Our Little Concordance

‘Same’ in the Bible – All 442 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Same’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Same’ occurs 442 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 7:13 On the very same day, Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and his wife and the three wives of his sons with them, entered the ark.Genesis 7:13

Genesis 11:1 Now the earth was of one language and of the same speech.Genesis 11:1

Genesis 15:4 And immediately the word of the Lord came to him, saying: “This one will not be your heir. But he who will come from your loins, the same will you have for your heir.”Genesis 15:4

Genesis 16:14 Because of this, she called that well: ‘The well of the one who lives and who sees me.’ The same is between Kadesh and Bered.Genesis 16:14

Genesis 17:23 Then Abraham took his son Ishmael, and all who were born in his house, and all whom he had bought, every male among the men of his house, and he circumcised the flesh of their foreskin promptly, the very same day, just as God had instructed him.Genesis 17:23

Genesis 17:26 On the very same day, Abraham was circumcised with his son Ishmael.Genesis 17:26

Genesis 18:14 Is anything difficult for God? According to the announcement, he will return to you at this same time, with life as a companion, and Sarah will have a son.”Genesis 18:14

Genesis 21:22 At the same time, Abimelech and Phicol, the leader of his army, said to Abraham: “God is with you in everything that you do.Genesis 21:22

Genesis 24:14 Therefore, the girl to whom I will say, ‘Tip your pitcher, so that I may drink,’ and she will respond, ‘Drink. In fact, I will give your camels a drink also,’ the same one is she whom you have prepared for your servant Isaac. And by this, I will understand that you have shown mercy to my lord.”Genesis 24:14

Genesis 24:22 Then, after the camels drank, the man took out gold earrings, weighing two shekels, and the same number of bracelets, ten shekels in weight.Genesis 24:22

Genesis 24:44 And she will say to me, “You drink, and I will also draw for your camels.” Let the same be the woman, whom the Lord has prepared for the son of my lord.’Genesis 24:44

Genesis 24:62 Then, at the same time, Isaac was walking along the way that leads to the well, whose name is: ‘of the One who lives and who sees.’ For he dwelt in the southern land.Genesis 24:62

Genesis 26:8 And when very many days had passed, and he had remained in the same place, Abimelech, king of the Palestinians, gazing through a window, saw him being playful with Rebekah, his wife.Genesis 26:8

Genesis 26:12 Then Isaac sowed in that land, and he found, in that same year, one hundredfold. And the Lord blessed him.Genesis 26:12

Genesis 26:18 Again, he dug up other wells, which the servants of his father Abraham had dug, and which, after his death, the Philistines had formerly obstructed. And he called them by the same names that his father had called them before.Genesis 26:18

Genesis 26:24 where the Lord appeared to him on the same night, saying: “I am the God of Abraham your father. Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I will bless you, and I will multiply your offspring because of my servant Abraham.”Genesis 26:24

Genesis 26:32 Then, behold, on the same day the servants of Isaac came, reporting to him about a well which they had dug, and saying: “We have found water.”Genesis 26:32

Genesis 26:34 In truth, at forty years of age, Esau took wives: Judith, the daughter of Beeri, the Hittite, and Basemath, the daughter of Elon, of the same place.Genesis 26:34

Genesis 28:11 And when he had arrived at a certain place, where he would rest after the setting of the sun, he took some of the stones that lay there, and placing them under his head, he slept in the same place.Genesis 28:11

Genesis 31:2 Likewise, he observed that Laban’s face was not the same toward him as it was yesterday and the day before.Genesis 31:2

Genesis 31:5 and he said to them: “I see that your father’s face is not the same toward me as it was yesterday and the day before. But the God of my father has been with me.Genesis 31:5

Genesis 31:25 And now Jacob had pitched his tent at the mountain. And when he, with his brothers, had overtaken him, he set his tent at the same place at Mount Gilead.Genesis 31:25

Genesis 32:19 Similarly, he gave orders to the second, and the third, and to all who followed the flocks, saying: “Speak these same words to Esau, when you find him.Genesis 32:19

Genesis 32:22 And when he had arisen early, he took his two wives, and the same number of handmaids, with his eleven sons, and he crossed over the ford of Jabbok.Genesis 32:22

Genesis 32:29 Jacob questioned him, “Tell me, by what name are you called?” He responded, “Why do you ask my name?” And he blessed him in the same place.Genesis 32:29

Genesis 35:8 About the same time, Deborah, the nurse of Rebekah, died, and she was buried at the base of Bethel, under an oak tree. And the name of that place was called, ‘Oak of Weeping.’Genesis 35:8

Genesis 38:1 About the same time, Judah, descending from his brothers, turned toward an Adullamite man, named Hirah.Genesis 38:1

Genesis 41:3 Likewise, another seven emerged from the river, filthy and thoroughly emaciated. And they pastured on the same bank of the river, in green places.Genesis 41:3

Genesis 41:6 Likewise, other ears of grain, of the same number, rose up, thin and struck with blight,Genesis 41:6

Genesis 41:12 In that place, there was a Hebrew, a servant of the same commander of the military, to whom we explained our dreams.Genesis 41:12

Genesis 41:21 giving no indication of being full. But they remained in the same state of emaciation and squalor. Awakening, but being weighed down into sleep again,Genesis 41:21

Genesis 41:26 The seven beautiful cows, and the seven full ears of grain, are seven years of abundance. And so the force of the dreams is understood to be the same.Genesis 41:26

