Our Little Concordance

‘Speech’ in the Bible – All 39 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Speech’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Speech’ occurs 39 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 4:23 And Lamech said to his wives Adah and Zillah: “Listen to my voice, you wives of Lamech, pay attention to my speech. For I have killed a man to my own harm, and an adolescent to my own bruising.Genesis 4:23

Genesis 11:1 Now the earth was of one language and of the same speech.Genesis 11:1

Number of the word / term Speech in Genesis: 2

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 20:9 And when the officers of the army have become silent, and have completed their speech, each one shall prepare his unit to wage war.Deuteronomy 20:9

Number of the word / term Speech in Deuteronomy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Judges

Judges 18:3 And they recognized the speech of the youth who was a Levite. And while making use of an inn with him, they said to him: “Who brought you here? What are you doing here? For what reason did you want to come here?”Judges 18:3

Number of the word / term Speech in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 14:20 Thus did I turn to this figure of speech, because your servant Joab instructed it. But you, my lord the king, are wise, just as an Angel of God has wisdom, so that you understand all that is upon the earth.”2 Samuel 14:20

Number of the word / term Speech in 2 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 13:24 And their sons spoke partly in the speech of Ashdod, and they did not know how to speak the Jewish language, and they were speaking according to the language of one people or another.Nehemiah 13:24

Number of the word / term Speech in Nehemiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Job

Job 5:16 And there will be hope for those in need, for iniquity will diminish its speech.Job 5:16

Job 6:26 You prepare speeches as so much noise, and you offer words into the wind.Job 6:26

Job 15:13 Why does your spirit stir against God, so as to utter such speeches from your mouth?Job 15:13

Job 16:4 I, too, can speak like you; and I also wish that your soul favored my soul. I would also comfort you with speeches and would wag my head over you.Job 16:4

Job 27:1 Job also added to this, using figures of speech, and he said:Job 27:1

Job 29:1 Job also added to this, using figures of speech, and he said:Job 29:1

Job 33:1 Therefore, hear my speeches, Job, and listen to all my words.Job 33:1

Job 34:37 For he adds blasphemy on top of his sins; nevertheless, let him be constrained to be among us, and then let him provoke God to judgment with his speeches.Job 34:37

Number of the word / term Speech in Job: 8

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 19:3 There are no speeches or conversations, where their voices are not being heard.Psalm 19:3

Psalm 56:11 In God, I will praise the word. In the Lord, I will praise his speech. In God, I have hoped. I will not fear what man can do to me.Psalm 56:11

Psalm 59:12 by the offense of their mouth and by the speech of their lips. And may they be caught in their arrogance. And, for their cursing and lying, they will be made knownPsalm 59:12

Psalm 104:34 May my speech be pleasing to him. Truly, I will take delight in the Lord.Psalm 104:34

Psalm 105:28 He sent darkness and made it conceal, and he did not afflict them with his speech.Psalm 105:28

Number of the word / term Speech in Psalm: 5

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 2:16 So may you be rescued from the foreign woman, and from the outsider, who softens her speech,Proverbs 2:16

Proverbs 13:3 Whoever guards his mouth guards his soul. But whoever gives no consideration to his speech shall experience misfortunes.Proverbs 13:3

Proverbs 25:2 It is to the glory of God to conceal a word, and it is to the glory of kings to investigate speech.Proverbs 25:2

Number of the word / term Speech in Proverbs: 3

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 7:8 The end of a speech is better than the beginning. Patience is better than arrogance.Ecclesiastes 7:8

Number of the word / term Speech in Ecclesiastes: 1

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 3:3 the leader over fifty and the honorable in appearance; and the counselor, and the wise among builders, and the skillful in mystical speech.Isaiah 3:3

Isaiah 28:11 For with the speech of lips and with a different language, he will speak to this people.Isaiah 28:11

Isaiah 32:4 And the heart of the foolish will understand knowledge, and the tongue of those with impaired speech will speak quickly and plainly.Isaiah 32:4

Number of the word / term Speech in Isaiah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Amos

Amos 4:13 For behold, he who forms the mountains and creates the wind and announces his speech to man, who makes the morning mist and steps over the heights of the earth: the Lord God of hosts is his name.Amos 4:13

Number of the word / term Speech in Amos: 1

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Malachi

Malachi 2:17 You have wearied the Lord with your speeches, and you have said, “In what way, have we wearied him?” In that you say, “Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and such as these please him,” or certainly, “Where is the God of judgment?”Malachi 2:17

Number of the word / term Speech in Malachi: 1

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 22:15 Then the Pharisees, going out, took counsel as to how they might entrap him in speech.Matthew 22:15

Number of the word / term Speech in Matthew: 1

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book John

John 4:42 And they said to the woman: “Now we believe, not because of your speech, but because we ourselves have heard him, and so we know that he is truly the Savior of the world.”John 4:42

Number of the word / term Speech in John: 1

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Acts

Acts 12:21 Then, on the appointed day, Herod was clothed in kingly apparel, and he sat in the judgment seat, and he gave a speech to them.Acts 12:21

Number of the word / term Speech in Acts: 1

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 14:9 So it is with you also, for unless you utter with the tongue in plain speech, how will it be known what is said? For then you would be speaking into the air.1 Corinthians 14:9

Number of the word / term Speech in 1 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 10:10 For they say: “His epistles, indeed, are weighty and strong. But his bodily presence is weak, and his speech is contemptible.”2 Corinthians 10:10

2 Corinthians 11:6 For although I may be unskilled in speech, yet I am not so in knowledge. But, in all things, we have been made manifest to you.2 Corinthians 11:6

Number of the word / term Speech in 2 Corinthians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Colossians

Colossians 3:8 But now you must set aside all these things: anger, indignation, malice, blasphemy, and indecent speech from your mouth.Colossians 3:8

Colossians 4:3 Pray together, for us also, so that God may open a door of speech to us, so as to speak the mystery of Christ, (because of which, even now, I am in chains)Colossians 4:3

Colossians 4:6 Let your speech be ever graceful, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to respond to each person.Colossians 4:6

Number of the word / term Speech in Colossians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 2:5 And neither did we, at any time, become flattering in speech, as you know, nor did we seek an opportunity for avarice, as God is witness.1 Thessalonians 2:5

Number of the word / term Speech in 1 Thessalonians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Speech’ in the book Titus

Titus 1:9 embracing faithful speech which is in agreement with doctrine, so that he may be able to exhort in sound doctrine and to argue against those who contradict.Titus 1:9

Number of the word / term ‘Speech’ in Titus: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 39

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