Our Little Concordance

‘Twelve’ in the Bible – All 159 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Twelve’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Twelve’ occurs 159 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 5:8 And all the days of Seth that passed were nine hundred and twelve years, and then he died.Genesis 5:8

Genesis 14:4 For they had served Chedorlaomer for twelve years, and in the thirteenth year they withdrew from him.Genesis 14:4

Genesis 17:20 Likewise, concerning Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I will bless and enlarge him, and I will multiply him greatly. He will produce twelve leaders, and I will make him into a great nation.Genesis 17:20

Genesis 25:16 These are the sons of Ishmael. And these are their names throughout their fortresses and towns: the twelve princes of their tribes.Genesis 25:16

Genesis 35:22 And when he was living in that region, Reuben went out, and he slept with Bilhah the concubine of his father, which was not such a small matter as to be hidden from him. Now the sons of Jacob were twelve.Genesis 35:22

Genesis 42:13 But they said: “We, your servants, are twelve brothers, the sons of one man in the land of Canaan. The youngest is with our father; the other is not living.”Genesis 42:13

Genesis 42:32 We are twelve brothers conceived of one father. One is not living; the youngest is with our father in the land of Canaan.’Genesis 42:32

Genesis 49:28 All these are the twelve tribes of Israel. These things their father spoke to them, and he blessed each one with their proper blessings.Genesis 49:28

Number of the word / term Twelve in Genesis: 8

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 15:27 Then the sons of Israel arrived in Elim, where there were twelve fountains of water and seventy palm trees. And they camped next to the waters.Exodus 15:27

Exodus 24:4 Then Moses wrote all the words of the Lord. And rising up in the morning, he built an altar at the base of the mountain, with twelve titles according to the twelve tribes of Israel.Exodus 24:4

Exodus 28:21 And these shall have the names of the sons of Israel. With twelve names shall they be engraved: each stone with one name from the twelve tribes.Exodus 28:21

Exodus 39:14 And these twelve stones were engraved with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, each one with a single name.Exodus 39:14

Number of the word / term Twelve in Exodus: 4

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 24:5 You shall also receive fine wheat flour, and you shall bake twelve loaves from it, each loaf of which shall have two-tenths.Leviticus 24:5

Number of the word / term Twelve in Leviticus: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 1:44 These are the ones who were numbered by Moses and Aaron and the twelve leaders of Israel, each one by the houses of their kinships.Numbers 1:44

Numbers 7:3 their gifts in the sight of the Lord: six covered wagons with twelve oxen. Two leaders offered one wagon, and each offered one ox, and they offered these in the sight of the tabernacle.Numbers 7:3

Numbers 7:84 These were the oblations from the leaders of Israel for the dedication of the altar on the day when it was consecrated: twelve dishes of silver, twelve bowls of silver, twelve little mortars of gold,Numbers 7:84

Numbers 7:86 and twelve little mortars of gold, filled with incense, weighing ten shekels by the weight of the Sanctuary, that is, all together one hundred twenty shekels of gold,Numbers 7:86

Numbers 7:87 and twelve oxen from the herd as a holocaust, twelve rams, twelve one-year-old lambs, with their libations, and twelve he-goats for sin;Numbers 7:87

Numbers 17:2 “Speak to the sons of Israel, and receive from each of them a rod by their kinships, from all the leaders of the tribes, twelve rods, and write the name of each one on his rod.Numbers 17:2

Numbers 17:6 And Moses spoke to the sons of Israel. And all the leaders gave him rods, one for each tribe. And there were twelve rods, aside from the rod of Aaron.Numbers 17:6

Numbers 29:17 On the next day, you shall offer twelve calves from the herd, two rams, and fourteen immaculate one-year-old lambs.Numbers 29:17

Numbers 31:5 And they gave one thousand from each tribe, that is, twelve thousand foot soldiers for battle.Numbers 31:5

Numbers 33:9 And setting out from Marah, they arrived at Elim, where there were twelve fountains of water and seventy palm trees. And they set up camp there.Numbers 33:9

