Our Little Concordance

‘Void’ in the Bible – All 13 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Void’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Void’ occurs 13 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Void’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 17:14 The male, the flesh of whose foreskin will not be circumcised, that soul shall be eliminated from his people. For he has made my covenant void.”Genesis 17:14

Number of the word / term Void in Genesis: 1

Bible passages with ‘Void’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 6:12 And he shall consecrate to the Lord the days of his separation, offering a one-year-old lamb for sin, yet in such a manner that the former days will be made null and void, because his sanctification was polluted.Numbers 6:12

Numbers 30:2 If any man makes a vow to the Lord, or binds himself by an oath, he shall not make his word null and void, but all that he has promised, he shall fulfill.Numbers 30:2

Numbers 30:8 But if, as soon as he hears it, he contradicts it, then he will have caused her promises, and the words by which she had bound her soul, to be null and void. The Lord will be favorable to her.Numbers 30:8

Number of the word / term Void in Numbers: 3

Bible passages with ‘Void’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 31:16 And the Lord said to Moses: “Behold, you shall sleep with your fathers, and this people will rise up and will fornicate after foreign gods, in the land which they will enter so that they may live in it. In that place, they will forsake me, and they will make void the covenant that I have formed with them.Deuteronomy 31:16

Number of the word / term Void in Deuteronomy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Void’ in the book Judges

Judges 2:20 And the fury of the Lord was enraged against Israel, and he said: “For this people has made void my covenant, which I had formed with their fathers, and they have despised listening to my voice.Judges 2:20

Number of the word / term Void in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Void’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 9:14 so that we would not turn away and make your commandments void, and so that we would not unite in marriage with the peoples of these abominations. Could you be angry with us even to the very end, so that you would not to leave us a remnant to be saved?Ezra 9:14

Number of the word / term Void in Ezra: 1

Bible passages with ‘Void’ in the book Job

Job 40:8 Will you make my judgment null and void; and will you condemn me so that you may be justified?Job 40:8

Number of the word / term Void in Job: 1

Bible passages with ‘Void’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 89:34 And I will not profane my covenant, and I will not make void that which proceeds from my lips.Psalm 89:34

Number of the word / term Void in Psalm: 1

Bible passages with ‘Void’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 11:10 They have returned to the former iniquities of their fathers, who refused to listen to my words. And likewise, they have gone after strange gods, so that they may serve them. The house of Israel and the house of Judah have treated as void my covenant, which I made with their fathers.Jeremiah 11:10

Jeremiah 14:21 For the sake of your name, do not give us over into disgrace. And do not dishonor in us the throne of your glory. Remember, do not make void, your covenant with us.Jeremiah 14:21

Number of the word / term Void in Jeremiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Void’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 16:59 For thus says the Lord God: “I will act toward you, just as you have despised the oath, so that you would make void the covenant.Ezekiel 16:59

Ezekiel 17:16 As I live, says the Lord God, in the place of the king, who appointed him as king, whose oath he has made void, and whose pact he has broken, under which he was living with him, in the midst of Babylon, he shall die.Ezekiel 17:16

Number of the word / term ‘Void’ in Ezekiel: 2

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 13

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