Our Little Concordance

‘Seen’ in the Bible – All 394 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Seen’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Seen’ occurs 394 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 5:24 And he walked with God, and then he was seen no more, because God took him.Genesis 5:24

Genesis 6:12 And when God had seen that the earth had been corrupted, (indeed, all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth)Genesis 6:12

Genesis 7:1 And the Lord said to him: “Enter the ark, you and all your house. For I have seen you to be just in my sight, within this generation.Genesis 7:1

Genesis 9:22 Because of this, when Ham, the father of Canaan, had indeed seen the privates of his father to be naked, he reported it to his two brothers outside.Genesis 9:22

Genesis 16:13 Then she called upon the name of the Lord who had spoken to her: “You are the God who has seen me.” For she said, “Certainly, here I have seen the back of the one who sees me.”Genesis 16:13

Genesis 18:2 And when he had lifted up his eyes, there appeared to him three men, standing near him. When he had seen them, he ran to meet them from the door of his tent, and he reverenced them on the ground.Genesis 18:2

Genesis 19:1 And the two Angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting at the gate of the city. And when he had seen them, he rose up and went to meet them. And he reverenced prone on the ground.Genesis 19:1

Genesis 21:9 And when Sarah had seen the son of Hagar the Egyptian playing with her son Isaac, she said to Abraham:Genesis 21:9

Genesis 24:30 And when he had seen the earrings and bracelets in his sister’s hands, and he had heard all the words being repeated, “This is what the man spoke to me,” he came to the man who stood by the camels and near the spring of water,Genesis 24:30

Genesis 24:64 Likewise, Rebekah, having seen Isaac, descended from the camel.Genesis 24:64

Genesis 29:10 When Jacob had seen her, and he realized that she was his maternal first cousin, and that these were the sheep of his uncle Laban, he removed the stone which closed the well.Genesis 29:10

Genesis 31:12 And he said: ‘Lift up your eyes, and see that all the males climbing on the females are variegated, spotted, and also speckled. For I have seen all that Laban has done to you.Genesis 31:12

Genesis 32:2 When he had seen them, he said, “These are the Encampments of God.” And he called the name of that place Mahanaim, that is, ‘Encampments.’Genesis 32:2

Genesis 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, saying, “I have seen God face to face, and my soul has been saved.”Genesis 32:30

Genesis 34:2 And when Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite, the leader of that land, had seen her, he fell in love with her. And so he seized her and slept with her, overwhelming the virgin by force.Genesis 34:2

Genesis 37:18 And, when they had seen him from afar, before he approached them, they decided to kill him.Genesis 37:18

Genesis 40:6 And when Joseph had entered to them in the morning, and had seen them sad,Genesis 40:6

Genesis 40:8 They responded, “We have seen a dream, and there is no one to interpret it for us.” And Joseph said to them, “Doesn’t interpretation belong to God? Recount for me what you have seen.”Genesis 40:8

Genesis 41:15 And he said to him, “I have seen dreams, and there is no one who can unfold them. I have heard that you are very wise at interpreting these.”Genesis 41:15

Genesis 41:17 Therefore, Pharaoh explained what he had seen: “I thought myself to be standing on the bank of a river,Genesis 41:17

Genesis 41:19 And behold, there followed after these, another seven cows, with such deformity and emaciation as I had never seen in the land of Egypt.Genesis 41:19

Genesis 42:9 And remembering the dreams, which he had seen in another time, he said to them: “You are scouts. You have come in order to see which parts of the land are weaker.”Genesis 42:9

Genesis 43:16 And when he had seen them and Benjamin together, he instructed the steward of his house, saying: “Lead the men into the house, and kill victims, and prepare a feast, because they will be eating with me at midday.”Genesis 43:16

Genesis 45:13 You will report to my father about all my glory, and about all that you have seen in Egypt. Hurry, and bring him to me.”Genesis 45:13

Genesis 45:27 To the contrary, they explained the entire matter in order. And when he had seen the wagons, and all that he had sent, his spirit revived,Genesis 45:27

Genesis 46:30 And the father said to Joseph, “Now I will die happy, because I have seen your face, and I am leaving you behind alive.”Genesis 46:30

Genesis 50:11 And when the inhabitants of the land of Canaan had seen this, they said, “This is a great Lamentation for the Egyptians.” And for this reason, the name of that place was called, “The Lamentation of Egypt.”Genesis 50:11

Number of the word / term Seen in Genesis: 27

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 2:5 Then, behold, the daughter of Pharaoh descended to wash in the river. And her maids walked along the edge of the cove. And when she had seen the small basket among the papyruses, she sent one of her servants for it. And when it was brought,Exodus 2:5

Exodus 2:12 And when he had looked around this way and that, and had seen no one nearby, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.Exodus 2:12

Exodus 3:7 And the Lord said to him: “I have seen the affliction of my people in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry because of the harshness of those who are over the works.Exodus 3:7

Exodus 3:9 And so, the outcry of the sons of Israel has come to me. And I have seen their affliction, with which they are oppressed by the Egyptians.Exodus 3:9

Exodus 3:16 Go and gather together the elders of Israel, and you shall say to them: ‘The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to me, saying: When visiting, I have visited you, and I have seen all that has befallen you in Egypt.Exodus 3:16

Exodus 9:24 And the hail and intermingled fire drove on together. And it was of such magnitude as had never before been seen in the entire land of Egypt, from the time when that nation was formed.Exodus 9:24

Exodus 10:5 And they shall cover the face of the earth, lest any part of it be seen. Yes, and what remains from the hail shall be eaten. For they will gnaw away all the trees that spring up in the fields.Exodus 10:5

Exodus 10:6 And they will fill your houses, and those of your servants and of all the Egyptians: so many as your fathers and ancestors have not seen, from the time that they rose up over the earth, even until this present day.” And he turned himself away, and he departed from Pharaoh.Exodus 10:6

Exodus 13:7 You shall consume unleavened bread for seven days. There shall not be seen anything leavened with you, nor in all your parts.Exodus 13:7

Exodus 14:13 And Moses said to the people: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and see the great wonders of the Lord, which he will do today. For the Egyptians, whom you now see, will never again be seen, forever.Exodus 14:13

Exodus 16:15 When the sons of Israel had seen it, they said one to another: “Manhu?” which means “What is this?” For they did not know what it was. And Moses said to them: “This is the bread that the Lord has given you to eat.Exodus 16:15

Exodus 19:4 ‘You have seen what I have done to the Egyptians, in what way I carried you upon the wings of eagles and how I have taken you for myself.Exodus 19:4

Exodus 20:22 Thereafter, the Lord said to Moses: “This you shall say to the sons of Israel: You have seen that I have spoken to you from heaven.Exodus 20:22

Exodus 32:5 And when Aaron had seen it, he built an altar before it, and he cried out with a voice of proclamation, saying, “Tomorrow is the solemnity of the Lord.”Exodus 32:5

Exodus 34:3 Let no one ascend with you, and do not let anyone be seen throughout the entire mountain. Likewise, do not let the oxen or the sheep pasture up against it.”Exodus 34:3

Exodus 34:10 The Lord responded: “I will enter into a pact in the sight of all. I will perform signs which have never been seen on earth, nor among any nation, so that this people, in whose midst you are, may discern the terrible work of the Lord that I will do.Exodus 34:10

Exodus 40:38 Certainly, the cloud of the Lord lay over the tabernacle by day, and the fire by night, being seen by all the people of Israel throughout all their resting places.Exodus 40:38

Number of the word / term Seen in Exodus: 17

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 5:1 If a soul will have sinned, and heard the voice of one testifying under oath, and he is a witness because either he has seen it himself, or he is aware of it: if he does not reveal it, he shall carry his iniquity.Leviticus 5:1

Leviticus 9:24 And, behold, a fire from the Lord devoured the holocaust, and the fat which was on the altar. When the crowd had seen this, they praised the Lord, falling on their faces.Leviticus 9:24

Leviticus 13:7 But if the leprosy increases again, after he was seen by the priest and restored to cleanness, he shall be brought to him,Leviticus 13:7

Leviticus 13:20 And when he will have seen the place of the leprosy lower than the rest of the flesh, and that the hair has turned white, he shall declare him contaminated. For the plague of leprosy has arisen from the ulcer.Leviticus 13:20

Leviticus 13:43 and the priest will have seen this, he shall condemn him without doubt of leprosy, which has arisen in the baldness.Leviticus 13:43

Leviticus 13:53 But if he will have seen that it has not increased,Leviticus 13:53

