Our Little Concordance

‘Table’ in the Bible – All 132 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Table’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Table’ occurs 132 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 24:12 Then the Lord said to Moses: “Ascend to me on the mountain, and be there. And I will give to you tablets of stone, and the law and the commandments that I have written. So may you teach them.”Exodus 24:12

Exodus 25:23 You shall also make a table of setim wood, having two cubits of length, and one cubit in width, and one cubit and one half cubits in height.Exodus 25:23

Exodus 25:26 Likewise, you shall prepare four gold rings and set them in the four corners of the same table, over each foot.Exodus 25:26

Exodus 25:27 Under the crown, there shall be gold rings, so that the bars may be put through them and the table may be carried.Exodus 25:27

Exodus 25:28 Likewise, the bars themselves you shall make of setim wood, and surround them with gold, to lift up the table.Exodus 25:28

Exodus 25:30 And you shall place upon the table the bread of the presence, in my sight always.Exodus 25:30

Exodus 26:35 And the table shall be outside the veil. And opposite the table shall be the lampstand, in the meridian of the tabernacle. For the table shall stand at the north side.Exodus 26:35

Exodus 30:27 and the table with its vessels, and the lampstand and it utensils, the altars of incenseExodus 30:27

Exodus 31:8 and the table and its vessels, the most pure lampstand with its vessels, and the altars of incenseExodus 31:8

Exodus 31:18 And the Lord, having completed speaking in this way on Mount Sinai, gave to Moses two stone tablets of testimony, written with the finger of God.Exodus 31:18

Exodus 32:15 And Moses returned from the mountain, carrying the two tablets of the testimony in his hand, written on both sides,Exodus 32:15

Exodus 32:16 and accomplished by the work of God. Also, the writing of God was engraved on the tablets.Exodus 32:16

Exodus 32:19 And when he had approached to the camp, he saw the calf and the dances. And being very angry, he threw down the tablets from his hand, and he broke them at the base of the mountain.Exodus 32:19

Exodus 34:1 And after this he said: “Cut out for yourself two tablets of stone similar to the first ones, and I will write upon them the words which were held on the tablets that you broke.Exodus 34:1

Exodus 34:4 And so he cut out two tablets of stone, like those that were before. And rising up in the night, he ascended onto Mount Sinai, just as the Lord had instructed him, carrying with him the tablets.Exodus 34:4

Exodus 34:28 Therefore, he was in that place with the Lord for forty days and forty nights; he did not eat bread and he did not drink water, and he wrote on the tablets the ten words of the covenant.Exodus 34:28

Exodus 34:29 And when Moses descended from Mount Sinai, he held the two tablets of the testimony, and he did not know that his face was radiant from the sharing of words with the Lord.Exodus 34:29

Exodus 35:13 the table with its bars and vessels, and the bread of the presence,Exodus 35:13

Exodus 37:10 He also made the table from setim wood, with a length of two cubits, and a width of one cubit, which had a height of one and one half cubits.Exodus 37:10

Exodus 37:13 And he cast four gold rings, which he set at the four corners at each foot of the table,Exodus 37:13

Exodus 37:14 opposite the crown. And he placed the bars into them, so that the table could be carried.Exodus 37:14

Exodus 37:16 And he made vessels for the diverse uses of the table, as well as the little cups, and bowls, and measuring cups, and the censers, from pure gold, in which the libations would be offered.Exodus 37:16

Exodus 39:35 the table, with its vessels and the bread of the presence,Exodus 39:35

Exodus 40:4 And having brought in the table, you shall place the things which were solemnly commanded upon it. The lampstand shall stand with its lamps,Exodus 40:4

Exodus 40:22 And he placed the table in the tabernacle of the testimony, at the north side, beyond the veil,Exodus 40:22

Exodus 40:24 And he placed the lampstand in the tabernacle of the testimony, away from the table, on the south side,Exodus 40:24