Number of the word / term Twelve in Numbers: 10

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 1:23 And since the word was pleasing to me, I sent from among you twelve men, one from each tribe.Deuteronomy 1:23

Number of the word / term Twelve in Deuteronomy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 3:12 Prepare twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one from each tribe.Joshua 3:12

Joshua 4:2 “Choose twelve men, one from each tribe,Joshua 4:2

Joshua 4:3 and instruct them so that they may take from the midst of the channel of the Jordan, where the feet of the priests stood still, twelve very hard stones, which you shall station in the place of the camp, where you will pitch your tents this night.”Joshua 4:3

Joshua 4:4 And Joshua called twelve men, whom he had chosen from the sons of Israel, one from each tribe,Joshua 4:4

Joshua 4:8 Therefore, the sons of Israel did as Joshua instructed them, carrying twelve stones from the midst of the channel of the Jordan, just as the Lord had ordered him, according to the number of the sons of Israel, as far as the place where they made camp, and there they stationed them.Joshua 4:8

Joshua 4:9 Similarly, Joshua positioned another twelve stones in the middle of the channel of the Jordan, where the priests stood who were carrying the ark of the covenant; and they are there, even to the present day.Joshua 4:9

Joshua 4:20 Likewise, the twelve stones that they had taken up from the channel of the Jordan, Joshua stationed at Gilgal.Joshua 4:20

Joshua 8:25 Now there were twelve thousand persons who had fallen on the same day, from man even to woman, the entire city of Ai.Joshua 8:25

Joshua 18:24 the town of Ammoni, and Ophni, and Geba: twelve cities, and their villages;Joshua 18:24

Joshua 19:15 and Kattath and Nahalal, and Shimron and Idalah, and Bethlehem: twelve cities, and their villages.Joshua 19:15

Joshua 21:7 And to the sons of Merari, by their families, from the tribes of Reuben and Gad and Zebulun, there went twelve cities.Joshua 21:7

Joshua 21:40 All the cities of the sons of Merari, by their families and extended families, were twelve.Joshua 21:40

Number of the word / term Twelve in Joshua: 12

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Judges

Judges 19:29 And when he had arrived, he took up a sword, and he cut into pieces the dead body of his wife, with her bones, into twelve parts. And he sent the pieces into all the parts of Israel.Judges 19:29

Number of the word / term Twelve in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 2:15 Therefore, they rose up and crossed over, twelve in number of Benjamin, from the side of Ishbosheth, the son of Saul, and twelve of the youths of David.2 Samuel 2:15

2 Samuel 10:6 Now the sons of Ammon, seeing that they had done an injury to David, sent for, and paid wages to, the Syrians of Rehob, and the Syrians of Zobah, twenty thousand foot soldiers, and from the king of Maacah, one thousand men, and from Tob, twelve thousand men.2 Samuel 10:6

2 Samuel 17:1 Then Ahithophel said to Absalom: “I will choose for myself twelve thousand men, and rising up, I will pursue David this night.2 Samuel 17:1

Number of the word / term Twelve in 2 Samuel: 3

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 4:7 And Solomon had twelve commanders over all of Israel, who offered yearly provisions for the king and his house. For each was ministering the necessities, by each month of the year.1 Kings 4:7

1 Kings 4:26 And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of chariot horses, and twelve thousand riding horses.1 Kings 4:26

1 Kings 7:15 And he cast two columns of brass. Each column was eighteen cubits in height, and a line of twelve cubits encompassed both columns.1 Kings 7:15

1 Kings 7:25 And it was standing upon twelve oxen, of which three were looking toward the north, and three toward the west, and three toward the south, and three toward the east. And the sea above was over them. And their posteriors were entirely hidden within.1 Kings 7:25

1 Kings 7:44 and the one sea, and the twelve oxen under the sea;1 Kings 7:44

1 Kings 10:20 with twelve little lions standing upon the six steps, on one side and the other. No similar work has been made, ever in any kingdom.1 Kings 10:20

1 Kings 10:26 And Solomon gathered together the chariots and horsemen. And he had one thousand four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen. And he placed them in the walled cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.1 Kings 10:26

