Our Little Concordance

‘Similar’ in the Bible – All 156 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Similar’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Similar’ occurs 156 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 2:18 The Lord God also said: “It is not good for the man to be alone. Let us make a helper for him similar to himself.”Genesis 2:18

Genesis 2:20 And Adam called each of the living things by their names: all the flying creatures of the air, and all the wild beasts of the land. Yet truly, for Adam, there was not found a helper similar to himself.Genesis 2:20

Genesis 27:23 And he did not recognize him, because his hairy hands made him seem similar to the elder one. Therefore, blessing him,Genesis 27:23

Genesis 33:7 Likewise Leah, with her sons, came near. And when they had reverenced similarly, last of all, Joseph and Rachel reverenced.Genesis 33:7

Genesis 40:5 And they both saw a similar dream on one night, whose interpretations should be related to one another.Genesis 40:5

Number of the word / term Similar in Genesis: 5

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 7:11 Then Pharaoh called the wise men and the sorcerers. And they also, by Egyptian incantations and certain secrets, did similarly.Exodus 7:11

Exodus 7:22 And the sorcerers of the Egyptians, with their incantations, did similarly. And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, he did not listen to them, just as the Lord had instructed.Exodus 7:22

Exodus 8:7 Then the sorcerers also, by their incantations, did similarly, and they brought forth frogs upon the land of Egypt.Exodus 8:7

Exodus 8:18 And the sorcerers, with their incantations, did similarly, in order to bring forth stinging insects, but they were not able. And there were stinging insects, as much on men as on beasts.Exodus 8:18

Exodus 16:14 And when it had covered the face of the earth, it appeared, in the wilderness, small and as if crushed with a pestle, similar to hoar-frost on the ground.Exodus 16:14

Exodus 21:27 Likewise, if he knocks out a tooth of his male or female servant, he shall similarly release them freely.Exodus 21:27

Exodus 21:31 Likewise, if it has struck a son or a daughter with its horns, it shall be subject to a similar verdict.Exodus 21:31

Exodus 25:33 Three bowls, the size of nuts, shall be on each branch, and a little sphere with it, and a lily. And three similar bowls, in the likeness of nuts, shall be on the other branch, and a little sphere with it, and a lily. This shall be the form of the six branches, which are to proceed from the stem.Exodus 25:33

Exodus 26:3 Five curtains shall be joined to one another, and the other five shall be similarly coupled together.Exodus 26:3

Exodus 26:24 And these shall be joined together from bottom to top, and one joint shall retain them all. Likewise, two of the panels, which will be set at the corners, shall be served by similar joints.Exodus 26:24

Exodus 30:23 saying: “Take for yourself aromatics: of the first and best myrrh, five hundred shekels, and of cinnamon half as much, that is, two hundred and fifty shekels; of sweet flag similarly two hundred and fifty,Exodus 30:23

Exodus 30:32 The flesh of man shall not be anointed from it, and you shall not make any similar compound, for it has been sanctified and it shall be holy to you.Exodus 30:32

Exodus 30:38 Whatever man will have made anything similar, so as to thoroughly enjoy its smell, he shall perish from his people.”Exodus 30:38

Exodus 34:1 And after this he said: “Cut out for yourself two tablets of stone similar to the first ones, and I will write upon them the words which were held on the tablets that you broke.Exodus 34:1

Exodus 36:11 He also made loops of hyacinth along the edge of one curtain on both sides, and similarly along the edge of the other curtain,Exodus 36:11

Number of the word / term Similar in Exodus: 15

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 7:16 If anyone, by a vow or of his own accord, will have offered a sacrifice, it shall be eaten in a similar manner on the same day. But then if any of it will have remained until tomorrow, it is lawful to eat it.Leviticus 7:16

Leviticus 8:23 And when Moses had immolated it, taking up some of its blood, he touched the tip of Aaron’s right ear, and the thumb of his right hand, and similarly also his foot.Leviticus 8:23

Leviticus 18:28 Therefore, beware, lest in a similar manner, it may vomit you out as well, if you do these same things, just as it vomited out the people who were before you.Leviticus 18:28

Number of the word / term Similar in Leviticus: 3

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 7:1 Now it happened in the day when Moses completed the tabernacle, and he set it up, and he anointed and sanctified it with all of its vessels, and similarly the altar and all of its vessels,Numbers 7:1