Genesis 41:32 Now, as to what you saw the second time, it is a dream pertaining to the same thing. It is an indication of its firmness, because the word of God shall be done, and it shall be completed swiftly.Genesis 41:32

Genesis 43:21 And having bought it, when we arrived at the inn, we opened our sacks and found the money in the mouths of the sacks, which we now have carried back in the same amount.Genesis 43:21

Genesis 43:29 Then Joseph, lifting up his eyes, saw Benjamin, his brother of the same womb, and he said, “Is this your little brother, about whom you spoke to me?” And again, he said, “May God be compassionate to you, my son.”Genesis 43:29

Genesis 43:32 And when it was set out, separately for Joseph, and separately for his brothers, likewise separately for the Egyptians, who ate at the same time, (for it is unlawful for Egyptians to eat with Hebrews, and they consider feasting in this way to be profane)Genesis 43:32

Genesis 44:20 And we answered you, my lord: ‘There is our father, an old man, and a young boy, who was born in his old age. His brother of the same womb has died, and he alone is left to his mother and father, who truly love him tenderly.’Genesis 44:20

Genesis 45:14 And then falling upon the neck of his brother Benjamin, he embraced him and wept. And likewise, Benjamin wept at the same time on his neck.Genesis 45:14

Genesis 46:29 And when he had arrived there, Joseph harnessed his chariot, and he went up to meet his father at the same place. And seeing him, he fell upon his neck, and, amid embraces, he wept.Genesis 46:29

Number of the word / term Same in Genesis: 39

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 4:29 And they arrived at the same time, and they gathered together all the elders of the sons of Israel.Exodus 4:29

Exodus 5:6 Therefore, on the same day, he instructed the overseers of the works, and the taskmasters of the people, saying:Exodus 5:6

Exodus 5:8 And you shall impose upon them the same quota of bricks that they made before. Neither will you lessen anything, for they are idle, and therefore they cry out, saying: ‘We shall go and sacrifice to our God.’Exodus 5:8

Exodus 5:16 Straw is not given to us, and yet the same amount of bricks is commanded. So we, your servants, are cut up by scourging, and injustice is done against your people.”Exodus 5:16

Exodus 9:18 So then, tomorrow, at this same hour, I will rain down exceedingly great hail, such as has not been in Egypt from the day that it was founded, even until this present time.Exodus 9:18

Exodus 12:16 The first day shall be holy and solemn, and the seventh day shall be venerated with the same festivity. You shall do no work in these days, except that which pertains to the eating.Exodus 12:16

Exodus 12:17 And you shall observe the feast of unleavened bread. For on this same day, I will lead your army out of the land of Egypt, and you shall keep this day, in your generations, as a perpetual ritual.Exodus 12:17

Exodus 12:18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, toward evening, you shall consume the unleavened bread, until the twenty-first day of the same month, toward evening.Exodus 12:18

Exodus 12:41 Having been completed, on the same day all the army of the Lord departed from the land of Egypt.Exodus 12:41

Exodus 12:49 The law shall be the same for the native born and for the settler who sojourns with you.”Exodus 12:49

Exodus 12:51 And on the same day, the Lord led the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their companies.Exodus 12:51

Exodus 19:2 Thus, setting out from Raphidim, and going directly to the desert of Sinai, they encamped in the same place, and there Israel pitched their tents away from the region of the mountain.Exodus 19:2

Exodus 21:3 With whatever clothing he arrived, with the like let him depart. If he has a wife, his wife also shall depart, at the same time.Exodus 21:3

Exodus 25:26 Likewise, you shall prepare four gold rings and set them in the four corners of the same table, over each foot.Exodus 25:26

Exodus 25:36 Thus both the little spheres and the branches shall be made out of the same thing: entirely formed from the purest gold.Exodus 25:36

Exodus 26:27 and five others on the other side, and the same number toward the western part.Exodus 26:27

Exodus 27:1 “You shall also make an altar of setim wood, which will have five cubits in length, and the same in width, that is, four equal sides, and three cubits in height.Exodus 27:1

Exodus 27:10 And you shall make twenty columns with the same number of bases of brass, the heads of which, with their engravings, shall be made of silver.Exodus 27:10

Exodus 27:11 In like manner also, throughout the length of the north side, there shall be hangings of one hundred cubits, and twenty columns, and the same number of bases of brass, and their heads with their engravings of silver.Exodus 27:11

Exodus 27:12 Yet truly, along the width of the atrium that looks out toward the west, there shall be hangings of fifty cubits, and ten columns, and the same number of bases.Exodus 27:12

Exodus 27:14 along which there shall be assigned hangings of fifteen cubits for one side, and three columns, and the same number of bases.Exodus 27:14

Exodus 27:15 And, along the other side, there shall be hangings occupying fifteen cubits, with three columns and the same number of bases.Exodus 27:15

Exodus 27:16 Yet truly, at the entrance of the atrium, there shall be made a hanging of twenty cubits, of hyacinth and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twisted linen, wrought with embroidery. It shall have four columns, with the same number of bases.Exodus 27:16

Exodus 28:33 Yet truly, beneath it, at the base of the same tunic, all around, you shall make something like pomegranates, from hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, with little bells set in their midst.Exodus 28:33

Exodus 29:2 and unleavened bread, and a crust without leaven that has been sprinkled with oil, likewise, unleavened cakes smeared with oil. You shall make them all from the same wheat flour.Exodus 29:2