Leviticus 13:55 And when he will have seen that the former appearance has not returned, even if the leprosy has not increased, he shall judge it to be unclean, and he shall burn it with fire, for the leprosy has been infused in the exterior of the garment, or throughout the whole.Leviticus 13:55

Leviticus 14:37 And when he will have seen in its walls something like little hollows, deformed with paleness or redness, and lower than the remaining surface,Leviticus 14:37

Leviticus 14:44 the priest, upon entering, will have seen that the leprosy has returned, and that the walls are sprinkled with spots, then it is a persistent leprosy and the house is unclean.Leviticus 14:44

Leviticus 14:48 But if the priest, upon entering, will have seen that the leprosy has not spread in the house, after it had been newly plastered, he shall purify it, restoring it to health.Leviticus 14:48

Leviticus 20:17 Whoever will have taken his sister, the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother, and will have seen her nakedness, and she will have looked upon her brother’s shame, they have committed a nefarious act. They shall be slain in the sight of their people, because they have uncovered one another’s nakedness. And they shall bear their iniquity.Leviticus 20:17

Number of the word / term Seen in Leviticus: 11

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 12:10 Likewise, the cloud which was over the tabernacle withdrew. And behold, Miriam appeared to be white with a leprosy, like snow. And when Aaron had looked upon her, and he had seen the spreading of the leprosy,Numbers 12:10

Numbers 14:14 and the inhabitants of this land, who have heard that you, O Lord, are among this people, and that you are seen face to face, and that your cloud protects them, and that you go before them with a column of cloud by day, and a column of fire by night,Numbers 14:14

Numbers 14:22 And yet, all the men who have seen my majesty, and the signs that I have wrought in Egypt and in the wilderness, and who have tested me ten times already, and yet have not obeyed my voice,Numbers 14:22

Numbers 22:27 And when the donkey had seen the Angel standing there, she fell under the feet of the rider, who, being angry, struck her sides more vehemently with a club.Numbers 22:27

Numbers 23:21 There is no idol in Jacob; neither is there a false image to be seen in Israel. The Lord his God is with him, and the resound of royal victory is in him.Numbers 23:21

Numbers 24:1 And when Balaam had seen that it was pleasing to the Lord that he should bless Israel, he by no means went out as he had gone before, to seek divination. But directing his face opposite the desert,Numbers 24:1

Numbers 25:7 And when Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, had seen it, he rose up from the midst of the multitude, and, seizing a dagger,Numbers 25:7

Numbers 27:13 And when you have seen it, you shall then go to your people, just as your brother Aaron went.Numbers 27:13

Numbers 32:1 Now the sons of Ruben and of Gad had many herds, and their substance in cattle was inestimable. And when they had seen that the lands of Jazer and Gilead were suitable for feeding animals,Numbers 32:1

Numbers 33:3 Thus the sons of Israel set out from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month, on the day after the Passover, with an exalted hand, being seen by all the Egyptians.Numbers 33:3

Number of the word / term Seen in Numbers: 10

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 1:28 To where should we ascend? The messengers have terrified our heart by saying: “The multitude is very great, and taller than us. And the cities are great, and the walls extend even to the sky. We have seen the sons of the Anakim there.” ’Deuteronomy 1:28

Deuteronomy 3:21 Likewise, I instructed Joshua at that time, saying: ‘Your eyes have seen what the Lord your God has done to these two kings. So also will he do to all the kingdoms through which you shall pass.Deuteronomy 3:21

Deuteronomy 4:3 Your eyes have seen all that the Lord has done against Baal-peor, in what manner he has crushed all of his worshippers from among you.Deuteronomy 4:3

Deuteronomy 4:9 And so, guard yourself and your soul carefully. You should not forget the words that your eyes have seen, and do not let them be cut away from your heart, throughout all the days of your life. You shall teach them to your sons and to your grandsons,Deuteronomy 4:9

Deuteronomy 9:2 a people great and lofty, the sons of the Anakim, whom you yourselves have seen and heard, against whom no one is able to stand.Deuteronomy 9:2

Deuteronomy 9:16 and I had seen that you had sinned against the Lord your God, and had made a molten calf for yourselves, and had quickly abandoned his way, which he had revealed to you,Deuteronomy 9:16

Deuteronomy 10:21 He is your praise and your God. He has done for you these great and terrible things, which your eyes have seen.Deuteronomy 10:21

Deuteronomy 11:7 Your eyes have seen all the great works of the Lord, which he has accomplished,Deuteronomy 11:7

Deuteronomy 13:1 “If there will have arisen in your midst a prophet, or someone who claims that he had seen a dream, and if he will have predicted sign and portent,Deuteronomy 13:1

Deuteronomy 17:8 If you have perceived that there is among you a difficult and doubtful matter of judgment, between blood and blood, cause and cause, leprosy and leprosy, and if you will have seen that the words of the judges within your gates vary: rise up and ascend to the place which the Lord your God will choose.Deuteronomy 17:8

Deuteronomy 29:2 And Moses called all of Israel, and he said to them: “You have seen all the things that the Lord has done in your sight in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh, and to all his servants, and to his entire land:Deuteronomy 29:2

Deuteronomy 29:3 the great trials, which your eyes have seen, those immense signs and wonders.Deuteronomy 29:3

Deuteronomy 33:21 And he has seen his own pre-eminence, which his teacher has stored up as his portion. He was with the princes of the people, and he accomplished the justices of the Lord, and his judgment with Israel.”Deuteronomy 33:21

Deuteronomy 34:4 And the Lord said to him: “This is the land, about which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying: I will give it to your offspring. You have seen it with your eyes, but you shall not cross over to it.”Deuteronomy 34:4

Number of the word / term Seen in Deuteronomy: 14

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 3:16 the descending waters stood still in one place, and, swelling up like a mountain, they were seen from far away, from the city that is called Adam, even as far as the place of Zarethan. But those that were lower ran down into the Sea of the Wilderness, (which is now called the Dead Sea,) until they entirely passed away.Joshua 3:16

Joshua 8:14 And when the king of Ai had seen this, he hurried in the morning, and he went out with the entire army of the city. And he arranged them in a line opposite the desert, not knowing that an ambush lay hidden behind his back.Joshua 8:14

Number of the word / term Seen in Joshua: 2

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Judges

Judges 5:8 The Lord chose new wars, and he himself overturned the gates of the enemies. A shield with a spear was not seen among the forty thousand of Israel.Judges 5:8

Judges 6:22 And Gideon, realizing that it had been the Angel of the Lord, said: “Alas, my Lord God! For I have seen the Angel of the Lord face to face.”Judges 6:22

Judges 7:13 And when Gideon had arrived, someone told his neighbor a dream. And he related what he had seen, in this way: “I saw a dream, and it seemed to me as if bread, baked under ashes from rolled barley, descended into the camp of Midian. And whenever it arrived at a tent, it struck it, and overturned it, and utterly leveled it to the ground.”Judges 7:13

Judges 9:36 And when Gaal had seen the people, he said to Zebul, “Behold, a multitude is descending from the mountains.” And he responded to him, “You are seeing the shadows of the mountains, as if they were the heads of men, and so you are being deceived by this error.”Judges 9:36

Judges 13:9 And the Lord heeded the prayer of Manoah, and the Angel of the Lord appeared again to his wife, sitting in a field. But her husband Manoah was not with her. And when she had seen the Angel,Judges 13:9

Judges 13:10 she hurried and ran to her husband. And she reported to him, saying, “Behold, the man appeared to me, whom I had seen before.”Judges 13:10

Judges 13:20 And when the flame of the altar ascended to heaven, the Angel of the Lord ascended in the flame. And when Manoah and his wife had seen this, they fell prone on the ground.Judges 13:20

Judges 13:22 And he said to his wife, “We shall certainly die, since we have seen God.”Judges 13:22

Judges 14:11 And when the citizens of that place had seen him, they presented to him thirty companions to be with him.Judges 14:11

Judges 18:9 “Rise up. Let us ascend to them. For we have seen that the land is very wealthy and fruitful. Do not delay; do not refrain. Let us go out and possess it. There will be no difficulty.Judges 18:9

Judges 19:3 And her husband followed her, wishing to be reconciled with her, and to speak kindly to her, and to lead her back with him. And he had with him a servant and two donkeys. And she received him, and brought him into the house of her father. And when his father-in-law had heard about this, and had seen him, he met him with joy.Judges 19:3