Number of the word / term Table in Exodus: 26

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 24:6 And you shall arrange them, six on each side, upon the most pure table before the Lord.Leviticus 24:6

Number of the word / term Table in Leviticus: 1

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 3:31 And they shall take care of the ark, and the table and the lampstand, the altars and the vessels of the Sanctuary, by which they minister, and the veil, and all the articles of this kind.Numbers 3:31

Numbers 4:7 Likewise, they shall wrap the table of the presence in a cloth of hyacinth, and they shall place with it the censers and little mortars, the cups and bowls for pouring out libations; the bread shall be always on it.Numbers 4:7

Numbers 8:2 “Speak to Aaron, and you shall say to him: When you place the seven lamps, let the lampstand be set up on the south side. Therefore, give this instruction: that the lamps should look out from the region opposite the north, toward the table of the bread of the presence; they shall give light opposite that area, toward the area that the lampstand faces.”Numbers 8:2

Number of the word / term Table in Numbers: 3

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 4:13 And he revealed his covenant to you, which he instructed you to carry out, and the ten words which he wrote on two tablets of stone.Deuteronomy 4:13

Deuteronomy 5:22 The Lord spoke these words to the entire multitude of you on the mountain, from the midst of the fire and the cloud and the darkness, with a loud voice, adding nothing more. And he wrote them on two tablets of stone, which he delivered to me.Deuteronomy 5:22

Deuteronomy 9:9 when I ascended onto the mountain, so that I might receive the tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant which the Lord formed with you. And I persevered on the mountain for forty days and nights, neither eating bread, nor drinking water.Deuteronomy 9:9

Deuteronomy 9:10 And the Lord gave me two tablets of stone, written with the finger of God and containing all the words that he spoke to you on the mountain from the midst of fire, while the people, being stirred up, were assembled together.Deuteronomy 9:10

Deuteronomy 9:11 And when forty days, and as many nights, had passed, the Lord gave me the two tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant.Deuteronomy 9:11

Deuteronomy 9:15 And as I was descending from the burning mountain, and I held the two tablets of the covenant with both hands,Deuteronomy 9:15

Deuteronomy 9:17 I threw down the tablets from my hands, and I broke them in your sight.Deuteronomy 9:17

Deuteronomy 10:1 “At that time, the Lord said to me: ‘Hew for yourself two tablets of stone, like those that were before, and ascend to me on the mountain. And you shall make an ark of wood.Deuteronomy 10:1

Deuteronomy 10:2 And I will write on the tablets the words which were on those that you broke before, and you shall place them in the ark.’Deuteronomy 10:2

Deuteronomy 10:3 And so, I made an ark of setim wood. And when I had hewn two tablets of stone like the former, I ascended onto the mountain, having them in my hands.Deuteronomy 10:3

Deuteronomy 10:4 And he wrote on the tablets, according to that which he had written before, the ten words, which the Lord spoke to you on the mountain from the midst of fire, when the people were assembled. And he gave them to me.Deuteronomy 10:4

Deuteronomy 10:5 And returning from the mountain, I descended and placed the tablets in the ark, which I had made, and they are still there even now, just as the Lord instructed me.Deuteronomy 10:5

Number of the word / term Table in Deuteronomy: 12

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Judges

Judges 1:7 And Adonibezek said: “Seventy kings, with the ends of their hands and feet amputated, have been gathering the remnants of food under my table. Just as I have done, so has God repaid me.” And they brought him to Jerusalem, and he died there.Judges 1:7

Number of the word / term Table in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 20:29 and he said: ‘Permit me. For there is a solemn sacrifice in the city. One of my brothers has summoned me. Now therefore, if I have found favor in your eyes, I will go quickly, and I will see my brothers.’ For this reason, he has not come to the table of the king.”1 Samuel 20:29

1 Samuel 20:34 Therefore, Jonathan rose up from the table in a rage of anger. And he did not eat bread on the second day after the new moon. For he was saddened over David, because his father had confounded him.1 Samuel 20:34

