Our Little Concordance

‘Whatever’ in the Bible – All 284 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Whatever’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Whatever’ occurs 284 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 2:3 And he blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. For in it, he had ceased from all his work: the work whereby God created whatever he should make.Genesis 2:3

Genesis 2:17 But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat. For in whatever day you will eat from it, you will die a death.”Genesis 2:17

Genesis 2:19 Therefore, the Lord God, having formed from the soil all the animals of the earth and all the flying creatures of the air, brought them to Adam, in order to see what he would call them. For whatever Adam would call any living creature, that would be its name.Genesis 2:19

Genesis 3:5 For God knows that, on whatever day you will eat from it, your eyes will be opened; and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil.”Genesis 3:5

Genesis 30:32 Go around through all your flocks and separate all the sheep of variegated or spotted fleece; and whatever will be darkened or blemished or variegated, as much among the sheep as among the goats, will be my wages.Genesis 30:32

Genesis 30:40 And Jacob divided the flock, and he set the branches in the troughs before the eyes of the rams. Now whatever was white or black belonged to Laban, but, in truth, the others belonged to Jacob, for the flocks were dispersed among one another.Genesis 30:40

Genesis 31:8 Whenever he said, ‘The speckled will be your wages,’ all the sheep gave birth to speckled newborns. Yet truly, when he said the contrary, ‘You will take whatever is white for your wages,’ all the flocks gave birth to white ones.Genesis 31:8

Genesis 31:18 And he took all his substance and flocks, and whatever he had acquired in Mesopotamia, and he journeyed to his father Isaac, in the land of Canaan.Genesis 31:18

Genesis 31:39 Neither did I reveal to you what was seized by the wild beast. I replaced all that was damaged. Whatever was lost by theft, you collected it from me.Genesis 31:39

Genesis 34:11 And Shechem even said to her father and to her brothers: “May I find favor in your sight, and whatever you will appoint, I will give.Genesis 34:11

Genesis 36:6 Then Esau took his wives, and sons, and daughters, and every soul of his house, and his substance, and cattle, and whatever he was able to obtain in the land of Canaan, and he went into another region, withdrawing from his brother Jacob.Genesis 36:6

Genesis 39:22 who delivered into his hand all the prisoners who were held in custody. And whatever was done, was under him.Genesis 39:22

Genesis 41:55 And being hungry, the people cried out to Pharaoh, asking for provisions. And he said to them: “Go to Joseph. And do whatever he will tell you.”Genesis 41:55

Number of the word / term Whatever in Genesis: 13

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 1:22 Therefore, Pharaoh instructed all his people, saying: “Whatever will be born of the male sex, cast it into the river; whatever will be born of the female sex, retain it.”Exodus 1:22

Exodus 4:9 But if they will not believe even these two signs, and they will not listen to your voice: take from the water of the river, and pour it upon the dry land, and whatever you will have drawn from the river will be turned into blood.”Exodus 4:9

Exodus 10:15 And they covered the entire face of the land, laying waste to all things. And the plants of the land were devoured, along with whatever fruits were on the trees, which the hail had left behind. And nothing at all of the greenery remained on the trees or on the plants of the earth in all of Egypt.Exodus 10:15

Exodus 10:28 And Pharaoh said to Moses: “Withdraw from me, and beware that you no longer see my face. On whatever day you will appear in my sight, you shall die.”Exodus 10:28

Exodus 13:12 then you shall set aside for the Lord all that opens the womb and all that is first to go forth among your cattle. Whatever you will have of the male sex, you shall consecrate to the Lord.Exodus 13:12

Exodus 14:7 And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and whatever chariots were in Egypt, and also the leaders of the whole army.Exodus 14:7

Exodus 16:23 And he said to them: “This is what the Lord has spoken: Tomorrow, the rest day of the Sabbath, has been sanctified to the Lord. Whatever would be done, do it now. And whatever would be cooked, cook it now. Then anything that will have been left over, store it until morning.”Exodus 16:23

Exodus 18:26 And they judged the people at all times. But whatever was more serious, they referred to him, and they judged easier matters only.Exodus 18:26

Exodus 21:3 With whatever clothing he arrived, with the like let him depart. If he has a wife, his wife also shall depart, at the same time.Exodus 21:3

Exodus 21:30 But if they have imposed a price on him, he shall give, in exchange for his life, whatever is asked.Exodus 21:30

Exodus 22:4 If whatever he stole should be found with him, a living thing, either an ox, or a donkey, or a sheep, he shall repay double.Exodus 22:4

Exodus 23:11 But in the seventh year, you shall release it and cause it to rest, so that the poor of your people may eat. And whatever remains, let the beasts of the field eat it. So shall you do with your vineyard and your olive grove.Exodus 23:11

Exodus 23:16 for it is the solemnity of the harvest of the first-fruits of your work, of whatever you have sown in the field. Likewise, it is a solemnity at the end of the season, when you will have gathered in all your crops from the field.Exodus 23:16

Exodus 31:4 in order to design whatever must be fabricated from gold, and silver, and brass,Exodus 31:4

Exodus 35:21 offered the first-fruits to the Lord with a most ready and devout mind, to accomplish the work of the tabernacle of the testimony. Whatever was needed for worship and for the holy vestments,Exodus 35:21

Exodus 35:25 But the skillful women also gave whatever they had spun: hyacinth, purple, and vermillion, as well as fine linen,Exodus 35:25

Exodus 35:33 and with engraving stones, and with the skill of a carpenter. Whatever can be skillfully invented,Exodus 35:33

Exodus 35:35 He has taught both of them wisdom, in order to do the work of carpentry, tapestry, and embroidery, from hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine linen, and every textile, and to discover whatever may be new.”Exodus 35:35

Number of the word / term Whatever in Exodus: 18

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 2:10 But whatever is left shall be for Aaron and his sons, the Holy of holies from the oblations of the Lord.Leviticus 2:10

Leviticus 3:3 And they shall offer from the sacrifice of peace offerings, as an oblation to the Lord: the fat which covers the vital organs, and whatever fat is interior,Leviticus 3:3

Leviticus 5:9 And he shall sprinkle some of its blood at the side of the altar. But whatever will remain, he shall cause it to drip down to the base, because it is for sin.Leviticus 5:9

Leviticus 7:9 And every sacrifice of fine wheat flour which is baked in the oven, and whatever is prepared on the oven grating or in the frying pan, shall be for the priest who offers it.Leviticus 7:9

Leviticus 7:17 Then whatever will be found on the third day shall be consumed with fire.Leviticus 7:17

Leviticus 7:18 If anyone will have eaten from the flesh of the victim of peace offerings on the third day, the oblation will be nullified; neither will it benefit the one who offered it. But instead, whatever soul will contaminate itself with such foods will be guilty of a betrayal.Leviticus 7:18

Leviticus 8:32 Then whatever will remain of the flesh and the loaves shall be consumed with fire.Leviticus 8:32