1 Kings 11:30 And taking his new cloak, with which he was covered, Ahijah tore it into twelve parts.1 Kings 11:30

1 Kings 16:23 In the thirty-first year of Asa, the king of Judah, Omri reigned over Israel for twelve years; he reigned for six years at Tirzah.1 Kings 16:23

1 Kings 18:31 And he took twelve stones, in accord with the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the Lord came, saying, “Israel shall be your name.”1 Kings 18:31

1 Kings 19:19 Therefore, Elijah, setting out from there, found Elisha, the son of Shaphat, plowing with twelve yoke of oxen. And he himself was one of those who were plowing with the twelve yoke of oxen. And when Elijah had gone to him, he cast his mantle over him.1 Kings 19:19

Number of the word / term Twelve in 1 Kings: 11

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 3:1 Truly, Joram, the son of Ahab, reigned over Israel, in Samaria, in the eighteenth year of Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah. And he reigned for twelve years.2 Kings 3:1

2 Kings 21:1 Manasseh was twelve years old when he had begun to reign, and he reigned for fifty-five years in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Hephzibah.2 Kings 21:1

2 Kings 23:5 And he destroyed the soothsayers, whom the kings of Judah had appointed to sacrifice in the high places throughout the cities of Judah, and all around Jerusalem, along with those who were burning incense to Baal, and to the Sun, and to the Moon, and to the twelve signs, and to the entire army of heaven.2 Kings 23:5

Number of the word / term Twelve in 2 Kings: 3

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 6:63 Then to the sons of Merari, according to their families, from the tribe of Reuben, and from the tribe of Gad, and from the tribe of Zebulun, they gave by lot twelve cities.1 Chronicles 6:63

1 Chronicles 9:22 All these, chosen as porters for the gates, were two hundred twelve. And they were recorded in their own towns, those whom David, and the seer Samuel, appointed, in their faith,1 Chronicles 9:22

1 Chronicles 15:10 From the sons of Uzziel: Amminadab was the leader, and his brothers were one hundred twelve.1 Chronicles 15:10

1 Chronicles 25:9 And the first lot went forth to Joseph, who was of Asaph; the second went forth to Gedaliah, to him and his sons and his brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:9

1 Chronicles 25:10 The third went to Zaccur, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:10

1 Chronicles 25:11 The fourth went to Izri, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:11

1 Chronicles 25:12 The fifth went to Nethaniah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:12

1 Chronicles 25:13 The sixth went to Bukkiah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:13

1 Chronicles 25:14 The seventh went to Jesharelah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:14

1 Chronicles 25:15 The eighth went to Jeshaiah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:15

1 Chronicles 25:16 The ninth went to Mattaniah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:16

1 Chronicles 25:17 The tenth went to Shimei, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:17

1 Chronicles 25:18 The eleventh went to Azarel, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:18

1 Chronicles 25:19 The twelfth went to Hashabiah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:19

1 Chronicles 25:20 The thirteenth went to Shubael, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:20

1 Chronicles 25:21 The fourteenth went to Mattithiah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:21

1 Chronicles 25:22 The fifteenth went to Jeremoth, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:22

1 Chronicles 25:23 The sixteenth went to Hananiah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:23

1 Chronicles 25:24 The seventeenth went to Joshbekashah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:24

1 Chronicles 25:25 The eighteenth went to Hanani, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:25

1 Chronicles 25:26 The nineteenth went to Mallothi, to his sons and his brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:26

1 Chronicles 25:27 The twentieth went to Eliathah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:27

1 Chronicles 25:28 The twenty-first went to Hothir, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:28

1 Chronicles 25:29 The twenty-second went to Giddalti, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:29

1 Chronicles 25:30 The twenty-third went to Mahazioth, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:30

1 Chronicles 25:31 The twenty-fourth went to Romamtiezer, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:31

Number of the word / term Twelve in 1 Chronicles: 26

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 1:14 And he gathered to himself chariots and horsemen. And they brought to him one thousand four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen. And he caused them to be in the cities of the chariots, and with the king in Jerusalem.2 Chronicles 1:14