Exodus 29:40 for the one lamb, a tenth part of fine flour sprinkled with crushed oil, which shall have the measure of the fourth part of a hin, and wine for a libation, of the same measure;Exodus 29:40

Exodus 30:2 having one cubit in length, and another in width, that is, four equal sides, and two cubits in height. Horns shall proceed from the same.Exodus 30:2

Exodus 37:12 and for the ledge itself he made a polished crown of gold, four fingers high, and upon the same, another crown of gold.Exodus 37:12

Exodus 37:22 Thus, both the little spheres and the branches were from the same thing: all hand-worked from the purest gold.Exodus 37:22

Exodus 38:11 Equally, at the northern area, the hangings, the columns, and the bases and heads of the columns were of the same measure and work and metal.Exodus 38:11

Exodus 38:15 and on the other side, (for between the two he made the entrance of the tabernacle) there were equally hangings of fifteen cubits, and three pillars, and the same number of bases.Exodus 38:15

Exodus 39:5 and a wide belt from the same colors, just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Exodus 39:5

Exodus 39:16 and two hooks, and the same number of gold rings. Moreover, they set the rings at both sides of the breastplate,Exodus 39:16

Exodus 40:37 But if it remained hanging over it, they remained in the same place.Exodus 40:37

Number of the word / term Same in Exodus: 34

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 4:7 And he shall place some of the same blood over the horns of the altar of most pleasing incense to the Lord, which is in the tabernacle of the testimony. Then he shall pour out the remainder of the blood at the base of the altar of holocaust at the entrance of the tabernacle.Leviticus 4:7

Leviticus 4:18 And he shall place some of the same blood on the horns of the altar, which is in the presence of the Lord in the tabernacle of the testimony. But the remainder of the blood he shall pour out at the base of the altar of holocaust, which is at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony.Leviticus 4:18

Leviticus 4:20 doing so with this calf in the same manner as he did before. And while the priest is praying for them, the Lord will forgive them.Leviticus 4:20

Leviticus 5:4 The soul who swears and offers from his own lips that he would do either evil or good, and who will have bound the same with an oath and with his own words, and, having forgotten it, afterwards understands his transgression,Leviticus 5:4

Leviticus 6:9 Instruct Aaron and his sons: This is the law of a holocaust. It shall be burned upon the altar, all night until morning. The fire shall be from the same altar.Leviticus 6:9

Leviticus 7:15 The flesh of it shall be eaten on the same day; neither shall any of it remain until morning.Leviticus 7:15

Leviticus 7:16 If anyone, by a vow or of his own accord, will have offered a sacrifice, it shall be eaten in a similar manner on the same day. But then if any of it will have remained until tomorrow, it is lawful to eat it.Leviticus 7:16

Leviticus 7:29 Speak to the sons of Israel, saying: Whoever offers a victim of peace offerings to the Lord, let him also offer at the same time a sacrifice, that is, its libations.Leviticus 7:29

Leviticus 7:33 Among the sons of Aaron, whoever will have offered the blood and the fat, the same one shall also have the right shoulder for his portion.Leviticus 7:33

Leviticus 13:10 and he shall look upon him. And when there is a white color in the skin, and it has an altered appearance in its hair, and also the same flesh seems alive,Leviticus 13:10

Leviticus 18:28 Therefore, beware, lest in a similar manner, it may vomit you out as well, if you do these same things, just as it vomited out the people who were before you.Leviticus 18:28

Leviticus 19:6 you shall eat it on the same day as when it was immolated, and the next day. Then whatever will remain on the third day you shall burn with fire.Leviticus 19:6

Leviticus 22:28 Whether it is an ox, or a sheep, they shall not be immolated on the same day with their newborns.Leviticus 22:28

Leviticus 22:30 you shall eat it on the same day; none of it shall remain until morning on the next day. I am the Lord.Leviticus 22:30

Leviticus 23:12 And on the same day that the sheaf is consecrated, a one-year-old immaculate lamb shall be slain as a holocaust of the Lord.Leviticus 23:12

Leviticus 25:10 And you shall sanctify the fiftieth year, and you shall proclaim a remission for all the inhabitants of your land: for the same is the Jubilee. A man shall return to his possession, and each one shall go back to his original family,Leviticus 25:10

Number of the word / term Same in Leviticus: 16

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 6:9 But if anyone will have died unexpectedly before him, the head of his consecration shall be polluted, and he shall shave it in that very place, on the same day of his purification, and again on the seventh day.Numbers 6:9

Numbers 6:17 Yet truly, the ram he shall immolate as a peace-offering victim to the Lord, offering at the same time the basket of unleavened bread, and the libations which are required by custom.Numbers 6:17

Numbers 9:14 Likewise, the sojourner and the newcomer, if they are among you, shall observe the Passover to the Lord according to its ceremonies and justifications. The same precept shall be with you, as much for the newcomer as for the native.”Numbers 9:14

Numbers 9:18 Upon the order of the Lord they advanced, and upon his order they fixed the tabernacle. All the days during which the cloud was standing over the tabernacle, they remained in the same place.Numbers 9:18

Numbers 9:22 Yet truly, whether it remained over the tabernacle for two days, or one month, or a longer time, the sons of Israel remained in the same place, and they did not set out. Then, as soon as it withdrew, they moved the camp.Numbers 9:22

