Our Little Concordance

‘Soul’ in the Bible – All 582 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Soul’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Soul’ occurs 582 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 1:20 And then God said, “Let the waters produce animals with a living soul, and flying creatures above the earth, under the firmament of heaven.”Genesis 1:20

Genesis 1:21 And God created the great sea creatures, and everything with a living soul and the ability to move that the waters produced, according to their species, and all the flying creatures, according to their kind. And God saw that it was good.Genesis 1:21

Genesis 1:24 God also said, “Let the land produce living souls in their kind: cattle, and animals, and wild beasts of the earth, according to their species.” And so it became.Genesis 1:24

Genesis 1:30 and for all the animals of the land, and for all the flying things of the air, and for everything that moves upon the earth and in which there is a living soul, so that they may have these on which to feed.” And so it became.Genesis 1:30

Genesis 2:7 And then the Lord God formed man from the clay of the earth, and he breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul.Genesis 2:7

Genesis 8:21 And the Lord smelled the sweet odor and said: “I will no longer curse the earth because of man. For the feelings and thoughts of the heart of man are prone to evil from his youth. Therefore, I will no longer pierce every living soul as I have done.Genesis 8:21

Genesis 9:10 and with every living soul that is with you: as much with the birds as with the cattle and all the animals of the earth that have gone forth from the ark, and with all the wild beasts of the earth.Genesis 9:10

Genesis 9:12 And God said: “This is the sign of the pact that I grant between me and you, and to every living soul that is with you, for perpetual generations.Genesis 9:12

Genesis 9:15 And I will remember my covenant with you, and with every living soul that enlivens flesh. And there will no longer be waters from a great flood to wipe away all that is flesh.Genesis 9:15

Genesis 9:16 And the arc will be in the clouds, and I will see it, and I will remember the everlasting covenant that was enacted between God and every living soul of all that is flesh upon the earth.”Genesis 9:16

Genesis 12:13 Therefore, I beg you to say that you are my sister, so that it may be well with me because of you, and so that my soul may live by your favor.”Genesis 12:13

Genesis 14:21 Then the king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give me these souls, and take the rest for yourself.”Genesis 14:21

Genesis 17:14 The male, the flesh of whose foreskin will not be circumcised, that soul shall be eliminated from his people. For he has made my covenant void.”Genesis 17:14

Genesis 19:20 There is a certain city nearby, to which I can flee; it is a little one, and I will be saved in it. Is it not a modest one, and will not my soul live?”Genesis 19:20

Genesis 23:8 And he said to them: “If it pleases your soul that I should bury my dead, hear me, and intercede on my behalf with Ephron, the son of Zohar,Genesis 23:8

Genesis 27:4 make from it a small meal for me, just as you know I like, and bring it, so that I may eat and my soul may bless you before I die.”Genesis 27:4

Genesis 27:19 And Jacob said: “I am Esau, your firstborn. I have done as you instructed me. Arise; sit and eat from my hunting, so that your soul may bless me.”Genesis 27:19

Genesis 27:25 Then he said, “Bring me the foods from your hunting, my son, so that my soul may bless you.” And when he had eaten what was offered, he also brought forth wine for him. And after he finished it,Genesis 27:25

Genesis 27:31 And he brought his father foods cooked from his hunting, saying, “Arise, my father, and eat from your son’s hunting, so that your soul may bless me.”Genesis 27:31

Genesis 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, saying, “I have seen God face to face, and my soul has been saved.”Genesis 32:30

Genesis 34:3 And his soul was closely bound to her, and, since she was sorrowful, he soothed her with flattery.Genesis 34:3

Genesis 34:8 And so Hamor spoke to them: “The soul of my son Shechem has become attached to your daughter. Give her to him as a wife.Genesis 34:8

Genesis 36:6 Then Esau took his wives, and sons, and daughters, and every soul of his house, and his substance, and cattle, and whatever he was able to obtain in the land of Canaan, and he went into another region, withdrawing from his brother Jacob.Genesis 36:6

Genesis 42:21 and they spoke to one another: “We deserve to suffer these things, because we have sinned against our brother, seeing the anguish of his soul, when he begged us and we would not listen. For that reason, this tribulation has come upon us.”Genesis 42:21

Genesis 46:15 These are the sons of Leah, whom she bore, along with his daughter Dinah, in Mesopotamia of Syria. All the souls of her sons and daughters are thirty-three.Genesis 46:15

Genesis 46:18 These are the sons of Zilpah, whom Laban gave to his daughter Leah. And these she bore to Jacob: sixteen souls.Genesis 46:18

Genesis 46:22 These are the sons of Rachel, whom she bore to Jacob: all these souls are fourteen.Genesis 46:22

Genesis 46:25 These are the sons of Bilhah, whom Laban gave to his daughter Rachel, and these she bore to Jacob: all these souls are seven.Genesis 46:25

Genesis 46:26 All the souls who went into Egypt with Jacob and who went out from his thigh, besides the wives of his sons, were sixty-six.Genesis 46:26

Genesis 46:27 Now the sons of Joseph, who were born to him in the land of Egypt, were two souls. All the souls of the house of Jacob, who went into Egypt, were seventy.Genesis 46:27

Genesis 49:6 Let not my soul go by their counsel, nor my glory be within their meeting. For in their fury they killed a man, and in their self-will they undermined a wall.Genesis 49:6

Number of the word / term Soul in Genesis: 31

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 1:5 Therefore, all the souls of those who went forth from Jacob’s thigh were seventy. Now Joseph was in Egypt.Exodus 1:5

Exodus 12:4 But if the number is less than may suffice to be able to consume the lamb, he shall accept his neighbor, who has been joined with his house according to the number of souls that may suffice to be able to eat the lamb.Exodus 12:4

Exodus 12:15 For seven days, you shall eat unleavened bread. On the first day there shall be no leaven in your houses. Whoever will consume anything leavened, from the first day, even until the seventh day, that soul shall perish from Israel.Exodus 12:15

Exodus 12:19 For seven days, there shall not be found leaven in your houses. Whoever will eat leaven, his soul will perish from the assembly of Israel, as much with the newcomers as with the natives of the land.Exodus 12:19

Exodus 15:9 The enemy said: ‘I will pursue and overtake them. I will divide the spoils. My soul will be filled. I will unsheathe my sword. My hand will put them to death.’Exodus 15:9

Exodus 16:16 This is the word that the Lord has instructed. Let each one collect as much of it as is sufficient to eat. One omer for each head. According to the number of your souls which live in a tent, so will you take of it.”Exodus 16:16

Exodus 30:12 “When you have taken the sum of the sons of Israel, according to their number, each shall give a price for their souls to the Lord, and there will be no scourge among them, when they will be reviewed.Exodus 30:12

Exodus 30:16 And the money received, which was collected from the sons of Israel, you shall deliver for the uses of the tabernacle of the testimony, so that it may be a memorial of them before the Lord, and he may act favorably toward their souls.”Exodus 30:16

Exodus 31:14 Keep my Sabbath, for it is holy to you. Whoever will have polluted it, shall die a death. Whoever will have done any work in it, his soul shall perish from the midst of his people.Exodus 31:14

Exodus 35:5 Separate from among you the first-fruits to the Lord. Let all who are willing and have a ready soul offer these to the Lord: gold, and silver, and brass,Exodus 35:5

Number of the word / term Soul in Exodus: 10

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 2:1 When a soul will offer an oblation of sacrifice to the Lord, his oblation shall be of fine wheat flour, and he shall pour oil over it, and he shall set down frankincense,Leviticus 2:1

Leviticus 4:2 Say to the sons of Israel: The soul which will have sinned through ignorance, and concerning any of the commandments of the Lord that he instructed not to be done, if anything at all has been done:Leviticus 4:2

Leviticus 4:27 But if a soul from the people of the land will have sinned through ignorance, so as to have done any of those things that the law of the Lord prohibits, and so commit a transgression,Leviticus 4:27

Leviticus 5:1 If a soul will have sinned, and heard the voice of one testifying under oath, and he is a witness because either he has seen it himself, or he is aware of it: if he does not reveal it, he shall carry his iniquity.Leviticus 5:1

Leviticus 5:2 The soul that will have touched anything unclean, either that which has been killed by a beast, or that which has died on its own, or any other creeping thing, and will have forgotten its uncleanness, he is guilty and has committed a transgression.Leviticus 5:2

Leviticus 5:4 The soul who swears and offers from his own lips that he would do either evil or good, and who will have bound the same with an oath and with his own words, and, having forgotten it, afterwards understands his transgression,Leviticus 5:4

Leviticus 5:15 If a soul, by mistake, shall have transgressed the ceremonies in those things that are sanctified to the Lord, he shall offer for his offense an immaculate ram from the flocks, such as can be bought for two shekels, according to the weight of the Sanctuary.Leviticus 5:15

Leviticus 5:17 If a soul will have sinned through ignorance, and will have done one of those things which the law of the Lord prohibits, and, being guilty of sin, understands his iniquity,Leviticus 5:17

Leviticus 6:2 The soul who will have sinned, and, despising the Lord, will have denied to his neighbor the deposit which he had entrusted to his safekeeping, or who will have extorted anything by force, or who will have made a false accusation,Leviticus 6:2

Leviticus 7:18 If anyone will have eaten from the flesh of the victim of peace offerings on the third day, the oblation will be nullified; neither will it benefit the one who offered it. But instead, whatever soul will contaminate itself with such foods will be guilty of a betrayal.Leviticus 7:18

Leviticus 7:20 If a soul which is polluted will have eaten from the flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings, which is offered to the Lord, he shall perish from his people.Leviticus 7:20

Leviticus 7:27 Every soul that will have eaten blood shall perish from his people.Leviticus 7:27

Leviticus 11:43 Do not be willing to contaminate your souls, nor shall you touch any of these, lest you become unclean.Leviticus 11:43

Leviticus 11:44 For I am the Lord your God. Be holy, for I am Holy. Do not pollute your souls with any creeping thing, which moves across the land.Leviticus 11:44

Leviticus 11:46 This is the law of animals and flying things, and of every living soul that moves in the waters or creeps upon the land,Leviticus 11:46

Leviticus 16:29 And this shall be to you an everlasting ordinance. In the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall afflict your souls, and you shall do no work, neither someone native born, nor the newcomer who sojourns among you.Leviticus 16:29

Leviticus 16:31 For it is a Sabbath of rest, and you shall afflict your souls as a perpetual observance.Leviticus 16:31

Leviticus 17:10 Any man at all of the house of Israel, or of the newcomers who sojourn among them, if he has eaten blood, I will harden my face against his soul, and I will drive him from his people.Leviticus 17:10

Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you, so that you may atone with it upon the altar for your souls, and so that the blood may be for an expiation of the soul.Leviticus 17:11

Leviticus 17:12 For this reason, I have said to the sons of Israel: No soul among you shall eat blood, nor among the newcomers who sojourn with you.Leviticus 17:12

Leviticus 17:15 The soul who eats what has died on its own, or what has been caught by a beast, whether he is native born or a newcomer, shall wash his clothes and himself with water, and he shall be contaminated until evening. And by this means he shall be made clean.Leviticus 17:15

Leviticus 18:29 Every soul who shall commit any of these abominations shall perish from the midst of his people.Leviticus 18:29

Leviticus 19:8 And he shall bear his iniquity, for he has polluted what is holy to the Lord. And that soul shall perish from his people.Leviticus 19:8

Leviticus 20:6 The soul who will have turned aside to astrologers and soothsayers, and who will have fornicated with them, I will set my face against him, and I will destroy him from the midst of his people.Leviticus 20:6

Leviticus 20:25 Therefore, you must also separate the clean animals from the unclean, and the clean birds from the unclean. Do not pollute your souls with cattle, or birds, or anything that moves upon the earth, and which I have shown you to be unclean.Leviticus 20:25

Leviticus 23:27 The tenth day of this seventh month shall be the day of atonement; it shall be most honored, and it shall be called holy. And you shall afflict your souls on that day, and you shall offer a holocaust to the Lord.Leviticus 23:27

Leviticus 23:29 Every soul that has not been afflicted on this day shall perish from his people,Leviticus 23:29

Leviticus 23:32 It is a Sabbath of rest, and you shall afflict your souls beginning on the ninth day of the month: from evening until evening you shall celebrate your Sabbaths.Leviticus 23:32