Judges 19:30 And when each one had seen this, they were crying out together, “Never has such a thing been done in Israel, from the day that our fathers ascended from Egypt, even to the present time. Let a sentence be brought and let us decide in common what ought to be done.”Judges 19:30

Judges 20:36 But the sons of Benjamin, when they had seen themselves to be the weaker, began to flee. And the sons of Israel discerning this, gave them room to flee, so that they might arrive at the ambushes that were prepared, which they had positioned near the city.Judges 20:36

Judges 20:41 And those who before had pretended to flee, turning their faces, withstood them more strongly. And when the sons of Benjamin had seen this, they turned their backs in flight,Judges 20:41

Judges 20:45 And when those who remained of Benjamin had seen this, they fled into the wilderness. And they were traveling toward the rock which is called Rimmon. In that flight also, among those who were scattering in different directions, they slew five thousand men. And though they scattered all the more, they continued to pursue them, and then they put to death another two thousand.Judges 20:45

Judges 21:21 And when you will have seen daughters of Shiloh being led out to dance, according to custom, go forth suddenly from the vineyards, and let each one seize one wife from among them, and travel into the land of Benjamin.Judges 21:21

Number of the word / term Seen in Judges: 16

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Ruth

Ruth 4:1 Then Boaz went up to the gate, and he sat there. And when he had seen the kinsman passing by, whom he had previously discussed, he spoke to him, calling him by his name, “Pause for a little while, and sit down here.” He turned aside and sat down.Ruth 4:1

Number of the word / term Seen in Ruth: 1

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 6:13 Now the Beth-shemeshites were harvesting wheat in the valley. And lifting up their eyes, they saw the ark, and they were glad when they had seen it.1 Samuel 6:13

1 Samuel 6:19 Then he struck down some of the men of Beth-shemesh, because they had seen the ark of the Lord. And he struck down some of the people: seventy men, and fifty thousand of the common people. And the people lamented, because the Lord had struck the people with a great slaughter.1 Samuel 6:19

1 Samuel 12:24 Therefore, fear the Lord, and serve him in truth and from your whole heart. For you have seen the great works that he has done among you.1 Samuel 12:24

1 Samuel 13:6 And when the men of Israel had seen themselves to be in a narrowed position, they hid themselves in caves, and in out of the way places, and in rocks, and in hollows, and in pits (for the people were distressed).1 Samuel 13:6

1 Samuel 14:8 And Jonathan said: “Behold, we will cross over to these men. And when we will be seen by them,1 Samuel 14:8

1 Samuel 14:29 And Jonathan said: “My father has troubled the land. You have seen for yourselves that my eyes were brightened, because I tasted a little of this honey.1 Samuel 14:29

1 Samuel 14:52 Now there was a powerful war against the Philistines during all the days of Saul. And so, whomever Saul had seen to be a strong man, and fit for battle, he joined him to himself.1 Samuel 14:52

1 Samuel 16:18 And one of the servants, responding, said: “Behold, I have seen the son of Jesse of Bethlehem, a skillful player, and very strong and robust, a man fit for war, and prudent in words, a handsome man. And the Lord is with him.”1 Samuel 16:18

1 Samuel 17:24 Then all the Israelites, when they had seen the man, fled from his face, fearing him greatly.1 Samuel 17:24

1 Samuel 17:25 And someone of Israel said: “Have you seen this man, who has risen up. For he ascended in order to reproach Israel. Therefore, the man who will strike him down, the king will enrich with great wealth, and will give to him his daughter, and will cause his father’s house to be free of tribute in Israel.”1 Samuel 17:25

1 Samuel 17:42 And when the Philistine had seen and considered David, he despised him. For he was a youth, ruddy and of handsome appearance.1 Samuel 17:42

1 Samuel 17:55 Now at the time that Saul had seen David going out against the Philistines, he said to Abner, the leader of the military, “From what stock is this youth descended, Abner?” And Abner said, “As your soul lives, O king, I do not know.”1 Samuel 17:55

1 Samuel 19:20 Therefore, Saul sent officers to seize David. And when they had seen a company of prophets prophesying, with Samuel presiding over them, the Spirit of the Lord also came to them, and they also began to prophesy.1 Samuel 19:20

1 Samuel 21:11 And the servants of Achish, when they had seen David, said to him: “Is this not David, the king of the land? Were they not singing about him, while dancing, saying, ‘Saul has struck down a thousand, and David ten thousand?’ ”1 Samuel 21:11

1 Samuel 22:6 And Saul heard that David, and the men who were with him, had been seen. Now while Saul was staying in Gibeah, and while he was in the forest that is in Ramah, holding a spear in his hand, with all his servants standing around him,1 Samuel 22:6

1 Samuel 23:22 Therefore, I beg you, go forth, and prepare diligently, and act carefully. And consider the place where his foot may be, and who may have seen him there. For he thinks, concerning me, that I craftily plan treachery against him.1 Samuel 23:22

1 Samuel 24:10 Behold, this day your eyes have seen that the Lord has delivered you into my hand, in the cave. And I thought that I might kill you. But my eye has spared you. For I said: I will not extend my hand against my lord, for he is the Christ of the Lord.1 Samuel 24:10

1 Samuel 25:23 Then, when Abigail had seen David, she hurried and descended from the donkey. And she fell upon her face before David, and she reverenced on the ground.1 Samuel 25:23

1 Samuel 26:5 And David rose up secretly, and he went to the place where Saul was. And when he had seen the place where Saul was sleeping, and Abner, the son of Ner, the leader of his military, and Saul sleeping in a tent, and the remainder of the common people all around him,1 Samuel 26:5

1 Samuel 28:12 And when the woman had seen Samuel, she cried out with a loud voice, and she said to Saul: “Why have you afflicted me? For you are Saul!”1 Samuel 28:12

1 Samuel 31:5 And when his armor bearer had seen this, namely, that Saul had died, he too fell upon his sword, and he died with him.1 Samuel 31:5

Number of the word / term Seen in 1 Samuel: 21

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 12:19 But when David had seen his servants whispering, he realized that the infant had died. And he said to his servants, “Is the child dead?” And they responded to him, “He is dead.”2 Samuel 12:19

2 Samuel 17:17 But Jonathan and Ahimaaz remained beside the Fountain of Rogel. And a handmaid went away and reported it to them. And they set out, so that they might carry the report to king David. For they could not be seen, nor enter into the city.2 Samuel 17:17

2 Samuel 18:21 Then Joab said to Hushai, “Go, and report to the king what you have seen.” Hushai reverenced Joab, and he ran.2 Samuel 18:21

2 Samuel 24:17 And when he had seen the Angel cutting down the people, David said to the Lord: “I am the one who sinned. I have acted iniquitously. These ones who are the sheep, what have they done? I beg you that your hand may be turned against me and against my father’s house.”2 Samuel 24:17

Number of the word / term Seen in 2 Samuel: 4

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 6:18 And the entire house was clothed with cedar on the interior, having its turnings and junctures artfully wrought, with carvings projecting outward. Everything was clothed with panels of cedar. And no stone at all was able to be seen in the wall.1 Kings 6:18

1 Kings 10:12 And the king made, from the thyine wood, the posts of the house of the Lord, and of the house of the king, and citharas and lyres for the musicians. No thyine trees of this kind were ever again brought forth or seen, even to the present day.1 Kings 10:12

1 Kings 18:17 And when he had seen him, he said, “Are you the one who is disturbing Israel?”1 Kings 18:17

1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people had seen it, they fell upon their face, and they said: “The Lord himself is God! The Lord himself is God!”1 Kings 18:39

1 Kings 20:13 And behold, one prophet, drawing near to Ahab, the king of Israel, said to him: “Thus says the Lord: Certainly, you have seen this entire exceedingly great multitude? Behold, I will deliver them into your hand today, so that you may know that I am the Lord.”1 Kings 20:13

1 Kings 20:40 And while I was distracted, turning one way and another, suddenly, he was not to be seen.” And the king of Israel said to him, “This is your judgment, that which you yourself have decreed.”1 Kings 20:40

1 Kings 21:29 “Have you not seen how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Therefore, since he has humbled himself because of me, I will not lead in the evil during his days. Instead, during the days of his son, I will bring in the evil to his house.”1 Kings 21:29

Number of the word / term Seen in 1 Kings: 7

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 3:26 And when the king of Moab had seen this, specifically, that the enemies had prevailed, he took with him seven hundred men who draw the sword, so that he might break through to the king of Idumea. But they were unable.2 Kings 3:26

2 Kings 4:25 And so she set out. And she came to the man of God, on mount Carmel. And when the man of God had seen her at a distance, he said to his servant Gehazi: “Behold, it is that Shunammite woman.2 Kings 4:25

