Our Little Concordance

‘Vessel’ in the Bible – All 178 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Vessel’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Vessel’ occurs 178 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 24:53 And bringing forth vessels of silver and gold, as well as garments, he gave them to Rebekah as a tribute. Likewise, he offered gifts to her brothers and her mother.Genesis 24:53

Genesis 43:11 Therefore, their father Israel said to them: “If it is necessary to do so, then do what you will. Take, in your vessels, from the best fruits of the land, and carry down gifts to the man: a little resin, and honey, and storax ointment, oil of myrrh, turpentine, and almonds.Genesis 43:11

Genesis 49:5 The brothers Simeon and Levi: vessels of iniquity waging war.Genesis 49:5

Number of the word / term Vessel in Genesis: 3

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 3:22 But every woman shall ask of her neighbor and of her hostess vessels of silver and of gold, as well as garments. And you shall set them upon your sons and daughters, and you shall despoil Egypt.”Exodus 3:22

Exodus 7:19 The Lord also said to Moses: “Say to Aaron: ‘Take your staff; and extend your hand over the waters of Egypt, and over their rivers and streams and marshes and all the pools of waters, so that they may be turned into blood. And let there be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, as much in vessels of wood as in those of stone.’ ”Exodus 7:19

Exodus 11:2 Therefore, you will tell all the people to ask, a man of his friend, and a woman of her neighbor, for vessels of silver and of gold.Exodus 11:2

Exodus 12:35 And the sons of Israel did just as Moses had instructed. And they petitioned the Egyptians for vessels of silver and of gold, and very many garments.Exodus 12:35

Exodus 16:33 And Moses said to Aaron, “Take one vessel, and put manna into it, as much as an omer is able to hold. And store it in the sight of the Lord, to keep for your generations,Exodus 16:33

Exodus 25:9 According to exact likeness of the tabernacle, and all of the vessels for its rituals, that I will reveal to you, so shall you make it.Exodus 25:9

Exodus 27:3 And you shall make, for its uses, pans to receive the ashes, and tongs as well as small hooks, and receptacles for fire. You shall fabricate all of its vessels from brass,Exodus 27:3

Exodus 27:19 All the vessels of the tabernacle, for all uses and ceremonies, even to the tent pegs for its atrium, you shall make of brass.Exodus 27:19

Exodus 30:27 and the table with its vessels, and the lampstand and it utensils, the altars of incenseExodus 30:27

Exodus 31:7 the tabernacle of the covenant, and the ark of the testimony, and the propitiatory which is over it, and all the vessels of the tabernacle,Exodus 31:7

Exodus 31:8 and the table and its vessels, the most pure lampstand with its vessels, and the altars of incenseExodus 31:8

Exodus 31:9 and of holocaust and all their vessels, the washtub with its base,Exodus 31:9

Exodus 35:13 the table with its bars and vessels, and the bread of the presence,Exodus 35:13

Exodus 35:14 the lampstand to hold up the lights, its vessels and lamps, and the oil to the nourish the fire,Exodus 35:14

Exodus 35:16 the altar of holocaust and its grate of brass, with the bars and vessels, the washtub and its base,Exodus 35:16

Exodus 35:22 men along with women provided: arm bands and earrings, rings and bracelets. And every vessel of gold was separated, to be donated to the Lord.Exodus 35:22

Exodus 37:16 And he made vessels for the diverse uses of the table, as well as the little cups, and bowls, and measuring cups, and the censers, from pure gold, in which the libations would be offered.Exodus 37:16

Exodus 37:23 He also made the seven lamps with their candle snuffers, and the vessels where the candles would be extinguished, from the finest gold.Exodus 37:23

Exodus 37:24 The lampstand with all its vessels weighed a talent of gold.Exodus 37:24

Exodus 38:3 And for its uses, he prepared diverse vessels out of brass: kettles, forceps, little hooks, larger hooks, and receptacles for the fire.Exodus 38:3

Exodus 38:30 from which were cast the bases at the entrance of the tabernacle of the testimony, and the altar of brass with its grating, and the vessels which pertain to its use,Exodus 38:30

Exodus 39:35 the table, with its vessels and the bread of the presence,Exodus 39:35

Exodus 39:39 the altar of brass, the grating, the bars, and all of its vessels, the washtub with its base, the hangings of the atrium, and the columns with their bases,Exodus 39:39

Exodus 40:10 The altar of holocaust and all its vessels,Exodus 40:10

Number of the word / term Vessel in Exodus: 24

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 6:28 Then the earthen vessel, in which it was soaked, shall be broken. But if the vessel will be of brass, it shall be scoured and washed with water.Leviticus 6:28