Numbers 12:2 and they said: “Has the Lord spoken only through Moses? Has he not also spoken similarly to us?” And when the Lord had heard this,Numbers 12:2

Numbers 28:8 And you shall offer the other lamb similarly, in the evening, according to all the rites of the morning sacrifice and its libations, as an oblation of most sweet odor to the Lord.Numbers 28:8

Numbers 35:5 Facing the east, there shall be two thousand cubits, and facing the south, similarly, there shall be two thousand cubits. Toward the sea, also, which looks out toward the west, there shall be the same measure, and the northern region shall be bounded by equal limits. And the cities shall be in the center, and the suburbs shall be outside.Numbers 35:5

Numbers 35:17 If he will have thrown a stone, and he who has been struck lies dead, then he shall be punished similarly.Numbers 35:17

Number of the word / term Similar in Numbers: 5

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 4:32 Inquire concerning the days of antiquity, which were before you, from the day when God created man upon the earth, from one end of heaven to another, if anything similar has ever occurred, or whether any such thing has ever been known,Deuteronomy 4:32

Deuteronomy 9:20 Likewise, he became vehemently angry against Aaron, and he was willing to destroy him, and I prayed for him similarly.Deuteronomy 9:20

Deuteronomy 15:17 then you shall take an awl and pierce his ear, at the door of your house. And he shall serve you even forever. You shall also act similarly toward your woman servant.Deuteronomy 15:17

Deuteronomy 18:15 The Lord your God will raise up for you a PROPHET from your nation and from your brothers, similar to me. You shall listen to him,Deuteronomy 18:15

Deuteronomy 18:18 I will raise up a prophet for them, from the midst of their brothers, similar to you. And I will place my words in his mouth, and he will speak to them all the things that I will instruct him.Deuteronomy 18:18

Deuteronomy 22:3 You shall act in a similar manner with his donkey, and his clothing, and all the belongings of your brother that have been lost. If you find it, you shall not neglect it, as if it belonged to a stranger.Deuteronomy 22:3

Deuteronomy 31:5 Therefore, when the Lord will have delivered these to you also, you shall act similarly toward them, just as I have instructed you.Deuteronomy 31:5

Number of the word / term Similar in Deuteronomy: 7

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 17:11 And the inheritance of Manasseh, in Issachar and in Asher, was Bethshean and its villages, and Ibleam with its villages, and the inhabitants of Dor, with their towns, likewise the inhabitants of Endor with their villages, and similarly the inhabitants of Taanach with their villages, and the inhabitants of Megiddo with their villages, and one third part of the city of Naphath.Joshua 17:11

Number of the word / term Similar in Joshua: 1

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Judges

Judges 8:8 And going up from there, he arrived at Penuel. And he spoke to the men of that place similarly. And they also answered him, just as the men of Succoth had answered.Judges 8:8

Judges 21:14 And the sons of Benjamin went, at that time, and wives were given to them from the daughters of Jabesh-Gilead. But others were not found, whom they might give in a similar manner.Judges 21:14

Number of the word / term Similar in Judges: 2

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 6:26 that is, one cherub had a height of ten cubits, and similarly the second cherub.1 Kings 6:26

1 Kings 7:8 And in the midst of the portico, there was a small house, where he would sit in judgment, similar in workmanship. He also made a house for the daughter of Pharaoh (whom Solomon had taken as wife) of the same work and type as this portico.1 Kings 7:8

1 Kings 7:11 And above these, there were precious stones, of equal measure, which had been cut in a manner similar to boards of cedar.1 Kings 7:11

1 Kings 7:21 And he stationed the two columns in the portico of the temple. And when he had stationed the column on the right, he called its name Jachin. Similarly, he erected the second column, and he called its name Boaz.1 Kings 7:21

1 Kings 7:29 And between the little crowns and the edges, there were lions, and oxen, and cherubim; and similarly in the junctures above. And under the lions and oxen were something like bands of brass hanging down.1 Kings 7:29

1 Kings 7:37 In this manner, he made ten bases with the same casting and measure, and very similar engravings.1 Kings 7:37

