Our Little Concordance

‘Wrath’ in the Bible – All 173 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Wrath’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Wrath’ occurs 173 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 15:7 And in the multitude of your glory you have put down your adversaries. You sent out your wrath, which devoured them like stubble.Exodus 15:7

Number of the word / term Wrath in Exodus: 1

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 16:46 Moses said to Aaron: “Take the censer, and draw fire into it from the altar; place incense upon it, and continue on, quickly, to the people, to pray for them. For already wrath has gone forth from the Lord, and the scourge rages.”Numbers 16:46

Numbers 25:11 “Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has averted my wrath from the sons of Israel. For he was moved against them by my zeal, so that I myself, in my zeal, might not wipe away the sons of Israel.Numbers 25:11

Number of the word / term Wrath in Numbers: 2

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 4:25 When you will have conceived sons and grandsons while abiding in the land, and if, having been deceived, you make for yourselves any likeness, accomplishing evil in the sight of the Lord your God, so as to provoke him to wrath,Deuteronomy 4:25

Deuteronomy 9:19 For I feared his indignation and wrath, which had been stirred up against you, so that he was willing to destroy you. And the Lord heeded me at this time also.Deuteronomy 9:19

Deuteronomy 13:17 And there shall remain nothing of that anathema in your hand, so that the Lord may turn from the wrath of his fury, and may take pity on you, and may multiply you, just as he swore to your fathers,Deuteronomy 13:17

Deuteronomy 29:23 having burned it with sulphur and molten salt, so that it can no longer be sown. And certainly no greenery would spring up, as in the example of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, which the Lord overturned with his wrath and fury.Deuteronomy 29:23

Deuteronomy 29:24 And so, all the nations would say: ‘Why has the Lord acted this way toward this land? What is this immense wrath of his fury?’Deuteronomy 29:24

Deuteronomy 32:27 But because of the wrath of the enemies, I have delayed it. Otherwise, perhaps their enemies would be arrogant and would say: “Our exalted hand, and not the Lord, has done all these things.”Deuteronomy 32:27

Number of the word / term Wrath in Deuteronomy: 6

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 9:20 But we shall do this to them: Certainly, let them be preserved so that they may live, lest the wrath of the Lord be stirred up against us, since we would have sworn falsely.Joshua 9:20

Joshua 20:3 so that anyone who will have struck down a life unintentionally may flee to them. And so, he may be able to escape from the wrath of a close relative, who is an avenger of blood.Joshua 20:3

Joshua 22:18 And yet you have forsaken the Lord today, and tomorrow his wrath will rage against all of Israel.Joshua 22:18

Joshua 22:20 Did not Achan, the son of Zerah, go against the commandment of the Lord, and so his wrath was laid over all the people of Israel? And he was only one man. If only he had perished in his wickedness alone!”Joshua 22:20

Number of the word / term Wrath in Joshua: 4

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Judges

Judges 2:12 And they abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had led them away from the land of Egypt. And they followed foreign gods and the gods of the peoples who were living around them, and they adored them. And they provoked the Lord to wrath,Judges 2:12

Number of the word / term Wrath in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 28:18 For you did not obey the voice of the Lord, and you did not carry out the wrath of his fury upon Amalek. For this reason, the Lord has done to you what you are enduring this day.1 Samuel 28:18

Number of the word / term Wrath in 1 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 22:13 “Go and consult the Lord concerning me, and the people, and all of Judah, about the words of this volume which has been found. For the great wrath of the Lord has been kindled against us because our fathers did not listen to the words of this book, so that they would do all that has been written for us.”2 Kings 22:13

2 Kings 23:26 Yet truly, the Lord did not turn away from the wrath of his great fury, his fury which was enraged against Judah because of the provocations by which Manasseh had provoked him.2 Kings 23:26

Number of the word / term Wrath in 2 Kings: 2

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 27:24 Joab, the son of Zeruiah, had begun to number, but he did not finish. For because of this, wrath had fallen upon Israel. And therefore the number of those who had been counted was not related in the official records of king David.1 Chronicles 27:24