Leviticus 8:11 And when he had sprinkled the altar seven times to sanctify it, he anointed it and all its vessels. And the washtub with its base he sanctified with the oil.Leviticus 8:11

Leviticus 11:32 And anything upon which something from their carcasses will have fallen shall be defiled, whether it is a vessel of wood, or a garment, or skins, or haircloths, or anything by which work is done. These shall be dipped in water and shall be defiled until evening, but then afterwards these shall be clean.Leviticus 11:32

Leviticus 11:33 But an earthen vessel, into which something from these will fall, shall be defiled; and therefore it is to be broken.Leviticus 11:33

Leviticus 11:34 Any of the foods that you eat, if water from such a vessel will have been poured upon it, it shall be unclean. And every liquid which one may drink from such a vessel shall be unclean.Leviticus 11:34

Leviticus 14:5 And he shall order that one of the sparrows be immolated in an earthen vessel over living waters.Leviticus 14:5

Leviticus 14:50 and, having immolated one sparrow in an earthen vessel over living waters,Leviticus 14:50

Leviticus 15:12 If he has touched an earthen vessel, it shall be broken. But if it is a wooden vessel, it shall be washed with water.Leviticus 15:12

Number of the word / term Vessel in Leviticus: 8

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 1:50 But appoint them over the tabernacle of the testimony, and all its vessels, and whatever pertains to the ceremonies. They shall carry the tabernacle and all its articles. And they shall be for the ministry, and they shall encamp all around the tabernacle.Numbers 1:50

Numbers 3:8 and let them take care of the vessels of the tabernacle, serving in its ministry.Numbers 3:8

Numbers 3:31 And they shall take care of the ark, and the table and the lampstand, the altars and the vessels of the Sanctuary, by which they minister, and the veil, and all the articles of this kind.Numbers 3:31

Numbers 4:9 They shall take also a cloth of hyacinth, with which they shall cover the lampstand with the lamps, and its tongs, and the candle snuffers, and all the vessels of oil, which are necessary for the preparation of the lamps.Numbers 4:9

Numbers 4:12 All the vessels with which they minister in the Sanctuary they shall wrap in a cloth of hyacinth, and they shall extend over it a covering of violet skins, and they shall draw in the bars.Numbers 4:12

Numbers 4:14 and they shall place it with all the vessels which they use in its ministry, that is, receptacles for fire, small hooks as well as forks, larger hooks and shovels. They shall cover all the vessels of the altar together with a veil of violet skins, and they shall draw in the bars.Numbers 4:14

Numbers 4:15 And when Aaron and his sons have wrapped the Sanctuary and its vessels at the dismantling of the camp, then the sons of Kohath shall enter, so as to carry what has been wrapped. And they shall not touch the vessels of the Sanctuary, lest they die. These are the burdens of the sons of Kohath concerning the tabernacle of the covenant.Numbers 4:15

Numbers 4:16 Over them shall be Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, to whom belongs the care of the oil to prepare the lamps, and the incense compound, and the sacrifice, which is offered continually, and the oil of unction, and whatever pertains to the service of the tabernacle, and all the vessels that are in the Sanctuary.”Numbers 4:16

Numbers 4:26 the curtains of the atrium, and the veil at the entrance, which is before tabernacle. Everything that pertains to the altar, the cords, and the vessels of the ministryNumbers 4:26

Numbers 4:32 also the columns surrounding the atrium, with their bases and tent pegs and cords. They shall accept by number all the vessels and articles, and so shall they carry them.Numbers 4:32

Numbers 5:17 And he shall take up holy water in an earthen vessel, and he shall cast a little earth from the pavement of the tabernacle into it.Numbers 5:17

Numbers 7:1 Now it happened in the day when Moses completed the tabernacle, and he set it up, and he anointed and sanctified it with all of its vessels, and similarly the altar and all of its vessels,Numbers 7:1

Numbers 7:85 such that each dish had one hundred thirty shekels of silver, and each bowl had seventy shekels, that is, putting all of the vessels from silver together, two thousand four hundred shekels, by the weight of the Sanctuary,Numbers 7:85

Numbers 18:3 And the Levites shall stand watch by your precepts, and for all the works of the tabernacle; yet in such a manner that they shall not approach the vessels of the Sanctuary and of the altar, lest both they die, and you perish, at the same time.Numbers 18:3

Numbers 19:14 This is the law of a man who dies in a tent. All who enter into his tent, and all the vessels which are there, shall be polluted for seven days.Numbers 19:14

