Our Little Concordance

‘Staff’ in the Bible – All 64 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Staff’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Staff’ occurs 64 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 32:10 I am less than any of your compassions and your truth, which you have fulfilled to your servant. With my staff I crossed over this Jordan. And now I go back with two companies.Genesis 32:10

Genesis 38:18 Judah said, “What do you want to be given for a pledge?” She responded, “Your ring and bracelet, and the staff that you hold in your hand.” Thereupon, the woman, from one sexual encounter, conceived.Genesis 38:18

Genesis 38:25 But when she was led out to the punishment, she sent to her father-in-law, saying: “I conceived by the man to whom these things belong. Recognize whose ring, and bracelet, and staff this is.”Genesis 38:25

Number of the word / term Staff in Genesis: 3

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 4:2 Therefore, he said to him, “What is that you hold in your hand?” He answered, “A staff.”Exodus 4:2

Exodus 4:4 And the Lord said, “Reach out your hand, and take hold of its tail.” He reached out his hand and took hold, and it was turned into a staff.Exodus 4:4

Exodus 4:17 Also, take this staff into your hand; with it you will accomplish the signs.”Exodus 4:17

Exodus 4:20 Therefore, Moses took his wife and his sons, and he placed them upon a donkey, and he returned into Egypt, carrying the staff of God in his hand.Exodus 4:20

Exodus 7:9 “When Pharaoh will say to you, ‘Show signs,’ you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff, and cast it down before Pharaoh, and it will be turned into a snake.’ ”Exodus 7:9

Exodus 7:10 And so Moses and Aaron entered to Pharaoh, and they did just as the Lord had commanded. And Aaron took the staff in the sight of Pharaoh and his servants, and it was turned into a snake.Exodus 7:10

Exodus 7:12 And each one cast down their staffs, and they were turned into serpents. But the staff of Aaron devoured their staffs.Exodus 7:12

Exodus 7:15 Go to him in the morning; behold, he will go out to the waters. And you will stand to meet him above the bank of the river. And you will take, in your hand, the staff that was turned into a serpent.Exodus 7:15

Exodus 7:17 Therefore, thus says the Lord: In this you will know that I am the Lord. Behold, I will strike, with the staff that is in my hand, the water of the river, and it will be turned into blood.Exodus 7:17

Exodus 7:19 The Lord also said to Moses: “Say to Aaron: ‘Take your staff; and extend your hand over the waters of Egypt, and over their rivers and streams and marshes and all the pools of waters, so that they may be turned into blood. And let there be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, as much in vessels of wood as in those of stone.’ ”Exodus 7:19

Exodus 7:20 And Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord had instructed. And lifting up the staff, he struck the water of the river in the sight of Pharaoh and his servants. And it was turned into blood.Exodus 7:20

Exodus 8:16 And the Lord said to Moses: “Say to Aaron: ‘Extend your staff and strike the dust of the earth. And let there be stinging insects throughout the entire the land of Egypt.’ ”Exodus 8:16

Exodus 8:17 And they did so. And Aaron extended his hand, holding the staff, and he struck the dust of the earth, and there came stinging insects upon men and upon beasts. All the dust of the earth was turned into stinging insects through all the land of Egypt.Exodus 8:17

Exodus 9:23 And Moses extended his staff into the sky, and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and also lightning dashing across the earth. And the Lord rained down hail upon the land of Egypt.Exodus 9:23

Exodus 10:13 And Moses extended his staff over the land of Egypt. And the Lord brought a burning wind all that day and night. And when morning came, the burning wind lifted up the locusts.Exodus 10:13

Exodus 14:16 Now, lift up your staff, and extend your hand over the sea and divide it, so that the sons of Israel may walk through the midst of the sea on dry ground.Exodus 14:16

Exodus 17:5 And the Lord said to Moses: “Go before the people, and take with you some of the elders of Israel. And take in your hand the staff, with which you struck the river, and advance.Exodus 17:5

Exodus 17:9 And Moses said to Joshua: “Choose men. And when you go out, fight against Amalek. Tomorrow, I will stand at the top of the hill, holding the staff of God in my hand.”Exodus 17:9

Exodus 21:19 if he gets up again and can walk outside on his staff, he who struck him will be innocent, but only if he makes sufficient restitution for his deeds and for the cost of the physicians.Exodus 21:19