Number of the word / term Wrath in 1 Chronicles: 1

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 12:12 Yet truly, because they were humbled, the wrath of the Lord turned away from them, and so they were not utterly destroyed. And indeed, good works were also found in Judah.2 Chronicles 12:12

2 Chronicles 19:2 And the seer Jehu, the son of Hanani, met him, and said to him: “You offer assistance to the impious, and you are joined in friendship with those who hate the Lord. And for this reason, you certainly deserve the wrath of the Lord.2 Chronicles 19:2

2 Chronicles 19:10 Every case that will come to you from your brothers, who live in their cities, between kindred and kindred, wherever there is a question concerning law, commandment, ceremonies, or justifications, reveal it to them, so that they may not sin against the Lord, and so that wrath may not overwhelm you and your brothers. Then, by acting in this way, you will not sin.2 Chronicles 19:10

2 Chronicles 24:18 And they abandoned the temple of the Lord, the God of their fathers, and they served sacred groves and graven images. And wrath came upon Judah and Jerusalem because of this sin.2 Chronicles 24:18

2 Chronicles 28:25 Also, he constructed altars in all the cities of Judah, in order to burn frankincense, and so he provoked the Lord, the God of his fathers, to wrath.2 Chronicles 28:25

2 Chronicles 30:8 Do not choose to harden your necks, as your fathers did. Surrender to the hands of the Lord. And go to his Sanctuary, which he has sanctified unto eternity. Serve the Lord, the God of your fathers, and the fury of his wrath will be turned away from you.2 Chronicles 30:8

2 Chronicles 32:25 But he did not repay according to the benefits which he had received, for his heart was lifted up. And so wrath was brought against him, and against Judah and Jerusalem.2 Chronicles 32:25

2 Chronicles 32:26 And after this, he was humbled, because he had exalted his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And therefore the wrath of the Lord did not overwhelm them in the days of Hezekiah.2 Chronicles 32:26

2 Chronicles 34:25 For they have abandoned me, and they have sacrificed to foreign gods, so that they provoked me to wrath by all the works of their hands. Therefore, my fury will rain down upon this place, and it will not be extinguished.2 Chronicles 34:25

Number of the word / term Wrath in 2 Chronicles: 9

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 5:12 But afterward, our fathers had provoked the God of heaven to wrath, so he delivered them into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, the Chaldean. And he destroyed this house, and he transferred its people to Babylon.Ezra 5:12

Ezra 10:14 let leaders be appointed among the entire multitude. And in all our cities, let those who have taken foreign wives arrive at appointed times, and with them the elders from city to city, and the judges, until the wrath of our God has been averted from us over this sin.”Ezra 10:14

Number of the word / term Wrath in Ezra: 2

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 9:26 But they provoked you to wrath, and they withdrew from you, and they cast your law behind their backs. And they killed your prophets, who contended with them so that they might return to you. And they committed great blasphemies.Nehemiah 9:26

Nehemiah 13:18 Did not our fathers do these things, and so our God brought all this evil upon us and upon this city? And you are adding more wrath upon Israel by violating the Sabbath!”Nehemiah 13:18

Number of the word / term Wrath in Nehemiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Job

Job 4:9 perishing by the breath of God, and being consumed by the wrath of his spirit.Job 4:9

Job 6:2 I wish that my sins, for which I deserve wrath, and the calamity that I endure, were weighed out on a balance.Job 6:2

Job 9:13 God, whose wrath no one is able to resist, and under whom they bend who carry the world,Job 9:13

Job 10:17 You renew your testimony against me, and you multiply your wrath against me, and these punishments make war within me.Job 10:17

Job 20:23 May his stomach be filled, so that God may send forth the fury of his wrath to him and may rain down his battle upon him.Job 20:23

Job 20:28 The offspring of his house will be exposed; he will be pulled down in the day of God’s wrath.Job 20:28

Job 21:20 His eyes will see his own destruction, and he will drink from the wrath of the Almighty.Job 21:20