Numbers 10:6 Then, at the second sounding of the trumpet with the same cadence, those who live toward the south shall take up their tents. And the remainder shall act in like manner, when the trumpets shall reverberate for a departure.Numbers 10:6

Numbers 15:5 and he shall give the same measure of wine, poured out as libations, whether as a holocaust or as a victim.Numbers 15:5

Numbers 15:7 And he shall offer the same measure, one third part of wine, for the libation, as a sweet odor to the Lord.Numbers 15:7

Numbers 15:10 and the wine, poured out as libations, shall be of the same measure, as an oblation of most sweet odor to the Lord.Numbers 15:10

Numbers 15:14 shall offer sacrifices by the same rituals.Numbers 15:14

Numbers 16:7 and drawing fire into it tomorrow, place incense upon it before the Lord. And whomever he will choose, the same shall be holy. You sons of Levi have been raised up greatly.”Numbers 16:7

Numbers 18:3 And the Levites shall stand watch by your precepts, and for all the works of the tabernacle; yet in such a manner that they shall not approach the vessels of the Sanctuary and of the altar, lest both they die, and you perish, at the same time.Numbers 18:3

Numbers 20:1 And the sons of Israel, and the entire multitude, went into the desert of Sin, in the first month. And the people stayed at Kadesh. And Miriam died there, and she was buried in the same place.Numbers 20:1

Numbers 22:4 said to those greater by birth of Midian: “So will this people wipe away all those who are dwelling within our borders, in the same way that the ox is accustomed to tear out grass, all the way to the roots.” At that time, he was king of Moab.Numbers 22:4

Numbers 22:30 The donkey said: “Am not I your animal, on which you have always been accustomed to sit, even until this present day? Tell me, when did I ever do the same thing to you.” But he said, “Never.”Numbers 22:30

Numbers 23:1 And Balaam said to Balak, “Build seven altars here for me, and prepare as many calves, and the same number of rams.”Numbers 23:1

Numbers 23:29 Balaam said to him, “Build seven altars here for me, and prepare as many calves, and the same number of rams.”Numbers 23:29

Numbers 25:8 he entered after the Israelite man, into the brothel, and he pierced both of them at the same time, specifically, the man and the woman at the location of their genitals. And the scourge ceased from among the sons of Israel.Numbers 25:8

Numbers 29:6 aside from the holocaust of the first day of the month with its sacrifices, and the perpetual holocaust with the usual libations. By these same ceremonies, you shall offer incense as a most sweet odor to the Lord.Numbers 29:6

Numbers 32:8 Did not your fathers act in the same way, when I sent them from Kadesh-Barnea to explore the land?Numbers 32:8

Numbers 34:6 Then the western region shall begin from the Great Sea, and the same shall be its end.Numbers 34:6

Numbers 35:5 Facing the east, there shall be two thousand cubits, and facing the south, similarly, there shall be two thousand cubits. Toward the sea, also, which looks out toward the west, there shall be the same measure, and the northern region shall be bounded by equal limits. And the cities shall be in the center, and the suburbs shall be outside.Numbers 35:5

Numbers 36:8 and all women shall take husbands from their same tribe, so that the inheritance may remain within the families,Numbers 36:8

Number of the word / term Same in Numbers: 23

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 12:4 But you shall not do the same to the Lord your God.Deuteronomy 12:4

Deuteronomy 14:26 And you shall buy with the same money whatever pleases you, either from the herds or from the sheep, and also wine and liquor, and all that your soul desires. And you shall eat in the sight of the Lord your God, and you shall feast: you and your household.Deuteronomy 14:26

Deuteronomy 17:16 And when he will have been appointed king, he shall not multiply horses for himself, nor lead the people back into Egypt, having been exalted by the number of his horsemen, especially since the Lord has instructed you never to return along the same way.Deuteronomy 17:16

Deuteronomy 18:1 “The priests and the Levites, and all who are from the same tribe, shall have no portion or inheritance with the rest of Israel. For they shall eat the sacrifices of the Lord and his oblations.Deuteronomy 18:1

Deuteronomy 18:8 He shall receive the same portion of food as the rest also receive, besides that which is due to him in his own city, by succession from his fathers.Deuteronomy 18:8

Deuteronomy 21:23 his corpse shall not remain on the tree. Instead, he shall be buried on the same day. For he who hangs from a tree has been cursed by God, and you shall not defile your land, which the Lord your God will give to you as a possession.”Deuteronomy 21:23

Deuteronomy 22:10 You shall not till with an ox and a donkey at the same time.Deuteronomy 22:10

Deuteronomy 24:15 Instead, you shall pay him the price of his labor on the same day, before the setting of the sun. For he is poor, and with it he sustains his life. Otherwise, he may cry out against you to the Lord, and it would be charged to you as a sin.Deuteronomy 24:15

Deuteronomy 28:57 and over the filth of the afterbirth, which goes forth from between her thighs, and over the children who are born in the same hour. For they will eat them secretly, due to the scarcity of all things during the siege and the devastation, with which your enemy will oppress you within your gates.Deuteronomy 28:57

Deuteronomy 32:48 And the Lord spoke to Moses on the same day, saying:Deuteronomy 32:48

Number of the word / term Same in Deuteronomy: 10

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 2:12 Now, therefore, swear to me by the Lord that in the same way that I have acted with mercy toward you, so also shall you act toward the house of my father. And may you give me a true signJoshua 2:12