Exodus 21:20 Whoever strikes his male or female servant with a staff, and if they have died by his hands, he shall be guilty of a crime.Exodus 21:20

Number of the word / term Staff in Exodus: 20

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 26:26 After this, I will have broken the staff of your bread, so that ten women bake bread in one oven, and distribute it by weight. And you shall eat and not be filled.Leviticus 26:26

Number of the word / term Staff in Leviticus: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 21:18 “The well, the leaders dug it, and the commanders of the multitude prepared it, at the direction of the lawgiver, and with their staffs.”Numbers 21:18

Number of the word / term Staff in Numbers: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Judges

Judges 6:21 the Angel of the Lord extended the end of a staff, which he was holding in his hand, and he touched the flesh and the unleavened loaves. And a fire ascended from the rock, and it consumed the flesh and the unleavened loaves. Then the Angel of the Lord vanished from his sight.Judges 6:21

Number of the word / term Staff in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Ruth

Ruth 2:17 And so she gathered in the field until evening. And striking and threshing with a staff what she had gathered, she found about the measure of an ephah of barley, that is, three measures.Ruth 2:17

Number of the word / term Staff in Ruth: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 14:27 But Jonathan had not heard that his father had bound the people to an oath. And so he extended the top of the staff that he was holding in his hand, and he dipped it in a honeycomb. And he turned his hand to his mouth, and his eyes were brightened.1 Samuel 14:27

1 Samuel 14:43 Then Saul said to Jonathan, “Tell me what you have done.” And Jonathan revealed to him, and said: “Truly, I tasted a little honey with the top of the staff that was in my hand. And behold, I shall die.”1 Samuel 14:43

1 Samuel 17:40 And he took up his staff, which he held always in his hands. And he chose for himself five very smooth stones from the torrent. And he put them into the shepherd’s bag that he had with him. And he took up a sling in his hand. And he went out against the Philistine.1 Samuel 17:40

Number of the word / term Staff in 1 Samuel: 3

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 23:21 He also killed an Egyptian who had a spear in his hand, a man worthy to behold. And yet he had gone down to him with only a staff. And he forced the spear from the hand of the Egyptian, and he killed him with his own spear.2 Samuel 23:21

Number of the word / term Staff in 2 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 4:29 And so he said to Gehazi: “Gird your waist, and take my staff in your hand, and go. If any man will meet you, you shall not greet him. And if anyone greets you, you shall not respond to him. And place my staff upon the face of the boy.”2 Kings 4:29

2 Kings 4:31 But Gehazi had gone before them, and he had placed the staff upon the face of the boy. And there was no voice, nor any response. And so he returned to meet him. And he reported to him, saying, “The boy did not rise up.”2 Kings 4:31

2 Kings 18:21 Do you hope in Egypt, that staff of a broken reed, which, if a man would lean upon it, breaking, it would pierce his hand? Such is Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to all who would trust in him.2 Kings 18:21

Number of the word / term Staff in 2 Kings: 3

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 11:23 And he struck down an Egyptian man, whose stature was five cubits, and who had a spear like a weaver’s beam. And yet he descended to him with a staff. And he seized the spear that he was holding in his hand. And he killed him with his own spear.1 Chronicles 11:23

Number of the word / term Staff in 1 Chronicles: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Job

Job 9:34 Let him take his staff away from me, and let not the fear of him terrify me.Job 9:34

Job 21:9 Their houses have been secure and peaceable, and there is no staff of God over them.Job 21:9

Number of the word / term Staff in Job: 2

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 23:4 For, even if I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils. For you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they have given me consolation.Psalm 23:4

Number of the word / term Staff in Psalm: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Song

Song of Solomon 3:6 Chorus to Groom: Who is she, who ascends through the desert, like a staff of smoke from the aromatics of myrrh, and frankincense, and every powder of the perfumer?Song of Solomon 3:6

Number of the word / term Staff in Song: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 10:5 Woe to Assur! He is the rod and the staff of my fury, and my indignation is in their hands.Isaiah 10:5

Isaiah 10:15 Should the axe glorify itself over him who wields it? Or can the saw exalt itself over him who pulls it? How can a rod lift itself up against him who wields it, or a staff exalt itself, though it is only wood?Isaiah 10:15

Isaiah 10:24 For this reason, the Lord, the God of hosts, says this: “My people, who inhabit Zion: do not be afraid of Assur. He will strike you with his rod, and he will lift up his staff over you, on the way of Egypt.Isaiah 10:24