Leviticus 11:4 But whatever certainly chews over again, but has a hoof that is not divided, such as the camel and others, these you shall not eat, and you shall consider them to be among what is unclean.Leviticus 11:4

Leviticus 11:10 But whatever does not have fins and scales, of those things that live and move in the waters, shall be abominable to you,Leviticus 11:10

Leviticus 11:20 Of all that flies, whatever steps upon four feet shall be abominable to you.Leviticus 11:20

Leviticus 11:21 But whatever certainly walks upon four feet, and also has longer legs behind, with which it hops upon the earth,Leviticus 11:21

Leviticus 11:23 But among flying things, whatever has only four feet shall be detestable to you.Leviticus 11:23

Leviticus 13:12 But if the leprosy will have flourished, coursing through the skin, and will have covered all the skin from the head even to the feet, whatever falls under the sight of the eyes,Leviticus 13:12

Leviticus 13:48 in the main fibers or in any of the threads, or certainly in a skin, or whatever has been made from a skin,Leviticus 13:48

Leviticus 13:54 he shall instruct them, and they shall wash whatever has the leprosy in it, and he shall close it up for another seven days.Leviticus 13:54

Leviticus 15:10 And whatever has been under him who has undergone a flow of seed shall be polluted until evening. Whoever carries any of these things shall wash his clothes, and having washed with water, he shall be unclean until evening.Leviticus 15:10

Leviticus 19:6 you shall eat it on the same day as when it was immolated, and the next day. Then whatever will remain on the third day you shall burn with fire.Leviticus 19:6

Leviticus 21:11 And he shall not enter to any dead body whatsoever; likewise, not even by his father or mother shall he be contaminated.Leviticus 21:11

Leviticus 22:8 Whatever dies on its own, and whatever has been seized by a wild beast, they shall not eat, nor shall they be polluted by these. I am the Lord.Leviticus 22:8

Leviticus 22:18 Speak to Aaron, and to his sons, and to all the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them: The man from the house of Israel, or from the newcomers who live with you, who would bring forward his oblation, either fulfilling his vows or offering spontaneously, whatever he brings forward as a holocaust for the Lord,Leviticus 22:18

Leviticus 24:20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, shall he repay. Whatever degree of blemish he has inflicted, so shall he be compelled to suffer.Leviticus 24:20

Leviticus 27:27 But if it is an unclean animal, whoever offers it shall redeem it, according to your estimation, and he shall add a fifth part to the price. If he is not willing to redeem it, it shall be sold to another for whatever amount it was estimated by you.Leviticus 27:27

Number of the word / term Whatever in Leviticus: 22

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 1:50 But appoint them over the tabernacle of the testimony, and all its vessels, and whatever pertains to the ceremonies. They shall carry the tabernacle and all its articles. And they shall be for the ministry, and they shall encamp all around the tabernacle.Numbers 1:50

Numbers 3:7 and let them observe whatever pertains to the ritual for the multitude, in front of the tabernacle of the testimony,Numbers 3:7

Numbers 3:13 For every firstborn is mine. From the time that I struck the firstborn in the land of Egypt, I have sanctified for myself whatever is born first in Israel. From man, even to beast, they are mine. I am the Lord.”Numbers 3:13

Numbers 3:26 the tabernacle itself, and its covering; the tent that is drawn before the doors of the covering of the covenant; and the curtains of the atrium; likewise, the tent that is suspended at the entrance of the atrium of the tabernacle; and whatever pertains to the ritual of the altar; the cords of the tabernacle and all its implements.Numbers 3:26

Numbers 3:38 Moses and Aaron, with their sons, shall make camp before the tabernacle of the covenant, that is, on the east side, holding the custody of the Sanctuary in the midst of the sons of Israel. Whatever foreigner approaches it shall die.Numbers 3:38

Numbers 4:16 Over them shall be Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, to whom belongs the care of the oil to prepare the lamps, and the incense compound, and the sacrifice, which is offered continually, and the oil of unction, and whatever pertains to the service of the tabernacle, and all the vessels that are in the Sanctuary.”Numbers 4:16

Numbers 5:10 with whatever is offered by each one at the Sanctuary, and which is delivered into the hands of the priest; it shall be his.”Numbers 5:10

Numbers 6:4 During all the days that they are consecrated to the Lord by vow, they shall not eat whatever may be from the vineyard, from raisins, even to grape seeds.Numbers 6:4

Numbers 10:32 And if you come with us, whatever will be best among the riches which the Lord will deliver to us, we will give to you.”Numbers 10:32

Numbers 18:9 Therefore, you shall receive these, from the things that are sanctified and offered to the Lord. Every offering, and sacrifice, and whatever is repaid to me, on behalf of sin and also for offenses, and which becomes the Holy of holies, shall be for you and for your sons.Numbers 18:9

Numbers 18:12 All the innermost of the oil, and of the wine, and of the grain, whatever first-fruits they offer to the Lord, I have given to you.Numbers 18:12

Numbers 22:8 he responded, “Remain for this night, and I will answer with whatever the Lord will say to me.” And while they stayed with Balaam, God came and said to him,Numbers 22:8

Numbers 22:17 For I am ready to honor you, and whatever you would want, I shall give to you. Come and curse this people.”Numbers 22:17

Numbers 23:3 And Balaam said to Balak: “Stand for a little while next to your holocaust, until I go, to see if perhaps the Lord will meet with me. And whatever he will command, I shall speak to you.”Numbers 23:3

Numbers 23:26 And he said, “Have I not told you that whatever God would command of me, I would do?”Numbers 23:26

Numbers 24:13 Even if Balak would give me his house, filled with silver and gold, I still could not go away from the word of the Lord my God, so as to offer anything, either good or evil, from my own heart; but whatever the Lord will speak, this, too, I shall speak.Numbers 24:13

Numbers 30:4 whatever she has promised or swore, she shall complete in deed.Numbers 30:4

Numbers 30:7 On the day that her husband will hear of it, and yet not contradict it, she shall be liable to the vow, and she shall repay whatever she has promised.Numbers 30:7

Numbers 30:9 Widows and divorced women shall repay whatever they have vowed.Numbers 30:9

Numbers 30:14 But if the husband, upon hearing it, remains silent, and he delays judgment until another day, whatever she had vowed or promised, she shall repay, because when he first heard it, he remained silent.Numbers 30:14

Numbers 31:9 And they seized their women and little ones, and all their cattle, and all their goods; whatever they were able to have, they despoiled.Numbers 31:9

Numbers 31:17 Therefore, put to death all of them: whatever is of the male sex, even among the little ones, and cut the throats of those women who have known men by sexual relations.Numbers 31:17

Numbers 31:23 and all that may be able to pass through fire, shall be purified by fire. But whatever is not able to sustain fire shall be sanctified with the waters of expiation.Numbers 31:23

Numbers 31:50 For this reason, we offer as gifts to the Lord whatever gold each one was able to find amid the spoils, in anklets and arm bands, rings and bracelets, and little chains, so that you may intercede for us to the Lord.”Numbers 31:50