2 Kings 5:21 And so, Gehazi followed after the back of Naaman. And when he had seen him running toward him, he leaped down from his chariot to meet him, and he said, “Is all well?”2 Kings 5:21

2 Kings 6:21 And the king of Israel, when he had seen them, said to Elisha, “My father, should I not strike them?”2 Kings 6:21

2 Kings 9:22 And when Joram had seen Jehu, he said, “Is there peace, Jehu?” And he responded: “What is peace? For still the fornications of your mother, Jezebel, and her many poisons, are thriving.”2 Kings 9:22

2 Kings 16:10 And king Ahaz traveled to Damascus to meet Tiglath-pileser, the king of the Assyrians. And when he had seen the altar of Damascus, king Ahaz sent to Uriah, the priest, its pattern and likeness, according to all of its work.2 Kings 16:10

2 Kings 20:5 “Return and tell Hezekiah, the leader of my people: Thus says the Lord, the God of your father David: I have heard your prayer, and I have seen your tears. And behold, I have healed you. On the third day, you shall ascend to the temple of the Lord.2 Kings 20:5

2 Kings 23:29 During his days, Pharaoh Neco, the king of Egypt, ascended against the king of the Assyrians to the river Euphrates. And king Josiah went out to meet him. And when he had seen him, he was killed at Megiddo.2 Kings 23:29

Number of the word / term Seen in 2 Kings: 8

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 10:5 And when his armor bearer had seen this, specifically, that Saul was dead, he now fell on his sword also, and he died.1 Chronicles 10:5

1 Chronicles 10:7 And when the men of Israel who were living in the plains had seen this, they fled. And since Saul and his sons were dead, they abandoned their cities and were dispersed, here and there. And the Philistines arrived and lived among them.1 Chronicles 10:7

1 Chronicles 21:20 Now when Ornan had looked up and seen the Angel, he and his four sons hid themselves. For at that time, he was threshing wheat upon the floor.1 Chronicles 21:20

1 Chronicles 29:17 I know, my God, that you test hearts, and that you love simplicity. Therefore, in the simplicity of my heart, I also have offered all these things joyfully. And I have seen, with immense gladness, your people, who have been found here, offering their donations to you.1 Chronicles 29:17

Number of the word / term Seen in 1 Chronicles: 4

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 5:9 But concerning the bars by which the ark was carried, because they were a little longer, the ends were able to be seen before the oracle. Yet truly, if anyone were a little ways toward the exterior, he would not be able to see them. And so the ark has been in that place, even to the present day.2 Chronicles 5:9

2 Chronicles 9:6 I did not believe those who described it, until I had arrived and my eyes had seen, and I had proven that not even half of your wisdom had been described to me. You have exceeded your fame with your virtue.2 Chronicles 9:6

2 Chronicles 9:11 And the king made, from this particular thyine wood, steps in the house of the Lord, and in the house of the king, and also harps and psalteries for the singing men. Never was there seen such wood in the land of Judah.2 Chronicles 9:11

2 Chronicles 12:7 And when the Lord had seen that they were humbled, the word of the Lord came to Shemaiah, saying: “Because they have been humbled, I will not disperse them. And I will give to them a little help, and my fury will not rain down upon Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak.2 Chronicles 12:7

2 Chronicles 18:31 And so, when the leaders of the horsemen had seen Jehoshaphat, they said, “This one is the king of Israel.” And while fighting, they surrounded him. But he cried out to the Lord, and he assisted him, and he turned them away from him.2 Chronicles 18:31

2 Chronicles 18:32 For when the commanders of the horsemen had seen that he was not the king of Israel, they left him.2 Chronicles 18:32

2 Chronicles 23:13 And when she had seen the king standing upon the step at the entrance, and the leaders and companies around him, and all the people of the land rejoicing, and sounding the trumpets, and playing on instruments of various kinds, and the voice of those who were praising, she tore her garments, and she said: “Treason! Treason!”2 Chronicles 23:13

2 Chronicles 32:2 And when Hezekiah had seen this, specifically that Sennacherib had arrived, and that the entire force of the war was turning against Jerusalem,2 Chronicles 32:2

Number of the word / term Seen in 2 Chronicles: 8

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 3:12 And many of the priests and the Levites, and the leaders of the fathers and of the elders, who had seen the former temple, when now this temple was founded and was before their eyes, wept with a great voice. And many of them, shouting for joy, lifted up their voice.Ezra 3:12

Number of the word / term Seen in Ezra: 1

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Esther

Esther 8:5 And she said, “If it pleases the king, and if I have found favor in his eyes, and my request is not seen to be disagreeable to him, I beg you that the former letters of Haman, the traitor and enemy of the Jews, by which he instructed them to be destroyed in all the king’s provinces, may be corrected by new letters.Esther 8:5

Number of the word / term Seen in Esther: 1

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Job

Job 3:16 or, like a hidden miscarriage, I should not have continued, just like those who, being conceived, have not seen the light.Job 3:16

Job 4:8 In fact, I have instead seen those who work iniquity and who sow resentments, reap them,Job 4:8

Job 5:3 I have seen a fool with a strong root, and I have cursed his excellence without hesitation.Job 5:3

Job 9:25 My days have been swifter than a messenger; they have fled and have not seen goodness.Job 9:25

Job 13:1 Behold, my eye has seen all these things, and my ear has heard, and I have understood each one.Job 13:1

Job 15:17 I will reveal to you, so listen to me; and I will explain to you what I have seen.Job 15:17

Job 20:7 in the end, he will be destroyed like a trash heap, and those who had seen him will say: “Where is he?”Job 20:7

Job 20:9 The eyes that had seen him, will not see him; no longer will his own place admire him.Job 20:9

Job 28:10 He has cut rivers through the rocks, and his eye has seen all precious things.Job 28:10

Job 30:1 But now, those younger in years scorn me, whose fathers I would not have seen fit to place with the dogs of my flock,Job 30:1

Job 34:26 Just as the impious do, he has struck them in a place where they can be seen.Job 34:26

Job 38:17 Have the gates of death been opened to you, and have you seen the doors of darkness?Job 38:17

Number of the word / term Seen in Job: 12

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 33:13 The Lord has looked down from heaven. He has seen all the sons of men.Psalm 33:13

Psalm 35:21 And they opened their mouth wide over me. They said, “Well, well, our eyes have seen.”Psalm 35:21

Psalm 35:22 You have seen, O Lord, do not be silent. Lord, do not depart from me.Psalm 35:22

Psalm 37:25 I have been young, and now I am old; and I have not seen the just forsaken, nor his offspring seeking bread.Psalm 37:25

Psalm 37:35 I have seen the impious over-exalted, and lifted up like the cedars of Lebanon.Psalm 37:35

Psalm 48:8 As we have heard, so we have seen, in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God. God has founded it in eternity.Psalm 48:8

Psalm 55:9 Cast them down, O Lord, and divide their tongues. For I have seen iniquity and contradiction in the city.Psalm 55:9

Psalm 66:18 If I have seen iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not heed me.Psalm 66:18

Psalm 68:24 O God, they have seen your arrival, the arrival of my God, of my king who is in a holy place.Psalm 68:24

Psalm 74:9 We have not seen our proof; there is now no prophet. And he will no longer know us.”Psalm 74:9

Psalm 84:7 For even the lawgiver will provide a blessing; they will go from virtue to virtue. The God of gods will be seen in Zion.Psalm 84:7

Psalm 95:9 as in the provocation, according to the day of temptation in the wilderness, where your fathers tempted me; they tested me, though they had seen my works.Psalm 95:9

Psalm 98:3 He has remembered his mercy and his truth toward the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.Psalm 98:3

Psalm 102:16 For the Lord has built up Zion, and he will be seen in his glory.Psalm 102:16

Psalm 107:24 these have seen the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep.Psalm 107:24

Psalm 119:96 I have seen the end of the consummation of all things. Your commandment is exceedingly broad.Psalm 119:96

Number of the word / term Seen in Psalm: 16

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 22:29 Have you seen a man swift in his work? He shall stand in the sight of kings, and not before those who are disreputable.Proverbs 22:29

Proverbs 24:32 When I had seen this, I laid it up in my heart, and by this example, I received discipline.Proverbs 24:32

Proverbs 25:8 The things that your eyes have seen, do not offer hastily in a quarrel, lest afterward you may not be able to make amends, when you have dishonored your friend.Proverbs 25:8