2 Chronicles 4:4 And the sea itself was placed upon the twelve oxen, three of which were looking toward the north, and another three toward the west, then another three toward the south, and the three that remained toward the east, having the sea imposed upon them. But the posteriors of the oxen were toward the interior, under the sea.2 Chronicles 4:4

2 Chronicles 4:15 one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea;2 Chronicles 4:15

2 Chronicles 9:19 Moreover, there were twelve additional little lions standing upon the six steps on both sides. There was no similar throne in all the kingdoms.2 Chronicles 9:19

2 Chronicles 9:25 Also, Solomon had forty thousand horses in the stables, and twelve thousand chariots and horsemen, and he appointed them to the cities of the chariots, and where the king was in Jerusalem.2 Chronicles 9:25

2 Chronicles 33:1 Manasseh was twelve years old when he had begun to reign, and he reigned for fifty-five years in Jerusalem.2 Chronicles 33:1

Number of the word / term Twelve in 2 Chronicles: 6

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 2:6 The sons of Pahath-moab, of the sons of Jeshua and Joab, two thousand eight hundred twelve.Ezra 2:6

Ezra 2:18 The sons of Jorah, one hundred twelve.Ezra 2:18

Ezra 6:17 And they offered, for the dedication of the house of God, one hundred calves, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs, and, as a sin offering for all of Israel, twelve he-goats from among the goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.Ezra 6:17

Ezra 8:24 And I separated twelve from among the leaders of the priests: Sherebiah, and Hashabiah, and with them ten of their brothers.Ezra 8:24

Ezra 8:35 Moreover, those who came from the captivity, the sons of the transmigration, offered holocausts to the God of Israel: twelve calves on behalf of all the people of Israel, ninety-six rams, seventy-seven lambs, and twelve he-goats for sin. All these were a holocaust to the Lord.Ezra 8:35

Number of the word / term Twelve in Ezra: 5

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 5:14 Now from that day, on which the king had ordered me to be governor in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year even to the thirty-second year of king Artaxerxes, for twelve years, I and my brothers did not eat the yearly allowance that was owed to the governors.Nehemiah 5:14

Nehemiah 7:24 The sons of Hariph, one hundred twelve.Nehemiah 7:24

Number of the word / term Twelve in Nehemiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 60:1 Unto the end. For those who will be changed, with the inscription of a title, of David himself, for instruction: when he set fire to Mesopotamia of Syria and Sobal, and Joab turned back and struck Idumea, in the valley of the salt pits, twelve thousand men. O God, you have rejected us, and you have ruined us. You became angry, and yet you have been merciful to us.Psalm 60:1

Number of the word / term Twelve in Psalm: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 52:20 as well as the two pillars, and the one brass sea, and the twelve oxen of brass that were under the bases, which king Solomon had made in the house of the Lord. There was no weight of brass left behind out of all these vessels.Jeremiah 52:20

Jeremiah 52:21 Now concerning the pillars, one pillar was eighteen cubits high, and a cord of twelve cubits encircled it. Moreover, its thickness was four fingers, and the interior was hollow.Jeremiah 52:21

Number of the word / term Twelve in Jeremiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 43:16 And the hearth was twelve cubits in length by twelve cubits in width, foursquare, with equal sides.Ezekiel 43:16

Ezekiel 47:13 Thus says the Lord God: “This is the border, by which you shall possess the land, in accord with the twelve tribes of Israel. For Joseph shall have a double portion.Ezekiel 47:13

Number of the word / term Twelve in Ezekiel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 4:29 After the end of twelve months, he was taking a walk in the palace of Babylon.Daniel 4:29

Number of the word / term Twelve in Daniel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 9:20 And behold, a woman, who had suffered from a flow of blood for twelve years, approached from behind and touched the hem of his garment.Matthew 9:20

Matthew 10:1 And having called together his twelve disciples, he gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out and to cure every sickness and every infirmity.Matthew 10:1

Matthew 10:2 Now the names of the twelve Apostles are these: the First, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother,Matthew 10:2

Matthew 10:5 Jesus sent these twelve, instructing them, saying: “Do not travel by the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter into the city of the Samaritans,Matthew 10:5