Joshua 5:8 Then, after they were all circumcised, they remained in the same place of the camp until they were healed.Joshua 5:8

Joshua 5:11 And on the following day, they ate unleavened bread from the grain of the land, and cooked grain, of the same year.Joshua 5:11

Joshua 7:22 Therefore, Joshua sent ministers, who, running to his tent, discovered everything hidden in the same place, together with the silver.Joshua 7:22

Joshua 8:12 Now he had chosen five thousand men, and he had positioned them in ambush between Bethel and Ai, at the western part of the same city.Joshua 8:12

Joshua 8:24 And so, after all were slain who had pursued Israel fleeing toward the wilderness, and after they fell by the sword in the same place, the sons of Israel returned and struck the city.Joshua 8:24

Joshua 8:25 Now there were twelve thousand persons who had fallen on the same day, from man even to woman, the entire city of Ai.Joshua 8:25

Joshua 9:2 gathered themselves together, so that they might fight against Joshua and Israel, with one mind and with the same resolve.Joshua 9:2

Joshua 10:28 Also on the same day, Joshua seized Makkedah, and he struck it with the edge of the sword, and he put to death its king and all its inhabitants. He did not leave in it even the smallest remains. And he did to the king of Makkedah, just as he had done to the king of Jericho.Joshua 10:28

Joshua 10:35 And he also defeated it on the same day. And he struck all the souls that were in it with the edge of the sword, in accord with all that he had done to Lachish.Joshua 10:35

Joshua 11:6 And the Lord said to Joshua: “You should not fear them. For tomorrow, at this same hour, I will deliver all these to be wounded in the sight of Israel. You will hamstring their horses, and you will burn their chariots with fire.”Joshua 11:6

Joshua 13:16 And their border was from Aroer, which is situated on the bank of the torrent Arnon, and in the midst of the valley of the same torrent, with all the flatlands that lead to Medeba;Joshua 13:16

Joshua 15:5 Yet truly, toward the east, the beginning shall be the very salty sea, even to the limit of the Jordan, and that which looks toward the north, from the bay of the sea, even to the same river Jordan.Joshua 15:5

Joshua 22:1 In the same time, Joshua called the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the one half tribe of Manasseh.Joshua 22:1

Number of the word / term Same in Joshua: 14

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Judges

Judges 7:9 In the same night, the Lord said to him: “Rise up, and descend into the camp. For I have delivered them into your hand.Judges 7:9

Judges 7:17 And he said to them: “What you will see me do, do the same. I will enter a portion of the camp, and what I do, you shall follow.Judges 7:17

Judges 11:31 whoever will be the first to depart from the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the sons of Ammon, the same will I offer as a holocaust to the Lord.”Judges 11:31

Judges 12:6 they would ask him, then say ‘Shibboleth,’ which is translated as ‘ear of grain.’ But he would answer ‘Sibboleth,’ not being able to express the word for an ear of grain in the same letters. And immediately apprehending him, they would cut his throat, at the same crossing point of the Jordan. And in that time of Ephraim, forty-two thousand fell.Judges 12:6

Judges 12:9 He had thirty sons, and the same number of daughters, whom he sent away to be given to husbands. And he accepted wives for his sons of the same number, bringing them into his house. And he judged Israel for seven years.Judges 12:9

Judges 14:12 And Samson said to them: “I will propose to you a problem, which, if you can solve it for me within the seven days of the feast, I will give you thirty shirts and the same number of tunics.Judges 14:12

Judges 14:13 But if you are not able to solve it, you shall give me thirty shirts and the same number of tunics.” And they answered him, “Propose the problem, so that we may hear it.”Judges 14:13

Judges 16:24 Then, too, the people, seeing this, praised their god, and they said the same, “Our god has delivered our adversary into our hands: the one who destroyed our land and who killed very many.”Judges 16:24

Judges 20:22 Again the sons of Israel, trusting in both strength and number, set their troops in order, in the same place where they had contended before.Judges 20:22

Judges 20:44 Now those who were put to death in the same place were eighteen thousand men, all very robust fighters.Judges 20:44

Number of the word / term Same in Judges: 10

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Ruth

Ruth 1:17 Whichever land will receive you dying, in the same I will die, and there I will have the place of my burial. May God cause these things to happen to me, and add more also, if anything except death alone should separate you and I.”Ruth 1:17

Ruth 2:20 Naomi answered her, “May he be blessed by the Lord, because the same kindness which he provided for the living, he also kept for the dead.” And again she said: “This man is our near relative.”Ruth 2:20

Number of the word / term Same in Ruth: 2

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 4:12 Now a man of Benjamin, rushing from the troops, arrived at Shiloh on the same day, with his clothing torn, and with his head sprinkled with dust.1 Samuel 4:12

1 Samuel 6:5 “In accord with the number of the provinces of the Philistines, you shall fashion five gold cysts and five gold mice. For the same plague has been upon all of you and your princes. And you shall fashion a likeness of your cysts and a likeness of the mice, which have destroyed the land. And so shall you give glory to the God of Israel, so that perhaps he may lift off his hand from you, and from your gods, and from your land.1 Samuel 6:5

1 Samuel 6:16 And the five princes of the Philistines saw, and they returned to Ekron on the same day.1 Samuel 6:16

1 Samuel 9:16 “Tomorrow, at the same hour that it is now, I will send to you a man from the land of Benjamin. And you shall anoint him to be the leader over my people Israel. And he will save my people from the hand of the Philistines. For I have looked with favor upon my people, because their outcry has reached me.”1 Samuel 9:16