1 Kings 10:20 with twelve little lions standing upon the six steps, on one side and the other. No similar work has been made, ever in any kingdom.1 Kings 10:20

1 Kings 12:32 And he appointed a solemn day in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, in imitation of the solemnity that was celebrated in Judah. And ascending to the altar, he acted similarly in Bethel, so that he immolated to the calves, which he had made. And in Bethel, he appointed priests of the high places, which he had made.1 Kings 12:32

1 Kings 21:25 And so, there was no other person similar to Ahab, who was sold so that he did evil in the sight of the Lord. For his wife, Jezebel, urged him on.1 Kings 21:25

1 Kings 22:12 And all the prophets were prophesying similarly, saying: “Ascend to Ramoth Gilead, and go forth to success. For the Lord will deliver it into the hands of the king.”1 Kings 22:12

Number of the word / term Similar in 1 Kings: 10

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 7:8 And so, when these lepers had arrived at the beginning of the camp, they entered one tent, and they ate and drank. And they took from there silver, and gold, and clothing. And they went away and hid it. And they returned again to another tent, and similarly, carrying away from there, they hid it.2 Kings 7:8

2 Kings 17:8 And they walked according to the rituals of the nations that the Lord had consumed in the sight of the sons of Israel, and of the kings of Israel. For they had acted similarly.2 Kings 17:8

2 Kings 18:5 He hoped in the Lord, the God of Israel. And after him, there was no one similar to him, among all the kings of Judah, nor even among any of those who were before him.2 Kings 18:5

2 Kings 18:32 until I arrive and transfer you into a land, similar to your own land, a fruitful and fertile land of wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of olives and oil and honey. And you will live, and not die. Do not choose to listen to Hezekiah, who deceives you, saying: ‘The Lord will free us.’2 Kings 18:32

2 Kings 23:22 Now no similar Passover was kept, from the days of the judges, who judged Israel, and from all the days of the kings of Israel and the kings of Judah,2 Kings 23:22

2 Kings 23:25 There was no king before him similar to him, who returned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his strength, in accord with the entire law of Moses. And after him, there rose up no one similar to him.2 Kings 23:25

2 Kings 25:17 One pillar had eighteen cubits in height. And the head of brass upon it was three cubits in height. And the network and pomegranates upon the head of the pillar were all of brass. And the second pillar had a similar adornment.2 Kings 25:17

Number of the word / term Similar in 2 Kings: 7

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 6:68 as well as Jokmeam with its suburbs, and Beth-horon similarly,1 Chronicles 6:68

1 Chronicles 6:74 truly, from the tribe of Asher: Mashal with its suburbs, and Abdon similarly;1 Chronicles 6:74

1 Chronicles 23:30 Yet truly, the Levites shall stand to confess and to sing to the Lord, in the morning, and similarly in the evening,1 Chronicles 23:30

1 Chronicles 26:17 Truly, toward the east there were six Levites, and toward the north there were four per day, and then toward the south similarly there were four each day. And where the council was, there were two and two.1 Chronicles 26:17

1 Chronicles 28:15 Then too, he distributed gold for the lampstands and their lamps, according to the measure of each of the lampstands with their lamps. Similarly also, he distributed silver by weight for the silver lampstands with their lamps, according to the diversity of their measure.1 Chronicles 28:15

1 Chronicles 28:16 Also, he gave gold for the tables of the presence, according to the diversity of the tables; similarly too, he gave silver for the other tables of silver.1 Chronicles 28:16

1 Chronicles 28:17 Also, he distributed from the purest gold for the small hooks and the bowls and the censors, as well as for the little lions of gold, in accord with the precise measure of the weight, for lion after lion. Similarly too, for the lions of silver, he set aside a different weight of silver.1 Chronicles 28:17

Number of the word / term Similar in 1 Chronicles: 7

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 1:12 wisdom and knowledge are granted to you. And I will give to you wealth and substance and glory, so that none of the kings either before you or after you will be similar to you.”2 Chronicles 1:12

2 Chronicles 1:17 a four-horse chariot for six hundred pieces of silver, and a horse for one hundred fifty. A similar offer to purchase was made known among all the kingdoms of the Hittites, and among the kings of Syria.2 Chronicles 1:17