Proverbs 26:12 Have you seen a man who seems wise to himself? There will be greater hope held for the unwise than for him.Proverbs 26:12

Proverbs 29:20 Have you seen a man rushing to speak? Foolishness has more hope than his correction.Proverbs 29:20

Proverbs 31:18 She has tasted and seen that her tasks are good; her lamp shall not be extinguished at night.Proverbs 31:18

Number of the word / term Seen in Proverbs: 6

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 1:14 I have seen all that is done under the sun, and behold: all is emptiness and an affliction of the spirit.Ecclesiastes 1:14

Ecclesiastes 3:10 I have seen the affliction that God has given to the sons of men, in order that they may be occupied by it.Ecclesiastes 3:10

Ecclesiastes 4:3 And happier than both of these, I judged him to be, who has not yet been born, and who has not yet seen the evils which are done under the sun.Ecclesiastes 4:3

Ecclesiastes 5:13 There is even another most burdensome infirmity, which I have seen under the sun: wealth kept to the harm of the owner.Ecclesiastes 5:13

Ecclesiastes 6:1 There is also another evil, which I have seen under the sun, and, indeed, it is frequent among men.Ecclesiastes 6:1

Ecclesiastes 6:5 He has not seen the sun, nor recognized the difference between good and evil.Ecclesiastes 6:5

Ecclesiastes 8:10 I have seen the impious buried. These same, while they were still living, were in the holy place, and they were praised in the city as workers of justice. But this, too, is emptiness.Ecclesiastes 8:10

Ecclesiastes 9:13 This wisdom, likewise, I have seen under the sun, and I have examined it intensely.Ecclesiastes 9:13

Ecclesiastes 10:5 There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, proceeding from the presence of a prince, as if by mistake:Ecclesiastes 10:5

Ecclesiastes 10:7 I have seen servants on horses, and princes walking on the ground like servants.Ecclesiastes 10:7

Number of the word / term Seen in Ecclesiastes: 10

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Song

Song of Solomon 3:3 The watchers who guard the city found me: “Have you seen him whom my soul loves?”Song of Solomon 3:3

Number of the word / term Seen in Song: 1

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 2:16 and over all the ships of Tarshish, and over all the beauty that may be seen.Isaiah 2:16

Isaiah 6:5 And I said: “Woe to me! For I have remained silent. For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live in the midst of a people having unclean lips, and I have seen with my eyes the King, the Lord of hosts!”Isaiah 6:5

Isaiah 9:2 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. A light has risen for the inhabitants of the region of the shadow of death.Isaiah 9:2

Isaiah 16:12 And this shall be: when it is seen that Moab has struggled upon his high places, he will enter his holy places to pray, but he will not prevail.Isaiah 16:12

Isaiah 38:5 “Go and say to Hezekiah: Thus says the Lord, the God of David, your father: I have heard your prayer, and I have seen your tears. Behold, I will add fifteen years to your days.Isaiah 38:5

Isaiah 39:4 And he said, “What did they see in your house?” And Hezekiah said: “They have seen all the things that are in my house. There was nothing that I did not show them among my treasures.”Isaiah 39:4

Isaiah 47:3 Your disgrace will be revealed, and your shame will be seen. I will seize vengeance, and no man will withstand me.Isaiah 47:3

Isaiah 52:15 He will sprinkle many nations; kings will close their mouth because of him. And those to whom he was not described, have seen. And those who have not heard, have considered.Isaiah 52:15

Isaiah 60:2 For behold, darkness will cover the earth, and thick darkness will cover the peoples. Then the Lord will rise above you, and his glory will be seen in you.Isaiah 60:2

Isaiah 64:4 From ages past, they have not heard it, and they have not perceived it with the ears. Apart from you, O God, the eye has not seen what you have prepared for those who await you.Isaiah 64:4

Isaiah 66:8 Who has ever heard of such a thing? And who has seen anything like this? Will the earth give birth in one day? Or will a nation be born all at once? For Zion has been in labor, and she has given birth to her sons.Isaiah 66:8

Isaiah 66:19 And I will set a sign among them. And I will send some of those who will have been saved to the Gentiles in the sea, to Africa, and to those who draw the bow in Lydia, to Italy and Greece, to islands far away, to those who have not heard of me, and to those who have not seen my glory. And they will announce my glory to the Gentiles.Isaiah 66:19

Number of the word / term Seen in Isaiah: 12

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 1:12 And the Lord said to me: “You have seen well. For I will keep watch over my word, so that I may accomplish it.”Jeremiah 1:12

Jeremiah 3:6 And, in the days of king Josiah, the Lord said to me: “Have you not seen what the apostate Israel has done? She has brought herself up to every lofty mountain, and she has lain down under every leafy tree, and she has committed fornication there.Jeremiah 3:6

Jeremiah 6:1 “O sons of Benjamin, be strengthened in the midst of Jerusalem, and sound the trumpet in Tekoa, and lift up a banner over the house of Haccherem. For an evil has been seen from the north, with great destruction.Jeremiah 6:1

Jeremiah 7:11 So then, has this house, where my name has been invoked, become a den of robbers in your eyes? It is I, I am, I have seen, says the Lord.Jeremiah 7:11

Jeremiah 7:17 Have you not seen what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?Jeremiah 7:17

Jeremiah 12:3 And you, O Lord, have known me well. You have seen me, and you have tested my heart with you. Gather them together like a flock for the sacrifice and sanctify them for the day of slaughter.Jeremiah 12:3

Jeremiah 13:26 Therefore, I have even bared your thighs before your face, and your shame has been seen.Jeremiah 13:26

Jeremiah 13:27 For I have seen your adulteries, and your neighing for the wickedness of your fornication, and your abominations upon the hills in the field. Woe to you, Jerusalem! How much longer before you will be made clean after me?”Jeremiah 13:27

Jeremiah 23:13 And I have seen the foolishness of the prophets of Samaria. They have prophesied in Baal, and they have deceived my people Israel.Jeremiah 23:13

Jeremiah 23:14 And in the prophets of Jerusalem, I have seen the likeness of adulterers and the path of falsehood. And they have strengthened the hands of the wicked, so that each one would not convert from his malice. They have all become to me like Sodom, and its inhabitants have become like Gomorrah.”Jeremiah 23:14

Jeremiah 23:18 For who has been present in the counsel of the Lord, and who has seen and heard his word? Who has considered his word and heard it?Jeremiah 23:18

Jeremiah 30:6 Inquire and see, does a male give birth? Then why have I seen every man with his hand on his lower back, like a woman bearing a child? And why have all of their faces turned pale?Jeremiah 30:6

Jeremiah 33:24 “Have you not seen what this people has spoken? They say: ‘The two families which the Lord had chosen have been rejected.’ And so they have despised my people, as if they were no longer a nation in their sight.Jeremiah 33:24

Jeremiah 39:4 And when Zedekiah, the king of Judah, with all the men of war, had seen them, they fled. And they departed from the city at night, by way of the king’s garden, and through the gate which was between the two walls. And they departed along the way of the desert.Jeremiah 39:4

Jeremiah 41:13 And when all the people who were with Ishmael had seen Johanan, the son of Kareah, and all the leaders of the fighters who were with him, they rejoiced.Jeremiah 41:13

Jeremiah 44:2 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: You yourselves have seen all this evil that I have led over Jerusalem and over all the cities of Judah. And behold, they are desolate to this day, and there is no inhabitant in them,Jeremiah 44:2

Jeremiah 46:5 And what is next? I have seen them terrified, and turning their backs, their strong ones cut down. They have fled in disorder and have not looked back. Terror on every side, says the Lord.Jeremiah 46:5

Number of the word / term Seen in Jeremiah: 17

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 2:14 NUN. Your prophets have seen false and foolish things for you. And they have not laid open your iniquity, so as to provoke you to repentance. Yet they have seen for you false revelations and banishments.Lamentations 2:14

Lamentations 2:16 PHE. All your enemies have opened their mouth over you. They have hissed and gnashed their teeth, and they said: “We will devour her. Yes, this is the day we waited for. We have found it, we have seen it.”Lamentations 2:16

Lamentations 3:59 RES. You have seen, O Lord, their iniquity against me. Judge my case.Lamentations 3:59

Lamentations 3:60 RES. You have seen all their fury, every one of their thoughts is against me.Lamentations 3:60

Number of the word / term Seen in Lamentations: 4

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 8:4 And behold, the glory of the God of Israel was there, in accord with the vision that I had seen in the plain.Ezekiel 8:4