Numbers 31:53 For whatever each one had taken away in the spoils was his own.Numbers 31:53

Numbers 32:17 But we ourselves will continue on, armed and girded for battle, before the sons of Israel, until we lead them to their places. Our little ones, and whatever we may be able to have, shall be in walled cities, because of the treachery of the inhabitants.Numbers 32:17

Numbers 33:56 And whatever I had decided to do to them, I will do to you.”Numbers 33:56

Number of the word / term Whatever in Numbers: 27

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 12:11 in the place which the Lord your God will choose, so that his name may be in it. To that place, you shall bring all the things that I instruct you: holocausts, and victims, and tithes, and the first-fruits of your hands, and whatever is best among the gifts that you shall vow to the Lord.Deuteronomy 12:11

Deuteronomy 12:14 Instead, you shall offer sacrifices in the place which the Lord will choose within one of your tribes, and you shall do whatsoever I instruct you.Deuteronomy 12:14

Deuteronomy 14:9 These you shall eat out of all that dwells in the waters: whatever has fins and scales, you shall eat.Deuteronomy 14:9

Deuteronomy 14:21 But whatever has died of itself, you shall not eat from it. Give it to the sojourner, who is within your gates, so that he may eat, or sell it to him. For you are the holy people of the Lord your God. You shall not boil a young goat in the milk of his mother.Deuteronomy 14:21

Deuteronomy 14:26 And you shall buy with the same money whatever pleases you, either from the herds or from the sheep, and also wine and liquor, and all that your soul desires. And you shall eat in the sight of the Lord your God, and you shall feast: you and your household.Deuteronomy 14:26

Deuteronomy 15:8 Instead, you shall open your hand to the poor, and you shall lend to him whatever you perceive him to need.Deuteronomy 15:8

Deuteronomy 15:19 Of the firstborn, those born from your herds and sheep, you shall sanctify to the Lord your God whatever is of the male sex. You shall not put the firstborn of the oxen to work, nor shall you shear the firstborn of the sheep.Deuteronomy 15:19

Deuteronomy 17:10 And you shall accept whatever they will say, those who preside in the place which the Lord will choose, and whatever they will teach you,Deuteronomy 17:10

Deuteronomy 18:22 you shall have this sign. If whatever that prophet predicts in the name of the Lord does not happen, then the Lord has not spoken it. Instead, the prophet has formed it through the swelling of his own mind. And for this reason, you shall not fear him.’ ”Deuteronomy 18:22

Deuteronomy 23:20 but only to a foreigner. For you shall lend to your brother whatever he needs without interest, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all your works in the land, which you shall enter so as to possess it.Deuteronomy 23:20

Deuteronomy 24:8 Observe diligently, lest you incur the wound of leprosy. But you shall do whatever the priests of the Levitical stock shall teach you to do, according to what I have instructed them. And you shall fulfill it carefully.Deuteronomy 24:8

Deuteronomy 24:20 If you have gathered the fruit of your olive trees, you shall not return in order to gather whatever may remain on the trees. Instead, you shall leave it behind for the new arrival, the orphan, and the widow.Deuteronomy 24:20

Number of the word / term Whatever in Deuteronomy: 12

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 6:19 But whatever gold and silver there will be, and vessels of brass or of iron, let these be consecrated to the Lord and be stored in his treasuries.”Joshua 6:19

Joshua 23:15 Therefore, just as he has fulfilled in deed what he has promised, and all prosperous things have arrived, so will he bring upon you whatever evils were threatened, until he takes you away and scatters you from this excellent land, which he has delivered to you,Joshua 23:15

Number of the word / term Whatever in Joshua: 2

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Judges

Judges 6:5 For they and all their flocks arrived with their tents, and they filled all places like locusts, an innumerable multitude of men and camels, devastating whatever they touched.Judges 6:5

Judges 10:15 And the sons of Israel said to the Lord: “We have sinned. You may repay us in whatever way pleases you. Yet free us now.”Judges 10:15

Judges 11:36 And she answered him, “My father, if you have opened your mouth to the Lord, do to me whatever you have promised, since victory has been granted to you, as well as vengeance against your enemies.”Judges 11:36

Judges 17:10 And Micah said: “Stay with me. And you shall be to me like a parent and a priest. And I will give to you, each year, ten silver coins, and a double-layered garment, and whatever provisions are necessary.”Judges 17:10

Number of the word / term Whatever in Judges: 4

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Ruth

Ruth 3:11 Therefore, do not be afraid, but whatever you decide about me, I will accomplish for you. For all the people, who dwell within the gates of my city, know that you are a virtuous woman.Ruth 3:11

Number of the word / term Whatever in Ruth: 1

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 2:16 And the one who was immolating would say to him, “First, allow the fat to be burned today, according to custom, and then take for yourself whatever your soul desires.” But in response, he would say to him: “By no means. For you will give it to me now, otherwise I will take it by force.”1 Samuel 2:16

1 Samuel 10:7 Therefore, when these signs will have happened to you, do whatever your hand will find, for the Lord is with you.1 Samuel 10:7

1 Samuel 11:10 And they said, “In the morning, we will go out to you. And you may do whatever you please with us.”1 Samuel 11:10

1 Samuel 15:9 And Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the flocks of sheep, and of the herds, and the garments, and the rams, and all that was beautiful, and they were not willing to destroy them. Yet truly, whatever was vile or worthless, these they demolished.1 Samuel 15:9

1 Samuel 18:5 Also, David went out to do everything whatsoever that Saul sent him to do, and he conducted himself prudently. And Saul set him over men of war. And he was acceptable in the eyes of the entire people, and most of all in the sight of the servants of Saul.1 Samuel 18:5

1 Samuel 19:3 Then I, going out, will be standing beside my father in the field, where you will be. And I will speak about you to my father. And whatever I see, I will report to you.”1 Samuel 19:3

1 Samuel 21:3 Now therefore, if you have anything at hand, even five loaves of bread, or whatever you may find, give it to me.”1 Samuel 21:3

1 Samuel 25:6 And you shall say: ‘Peace be to my brothers and to you, and peace to your house, and peace to whatever you have.1 Samuel 25:6

1 Samuel 25:8 Question your servants, and they will tell you. Now therefore, may your servants find favor in your eyes. For we have arrived on a good day. Whatever your hand will find, give it to your servants and to your son David.’ ”1 Samuel 25:8

1 Samuel 26:25 Then Saul said to David: “You are blessed, my son David. And whatever you may do, it shall certainly succeed.” And David departed on his way. And Saul returned to his place.1 Samuel 26:25

1 Samuel 30:19 And nothing was missing, from small even to great, among the sons and daughters, and among the spoils, and among everything whatsoever that they had seized. David returned it all.1 Samuel 30:19

Number of the word / term Whatever in 1 Samuel: 11

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 8:6 And David positioned a garrison in Syria of Damascus. And Syria served David under tribute. And the Lord assisted David in all things whatsoever that he set out to accomplish.2 Samuel 8:6