Leviticus 26:11 I will set my tabernacle in your midst, and my soul will not cast you out.Leviticus 26:11

Leviticus 26:30 I will destroy your high places, and I will break apart your false images. You will fall among the ruins of your idols, and my soul will abominate you:Leviticus 26:30

Leviticus 27:2 Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them: The man who will have made a vow and espoused his soul to God shall give the price according to the estimation.Leviticus 27:2

Number of the word / term Soul in Leviticus: 31

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 9:13 But if any man was both clean, and not on a journey, and yet he did not observe the Passover, that soul shall be exterminated from among his people, because he did not offer the sacrifice to the Lord in its time. He shall bear his sin.Numbers 9:13

Numbers 15:27 But if one soul will have sinned by not knowing, he shall offer a one-year-old she-goat for his sin.Numbers 15:27

Numbers 15:30 Yet truly, the soul who commits any of these acts through arrogance, whether he is a citizen or a sojourner, because he has rebelled against the Lord, shall perish from among his people.Numbers 15:30

Numbers 19:20 If anyone has not been expiated by this ritual, his soul shall perish from the midst of the Church. For he has polluted the Sanctuary of the Lord, and he has not been sprinkled with purifying waters.Numbers 19:20

Numbers 19:22 Whatever has been touched by something unclean will itself be made unclean. And the soul who touches any of these things shall become unclean until evening.”Numbers 19:22

Numbers 21:5 And speaking against God and Moses, they said: “Why did you lead us away from Egypt, so as to die in the wilderness? Bread is lacking; there are no waters. Our soul is now nauseous over this very light food.”Numbers 21:5

Numbers 23:10 Who can number the dust that is Jacob, and who can know the number of the stock of Israel? May my soul die a just death, and may my end be like theirs.”Numbers 23:10

Numbers 29:7 Likewise, the tenth day of this seventh month shall be for you holy and venerable, and you shall afflict your souls. You shall do no servile work in it.Numbers 29:7

Numbers 30:3 If a woman, who is in her father’s house, vows anything, or binds herself by an oath, and she is still in a state of childhood, if her father knew of the vow which she has promised or of the oath by which she has obligated her soul, and he kept silent, she shall be liable to the vow:Numbers 30:3

Numbers 30:6 If she has a husband, and she has vowed anything, then, once the word has gone out of her mouth, she will have obligated her soul by an oath.Numbers 30:6

Numbers 30:8 But if, as soon as he hears it, he contradicts it, then he will have caused her promises, and the words by which she had bound her soul, to be null and void. The Lord will be favorable to her.Numbers 30:8

Numbers 30:13 If she has vowed or bound herself by oath, in order to afflict her soul by fasting, or by abstaining from other things, it shall be for the arbitration of her husband, as to whether or not she may do it.Numbers 30:13

Numbers 31:28 And you shall separate a portion for the Lord from the portion of those who fought and were in the battle: one soul out of five hundred, as much from humans, as from oxen and donkeys and sheep.Numbers 31:28

Numbers 31:40 From the sixteen thousand human souls, there fell to the portion of the Lord thirty-two souls.Numbers 31:40

Number of the word / term Soul in Numbers: 14

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 4:9 And so, guard yourself and your soul carefully. You should not forget the words that your eyes have seen, and do not let them be cut away from your heart, throughout all the days of your life. You shall teach them to your sons and to your grandsons,Deuteronomy 4:9

Deuteronomy 4:15 And so, guard your souls carefully. You saw no likeness on the day that the Lord God spoke to you on Horeb from the midst of fire.Deuteronomy 4:15

Deuteronomy 4:29 And when you will seek the Lord your God in that place, you shall find him, if only you seek him with all your heart, and in all the tribulation of your soul.Deuteronomy 4:29

Deuteronomy 6:5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength.Deuteronomy 6:5

Deuteronomy 8:2 And you shall remember the entire journey along which the Lord your God led you, for forty years through the desert, to afflict you, and to test you, and to make known the things that were turning in your soul, whether or not you would keep his commandments.Deuteronomy 8:2

Deuteronomy 10:12 And now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? Only that you fear the Lord your God, and walk in his ways, and love him, and serve the Lord your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul,Deuteronomy 10:12

Deuteronomy 10:22 As seventy souls, your fathers descended into Egypt. And now, behold, the Lord your God has multiplied you to be like the stars of heaven.”Deuteronomy 10:22

Deuteronomy 11:13 So then, if you obey my commandments, which I am instructing to you this day, so that you love the Lord your God, and serve him with your whole heart and your whole soul,Deuteronomy 11:13

Deuteronomy 12:20 When the Lord your God will have enlarged your borders, just as he has spoken to you, and when you would eat the flesh that your soul desires,Deuteronomy 12:20

Deuteronomy 12:23 Only beware of this: you may not eat the blood. For their blood is for the soul. And because of this, you must not eat the soul with the flesh.Deuteronomy 12:23

Deuteronomy 13:3 you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. For the Lord your God is testing you, so that it may become clear whether or not you love him with all your heart and with all your soul.Deuteronomy 13:3

Deuteronomy 13:6 If your brother, the son of your mother, or your own son or daughter, or your wife who is in your bosom, or your friend, whom you love like your own soul, were willing to persuade you secretly, saying: ‘Let us go, and serve foreign gods,’ which neither you nor your fathers have known,Deuteronomy 13:6

Deuteronomy 14:26 And you shall buy with the same money whatever pleases you, either from the herds or from the sheep, and also wine and liquor, and all that your soul desires. And you shall eat in the sight of the Lord your God, and you shall feast: you and your household.Deuteronomy 14:26

Deuteronomy 26:16 Today the Lord your God has instructed you to carry out these commandments and judgments, and to keep and fulfill them, with all your heart and with all your soul.Deuteronomy 26:16

Deuteronomy 30:2 and when you will have returned to him, so as to obey his commandments, just as I have instructed you this day, with your sons, with your whole heart and with your whole soul,Deuteronomy 30:2

Deuteronomy 30:6 The Lord your God will circumcise your heart, and the heart of your offspring, so that you may love the Lord your God with your entire heart and with your entire soul, so that you may be able to live.Deuteronomy 30:6

Deuteronomy 30:10 but only if you will listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and keep his precepts and ceremonies, which have been written in this law, and only if you return to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.Deuteronomy 30:10

Number of the word / term Soul in Deuteronomy: 17

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 2:13 that you will save my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all that is theirs, and that you may rescue our souls from death.”Joshua 2:13

Joshua 10:32 And the Lord delivered Lachish into the hands of Israel, and he seized it on the following day, and he struck it with the edge of the sword, and every soul that was in it, just as he had done to Libnah.Joshua 10:32

Joshua 10:35 And he also defeated it on the same day. And he struck all the souls that were in it with the edge of the sword, in accord with all that he had done to Lachish.Joshua 10:35

Joshua 10:37 He seized it and struck it with the edge of the sword, likewise with its king, and all the towns of that region, and all the souls that were staying in it. He did not leave any remains in it. Just as he had done to Eglon, so also did he do to Hebron, consuming with the sword all that he found within it.Joshua 10:37

Joshua 11:11 And he struck down all the souls that were staying there. He did not leave in it any remains, but he destroyed everything unto utter annihilation, and he destroyed the city itself with fire.Joshua 11:11

Joshua 22:5 And may you continue to observe attentively, and to work to fulfill, the commandment and the law that Moses, the servant of the Lord, instructed to you, so that you may love the Lord your God, and walk in all his ways, and keep all his commandments, and cling to him, and serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”Joshua 22:5

Number of the word / term Soul in Joshua: 6

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Judges

Judges 5:15 The commanders of Issachar were with Deborah, and they followed the steps of Barak, who endangered himself, like one rushing headlong into a chasm. Reuben was divided against himself. Contention was found among great souls.Judges 5:15

Judges 5:16 Why do you live between two borders, so that you hear the bleating of the flocks? Reuben was divided against himself. Contention was found among great souls.Judges 5:16

Judges 5:21 The torrent of Kishon dragged away their carcasses, the onrushing torrent, the torrent of Kishon. O my soul, tread upon the stalwart!Judges 5:21

Judges 16:15 And Delilah said to him: “How can you say that you love me, when your soul is not with me? You have lied to me on three occasions, and you are not willing to reveal wherein lies your very great strength.”Judges 16:15

Judges 16:16 And when she had been very troublesome to him, and over many days had continually stayed nearby, giving him no time to rest, his soul was faint, and he was weary, even unto death.Judges 16:16

Judges 16:18 Then, seeing that he had confessed to her his whole soul, she sent to the leaders of the Philistines and ordered: “Come up just once more. For now he has opened his heart to me.” And they went up, taking with them the money that they had promised.Judges 16:18

Number of the word / term Soul in Judges: 6

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Ruth

Ruth 1:18 Therefore, Naomi saw that Ruth, being firmly resolved in her soul, was determined to go with her, and that she was unwilling to be dissuaded, and that nothing further could convince her to return to her own.Ruth 1:18

Ruth 4:15 And now you may have someone to comfort your soul and to care for you in old age, for he is born of your daughter-in-law, who loves you, and this is much better for you, than if you had seven sons.”Ruth 4:15

Number of the word / term Soul in Ruth: 2

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 1:10 And since Hannah was bitter in soul, she prayed to the Lord, weeping greatly.1 Samuel 1:10

1 Samuel 1:15 Responding, Hannah said: “By no means, my lord. For I am an exceedingly unhappy woman, and I drank neither wine, nor anything that can inebriate. Instead, I have poured out my soul in the sight of the Lord.1 Samuel 1:15

1 Samuel 1:26 And Hannah said: “I beg you, my lord, as your soul lives, my lord: I am that woman, who stood before you here, praying to the Lord.1 Samuel 1:26

1 Samuel 2:16 And the one who was immolating would say to him, “First, allow the fat to be burned today, according to custom, and then take for yourself whatever your soul desires.” But in response, he would say to him: “By no means. For you will give it to me now, otherwise I will take it by force.”1 Samuel 2:16

1 Samuel 2:33 Yet truly, I will not entirely take away a man of you from my altar, but such that your eyes may fail, and your soul may melt away, and a great part of your house may die out, as it pertains to the state of men.1 Samuel 2:33

1 Samuel 2:35 And I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will act in accord with my heart and my soul. And I will build a faithful house for him. And he will walk before my Christ for all days.1 Samuel 2:35

1 Samuel 14:7 And his armor bearer said to him: “Do all that is pleasing to your soul. Go wherever you wish, and I will be with you, wherever you will choose.”1 Samuel 14:7

1 Samuel 17:55 Now at the time that Saul had seen David going out against the Philistines, he said to Abner, the leader of the military, “From what stock is this youth descended, Abner?” And Abner said, “As your soul lives, O king, I do not know.”1 Samuel 17:55

1 Samuel 18:1 And it happened that, when he had completed speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan adhered to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him like his own soul.1 Samuel 18:1

1 Samuel 18:3 Then David and Jonathan formed a pact. For he loved him like his own soul.1 Samuel 18:3

1 Samuel 20:3 And he swore again to David. And David said: “Your father certainly knows that I have found favor in your sight, and so he will say, ‘Let Jonathan not know this, lest he be saddened.’ So truly, as the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, there is only one step (if I may say it) separating me from death.”1 Samuel 20:3

1 Samuel 20:4 And Jonathan said to David, “Whatever your soul will tell me, I will do for you.”1 Samuel 20:4

1 Samuel 20:17 And Jonathan continued to swear to David, because he loved him. For he loved him like his own soul.1 Samuel 20:17

1 Samuel 22:2 And all those left in distress, or oppressed by debt to strangers, or bitter in soul, gathered themselves to him. And he became their leader, and about four hundred men were with him.1 Samuel 22:2

1 Samuel 22:22 And David said to Abiathar: “I knew, on that day when Doeg, the Edomite was there, that without doubt he would report it to Saul. I am guilty of all the souls of your father’s house.1 Samuel 22:22

1 Samuel 23:20 Now therefore, if your soul has desired to descend, then descend. Then it will be for us to deliver him into the hands of the king.”1 Samuel 23:20

1 Samuel 24:11 Moreover, see and know, O my father, the edge of your cloak in my hand. For though I cut off the top of your cloak, I was not willing to extend my hand against you. Turn your soul and see that there is no evil in my hand, nor any iniquity or sin against you. Yet you lie in wait for my life, so that you may take it away.1 Samuel 24:11