Numbers 19:15 The vessel that has no cover or binding over it shall be unclean.Numbers 19:15

Numbers 19:17 And they shall take some of the ashes from the burning and the sin offering, and they shall pour living waters over them into a vessel.Numbers 19:17

Numbers 31:6 And Moses sent them with Phinehas, the son of Eleazar the priest; also, he delivered to him the holy vessels, and the trumpets to sound.Numbers 31:6

Numbers 31:20 And all of the spoils, whether it is a garment, or a vessel, or another useful thing, made from the pelts or hair of goats, or from wood, shall be expiated.”Numbers 31:20

Number of the word / term Vessel in Numbers: 19

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 6:19 But whatever gold and silver there will be, and vessels of brass or of iron, let these be consecrated to the Lord and be stored in his treasuries.”Joshua 6:19

Joshua 6:24 Then they set fire to the city and all the things that were within it, except the gold and silver, and the vessels of brass or of iron, which they consecrated into the treasury of the Lord.Joshua 6:24

Number of the word / term Vessel in Joshua: 2

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Judges

Judges 6:38 And so it was done. And rising in the night, wringing out the fleece, he filled a vessel with the dew.Judges 6:38

Number of the word / term Vessel in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Ruth

Ruth 2:9 and follow where they reap. For I given orders to my young men, so that no one is to harass you. And so, whenever you are thirsty, go to the vessels, and drink from the waters that the young men also drink.”Ruth 2:9

Number of the word / term Vessel in Ruth: 1

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 2:14 and put it into the vessel, or into the cauldron, or into the cooking pot, or into the pan, and all that the hook lifted up, the priest took for himself. So they did to all of Israel who arrived at Shiloh.1 Samuel 2:14

1 Samuel 21:5 And David responded to the priest, and said to him: “Indeed, as concerns being with women, we have abstained since yesterday and the day before, when we departed, and so the vessels of the young men have been holy. And although, this journey has been defiled, it will also be sanctified today as concerns the vessels.”1 Samuel 21:5

1 Samuel 25:18 And so Abigail hurried, and she took two hundred loaves, and two vessels of wine, and five cooked sheep, and five measures of cooked grain, and one hundred clusters of dried grapes, and two hundred masses of dried figs, and she set them upon donkeys.1 Samuel 25:18

Number of the word / term Vessel in 1 Samuel: 3

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 8:10 And so, Toi sent his son Joram to king David, so that he might greet him with congratulations, and give thanks, because he had fought against Hadadezer and had struck him down. For indeed, Toi was the enemy of Hadadezer. And in his hand were vessels of gold, and vessels of silver, and vessels of brass.2 Samuel 8:10

2 Samuel 17:28 brought to him bedding, and tapestries, and earthen vessels, and wheat, and barley, and meal, and cooked grain, and beans, and lentils, and fried chick peas,2 Samuel 17:28

Number of the word / term Vessel in 2 Samuel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 7:51 And Solomon perfected all the work that he was doing in the house of the Lord. And he brought in the things that his father David had sanctified: the silver, and the gold, and the vessels. And he stored these in the treasuries of the house of the Lord.1 Kings 7:51

1 Kings 8:4 And they carried the ark of the Lord, and the tabernacle of the covenant, and all the vessels of the Sanctuary, which were in the tabernacle; and the priests and the Levites carried these.1 Kings 8:4

1 Kings 10:21 Moreover, all the vessels from which king Solomon would drink were of gold. And all the items in the house of the forest of Lebanon were of the purest gold. There was no silver, nor was any accounting made of silver in the days of Solomon.1 Kings 10:21

1 Kings 10:25 And each one brought him gifts, vessels of silver and of gold, clothing and weapons of war, as well as aromatics, and horses, and mules, throughout each year.1 Kings 10:25

1 Kings 15:15 And he brought the things that his father had sanctified and vowed back to the house of the Lord: the silver, and the gold, and the vessels.1 Kings 15:15

1 Kings 17:10 He rose up and went away to Zarephath. And when he had arrived at the gate of the city, he saw the widowed woman collecting wood, and he called to her. And he said to her, “Give me a little water in a vessel, so that I may drink.”1 Kings 17:10

Number of the word / term Vessel in 1 Kings: 6

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 2:20 And so he said, “Bring a new vessel to me, and place salt in it.” And when they had brought it,2 Kings 2:20

2 Kings 4:3 And he said to her: “Go, ask to borrow from all your neighbors empty vessels, more than a few.2 Kings 4:3

2 Kings 4:4 And enter and close your door. And when you are inside with your sons, pour from the oil into all those vessels. And when they are full, take them away.”2 Kings 4:4