2 Samuel 8:14 And he positioned guards in Edom, and he stationed a garrison. And all of Edom was made to serve David. And the Lord assisted David in all things whatsoever that he set out to accomplish.2 Samuel 8:14

2 Samuel 9:9 And so, the king called Ziba, the servant of Saul, and he said to him: “Everything whatsoever that belonged to Saul, and his entire house, I have given to the son of your lord.2 Samuel 9:9

2 Samuel 15:15 And the servants of the king said to him, “Everything whatsoever that our lord the king will command, we your servants shall carry out willingly.”2 Samuel 15:15

2 Samuel 15:21 And Ittai responded to the king, by saying, “As the Lord lives, and as my lord the king lives, in whatever place you will be, my lord the king, whether in death or in life, your servant will be there.”2 Samuel 15:21

2 Samuel 15:26 But if he will say to me, ‘You are not pleasing,’ I am ready. Let him do whatever is good in his own sight.”2 Samuel 15:26

2 Samuel 15:35 And you have with you the priests Zadok and Abiathar. And any word whatsoever that you will hear from the house of the king, you shall reveal it to Zadok and Abiathar, the priests.2 Samuel 15:35

2 Samuel 17:12 And we shall rush against him in whatever place he will have been found. And we shall cover him, as the dew usually falls upon the ground. And we shall not leave behind even one of the men who are with him.2 Samuel 17:12

2 Samuel 18:4 And the king said to them, “I will do whatever seems good to you.” Therefore, the king stood beside the gate. And the people went out by their troops, by hundreds and by thousands.2 Samuel 18:4

2 Samuel 19:27 Moreover, he also accused me, your servant, to you, my lord the king. But you, my lord the king, are like an Angel of God. Do whatever is pleasing to you.2 Samuel 19:27

2 Samuel 19:37 But I beg you that I, your servant, may be returned and may die in my own city, and may be buried beside the sepulcher of my father and my mother. But there is your servant Chimham; let him go with you, my lord the king. And do for him whatever seems good to you.”2 Samuel 19:37

2 Samuel 19:38 And so the king said to him: “Let Chimham cross over with me, and I will do for him whatever will be pleasing to you. And all that you ask of me, you shall obtain.”2 Samuel 19:38

2 Samuel 24:22 And Araunah said to David: “May my lord the king offer and accept whatever is pleasing to him. You have oxen for a holocaust, and the cart and the yokes of the oxen to use for wood.”2 Samuel 24:22

Number of the word / term Whatever in 2 Samuel: 13

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 2:37 For on whatever day you will have departed and crossed the torrent Kidron, know that you shall be put to death. Your blood will be upon your own head.”1 Kings 2:37

1 Kings 2:42 And sending, he summoned him, and he said to him: “Did I not testify to you by the Lord, and warn you in advance, ‘On whatever day, having departed, you go forth to here or to there, know that you shall die?’ And you responded to me, ‘The word that I have heard is good.’1 Kings 2:42

1 Kings 3:5 Then the Lord appeared to Solomon, through a dream in the night, saying, “Request whatever you wish, so that I may give it to you.”1 Kings 3:5

1 Kings 5:6 Therefore, order that your servants may cut down for me cedars from Lebanon. And let my servants be with your servants. Then I will give to you, for the wages of your servants, whatever you will ask. For you know that there is not a man among my people who knows how to cut wood as well as the Sidonians.”1 Kings 5:6

1 Kings 8:30 So may you heed the supplication of your servant and of your people Israel, whatever they will pray for in this place, and so may you heed them in your dwelling place in heaven. And when you heed, you will be gracious.1 Kings 8:30

1 Kings 8:38 or whatever curse or divine intervention may happen to any man among your people Israel, if anyone understands, having been wounded in his heart, and if he will have extended his hands in this house,1 Kings 8:38

1 Kings 8:44 And if your people have gone out to war against their enemies, along whatever way you will send them, they shall pray to you in the direction of the city, which you have chosen, and toward the house, which I have built to your name.1 Kings 8:44

1 Kings 8:58 But may he incline our hearts to himself, so that we may walk in all his ways, and keep his commandments, and his ceremonies, and whatever judgments he commanded to our fathers.1 Kings 8:58

1 Kings 9:19 And all the towns which belonged to him, and which were without walls, he walled, along with the cities of the chariots, and the cities of the horsemen, and whatever was pleasing to him that he might build in Jerusalem, and in Lebanon, and in the entire land of his dominion.1 Kings 9:19

1 Kings 16:5 Now the rest of the words of Baasha, and whatever he did, and his battles, were these not written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Israel?1 Kings 16:5

1 Kings 21:2 Therefore, Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying: “Give your vineyard to me, so that I may make for myself a garden of herbs. For it is nearby and is beside my house. And I will give to you, in place of it, a better vineyard. Or if you consider it to be more convenient for you, I will give you the price in silver, whatever it is worth.”1 Kings 21:2

1 Kings 21:21 ‘Behold, I will lead evil over you. And I will cut down your posterity. And I will put to death of Ahab whatever urinates against a wall, and whatever is lame, and whatever is last in Israel.1 Kings 21:21

1 Kings 22:14 But Micaiah said to him, “As the Lord lives, whatever the Lord will have said to me, this shall I speak.”1 Kings 22:14

Number of the word / term Whatever in 1 Kings: 13

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 4:24 And she saddled a donkey, and she instructed her servant: “Drive, and hurry on. You shall cause no delay for me in departing. And do whatever I instruct you to do.”2 Kings 4:24

2 Kings 6:12 And one of his servants said: “By no means, my lord the king! Rather it is the prophet Elisha, who is in Israel, who is revealing to the king of Israel every word whatsoever that you will speak in your conclave.”2 Kings 6:12

2 Kings 8:1 Now Elisha spoke to the woman, whose son he had caused to live, saying: “Rise up. Go, you and your household, and sojourn in whatever place you can find. For the Lord has called forth a famine, and it shall overwhelm the land for seven years.”2 Kings 8:1

2 Kings 9:8 And I will destroy the entire house of Ahab. And I will cause to pass away from Ahab, whatever urinates against a wall, and whatever is lame, and whatever is least in Israel.2 Kings 9:8

2 Kings 10:5 Therefore, those who were in charge of the house, and the prefects of the city, and those greater by birth, and those who raised the sons, sent to Jehu, saying: “We are your servants. Whatever you will order, we will do. But we will not appoint a king for ourselves. Do whatever pleases you.”2 Kings 10:5

2 Kings 19:29 But as for you, Hezekiah, this shall be a sign: Eat this year whatever you will find, and in the second year, whatever may spring up of itself. But in the third year, sow and reap; plant vineyards, and eat from their fruit.2 Kings 19:29

2 Kings 19:30 And whatever will have been left behind, from the house of Judah, shall send a root downward, and shall bear fruit upward.2 Kings 19:30

