Our Little Concordance

‘Twice’ in the Bible – All 33 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Twice’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Twice’ occurs 33 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 44:27 To which he responded: ‘You know that my wife conceived twice by me.Genesis 44:27

Number of the word / term Twice in Genesis: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 25:4 hyacinth and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine linen, the hair of goats,Exodus 25:4

Exodus 26:1 “Truly, thus shall you make the tabernacle: You shall make ten curtains of fine twisted linen, and hyacinth as well as purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, with diverse embroidery.Exodus 26:1

Exodus 26:31 You shall also make a veil of hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twisted linen, wrought with a diversity of continuous and beautiful embroidery.Exodus 26:31

Exodus 26:36 You shall also make a tent at the entrance of the tabernacle from hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twisted linen, wrought with embroidery.Exodus 26:36

Exodus 27:16 Yet truly, at the entrance of the atrium, there shall be made a hanging of twenty cubits, of hyacinth and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twisted linen, wrought with embroidery. It shall have four columns, with the same number of bases.Exodus 27:16

Exodus 28:5 And they shall receive gold, and hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine linen.Exodus 28:5

Exodus 28:6 Then they shall make the ephod of gold, and hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twisted linen, wrought with diverse colors.Exodus 28:6

Exodus 28:8 Likewise, the weaving and all the detail work shall be of gold, and hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twisted linen.Exodus 28:8

Exodus 28:15 Likewise, you shall make the breastplate of judgment, wrought with diverse colors according to weaving of the ephod: of gold, hyacinth and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twisted linen.Exodus 28:15

Exodus 28:33 Yet truly, beneath it, at the base of the same tunic, all around, you shall make something like pomegranates, from hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, with little bells set in their midst.Exodus 28:33

Exodus 35:6 hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine linen, the hair of goats,Exodus 35:6

Exodus 35:23 If anyone had hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, fine linen and the hair of goats, the skins of rams, dyed red, and violet skins,Exodus 35:23

Exodus 35:35 He has taught both of them wisdom, in order to do the work of carpentry, tapestry, and embroidery, from hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine linen, and every textile, and to discover whatever may be new.”Exodus 35:35

Exodus 36:8 And all those who were wise of heart, in order to accomplish the work of the tabernacle, made ten curtains of fine twisted linen, and hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, with diverse workmanship by the art of embroidery.Exodus 36:8

Exodus 39:2 And so he made an ephod of gold, hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twisted linen,Exodus 39:2

Exodus 39:8 He also made a breastplate, wrought with embroidery, according to the work of the ephod, from gold, hyacinth, purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twisted linen:Exodus 39:8

Exodus 39:28 Truly, they also made a wide band of fine twisted linen, hyacinth, purple, as well as vermillion, twice-dyed, with skillful embroidery, just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Exodus 39:28

Number of the word / term Twice in Exodus: 17

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 19:6 Likewise, cedar wood, and hyssop, and twice-dyed scarlet he shall cast into the flame, by which the cow is consumed.Numbers 19:6

Numbers 20:11 And when Moses had lifted up his hand, striking the stone twice with the rod, very great waters went forth, so much so that the people and their cattle were able to drink.Numbers 20:11

Number of the word / term Twice in Numbers: 2

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 18:11 And he threw it, thinking that he would be able to fix David to the wall. And David stepped aside twice, from before his face.1 Samuel 18:11

Number of the word / term Twice in 1 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 11:9 And so, the Lord became angry with Solomon, because his mind had been turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice,1 Kings 11:9

Number of the word / term Twice in 1 Kings: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 2:9 And when they had gone across, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what you wish that I may do for you, before I am taken from you.” And Elisha said, “I beg you, that twice your spirit may be accomplished in me.”2 Kings 2:9

2 Kings 6:10 And so the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God had told him, and he prevented it. And he preserved himself, concerning that place, not merely once or twice.2 Kings 6:10

Number of the word / term Twice in 2 Kings: 2

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book Job

Job 13:20 Do not do such things to me twice, and then I will not hide from your face.Job 13:20

Job 42:10 Likewise, the Lord was moved by the repentance of Job, when he prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave to Job twice as much as he had before.Job 42:10

Number of the word / term Twice in Job: 2

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 41:6 Now the side chambers were side by side, and twice thirty-three. And they projected outward, so that they might enter along the wall of the house, on the sides all around, in order to contain, but not touch, the wall of the temple.Ezekiel 41:6

Number of the word / term Twice in Ezekiel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 23:15 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! For you travel around by sea and by land, in order to make one convert. And when he has been converted, you make him twice the son of Hell that you are yourselves.Matthew 23:15

Number of the word / term Twice in Matthew: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book Mark

Mark 14:30 And Jesus said to him, “Amen I say to you, that this day, in this night, before the rooster has uttered its voice twice, you will deny me three times.”Mark 14:30

Mark 14:72 And immediately the rooster crowed again. And Peter remembered the word that Jesus had said to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” And he began to weep.Mark 14:72

Number of the word / term Twice in Mark: 2

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book Luke

Luke 18:12 I fast twice between Sabbaths. I give tithes from all that I possess.’Luke 18:12

Number of the word / term Twice in Luke: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 5:17 Let priests who lead well be held worthy of twice the honor, especially those who labor in the Word and in doctrine.1 Timothy 5:17

Number of the word / term Twice in 1 Timothy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twice’ in the book Jude

Jude 1:12 These ones are defiled within their banquets, enjoying themselves and feeding themselves without fear; waterless clouds, which are tossed about by winds; autumn trees, unfruitful, twice dead, uprooted;Jude 1:12

Number of the word / term ‘Twice’ in Jude: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 33

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