Matthew 11:1 And it happened that, when Jesus had completed instructing his twelve disciples, he went away from there in order to teach and to preach in their cities.Matthew 11:1

Matthew 14:20 And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up the remnants: twelve baskets full of fragments.Matthew 14:20

Matthew 19:28 And Jesus said to them: “Amen I say to you, that at the resurrection, when the Son of man shall sit on the seat of his majesty, those of you who have followed me shall also sit on twelve seats, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.Matthew 19:28

Matthew 20:17 And Jesus, ascending to Jerusalem, took the twelve disciples aside in private and said to them:Matthew 20:17

Matthew 26:14 Then one of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the leaders of the priests,Matthew 26:14

Matthew 26:20 Then, when evening arrived, he sat at table with his twelve disciples.Matthew 26:20

Matthew 26:47 While he was still speaking, behold, Judas, one of the twelve, arrived, and with him was a large crowd with swords and clubs, sent from the leaders of the priests and the elders of the people.Matthew 26:47

Matthew 26:53 Or do you think that I cannot ask my Father, so that he would give me, even now, more than twelve legions of Angels?Matthew 26:53

Number of the word / term Twelve in Matthew: 12

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Mark

Mark 3:14 And he acted so that the twelve would be with him, and so that he might send them out to preach.Mark 3:14

Mark 4:10 And when he was alone, the twelve, who were with him, questioned him about the parable.Mark 4:10

Mark 5:25 And there was a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years.Mark 5:25

Mark 5:42 And immediately the young girl rose up and walked. Now she was twelve years old. And they were suddenly struck with a great astonishment.Mark 5:42

Mark 6:7 And he called the twelve. And he began to send them out in twos, and he gave them authority over unclean spirits.Mark 6:7

Mark 6:43 And they brought together the remainder: twelve baskets full of fragments and of fish.Mark 6:43

Mark 9:35 And sitting down, he called the twelve, and he said to them, “If anyone wants to be first, he shall be the last of all and the minister of all.”Mark 9:35

Mark 10:32 Now they were on the way ascending to Jerusalem. And Jesus went ahead of them, and they were astonished. And those following him were afraid. And again, taking aside the twelve, he began to tell them what was about to happen to him.Mark 10:32

Mark 11:11 And he entered into Jerusalem, into the temple. And having looked around at everything, since it was now the evening hour, he went out to Bethania with the twelve.Mark 11:11

Mark 14:10 And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went away, to the leaders of the priests, in order to betray him to them.Mark 14:10

Mark 14:17 Then, when evening came, he arrived with the twelve.Mark 14:17

Mark 14:20 And he said to them: “It is one of the twelve, who dips his hand with me in the dish.Mark 14:20

Mark 14:43 And while he was still speaking, Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, arrived, and with him was a large crowd with swords and clubs, sent from the leaders of the priests, and the scribes, and the elders.Mark 14:43

Number of the word / term Twelve in Mark: 13

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Luke

Luke 2:42 And when he had become twelve years old, they ascended to Jerusalem, according to the custom of the feast day.Luke 2:42

Luke 6:13 And when daylight had arrived, he called his disciples. And he chose twelve out of them (whom he also named Apostles):Luke 6:13

Luke 8:1 And it happened afterwards that he was making a journey through the cities and towns, preaching and evangelizing the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him,Luke 8:1

Luke 8:42 For he had an only daughter, nearly twelve years old, and she was dying. And it happened that, as he was going there, he was hemmed in by the crowd.Luke 8:42

Luke 8:43 And there was a certain woman, with a flow of blood for twelve years, who had paid out all her substance on physicians, and she was unable to be cured by any of them.Luke 8:43

Luke 9:1 Then calling together the twelve Apostles, he gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases.Luke 9:1

Luke 9:12 Then the day began to decline. And drawing near, the twelve said to him: “Dismiss the crowds, so that, by going into the surrounding towns and villages, they may separate and find food. For we are here in a deserted place.”Luke 9:12

Luke 9:17 And they all ate and were satisfied. And twelve baskets of fragments were taken up, which were left over from them.Luke 9:17