2 Kings 20:15 And he responded, “What did they see in your house?” And Hezekiah said: “They saw all things whatsoever that are in my house. There is nothing in my treasuries that I did not show to them.”2 Kings 20:15

2 Kings 25:15 And the leader of the military even took away the censers and the bowls, whatever was of gold for the gold, and whatever was of silver for the silver,2 Kings 25:15

Number of the word / term Whatever in 2 Kings: 9

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 21:23 But Ornan said to David: “Take it, and may my lord the king do whatever pleases him. Moreover, I give the oxen also as a holocaust, and the plow for wood, and the wheat for a sacrifice. I will offer all freely.”1 Chronicles 21:23

1 Chronicles 29:5 and gold for wherever there is need of gold, and silver for wherever there is need of silver, for the works to be done by the hands of the artisans. And if anyone freely offers, let him fill his hand this day, and let him offer whatever he wishes to the Lord.”1 Chronicles 29:5

Number of the word / term Whatever in 1 Chronicles: 2

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 2:14 the son of a woman from the daughters of Dan, whose father was a Tyrian, who knows how to work with gold and silver, with brass and iron, and with marble and timber, as well as with purple, and hyacinth, and fine linen, and scarlet. And he knows how to carve every kind of engraving, and how to devise prudently whatever may be necessary to the work, with your artisans and with the artisans of my lord David, your father.2 Chronicles 2:14

2 Chronicles 6:15 You fulfilled for your servant David, my father, whatsoever you had said to him. And you carried out the deed that you promised with your mouth, just as the present time proves.2 Chronicles 6:15

2 Chronicles 6:16 Now then, O Lord God of Israel, fulfill for your servant David, my father, whatsoever you said to him, saying: ‘There shall not fail to be a man from you before me, who will sit upon the throne of Israel, yet only if your sons will guard their ways, and will walk in my law, just as you also have walked before me.’2 Chronicles 6:16

2 Chronicles 6:28 If a famine will have risen up in the land, or pestilence, or fungus, or mildew, or locusts, or beetles, or if enemies will have laid waste to the countryside and will have besieged the gates of the cities, or whatever scourge or infirmity will have pressed upon them,2 Chronicles 6:28

2 Chronicles 8:6 as well as Baalath, and all the very strong cities which were of Solomon, and all the cities of the chariots, and the cities of the horsemen. Everything whatsoever that Solomon willed and decided, he built in Jerusalem, and in Lebanon, and throughout the entire land of his authority.2 Chronicles 8:6

2 Chronicles 15:18 And whatever his father or he himself had vowed, he brought into the house of the Lord: silver and gold, and vessels for various uses.2 Chronicles 15:18

2 Chronicles 18:13 And Micaiah responded to him, “As the Lord lives, whatever my God will say to me, the same shall I speak.”2 Chronicles 18:13

2 Chronicles 19:6 And instructing the judges, he said: “Pay attention to what you are doing. For you exercise judgment, not of man, but of the Lord. And whatever you will have judged, it will come back to you.2 Chronicles 19:6

2 Chronicles 31:16 (except for the males from three years old and upward) for all who were entering the temple of the Lord, and for whatever was needed for the ministry, throughout each day, as well as for the observances according to their divisions.2 Chronicles 31:16

2 Chronicles 31:18 and for the entire multitude, as much for the wives as for their children of both sexes, provisions were offered faithfully from whatever had been sanctified.2 Chronicles 31:18

2 Chronicles 32:30 This same Hezekiah was the one who blocked the upper font of the waters of Gihon, and who diverted them down to the western part of the City of David. In all his works, he prosperously accomplished whatever he willed.2 Chronicles 32:30

2 Chronicles 34:10 they delivered it into the hands of those who were in charge of the workers in the house of the Lord, so that they might repair the temple, and restore whatever was weak.2 Chronicles 34:10

2 Chronicles 36:19 The enemies set fire to the house of God, and they destroyed the wall of Jerusalem. They burned down all the towers. And whatever was precious, they demolished.2 Chronicles 36:19

Number of the word / term Whatever in 2 Chronicles: 13

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 1:4 And let all who remain, in all the places wherever they may live, assist him, each man from his place, with silver and gold, and goods and cattle, in addition to whatever they may offer voluntarily to the temple of God, which is in Jerusalem.”Ezra 1:4

Ezra 1:6 And all those who were all around assisted their hands with vessels of silver and gold, with goods and cattle, with equipment, in addition to whatever they had offered freely.Ezra 1:6

Ezra 7:18 But also, whatever it will please you and your brothers to do with the remainder of the silver and gold, do so in accord with the will of your God.Ezra 7:18

Ezra 7:20 Then, whatever more will be needed for the house of your God, as much as is necessary for you to spend, it shall be given from the treasury, and from the king’s finances,Ezra 7:20

Ezra 7:21 and by me. I, king Artaxerxes, have appointed and decreed to all the keepers of the public treasury, those who are beyond the river, that whatever Ezra, the priest, a scribe of the law of the God of heaven, shall ask of you, you shall provide it without delay,Ezra 7:21

Number of the word / term Whatever in Ezra: 5

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 4:20 At whatever place you hear the sound of the trumpet, rush to that place for us. Our God will fight on our behalf.Nehemiah 4:20

Number of the word / term Whatever in Nehemiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Esther

Esther 2:13 And when they were going in to the king, whatever they requested to adorn themselves, they received, and when each was pleased with herself, having been prepared in the chamber of the women, she passed on to the king’s chamber.Esther 2:13

Esther 2:15 But, as the order continued to progress, the day arrived when Esther, the daughter of Abihail the brother of Mordecai, whom he had adopted as his daughter, was required to go in to the king. She did not seek feminine ornaments, except that whatever Hegai the eunuch and keeper of the virgins chose, he gave her to adorn her. For she was very attractive, and her incredible beauty made her appear gracious and amiable in the eyes of all.Esther 2:15

Esther 2:20 Esther had not yet declared her native land and her people, according to his command. For whatever he instructed, Esther observed. And so she did all things as she had become accustomed in the time when he raised her from early childhood.Esther 2:20

Esther 9:27 And whatever they suffered, and whatever was altered afterwards, the Jews received for themselves and their offspring and for all who were willing to be joined to their religion, so that none would be permitted to transgress the solemnity of these two days, to which the writing testifies, and which certain times require, as the years continually succeed one another.Esther 9:27