2 Kings 4:5 And so, the woman went and closed the door upon herself and her sons. They were bringing her the vessels, and she was pouring into them.2 Kings 4:5

2 Kings 4:6 And when the vessels had been filled, she said to her son, “Bring me another a vessel.” And he responded, “I have none.” And there was oil remaining.2 Kings 4:6

2 Kings 7:15 And they went away after them, as far as the Jordan. But behold, the entire way was filled with clothing and vessels, which the Syrians had thrown aside when they were disturbed. And the messengers returned and told the king.2 Kings 7:15

2 Kings 12:13 Yet truly, from the same money, they did not make for the temple of the Lord water pitchers, or small hooks, or censers, or trumpets, or any vessel of gold or silver, from the money that was brought into the temple of the Lord.2 Kings 12:13

2 Kings 14:14 And he took away all the gold and silver, and all the vessels, which were found in the house of the Lord and in the treasuries of the king, and he returned to Samaria with hostages.2 Kings 14:14

2 Kings 20:13 Now Hezekiah rejoiced at their arrival, and so he revealed to them the house of aromatic spices, and the gold and silver, and the various pigments and ointments, and the house of his vessels, and all that he was able to have in his treasuries. There was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominions, that Hezekiah did not show to them.2 Kings 20:13

2 Kings 23:4 And the king instructed Hilkiah, the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the doorkeepers, so that they would cast out of the temple of the Lord all the vessels which had been made for Baal, and for the sacred grove, and for the entire army of heaven. And he burned them outside of Jerusalem, in the steep valley of Kidron. And he carried their dust into Bethel.2 Kings 23:4

2 Kings 24:13 And he took from there all the treasures of the house of the Lord, and the treasures of the house of the king. And he cut up all the gold vessels which Solomon, the king of Israel, had made for the temple of the Lord, in accord with the word of the Lord.2 Kings 24:13

Number of the word / term Vessel in 2 Kings: 11

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 9:28 Some from their kindred were also over the vessels of the ministry. For the vessels were both carried in and carried out according to number.1 Chronicles 9:28

1 Chronicles 18:8 In addition, from Tibhath and Cun, cities of Hadadezer, he brought very much brass, from which Solomon made the sea of brass, and the pillars, and the vessels of brass.1 Chronicles 18:8

1 Chronicles 18:11 Moreover, all the vessels of gold and silver and brass king David consecrated to the Lord, with the silver and gold that he had taken from all the nations, as much from Idumea, and Moab, and the sons of Ammon, as from the Philistines and Amalek.1 Chronicles 18:11

1 Chronicles 22:19 Therefore, offer your hearts and your souls, so that you seek the Lord your God. And rise up and build a sanctuary to the Lord God, so that the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and the vessels consecrated to the Lord, may be brought into the house that is built to the name of the Lord.”1 Chronicles 22:19

1 Chronicles 26:20 Now Ahijah was over the treasuries of the house of God, and the holy vessels.1 Chronicles 26:20

1 Chronicles 28:14 There was gold by weight for every vessel of the ministry, and also silver by weight for the diversity of vessels and equipment.1 Chronicles 28:14

Number of the word / term Vessel in 1 Chronicles: 6

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 4:16 and cooking pots and hooks and bowls. Hiram, his father, made all the vessels for Solomon, in the house of the Lord, from the purest brass.2 Chronicles 4:16

2 Chronicles 4:18 Now the multitude of the vessels was innumerable, so much so that the weight of the brass was unknown.2 Chronicles 4:18

2 Chronicles 4:19 And Solomon made all the vessels for the house of God, and the gold altar, and the tables upon which were the bread of the presence;2 Chronicles 4:19

2 Chronicles 4:22 Also, the vessels for the perfumes, and the censers, and the bowls, and the little mortars were from the purest gold. And he engraved the doors of the inner temple, that is, for the Holy of Holies. And the doors of the outer temple were of gold. And so, every work was completed that Solomon made in the house of the Lord.2 Chronicles 4:22

2 Chronicles 5:1 Then Solomon brought in all the things that David his father had vowed, the silver, and the gold, and all the vessels, which he placed in the treasuries of the house of God.2 Chronicles 5:1

2 Chronicles 5:5 and they brought it in, along with all the equipment of the tabernacle. Then too, the priests with the Levites carried the vessels of the sanctuary, which were in the tabernacle.2 Chronicles 5:5

2 Chronicles 9:20 Also, all the vessels for the feasts of the king were of gold, and the vessels of the forest house of Lebanon were from the purest gold. For silver in those days was considered as nothing.2 Chronicles 9:20