1 Samuel 25:26 Now therefore, my lord, as your soul lives, and as the Lord lives, who has kept your hand to yourself, and has prevented you from coming to blood: now, let your enemies be like Nabal, and like all those who are seeking evil for my lord.1 Samuel 25:26

1 Samuel 26:24 And just as your soul has been magnified this day in my eyes, so let my soul be magnified in the eyes of the Lord, and may he free me from all distress.”1 Samuel 26:24

1 Samuel 30:6 And David was greatly saddened. And the people were willing to stone him, because the soul of every man was bitter over his sons and daughters. But David was strengthened by the Lord his God.1 Samuel 30:6

Number of the word / term Soul in 1 Samuel: 20

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 3:21 And Abner said to David, “I will rise up, so that I may gather all of Israel to you, my lord the king, and so that I may enter into a pact with you, and so that you may reign over all, just as your soul desires.” Then, when David had led Abner away, and he had departed in peace,2 Samuel 3:21

2 Samuel 4:9 But David, responding to Rechab and his brother Baanah, the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, said to them: “As the Lord lives who has rescued my soul from all distress,2 Samuel 4:9

2 Samuel 5:8 For David had proposed, on that day, a reward to him who had struck the Jebusites and who had reached to the gutters of the rooftops, and who had taken away the blind and the lame that hated the soul of David. Therefore, it is said in the proverb, “The blind and the lame shall not enter into the temple.”2 Samuel 5:8

2 Samuel 11:11 And Uriah said to David: “The ark of God, and Israel and Judah, dwell in tents, and my lord Joab, and the servants of my lord, stay upon the face of the earth. And should I then go into my own house, so that I may eat and drink, and sleep with my wife? By your welfare and by the welfare of your soul, I will not do this thing.”2 Samuel 11:11

2 Samuel 14:14 We are all dying, and we are all like waters that flow into the ground and do not return. God does not will to lose a soul. Instead, he renews his efforts, thinking that what has been rejected might not perish altogether.2 Samuel 14:14

2 Samuel 14:19 And the king said, “Is not the hand of Joab with you in all this?” And the woman answered and said: “By the welfare of your soul, my lord the king, it is neither to the left, nor to the right, in all these things that my lord the king has spoken. For your servant Joab himself instructed me, and he himself placed all these words in the mouth of your handmaid.2 Samuel 14:19

2 Samuel 17:8 And again Hushai declared, “You know your father, and the men who are with him, to be very strong and bitter in soul, comparable to a bear raging in the forest when her young have been taken away. Moreover, your father is a man of war, and so he will not live among the people.2 Samuel 17:8

Number of the word / term Soul in 2 Samuel: 7

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 1:29 the king swore and said: “As the Lord lives, who has rescued my soul from all distress,1 Kings 1:29

1 Kings 2:4 So may the Lord confirm his words, which he has spoken about me, saying: ‘If your sons will guard their ways, and if they will walk before me in truth, with all their heart and with all their soul, there shall not be taken away from you a man on the throne of Israel.’1 Kings 2:4

1 Kings 8:48 and they return to you with all their heart and all their soul, in the land of their enemies, to which they have been led away as captives, and if they pray to you in the direction of their land, which you gave to their fathers, and of the city, which you have chosen, and of the temple, which I have built to your name:1 Kings 8:48

1 Kings 11:37 And I will take you up, and you shall reign over all that your soul desires. And you shall be king over Israel.1 Kings 11:37

1 Kings 15:29 And when he had reigned, he struck down the entire house of Jeroboam. He did not leave behind even one soul from his offspring, until he had wiped him away, in accord with the word of the Lord, which he had spoken by the hand of Ahijah, the Shilonite,1 Kings 15:29

1 Kings 17:21 And he stretched himself out beside the boy three times. And he cried out to the Lord and said, “O Lord, my God, let the soul of this boy, I beg you, return to his body.”1 Kings 17:21

1 Kings 17:22 And the Lord heeded the voice of Elijah. And the soul of the boy returned to him, and he revived.1 Kings 17:22

1 Kings 19:4 And he continued on, into the desert, for one day’s journey. And when he had arrived, and was sitting under a juniper tree, he requested for his soul that he might die. And he said: “It is enough for me, O Lord. Take my soul. For I am no better than my fathers.”1 Kings 19:4

1 Kings 20:7 Then the king of Israel called all the elders of the land, and he said: “Let your souls take heed, and see that he commits treachery against us. For he sent to me for my wives and sons, and for silver and gold. And I did not refuse.”1 Kings 20:7

1 Kings 20:32 So they wrapped sackcloth around their waists, and they placed ropes on their heads. And they went to the king of Israel, and they said to him: “Your servant, Benhadad, says: ‘I beg you to let my soul live.’ ” And he replied, “If he is still alive, he is my brother.”1 Kings 20:32

1 Kings 21:5 Then Jezebel, his wife, entered to him, and she said to him: “What is this matter, by which your soul has been saddened? And why do you not eat bread?”1 Kings 21:5

Number of the word / term Soul in 1 Kings: 11

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 2:2 And Elijah said to Elisha: “Remain here. For the Lord has sent me as far as Bethel.” And Elisha said to him, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not forsake you.” And when they had descended to Bethel,2 Kings 2:2

2 Kings 2:4 Then Elijah said to Elisha: “Remain here. For the Lord has sent me to Jericho.” And he said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not forsake you.” And when they had arrived at Jericho,2 Kings 2:4

2 Kings 2:6 Then Elijah said to him: “Remain here. For the Lord has sent me as far as the Jordan.” And he said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not forsake you.” And so, the two of them continued on together.2 Kings 2:6

2 Kings 4:27 And when she had arrived at the man of God, on the mount, she took hold of his feet. And Gehazi drew near, so that he might remove her. But the man of God said: “Permit her. For her soul is in bitterness. And the Lord has concealed it from me, and has not revealed it to me.”2 Kings 4:27

2 Kings 4:30 But the mother of the boy said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not release you.” Therefore, he rose up, and he followed her.2 Kings 4:30

2 Kings 12:4 And Jehoash said to the priests: “All of the money for the holy things, which has been brought into the temple of the Lord from those who pass by, which is offered for the price of a soul, and which they bring into the temple of the Lord willingly, from their own free heart:2 Kings 12:4

2 Kings 23:3 And the king stood upon the step. And he struck a covenant before the Lord, so that they would walk after the Lord, and keep his precepts and testimonies and ceremonies, with all their heart and with all their soul, and so that they would carry out the words of this covenant, which had been written in that book. And the people agreed to the covenant.2 Kings 23:3

2 Kings 23:25 There was no king before him similar to him, who returned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his strength, in accord with the entire law of Moses. And after him, there rose up no one similar to him.2 Kings 23:25

Number of the word / term Soul in 2 Kings: 8

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 22:19 Therefore, offer your hearts and your souls, so that you seek the Lord your God. And rise up and build a sanctuary to the Lord God, so that the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and the vessels consecrated to the Lord, may be brought into the house that is built to the name of the Lord.”1 Chronicles 22:19

Number of the word / term Soul in 1 Chronicles: 1

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 6:38 and if they will have returned to you, with their whole heart and with their whole soul, in the land of their captivity to which they were led away, and if they will adore you in the direction of their own land, which you gave to their fathers, and of the city, which you have chosen, and of the house, which I have built to your name,2 Chronicles 6:38

2 Chronicles 15:12 And he entered, according to custom, in order to confirm the covenant, so that they would seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with their whole heart and with their whole soul.2 Chronicles 15:12

2 Chronicles 34:31 And standing up at his tribunal, he struck a covenant before the Lord, so that he would walk after him, and would keep his precepts and testimonies and justifications, with his whole heart and with his whole soul, and so that he would do the things that were written in that volume, which he had read.2 Chronicles 34:31

Number of the word / term Soul in 2 Chronicles: 3

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Esther

Esther 4:1 When Mordecai had heard this, he tore his garments and put on sackcloth, strewing ashes on his head, and he cried out with a loud voice in the main street of the city, revealing the anguish of his soul.Esther 4:1

Esther 4:13 he again sent word to Esther, saying, “Do not think that you will save so much as your own soul, just because you are in the king’s house and are above all the Jews.Esther 4:13

Esther 7:3 She answered him, “If I have found favor in your eyes, O king, and if it pleases you, spare my soul, I ask you, and spare my people, I beg you.Esther 7:3

Esther 7:7 But the king, being angry, rose up and, from the place of the feast, entered into the arboretum of the garden. Haman likewise rose up to entreat Esther the queen for his soul, for he understood that evil was prepared for him by the king.Esther 7:7

Number of the word / term Soul in Esther: 4

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Job

Job 3:20 Why is light given to the miserable, and life to those who are in bitterness of soul,Job 3:20

Job 6:7 The things that my soul was unwilling to touch before, now, because of anguish, are my foods.Job 6:7

Job 7:11 And because of this, I will not restrain my mouth. I will speak in the affliction of my spirit. I will converse from the bitterness of my soul.Job 7:11

Job 7:15 so that, because of these things, my soul would choose hanging, and my bones, death.Job 7:15

Job 9:21 And if I now became simple, my soul would be ignorant even of this, and my life would weary me.Job 9:21

Job 10:1 My soul is weary of my life. I will release my words against myself. I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.Job 10:1

Job 11:20 But the eyes of the impious will fade away, and the path to escape will perish before them, for the abomination of the soul is their hope.Job 11:20

Job 12:10 In his hand is the soul of all the living and the spirit of all the flesh of mankind.Job 12:10

Job 13:14 Why do I wound my flesh with my teeth, and carry my soul in my hands?Job 13:14

Job 14:22 And in this way his body, while he yet lives, will have grief, and his soul will mourn over himself.Job 14:22

Job 16:4 I, too, can speak like you; and I also wish that your soul favored my soul. I would also comfort you with speeches and would wag my head over you.Job 16:4

Job 18:4 You, who ruins your own soul in your fury, will the earth be forsaken because of you, and will the cliffs be moved from their place?Job 18:4

Job 19:2 How long will you afflict my soul and wear me down with words?Job 19:2

Job 21:25 In truth, another dies in bitterness of soul, without any resources.Job 21:25

Job 27:2 As God lives, who has taken away my judgment, and the Almighty, who has led my soul to bitterness,Job 27:2

Job 30:16 But now my soul withers within myself, and the days of affliction take hold of me.Job 30:16

Job 30:25 Once, I wept over him who was afflicted, and my soul had compassion on the poor.Job 30:25

Job 31:30 for I have not been given my throat to sin by asking for a curse on his soul;Job 31:30

Job 31:39 if I have used its fruits for nothing but money and have afflicted the souls of its tillers,Job 31:39

Job 33:18 rescuing his soul from corruption and his life from passing away by the sword.Job 33:18

Job 33:20 Bread becomes abominable to him in his life, and, to his soul, the meat which before he desired.Job 33:20

Job 33:22 His soul has approached corruption, and his life has drawn near to what is deadly.Job 33:22

Job 33:28 He has freed his soul from continuing into destruction, so that, in living, it may see the light.Job 33:28

Job 33:30 so that he may revive their souls from corruption and enlighten them with the light of life.Job 33:30

Job 36:14 Their soul will die in a storm, and their life, among the unmanly.Job 36:14

Number of the word / term Soul in Job: 25

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 3:2 Many say to my soul, “There is no salvation for him in his God.”Psalm 3:2

Psalm 6:3 and my soul has been very troubled. But as for you, Lord, when?Psalm 6:3

Psalm 6:4 Turn to me, Lord, and rescue my soul. Save me because of your mercy.Psalm 6:4

Psalm 7:2 lest at any time, like a lion, he might seize my soul, while there is no one to redeem me, nor any who can save.Psalm 7:2

Psalm 7:5 let the enemy pursue my soul, and take hold of it, and trample my life into the earth, and drag down my glory into the dust.Psalm 7:5

Psalm 10:3 For the sinner is praised by the desires of his soul, and the iniquitous is blessed.Psalm 10:3

Psalm 11:1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David. I trust in the Lord. How can you say to my soul, “Sojourn to the mountain, like a sparrow.”Psalm 11:1

Psalm 11:5 The Lord questions the just and the impious. Yet he who loves iniquity, hates his own soul.Psalm 11:5

Psalm 13:2 How long can I take counsel in my soul, sorrowing in my heart throughout the day?Psalm 13:2