Ezekiel 8:15 And he said to me: “Certainly, son of man, you have seen. But if you turn again, you will see even greater abominations than these.”Ezekiel 8:15

Ezekiel 8:17 And he said to me: “Certainly, son of man, you have seen. Can this be so trivial to the house of Judah, when they commit these abominations, just as they have committed here, that, having filled the earth with iniquity, they now turn to provoke me? And behold, they are applying a branch to their nose.Ezekiel 8:17

Ezekiel 10:15 And the cherubim were lifted up. This is the living creature, which I had seen beside the river Chebar.Ezekiel 10:15

Ezekiel 10:22 And, concerning the appearance of their faces, these were the same faces that I had seen beside the river Chebar, and the gaze and force of each one of them was to go before his face.Ezekiel 10:22

Ezekiel 11:24 And the Spirit lifted me up, and he brought me into Chaldea, to those of the transmigration, in a vision, in the Spirit of God. And the vision that I had seen was raised up, away from me.Ezekiel 11:24

Ezekiel 13:7 Have you not seen a futile vision and spoken a lying divination? And yet you say, ‘The Lord says,’ though I have not spoken.Ezekiel 13:7

Ezekiel 13:8 Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Since you have spoken emptiness and have seen falsehoods, therefore: behold, I am against you, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 13:8

Ezekiel 16:50 And they were exalted, and they committed abominations before me. And so I took them away, just as you have seen.Ezekiel 16:50

Ezekiel 19:5 Then, when she had seen that she was weakened, and that her hope had perished, she took one of her little ones, and appointed him as a lion.Ezekiel 19:5

Ezekiel 23:11 And when her sister, Oholibah, had seen this, she was even more mad with lust than the other. And her fornication was beyond the fornication of her sister.Ezekiel 23:11

Ezekiel 23:14 And she increased her fornications. And when she had seen men depicted on the wall, the images of the Chaldeans, expressed in colors,Ezekiel 23:14

Ezekiel 23:15 with belts wrapped around the waist, and with dyed headdresses on their heads, having seen the appearance of all the rulers, the likenesses of the sons of Babylon and of the land of the Chaldeans in which they were born,Ezekiel 23:15

Ezekiel 39:15 And they will go around, traveling the earth. And when they will have seen the bone of a man, they will station a marker beside it, until the undertakers may bury it in the valley of the multitude of Gog.Ezekiel 39:15

Ezekiel 43:3 And I saw a vision in accord with the form that I had seen when he arrived so that he might destroy the city. And the form was in accord with the sight that I had seen beside the river Chebar. And I fell upon my face.Ezekiel 43:3

Ezekiel 47:6 And he said to me: “Son of man, certainly you have seen.” And he led me out, and he turned me back to the bank of the torrent.Ezekiel 47:6

Number of the word / term Seen in Ezekiel: 16

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 4:11 The tree was great and strong, and its height reached up to heaven. It could be seen all the way to the ends of the entire earth.Daniel 4:11

Daniel 4:20 The tree that you saw was lofty and strong; its height reached toward heaven, and it could be seen throughout the whole world.Daniel 4:20

Daniel 7:7 After this, I watched in the vision of the night, and behold, a fourth beast, terrible yet wondrous, and exceedingly strong; it had great iron teeth, eating yet crushing, and trampling down the remainder with his feet, but it was unlike the other beasts, which I had seen before it, and it had ten horns.Daniel 7:7

Daniel 8:1 In the third year of the reign of Belshazzar the king, a vision appeared to me. After that which I had seen in the beginning, I, Daniel,Daniel 8:1

Daniel 8:6 And he went all the way to the ram that had the horns, which I had seen standing before the gate, and he ran towards him in the force of his strength.Daniel 8:6

Daniel 9:21 as I was still speaking in prayer, behold, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, flying swiftly, touched me at the time of the evening sacrifice.Daniel 9:21

Number of the word / term Seen in Daniel: 6

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 6:10 I have seen horrible things in the house of Israel; the fornications of Ephraim are there. Israel has been contaminated.Hosea 6:10

Number of the word / term Seen in Hosea: 1

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 9:8 And I will encircle my house with those who serve me in war, going and returning, and the exactor will no longer pass over them. For now I have seen with my eyes.Zechariah 9:8

Zechariah 9:14 And the Lord God will be seen over them, and his arrow will go forth like lightning. And the Lord God will sound the trumpet, and he will go forth into the whirlwind of the South.Zechariah 9:14

Zechariah 10:2 For the images have been speaking what is useless, and the diviners have seen a lie, and the dreamers have been speaking false hope: they have comforted in vain. For this reason, they have been led away like a flock; they will be afflicted, because they have no shepherd.Zechariah 10:2

Number of the word / term Seen in Zechariah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 2:2 saying: “Where is he who was born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and we have come to adore him.”Matthew 2:2

Matthew 2:9 And when they had heard the king, they went away. And behold, the star that they had seen in the east went before them, even until, arriving, it stood still above the place where the child was.Matthew 2:9

Matthew 4:16 A people who were sitting in darkness have seen a great light. And unto those sitting in the region of the shadow of death, a light has risen.”Matthew 4:16

Matthew 6:1 “Pay attention, lest you perform your justice before men, in order to be seen by them; otherwise you shall not have a reward with your Father, who is in heaven.Matthew 6:1

Matthew 6:5 And when you pray, you should not be like the hypocrites, who love standing in the synagogues and at the corners of the streets to pray, so that they may be seen by men. Amen I say to you, they have received their reward.Matthew 6:5

Matthew 8:34 And behold, the entire city went out to meet Jesus. And having seen him, they petitioned him, so that he would cross from their borders.Matthew 8:34

Matthew 9:23 And when Jesus had arrived in the house of the ruler, and he had seen the musicians and the tumultuous crowd,Matthew 9:23

Matthew 9:33 And after the demon was cast out, the mute man spoke. And the crowds wondered, saying, “Never has anything like this been seen in Israel.”Matthew 9:33

Matthew 11:4 And Jesus, responding, said to them: “Go and report to John what you have heard and seen.Matthew 11:4

Matthew 23:5 Truly, they do all their works so that they may be seen by men. For they enlarge their phylacteries and glorify their hems.Matthew 23:5

Matthew 24:15 Therefore, when you will have seen the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place, may he who reads understand,Matthew 24:15

Matthew 24:33 So also, when you will have seen all these things, know that it is near, even at the threshold.Matthew 24:33

Matthew 25:38 And when have we seen you a stranger, and taken you in? Or naked, and covered you?Matthew 25:38

Matthew 27:54 Now the centurion and those who were with him, guarding Jesus, having seen the earthquake and the things that were done, were very fearful, saying: “Truly, this was the Son of God.”Matthew 27:54

Number of the word / term Seen in Matthew: 14

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Mark

Mark 2:5 Then, when Jesus had seen their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”Mark 2:5

Mark 2:12 And immediately he got up, and lifting up his stretcher, he went away in the sight of them all, so that they all wondered. And they honored God, by saying, “We have never seen anything like this.”Mark 2:12

Mark 5:16 And those who had seen it explained to them how he had dealt with the man who had the demon, and about the swine.Mark 5:16

Mark 7:2 And when they had seen certain ones from his disciples eating bread with common hands, that is, with unwashed hands, they disparaged them.Mark 7:2

Mark 9:9 And as they were descending from the mountain, he instructed them not to relate to anyone what they had seen, until after the Son of man will have risen again from the dead.Mark 9:9

Mark 9:20 And they brought him. And when he had seen him, immediately the spirit disturbed him. And having been thrown to the ground, he rolled around foaming.Mark 9:20

Mark 11:13 And when he had seen a fig tree with leaves in the distance, he went to it, in case he might find something on it. And when he had gone to it, he found nothing but leaves. For it was not the season for figs.Mark 11:13

Mark 13:14 Then, when you have seen the abomination of desolation, standing where it ought not to be, let the reader understand: then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.Mark 13:14

Mark 13:29 So also, when you will have seen these things happen, know that it is very near, even at the doors.Mark 13:29

Mark 14:67 And when she had seen Peter warming himself, she stared at him, and she said: “You also were with Jesus of Nazareth.”Mark 14:67

Mark 14:69 Then again, when a maidservant had seen him, she began to say to the bystanders, “For this is one of them.”Mark 14:69

Mark 16:11 And they, upon hearing that he was alive and that he had been seen by her, did not believe it.Mark 16:11

Mark 16:14 Finally, he appeared to the eleven, as they sat at table. And he rebuked them for their incredulity and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen that he had risen again.Mark 16:14