2 Chronicles 3:8 Also, he made the house of the Holy of Holies. Its length, in accord with the width of the temple, was of twenty cubits. And its width, similarly, was of twenty cubits. And he covered it with layers of gold, of about six hundred talents.2 Chronicles 3:8

2 Chronicles 9:19 Moreover, there were twelve additional little lions standing upon the six steps on both sides. There was no similar throne in all the kingdoms.2 Chronicles 9:19

2 Chronicles 18:11 And all the prophets prophesied similarly, and they said: “Ascend against Ramoth Gilead, and you shall prosper, and the Lord will deliver them into the hand of the king.”2 Chronicles 18:11

2 Chronicles 35:12 And they put these aside, so that they might give them to each one, by their houses and families, and so that they might be offered to the Lord, just as it was written in the book of Moses. And with the oxen, they acted similarly.2 Chronicles 35:12

2 Chronicles 35:18 There was no Passover similar to this one in Israel, from the days of Samuel the prophet. And neither did anyone, out of all the kings of Israel, keep such a Passover as did Josiah, the priests and Levites, and all those of Judah and Israel who had been found, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.2 Chronicles 35:18

Number of the word / term Similar in 2 Chronicles: 7

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 3:7 And so they gave money to those who cut and laid stones. Similarly, they gave food, and drink, and oil to the Sidonians and the Tyrians, so that they would bring cedar wood, from Lebanon to the sea at Joppa, in accord with what had been commanded of them by Cyrus, the king of the Persians.Ezra 3:7

Number of the word / term Similar in Ezra: 1

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 13:26 “Did not Solomon, king of Israel, sin in this kind of thing? And certainly, among many nations, there was no king similar to him, and he was beloved of his God, and God set him as king over all of Israel. And yet foreign women led even him into sin!Nehemiah 13:26

Number of the word / term Similar in Nehemiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Esther

Esther 4:16 “Go and gather together all the Jews whom you will find in Susa, and pray for me. Neither eat nor drink for three days and three nights, and I will fast with my handmaids similarly, and then I will go in to the king, doing what is against the law, not having been called, and so expose myself to mortal danger.”Esther 4:16

Number of the word / term Similar in Esther: 1

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Job

Job 14:19 Waters wear away stones, and with a flood the land is reduced little by little; and similarly, you will destroy man.Job 14:19

Job 23:14 And when he fulfills his will in me, many other similar ones will also be present with him.Job 23:14

Job 36:1 Continuing in a similar manner, Eliu had this to say:Job 36:1

Number of the word / term Similar in Job: 3

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 40:5 You have accomplished your many wonders, O Lord my God, and there is no one similar to you in your thoughts. I have announced and I have spoken: they are multiplied beyond number.Psalm 40:5

Psalm 58:4 Their fury is similar to that of a serpent; it is like a deaf asp, who even blocks her ears,Psalm 58:4

Psalm 68:6 It is God who makes men dwell in a house under one custom. He leads out those who are strongly bound, and similarly, those who exasperate, who dwell in sepulchers.Psalm 68:6

Psalm 144:4 Man has been made similar to vanity. His days pass by like a shadow.Psalm 144:4

Number of the word / term Similar in Psalm: 4

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 27:20 Hell and perdition are never filled; similarly the eyes of men are insatiable.Proverbs 27:20

Number of the word / term Similar in Proverbs: 1

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 2:16 For there will not be a remembrance in perpetuity of the wise, nor of the foolish. And the future times will cover everything together, with oblivion. The learned die in a manner similar to the unlearned.Ecclesiastes 2:16

Ecclesiastes 3:19 For this reason, the passing away of man and of beasts is one, and the condition of both is equal. For as a man dies, so also do they die. All things breathe similarly, and man has nothing more than beast; for all these are subject to vanity.Ecclesiastes 3:19

Number of the word / term Similar in Ecclesiastes: 2

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 10:6 O Lord, there is nothing similar to you. You are great, and your name is great in strength.Jeremiah 10:6

Jeremiah 10:7 Who will not fear you, O King of the nations? For honor is yours. Among all the wise of the nations, and within all their kingdoms, there is nothing similar to you.Jeremiah 10:7