Psalm 16:10 For you will not abandon my soul to Hell, nor will you allow your holy one to see corruption.Psalm 16:10

Psalm 17:9 from the face of the impious who have afflicted me. My enemies have surrounded my soul.Psalm 17:9

Psalm 17:13 Rise up, O Lord, arrive before him and displace him. Deliver my soul from the impious one: your spear from the enemies of your hand.Psalm 17:13

Psalm 19:7 The law of the Lord is immaculate, converting souls. The testimony of the Lord is faithful, providing wisdom to little ones.Psalm 19:7

Psalm 22:20 O God, rescue my soul from the spear, and my only one from the hand of the dog.Psalm 22:20

Psalm 22:30 And my soul will live for him, and my offspring will serve him.Psalm 22:30

Psalm 23:3 He has converted my soul. He has led me away on the paths of justice, for the sake of his name.Psalm 23:3

Psalm 24:4 The innocent of hands and the clean of heart, who has not received his soul in vain, nor sworn deceitfully to his neighbor.Psalm 24:4

Psalm 25:1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David. To you, Lord, I have lifted up my soul.Psalm 25:1

Psalm 25:13 His soul will dwell upon good things, and his offspring will inherit the earth.Psalm 25:13

Psalm 25:20 Preserve my soul and rescue me. I will not be ashamed, for I have hoped in you.Psalm 25:20

Psalm 26:9 O God, do not let my soul perish with the impious, nor my life with the men of blood,Psalm 26:9

Psalm 27:12 Do not surrender me to the souls of those who trouble me. For unjust witnesses have risen up against me, and iniquity has lied to itself.Psalm 27:12

Psalm 30:3 Lord, you led my soul away from Hell. You have saved me from those who descend into the pit.Psalm 30:3

Psalm 31:7 I will exult and rejoice in your mercy. For you have looked upon my humility; you have saved my soul from needfulness.Psalm 31:7

Psalm 31:9 Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am troubled. My eye has been disturbed by wrath, along with my soul and my gut.Psalm 31:9

Psalm 33:19 so as to rescue their souls from death and to feed them during famine.Psalm 33:19

Psalm 33:20 Our soul remains with the Lord. For he is our helper and protector.Psalm 33:20

Psalm 34:2 In the Lord, my soul will be praised. May the meek listen and rejoice.Psalm 34:2

Psalm 34:22 The Lord will redeem the souls of his servants, and none of those who hope in him will fare badly.Psalm 34:22

Psalm 35:3 Bring forth the spear, and close in on those who persecute me. Say to my soul, “I am your salvation.”Psalm 35:3

Psalm 35:4 Let them be confounded and in awe, who pursue my soul. Let them be turned back and be confounded, who think up evil against me.Psalm 35:4

Psalm 35:7 For, without cause, they have concealed their snare for me unto destruction. Over nothing, they have rebuked my soul.Psalm 35:7

Psalm 35:9 But my soul will exult in the Lord and delight over his salvation.Psalm 35:9

Psalm 35:12 They repaid me evil for good, to the deprivation of my soul.Psalm 35:12

Psalm 35:13 But as for me, when they were harassing me, I was clothed with haircloth. I humbled my soul with fasting, and my prayer will become my sinews.Psalm 35:13

Psalm 35:17 Lord, when will you look down upon me? Restore my soul from before their malice, my only one from before the lions.Psalm 35:17

Psalm 35:25 Do not let them say in their hearts, “Well, well, to our soul.” Neither let them say, “We have devoured him.”Psalm 35:25

Psalm 38:11 My friends and my neighbors have drawn near and stood against me. And those who were next to me stood far apart. And those who sought my soul used violence.Psalm 38:11

Psalm 39:11 I fall short at corrections from the strength of your hand. For you have chastised man for iniquity. And you have made his soul shrink away like a spider. Nevertheless, it is in vain that any man be disquieted.Psalm 39:11

Psalm 40:14 Let them together be confounded and awed, who seek after my soul to steal it away. Let them be turned back and be in awe, who wish evils upon me.Psalm 40:14

Psalm 41:4 I said, “O Lord, be merciful to me. Heal my soul, because I have sinned against you.”Psalm 41:4

Psalm 42:1 Unto the end. The understanding of the sons of Korah. As the deer longs for fountains of water, so my soul longs for you, O God.Psalm 42:1

Psalm 42:2 My soul has thirsted for the strong living God. When will I draw close and appear before the face of God?Psalm 42:2

Psalm 42:4 These things I have remembered; and my soul within me, I have poured out. For I will cross into the place of the wonderful tabernacle, all the way to the house of God, with a voice of exultation and confession, the sound of feasting.Psalm 42:4

Psalm 42:6 and my God. My soul has been troubled within myself. Because of this, I will remember you from the land of the Jordan and from Hermon, from the little mountain.Psalm 42:6

Psalm 42:11 My soul, why are you saddened? And why do you disquiet me? Hope in God, for I will still confess to him: the salvation of my countenance and my God.Psalm 42:11

Psalm 44:25 For our soul has been humbled into the dust. Our belly has been bound to the earth.Psalm 44:25

Psalm 49:8 nor the price for the redemption of his soul. And he will labor continuously,Psalm 49:8

Psalm 49:15 Even so, truly God will redeem my soul from the hand of Hell, when he will receive me.Psalm 49:15

Psalm 49:18 For his soul will be blessed in his lifetime, and he will admit to you when you do good to him.Psalm 49:18

Psalm 54:3 For strangers have risen up against me, and the strong have sought my soul. And they have not set God before their eyes.Psalm 54:3

Psalm 54:4 For behold, God is my helper, and the Lord is the protector of my soul.Psalm 54:4

Psalm 55:18 He will redeem my soul in peace from those who draw near to me. For, among the many, they were with me.Psalm 55:18

Psalm 56:7 They will dwell and hide themselves. They will watch my heel, just as they waited for my soul;Psalm 56:7

Psalm 56:13 For you have rescued my soul from death and my feet from slipping, so that I may be pleasing in the sight of God, in the light of the living.Psalm 56:13

Psalm 57:1 Unto the end. May you not destroy. Of David, with the inscription of a title, when he fled from Saul into a cave. Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me. For my soul trusts in you. And I will hope in the shadow of your wings, until iniquity passes away.Psalm 57:1

Psalm 57:4 And he has rescued my soul from the midst of the young lions. I slept troubled. The sons of men: their teeth are weapons and arrows, and their tongue is a sharp sword.Psalm 57:4

Psalm 57:6 They prepared a snare for my feet, and they bowed down my soul. They dug a pit before my face, yet they have fallen into it.Psalm 57:6

Psalm 59:3 For behold, they have seized my soul. The strong have rushed upon me.Psalm 59:3

Psalm 62:1 Unto the end. For Jeduthun. A Psalm of David. Will my soul not be subject to God? For from him is my salvation.Psalm 62:1

Psalm 62:5 Yet, truly, my soul will be subject to God. For from him is my patience.Psalm 62:5

Psalm 63:1 A Psalm of David, when he was in the desert of Idumea. O God, my God: to you, I keep vigil until first light. For you, my soul has thirsted, to you my body, in so many ways.Psalm 63:1

Psalm 63:5 Let my soul be filled, as if with marrow and fatness; and my mouth will give praise with exultant lips.Psalm 63:5

Psalm 63:8 My soul has clung close to you. Your right hand has supported me.Psalm 63:8

Psalm 63:9 Truly, these ones have sought my soul in vain. They will enter into the lower parts of the earth.Psalm 63:9

Psalm 64:1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David. Hear, O God, my prayer of supplication. Rescue my soul from the fear of the enemy.Psalm 64:1

Psalm 66:9 He has set my soul toward life, and he has granted that my feet may not be shaken.Psalm 66:9

Psalm 66:16 Draw near and listen, all you who fear God, and I will describe to you how much he has done for my soul.Psalm 66:16

Psalm 69:1 Unto the end. For those who will be changed: of David. Save me, O God, for the waters have entered, even to my soul.Psalm 69:1

Psalm 69:10 And I covered my soul with fasting, and it has become a reproach to me.Psalm 69:10

Psalm 69:18 Attend to my soul, and free it. Rescue me, because of my enemies.Psalm 69:18

Psalm 69:32 Let the poor see and rejoice. Seek God, and your soul will live.Psalm 69:32

Psalm 70:2 May those who seek my soul be confounded and awed.Psalm 70:2

Psalm 71:10 For my enemies have spoken against me. And those who watched for my soul have taken counsel as one,Psalm 71:10

Psalm 71:13 May they be confounded, and may they fail, who drag down my soul. Let them be covered with confusion and shame, who seek evils for me.Psalm 71:13

Psalm 71:23 My lips will exult, when I sing to you, and also my soul, which you have redeemed.Psalm 71:23

Psalm 72:13 He will spare the poor and the indigent, and he will bring salvation to the souls of the poor.Psalm 72:13

Psalm 72:14 He will redeem their souls from usuries and from iniquity, and their names shall be honorable in his sight.Psalm 72:14

Psalm 74:19 Do not hand over to beasts the souls that confess to you; and do not forget the souls of your poor until the end.Psalm 74:19

Psalm 77:2 In the days of my tribulation, I sought God, with my hands opposite him in the night, and I was not deceived. My soul refused to be consoled.Psalm 77:2

Psalm 78:50 He made way for the path of his anger. He did not spare their souls from death. And he enclosed their beasts of burden in death.Psalm 78:50

Psalm 84:2 My soul longs and faints for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh have exulted in the living God.Psalm 84:2

Psalm 86:2 Preserve my soul, for I am holy. My God, bring salvation to your servant who hopes in you.Psalm 86:2

Psalm 86:4 Give joy to the soul of your servant, for I have lifted up my soul to you, Lord.Psalm 86:4

Psalm 86:13 For your mercy toward me is great, and you have rescued my soul from the lower part of Hell.Psalm 86:13

Psalm 86:14 O God, the iniquitous have risen up against me, and the synagogue of the powerful have sought my soul, and they have not placed you in their sight.Psalm 86:14

Psalm 88:3 For my soul has been filled with evils, and my life has drawn near to Hell.Psalm 88:3

Psalm 89:48 Who is the man that will live, and yet not see death? Who will rescue his own soul from the hand of the underworld?Psalm 89:48

Psalm 94:17 Except that the Lord assisted me, my soul almost would have dwelt in Hell.Psalm 94:17

Psalm 94:19 According to the multitude of my sorrows in my heart, your consolations have given joy to my soul.Psalm 94:19

Psalm 94:21 They will hunt down the soul of the just, and they will condemn innocent blood.Psalm 94:21

Psalm 97:10 You who love the Lord: hate evil. The Lord watches over the souls of his holy ones. He will free them from the hand of the sinner.Psalm 97:10

Psalm 103:1 To David himself. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and bless his holy name, all that is within me.Psalm 103:1

Psalm 103:2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all his recompenses.Psalm 103:2

Psalm 103:22 Bless the Lord, all his works: in every place of his dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul.Psalm 103:22

Psalm 104:1 To David himself. Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are exceedingly great. You have clothed yourself with confession and beauty;Psalm 104:1

Psalm 104:35 Let sinners fade away from the earth, along with the unjust, so that they may not be. Bless the Lord, O my soul.Psalm 104:35

Psalm 105:18 They humbled his feet in shackles; the iron pierced his soul,Psalm 105:18

Psalm 106:15 And he granted to them their request, and he sent abundance into their souls.Psalm 106:15

Psalm 107:5 They were hungry, and they were thirsty. Their soul fainted within them.Psalm 107:5

Psalm 107:9 For he has satisfied the empty soul, and he has satisfied the hungry soul with good things:Psalm 107:9

Psalm 107:18 Their soul abhorred all food, and they drew near even to the gates of death.Psalm 107:18

Psalm 107:26 They ascend even to the heavens, and they descend even to the abyss. Their soul will waste away in distress.Psalm 107:26

Psalm 109:20 This is the work of those who detract me with the Lord and who speak evils against my soul.Psalm 109:20

Psalm 109:31 For he stands at the right hand of the poor, in order to save my soul from persecutors.Psalm 109:31

Psalm 116:4 And so, I called upon the name of the Lord. O Lord, free my soul.Psalm 116:4

Psalm 116:7 Turn again, my soul, to your rest. For the Lord has done good to you.Psalm 116:7

Psalm 116:8 For he has rescued my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from slipping.Psalm 116:8