Number of the word / term Table in 1 Samuel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 9:7 And David said to him: “Do not be afraid. For I will certainly show mercy to you because of your father Jonathan. And I will restore to you all the fields of your father Saul. And you shall eat bread at my table always.”2 Samuel 9:7

2 Samuel 9:10 And so, work the land for him, you and your sons and your servants. And you shall bring in food for the son of your lord, for nourishment. And Mephibosheth, the son of your lord, shall always eat bread at my table.” Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.2 Samuel 9:10

2 Samuel 9:11 And Ziba said to the king: “Just as my lord has ordered your servant, so will your servant do. And Mephibosheth shall eat at my table, like one of the sons of the king.”2 Samuel 9:11

2 Samuel 9:13 But Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem. For he was fed always from the table of the king. And he was lame in both feet.2 Samuel 9:13

2 Samuel 19:28 For my father’s house was deserving of nothing but death before my lord the king. Yet you have placed me, your servant, among the guests of your table. Therefore, what just complaint might I have? Or what else can I cry out to the king?”2 Samuel 19:28

Number of the word / term Table in 2 Samuel: 5

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 2:7 Then, too, repay grace to the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite. And you shall allow them to eat at your table. For they met me when I fled from the face of Absalom, your brother.1 Kings 2:7

1 Kings 4:27 And the above-stated commanders of the king nourished these. And they also offered the necessities for the table of king Solomon, with immense diligence, each in his time.1 Kings 4:27

1 Kings 7:48 And Solomon made all the furniture for the house of the Lord: the altar of gold, and the table of gold, upon which the bread of the presence would be placed;1 Kings 7:48

1 Kings 8:9 Now inside the ark, there was nothing other than the two tablets of stone, which Moses had placed in it at Horeb, when the Lord formed a covenant with the sons of Israel, when they departed from the land of Egypt.1 Kings 8:9

1 Kings 10:5 and the food of his table, and the dwelling places of his servants, and the rows of his ministers, and their apparel, and the cupbearers, and the holocausts that he was offering in the house of the Lord, she had no longer any spirit in her.1 Kings 10:5

1 Kings 13:20 And while they were sitting at table, the word of the Lord came to the prophet who had led him back.1 Kings 13:20

1 Kings 18:19 Yet truly now, send and gather to me all of Israel, on Mount Carmel, with the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of the sacred groves, who eat from the table of Jezebel.”1 Kings 18:19

Number of the word / term Table in 1 Kings: 7

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 4:10 Therefore, let us prepare a small upper room for him, and place a bed in it for him, and a table, and a chair, and a lampstand, so that when he comes to us, he may stay there.”2 Kings 4:10

2 Kings 21:13 And I will extend the measuring line of Samaria over Jerusalem, with the scale of the house of Ahab. And I will erase Jerusalem, just as writing tablets are usually erased. And after erasing, I will turn it and repeatedly drag a stylus over its surface.2 Kings 21:13

Number of the word / term Table in 2 Kings: 2

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 28:16 Also, he gave gold for the tables of the presence, according to the diversity of the tables; similarly too, he gave silver for the other tables of silver.1 Chronicles 28:16

Number of the word / term Table in 1 Chronicles: 1

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 4:8 Moreover, there were also ten tables. And he placed them in the temple, five on the right, and five on the left. Also, there were one hundred gold bowls.2 Chronicles 4:8

2 Chronicles 4:19 And Solomon made all the vessels for the house of God, and the gold altar, and the tables upon which were the bread of the presence;2 Chronicles 4:19

2 Chronicles 5:10 And there was nothing else in the ark, except the two tablets, which Moses had placed there at Horeb when the Lord gave the law to the sons of Israel, at the departure from Egypt.2 Chronicles 5:10

2 Chronicles 9:4 indeed also the foods of his table, and the habitations of the servants, and the duties of his ministers, and their apparel, and also his cupbearers and their garments, and the victims which he was immolating in the house of the Lord, there was no longer any spirit in her, due to astonishment.2 Chronicles 9:4

