowhood.Isaiah 54:4

Isaiah 54:6 For the Lord has called you, like a woman forsaken and mourning in spirit, and like a wife rejected in her youth, said your God.Isaiah 54:6

Number of the word / term Youth in Isaiah: 6

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 2:2 “Go, and cry out to the ears of Jerusalem, saying: Thus says the Lord: I have remembered you, taking pity on your youth and on the charity of your betrothal, when you followed me into the desert, into a land which is not sown.Jeremiah 2:2

Jeremiah 3:24 Confusion has devoured the labor of our fathers, from our youth, with their flocks and their herds, with their sons and their daughters.Jeremiah 3:24

Jeremiah 3:25 We will sleep in our confusion, and our disgrace will cover us. For we have sinned against the Lord our God: we and our fathers, from our youth, even to this day. And we have not listened to the voice of the Lord our God.”Jeremiah 3:25

Jeremiah 9:21 ‘For death has climbed through our windows. It has entered our houses to perish the little children from the outdoors, the youths from the streets.’ ”Jeremiah 9:21

Jeremiah 15:8 Their widows have been multiplied by me, more so than the sand of the sea. I have led them against the mother of a youth like an attacker at midday. I have sent a terror suddenly against the cities.Jeremiah 15:8

Jeremiah 18:21 Because of this, give their sons over to famine, and bring them to the hand of the sword. Let their wives be widows without children. And let their husbands be slain by death. Let their youths be stabbed with the sword in battle.Jeremiah 18:21

Jeremiah 22:21 I spoke to you in your abundance, and you said, ‘I will not listen.’ This has been your way from your youth, for you have not listened to my voice.Jeremiah 22:21

Jeremiah 31:19 For after you converted me, I did penance. And after you revealed to me, I struck my thigh. I am confounded and ashamed. For I have endured the disgrace of my youth.’Jeremiah 31:19

Jeremiah 32:30 For the sons of Israel and the sons of Judah, from their youth, have continually done evil in my eyes. The sons of Israel, even until now, have been provoking me with the work of their hands, says the Lord.Jeremiah 32:30

Jeremiah 48:11 Moab has been fertile from his youth, and he has rested amid his brood. And he has not been transferred from vessel to vessel, nor has he gone into the transmigration. Therefore, his taste has remained with him, and his scent has not changed.Jeremiah 48:11

Number of the word / term Youth in Jeremiah: 10

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 1:18 SADE. The Lord is just, for it is I who has provoked his mouth to wrath. I beg all people to listen and to see my sorrow. My virgins and my youths have gone into captivity.Lamentations 1:18

Lamentations 2:21 SIN. The boy and the old man lie down on the ground outside. My virgins and my youths have fallen by the sword. You have slain them in the day of your fury. You have struck down, and you have not shown pity.Lamentations 2:21

Lamentations 3:27 TETH. It is good for a man, when he has carried the yoke from his youth.Lamentations 3:27

Lamentations 5:14 The elders have ceased from the gates, the youths from the choir of the psalms.Lamentations 5:14

Number of the word / term Youth in Lamentations: 4

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 16:22 And after all your abominations and fornications, you have not remembered the days of your youth, when you were naked and full of shame, wallowing in your own blood.Ezekiel 16:22

Ezekiel 16:43 For you have not remembered the days of your youth, and you have provoked me in all these things. Because of this, I also have delivered all your ways upon your head, says the Lord God, but I have not acted in accord with your wickedness in all your abominations.Ezekiel 16:43

Ezekiel 16:60 And I will remember my covenant with you in the days of your youth. And I will raise up for you an everlasting covenant.Ezekiel 16:60

Ezekiel 23:3 and they fornicated in Egypt; they committed fornication in their youth. In that place, their breasts were conquered; the breasts of their adolescence were subdued.Ezekiel 23:3

Ezekiel 23:6 who were clothed with hyacinth: rulers and magistrates, passionate youths and all of the horsemen, mounted on horses.Ezekiel 23:6

Ezekiel 23:8 Moreover, she also did not abandon her fornications, which she had done in Egypt. For they also slept with her in her youth, and they bruised the breasts of her virginity, and they poured out their fornication upon her.Ezekiel 23:8