Psalm 119:20 My soul has longed to desire your justifications at all times.Psalm 119:20

Psalm 119:25 DALETH. My soul has adhered to the pavement. Revive me according to your word.Psalm 119:25

Psalm 119:28 My soul has slumbered because of weariness. Confirm me in your words.Psalm 119:28

Psalm 119:81 CAPH. My soul has faltered in your salvation, yet in your word, I have hoped beyond hope.Psalm 119:81

Psalm 119:109 My soul is always in my hands, and I have not forgotten your law.Psalm 119:109

Psalm 119:129 PHE. Your testimonies are wonderful. Therefore, my soul has been examined by them.Psalm 119:129

Psalm 119:167 My soul has kept to your testimonies and has loved them exceedingly.Psalm 119:167

Psalm 119:175 My soul will live and will praise you, and your judgments will assist me.Psalm 119:175

Psalm 120:2 O Lord, free my soul from lips of iniquity and from the deceitful tongue.Psalm 120:2

Psalm 120:6 My soul has long been a sojourner.Psalm 120:6

Psalm 121:7 The Lord guards you from all evil. May the Lord guard your soul.Psalm 121:7

Psalm 123:4 For our soul has been greatly filled. We are the disgrace of those who have abundance and the disdain of the arrogant.Psalm 123:4

Psalm 124:5 Our soul has passed through a torrent. Perhaps, our soul had even passed through intolerable water.Psalm 124:5

Psalm 124:7 Our soul has been snatched away like a sparrow from the snare of the hunters. The snare has been broken, and we have been freed.Psalm 124:7

Psalm 130:4 For with you, there is forgiveness, and because of your law, I persevered with you, Lord. My soul has persevered in his word.Psalm 130:4

Psalm 130:5 My soul has hoped in the Lord.Psalm 130:5

Psalm 131:2 When I was not humble in thought, then I lifted up my soul. Like one who has been weaned from his mother, so was I recompensed in my soul.Psalm 131:2

Psalm 138:3 On whatever day that I will call upon you: hear me. You will multiply virtue in my soul.Psalm 138:3

Psalm 139:14 I will confess to you, for you have been magnified terribly. Your works are miraculous, as my soul knows exceedingly well.Psalm 139:14

Psalm 141:8 For Lord, O Lord, my eyes look to you. In you, I have hoped. Do not take away my soul.Psalm 141:8

Psalm 142:4 I considered toward the right, and I looked, but there was no one who would know me. Flight has perished before me, and there is no one who has concern for my soul.Psalm 142:4

Psalm 142:7 Lead my soul out of confinement in order to confess your name. The just are waiting for me, until you repay me.Psalm 142:7

Psalm 143:3 For the enemy has pursued my soul. He has lowered my life to the earth. He has stationed me in darkness, like the dead of ages past.Psalm 143:3

Psalm 143:6 I have extended my hands to you. My soul is like a land without water before you.Psalm 143:6

Psalm 143:8 Make me hear your mercy in the morning. For I have hoped in you. Make known to me the way that I should walk. For I have lifted up my soul to you.Psalm 143:8

Psalm 143:11 For the sake of your name, O Lord, you will revive me in your fairness. You will lead my soul out of tribulation.Psalm 143:11

Psalm 143:12 And you will scatter my enemies in your mercy. And you will destroy all those who afflict my soul. For I am your servant.Psalm 143:12

Psalm 146:2 Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord with my life. I will sing psalms to my God as long as I shall be. Do not trust in the leaders,Psalm 146:2

Number of the word / term Soul in Psalm: 136

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 1:6 He shall turn his soul to a parable and to its interpretation, to the words of the wise and their enigmas.Proverbs 1:6

Proverbs 1:18 Likewise, they lie in ambush against their own blood, and they undertake deceits against their own souls.Proverbs 1:18

Proverbs 1:19 Thus, the ways of all those who are greedy seize the souls of those who possess.Proverbs 1:19

Proverbs 2:10 If wisdom is to enter into your heart, and if knowledge is to become pleasing to your soul,Proverbs 2:10

Proverbs 3:22 And so shall there be life in your soul and grace in your voice.Proverbs 3:22

Proverbs 6:16 Six things there are that the Lord hates, and the seventh, his soul detests:Proverbs 6:16

Proverbs 6:26 For the price of a prostitute is only one loaf. Yet the woman seizes the precious soul of a man.Proverbs 6:26

Proverbs 6:30 Not so great is the fault when someone has stolen. For he steals so as to satisfy a hungry soul.Proverbs 6:30

Proverbs 6:32 But whoever is an adulterer, because of the emptiness of his heart, will destroy his own soul.Proverbs 6:32

Proverbs 7:10 And behold, a woman meets him, dressed like a harlot, prepared to captivate souls: chattering and rambling,Proverbs 7:10

Proverbs 7:23 until the arrow pierces his liver. It is just as if a bird were to hurry into the snare. And he does not know that his actions endanger his own soul.Proverbs 7:23

Proverbs 8:5 O little ones, understand discernment. And you who are unwise, turn your souls.Proverbs 8:5

Proverbs 8:36 But he who sins against me will wound his own soul. All who hate me love death.”Proverbs 8:36

Proverbs 10:3 The Lord will not afflict with famine the soul of the just, and he will overthrow the treacheries of the impious.Proverbs 10:3

Proverbs 11:13 Whoever walks dishonestly reveals secrets. But whoever is of a faithful soul conceals what is confided by a friend.Proverbs 11:13

Proverbs 11:17 A merciful man benefits his own soul. But whoever is cruel casts out even his close relatives.Proverbs 11:17

Proverbs 11:25 The soul that blesses shall be made fat. And whoever inebriates will likewise be inebriated himself.Proverbs 11:25

Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the just one is the tree of life. And whoever receives souls is wise.Proverbs 11:30

Proverbs 13:2 From the fruit of his own month, a man shall be satisfied with good things. But the soul of betrayers is iniquity.Proverbs 13:2

Proverbs 13:3 Whoever guards his mouth guards his soul. But whoever gives no consideration to his speech shall experience misfortunes.Proverbs 13:3

Proverbs 13:4 The lazy one is willing and then not willing. But the soul of he who labors shall be made fat.Proverbs 13:4

Proverbs 13:12 Hope, when it is delayed, afflicts the soul. The arrival of the desired is a tree of life.Proverbs 13:12

Proverbs 13:13 Whoever denounces something obligates himself for the future. But whoever fears a lesson shall turn away in peace. Deceitful souls wander into sins. The just are merciful and compassionate.Proverbs 13:13

Proverbs 13:19 The desired, when perfected, shall delight the soul. The foolish detest those who flee from evils.Proverbs 13:19

Proverbs 13:25 The just eats and fills his soul. But the belly of the impious is never satisfied.Proverbs 13:25

Proverbs 14:10 The heart that knows the bitterness of its own soul, in its gladness the outsider shall not meddle.Proverbs 14:10

Proverbs 14:25 A faithful witness frees souls. And the chameleon utters lies.Proverbs 14:25

Proverbs 15:13 A rejoicing heart gladdens the face. But by the grief of the soul, the spirit is cast down.Proverbs 15:13

Proverbs 15:30 The light of the eyes rejoices the soul. A good reputation fattens the bones.Proverbs 15:30

Proverbs 15:32 Whoever rejects discipline despises his own soul. But whoever agrees to correction is a possessor of the heart.Proverbs 15:32

Proverbs 16:1 It is for man to prepare the soul, and for the Lord to govern the tongue.Proverbs 16:1

Proverbs 16:17 The path of the just turns away from evils. He who guards his soul preserves his way.Proverbs 16:17

Proverbs 16:24 Careful words are a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and healthful to the bones.Proverbs 16:24

Proverbs 16:26 The soul of the laborer labors for himself, because his mouth has driven him to it.Proverbs 16:26

Proverbs 16:32 A patient man is better than a strong one. And whoever rules his soul is better than one who assaults cities.Proverbs 16:32

Proverbs 17:22 A joyful soul makes a lifetime flourish. A gloomy spirit dries out the bones.Proverbs 17:22

Proverbs 18:7 The mouth of the foolish is his destruction, and his own lips are the ruin of his soul.Proverbs 18:7

Proverbs 18:8 The words of the double-tongued seem simple. And they reach even to the interior of the gut. Fear casts down the lazy, but the souls of the effeminate shall go hungry.Proverbs 18:8

Proverbs 19:2 Where there is no knowledge of the soul, there is no good. And whoever hurries with his feet will stumble.Proverbs 19:2

Proverbs 19:3 The foolishness of a man undermines his steps. And then he seethes in his soul against God.Proverbs 19:3

Proverbs 19:8 But whoever possesses reason loves his own soul. And one who guards prudence shall discover good things.Proverbs 19:8

Proverbs 19:15 Laziness sends one into a deep sleep, and a dissolute soul will go hungry.Proverbs 19:15

Proverbs 19:16 Whoever guards a commandment guards his own soul. But whoever neglects his own way will die.Proverbs 19:16

Proverbs 19:18 Teach your son; do not despair. But do not set your soul toward putting him to death.Proverbs 19:18

Proverbs 20:2 Just like the roaring of a lion, so also is the dread of a king. Whoever provokes him sins in his own soul.Proverbs 20:2

Proverbs 21:10 The soul of the impious desires evil; he will not take pity on his neighbor.Proverbs 21:10

Proverbs 21:23 Whoever guards his mouth and his tongue guards his soul from anguish.Proverbs 21:23

Proverbs 22:5 Weapons and swords are on the way of the perverse. But he who guards his own soul withdraws far from them.Proverbs 22:5

Proverbs 22:9 Whoever is inclined to mercy shall be blessed, for from his bread he has given to the poor. Whoever gives gifts will acquire victory and honor. But he carries away the soul of the receiver.Proverbs 22:9

Proverbs 22:23 For the Lord will judge his case, and he will pierce those who have pierced his soul.Proverbs 22:23

Proverbs 22:25 lest perhaps you learn his ways, and take up a stumbling block to your soul.Proverbs 22:25

Proverbs 23:2 and put a knife to your throat, if, in such a way, you could hold your soul in your own power.Proverbs 23:2

Proverbs 23:14 You will strike him with the rod, and so shall you deliver his soul from Hell.Proverbs 23:14

Proverbs 23:15 My son, if your soul will become wise, my heart will be glad with you.Proverbs 23:15

Proverbs 23:19 Listen, my son, and be wise, and direct your soul along the way.Proverbs 23:19

Proverbs 24:12 If you would say: “I do not have sufficient strength.” He who inspects the heart, the same one understands, and nothing slips past the one who preserves your soul. And he shall repay a man according to his works.Proverbs 24:12

Proverbs 24:14 So, too, is the doctrine of wisdom to your soul. When you have found it, you will have hope in the end, and your hope shall not perish.Proverbs 24:14

Proverbs 25:13 Just like the cold of snow in a time of harvest, so also is a faithful messenger to him who sent him: he causes his soul to rest.Proverbs 25:13

Proverbs 25:25 Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so too are good reports from a far away land.Proverbs 25:25

Proverbs 27:7 A sated soul will trample the honeycomb. And a hungry soul will accept even bitter in place of sweet.Proverbs 27:7

Proverbs 27:9 Ointment and various perfumes delight the heart. And the good advice of a friend is sweet to the soul.Proverbs 27:9

Proverbs 28:5 Evil men do not intend judgment. But those who inquire after the Lord turn their souls toward all things.Proverbs 28:5

Proverbs 29:10 Bloodthirsty men hate the simple one; but the just seek out his soul.Proverbs 29:10

Proverbs 29:17 Teach your son, and he will refresh you, and he will give delight to your soul.Proverbs 29:17

Proverbs 29:24 Whoever participates with a thief hates his own soul; for he listens to his oath and does not denounce him.Proverbs 29:24

Proverbs 31:6 Give strong drink to the grieving, and wine to those who are bitter in soul.Proverbs 31:6

Number of the word / term Soul in Proverbs: 66

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 2:11 But when I turned myself toward all the works that my hands had made, and to the labors in which I had perspired to no purpose, I saw emptiness and affliction of the soul in all things, and that nothing is permanent under the sun.Ecclesiastes 2:11

Ecclesiastes 2:24 Is it not better to eat and drink, and to show his soul the good things of his labors? And this is from the hand of God.Ecclesiastes 2:24

