Our Little Concordance

‘Statues’ in the Bible – All 28 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Statues’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Statues’ occurs 28 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 23:24 You shall not adore their gods, nor worship them. You shall not do their works, but you shall destroy them and break apart their statues.Exodus 23:24

Exodus 34:13 But destroy their altars, break their statues, and cut down their sacred groves.Exodus 34:13

Number of the word / term Statues in Exodus: 2

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 13:32 And before the sons of Israel they disparaged the land, which they had inspected, saying: “The land, which we viewed, devours its inhabitants. The people, upon whom we gazed, were of lofty stature.Numbers 13:32

Numbers 33:52 destroy all the inhabitants of that land. Break their monuments, and shatter their statues, and lay waste to every exalted thing,Numbers 33:52

Number of the word / term Statues in Numbers: 2

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 2:21 They are a people, great and numerous, and of lofty stature, like the Anakim, whom the Lord wiped away before their face. And he caused them to live there in place of them,Deuteronomy 2:21

Deuteronomy 7:5 So instead, you shall do this to them: overturn their altars, and break their statues, and cut down their sacred groves, and burn up their graven images.Deuteronomy 7:5

Deuteronomy 12:3 Scatter their altars and break their statues. Burn their sacred groves with fire and crush their idols. Abolish their names from those places.Deuteronomy 12:3

Number of the word / term Statues in Deuteronomy: 3

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 16:7 And the Lord said to Samuel: “You should not look with favor on his face, nor on the height of his stature. For I have rejected him. Neither do I judge by the appearance of a man. For man sees those things that are apparent, but the Lord beholds the heart.”1 Samuel 16:7

Number of the word / term Statues in 1 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 14:23 For they, too, built for themselves altars, and statues, and sacred groves, upon every high hill and under every leafy tree.1 Kings 14:23

Number of the word / term Statues in 1 Kings: 1

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 3:2 And he did evil in the sight of the Lord, but not as his father and mother did. For he took away the statues of Baal, which his father had made.2 Kings 3:2

2 Kings 11:18 And all the people of the land entered the temple of Baal, and they tore down his altars, and they thoroughly crushed the statues. Also, they killed Mattan, the priest of Baal, before the altar. And the priest placed guards in the house of the Lord.2 Kings 11:18

2 Kings 17:10 And they made for themselves statues and sacred groves, on every high hill and under every leafy tree.2 Kings 17:10

2 Kings 18:4 He destroyed the high places, and he crushed the statues, and he cut down the sacred groves. And he broke apart the bronze serpent, which Moses had made. For even until that time, the sons of Israel were burning incense to it. And he called its name Nehushtan.2 Kings 18:4

2 Kings 23:14 And he crushed the statues, and he cut down the sacred groves. And he filled their places with the bones of the dead.2 Kings 23:14

Number of the word / term Statues in 2 Kings: 5

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 11:23 And he struck down an Egyptian man, whose stature was five cubits, and who had a spear like a weaver’s beam. And yet he descended to him with a staff. And he seized the spear that he was holding in his hand. And he killed him with his own spear.1 Chronicles 11:23

Number of the word / term Statues in 1 Chronicles: 1

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 3:10 Now he also made, in the house of the Holy of Holies, two cherubim as a work of statues. And he covered them with gold.2 Chronicles 3:10

2 Chronicles 14:3 And he broke apart the statues, and he cut down the sacred groves.2 Chronicles 14:3

2 Chronicles 28:2 Instead, he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel. Moreover, he also cast statues for the Baals.2 Chronicles 28:2

2 Chronicles 33:19 Also, his prayer and its heeding, and all his sins and contempt, and the sites on which he built high places and made sacred groves and statues, before he repented, have been written in the words of Hozai.2 Chronicles 33:19

Number of the word / term Statues in 2 Chronicles: 4

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book Song

Song of Solomon 7:7 Your stature is comparable to the palm tree, and your breasts to clusters of grapes.Song of Solomon 7:7

Number of the word / term Statues in Song: 1

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 10:33 Behold, the sovereign Lord of hosts will crush the little bottle of wine with terror, and the exalted in stature will be cut down, and the lofty will be brought low.Isaiah 10:33

Isaiah 45:14 Thus says the Lord: The labor of Egypt, and the business dealings of Ethiopia, and of the Sabeans, men of stature, will pass to you and will be yours. They will walk behind you. They will travel, bound in irons. And they will adore you and petition you: “In you alone is God, and there is no God apart from you.Isaiah 45:14

Number of the word / term Statues in Isaiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 43:13 And he will crush the statues of the house of the Sun, those that are in the land of Egypt, and the shrines of the gods of Egypt he will burn up with fire.”Jeremiah 43:13

Number of the word / term Statues in Jeremiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 19:11 And her strong branches were made into scepters for the rulers, and her stature was exalted among the branches. And she saw her own loftiness among the multitude of her branches.Ezekiel 19:11

Ezekiel 26:11 With the hoofs of his horses, he will trample all your streets. He will cut down your people with the sword, and your noble statues will fall to the ground.Ezekiel 26:11

Ezekiel 31:3 Behold, Assur is like the cedar of Lebanon, with fair branches, and full of leaves, and of high stature, and his summit has been elevated above the thick branches.Ezekiel 31:3

Number of the word / term Statues in Ezekiel: 3

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book Micah

Micah 5:13 And I will cause your graven images to perish, and your statues, from your midst. And you will no longer adore the works of your hands.Micah 5:13

Number of the word / term Statues in Micah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Statues’ in the book Luke

Luke 19:3 And he sought to see Jesus, to see who he was. But he was unable to do so, because of the crowd, for he was small in stature.Luke 19:3

Number of the word / term ‘Statues’ in Luke: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 28

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