2 Chronicles 9:24 And they were bringing to him gifts, vessels of silver and of gold, and garments, and armor, and aromatics, and horses, and mules, throughout each year.2 Chronicles 9:24

2 Chronicles 15:18 And whatever his father or he himself had vowed, he brought into the house of the Lord: silver and gold, and vessels for various uses.2 Chronicles 15:18

2 Chronicles 20:25 Therefore, Jehoshaphat went, and all the people with him, in order to take away the spoils of the dead. And they found, among the dead bodies, diverse equipment, and also garments, and very precious vessels. And they despoiled these, to such an extent that they were unable to carry everything. Neither could they, over three days, take away the spoils because of the magnitude of the plunder.2 Chronicles 20:25

2 Chronicles 24:14 And when they had completed all the works, they brought the remaining part of the money before the king and Jehoiada. And from it, the vessels of the temple were made, for the ministry and for the holocausts, including bowls and other vessels of gold and silver. And holocausts were being offered in the house of the Lord continually, during all the days of Jehoiada.2 Chronicles 24:14

2 Chronicles 25:24 Also, he brought back to Samaria all the gold and silver, and all the vessels, which he had found in the house of God, and with Obededom in the treasuries of the king’s house, as well as sons for hostages.2 Chronicles 25:24

2 Chronicles 28:24 And so, Ahaz, having despoiled and broken apart all the vessels of the house of God, closed up the doors of the temple of God, and made for himself altars in all the corners of Jerusalem.2 Chronicles 28:24

2 Chronicles 29:18 Also, they entered to king Hezekiah, and they said to him: “We have sanctified the entire house of the Lord, and the altar of holocaust, and its vessels, indeed also the table of the presence, with all its vessels,2 Chronicles 29:18

2 Chronicles 32:27 Now Hezekiah was wealthy and very famous. And he gathered for himself many treasures of silver and gold and precious stones, of aromatics, and all kinds of weapons, and vessels of great price,2 Chronicles 32:27

2 Chronicles 36:7 And to there, he also took away the vessels of the Lord, and he placed them in his temple.2 Chronicles 36:7

2 Chronicles 36:10 And when the course of a year had turned, king Nebuchadnezzar sent and brought him to Babylon, carrying away, at the same time, the most precious vessels of the house of the Lord. Truly, he appointed his uncle, Zedekiah, as king over Judah and Jerusalem.2 Chronicles 36:10

2 Chronicles 36:18 And all the vessels of the house of Lord, as much the greater as the lesser, and the treasures of the temple, and of the king and the rulers, he carried away to Babylon.2 Chronicles 36:18

Number of the word / term Vessel in 2 Chronicles: 18

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 1:6 And all those who were all around assisted their hands with vessels of silver and gold, with goods and cattle, with equipment, in addition to whatever they had offered freely.Ezra 1:6

Ezra 1:7 Likewise, king Cyrus offered the vessels of the temple of the Lord, which Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Jerusalem and had placed in the temple of his god.Ezra 1:7

Ezra 1:10 four hundred ten of a second kind of silver cup, one thousand other vessels.Ezra 1:10

Ezra 1:11 All the vessels of gold and silver were five thousand four hundred. Sheshbazzar brought all these, with those who ascended from the transmigration of Babylon, into Jerusalem.Ezra 1:11

Ezra 5:14 And now the vessels of gold and silver from the temple of God, which Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple that was in Jerusalem, and which he had carried away to the temple of Babylon, king Cyrus brought out of the temple of Babylon, and they were given to one called Sheshbazzar, whom he also appointed as governor.Ezra 5:14

Ezra 5:15 And he said to him: “Take these vessels, and go, and set them in the temple that is in Jerusalem. And let the house of God be built in its place.”Ezra 5:15

Ezra 6:5 But also, let the gold and silver vessels of the temple of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took from the temple of Jerusalem, and which he carried away to Babylon, be restored and be carried back to the temple of Jerusalem, to their place, just as they had been placed in the temple of God.Ezra 6:5

Ezra 7:19 Likewise, the vessels that have been given to you for the ministry of the house of your God, deliver these to the sight of God in Jerusalem.Ezra 7:19

Ezra 8:25 And I weighed out to them the silver and the gold, and the vessels consecrated to the house of our God, which had been offered by the king, and by his counselors and his leaders, and by all those of Israel who had been found.Ezra 8:25

Ezra 8:26 And I weighed out to their hands six hundred fifty talents of silver, and one hundred vessels of silver, and one hundred talents of gold,Ezra 8:26