Ecclesiastes 4:6 “A handful with rest is better than both hands filled with labors and with affliction of the soul.”Ecclesiastes 4:6

Ecclesiastes 4:8 He is one, and he does not have a second: no son, no brother. And yet he does not cease to labor, nor are his eyes satisfied with wealth, nor does he reflect, saying: “For whom do I labor and cheat my soul of good things?” In this, too, is emptiness and a most burdensome affliction.Ecclesiastes 4:8

Ecclesiastes 6:3 If a man were to produce one hundred children, and to live for many years, and to attain to an age of many days, and if his soul were to make no use of the goods of his resources, and if he were lacking even a burial: concerning such a man, I declare that a miscarried child is better than he.Ecclesiastes 6:3

Ecclesiastes 6:7 Every labor of man is for his mouth, but his soul will not be filled.Ecclesiastes 6:7

Ecclesiastes 7:3 Anger is better than laughter. For through the sadness of the countenance, the soul of one who offends may be corrected.Ecclesiastes 7:3

Ecclesiastes 7:25 I have examined all things in my soul, so that I may know, and consider, and seek out wisdom and reason, and so that I may recognize the impiety of the foolish, and the error of the imprudent.Ecclesiastes 7:25

Ecclesiastes 7:28 which my soul still seeks and has not found. One man among a thousand, I have found; a woman among them all, I have not found.Ecclesiastes 7:28

Number of the word / term Soul in Ecclesiastes: 9

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Song

Song of Solomon 1:7 Bride to Groom: Reveal to me, you whom my soul loves, where you pasture, where you recline at midday, lest I begin to wander after the flocks of your companions.Song of Solomon 1:7

Song of Solomon 3:1 Bride: On my bed, throughout the night, I sought him whom my soul loves. I sought him, and did not find him.Song of Solomon 3:1

Song of Solomon 3:2 I will rise up, and I will circle through the city. Through the side streets and thoroughfares, I will seek him whom my soul loves. I sought him, and did not find him.Song of Solomon 3:2

Song of Solomon 3:3 The watchers who guard the city found me: “Have you seen him whom my soul loves?”Song of Solomon 3:3

Song of Solomon 3:4 When I had passed by them a little, I found him whom my soul loves. I held him, and would not release him, until I would bring him into my mother’s house, and into the chamber of her who bore me.Song of Solomon 3:4

Song of Solomon 5:6 I opened the bolt of my door to my beloved. But he had turned aside and had gone away. My soul melted when he spoke. I sought him, and did not find him. I called, and he did not answer me.Song of Solomon 5:6

Song of Solomon 6:12 I did not understand. My soul was stirred up within me because of the chariots of Amminadab.Song of Solomon 6:12

Number of the word / term Soul in Song: 7

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 1:14 My soul hates your days of proclamation and your solemnities. They have become bothersome to me. I labor to endure them.Isaiah 1:14

Isaiah 3:9 The acknowledgement of their countenance is their response. For they have proclaimed their own sin, like Sodom; and they have not concealed it. Woe to their souls! For evils are being repaid to them.Isaiah 3:9

Isaiah 5:14 For this reason, Hell has expanded its soul, and has opened its mouth without any limits. And their strong ones, and their people, and their exalted and glorious ones will descend into it.Isaiah 5:14

Isaiah 10:18 And the glory of his forest and of his beautiful hill will be consumed, from the soul even to the flesh. And he will flee away in terror.Isaiah 10:18

Isaiah 15:4 Heshbon will cry out with Elealeh. Their voice has been heard as far as Jahaz. Over this, the well-equipped men of Moab wail; each soul will wail to itself.Isaiah 15:4

Isaiah 26:8 And in the path of your judgments, O Lord, we have endured for you. Your name and your remembrance are the desire of the soul.Isaiah 26:8

Isaiah 26:9 My soul has desired you in the night. But I will also watch for you with my spirit, in my inmost heart, from the morning. When you accomplish your judgments upon the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn justice.Isaiah 26:9

Isaiah 29:8 And it will be like one who is hungry and dreams of eating, but, when he has been awakened, his soul is empty. And it will be like one who is thirsty and dreams of drinking, but, after he has been awakened, he still languishes in thirst, and his soul is empty. So shall the multitude of all the nations be, who have struggled against Mount Zion.Isaiah 29:8

Isaiah 32:6 For a foolish man speaks foolishness and his heart works iniquity in order to accomplish deception. And he speaks to the Lord deceitfully, so as to empty the soul of the hungry and to take away drink from the thirsty.Isaiah 32:6

Isaiah 38:15 What can I say, or what would he answer me, since he himself has done this? I will acknowledge to you all my years, in the bitterness of my soul.Isaiah 38:15

Isaiah 38:17 Behold, in peace my bitterness is most bitter. But you have rescued my soul, so that it would not perish. You have cast all my sins behind your back.Isaiah 38:17

Isaiah 42:1 Behold my servant, I will uphold him, my elect, with him my soul is well-pleased. I have sent my Spirit upon him. He will offer judgment to the nations.Isaiah 42:1

Isaiah 44:20 Part of it is ashes. His foolish heart adores it. And he will not liberate his soul, and he will not say, “Perhaps there is a lie in my right hand.”Isaiah 44:20

Isaiah 49:7 Thus says the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, his Holy One, to a contemptible soul, to an abominable nation, to the servant of lords: The kings will see, and the princes will rise up, and they will adore, because of the Lord. For he is faithful, and he is the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.Isaiah 49:7

Isaiah 51:23 And I will set it in the hand of those who have humiliated you, and who have said to your soul: “Bow down, so that we pass over.” And you placed your body on the ground, as a path for them to pass over.Isaiah 51:23

Isaiah 53:11 Because his soul has labored, he will see and be satisfied. By his knowledge, my just servant will himself justify many, and he himself will carry their iniquities.Isaiah 53:11

Isaiah 55:2 Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and expend your labor for what does not satisfy? Listen very closely to me, and eat what is good, and then your soul will be delighted by a full measure.Isaiah 55:2

Isaiah 55:3 Incline your ear and draw near to me. Listen, and your soul will live. And I will make an everlasting covenant with you, by the faithful mercies of David.Isaiah 55:3

Isaiah 58:3 “Why have we fasted, and you have not taken notice? Why have we humbled our souls, and you have not acknowledged it?” Behold, in the day of your fasting, your own will is found, and you petition for payment from all your debtors.Isaiah 58:3

Isaiah 58:5 Is this a fast such as I have chosen: for a man to afflict his soul for a day, to contort his head in a circle, and to spread sackcloth and ashes? Should you call this a fast and a day acceptable to the Lord?Isaiah 58:5

Isaiah 58:10 When you pour out your life for the hungry, and you satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light will rise up in darkness, and your darkness will be like the midday.Isaiah 58:10

Isaiah 58:11 And the Lord will give you rest continually, and he will fill your soul with splendor, and he will free your bones, and you will be like a watered garden and like a fountain of water whose waters will not fail.Isaiah 58:11

Isaiah 61:10 I will rejoice greatly in the Lord, and my soul will exult in my God. For he has clothed me with the vestments of salvation, and he has wrapped me in the clothing of justice, like a groom arrayed with a crown, and like a bride adorned with her jewels.Isaiah 61:10

Isaiah 66:3 Whoever immolates an ox, it is as if he slaughters a man. Whoever sacrifices a sheep, it is as if he is smashing the head of a dog. Whoever offers an oblation, it is as if he is offering swine’s blood. Whoever makes remembrance with incense, it is as if he is blessing an idol. All these things, they have chosen according to their own ways, and their soul has taken delight in their own abominations.Isaiah 66:3

Number of the word / term Soul in Isaiah: 24

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 2:24 A wild donkey accustomed to solitude, out of the desire in his soul, caught the scent of his lover. Now nothing will turn him away from her. All those who seek her will not cease. But they will find her in her menstruation.Jeremiah 2:24

Jeremiah 3:11 And the Lord said to me: “The apostate Israel has justified her own soul by comparing herself to the deceitful Judah.Jeremiah 3:11

Jeremiah 4:19 I am afflicted in my heart, in my heart. The senses of my heart have been stirred up within me. I will not remain silent. For my soul has heard the voice of the trumpet, the clamor of the battle.Jeremiah 4:19

Jeremiah 4:31 For I have heard a voice, like that of a woman giving birth, during the difficulties of labor. It is the voice of the daughter of Zion, dying, extending her hands: ‘Woe to me! For my soul is failing because of those who have been slain!’ ”Jeremiah 4:31

Jeremiah 5:9 Shall I not visit against these things, says the Lord? And shall my soul not take vengeance on a nation such as this?Jeremiah 5:9

Jeremiah 5:29 Shall I not visit against these things, says the Lord? Or shall my soul not take vengeance on a nation of this kind?Jeremiah 5:29

Jeremiah 6:8 O Jerusalem, accept instruction, lest perhaps my soul may withdraw from you; lest perhaps I may set you in a desert, in an uninhabitable land.”Jeremiah 6:8

Jeremiah 6:16 Thus says the Lord: “Stand above the ways, and see and ask, about the ancient paths, as to which is the good way, and then walk in it. And you will find refreshment for your souls. But they said: ‘We will not walk.’Jeremiah 6:16

Jeremiah 9:9 Shall I not visit upon them concerning these things, says the Lord? Or shall my soul not take vengeance on a nation of this kind?Jeremiah 9:9

Jeremiah 12:7 “I have abandoned my house. I have disowned my inheritance. I have given my beloved soul into the hand of its enemies.Jeremiah 12:7

Jeremiah 13:17 But if you will not listen to this, then my soul will weep in secret before the face of your pride. It will weep bitterly, and my eyes will flow with tears, because the flock of the Lord has been taken captive.Jeremiah 13:17

Jeremiah 14:19 Could you have utterly cast out Judah? Or has your soul abhorred Zion? Then why have you struck us, so much so that there is no health for us? We have waited for peace, but there is nothing good, and for the time of healing, and behold, trouble.Jeremiah 14:19

Jeremiah 15:1 And the Lord said to me: “Even if Moses and Samuel were to stand before me, my soul would not be toward this people. Cast them away from my face, and let them depart!Jeremiah 15:1

Jeremiah 17:21 Thus says the Lord: “Guard your souls, and do not choose to carry heavy things on the day of the Sabbath, nor should you carry these things through the gates of Jerusalem.Jeremiah 17:21

Jeremiah 18:20 Should evil be rendered for good? For they have dug a pit for my soul! Remember that I have stood in your sight, so as to speak on their behalf for good, and to avert your indignation from them.Jeremiah 18:20

Jeremiah 20:13 Sing to the Lord! Praise the Lord! For he has freed the soul of the poor from the hand of the wicked.Jeremiah 20:13

Jeremiah 26:19 Did the king of Judah, Hezekiah, with all of Judah, condemn him to death? Did they not fear the Lord, and petition the face of the Lord? And so the Lord repented of the evil that he had spoken against them. Therefore, we are committing a great evil against our own souls.Jeremiah 26:19

Jeremiah 31:12 And they will arrive and give praise on Mount Zion. And they will flow together, to the good things of the Lord, over grain, and wine, and oil, and the offspring of cattle and herds. And their soul will be like an irrigated garden, and they will no longer be hungry.Jeremiah 31:12

Jeremiah 31:14 And I will inebriate the soul of the priests with fatness, and my people will be filled with my good things, says the Lord.”Jeremiah 31:14

Jeremiah 31:25 For I have inebriated the weary soul, and I have satisfied every hungry soul.Jeremiah 31:25

Jeremiah 32:41 And I will rejoice over them, while I do good for them. And I will plant them in this land, in truth, with my whole heart and with my whole soul.Jeremiah 32:41

Jeremiah 37:9 Thus says the Lord: Do not be willing to deceive your own souls, saying: ‘The Chaldeans will certainly withdraw and go away from us.’ For they will not go away.Jeremiah 37:9

Jeremiah 38:2 “Thus says the Lord: Whoever will remain in this city will die by the sword, and by famine, and by pestilence. But whoever will flee away from the Chaldeans, will live, and his soul will dwell in safety.Jeremiah 38:2

Jeremiah 38:16 Then king Zedekiah swore to Jeremiah, secretly, saying: “As the Lord lives, who made this soul for us, I will not kill you, nor will I deliver you into the hands of those men who are seeking your life.”Jeremiah 38:16