Job 21:30 that the evil-doer is reserved for the day of destruction, and he will be led to the day of wrath.Job 21:30

Job 36:13 The false and the crafty provoke the wrath of God, yet they do not cry out to him when they are chained.Job 36:13

Job 40:11 Scatter the arrogant with your wrath, and, when you see all the arrogant, humble them.Job 40:11

Job 42:7 But after the Lord had finished speaking these words to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Themanite: My wrath has been kindled against you, and against your two friends, because you have not been speaking correctly in my eyes, as my servant Job has done.Job 42:7

Number of the word / term Wrath in Job: 11

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 2:12 Embrace discipline, lest at any time the Lord might become angry, and you would perish from the way of the just. Though his wrath can flare up in a short time, blessed are all those who trust in him.Psalm 2:12

Psalm 10:4 The sinner has provoked the Lord; according to the multitude of his wrath, he will not seek him.Psalm 10:4

Psalm 18:8 A smoke ascended by his wrath, and a fire flared up from his face: coals were kindled by it.Psalm 18:8

Psalm 18:15 Then the fountains of waters appeared, and the foundations of the world were revealed, by your rebuke, O Lord, by the inspiration of the Spirit of your wrath.Psalm 18:15

Psalm 21:9 You will make them like an oven of fire, in the time of your presence. The Lord will stir them up with his wrath, and fire will devour them.Psalm 21:9

Psalm 27:9 Do not turn your face away from me. In your wrath, do not turn aside from your servant. Be my helper. Do not abandon me, and do not despise me, O God, my Saviour.Psalm 27:9

Psalm 30:5 For wrath is in his indignation, and life is in his will. Toward evening, weeping will linger, and toward morning, gladness.Psalm 30:5

Psalm 31:9 Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am troubled. My eye has been disturbed by wrath, along with my soul and my gut.Psalm 31:9

Psalm 37:8 Cease from wrath and leave behind rage. Do not choose to imitate the malicious.Psalm 37:8

Psalm 38:1 A Psalm of David, in commemoration of the Sabbath. O Lord, do not rebuke me in your fury, nor chastise me in your wrath.Psalm 38:1

Psalm 38:3 There is no health in my flesh before the face of your wrath. There is no peace for my bones before the face of my sins.Psalm 38:3

Psalm 55:21 They were divided by the wrath of his countenance, and his heart has drawn near. His words are smoother than oil, and they are arrows.Psalm 55:21

Psalm 76:7 You are terrible, and so, who can withstand you? From thence is your wrath.Psalm 76:7

Psalm 77:9 And would God ever forget to be merciful? Or, would he, in his wrath, restrict his mercies?Psalm 77:9

Psalm 78:31 and then the wrath of God came upon them. And he slew the fat ones among them, and he impeded the elect of Israel.Psalm 78:31

Psalm 78:38 Yet he is merciful, and he will pardon their sins. And he will not destroy them. And he has abundantly turned aside his own wrath. And he did not enflame his wrath entirely.Psalm 78:38

Psalm 78:40 How often did they provoke him in the desert and stir him to wrath in a waterless place?Psalm 78:40

Psalm 78:49 And he sent the wrath of his indignation among them: indignation and wrath and tribulation, sent forth by evil angels.Psalm 78:49

Psalm 79:6 Pour out your wrath among the Gentiles, who have not known you, and upon the kingdoms that have not invoked your name.Psalm 79:6

Psalm 83:15 So will you pursue them in your tempest, and disturb them in your wrath.Psalm 83:15

Psalm 85:3 You have mitigated all your wrath. You have turned aside from the wrath of your indignation.Psalm 85:3

Psalm 85:5 Will you be angry with us forever? And will you extend your wrath from generation to generation?Psalm 85:5

Psalm 88:16 Your wrath has crossed into me, and your terrors have disturbed me.Psalm 88:16

Psalm 89:46 How long, O Lord? Will you turn away unto the end? Will your wrath flare up like a fire?Psalm 89:46

Psalm 90:7 For, at your wrath, we have withered away, and we have been disturbed by your fury.Psalm 90:7