Jeremiah 13:14 And I will scatter them, a man from his brother, and fathers and sons similarly, says the Lord. I will not spare them, and I will not pardon them, and I will not take pity, so as not to destroy them.”Jeremiah 13:14

Jeremiah 29:25 Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Similarly, you have sent letters in your name to all the people that are in Jerusalem, and to Zephaniah, the son of Maaseiah, the priest, and to all the priests, saying:Jeremiah 29:25

Jeremiah 52:22 And heads of brass were upon both. And the height of one head was five cubits. And little nets with pomegranates were upon the heads all around, all of brass. The second pillar was similar, and the pomegranates.Jeremiah 52:22

Number of the word / term Similar in Jeremiah: 5

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 1:20 RES. See, O Lord, that I am in tribulation. My bowels have been disturbed, my heart has been subverted within me, for I am filled with bitterness. Outside, the sword puts to death, and at home there is a similar death.Lamentations 1:20

Number of the word / term Similar in Lamentations: 1

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 1:16 And the appearance of the wheels and their work was like the appearance of the sea. And each of the four were similar to one another. And their appearance and work was like a wheel in the center of a wheel.Ezekiel 1:16

Ezekiel 1:22 And above the heads of the living creatures was the likeness of a firmament: similar to crystal, but dreadful to behold, and extending over their heads from above.Ezekiel 1:22

Ezekiel 1:23 And their wings were straight under the firmament, one toward the other. One of them was covered by two wings on his body, and the other was covered similarly.Ezekiel 1:23

Ezekiel 10:10 And in their appearance, each one of the four were similar, as if a wheel were in the midst of a wheel.Ezekiel 10:10

Ezekiel 18:14 But if he raises a son, who, seeing all his father’s sins that he has done, is afraid and so does not act in a way similar to him,Ezekiel 18:14

Ezekiel 31:8 The cedars in the Paradise of God were not higher than he was. The spruce trees were not equal to his summit, and the plane trees were not equal to his fullness. No tree in the Paradise of God was similar to him or to his beauty.Ezekiel 31:8

Ezekiel 40:16 And there were slanting windows in the chambers and at their fronts, which were within the gate on every side all around. And similarly, there were also windows in the vestibules all around the interior, and there were images of palm trees before the fronts.Ezekiel 40:16

Ezekiel 48:13 But also the Levites, similarly, shall have, beside the borders of the priests, twenty-five thousand in length, and ten thousand in width. The entire length shall be twenty-five thousand, and the width shall be ten thousand.Ezekiel 48:13

Ezekiel 48:21 And what will remain shall be for the prince out of every portion of the first-fruits of the sanctuary and of the possession of the city, from the region of the twenty-five thousand of the first-fruits, even to the eastern border. But also to the sea from the region of the twenty-five thousand, even to the border of the sea, similarly shall be the portion of the prince. And the first-fruits of the sanctuary, and the sanctuary of the temple, shall be in its center.Ezekiel 48:21

Number of the word / term Similar in Ezekiel: 9

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 11:27 And the heart of two kings will be similar, to do harm, and they will speak lies at one table, but they will not succeed, because as yet the end is for another time.Daniel 11:27

Daniel 12:5 And I, Daniel, looked, and behold, similarly two others stood up, one over here, on the bank of the river, and the other over there, on the other bank of the river.Daniel 12:5

Number of the word / term Similar in Daniel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 20:5 So they went forth. But again, he went out about the sixth, and about the ninth hour, and he acted similarly.Matthew 20:5

Matthew 21:30 And approaching the other, he spoke similarly. And answering, he said, ‘I am going, lord.’ And he did not go.Matthew 21:30

Matthew 21:36 Again, he sent other servants, more than before; and they treated them similarly.Matthew 21:36

Matthew 22:39 But the second is similar to it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’Matthew 22:39

Matthew 25:17 And similarly, he who had received two gained another two.Matthew 25:17

Matthew 26:35 Peter said to him, “Even if it is necessary for me to die with you, I will not deny you.” And all the disciples spoke similarly.Matthew 26:35

Matthew 27:41 And similarly, the leaders of the priests, with the scribes and the elders, mocking him, said:Matthew 27:41

Number of the word / term Similar in Matthew: 7

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Mark

Mark 4:16 And similarly, there are those who were sown upon stony ground. These, when they have heard the word, immediately accept it with gladness.Mark 4:16