Jeremiah 38:17 And Jeremiah said to Zedekiah: “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: If, having set out, you go to the rulers of the king of Babylon, your soul will live, and this city will not be burned with fire. And you and your house will be safe.Jeremiah 38:17

Jeremiah 38:20 But Jeremiah responded: “They will not deliver you. Listen, I ask you, to the voice of the Lord, which I am speaking to you, and it will be well with you, and your soul will live.Jeremiah 38:20

Jeremiah 42:20 For you have deceived your own souls. For you have sent me to the Lord our God, saying: ‘Pray on our behalf to the Lord our God. And in accord with anything whatsoever that the Lord our God will tell you, announce this to us, and we will do it.’Jeremiah 42:20

Jeremiah 43:6 men, and women, and children, and the daughters of the king, and every soul that Nebuzaradan, the leader of the military, had left behind with Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, as well as Jeremiah, the prophet, and Baruch, the son of Neriah.Jeremiah 43:6

Jeremiah 44:7 And now, thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Why do you commit this great evil against your own souls, so that, among you, man and woman, child and infant would pass away from the midst of Judah, and so that no remnant at all would be left behind of you?Jeremiah 44:7

Jeremiah 44:14 And there will be no one who escapes, of those who remain among the remnant of the Jews, those who have gone to sojourn in the land of Egypt. And they wish to be returned to the land of Judah, for they lift up their souls so that they might return and live there. But there will be no one who may return, except those who will flee.”Jeremiah 44:14

Jeremiah 50:19 And I will lead back Israel to his habitation. And he will pasture on Carmel and Bashan, and his soul will be satiated at mount Ephraim and Gilead.Jeremiah 50:19

Jeremiah 52:29 in the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar, eight hundred thirty-two souls from Jerusalem;Jeremiah 52:29

Jeremiah 52:30 in the twenty-third year of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, the chief of the military, carried away of the Jews seven hundred forty-five souls. Therefore, all the souls were four thousand six hundred.Jeremiah 52:30

Number of the word / term Soul in Jeremiah: 33

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 1:1 Prologue And it happened that, after Israel was driven into captivity, and Jerusalem was deserted, the prophet Jeremiah sat weeping, and he wailed this lamentation in Jerusalem. And sighing with a bitter soul, and mourning, he said: ALEPH. O how a city once filled with people now sits alone! The Governess of the Gentiles has become like a widow. The Prince of the provinces has been placed under tribute.Lamentations 1:1

Lamentations 1:16 AIN. For this I weep, and my eyes bring forth water. For the consoler has been far away from me, changing my soul. My sons have become lost, because the enemy has prevailed.Lamentations 1:16

Lamentations 2:19 COPH. Rise up. Give praise in the night, in the first of the watches. Pour out your heart like water before the sight of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him on behalf of the souls of your little ones, who have passed away from famine at the head of all the crossroads.Lamentations 2:19

Lamentations 3:17 VAU. And my soul has been driven away from peace; I have forgotten what is good.Lamentations 3:17

Lamentations 3:20 ZAIN. I will call to mind the past, and my soul shall languish within me.Lamentations 3:20

Lamentations 3:24 HETH. “The Lord is my portion,” said my soul. Because of this, I will wait for him.Lamentations 3:24

Lamentations 3:25 TETH. The Lord is good to those who hope in him, to the soul that seeks him.Lamentations 3:25

Lamentations 3:51 AIN. My eye has exhausted my soul over every one of the daughters of my city.Lamentations 3:51

Lamentations 3:58 RES. You have judged, O Lord, the case of my soul. You are the Redeemer of my life.Lamentations 3:58

Number of the word / term Soul in Lamentations: 9

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 3:19 But if you announce it to the impious man, and he is not converted from his impiety and from his impious way, then indeed he will die in his iniquity. But you will have delivered your own soul.Ezekiel 3:19

Ezekiel 3:21 But if you announce to the just man, so that the just man may not sin, and he does not sin, then he shall certainly live, because you have announced to him. And you will have delivered your own soul.”Ezekiel 3:21

Ezekiel 4:14 And I said: “Alas, alas, alas, O Lord God! Behold, my soul has not been polluted, and from my infancy even until now, I have not eaten anything that has died of itself, nor that which has been torn up by beasts, and no unclean flesh at all has entered into my mouth.”Ezekiel 4:14

Ezekiel 7:19 Their silver will be thrown away, and their gold will be like a dunghill. Their silver and their gold will have no power to free them in the day of the fury of the Lord. They will not satisfy their soul, and their bellies will not be filled, because of the scandal of their iniquity.Ezekiel 7:19

Ezekiel 13:18 and say: Thus says the Lord God: Woe to those who sew together little pillows under every forearm, and who make little cushions for the heads of every stage of life, in order to capture souls. And when they have seized the souls of my people, they became the life of their souls.Ezekiel 13:18

Ezekiel 13:19 And they violated me among my people, for the sake of a handful of barley and a fragment of bread, so that they would kill the souls that should not die, and enliven the souls that should not live, lying to my people who believe in falsehoods.Ezekiel 13:19

Ezekiel 13:20 Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against your little pillows, with which you catch flying souls. And I will tear them away from your arms. And I will release the souls that you are capturing, the souls that should fly.Ezekiel 13:20

Ezekiel 14:14 And if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver their own souls by their justice, says the Lord of hosts.Ezekiel 14:14

Ezekiel 14:20 and if Noah, and Daniel, and Job were in its midst, as I live, says the Lord God, they will deliver neither son, nor daughter, but they will deliver only their own souls by their justice.Ezekiel 14:20

Ezekiel 16:5 No eye took pity on you, so as to do even one of these things to you, out of compassion for you. Instead, you were cast upon the face of the earth, in the abjection of your soul, on the day when you were born.Ezekiel 16:5

Ezekiel 16:27 Behold, I will extend my hand over you, and I will take away your justification. And I will give you to the souls of those who hate you, the daughters of the Philistines, who are ashamed of your wicked way.Ezekiel 16:27

Ezekiel 17:17 And not with a great army, nor with many people will Pharaoh undertake a battle against him, when he will cast up ramparts and build defenses, in order to put to death many souls.Ezekiel 17:17

Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine. Just as the soul of the father is mine, so also is the soul of the son. The soul that sins, the same shall die.Ezekiel 18:4

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sins, the same shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, and the father shall not bear the iniquity of the son. The justice of the just man shall be upon himself, but the impiety of the impious man shall be upon himself.Ezekiel 18:20

Ezekiel 18:27 And when the impious man turns himself away from his impiety, which he has done, and accomplishes judgment and justice, he shall cause his own soul to live.Ezekiel 18:27

Ezekiel 22:25 There is a conspiracy of prophets in her midst. Like a lion, roaring and seizing the prey, they have devoured souls. They have taken riches and a price. They have multiplied widows in her midst.Ezekiel 22:25

Ezekiel 22:27 Her leaders in her midst are like wolves seizing the prey: to shed blood, and to perish souls, and to continually pursue profit with avarice.Ezekiel 22:27

Ezekiel 23:17 And when the sons of Babylon had gone to her, to the bed of breasts, they defiled her with their fornications, and she was polluted by them, and her soul was gorged by them.Ezekiel 23:17

Ezekiel 23:18 Also, her fornications were uncovered, and her shame was revealed. And my soul withdrew from her, as my soul had withdrawn from her sister.Ezekiel 23:18

Ezekiel 23:22 Because of this, Oholibah, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will raise up against you all of your lovers, with whom your soul has been gorged. And I will gather them together against you all around:Ezekiel 23:22

Ezekiel 23:28 For thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will deliver you into the hands of those whom you have hated, into the hands by which your soul has been gorged.Ezekiel 23:28

Ezekiel 24:21 ‘Speak to the house of Israel: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will defile my sanctuary, the pride of your realm, and the desire of your eyes, and the dread of your soul. Your sons and your daughters, whom you have forsaken, will fall by the sword.’Ezekiel 24:21

Ezekiel 24:25 “And as for you, son of man, behold, in the day when I will take away from them their strength, and the joy of their dignity, and the desire of their eyes, in which their souls find rest: their sons and their daughters,Ezekiel 24:25

Ezekiel 25:15 Thus says the Lord God: Because the Philistines have taken vengeance, and have revenged themselves with all their soul, destroying, and fulfilling ancient hostilities,Ezekiel 25:15

Ezekiel 27:31 And they will shave their heads because of you, and they will be wrapped in haircloth. And they will weep for you with bitterness of soul, with a very bitter weeping.Ezekiel 27:31

Ezekiel 33:9 But if you have announced to the impious man, so that he may be converted from his ways, and he has not converted from his way, then he will die in his iniquity. Yet you will have freed your own soul.Ezekiel 33:9

Ezekiel 47:9 And every living soul that moves, wherever the torrent arrives, will live. And there will be more than enough fish, after these waters have arrived there, and they will be healed. And all things will live, where the torrent arrives.Ezekiel 47:9

Number of the word / term Soul in Ezekiel: 27

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 3:23 But these three men, that is, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, having been bound, fell down in the middle of the oven of burning fire. And they were walking in the midst of the flame, praising God and blessing the Lord. Then Azariah, while standing, prayed in this manner, and opening his mouth in the midst of the fire, he said: “Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and your name is praiseworthy and glorious for all ages. For you are just in all the things that you have accomplished for us, and all your works are true, and your ways are right, and all your judgments are true. For you have made equally true judgments in all the things that you have brought upon us and upon Jerusalem, the holy city of our fathers. For in truth and in judgment, you have brought down all these things because of our sins. For we have sinned, and we have committed iniquity in withdrawing from you, and we have offended in all things. And we have not listened to your precepts, nor have we observed or done as you have ordered us, so that it might go well with us. Therefore, everything that you have brought upon us, and all that you have done for us, you have done in true judgment. And you have delivered us into the hands of our enemies: traitors, unjust and most wicked, and to a king, unjust and most wicked, even more so than all others on earth. And now we are not able to open our mouths. We have become a shame and a disgrace to your servants and to those who worship you. Do not hand us over forever, we ask you, because of your name, and do not abolish your covenant. And do not withdraw your mercy from us, because of Abraham, your beloved, and Isaac, your servant, and Israel, your holy one. You have spoken with them, promising that you would multiply their offspring like the stars of heaven and like the sand on the seashore. For we, O Lord, are diminished more than all other peoples, and we are brought low throughout all the earth, this day, because of our sins. Neither is there, at this time, a leader, or a ruler, or a prophet, nor any holocaust, or sacrifice, or oblation, or incense, or place of first fruits, in your eyes, so that we may be able to find your mercy. Nevertheless, with a contrite soul and humble spirit, let us be accepted. Just as in the holocausts of rams and bullocks, and as in thousands of fat lambs, so let our sacrifice be in your sight this day, in order to please you. For there is no shame for those who trust in you. And now we follow you wholeheartedly, and we fear you, and we seek your face. Do not put us to shame, but deal with us in agreement with your clemency and according to the multitude of your mercies. And rescue us by your wonders and give glory to your name, O Lord. And let all those be confounded who lead your servants towards evil. May they be confounded by all your power and may their strength be crushed. And may they know that you are the Lord, the only God, and glorious above the world.” And they did not cease, those attendants of the king who had cast them in, to heat the furnace with oil, and flax, and pitch, and brush. And the flame streamed forth above the furnace for forty-nine cubits. And the fire erupted and burnt those of the Chaldeans within its reach near the furnace. But the angel of the Lord descended with Azariah and his companions into the furnace; and he cast the flame of the fire out of the furnace. And he made the middle of the furnace like the blowing of a damp wind, and the fire did not touch them, nor afflict them, nor bother them at all. Then these three, as if with one voice, praised and glorified and blessed God, in the furnace, saying: “Blessed are you, Lord, God of our fathers: praiseworthy, and glorious, and exalted above all forever. And blessed is the holy name of your glory: praiseworthy, and exalted above all, for all ages. Blessed are you in the holy temple of your glory: praiseworthy above all and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you on the throne of your kingdom: praiseworthy above all and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you who beholds the abyss and sits upon the cherubims: praiseworthy and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you in the firmament of heaven: praiseworthy and glorious forever. All works of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All waters that are above the heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All powers of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sun and moon, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Stars of heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Every rain and dew, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Every breath of God, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Fire and steam, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Cold and heat, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Dews and frost, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sleet and winter, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Ice and snow, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Nights and days, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Light and darkness, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Lightning and clouds, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. May the land bless the Lord: and praise and exalt him above all forever. Mountains and hills, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All things that grow in the land, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Fountains, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Seas and rivers, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Whales and all things that move in the waters, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All things that fly in the heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All beasts and cattle, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sons of men, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. May Israel bless the Lord: and praise and exalt him above all forever. Priests of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Servants of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Spirits and souls of the just, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Those who are holy and humble in heart, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. For he has delivered us from the underworld, and saved us from the hand of death, and freed us from the midst of the burning flame, and rescued us from the midst of the fire. Give thanks to the Lord because he is good: because his mercy is forever. All those who are pious, bless the Lord, the God of gods: praise him and acknowledge him because his mercy is for all generations.”Daniel 3:23