Esther 10:3 and how Mordecai of Jewish birth, was second after king Artaxerxes, and great among the Jews, and acceptable to the people of his brethren, seeking the good of his people, and speaking about things which pertained to peace for their descendents. And Mordecai said, “By God have these things been done. I remember a dream that I saw, which signified these same things, and nothing of this whatsoever has failed to occur. The little fountain which grew into a river, and had turned into light and into the sun, and overflowed into many waters, is Esther, whom the king received as wife and whom he preferred to be queen. But the two dragons are I and Haman. The peoples who gathered together are those who had attempted to erase the name of the Jews. And my people is Israel, who cried out to the Lord, and the Lord brought salvation to his people, and he freed us from all evils, and he created great signs and portents among the nations. And he commanded there to be two lots, one for the people of God and the other for all the nations. And both lots arrived at the day appointed before God, even from that past time, for all peoples. And the Lord remembered his people and had mercy on his inheritance. And these days shall be observed in the month of Adar, on the fourteenth and fifteenth day of the same month, with all zealousness and joy, by the people gathered together into one union, throughout all the generations hereafter of the people of Israel.” In the fourth year of the reigns of Ptolemy and Cleopatra, Dositheus, who was himself a priest and born of the Levites, and Ptolemy his son, brought this epistle of Purim, which they said was a translation by Lysimachus the son of Ptolemy in Jerusalem.Esther 10:3

Number of the word / term Whatever in Esther: 5

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Job

Job 13:13 Be silent for a little while, so that I may speak whatever my mind suggests to me.Job 13:13

Job 23:13 For he is alone, and no one is able to disturb his intention; and whatever his spirit wills, that he accomplishes.Job 23:13

Job 37:13 whether in one tribe, or in his own region, or in whatever place of his mercy that he will order them to be found.Job 37:13

Number of the word / term Whatever in Job: 3

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 1:3 And he will be like a tree that has been planted beside running waters, which will provide its fruit in its time, and its leaf will not fall away, and all things whatsoever that he does will prosper.Psalm 1:3

Psalm 4:2 Sons of men, how long will you be dull in heart, so that whatever you love is in vain, and whatever you seek is false?Psalm 4:2

Psalm 56:10 Then my enemies will be turned back. On whatever day that I call upon you, behold, I know that you are my God.Psalm 56:10

Psalm 102:2 Do not turn your face away from me. In whatever day that I am in trouble, incline your ear to me. In whatever day that I will call upon you, heed me quickly.Psalm 102:2

Psalm 115:3 But our God is in heaven. All things whatsoever that he has willed, he has done.Psalm 115:3

Psalm 135:6 All things whatsoever that he willed, the Lord did: in heaven, on earth, in the sea, and in all the deep places.Psalm 135:6

Psalm 138:3 On whatever day that I will call upon you: hear me. You will multiply virtue in my soul.Psalm 138:3

Number of the word / term Whatever in Psalm: 7

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 5:4 If you have vowed anything to God, you should not delay to repay it. And whatever you have vowed, render it. But an unfaithful and foolish promise displeases him.Ecclesiastes 5:4

Ecclesiastes 10:20 You should not slander the king, even in your thoughts, and you should not speak evil of a wealthy man, even in your private chamber. For even the birds of the air will carry your voice, and whatever has wings will announce your opinion.Ecclesiastes 10:20

Ecclesiastes 11:3 If the clouds have been filled, they will pour forth rain upon the earth. If a tree falls to the south, or to the north, or to whatever direction it may fall, there it shall remain.Ecclesiastes 11:3

Number of the word / term Whatever in Ecclesiastes: 3

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 21:6 For the Lord has said this to me: “Go and station a watchman. And let him announce whatever he will see.”Isaiah 21:6

Isaiah 37:30 But this shall be a sign for you: Eat, in this year, whatever springs up on its own. And in the second year, eat fruits. But in the third year, sow and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat their fruit.Isaiah 37:30

Isaiah 55:11 so also will my word be, which will go forth from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but it will accomplish whatever I will, and it will prosper in the tasks for which I sent it.Isaiah 55:11

Number of the word / term Whatever in Isaiah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 25:13 And I will lead over that land all my words, which I have spoken against it, all that has been written in this book, everything whatsoever that Jeremiah has prophesied against all the nations.Jeremiah 25:13

Jeremiah 40:4 Now therefore, behold, I have released you this day from the chains which were on your hands. If it pleases you to come with me into Babylon, then come. And I will set my eyes upon you. But if it displeases you to come with me into Babylon, then remain. Behold, all the land is in your sight. Whatever you will choose, and wherever it will please you to go, so shall you go, proceeding to that place.Jeremiah 40:4

Jeremiah 42:4 Then Jeremiah, the prophet, said to them: “I have listened. Behold, I will pray to the Lord your God according to your words. And whatever word he will respond to me, I will declare to you. And I will conceal nothing from you.”Jeremiah 42:4

Jeremiah 42:5 And they said to Jeremiah: “May the Lord be the witness between us of truth and fidelity, if we do not act according to whatever word the Lord your God will send by you to us.Jeremiah 42:5

Jeremiah 42:20 For you have deceived your own souls. For you have sent me to the Lord our God, saying: ‘Pray on our behalf to the Lord our God. And in accord with anything whatsoever that the Lord our God will tell you, announce this to us, and we will do it.’Jeremiah 42:20

Jeremiah 50:21 Ascend against the land of the rulers, and visit against its inhabitants! Scatter and destroy whatever has been left behind them, says the Lord, and act according to all that I have instructed you.Jeremiah 50:21

Jeremiah 52:19 And the chief of the military took the water pots, and the censers, and the pitchers, and the basins, and the lampstands, and the mortars, and the little cups, whatever was gold, for the gold, and whatever was silver, for the silver,Jeremiah 52:19

Number of the word / term Whatever in Jeremiah: 7

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 1:11 CAPH. All her people are groaning and seeking bread. They have given up whatever was precious in exchange for food, so as to remain alive. See, O Lord, and consider, for I have become vile.Lamentations 1:11

Number of the word / term Whatever in Lamentations: 1

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 2:8 But as for you, son of man, listen to all that I say to you. And do not choose to be provoking, as that house is a provoker. Open your mouth, and eat whatever I give to you.”Ezekiel 2:8

Ezekiel 3:1 And he said to me: “Son of man, eat whatever you will find; eat this scroll, and, going forth, speak to the sons of Israel.”Ezekiel 3:1

Ezekiel 12:25 For I, the Lord, will speak. And whatever word I will speak, it shall be done, and it shall not be delayed any more. Instead, in your days, O provoking house, I will speak a word and do it, says the Lord God.”Ezekiel 12:25

Ezekiel 33:12 And as for you then, son of man, say to the sons of your people: The justice of the just man will not deliver him, on whatever day he will have sinned. And the impiety of the impius man will not harm him, on whatever day he will have been converted from his impiety. And the just man will not be able to live by his justice, on whatever day he will have sinned.Ezekiel 33:12

Ezekiel 43:18 And he said to me: “Son of man, thus says the Lord God: These are the rituals of the altar, in whatever day it will be made, so that holocausts may be offered upon it, and blood may be poured out.Ezekiel 43:18

Ezekiel 46:5 The sacrifice shall be one ephah for each ram. But for the lambs, the sacrifice shall be whatever his hand shall give. And there shall be one hin of oil for each ephah.Ezekiel 46:5

Ezekiel 47:23 And in whatever tribe the new arrival will be, there you shall give a possession to him, says the Lord God.”Ezekiel 47:23