Mark 7:8 For abandoning the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men, to the washing of pitchers and cups. And you do many other things similar to these.”Mark 7:8

Mark 7:13 rescinding the word of God through your tradition, which you have handed down. And you do many other similar things in this way.”Mark 7:13

Mark 12:21 And the second took her, and he died. And neither did he leave behind offspring. And the third acted similarly.Mark 12:21

Mark 12:31 But the second is similar to it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”Mark 12:31

Mark 14:31 But he spoke further, “Even if I must die along with you, I will not deny you.” And they all spoke similarly also.Mark 14:31

Mark 15:31 And similarly the leaders of the priests, mocking him with the scribes, said to one another: “He saved others. He is not able to save himself.Mark 15:31

Number of the word / term Similar in Mark: 7

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Luke

Luke 3:11 But in response, he said to them: “Whoever has two coats, let him give to those who do not have. And whoever has food, let him act similarly.”Luke 3:11

Luke 5:33 But they said to him, “Why do the disciples of John fast frequently, and make supplications, and those of the Pharisees act similarly, while yours eat and drink?”Luke 5:33

Luke 10:32 And similarly a Levite, when he was near the place, also saw him, and he passed by.Luke 10:32

Luke 10:37 Then he said, “The one who acted with mercy toward him.” And Jesus said to him, “Go, and act similarly.”Luke 10:37

Luke 13:3 No, I tell you. But unless you repent, you will all perish similarly.Luke 13:3

Luke 13:5 No, I tell you. But if you do not repent, you will all perish similarly.”Luke 13:5

Luke 13:18 And so he said: “To what is the kingdom of God similar, and to what figure shall I compare it?Luke 13:18

Luke 17:28 It shall be similar to what happened in the days of Lot. They were eating and drinking; they were buying and selling; they were planting and building.Luke 17:28

Luke 17:31 In that hour, whoever will be on the rooftop, with his goods in the house, let him not descend to take them. And whoever will be in the field, similarly, let him not turn back.Luke 17:31

Luke 20:31 And the third married her, and similarly all seven, and none of them left behind any offspring, and they each died.Luke 20:31

Number of the word / term Similar in Luke: 10

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book John

John 5:19 Then Jesus responded and said to them: “Amen, amen, I say to you, the Son is not able to do anything of himself, but only what he has seen the Father doing. For whatever he does, even this does the Son do, similarly.John 5:19

John 6:11 Therefore, Jesus took the bread, and when he had given thanks, he distributed it to those who were sitting down to eat; similarly also, from the fish, as much as they wanted.John 6:11

John 9:9 But others said, “Certainly not, but he is similar to him.” Yet truly, he himself said, “I am he.”John 9:9

John 21:13 And Jesus approached, and he took bread, and he gave it to them, and similarly with the fish.John 21:13

Number of the word / term Similar in John: 4

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Acts

Acts 22:29 Therefore, those who were going to torture him, immediately withdrew from him. The tribune was similarly afraid, after he realized that he was a Roman citizen, for he had bound him.Acts 22:29

Number of the word / term Similar in Acts: 1

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Romans

Romans 1:27 And similarly, the males also, abandoning the natural use of females, have burned in their desires for one another: males doing with males what is disgraceful, and receiving within themselves the recompense that necessarily results from their error.Romans 1:27

Romans 8:26 And similarly, the Spirit also helps our weakness. For we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself asks on our behalf with ineffable sighing.Romans 8:26

Romans 9:29 And it is just as Isaiah predicted: “Unless the Lord of hosts had bequeathed offspring, we would have become like Sodom, and we would have been made similar to Gomorrah.”Romans 9:29

Number of the word / term Similar in Romans: 3

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 7:3 A husband should fulfill his obligation to his wife, and a wife should also act similarly toward her husband.1 Corinthians 7:3

1 Corinthians 7:4 It is not the wife, but the husband, who has power over her body. But, similarly also, it is not the husband, but the wife, who has power over his body.1 Corinthians 7:4

1 Corinthians 7:22 For any servant who has been called in the Lord is free in the Lord. Similarly, any free person who has been called is a servant in Christ.1 Corinthians 7:22