Ezra 8:27 and twenty gold bowls which had the weight of one thousand coins, and two vessels of the finest shining brass, as beautiful as gold.Ezra 8:27

Ezra 8:28 And I said to them: “You are the holy ones of the Lord, and the vessels are holy, with the silver and the gold, which has been offered freely to the Lord, the God of our fathers.Ezra 8:28

Ezra 8:30 Then the priests and the Levites received the weight of the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, so that they might carry these to Jerusalem, into the house of our God.Ezra 8:30

Ezra 8:33 Then, on the fourth day, the silver and the gold and the vessels were weighed out in the house of our God, by the hand of Meremoth, the son of Uriah, the priest; and with him was Eleazar, the son of Phinehas, and with them were the Levites, Jozabad, the son of Jeshua, and Noadiah, the son of Binnui.Ezra 8:33

Number of the word / term Vessel in Ezra: 14

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 10:39 For the sons of Israel and the sons of Levi shall carry to the storehouse the first-fruits of the grain, of the wine, and of the oil. And the sanctified vessels shall be there, and the priests, and the singing men, and the gatekeepers, and the ministers. And we shall not forsake the house of our God.Nehemiah 10:39

Nehemiah 13:5 Then he made for himself a large storeroom, and in that place, there was laid before him gifts, and frankincense, and vessels, and the tithes of grain, wine, and oil, the portions of the Levites, and of the singing men, and of the gatekeepers, and the first-fruits of the priests.Nehemiah 13:5

Nehemiah 13:8 And it seemed to me very evil. And I cast the vessels of the house of Tobiah outside of the storeroom.Nehemiah 13:8

Nehemiah 13:9 And I gave instructions, and they cleansed again the storeroom. And I brought back, into that place, the vessels of the house of God, the sacrifice, and the frankincense.Nehemiah 13:9

Number of the word / term Vessel in Nehemiah: 4

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Job

Job 28:17 Neither gold nor crystal will be its equal; neither will vessels of gold be fitted for it.Job 28:17

Number of the word / term Vessel in Job: 1

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 2:9 You will rule them with an iron rod, and you will shatter them like a potter’s vessel.Psalm 2:9

Psalm 78:13 He broke the sea and he led them through. And he stationed the waters, as if in a vessel.Psalm 78:13

Number of the word / term Vessel in Psalm: 2

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 20:15 There is gold, and there are a multitude of jewels. But lips of knowledge are a precious vessel.Proverbs 20:15

Proverbs 25:4 Take away the tarnish from silver, and a most pure vessel will go forth.Proverbs 25:4

Proverbs 26:23 In the same manner as an earthen vessel, if it were adorned with impure silver, conceited lips are allied with a wicked heart.Proverbs 26:23

Number of the word / term Vessel in Proverbs: 3

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 10:28 He will approach Aiath; he will cross into Migron; he will entrust his vessels to Michmash.Isaiah 10:28

Isaiah 18:2 which sends ambassadors by sea and in vessels of papyrus above the waters. Go forth, O swift Angels, to a nation which has been convulsed and torn apart, to a terrible people, after whom there is no other, to a nation apprehensive and downtrodden, whose land the rivers have spoiled.Isaiah 18:2

Isaiah 22:24 And they will suspend over him all the glory of his father’s house: various kinds of vessels and every little article, from the vessels of bowls even to every instrument of music.Isaiah 22:24

Isaiah 30:14 And it will be crushed, just as the earthen vessel of a potter is destroyed by a sharp blow. And not even a fragment of its earthenware will be found, which might carry a little fire from the hearth, or which might draw a little water from a hollow.Isaiah 30:14

Isaiah 45:9 Woe to him who contradicts his Maker, a mere shard from an earthen vessel! Should the clay say to the potter, “What are you making?” or, “Your work is not made by your hands?”Isaiah 45:9

Isaiah 52:11 Depart, depart, get out of here! Do not be willing to touch what is polluted. Go out from her midst! Be cleansed, you who bear the vessels of the Lord.Isaiah 52:11

Isaiah 65:4 They live in sepulchers, and they sleep in the shrines of idols. They eat the flesh of swine, and a profane elixir is in their vessels.Isaiah 65:4

Isaiah 66:20 And they will lead all of your brothers from all of the Gentiles as a gift to the Lord, on horses, and in four-horse chariots, and on stretchers, and on mules, and in coaches, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, says the Lord, in the same manner that the sons of Israel would carry an offering in a pure vessel into the house of the Lord.Isaiah 66:20