Luke 18:31 Then Jesus took the twelve aside, and he said to them: “Behold, we are ascending to Jerusalem, and everything shall be completed which was written by the prophets about the Son of man.Luke 18:31

Luke 22:3 Then Satan entered into Judas, who was surnamed Iscariot, one of the twelve.Luke 22:3

Luke 22:14 And when the hour had arrived, he sat down at table, and the twelve Apostles with him.Luke 22:14

Luke 22:30 so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and so that you may sit upon thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”Luke 22:30

Luke 22:47 While he was still speaking, behold, a crowd arrived. And he who is called Judas, one of the twelve, went ahead of them and approached Jesus, in order to kiss him.Luke 22:47

Number of the word / term Twelve in Luke: 13

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book John

John 6:13 And so they gathered, and they filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which were left over from those who had eaten.John 6:13

John 6:67 Therefore, Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want to go away?”John 6:67

John 6:71 Now he was speaking about Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. For this one, even though he was one of the twelve, was about to betray him.John 6:71

John 11:9 Jesus responded: “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the daylight, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world.John 11:9

John 12:3 And then Mary took twelve ounces of pure spikenard ointment, very precious, and she anointed the feet of Jesus, and she wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment.John 12:3

John 20:24 Now Thomas, one of the twelve, who is called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus arrived.John 20:24

Number of the word / term Twelve in John: 6

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Acts

Acts 6:2 And so the twelve, calling together the multitude of the disciples, said: “It is not fair for us to leave behind the Word of God to serve at tables also.Acts 6:2

Acts 7:8 And he gave him the covenant of circumcision. And so he conceived Isaac and circumcised him on the eighth day. And Isaac conceived Jacob, and Jacob, the twelve Patriarchs.Acts 7:8

Acts 19:7 Now the men were about twelve in all.Acts 19:7

Acts 24:11 For, as you may realize, it has only been twelve days since I went up to worship in Jerusalem.Acts 24:11

Acts 26:7 It is the Promise that our twelve tribes, worshiping night and day, hope to see. About this hope, O king, I am accused by the Jews.Acts 26:7

Number of the word / term Twelve in Acts: 5

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book James

James 1:1 James, servant of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes of the dispersion, greetings.James 1:1

Number of the word / term Twelve in James: 1

Bible passages with ‘Twelve’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 7:5 From the tribe of Judah, twelve thousand were sealed. From the tribe of Ruben, twelve thousand were sealed. From the tribe of Gad, twelve thousand were sealed.Revelation 7:5

Revelation 7:6 From the tribe of Asher, twelve thousand were sealed. From the tribe of Naphtali, twelve thousand were sealed. From the tribe of Manasseh, twelve thousand were sealed.Revelation 7:6

Revelation 7:7 From the tribe of Simeon, twelve thousand were sealed. From the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand were sealed. From the tribe of Issachar, twelve thousand were sealed.Revelation 7:7

Revelation 7:8 From the tribe of Zebulun, twelve thousand were sealed. From the tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand were sealed. From the tribe of Benjamin, twelve thousand were sealed.Revelation 7:8

Revelation 12:1 And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon was under her feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars.Revelation 12:1

Revelation 21:12 And it had a wall, great and high, having twelve gates. And at the gates were twelve Angels. And names were written upon them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel.Revelation 21:12

Revelation 21:14 And the wall of the City had twelve foundations. And upon them were the twelve names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb.Revelation 21:14

Revelation 21:16 And the city is laid out as a square, and so its length is as great as the width. And he measured the city with the golden reed for twelve thousand stadia, and its length and height and breadth were equal.Revelation 21:16

Revelation 21:21 And the twelve gates are twelve pearls, one for each, so that each gate was made from a single pearl. And the main street of the city was of pure gold, similar to transparent glass.Revelation 21:21

Revelation 22:2 In the midst of its main street, and on both sides of the river, was the Tree of Life, bearing twelve fruits, offering one fruit for each month, and the leaves of the tree are for the health of the nations.Revelation 22:2

Number of the word / term ‘Twelve’ in Revelation: 10

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 159

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