Our Little Concordance

‘Uses’ in the Bible – All 14 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Uses’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Uses’ occurs 14 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Uses’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 27:3 And you shall make, for its uses, pans to receive the ashes, and tongs as well as small hooks, and receptacles for fire. You shall fabricate all of its vessels from brass,Exodus 27:3

Exodus 27:19 All the vessels of the tabernacle, for all uses and ceremonies, even to the tent pegs for its atrium, you shall make of brass.Exodus 27:19

Exodus 30:16 And the money received, which was collected from the sons of Israel, you shall deliver for the uses of the tabernacle of the testimony, so that it may be a memorial of them before the Lord, and he may act favorably toward their souls.”Exodus 30:16

Exodus 30:37 You shall not make such a compound for your own uses, because it is holy to the Lord.Exodus 30:37

Exodus 35:24 metal of silver and brass, they offered it to the Lord, along with setim wood for various uses.Exodus 35:24

Exodus 36:1 Therefore, Bezalel, and Oholiab, and every wise man, to whom the Lord gave wisdom and intelligence, so as to know how to work skillfully, made that which was necessary for the uses of the Sanctuary and which the Lord had instructed.Exodus 36:1

Exodus 37:16 And he made vessels for the diverse uses of the table, as well as the little cups, and bowls, and measuring cups, and the censers, from pure gold, in which the libations would be offered.Exodus 37:16

Exodus 38:3 And for its uses, he prepared diverse vessels out of brass: kettles, forceps, little hooks, larger hooks, and receptacles for the fire.Exodus 38:3

Number of the word / term Uses in Exodus: 8

Bible passages with ‘Uses’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 7:24 The fat of a carcass that has died on its own, or of an animal that has been seized by a wild beast, you shall have for various uses.Leviticus 7:24

Number of the word / term Uses in Leviticus: 1

Bible passages with ‘Uses’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 18:24 being content with the oblation of tithes, which I have separated for their uses and necessities.”Numbers 18:24

Number of the word / term Uses in Numbers: 1

Bible passages with ‘Uses’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 18:11 nor one who uses spells, nor one who consults demonic spirits, nor a diviner, nor one who seeks the truth from the dead.Deuteronomy 18:11

Deuteronomy 20:20 But if there are any trees which are not fruitful, but are wild, and if these are fit for other uses, then cut them down, and make machines, until you have captured the city that is contending against you.”Deuteronomy 20:20

Number of the word / term Uses in Deuteronomy: 2

Bible passages with ‘Uses’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 15:18 And whatever his father or he himself had vowed, he brought into the house of the Lord: silver and gold, and vessels for various uses.2 Chronicles 15:18

2 Chronicles 34:13 Truly, scribes and teachers, from among the Levites who were porters, were over those who were carrying burdens for various uses.2 Chronicles 34:13

Number of the word / term ‘Uses’ in 2 Chronicles: 2

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 14

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