Number of the word / term Vessel in Isaiah: 8

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 14:3 The greater ones have sent their lesser ones to the water. They went to draw water; they did not find water; they carried their vessels back empty. They were confounded and afflicted, and so they covered their heads.Jeremiah 14:3

Jeremiah 18:4 And the vessel, which he was making with his hands out of clay, broke. And turning away, he made another vessel, for it had been pleasing in his eyes to make it.Jeremiah 18:4

Jeremiah 19:11 And you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord of hosts: In the same way, I will crush this people and this city, just as the potter’s vessel was crushed and cannot be made whole again. And they will be buried at Topheth, because there will be no other place for burial.Jeremiah 19:11

Jeremiah 22:28 Is this man, Jeconiah, a broken earthenware vessel? Is he a vessel which is entirely unpleasing? Why have they been cast out, he and his offspring, cast out even into a land that they have not known?Jeremiah 22:28

Jeremiah 25:34 Wail, O shepherds, and cry out! And sprinkle yourselves with ashes, O nobles of the flock! For the days have been completed that lead to your slaughter and your destruction. And you will fall like precious vessels.Jeremiah 25:34

Jeremiah 27:16 I spoke also to the priests and to this people, saying: “Thus says the Lord: Do not choose to listen to the words of your prophets, who prophesy to you, saying: ‘Behold, the vessels of the Lord will now quickly be returned from Babylon.’ For they are prophesying to you a lie.Jeremiah 27:16

Jeremiah 27:18 But if they are prophets, and if the word of the Lord is in them, then let them intercede before the Lord of hosts, so that the vessels that were left behind in the house of the Lord, and in the house of the king of Judah, and in Jerusalem, may not go to Babylon.Jeremiah 27:18

Jeremiah 27:19 For thus says the Lord of hosts to the pillars, and to the sea of brass, and to the bases, and to the remainder of the vessels that have been left behind in this city,Jeremiah 27:19

Jeremiah 27:21 For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, to the vessels that were left behind in the house of the Lord and in the house of the king of Judah and Jerusalem:Jeremiah 27:21

Jeremiah 28:3 There are still two years of days, and then I will cause to be carried back to this place all the vessels of the house of the Lord that Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, took from this place and carried away to Babylon.Jeremiah 28:3

Jeremiah 28:6 And Jeremiah the prophet said: “Amen, may the Lord accomplish this; may the Lord act upon your words, which you have prophesied, so that the vessels may be carried back to the house of the Lord, and so that all those taken captive may return from Babylon to this place.Jeremiah 28:6

Jeremiah 32:14 Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: ‘Take these writings, this sealed deed of purchase, and this deed which is open, and place them in an earthen vessel, so that they will be preserved for many days.’Jeremiah 32:14

Jeremiah 40:10 Behold, I live at Mizpah, so that I may follow the instruction of the Chaldeans who are sent to us. But as for you, gather the vintage, and the harvest, and the oil, and store it up in your vessels, and dwell in your cities, which you hold.”Jeremiah 40:10

Jeremiah 48:11 Moab has been fertile from his youth, and he has rested amid his brood. And he has not been transferred from vessel to vessel, nor has he gone into the transmigration. Therefore, his taste has remained with him, and his scent has not changed.Jeremiah 48:11

Jeremiah 48:12 Because of this, behold, the days are approaching, says the Lord, when I will send to him those who will line up and knock down his bottles, and they will knock him down and empty his vessels, and they will break their bottles against one another.Jeremiah 48:12

Jeremiah 48:38 Over all the rooftops of Moab, and in its streets, everyone will mourn. For I have crushed Moab like a useless vessel, says the Lord.Jeremiah 48:38

Jeremiah 49:29 They will seize their tabernacles and their flocks. And they will take for themselves their tents, and all their vessels, and their camels. And they will call down a terror upon them on every side.Jeremiah 49:29

Jeremiah 51:34 “Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, has consumed me, has devoured me. He has made me like an empty vessel. He has swallowed me like a dragon. He has filled his belly with my tender ones, and he has cast me out.Jeremiah 51:34

Jeremiah 52:18 And they took the cooking pots, and the hooks, and the psalteries, and the bowls, and the little mortars, and all the bronze vessels that had been used in the ministry.Jeremiah 52:18

Jeremiah 52:20 as well as the two pillars, and the one brass sea, and the twelve oxen of brass that were under the bases, which king Solomon had made in the house of the Lord. There was no weight of brass left behind out of all these vessels.Jeremiah 52:20

Number of the word / term Vessel in Jeremiah: 20

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 4:2 BETH. The famous sons of Zion, and those clothed with the foremost gold: how they have become like earthen vessels, the work of the hands of a potter.Lamentations 4:2