Psalm 90:9 For all our days have faded away, and at your wrath, we have fainted. Our years will be considered to be like a spider’s web.Psalm 90:9

Psalm 95:11 And these have not known my ways. So I swore in my wrath: They shall not enter into my rest.Psalm 95:11

Psalm 106:23 And he said that he would destroy them, yet Moses, his elect, stood firm before him in the breach, in order to avert his wrath, lest he destroy them.Psalm 106:23

Psalm 110:5 The Lord is at your right hand. He has broken kings in the day of his wrath.Psalm 110:5

Psalm 138:7 If I wander into the midst of tribulation, you will revive me. For you extended your hand against the wrath of my enemies. And your right hand has accomplished my salvation.Psalm 138:7

Number of the word / term Wrath in Psalm: 30

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 14:35 An intelligent minister is acceptable to the king. Whoever is useless shall bear his wrath.Proverbs 14:35

Proverbs 19:12 Like the roaring of a lion, so also is the wrath of a king. And his cheerfulness is like the dew upon the grass.Proverbs 19:12

Proverbs 22:8 Whoever sows iniquity will reap evils, and by the rod of his own wrath he will be consumed.Proverbs 22:8

Proverbs 24:18 lest perhaps the Lord see, and it displease him, and he may take away his wrath from him.Proverbs 24:18

Proverbs 27:3 A stone is weighty, and sand is burdensome; but the wrath of the foolish is heavier than both.Proverbs 27:3

Proverbs 30:33 But whoever strongly squeezes the udder to bring out the milk, presses out butter. And whoever violently blows his nose, brings out blood. And whoever provokes wrath, brings forth discord.”Proverbs 30:33

Number of the word / term Wrath in Proverbs: 6

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 7:4 And you shall say to him: “See to it that you are silent. Do not be afraid. And have no dread in your heart over the two tails of these firebrands, nearly extinguished, which are the wrath of the fury of Rezin, king of Syria, and of the son of Remaliah.”Isaiah 7:4

Isaiah 9:19 The earth has been shaken by the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and the people will become like fuel for the fire. A man will not spare his own brother.Isaiah 9:19

Isaiah 13:3 In my wrath, I commanded my sanctified ones, and I called my strong ones, those who exult in my glory.Isaiah 13:3

Isaiah 13:9 Behold, the day of the Lord approaches: a cruel day, full of indignation and wrath and fury, which will place the earth in solitude and crush the sinners from it.Isaiah 13:9

Isaiah 13:13 For this purpose, I will stir up heaven, and the earth will be moved from its place, because of the indignation of the Lord of hosts, because of the day of his furious wrath.Isaiah 13:13

Isaiah 14:6 which struck the people in wrath with an incurable wound, which subjugated the nations in fury, which persecuted with cruelty.Isaiah 14:6

Isaiah 30:9 For they are a people who provoke to wrath, and they are lying sons, sons unwilling to listen to the law of God.Isaiah 30:9

Isaiah 51:17 Lift up, Lift up! Arise, O Jerusalem! You drank, from the hand of the Lord, the cup of his wrath. You drank, even to the bottom of the cup of deep sleep. And you were given to drink, all the way to the dregs.Isaiah 51:17

Isaiah 60:10 And the sons of sojourners will build up your walls, and their kings will minister to you. For in my wrath, I have struck you. And in my reconciliation, I have taken pity on you.Isaiah 60:10

Isaiah 63:3 I have trod the winepress alone. And among the nations, there is no man beside me. I have trampled on them in my fury, and I have tread them down in my wrath. And so, their blood has been sprinkled on my vestments, and I have stained all my garments.Isaiah 63:3

Isaiah 63:5 I gazed around, and there was no one to assist. I sought, and there was no one who would help. And so, my own arm has saved for me, and my own wrath itself has assisted me.Isaiah 63:5

Isaiah 63:10 But they themselves provoked to wrath and afflicted his Holy Spirit, and he was turned to be for them like an enemy, and he himself went to war against them.Isaiah 63:10