1 Samuel 12:3 Speak about me before the Lord, and before his Christ, as to whether I have taken anyone’s ox or donkey, or whether I have falsely accused anyone, or whether I have oppressed anyone, or whether I have accepted a bribe from the hand of anyone, and I will repudiate the same, this day, and I will restore it to you.”1 Samuel 12:3

1 Samuel 17:23 And while he was still speaking with them, there appeared the man of spurious descent, whose name was Goliath, the Philistine of Gath, ascending from the camp of the Philistines. And he was speaking in these same words, which David heard.1 Samuel 17:23

1 Samuel 17:27 Then the people repeated to him the same words, saying, “These things shall be given to the man who will have struck him down.”1 Samuel 17:27

1 Samuel 17:30 And he turned away from him a little, toward another. And he asked the same question. And the people responded to him as before.1 Samuel 17:30

1 Samuel 31:6 Therefore, Saul died, and his three sons, and his armor bearer, and all his men, on the same day together.1 Samuel 31:6

Number of the word / term Same in 1 Samuel: 9

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 2:23 But he disdained to heed him, and he was not willing to turn aside. Therefore, turning, Abner struck him with his spear in the groin, and he pierced him through, and he died in the same place. And all those who would pass by the place, in which Asahel had fallen and died, would stand still.2 Samuel 2:23

2 Samuel 3:9 May God do these things to Abner, and may he add these other things, if, in the same way that the Lord swore to David, I do not do so with him:2 Samuel 3:9

2 Samuel 5:7 But David seized the stronghold of Zion; the same is the city of David.2 Samuel 5:7

Number of the word / term Same in 2 Samuel: 3

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 1:37 In the same way that the Lord has been with my lord the king, so may he be with Solomon. And may he make his throne more sublime than the throne of my lord, king David.”1 Kings 1:37

1 Kings 4:13 Bengeber, in Ramoth Gilead, who had the town of Jair, the son of Manasseh, in Gilead; the same was first in the entire region of Argob, which is in Bashan, sixty great cities with walls that had bronze bars;1 Kings 4:13

1 Kings 7:8 And in the midst of the portico, there was a small house, where he would sit in judgment, similar in workmanship. He also made a house for the daughter of Pharaoh (whom Solomon had taken as wife) of the same work and type as this portico.1 Kings 7:8

1 Kings 7:37 In this manner, he made ten bases with the same casting and measure, and very similar engravings.1 Kings 7:37

1 Kings 13:3 And he gave a sign on the same day, saying: “This will be the sign that the Lord has spoken. Behold, the altar shall be torn apart, and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out.”1 Kings 13:3

1 Kings 17:13 And Elijah said to her: “Do not be afraid. But go and do as you have said. Yet truly, first make for me, from the same flour, a little bread baked under ashes, and bring it to me. Then afterward, make some for yourself and for your son.1 Kings 17:13

1 Kings 20:6 Therefore, tomorrow, at this same hour, I will send my servants to you, and they will search your house and the houses of your servants. And all that pleases them, they will put in their hands and take away.”1 Kings 20:6

1 Kings 20:11 And responding, the king of Israel said, “Tell him that one who is girded should not boast the same as one who is ungirded.”1 Kings 20:11

Number of the word / term Same in 1 Kings: 8

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 4:16 he said to her, “At this time, and at this same hour, with life as a companion, you will have a son in your womb.” But she responded, “Do not, I ask you, my lord, a man of God, do not be willing to lie to your handmaid.”2 Kings 4:16

2 Kings 4:17 And the woman conceived. And she bore a son, in the time and at the same hour as Elisha had said.2 Kings 4:17

2 Kings 5:18 But there is still this matter, for which you will entreat the Lord on behalf of your servant: when my lord enters the temple of Rimmon, so that he may adore there, and he leans on my hand, if I will bow down in the temple of Rimmon, while he is adoring in the same place, that the Lord may ignore me, your servant, concerning this matter.”2 Kings 5:18

2 Kings 7:18 And this happened in accord with the word of the man of God, which he had spoken to the king, when he said: “Two measures of barley will be one silver coin, and one measure of fine wheat flour will be one silver coin, at this same time tomorrow, at the gate of Samaria.”2 Kings 7:18

2 Kings 8:22 And Idumea drew apart, so as not to be under Judah, even to this day. Then Libnah also drew apart, at the same time.2 Kings 8:22

2 Kings 9:37 And the flesh of Jezebel will be like dung upon the face of the earth, in the field of Jezreel, so that those who pass by may say: Is this that same Jezebel?’ ”2 Kings 9:37

2 Kings 10:6 Then he again wrote letters to them a second time, saying: “If you are mine, and if you obey me, take the heads of the sons of your lord, and come to me at Jezreel at this same hour tomorrow.” Now the sons of the king, being seventy men, were being raised with the nobles of the city.2 Kings 10:6

2 Kings 12:13 Yet truly, from the same money, they did not make for the temple of the Lord water pitchers, or small hooks, or censers, or trumpets, or any vessel of gold or silver, from the money that was brought into the temple of the Lord.2 Kings 12:13

2 Kings 13:20 Then Elisha died, and they buried him. And the robbers from Moab came into the land in the same year.2 Kings 13:20