Number of the word / term Soul in Daniel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 4:8 They will devour the sins of my people, and they will lift up their souls towards their iniquity.Hosea 4:8

Hosea 9:4 They will not offer a libation of wine to the Lord, and they will not please him. Their sacrifices will be like the bread of mourners. All those who eat it will be defiled. For their bread is of their soul; it will not enter into the house of the Lord.Hosea 9:4

Number of the word / term Soul in Hosea: 2

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Amos

Amos 6:8 The Lord God has sworn by his own soul, the Lord God of hosts says: I detest the arrogance of Jacob, and I hate his houses, and I will hand over the city with its inhabitants.Amos 6:8

Number of the word / term Soul in Amos: 1

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Jonah

Jonah 2:5 The waters surrounded me, even to the soul. The abyss has walled me in. The ocean has covered my head.Jonah 2:5

Jonah 2:7 When my soul was in anguish within me, I called to mind the Lord, so that my prayer might come to you, to your holy temple.Jonah 2:7

Jonah 4:8 And when the sun had risen, the Lord ordered a hot and burning wind. And the sun beat down on the head of Jonah, and he burned. And he petitioned for his soul that he might die, and he said, “It is better for me to die than to live.”Jonah 4:8

Number of the word / term Soul in Jonah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Micah

Micah 7:1 Woe to me, for I have become just like one who gleans the clusters of the vintage in autumn. There is no cluster of grapes to consume; my soul desired figs out of season.Micah 7:1

Micah 7:3 The evil of their hands, they call good. The leader is demanding, and the judge is yielding, and the great is speaking the desire of his soul, and they have confused it.Micah 7:3

Number of the word / term Soul in Micah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Habakkuk

Habakkuk 2:4 Behold, he who is unbelieving, his soul will not be right within himself; but he who is just shall live in his faith.Habakkuk 2:4

Habakkuk 2:10 You have devised confusion for your house, you have cut to pieces many peoples, and your soul has sinned.Habakkuk 2:10

Number of the word / term Soul in Habakkuk: 2

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Haggai

Haggai 2:13 And Haggai said, “If the polluted in soul will have touched any of all these things, shall it be contaminated?” And the priests responded and said, “It shall be contaminated.”Haggai 2:13

Number of the word / term Soul in Haggai: 1

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 11:8 And I cut down three shepherds in one month. And my soul became contracted concerning them, just as their soul also varied concerning me.Zechariah 11:8

Number of the word / term Soul in Zechariah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 10:28 And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. But instead fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell.Matthew 10:28

Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.Matthew 11:29

Matthew 12:18 “Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased. I will place my Spirit over him, and he shall announce judgment to the nations.Matthew 12:18

Matthew 22:37 Jesus said to him: “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God from all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind.’Matthew 22:37

Matthew 26:38 Then he said to them: “My soul is sorrowful, even unto death. Stay here and keep vigil with me.”Matthew 26:38

Number of the word / term Soul in Matthew: 5

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Mark

Mark 12:30 And you shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart, and from your whole soul, and from your whole mind, and from your whole strength. This is the first commandment.’Mark 12:30

Mark 12:33 and that he should be loved from the whole heart, and from the whole understanding, and from the whole soul, and from the whole strength. And to love one’s neighbor as one’s self is greater than all holocausts and sacrifices.”Mark 12:33

Mark 14:34 And he said to them: “My soul is sorrowful, even unto death. Remain here and be vigilant.”Mark 14:34

Number of the word / term Soul in Mark: 3

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Luke

Luke 1:46 And Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord.Luke 1:46

Luke 2:35 And a sword will pass through your own soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”Luke 2:35

Luke 10:27 In response, he said: “You shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart, and from your whole soul, and from all your strength, and from all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”Luke 10:27

Luke 12:19 And I will say to my soul: Soul, you have many goods, stored up for many years. Relax, eat, drink, and be cheerful.’Luke 12:19

Luke 12:20 But God said to him: ‘Foolish one, this very night they require your soul of you. To whom, then, will those things belong, which you have prepared?’Luke 12:20

Luke 21:19 By your patience, you shall possess your souls.Luke 21:19

Number of the word / term Soul in Luke: 6

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book John

John 10:24 And so the Jews surrounded him and said to him: “How long will you hold our souls in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.”John 10:24

John 12:27 Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say? Father, save me from this hour? But it is for this reason that I came to this hour.John 12:27

Number of the word / term Soul in John: 2

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Acts

Acts 2:27 For you will not abandon my soul to Hell, nor will you allow your Holy One to see corruption.Acts 2:27

Acts 2:41 Therefore, those who accepted his discourse were baptized. And about three thousand souls were added on that day.Acts 2:41

Acts 2:43 And fear developed in every soul. Also, many miracles and signs were accomplished by the Apostles in Jerusalem. And there was a great awe in everyone.Acts 2:43

Acts 3:23 And this shall be: every soul who will not listen to that Prophet shall be exterminated from the people.’Acts 3:23

Acts 4:32 Then the multitude of believers were of one heart and one soul. Neither did anyone say that any of the things that he possessed were his own, but all things were common to them.Acts 4:32

Acts 7:14 Then Joseph sent for and brought his father Jacob, with all his kindred, seventy-five souls.Acts 7:14

Acts 14:2 Yet truly, the Jews who were unbelieving had incited and enflamed the souls of the Gentiles against the brothers.Acts 14:2

Acts 14:22 strengthening the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them that they should remain always in the faith, and that it is necessary for us to enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations.Acts 14:22

Acts 15:24 Since we have heard that some, going out from among us, have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, to whom we gave no commandment,Acts 15:24

Acts 20:10 When Paul had gone down to him, he laid himself over him and, embracing him, said, “Do not worry, for his soul is still within him.”Acts 20:10

Acts 24:10 Then, since the governor had motioned for him to speak, Paul responded: “Knowing that you have been the judge over this nation for many years, I will give an explanation of myself with an honest soul.Acts 24:10

Acts 27:22 And now, let me persuade you to be courageous in soul. For there shall be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.Acts 27:22

Acts 27:25 Because of this, men, be courageous in soul. For I trust God that this will happen in the same way that it has been told to me.Acts 27:25

Acts 27:36 Then they all became more peaceful in soul. And they also took food.Acts 27:36

Acts 27:37 Truly, we were two hundred and seventy-six souls on the ship.Acts 27:37

Acts 27:44 And as for the others, some they carried on boards, and others on those things that belonged to the ship. And so it happened that every soul escaped to the land.Acts 27:44

Number of the word / term Soul in Acts: 16

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Romans

Romans 2:9 Tribulation and anguish are upon every soul of man that works evil: the Jew first, and also the Greek.Romans 2:9

Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject to higher authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those who have been ordained by God.Romans 13:1

Number of the word / term Soul in Romans: 2

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 14:7 Even those things that are without a soul can make sounds, whether it is a wind or a stringed instrument. But unless they present a distinction within the sounds, how will it be known which is from the pipe and which is from the string?1 Corinthians 14:7

1 Corinthians 15:45 Just as it was written that the first man, Adam, was made with a living soul, so shall the last Adam be made with a spirit brought back to life.1 Corinthians 15:45

Number of the word / term Soul in 1 Corinthians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 1:23 But I call God as a witness to my soul, that I was lenient with you, in that I did not return to Corinth:2 Corinthians 1:23

2 Corinthians 12:15 And so, very willingly, I will spend and exhaust myself for the sake of your souls, loving you more, while being loved less.2 Corinthians 12:15

Number of the word / term Soul in 2 Corinthians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 2:8 So desirous were we for you that we were willing to hand over to you, not only the Gospel of God, but even our own souls. For you have become most beloved to us.1 Thessalonians 2:8

1 Thessalonians 5:23 And may the God of peace himself sanctify you through all things, so that your whole spirit and soul and body may be preserved without blame unto the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.1 Thessalonians 5:23

Number of the word / term Soul in 1 Thessalonians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 4:12 For the Word of God is living and effective: more piercing than any two-edged sword, reaching to the division even between the soul and the spirit, even between the joints and the marrow, and so it discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart.Hebrews 4:12

Hebrews 6:19 This we have as an anchor of the soul, safe and sound, which advances even to the interior of the veil,Hebrews 6:19

Hebrews 10:38 For my just man lives by faith. But if he were to draw himself back, he would not please my soul.”Hebrews 10:38

Hebrews 10:39 So then, we are not sons who are drawn away to perdition, but we are sons of faith toward the securing of the soul.Hebrews 10:39

Hebrews 12:3 So then, meditate upon him who endured such adversity from sinners against himself, so that you may not become weary, failing in your souls.Hebrews 12:3

Hebrews 13:17 Obey your leaders and be subject to them. For they watch over you, as if to render an account of your souls. So then, may they do this with joy, and not with grief. Otherwise, it would not be as helpful to you.Hebrews 13:17

Number of the word / term Soul in Hebrews: 6

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book James

James 1:21 Because of this, having cast away all uncleanness and an abundance of malice, receive with meekness the newly-grafted Word, which is able to save your souls.James 1:21

James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners! And purify your hearts, you duplicitous souls!James 4:8

James 5:20 he ought to know that whoever causes a sinner to be converted from the error of his ways will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.James 5:20

Number of the word / term Soul in James: 3

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book 1 Peter

1 Peter 1:9 returning with the goal of your faith, the salvation of souls.1 Peter 1:9

1 Peter 1:22 So chastise your souls with the obedience of charity, in fraternal love, and love one another from a simple heart, attentively.1 Peter 1:22

1 Peter 2:11 Most beloved, I beg you, as new arrivals and sojourners, to abstain from carnal desires, which battle against the soul.1 Peter 2:11

1 Peter 2:25 For you were like wandering sheep. But now you have been turned back toward the Pastor and the Bishop of your souls.1 Peter 2:25

1 Peter 3:20 who had been unbelieving in past times, while they waited for the patience of God, as in the days of Noah, when the ark was being built. In that ark, a few, that is, eight souls, were saved by water.1 Peter 3:20

1 Peter 4:19 Therefore, too, let those who suffer according to the will of God commend their souls by good deeds to the faithful Creator.1 Peter 4:19

Number of the word / term Soul in 1 Peter: 6

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book 2 Peter

2 Peter 2:8 For in seeing and in hearing, he was just, though he lived with those who, from day to day, crucified the just soul with works of iniquity.2 Peter 2:8

2 Peter 2:14 having eyes full of adultery and of incessant offenses, luring unstable souls, having a heart well-trained in avarice, sons of curses!2 Peter 2:14

Number of the word / term Soul in 2 Peter: 2

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book 3 John

3 John 1:2 Most beloved, concerning everything, I make it my prayer that you may benefit by advancing and succeeding in whatever may be to the benefit of your soul.3 John 1:2

Number of the word / term Soul in 3 John: 1

Bible passages with ‘Soul’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 6:9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw, under the altar, the souls of those who had been slain because of the Word of God and because of the testimony that they held.Revelation 6:9

Revelation 18:13 and of cinnamon and black cardamom, and of fragrances and ointments and incense, and of wine and oil and fine flour and wheat, and of beasts of burden and sheep and horses and four-wheeled wagons, and of slaves and the souls of men.Revelation 18:13

Revelation 18:14 And the fruits of the desires of your soul have gone away from you. And all things fat and splendid have perished from you. And they shall never find these things again.Revelation 18:14

Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones. And they sat upon them. And judgment was given to them. And the souls of those beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus and because of the Word of God, and who did not adore the beast, nor his image, nor accept his character on their foreheads or on their hands: they lived and they reigned with Christ for a thousand years.Revelation 20:4

Number of the word / term ‘Soul’ in Revelation: 4

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 582

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