Isaiah 66:15 For behold, the Lord will arrive with fire, and his four-horse chariots will be like a whirlwind: to render his wrath with indignation, and his rebuke with flames of fire.Isaiah 66:15

Number of the word / term Wrath in Isaiah: 13

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 4:8 Concerning this, wrap yourselves in haircloth, mourn and wail: ‘For the wrath of the fury of the Lord has not been turned away from us.’Jeremiah 4:8

Jeremiah 4:17 They have been stationed over her, like the guardians of fields, all around. For she has provoked me to wrath, says the Lord.Jeremiah 4:17

Jeremiah 4:26 I gazed, and behold, Carmel was a desert, and all its cities were destroyed before the face of the Lord, and before the face of the wrath of his fury.”Jeremiah 4:26

Jeremiah 8:19 Behold, the voice of the daughter of my people from a far away land. Is the Lord not with Zion, and is her king not within her? Then why have they provoked me to wrath by their graven images, and by their strange vanities?Jeremiah 8:19

Jeremiah 12:13 They sowed wheat, but they reaped thorns. They received an inheritance, but it will not benefit them. You will be confounded by your own fruits, because of the wrath of the fury of the Lord.Jeremiah 12:13

Jeremiah 21:5 And I myself will make war against you: with an outstretched hand, and with a strong arm, and in fury, and in indignation, and in great wrath.Jeremiah 21:5

Jeremiah 25:6 And do not choose to go after strange gods, so that you would serve them and adore them. And do not provoke me to wrath by the works of your hands. And then I will not afflict you.Jeremiah 25:6

Jeremiah 30:24 The Lord will not turn back the wrath of his indignation, until he has accomplished and completed the plan of his heart. In the last days, you shall understand these things.Jeremiah 30:24

Jeremiah 32:29 And the Chaldeans fighting against this city will advance, and set fire to it, and burn it, along with the houses on whose roofs they were offering sacrifice to Baal and were pouring out libations to strange gods, so that they provoked me to wrath.Jeremiah 32:29

Jeremiah 32:32 because of all the wickedness of the sons of Israel and the sons of Judah, which they have done, provoking me to wrath, they and their kings, their leaders and their priests and their prophets, the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.Jeremiah 32:32

Jeremiah 32:37 Behold, I will gather them together from all the lands to which I have cast them out in my fury, and in my wrath, and in my great indignation. And I will lead them back to this place, and I will cause them to live in confidence.Jeremiah 32:37

Jeremiah 44:3 because of the wickedness which they have done, so that they provoked me to wrath, and because they went to offer sacrifice and worship to strange gods, which neither they, nor you, nor your fathers knew.Jeremiah 44:3

Jeremiah 49:37 And I will cause Elam to be terrified before their enemies and in the sight of those who seek their life. And I will lead an evil over them, the wrath of my fury, says the Lord. And I will send the sword after them, until I consume them.Jeremiah 49:37

Jeremiah 50:13 By the wrath of the Lord, it will not be inhabited. Instead, it will be entirely desolate. Every one who passes by Babylon will be stupefied and will hiss over all her wounds.Jeremiah 50:13

Jeremiah 50:25 The Lord has opened his storehouse, and he has brought forth the instruments of his wrath. For there is work for the Lord, the God of hosts, within the land of the Chaldeans.Jeremiah 50:25

Jeremiah 51:45 Go forth from her midst, my people, so that each one may save his life from the wrath of the fury of the Lord.Jeremiah 51:45

Number of the word / term Wrath in Jeremiah: 16

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 1:18 SADE. The Lord is just, for it is I who has provoked his mouth to wrath. I beg all people to listen and to see my sorrow. My virgins and my youths have gone into captivity.Lamentations 1:18

Lamentations 3:42 NUN. We have acted sinfully, and we have provoked to wrath. About this, you are relentless.Lamentations 3:42

Lamentations 4:11 CAPH. The Lord has completed his fury; he has poured out the wrath of his indignation. And he has kindled a fire in Zion, and it has devoured its foundations.Lamentations 4:11