2 Kings 19:35 And so it happened that, in the same night, an Angel of the Lord went and struck down, in the camp of the Assyrians, one hundred and eighty-five thousand. And when he had risen up, at first light, he saw all the bodies of the dead. And withdrawing, he went away.2 Kings 19:35

2 Kings 20:9 And Isaiah said to him: “This will be the sign from the Lord, that the Lord will do the word that he has spoken: Do you wish that the shadow may ascend ten lines, or that it may turn back for the same number of degrees?”2 Kings 20:9

2 Kings 25:8 In the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month, the same is the nineteenth year of the king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan, the leader of the army, a servant of the king of Babylon, went into Jerusalem.2 Kings 25:8

Number of the word / term Same in 2 Kings: 12

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 1:27 Abram, the same is Abraham.1 Chronicles 1:27

1 Chronicles 6:69 and indeed Hilen with its suburbs, and Gath Rimmon in the same manner.1 Chronicles 6:69

1 Chronicles 7:31 And the sons of Beriah: Heber, and Malchiel, the same is the father of Birzaith.1 Chronicles 7:31

1 Chronicles 11:4 Then David and all of Israel went to Jerusalem. The same is Jebus, where the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, were.1 Chronicles 11:4

1 Chronicles 16:17 And he appointed the same to Jacob as a precept, and to Israel as an everlasting pact,1 Chronicles 16:17

1 Chronicles 23:5 Moreover, four thousand were porters. And the same number were the singers of psalms to the Lord, with the musical instruments which he had made for the music.1 Chronicles 23:5

1 Chronicles 26:26 The same Shelomoth and his brothers were over the treasuries of the holy things, which king David sanctified, with the leaders of the families, and the tribunes, and the centurions, and the commanders of the army.1 Chronicles 26:26

1 Chronicles 27:6 The same is the Benaiah who was strongest among the thirty, and was above the thirty. But his son, Ammizabad, was in charge of his company.1 Chronicles 27:6

1 Chronicles 28:18 Then, for the altar on which the incense was burned, he gave the purest gold. And from the same he made the likeness of the chariot of the Cherubim, with extended wings, which is veiling the ark of the covenant of the Lord.1 Chronicles 28:18

Number of the word / term Same in 1 Chronicles: 9

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 2:10 In addition, I will give to your servants, the workers who will cut down the trees, for provisions: twenty thousand cor of wheat, and the same number of cor of barley, and twenty thousand measures of wine, as well as twenty thousand good measures of oil.”2 Chronicles 2:10

2 Chronicles 17:11 Moreover, the Philistines carried gifts to Jehoshaphat, and a tribute in silver. Also, the Arabians brought cattle: seven thousand seven hundred rams, and the same number of he-goats.2 Chronicles 17:11

2 Chronicles 18:13 And Micaiah responded to him, “As the Lord lives, whatever my God will say to me, the same shall I speak.”2 Chronicles 18:13

2 Chronicles 26:9 And Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem, above the gate of the corner, and above the gate of the valley, and others on the same side of the wall, and he fortified them.2 Chronicles 26:9

2 Chronicles 26:18 withstood the king, and they said: “It is not your office, Uzziah, to burn incense to the Lord; rather, it is the office of the priests, that is, of the sons of Aaron, who have been consecrated for this same ministry. Depart from the sanctuary, otherwise you will be in contempt. For this act will not be reputed to you for your glory by the Lord God.”2 Chronicles 26:18

2 Chronicles 27:5 He fought against the king of the sons of Ammon, and he defeated them. And at that time, the sons of Ammon gave to him one hundred talents of silver, and ten thousand cor of wheat, and the same number of cor of barley. These things the sons of Ammon offered to him in the second and third year.2 Chronicles 27:5

2 Chronicles 28:7 In the same time, Zichri, a powerful man of Ephraim, killed Maaseiah, the son of the king, and Azrikam, the governor of his house, and also Elkanah, who was second to the king.2 Chronicles 28:7

2 Chronicles 29:17 Now they began to cleanse on the first day of the first month. And on the eighth day of the same month, they entered the portico of the temple of the Lord. And then they expiated the temple over eight days. And on the sixteenth day of the same month, they finished what they had begun.2 Chronicles 29:17

2 Chronicles 32:3 he took counsel with the rulers and with the most valiant men, so that they might obstruct the heads of the springs which were beyond the city. And with everyone discerning the same judgment about this,2 Chronicles 32:3

2 Chronicles 32:12 Is this not the same Hezekiah who destroyed his own high places and altars, and who instructed Judah and Jerusalem, saying: ‘You shall worship before one altar, and you shall burn incense upon it?’2 Chronicles 32:12

2 Chronicles 32:30 This same Hezekiah was the one who blocked the upper font of the waters of Gihon, and who diverted them down to the western part of the City of David. In all his works, he prosperously accomplished whatever he willed.2 Chronicles 32:30

2 Chronicles 36:10 And when the course of a year had turned, king Nebuchadnezzar sent and brought him to Babylon, carrying away, at the same time, the most precious vessels of the house of the Lord. Truly, he appointed his uncle, Zedekiah, as king over Judah and Jerusalem.2 Chronicles 36:10

Number of the word / term Same in 2 Chronicles: 12

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 5:3 Then, at the same time, Tattenai, who was the governor beyond the river, and Shetharbozenai, and their counselors came to them. And they spoke in this way to them: “Who has given you counsel, so that you would build this house and repair its walls?”Ezra 5:3