Isaiah 14:5 The Lord has crushed the staff of the impious, the scepter of despots,Isaiah 14:5

Isaiah 28:27 For coriander cannot be threshed with a saw, and a cartwheel cannot revolve over cumin. Instead, coriander is shaken out with a stick, and cumin with a staff.Isaiah 28:27

Isaiah 30:31 For at the voice of the Lord, Assur will dread being struck with the staff.Isaiah 30:31

Isaiah 30:32 And when the passage of the staff has been begun, the Lord will cause it to rest upon him, with timbrels and harps. And with special battles, he will fight against them.Isaiah 30:32

Isaiah 36:6 Behold, you are trusting in Egypt, in that broken staff of a reed. But if a man were to lean against it, it would enter his hand and pierce it. So is Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to all who trust in him.Isaiah 36:6

Number of the word / term Staff in Isaiah: 8

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 1:11 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “What do you see, Jeremiah?” And I said, “I see a staff, keeping watch.”Jeremiah 1:11

Jeremiah 10:16 Jacob’s portion is not like their portion. For his portion is from the One who formed all things. And Israel is the staff of his inheritance. The Lord of hosts is his name.Jeremiah 10:16

Jeremiah 48:17 Console him, all you who surround him and all you who know his name. Say: ‘How has the strong staff become broken, the glorious staff?’Jeremiah 48:17

Number of the word / term Staff in Jeremiah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 4:16 And he said to me: “Son of man, behold: I will crush the staff of bread in Jerusalem. And they will eat bread by weight and with anxiety. And they will drink water by measure and with anguish.Ezekiel 4:16

Ezekiel 5:16 I, the Lord, have spoken. At that time, I will send among them the most grievous arrows of famine, which shall bring death, and which I will send so that I may destroy you. And I will gather a famine over you, and I will crush the staff of bread among you.Ezekiel 5:16

Ezekiel 14:13 “Son of man, when a land will have sinned against me, so that it transgresses grievously, I will extend my hand over it, and I will crush the staff of its bread. And I will send a famine upon it, and I will destroy from it both man and beast.Ezekiel 14:13

Ezekiel 29:6 And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the Lord. For you have been a staff made of reed to the house of Israel.Ezekiel 29:6

Ezekiel 39:9 And the inhabitants from the cities of Israel will go forth, and they will kindle and burn the weapons, the shields and the spears, the bows and the arrows, and the staff and the lance. And they will kindle fires with them for seven years.Ezekiel 39:9

Number of the word / term Staff in Ezekiel: 5

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 4:12 My people have inquired of their stave, and their staff has announced to them. For the spirit of fornication has deceived them, and they have been fornicating before their God.Hosea 4:12

Number of the word / term Staff in Hosea: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 11:7 And I will pasture the flock of the slaughter, because of this, O poor of the flock. And I took to myself two staffs: the one I called Handsome, and the other I called Rope, and I pastured the flock.Zechariah 11:7

Zechariah 11:10 And I took my staff, which was called Handsome, and I tore it apart, so as to invalidate my pact, which I had struck with all of the people.Zechariah 11:10

Zechariah 11:14 And I cut short my second staff, which was called Rope, so that I might dissolve the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.Zechariah 11:14

Number of the word / term Staff in Zechariah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 10:10 nor provisions for the journey, nor two tunics, nor shoes, nor a staff. For the laborer deserves his portion.Matthew 10:10

Number of the word / term Staff in Matthew: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Mark

Mark 6:8 And he instructed them not to take anything for the journey, except a staff: no traveling bag, no bread, and no money belt,Mark 6:8

Number of the word / term Staff in Mark: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Luke

Luke 9:3 And he said to them: “You should take nothing for the journey, neither staff, nor traveling bag, nor bread, nor money; and you should not have two tunics.Luke 9:3

Number of the word / term Staff in Luke: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Acts

Acts 16:22 And the people rushed together against them. And the magistrates, tearing their tunics, ordered them to be beaten with staffs.Acts 16:22

Number of the word / term Staff in Acts: 1

Bible passages with ‘Staff’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 11:1 And a reed, similar to a staff, was given to me. And it was said to me: “Rise up and measure the temple of God, and those who are worshiping in it, and the altar.Revelation 11:1

Number of the word / term ‘Staff’ in Revelation: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 64

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