Number of the word / term Wrath in Lamentations: 3

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 5:15 And you shall be a disgrace and a blasphemy, an example and an astonishment, among the Gentiles, who are all around you, when I will have executed judgments in you, in fury and in indignation and with rebukes of wrath.Ezekiel 5:15

Ezekiel 7:8 Now, very soon, I will pour out my wrath upon you, and I will fulfill my fury in you. And I will judge you according to your ways, and I will set upon you all your crimes.Ezekiel 7:8

Ezekiel 7:12 The time is approaching; the day is very near. Whoever buys should not rejoice. And whoever sells should not mourn. For wrath is over all of their people.Ezekiel 7:12

Ezekiel 7:14 Sound the trumpet! Let everyone be prepared! And yet there is no one who may go to battle. For my wrath is over all their people.Ezekiel 7:14

Ezekiel 13:13 Because of this, thus says the Lord God: And I will cause a violent wind to burst forth in my indignation, and there will be an inundating rain in my fury, and great hailstones in wrath, to consume.Ezekiel 13:13

Ezekiel 19:12 But she was uprooted in wrath, and cast upon the ground. And the burning wind dried up her fruit. Her robust branches withered and were dried up. A fire consumed her.Ezekiel 19:12

Ezekiel 20:8 But they provoked me, and they were not willing to listen to me. Each one of them did not cast away the abominations of his eyes, nor did they leave behind the idols of Egypt. And so, I said that I would pour out my indignation upon them, and fulfill my wrath against them, in the midst of the land of Egypt.Ezekiel 20:8

Ezekiel 20:21 But their sons provoked me. They did not walk in my precepts. And they did not observe my judgments, so as to do them; for if a man does them, he shall live by them. And they violated my Sabbaths. And so, I threatened that I would pour out my fury upon them, and that I would fulfill my wrath among them in the desert.Ezekiel 20:21

Ezekiel 22:20 just as they gather silver, and brass, and tin, and iron, and lead in the midst of the furnace, so that I may kindle in it a fire to melt it. So will I gather you together in my fury and in my wrath, and I will be quieted, and I will melt you down.Ezekiel 22:20

Ezekiel 22:31 And so I poured out my indignation upon them; in the fire of my wrath I consumed them. I have rendered their own way upon their head, says the Lord God.”Ezekiel 22:31

Ezekiel 25:14 And I will issue my vengeance upon Idumea, by the hand of my people, Israel. And they shall act in Idumea in accord with my wrath and my fury. And they shall know my vengeance, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 25:14

Ezekiel 35:11 Because of this, as I live, says the Lord God, I will act in accord with your own wrath, and in accord with your own zeal, by which you have acted with hatred toward them. And I will be made known by them, when I will have judged you.Ezekiel 35:11

Ezekiel 38:19 And I have spoken, in my zeal and in the fire of my wrath, that there shall be a great commotion over the land of Israel, in that day.Ezekiel 38:19

Ezekiel 43:8 They have fabricated their threshold beside my threshold, and their doorposts beside my doorposts. And there was a wall between me and them. And they defiled my holy name by the abominations which they committed. Because of this, I consumed them in my wrath.Ezekiel 43:8

Number of the word / term Wrath in Ezekiel: 14

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 2:12 When he heard this, the king commanded, in fury and in great wrath, that all the wise men of Babylon should be destroyed.Daniel 2:12

Daniel 3:13 Then Nebuchadnezzar, in fury and in wrath, commanded that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego should be brought, and so, without delay, they were brought before the king.Daniel 3:13

Number of the word / term Wrath in Daniel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 5:10 The leaders of Judah have become like those who assume the end. I will pour my wrath over them like water.Hosea 5:10

Hosea 11:9 I will not act on the fury of my wrath. I will not turn back to utterly destroy Ephraim. For I am God, and not man, the Divine in your midst, and I will not advance upon the city.Hosea 11:9

Hosea 12:14 Ephraim has provoked me to wrath with his bitterness, and his blood will overcome him, and his Lord will requite him for his shamefulness.Hosea 12:14