Number of the word / term Seen in Mark: 13

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Luke

Luke 1:22 Then, when he came out, he was unable to speak to them. And they realized that he had seen a vision in the temple. And he was making signs to them, but he remained mute.Luke 1:22

Luke 2:20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, just as it was told to them.Luke 2:20

Luke 2:26 And he had received an answer from the Holy Spirit: that he would not see his own death before he had seen the Christ of the Lord.Luke 2:26

Luke 2:30 For my eyes have seen your salvation,Luke 2:30

Luke 5:8 But when Simon Peter had seen this, he fell down at the knees of Jesus, saying, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.”Luke 5:8

Luke 5:26 And astonishment took hold of everyone, and they were magnifying God. And they were filled with fear, saying: “For we have seen miracles today.”Luke 5:26

Luke 7:13 And when the Lord had seen her, being moved by mercy over her, he said to her, “Do not weep.”Luke 7:13

Luke 7:22 And responding, he said to them: “Go and report to John what you have heard and seen: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead rise again, the poor are evangelized.Luke 7:22

Luke 8:34 And when those who were pasturing them had seen this, they fled and reported it in the city and the villages.Luke 8:34

Luke 8:36 Then those who had seen this also reported to them how he had been healed from the legion.Luke 8:36

Luke 9:36 And while the voice was being uttered, Jesus was found to be alone. And they were silent and told no one, in those days, any of these things, which they had seen.Luke 9:36

Luke 9:54 And when his disciples, James and John, had seen this, they said, “Lord, do you want us to call for fire to descend from heaven and consume them?”Luke 9:54

Luke 19:37 And when he was now drawing near to the descent of Mount Olivet, the entire crowd of his disciples began to praise God joyfully, with a loud voice, over all the powerful works which they had seen,Luke 19:37

Luke 20:13 Then the lord of the vineyard said: ‘What shall I do? I will send my beloved son. Perhaps when they have seen him, they will respect him.’Luke 20:13

Luke 20:14 And when the settlers had seen him, they discussed it among themselves, saying: ‘This one is the heir. Let us kill him, so that the inheritance will be ours.’Luke 20:14

Luke 21:20 Then, when you will have seen Jerusalem encircled by an army, know then that its desolation has drawn near.Luke 21:20

Luke 21:31 So you also, when you will have seen these things happen, know that the kingdom of God is near.Luke 21:31

Luke 22:56 And when a certain woman servant had seen him sitting in its light, and had looked at him intently, she said, “This one was also with him.”Luke 22:56

Luke 24:23 and, having not found his body, they returned, saying that they had even seen a vision of Angels, who said that he is alive.Luke 24:23

Number of the word / term Seen in Luke: 19

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book John

John 3:11 Amen, amen, I say to you, that we speak about what we know, and we testify about what we have seen. But you do not accept our testimony.John 3:11

John 3:32 And what he has seen and heard, about this he testifies. And no one accepts his testimony.John 3:32

John 4:45 And so, when he had arrived in Galilee, the Galileans received him, because they had seen all that he had done at Jerusalem, in the day of the feast. For they also went to the feast day.John 4:45

John 4:48 Therefore, Jesus said to him, “Unless you have seen signs and wonders, you do not believe.”John 4:48

John 5:6 Then, when Jesus had seen him reclining, and when he realized that he had been afflicted for a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?”John 5:6

John 5:19 Then Jesus responded and said to them: “Amen, amen, I say to you, the Son is not able to do anything of himself, but only what he has seen the Father doing. For whatever he does, even this does the Son do, similarly.John 5:19

John 6:5 And so, when Jesus had lifted up his eyes and had seen that a very great multitude came to him, he said to Philip, “From where should we buy bread, so that these may eat?”John 6:5

John 6:14 Therefore, those men, when they had seen that Jesus had accomplished a sign, they said, “Truly, this one is the Prophet who is to come into the world.”John 6:14

John 6:24 Therefore, when the crowd had seen that Jesus was not there, nor his disciples, they climbed into the small boats, and they went to Capernaum, seeking Jesus.John 6:24

John 6:26 Jesus answered them and said: “Amen, amen, I say to you, you seek me, not because you have seen signs, but because you have eaten from the bread and were satisfied.John 6:26

John 6:36 But I say to you, that even though you have seen me, you do not believe.John 6:36

John 6:46 Not that anyone has seen the Father, except he who is from God; this one has seen the Father.John 6:46

John 8:38 I speak what I have seen with my Father. And you do what you have seen with your father.”John 8:38

John 8:57 And so the Jews said to him, “You have not yet reached fifty years, and you have seen Abraham?”John 8:57

John 9:8 And so the bystanders and those who had seen him before, when he was a beggar, said, “Is this not the one who was sitting and begging?” Some said, “This is he.”John 9:8

John 9:15 Therefore, again the Pharisees questioned him as to how he had seen. And he said to them, “He placed clay over my eyes, and I washed, and I see.”John 9:15

John 9:18 Therefore, the Jews did not believe, about him, that he had been blind and had seen, until they called the parents of him who had seen.John 9:18

John 9:37 And Jesus said to him, “You have both seen him, and he is the one who is speaking with you.”John 9:37

John 11:31 Therefore, the Jews who were with her in the house and who were consoling her, when they had seen that Mary rose up quickly and went out, they followed her, saying, “She is going to the tomb, so that she may weep there.”John 11:31

John 11:45 Therefore, many of the Jews, who had come to Mary and Martha, and who had seen the things that Jesus did, believed in him.John 11:45

John 14:7 If you had known me, certainly you would also have known my Father. And from now on, you shall know him, and you have seen him.”John 14:7

John 15:24 If I had not accomplished among them works that no other person has accomplished, they would not have sin. But now they have both seen me, and they have hated me and my Father.John 15:24

John 19:6 Therefore, when the high priests and the attendants had seen him, they cried out, saying: “Crucify him! Crucify him!” Pilate said to them: “Take him yourselves and crucify him. For I find no case against him.”John 19:6

John 19:26 Therefore, when Jesus had seen his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold your son.”John 19:26

John 20:18 Mary Magdalene went, announcing to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord, and these are the things that he said to me.”John 20:18

John 20:25 Therefore, the other disciples said to him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I will see in his hands the mark of the nails and place my finger into the place of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will not believe.”John 20:25

John 20:29 Jesus said to him: “You have seen me, Thomas, so you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”John 20:29

John 21:21 Therefore, when Peter had seen him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, but what about this one?”John 21:21

Number of the word / term Seen in John: 28

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Acts

Acts 1:11 And they said: “Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking up toward heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, shall return in just the same way that you have seen him going up to heaven.”Acts 1:11

Acts 3:3 And this man, when he had seen Peter and John beginning to enter the temple, was begging, so that he might receive alms.Acts 3:3

Acts 3:16 And by faith in his name, this man, whom you have seen and known, has confirmed his name. And faith through him has given this man complete health in the sight of you all.Acts 3:16

Acts 4:20 For we are unable to refrain from speaking the things that we have seen and heard.”Acts 4:20

Acts 7:24 And when he had seen a certain one suffering injury, he defended him. And striking the Egyptian, he wrought a retribution for him who was enduring the injury.Acts 7:24

Acts 7:34 Certainly, I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning. And so, I am coming down to free them. And now, go forth and I will send you into Egypt.’Acts 7:34

Acts 7:44 The tabernacle of the testimony was with our fathers in the desert, just as God ordained for them, speaking to Moses, so that he would make it according to the form that he had seen.Acts 7:44

Acts 8:18 But when Simon had seen that, by the imposition of the hands of the Apostles, the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money,Acts 8:18

Acts 9:27 But Barnabas took him aside and led him to the Apostles. And he explained to them how he had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken to him, and how, in Damascus, he had acted faithfully in the name of Jesus.Acts 9:27

Acts 10:17 Now while Peter was still hesitant within himself as to what the vision, which he had seen, might mean, behold, the men who had been sent from Cornelius stood at the gate, inquiring about Simon’s house.Acts 10:17

Acts 11:13 And he described for us how he had seen an Angel in his house, standing and saying to him: ‘Send to Joppa and summon Simon, who is surnamed Peter.Acts 11:13

Acts 11:23 And when he had arrived there and had seen the grace of God, he was gladdened. And he exhorted them all to continue in the Lord with a resolute heart.Acts 11:23

Acts 13:12 Then the proconsul, when he had seen what was done, believed, being in wonder over the doctrine of the Lord.Acts 13:12