2 Chronicles 13:11 Also, they offer holocausts to the Lord, each and every day, morning and evening, and incense composed according to the precept of the law, and the bread of the presence on a very pure table. And there is with us the gold lampstand with its lamps, so that they may burn continually in the evening. For certainly, we keep the precepts of the Lord our God, whom you have forsaken.2 Chronicles 13:11

2 Chronicles 29:18 Also, they entered to king Hezekiah, and they said to him: “We have sanctified the entire house of the Lord, and the altar of holocaust, and its vessels, indeed also the table of the presence, with all its vessels,2 Chronicles 29:18

Number of the word / term Table in 2 Chronicles: 6

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 5:17 Likewise, the Jews and the magistrates, one hundred and fifty men, were at my table, with those who came to us from among the Gentiles that are around us.Nehemiah 5:17

Number of the word / term Table in Nehemiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Esther

Esther 1:8 Nor was anyone compelled to drink who was unwilling, but, just as the king had appointed, one of his nobles was set over each table, so that each one might select what he wanted.Esther 1:8

Number of the word / term Table in Esther: 1

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Job

Job 36:16 Therefore, he will save you from the narrow mouth very widely, even though it has no foundation under it. Moreover, your respite at table will be full of fatness.Job 36:16

Number of the word / term Table in Job: 1

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 23:5 You have prepared a table in my sight, opposite those who trouble me. You have anointed my head with oil, and my cup, which inebriates me, how brilliant it is!Psalm 23:5

Psalm 69:22 Let their table be a snare before them, and a retribution, and a scandal.Psalm 69:22

Psalm 78:19 And they spoke badly about God. They said, “Would God be able to prepare a table in the desert?Psalm 78:19

Psalm 78:20 He struck the rock, and so waters flowed and the torrents flooded, but would even he be able to provide bread, or provide a table, for his people?”Psalm 78:20

Psalm 128:3 Your wife is like an abundant vine on the sides of your house. Your sons are like young olive trees surrounding your table.Psalm 128:3

Number of the word / term Table in Psalm: 5

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 3:3 Let not mercy and truth abandon you: encircle them around your throat, and inscribe them on the tablets of your heart.Proverbs 3:3

Proverbs 7:3 Bind it with your fingers; write it on the tablets of your heart.Proverbs 7:3

Proverbs 9:2 She has immolated her victims. She has mixed her wine and set forth her table.Proverbs 9:2

Number of the word / term Table in Proverbs: 3

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 21:5 Prepare the table. Contemplate, from a place of observation, those who eat and drink. Rise up, you leaders! Take up the shield!Isaiah 21:5

Isaiah 28:8 For all the tables have been filled with vomit and filth, so much so that there was no place left.Isaiah 28:8

Isaiah 65:11 And you who have forsaken the Lord, who have forgotten my holy mountain, who set a table for Fortune, and who offer libations concerning her:Isaiah 65:11

Number of the word / term Table in Isaiah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 23:41 You sat upon a very beautiful bed, and a table was adorned before you, on which you placed my incense and my ointment.Ezekiel 23:41

Ezekiel 39:20 And you shall be satiated, upon my table, from horses and powerful horsemen, and from all the men of war, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 39:20

Ezekiel 40:39 And at the vestibule of the gate, there were two tables on one side, and two tables on the other side, so that the holocaust, and the offering for sin, and the offering for transgression could be immolated upon them.Ezekiel 40:39

Ezekiel 40:40 And at the outer side, which ascends to the door of the gate that goes toward the north, there were two tables. And at the other side, before the vestibule of the gate, there were two tables.Ezekiel 40:40

Ezekiel 40:41 Four tables were on one side, and four tables were on the other side; along the sides of the gate, there were eight tables, upon which they immolated.Ezekiel 40:41