Hosea 13:11 I will give you a king in my wrath, and I will take him away in my indignation.Hosea 13:11

Hosea 14:4 I will heal their contrition; I will love them spontaneously. For my wrath has been turned away from them.Hosea 14:4

Number of the word / term Wrath in Hosea: 5

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Jonah

Jonah 3:9 Who knows if God may turn and forgive, and may turn away from his furious wrath, so that we might not perish?”Jonah 3:9

Number of the word / term Wrath in Jonah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Micah

Micah 6:10 Nevertheless, there is a fire in the house of the impious, the treasury of iniquity, and a small measure, filled with wrath.Micah 6:10

Micah 7:9 I will carry the wrath of the Lord, because I have sinned against him, until he may judge my case and execute judgment for me. He will lead me into the light. I will behold his justice.Micah 7:9

Number of the word / term Wrath in Micah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Nahum

Nahum 1:2 God is a rival, and the Lord is avenging. The Lord is avenging, and one who applies wrath. The Lord is avenging with his enemies, and he becomes angry with his adversaries.Nahum 1:2

Number of the word / term Wrath in Nahum: 1

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Zephaniah

Zephaniah 1:15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of tribulation and anguish, a day of calamity and misery, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and whirlwinds,Zephaniah 1:15

Zephaniah 1:18 Neither their silver, nor their gold, will be able to free them in the day of the wrath of the Lord. All the land will be devoured in the fire of his zeal, for with all speed, he will bring to consummation every inhabitant of the land.Zephaniah 1:18

Zephaniah 2:2 Until the decree settles accounts, the day like dust is passing away, before which the wrath of the fury of the Lord may overcome you, before which the day of the anger of the Lord may overcome you.Zephaniah 2:2

Number of the word / term Wrath in Zephaniah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 8:14 For thus says the Lord of hosts: Just as I intended to afflict you, when your fathers had provoked me to wrath, says the Lord,Zechariah 8:14

Number of the word / term Wrath in Zechariah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Luke

Luke 21:23 Then woe to those who are pregnant or nursing in those days. For there will be great distress upon the land and great wrath upon this people.Luke 21:23

Number of the word / term Wrath in Luke: 1

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book John

John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. But whoever is unbelieving toward the Son shall not see life; instead the wrath of God remains upon him.”John 3:36

Number of the word / term Wrath in John: 1

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Romans

Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven over every impiety and injustice among those men who fend off the truth of God with injustice.Romans 1:18

Romans 2:5 But in accord with your hard and impenitent heart, you store up wrath for yourself, unto the day of wrath and of revelation by the just judgment of God.Romans 2:5

Romans 2:8 But to those who are contentious and who do not acquiesce to the truth, but instead trust in iniquity, he will render wrath and indignation.Romans 2:8

Romans 4:15 For the law works unto wrath. And where there is no law, there is no law-breaking.Romans 4:15

Romans 5:9 Christ died for us. Therefore, having been justified now by his blood, all the more so shall we be saved from wrath through him.Romans 5:9

Romans 9:22 What if God, wanting to reveal his wrath and to make his power known, endured, with much patience, vessels deserving wrath, fit to be destroyed,Romans 9:22

Romans 10:19 But I say: Has Israel not known? First, Moses says: “I will lead you into a rivalry with those who are not a nation; in the midst of a foolish nation, I will send you into wrath.”Romans 10:19

Romans 12:19 Do not defend yourselves, dearest ones. Instead, step aside from wrath. For it is written: “Vengeance is mine. I shall give retribution, says the Lord.”Romans 12:19

Romans 13:4 For he is a minister of God for you unto good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid. For it is not without reason that he carries a sword. For he is a minister of God; an avenger to execute wrath upon whomever does evil.Romans 13:4

Romans 13:5 For this reason, it is necessary to be subject, not solely because of wrath, but also because of conscience.Romans 13:5