1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that, of those who run in a race, all of them, certainly, are runners, but only one achieves the prize. Similarly, you must run, so that you may achieve.1 Corinthians 9:24

Number of the word / term Similar in 1 Corinthians: 4

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 5:21 envy, murder, inebriation, carousing, and similar things. About these things, I continue to preach to you, as I have preached to you: that those who act in this way shall not obtain the kingdom of God.Galatians 5:21

Number of the word / term Similar in Galatians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Ephesians

Ephesians 6:9 And you, lords, act similarly toward them, setting aside threats, knowing that the Lord of both you and them is in heaven. For with him there is no favoritism toward anyone.Ephesians 6:9

Number of the word / term Similar in Ephesians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Philippians

Philippians 3:17 Be imitators of me, brothers, and observe those who are walking similarly, just as you have seen by our example.Philippians 3:17

Number of the word / term Similar in Philippians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Titus

Titus 2:3 Old women, similarly, should be in holy attire, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teaching well,Titus 2:3

Titus 2:6 Exhort young men similarly, so that they may show self-restraint.Titus 2:6

Number of the word / term Similar in Titus: 2

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 2:17 Therefore, it is fitting for him to be made similar to his brothers in all things, so that he might become a merciful and faithful High Priest before God, in order that he might bring forgiveness to the offenses of the people.Hebrews 2:17

Hebrews 4:2 For this was announced to us in a similar manner as to them. But the mere hearing of the word did not benefit them, since it was not joined together with a faith in those things that they heard.Hebrews 4:2

Hebrews 5:6 And similarly, he says in another place: “You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.”Hebrews 5:6

Hebrews 9:21 And even the tabernacle, and all the vessels for the ministry, he similarly sprinkled with blood.Hebrews 9:21

Number of the word / term Similar in Hebrews: 4

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book 1 Peter

1 Peter 3:21 And now you also are saved, in a similar manner, by baptism, not by the testimony of sordid flesh, but by the examination of a good conscience in God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.1 Peter 3:21

Number of the word / term Similar in 1 Peter: 1

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Jude

Jude 1:7 And also Sodom and Gomorrah, and the adjoining cities, in similar ways, having given themselves over to fornication and to the pursuing of other flesh, were made an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.Jude 1:7

Number of the word / term Similar in Jude: 1

Bible passages with ‘Similar’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 4:3 And the One who was sitting there was similar in appearance to a stone of jasper and sardius. And there was an iridescence surrounding the throne, in aspect similar to an emerald.Revelation 4:3

Revelation 4:6 And in view of the throne, there was something that seemed like a sea of glass, similar to crystal. And in the middle of the throne, and all around the throne, there were four living creatures, full of eyes in front and in back.Revelation 4:6

Revelation 8:12 And the fourth Angel sounded the trumpet. And a third part of the sun, and a third part of the moon, and a third part of the stars were struck, in such a way that a third part of them was obscured. And a third part of the day did not shine, and similarly the night.Revelation 8:12

Revelation 9:7 And the likenesses of the locusts resembled horses prepared for battle. And upon their heads were something like crowns similar to gold. And their faces were like the faces of men.Revelation 9:7

Revelation 9:10 And they had tails similar to scorpions. And there were stingers in their tails, and these had the power to harm men for five months.Revelation 9:10

Revelation 11:1 And a reed, similar to a staff, was given to me. And it was said to me: “Rise up and measure the temple of God, and those who are worshiping in it, and the altar.Revelation 11:1

Revelation 13:2 And the beast that I saw was similar to a leopard, and its feet were like the feet of a bear, and its mouth was like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave his own power and great authority to it.Revelation 13:2

Revelation 18:21 And a certain strong Angel took up a stone, similar to a great millstone, and he cast it into the sea, saying: “With this force shall Babylon, that great city, be cast down. And she shall never be found again.Revelation 18:21

Revelation 21:18 And the structure of its wall was of jasper stone. Yet truly, the city itself was of pure gold, similar to pure glass.Revelation 21:18

Revelation 21:21 And the twelve gates are twelve pearls, one for each, so that each gate was made from a single pearl. And the main street of the city was of pure gold, similar to transparent glass.Revelation 21:21

Number of the word / term ‘Similar’ in Revelation: 10

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 156

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