Ezekiel 23:12 She shamelessly offered herself to the sons of the Assyrians, to the rulers and magistrates who brought themselves to her clothed with colorful garments, to the horsemen who were carried by horses, and to the youths, all of them exceptional in appearance.Ezekiel 23:12

Ezekiel 23:19 For she multiplied her fornications, remembering the days of her youth, in which she fornicated in the land of Egypt.Ezekiel 23:19

Ezekiel 23:21 And you have revisited the crimes of your youth, when your breasts were conquered in Egypt, and the breasts of your adolescence were subdued.Ezekiel 23:21

Ezekiel 23:23 the sons of Babylon, and all the Chaldeans, the nobles, the sovereigns and princes, all the sons of the Assyrians, youths of exceptional form, all the rulers and magistrates, the leaders among leaders, and the renowned riders of horses.Ezekiel 23:23

Number of the word / term Youth in Ezekiel: 10

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 1:10 And the leader of the eunuchs said to Daniel, “I am afraid of my lord the king, who has appointed food and drink for you, who, if he should see that your faces are leaner than those of the other youths your age, you would condemn my head to the king.”Daniel 1:10

Number of the word / term Youth in Daniel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 2:15 And I will give to her, from the same place, her vinedressers, and the valley of Achor as a passage of hope. And she will sing there as in the days of her youth, and as in the days of her ascension from the land of Egypt.Hosea 2:15

Number of the word / term Youth in Hosea: 1

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Joel

Joel 1:8 Lament like a betrothed virgin, wrapped in sackcloth at the loss of the husband of her youth.Joel 1:8

Joel 2:28 And after this, it will happen that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy; your elders will dream dreams, and your youths will see visions.Joel 2:28

Number of the word / term Youth in Joel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Amos

Amos 4:10 I sent death to you by way of Egypt; I struck your youths with the sword, even bringing captivity to your horses. And I made the stench of your camp ascend into your nostrils. And you did not return to me, says the Lord.Amos 4:10

Number of the word / term Youth in Amos: 1

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 13:5 But he will say, “I am not a prophet; I am a man of agriculture. For Adam has been my example from my youth.”Zechariah 13:5

Number of the word / term Youth in Zechariah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Malachi

Malachi 2:14 And you have said, “What is the reason for this?” It is because the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, whom you have despised. Yet she was your partner, and the wife of your covenant.Malachi 2:14

Malachi 2:15 Did not One make her, and is she not the remainder of his spirit? And what does one seek, except offspring of God? So then, preserve your spirit, and do not despise the wife of your youth.Malachi 2:15

Number of the word / term Youth in Malachi: 2

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Mark

Mark 10:20 But in response, he said to him, “Teacher, all these I have observed from my youth.”Mark 10:20

Number of the word / term Youth in Mark: 1

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Luke

Luke 7:15 And the dead youth sat up and began to speak. And he gave him to his mother.Luke 7:15

Luke 18:21 And he said, “I have kept all these things from my youth.”Luke 18:21

Number of the word / term Youth in Luke: 2

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book Acts

Acts 2:17 ‘And this shall be: in the last days, says the Lord, I will pour out, from my Spirit, upon all flesh. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. And your youths shall see visions, and your elders shall dream dreams.Acts 2:17

Acts 7:58 And driving him out, beyond the city, they stoned him. And witnesses placed their garments beside the feet of a youth, who was called Saul.Acts 7:58

Acts 26:4 And certainly, all the Jews know about my life from my youth, which had its beginning among my own people in Jerusalem.Acts 26:4

Number of the word / term Youth in Acts: 3

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 4:12 Let no one despise your youth, but be an example among the faithful in word, in behavior, in charity, in faith, in chastity.1 Timothy 4:12

Number of the word / term Youth in 1 Timothy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Youth’ in the book 2 Timothy

2 Timothy 2:22 So then, flee from the desires of your youth, yet truly, pursue justice, faith, hope, charity, and peace, along with those who call upon the Lord from a pure heart.2 Timothy 2:22

Number of the word / term ‘Youth’ in 2 Timothy: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 103

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