Ezekiel 40:42 Now the four tables for the holocausts were constructed of square stones: one and a half cubit in length, and one and a half cubits in width, and one cubit in height. Upon these, they placed the vessels, in which the holocaust and the victim were immolated.Ezekiel 40:42

Ezekiel 40:43 And their edges were one palm in width, turned inward all around. And the flesh of the oblation was on the tables.Ezekiel 40:43

Ezekiel 41:22 The altar of wood was three cubits in height, and its length was two cubits. And its corners, and its length, and its walls were of wood. And he said to me, “This is the table in the sight of the Lord.”Ezekiel 41:22

Ezekiel 44:16 They shall enter into my sanctuary, and they shall draw near to my table, so that they may minister for me, and so that they may observe my ceremonies.Ezekiel 44:16

Number of the word / term Table in Ezekiel: 9

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 11:27 And the heart of two kings will be similar, to do harm, and they will speak lies at one table, but they will not succeed, because as yet the end is for another time.Daniel 11:27

Number of the word / term Table in Daniel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Habakkuk

Habakkuk 2:2 And the Lord responded to me and said: Write the vision and explain it on tablets, so that he who reads it may run through it.Habakkuk 2:2

Number of the word / term Table in Habakkuk: 1

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Malachi

Malachi 1:7 You offer polluted bread upon my altar, and you say, “In what way, have we polluted you?” In that you say, “The table of the Lord has been despised.”Malachi 1:7

Malachi 1:12 And you have polluted it, in that you say, “The table of the Lord has been contaminated; and that which is placed upon it is contemptible, compared with the fire that devours it.”Malachi 1:12

Number of the word / term Table in Malachi: 2

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 8:11 For I say to you, that many shall come from the east and the west, and they shall sit at table with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.Matthew 8:11

Matthew 14:9 And the king was greatly saddened. But because of his oath, and because of those who sat at table with him, he ordered it to be given.Matthew 14:9

Matthew 15:27 But she said, “Yes, Lord, but the young dogs also eat from the crumbs that fall from the table of their masters.”Matthew 15:27

Matthew 21:12 And Jesus entered into the temple of God, and he cast out all who were selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the chairs of the vendors of doves.Matthew 21:12

Matthew 26:7 a woman drew near to him, holding an alabaster box of precious ointment, and she poured it over his head while he was reclining at table.Matthew 26:7

Matthew 26:20 Then, when evening arrived, he sat at table with his twelve disciples.Matthew 26:20

Number of the word / term Table in Matthew: 6

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Mark

Mark 2:15 And it happened that, as he sat at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners sat at table together with Jesus and his disciples. For those who followed him were many.Mark 2:15

Mark 6:22 And when the daughter of the same Herodias had entered, and danced, and pleased Herod, along with those who were at table with him, the king said to the girl, “Request from me whatever you want, and I will give it to you.”Mark 6:22

Mark 6:26 And the king was greatly saddened. But because of his oath, and because of those who were sitting with him at table, he was not willing to disappoint her.Mark 6:26

Mark 7:28 But she responded by saying to him: “Certainly, Lord. Yet the young dogs also eat, under the table, from the crumbs of the children.”Mark 7:28

Mark 11:15 And they went to Jerusalem. And when he had entered into the temple, he began to cast out the sellers and the buyers in the temple. And he overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the chairs of the vendors of doves.Mark 11:15

Mark 14:18 And while reclining and eating with them at table, Jesus said, “Amen I say to you, that one of you, who eats with me, will betray me.”Mark 14:18

Mark 16:14 Finally, he appeared to the eleven, as they sat at table. And he rebuked them for their incredulity and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen that he had risen again.Mark 16:14

Number of the word / term Table in Mark: 7

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Luke

Luke 5:29 And Levi made a great feast for him in his own house. And there was a large crowd of tax collectors and others, who were sitting at table with them.Luke 5:29

Luke 7:36 Then certain Pharisees petitioned him, so that they might eat with him. And he went into the house of the Pharisee, and he reclined at table.Luke 7:36