Acts 13:31 And he was seen for many days by those who went up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who even now are his witnesses to the people.Acts 13:31

Acts 13:37 Yet truly, he whom God has raised from the dead has not seen corruption.Acts 13:37

Acts 14:11 But when the crowds had seen what Paul had done, they lifted up their voice in the Lycaonian language, saying, “The gods, having taken the likenesses of men, have descended to us!”Acts 14:11

Acts 16:40 And they went away from the prison and entered into the house of Lydia. And having seen the brothers, they consoled them, and then they set out.Acts 16:40

Acts 21:27 But when the seven days were reaching completion, those Jews who were from Asia, when they had seen him in the temple, incited all the people, and they laid hands on him, crying out:Acts 21:27

Acts 21:29 (For they had seen Trophimus, an Ephesian, in the city with him, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple.)Acts 21:29

Acts 21:32 And so, immediately taking soldiers and centurions, he rushed down to them. And when they had seen the tribune and the soldiers, they ceased to strike Paul.Acts 21:32

Acts 22:15 For you shall be his witness to all men about those things which you have seen and heard.Acts 22:15

Acts 26:16 But rise up and stand on your feet. For I appeared to you for this reason: so that I may establish you as a minister and a witness concerning the things that you have seen, and concerning the things that I will show to you:Acts 26:16

Acts 28:15 And there, when the brothers had heard of us, they went to meet us as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns. And when Paul had seen them, giving thanks to God, he took courage.Acts 28:15

Number of the word / term Seen in Acts: 23

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Romans

Romans 8:24 For we have been saved by hope. But a hope which is seen is not hope. For when a man sees something, why would he hope?Romans 8:24

Number of the word / term Seen in Romans: 1

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 2:9 But this is just as it has been written: “The eye has not seen, and the ear has not heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, what things God has prepared for those who love him.”1 Corinthians 2:9

1 Corinthians 9:1 Am I not free? Am I not an Apostle? Have I not seen Christ Jesus our Lord? Are you not my work in the Lord?1 Corinthians 9:1

1 Corinthians 15:5 and that he was seen by Cephas, and after that by the eleven.1 Corinthians 15:5

1 Corinthians 15:6 Next he was seen by more than five hundred brothers at one time, many of whom remain, even to the present time, although some have fallen asleep.1 Corinthians 15:6

1 Corinthians 15:7 Next, he was seen by James, then by all the Apostles.1 Corinthians 15:7

1 Corinthians 15:8 And last of all, he was seen also by me, as if I were someone born at the wrong time.1 Corinthians 15:8

Number of the word / term Seen in 1 Corinthians: 6

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 4:18 And we are contemplating, not the things that are seen, but the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are temporal, whereas the things that are not seen are eternal.2 Corinthians 4:18

2 Corinthians 6:8 through honor and dishonor, despite good reports and bad, whether seen as deceivers or truth-tellers, whether ignored or acknowledged;2 Corinthians 6:8

Number of the word / term Seen in 2 Corinthians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 2:7 But it was to the contrary, since they had seen that the Gospel to the uncircumcised was entrusted to me, just as the Gospel to the circumcised was entrusted to Peter.Galatians 2:7

Galatians 2:14 But when I had seen that they were not walking correctly, by the truth of the Gospel, I said to Cephas in front of everyone: “If you, while you are a Jew, are living like the Gentiles and not the Jews, how is it that you compel the Gentiles to keep the customs of the Jews?”Galatians 2:14

Number of the word / term Seen in Galatians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Ephesians

Ephesians 6:6 Do not serve only when seen, as if to please men, but act as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.Ephesians 6:6

Number of the word / term Seen in Ephesians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Philippians

Philippians 1:30 engaging in the same struggle, of a kind which you also have seen in me, and which you now have heard from me.Philippians 1:30

Philippians 3:17 Be imitators of me, brothers, and observe those who are walking similarly, just as you have seen by our example.Philippians 3:17

Philippians 4:9 All the things that you have learned and accepted and heard and seen in me, do these. And so shall the God of peace be with you.Philippians 4:9

Number of the word / term Seen in Philippians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Colossians

Colossians 2:1 For I want you to know the kind of solicitude that I have for you, and for those who are at Laodicea, as well as for those who have not seen my face in the flesh.Colossians 2:1

Colossians 2:18 Let no one seduce you, preferring base things and a religion of Angels, walking according to what he has not seen, being vainly inflated by the sensations of his flesh,Colossians 2:18

Colossians 3:22 Servants, obey, in all things, your lords according to the flesh, not serving only when seen, as if to please men, but serving in simplicity of heart, fearing God.Colossians 3:22

Number of the word / term Seen in Colossians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 6:16 who alone holds immortality, and who inhabits the inaccessible light, whom no man has seen, nor even is able to see, to whom is honor and everlasting dominion. Amen.1 Timothy 6:16

Number of the word / term Seen in 1 Timothy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 3:9 where your fathers tested me, even though they had seen and examined my works for forty years.Hebrews 3:9

Hebrews 11:7 By faith, Noah, having accepted an answer about those things which were not yet seen, being afraid, fashioned an ark for the salvation of his house. Through the ark, he condemned the world, and was established as the heir of the justice that occurs through faith.Hebrews 11:7

Hebrews 11:23 By faith, Moses, after being born, was hidden for three months by his parents, because they had seen that he was a graceful infant, and they did not fear the king’s edict.Hebrews 11:23

Hebrews 12:21 And what was seen was so terrible that even Moses said: “I am terrified, and so, I tremble.”Hebrews 12:21

Number of the word / term Seen in Hebrews: 4

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book James

James 1:24 and after considering himself, he went away and promptly forgot what he had seen.James 1:24

James 5:11 Consider that we beatify those who have endured. You have heard of the patient suffering of Job. And you have seen the end of the Lord, that the Lord is merciful and compassionate.James 5:11

Number of the word / term Seen in James: 2

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book 1 Peter

1 Peter 1:8 For though you have not seen him, you love him. In him also, though you do not see him, you now believe. And in believing, you shall exult with an inexpressible and glorious joy,1 Peter 1:8

1 Peter 2:12 Keep your behavior among the Gentiles to what is good, so that, when they slander you as if you were evildoers, they may, by the good works that are seen in you, glorify God on the day of visitation.1 Peter 2:12

Number of the word / term Seen in 1 Peter: 2

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book 1 John

1 John 1:1 He who was from the beginning, whom we have heard, whom we have seen with our eyes, upon whom we have gazed, and whom our hands have certainly touched: He is the Word of Life.1 John 1:1

1 John 1:2 And that Life has been made manifest. And we have seen, and we testify, and we announce to you: the Eternal Life, who was with the Father, and who appeared to us.1 John 1:2

1 John 1:3 He whom we have seen and heard, we announce to you, so that you, too, may have fellowship with us, and so that our fellowship may be with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.1 John 1:3

1 John 3:6 Everyone who abides in him does not sin. For whoever sins has not seen him, and has not known him.1 John 3:6

1 John 4:12 No one has ever seen God. But if we love one another, God abides in us, and his love is perfected in us.1 John 4:12

1 John 4:14 And we have seen, and we testify, that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.1 John 4:14

Number of the word / term Seen in 1 John: 6

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book 3 John

3 John 1:11 Most beloved, do not be willing to imitate what is evil; instead imitate what is good. Whoever does good is of God. Whoever does evil has not seen God.3 John 1:11

Number of the word / term Seen in 3 John: 1

Bible passages with ‘Seen’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 1:17 And when I had seen him, I fell at his feet, like one who is dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.Revelation 1:17

Revelation 1:19 Therefore, write the things which you have seen, and which are, and which must occur afterward:Revelation 1:19

Revelation 1:20 the mystery of the seven stars, which you have seen in my right hand, and of the seven golden lampstands. The seven stars are the Angels of the seven Churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven Churches.”Revelation 1:20

Revelation 11:19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven. And the Ark of his Testament was seen in his temple. And there were lightnings and voices and thunders, and an earthquake, and great hail.Revelation 11:19

Revelation 12:3 And another sign was seen in heaven. And behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems.Revelation 12:3

Revelation 17:6 And I saw that the woman was inebriated from the blood of the saints and from the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And I was amazed, when I had seen her, with a great wonder.Revelation 17:6

Revelation 22:8 And I, John, heard and saw these things. And, after I had heard and seen, I fell down, so as to adore before the feet of the Angel, who was revealing these things to me.Revelation 22:8

Number of the word / term ‘Seen’ in Revelation: 7

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 394

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