Ezekiel 48:22 Now from the possession of the Levites, and from the possession of the city, which are in the midst of the prince’s portions, whatever is between the border of Judah and the border of Benjamin, shall also belong to the prince.Ezekiel 48:22

Number of the word / term Whatever in Ezekiel: 8

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Jonah

Jonah 2:9 But I, with a voice of praise, will sacrifice to you. I will repay whatever I have vowed to the Lord, because of my salvation.”Jonah 2:9

Number of the word / term Whatever in Jonah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Haggai

Haggai 1:11 And I called a drought over the land, and over the mountains, and over the wheat, and over the wine, and over the oil, and whatever the soil would bring forth, and over men, and over beasts of burden, and over all the labor of hands.Haggai 1:11

Number of the word / term Whatever in Haggai: 1

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 11:9 And I said: I will not pasture you. Whatever dies, let it die. And whatever is cut down, let it be cut down. And let the rest of them devour, each one the flesh of his neighbor.Zechariah 11:9

Number of the word / term Whatever in Zechariah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 7:2 For with whatever judgment you judge, so shall you be judged; and with whatever measure you measure out, so shall it be measured back to you.Matthew 7:2

Matthew 7:12 Therefore, all things whatsoever that you wish that men would do to you, do so also to them. For this is the law and the prophets.Matthew 7:12

Matthew 10:11 Now, into whatever city or town you will enter, inquire as to who is worthy within it. And stay there until you depart.Matthew 10:11

Matthew 14:7 And so he promised with an oath to give her whatever she would ask of him.Matthew 14:7

Matthew 15:5 But you say: ‘If anyone will have said to father or mother, “It is dedicated, so that whatever is from me will benefit you,”Matthew 15:5

Matthew 16:19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound, even in heaven. And whatever you shall release on earth shall be released, even in heaven.”Matthew 16:19

Matthew 17:12 But I say to you, that Elijah has already arrived, and they did not recognize him, but they did whatever they wanted to him. So also shall the Son of man suffer from them.”Matthew 17:12

Matthew 18:18 Amen I say to you, whatever you will have bound on earth, shall be bound also in heaven, and whatever you will have released on earth, shall be released also in heaven.Matthew 18:18

Matthew 18:19 Again I say to you, that if two of those among you have agreed on earth, about anything whatsoever that they have requested, it shall be done for them by my Father, who is in heaven.Matthew 18:19

Matthew 21:22 And all things whatsoever that you shall ask for in prayer: believing, you shall receive.”Matthew 21:22

Matthew 23:3 Therefore, all things whatsoever that they shall say to you, observe and do. Yet truly, do not choose to act according to their works. For they say, but they do not do.Matthew 23:3

Number of the word / term Whatever in Matthew: 11

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Mark

Mark 2:19 And Jesus said to them: “How can the sons of the wedding fast while the groom is still with them? During whatever time they have the groom with them, they are not able to fast.Mark 2:19

Mark 4:24 And he said to them: “Consider what you hear. With whatever measure you have measured out, it shall be measured back to you, and more shall be added to you.Mark 4:24

Mark 6:22 And when the daughter of the same Herodias had entered, and danced, and pleased Herod, along with those who were at table with him, the king said to the girl, “Request from me whatever you want, and I will give it to you.”Mark 6:22

Mark 7:11 But you say, ‘If a man will have said to his father or mother: Korban, (which is a gift) whatever is from me will be to your benefit,’Mark 7:11

Mark 9:13 But I say to you, that Elijah also has arrived, (and they have done to him whatever they wanted) just as it has been written about him.”Mark 9:13

Mark 10:21 Then Jesus, gazing at him, loved him, and he said to him: “One thing is lacking to you. Go, sell whatever you have, and give to the poor, and then you will have treasure in heaven. And come, follow me.”Mark 10:21

Mark 10:35 And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, drew near to him, saying, “Teacher, we wish that whatever we will ask, you would do for us.”Mark 10:35

Mark 11:23 Amen I say to you, that whoever will say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and who will not have hesitated in his heart, but will have believed: then whatever he has said be done, it shall be done for him.Mark 11:23

Mark 11:24 For this reason, I say to you, all things whatsoever that you ask for when praying: believe that you will receive them, and they will happen for you.Mark 11:24

Mark 13:11 And when they have seized you and handed you over, do not consider in advance what to say. But whatever will be given you in that hour, say that. For you will not be speaking, but the Holy Spirit.Mark 13:11

Number of the word / term Whatever in Mark: 10

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Luke

Luke 9:4 And into whatever house you shall enter, lodge there, and do not move away from there.Luke 9:4

Luke 10:5 Into whatever house you will have entered, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’Luke 10:5

Luke 10:8 And into whatever city you have entered and they have received you, eat what they set before you.Luke 10:8

Luke 10:10 But into whatever city you have entered and they have not received you, going out into its main streets, say:Luke 10:10

Luke 10:35 And the next day, he took out two denarii, and he gave them to the proprietor, and he said: ‘Take care of him. And whatever extra you will have spent, I will repay to you at my return.’Luke 10:35

Luke 11:8 Yet if he will persevere in knocking, I tell you that, even though he would not get up and give it to him because he is a friend, yet due to his continued insistence, he will get up and give him whatever he needs.Luke 11:8

Luke 17:24 For just as lightning flashes from under heaven and shines to whatever is under heaven, so also will the Son of man be in his day.Luke 17:24

Number of the word / term Whatever in Luke: 7

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book John

John 2:5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”John 2:5

John 5:4 Now at times an Angel of the Lord would descend into the pool, and so the water was moved. And whoever descended first into the pool, after the motion of the water, he was healed of whatever infirmity held him.John 5:4

John 5:19 Then Jesus responded and said to them: “Amen, amen, I say to you, the Son is not able to do anything of himself, but only what he has seen the Father doing. For whatever he does, even this does the Son do, similarly.John 5:19

John 10:42 But all things whatsoever that John said about this man were true.” And many believed in him.John 10:42

John 11:22 But even now, I know that whatever you will request from God, God will give to you.”John 11:22

John 14:13 And whatever you shall ask the Father in my name, that I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.John 14:13

John 14:26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will suggest to you everything whatsoever that I have said to you.John 14:26

John 15:7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, then you may ask for whatever you will, and it shall be done for you.John 15:7

John 15:15 I will no longer call you servants, for the servant does not know what his Lord is doing. But I have called you friends, because everything whatsoever that I have heard from my Father, I have made known to you.John 15:15

John 15:16 You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you. And I have appointed you, so that you may go forth and bear fruit, and so that your fruit may last. Then whatever you have asked of the Father in my name, he shall give to you.John 15:16

John 16:13 But when the Spirit of truth has arrived, he will teach the whole truth to you. For he will not be speaking from himself. Instead, whatever he will hear, he will speak. And he will announce to you the things that are to come.John 16:13

John 16:15 All things whatsoever that the Father has are mine. For this reason, I said that he will receive from what is mine and that he will announce it to you.John 16:15