Number of the word / term Wrath in Romans: 10

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 5:20 the serving of idols, drug use, hostility, contentiousness, jealousy, wrath, quarrels, dissensions, divisions,Galatians 5:20

Number of the word / term Wrath in Galatians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Ephesians

Ephesians 2:3 And we too were all conversant in these things, in times past, by the desires of our flesh, acting according to the will of the flesh and according to our own thoughts. And so we were, by nature, sons of wrath, even like the others.Ephesians 2:3

Ephesians 5:6 Let no one seduce you with empty words. For because of these things, the wrath of God was sent upon the sons of unbelief.Ephesians 5:6

Number of the word / term Wrath in Ephesians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Colossians

Colossians 3:6 the wrath of God has overwhelmed the sons of unbelief.Colossians 3:6

Number of the word / term Wrath in Colossians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 1:10 and to the expectation of his Son from heaven (whom he raised up from the dead), Jesus, who has rescued us from the approaching wrath.1 Thessalonians 1:10

1 Thessalonians 2:16 They prohibit us to speak to the Gentiles, so that they may be saved, and thus do they continually add to their own sins. But the wrath of God will overtake them in the very end.1 Thessalonians 2:16

1 Thessalonians 5:9 For God has not appointed us for wrath, but for the acquisition of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,1 Thessalonians 5:9

Number of the word / term Wrath in 1 Thessalonians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 3:11 So it is as I swore in my wrath: They shall not enter into my rest!”Hebrews 3:11

Hebrews 4:3 For we who have believed shall enter into rest, in the same manner as he said: “So it is as I have sworn in my wrath: They shall not enter into my rest!” And certainly, this is when the works from the foundation of the world have been finished.Hebrews 4:3

Number of the word / term Wrath in Hebrews: 2

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book James

James 5:3 Your gold and silver have rusted, and their rust will be a testimony against you, and it will eat away at your flesh like fire. You have stored up wrath for yourselves unto the last days.James 5:3

Number of the word / term Wrath in James: 1

Bible passages with ‘Wrath’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 6:16 And they said to the mountains and the rocks: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One sitting upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.Revelation 6:16

Revelation 6:17 For the great day of their wrath has arrived. And who will be able to stand?”Revelation 6:17

Revelation 11:18 And the nations became angry, but your wrath arrived, and the time for the dead to be judged, and to render a reward to your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to those who fear your name, small and great, and to exterminate those who have corrupted the earth.”Revelation 11:18

Revelation 14:8 And another Angel followed, saying: “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, who inebriated all nations with the wine of her wrath and of fornication.”Revelation 14:8

Revelation 14:10 he shall drink also from the wine of the wrath of God, which has been mixed with strong wine in the cup of his wrath, and he shall be tortured with fire and sulphur in the sight of the holy Angels and before the sight of the Lamb.Revelation 14:10

Revelation 14:19 And the Angel sent out his sharp sickle to the earth, and he harvested the vineyard of the earth, and he cast it into the great basin of the wrath of God.Revelation 14:19

Revelation 15:1 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and wondrous: seven Angels, holding the seven last afflictions. For with them, the wrath of God is completed.Revelation 15:1

Revelation 15:7 And one of the four living creatures gave to the seven Angels seven golden bowls, filled with the wrath of God, of the One who lives forever and ever.Revelation 15:7

Revelation 16:1 And I heard a great voice from the temple, saying to the seven Angels: “Go forth and pour out the seven bowls of the wrath of God upon the earth.”Revelation 16:1

Revelation 16:19 And the Great City became divided into three parts. And the cities of the Gentiles fell. And Babylon the great came to mind before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the indignation of his wrath.Revelation 16:19

Revelation 18:3 For all the nations have imbibed the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And the kings of the earth have fornicated with her. And the merchants of the earth have become wealthy by the power of her pleasures.”Revelation 18:3

Revelation 19:15 And from his mouth proceeded a sharp two-edged sword, so that with it he may strike the nations. And he shall rule them with an iron rod. And he treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.Revelation 19:15

Number of the word / term ‘Wrath’ in Revelation: 12

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 173

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