Number of the word / term Vessel in Lamentations: 1

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 4:9 And you shall take for yourself wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and vetch. And you shall set them in one vessel, and you shall make for yourself bread by the number of days that you will sleep upon your side: three hundred and ninety days shall you shall eat from it.Ezekiel 4:9

Ezekiel 15:3 Can any wood be taken from it, so that it may be made into a work, or formed into a peg so as to hang some kind of vessel upon it?Ezekiel 15:3

Ezekiel 27:13 Greece, Tubal, and Meshech, these were your peddlers; they traveled to your people with slaves and with brass vessels.Ezekiel 27:13

Ezekiel 40:42 Now the four tables for the holocausts were constructed of square stones: one and a half cubit in length, and one and a half cubits in width, and one cubit in height. Upon these, they placed the vessels, in which the holocaust and the victim were immolated.Ezekiel 40:42

Number of the word / term Vessel in Ezekiel: 4

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 1:2 And the Lord delivered into his hand Jehoiakim the king of Judah and a portion of the vessels of the house of God. And he carried them away into the land of Shinar, to the house of his god, and he brought the vessels into the treasure chamber of his god.Daniel 1:2

Daniel 5:2 And so, when they were drunk, he instructed that the vessels of gold and silver should be brought, which Nebuchadnezzar, his father, had carried away from the temple, which was in Jerusalem, so that the king, and his nobles, and his wives, and the concubines, might drink from them.Daniel 5:2

Daniel 5:3 Then the gold and silver vessels were presented, which he had carried away from the temple and which had been in Jerusalem, and the king, and his nobles, wives, and concubines, drank from them.Daniel 5:3

Daniel 5:23 But you have lifted yourself up against the Lord of heaven. And the vessels of his house have been presented before you. And you, and your nobles, and your wives, and your concubines, have drunk wine from them. Likewise, you have praised the gods of silver, and gold, and brass, iron, and wood and stone, who neither see, nor hear, nor feel, yet you have not glorified the God who holds your breath and all your ways in his hand.Daniel 5:23

Daniel 11:8 And, in addition, he will carry away captive into Egypt their gods, and their graven images, and likewise their precious vessels of gold and silver. He will prevail against the king of the North.Daniel 11:8

Number of the word / term Vessel in Daniel: 5

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 8:8 Israel has been devoured. Now, among the nations, it has become like an unclean vessel.Hosea 8:8

Number of the word / term Vessel in Hosea: 1

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 14:20 In that day, that which is on the bridle of the horse will be holy to the Lord. And even the cooking pots in the house of the Lord will be like holy vessels before the altar.Zechariah 14:20

Number of the word / term Vessel in Zechariah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 13:48 When it has been filled, drawing it out and sitting beside the shore, they selected the good into vessels, but the bad they threw away.Matthew 13:48

Number of the word / term Vessel in Matthew: 1

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Romans

Romans 9:21 And does not the potter have the authority over the clay to make, from the same material, indeed, one vessel unto honor, yet truly another unto disgrace?Romans 9:21

Romans 9:22 What if God, wanting to reveal his wrath and to make his power known, endured, with much patience, vessels deserving wrath, fit to be destroyed,Romans 9:22

Romans 9:23 so that he might reveal the wealth of his glory, within these vessels of mercy, which he has prepared unto glory?Romans 9:23

Number of the word / term Vessel in Romans: 3

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we hold this treasure in earthen vessels, so that what is sublime may be of the power of God, and not of us.2 Corinthians 4:7

Number of the word / term Vessel in 2 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 4:4 that each one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor,1 Thessalonians 4:4

Number of the word / term Vessel in 1 Thessalonians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book 2 Timothy

2 Timothy 2:20 But, in a large house, there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also those of wood and of clay; and certainly some are held in honor, but others in dishonor.2 Timothy 2:20

2 Timothy 2:21 If anyone, then, will have cleansed himself from these things, he shall be a vessel held in honor, sanctified and useful to the Lord, prepared for every good work.2 Timothy 2:21

Number of the word / term Vessel in 2 Timothy: 2

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 9:21 And even the tabernacle, and all the vessels for the ministry, he similarly sprinkled with blood.Hebrews 9:21

Number of the word / term Vessel in Hebrews: 1

Bible passages with ‘Vessel’ in the book 1 Peter

1 Peter 3:7 Similarly, you husbands should live with them in accord with knowledge, bestowing honor on the female as the weaker vessel and as co-heirs of the life of grace, so that your prayers may not be hindered.1 Peter 3:7

Number of the word / term ‘Vessel’ in 1 Peter: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 178

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