Luke 7:37 And behold, a woman who was in the city, a sinner, found out that he was reclining at table in the house of the Pharisee, so she brought an alabaster container of ointment.Luke 7:37

Luke 7:49 And those who sat at table with him began to say within themselves, “Who is this, who even forgives sins?”Luke 7:49

Luke 13:29 And they will arrive from the East, and the West, and the North, and the South; and they will recline at table in the kingdom of God.Luke 13:29

Luke 14:7 Then he also told a parable, to those who were invited, noticing how they chose the first seats at the table, saying to them:Luke 14:7

Luke 14:10 But when you are invited, go, sit down in the lowest place, so that, when he who invited you arrives, he may say to you, ‘Friend, go up higher.’ Then you will have glory in the sight of those who sit at table together with you.Luke 14:10

Luke 14:15 When someone sitting at table with him had heard these things, he said to him, “Blessed is he who will eat bread in the kingdom of God.”Luke 14:15

Luke 16:21 wanting to be filled with the crumbs which were falling from the wealthy man’s table. But no one gave it to him. And even the dogs came and licked his sores.Luke 16:21

Luke 20:46 “Be cautious of the scribes, who choose to walk in long robes, and who love greetings in the marketplace, and the first chairs in the synagogues, and the first places at table during feasts,Luke 20:46

Luke 22:14 And when the hour had arrived, he sat down at table, and the twelve Apostles with him.Luke 22:14

Luke 22:21 But in truth, behold, the hand of my betrayer is with me at table.Luke 22:21

Luke 22:27 For who is greater: he who sits at table, or he who serves? Is not he who sits at table? Yet I am in your midst as one who serves.Luke 22:27

Luke 22:30 so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and so that you may sit upon thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”Luke 22:30

Luke 24:30 And it happened that, while he was at table with them, he took bread, and he blessed and broke it, and he extended it to them.Luke 24:30

Number of the word / term Table in Luke: 15

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book John

John 2:15 And when he had made something like a whip out of little cords, he drove them all out of the temple, including the sheep and the oxen. And he poured out the brass coins of the moneychangers, and he overturned their tables.John 2:15

John 12:2 And they made a dinner for him there. And Martha was ministering. And truly, Lazarus was one of those who were sitting at table with him.John 12:2

John 13:12 And so, after he washed their feet and received his vestments, when he had sat down at table again, he said to them: “Do you know what I have done for you?John 13:12

John 13:28 Now none of those sitting at table knew why he had said this to him.John 13:28

Number of the word / term Table in John: 4

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Acts

Acts 6:2 And so the twelve, calling together the multitude of the disciples, said: “It is not fair for us to leave behind the Word of God to serve at tables also.Acts 6:2

Acts 16:34 And when he had brought them into his own house, he set a table for them. And he was joyous, with his entire household, believing in God.Acts 16:34

Number of the word / term Table in Acts: 2

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Romans

Romans 11:9 And David says: “Let their table become like a snare, and a deception, and a scandal, and a retribution for them.Romans 11:9

Number of the word / term Table in Romans: 1

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 10:21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of demons. You cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord, and partakers of the table of demons.1 Corinthians 10:21

Number of the word / term Table in 1 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 3:3 It has been made manifest that you are the Epistle of Christ, ministered by us, and written down, not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, and not on tablets of stone, but on the fleshly tablets of the heart.2 Corinthians 3:3

Number of the word / term Table in 2 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Table’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 9:2 For a tabernacle was made at first, in which were the lampstand, and the table, and the bread of the Presence, which is called Holy.Hebrews 9:2

Hebrews 9:4 having a golden censer, and the ark of the testament, covered all around and on every part with gold, in which was a golden urn containing manna, and the rod of Aaron which had blossomed, and the tablets of the testament.Hebrews 9:4

Number of the word / term ‘Table’ in Hebrews: 2

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 132

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