Number of the word / term Whatever in John: 12

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Acts

Acts 3:22 Indeed, Moses said: ‘For the Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet for you from your brothers, one like me; the same shall you listen to according to everything whatsoever that he shall speak to you.Acts 3:22

Acts 15:20 but instead that we write to them, that they should keep themselves from the defilement of idols, and from fornication, and from whatever has been suffocated, and from blood.Acts 15:20

Acts 28:10 And then they also presented us with many honors. And when we were ready to set sail, they gave us whatever we needed.Acts 28:10

Number of the word / term Whatever in Acts: 3

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Romans

Romans 3:19 But we know that whatever the law speaks, it speaks to those who are in the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the entire world may be subject to God.Romans 3:19

Romans 4:21 knowing most fully that whatever God has promised, he is also able to accomplish.Romans 4:21

Romans 13:7 Therefore, render to all whatever is owed. Taxes, to whom taxes is due; revenue, to whom revenue is due; fear, to whom fear is due; honor, to whom honor is due.Romans 13:7

Romans 15:4 For whatever was written, was written to teach us, so that, through patience and the consolation of the Scriptures, we might have hope.Romans 15:4

Romans 16:2 so that you may receive her in the Lord with the worthiness of the saints, and so that you may be of assistance to her in whatever task she will have need of you. For she herself has also assisted many, and myself also.Romans 16:2

Number of the word / term Whatever in Romans: 5

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from fornication. Every sin whatsoever that a man commits is outside of the body, but whoever fornicates, sins against his own body.1 Corinthians 6:18

1 Corinthians 7:24 Brothers, let each one, in whatever state he was called, remain in that state with God.1 Corinthians 7:24

1 Corinthians 7:35 Furthermore, I am saying this for your own benefit, not in order to cast a snare over you, but toward whatever is honest and whatever may provide you with the ability to be without hindrance, so as to worship the Lord.1 Corinthians 7:35

1 Corinthians 10:27 If you are invited by any unbelievers, and you are willing to go, you may eat whatever is set before you, without asking questions for the sake of conscience.1 Corinthians 10:27

1 Corinthians 10:31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever else you may do, do everything for the glory of God.1 Corinthians 10:31

Number of the word / term Whatever in 1 Corinthians: 5

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 1:20 For whatever promises are of God are, in him, Yes. For this reason, too, through him: Amen to God for our glory.2 Corinthians 1:20

2 Corinthians 9:12 For the ministration of this office not only supplies whatever the saints need, but also abounds through many thanksgivings in the Lord.2 Corinthians 9:12

2 Corinthians 10:11 Let someone like this realize that whatever we are in word through epistles, while absent: we are much the same in deed, while present.2 Corinthians 10:11

2 Corinthians 11:9 And when I was with you and in need, I was burdensome to no one. For the brothers who came from Macedonia supplied whatever was lacking to me. And in all things, I have kept myself, and I will keep myself, from being burdensome to you.2 Corinthians 11:9

Number of the word / term Whatever in 2 Corinthians: 4

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 5:17 For the flesh desires against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh. And since these are against one another, you may not do whatever you want.Galatians 5:17

Galatians 6:8 For whatever a man will have sown, that also shall he reap. For whoever sows in his flesh, from the flesh he shall also reap corruption. But whoever sows in the Spirit, from the Spirit he shall reap eternal life.Galatians 6:8

Number of the word / term Whatever in Galatians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Ephesians

Ephesians 6:8 For you know that whatever good each one will do, the same will he receive from the Lord, whether he is servant or free.Ephesians 6:8

Number of the word / term Whatever in Ephesians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Philippians

Philippians 3:16 Yet truly, whatever point we reach, let us be of the same mind, and let us remain in the same rule.Philippians 3:16

Philippians 4:8 Concerning the rest, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is chaste, whatever is just, whatever is holy, whatever is worthy to be loved, whatever is of good repute, if there is any virtue, if there is any praiseworthy discipline: meditate on these.Philippians 4:8

Philippians 4:11 I am not saying this as if out of need. For I have learned that, in whatever state I am, it is sufficient.Philippians 4:11

Number of the word / term Whatever in Philippians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Colossians

Colossians 3:17 Let everything whatsoever that you do, whether in word or in deed, be done all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God the Father through him.Colossians 3:17

Number of the word / term Whatever in Colossians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 5:15 See to it that no one repays evil for evil to anyone. Instead, always pursue whatever is good, with one another and with all.1 Thessalonians 5:15

1 Thessalonians 5:21 But test all things. Hold on to whatever is good.1 Thessalonians 5:21

Number of the word / term Whatever in 1 Thessalonians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 1:10 for fornicators, for males who sleep with males, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine,1 Timothy 1:10

Number of the word / term Whatever in 1 Timothy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 6:8 But whatever brings forth thorns and briers is rejected, and is closest to what is accursed; their consummation is in combustion.Hebrews 6:8

Hebrews 13:21 equip you with all goodness, so that you may do his will. May he accomplish in you whatever is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom is glory forever and ever. Amen.Hebrews 13:21

Number of the word / term Whatever in Hebrews: 2

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 1 Peter

1 Peter 3:16 But do so with meekness and fear, having a good conscience, so that, in whatever matter they may slander you, they shall be confounded, since they falsely accuse your good behavior in Christ.1 Peter 3:16

Number of the word / term Whatever in 1 Peter: 1

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 2 Peter

2 Peter 2:12 Yet truly, these others, like irrational beasts, naturally fall into traps and into ruin by blaspheming whatever they do not understand, and so they shall perish in their corruption,2 Peter 2:12

2 Peter 2:19 promising them freedoms, while they themselves are the servants of corruption. For by whatever a man is overcome, of this also is he the servant.2 Peter 2:19

Number of the word / term Whatever in 2 Peter: 2

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 1 John

1 John 3:22 and whatever we shall request of him, we shall receive from him. For we keep his commandments, and we do the things that are pleasing in his sight.1 John 3:22

Number of the word / term Whatever in 1 John: 1

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book 3 John

3 John 1:2 Most beloved, concerning everything, I make it my prayer that you may benefit by advancing and succeeding in whatever may be to the benefit of your soul.3 John 1:2

3 John 1:5 Most beloved, you should act faithfully in whatever you do for the brothers, and those who are sojourners;3 John 1:5

Number of the word / term Whatever in 3 John: 2

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Jude

Jude 1:10 But these men certainly blaspheme against whatever they do not understand. And yet, whatever they, like mute animals, know from nature, in these things they are corrupted.Jude 1:10

Number of the word / term Whatever in Jude: 1

Bible passages with ‘Whatever’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 1:2 he has offered testimony to the Word of God, and whatever he saw is the testimony of Jesus Christ.Revelation 1:2

Revelation 17:17 For God has granted to their hearts that they may do to her whatever is pleasing, so that they may give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God may be completed.Revelation 17:17

Number of the word / term ‘Whatever’ in Revelation: 2

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 284

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