Ezra 5:16 And so this same Sheshbazzar then came and set the foundations of the temple of God in Jerusalem. And from that time, even until now, it is being built, and it is not yet completed.’Ezra 5:16

Ezra 6:13 Therefore, Tattenai, the governor of the region beyond the river, and Shetharbozenai, and his counselors, in accord with what king Darius had instructed, diligently executed the same.Ezra 6:13

Ezra 7:6 this same Ezra, ascended from Babylon; and he was a proficient scribe in the law of Moses, which the Lord God gave to Israel. And the king granted to him his every petition. For the hand of the Lord, his God, was over him.Ezra 7:6

Ezra 7:8 And they arrived at Jerusalem in the fifth month, in the same seventh year of the king.Ezra 7:8

Ezra 10:23 And from the sons of the Levites, Jozabad, and Shimei, and Kelaiah, the same is Kelita, Pethahiah, Judah, and Eliezer.Ezra 10:23

Number of the word / term Same in Ezra: 6

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 1:10 And these same are your servants and your people, whom you have redeemed by your great strength and by your powerful hand.Nehemiah 1:10

Nehemiah 6:4 Then they sent to me, with this same word, four times. And I responded to them with the same word as before.Nehemiah 6:4

Nehemiah 8:9 Then Nehemiah (the same is the cupbearer) and Ezra, the priest and scribe, and the Levites, who were interpreting for all the people, said: “This day has been sanctified to the Lord our God. Do not mourn, and do not weep.” For all of the people were weeping, as they were listening to the words of the law.Nehemiah 8:9

Nehemiah 9:1 Then, on the twenty-fourth day of the same month, the sons of Israel came together in fasting and in sackcloth, and with soil upon them.Nehemiah 9:1

Number of the word / term Same in Nehemiah: 4

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Esther

Esther 3:12 And the scribes of the king were summoned, in the first month Nisan, on the thirteenth day of the same month. And it was written, as Haman had commanded, to all the king’s governors, and to the judges of the provinces, and to various peoples, so that each people could read and hear according to their various languages, in the name of king Artaxerxes. And the letters were sealed with his ring.Esther 3:12

Esther 9:18 But, as for those who were carrying out the killings in the city of Susa, they turned to killing on the thirteenth and fourteenth day of the same month. But on the fifteenth day they ceased to attack. And for that reason they established that day as sacred, with feasting and with gladness.Esther 9:18

Esther 10:3 and how Mordecai of Jewish birth, was second after king Artaxerxes, and great among the Jews, and acceptable to the people of his brethren, seeking the good of his people, and speaking about things which pertained to peace for their descendents. And Mordecai said, “By God have these things been done. I remember a dream that I saw, which signified these same things, and nothing of this whatsoever has failed to occur. The little fountain which grew into a river, and had turned into light and into the sun, and overflowed into many waters, is Esther, whom the king received as wife and whom he preferred to be queen. But the two dragons are I and Haman. The peoples who gathered together are those who had attempted to erase the name of the Jews. And my people is Israel, who cried out to the Lord, and the Lord brought salvation to his people, and he freed us from all evils, and he created great signs and portents among the nations. And he commanded there to be two lots, one for the people of God and the other for all the nations. And both lots arrived at the day appointed before God, even from that past time, for all peoples. And the Lord remembered his people and had mercy on his inheritance. And these days shall be observed in the month of Adar, on the fourteenth and fifteenth day of the same month, with all zealousness and joy, by the people gathered together into one union, throughout all the generations hereafter of the people of Israel.” In the fourth year of the reigns of Ptolemy and Cleopatra, Dositheus, who was himself a priest and born of the Levites, and Ptolemy his son, brought this epistle of Purim, which they said was a translation by Lysimachus the son of Ptolemy in Jerusalem.Esther 10:3

Number of the word / term Same in Esther: 3

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Job

Job 14:2 He comes forth like a flower, and is crushed, and he flees, as if a shadow, and never remains in the same state.Job 14:2

Job 21:29 Ask any passerby whom you wish, and you will realize that he understands these same things:Job 21:29

Job 31:15 Is not he who created me in the womb, also he who labored to make him? And did not one and the same form me in the womb?Job 31:15

Job 33:6 Behold, God has made me, just as he also has made you, and I, likewise, have been formed of the same clay.Job 33:6

Job 33:14 God speaks once, and he does not repeat the same thing a second time.Job 33:14

Job 34:31 Therefore, since I have been speaking about God, I will not prevent you from doing the same.Job 34:31

Number of the word / term Same in Job: 6

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 9:15 I will exult in your salvation. The Gentiles have become trapped in the ruin that they made. Their foot has been caught in the same snare that they themselves had hidden.Psalm 9:15

Psalm 29:6 And it will break them into pieces, like a calf of Lebanon, and in the same way as the beloved son of the single-horned beast.Psalm 29:6

Psalm 37:20 for sinners will perish. Truly, the adversaries of the Lord, soon after they have been honored and exalted, will fade away, in the same way that smoke fades away.Psalm 37:20

Psalm 41:6 And when he came in to see me, he was speaking emptiness. His heart gathered iniquity to itself. He went outside, and he was speaking in the same way.Psalm 41:6

Psalm 68:23 so that your feet may be soaked in the blood of your enemies, so that the tongue of your dogs may be soaked with the same.Psalm 68:23

Psalm 78:57 And they turned themselves aside, and they did not serve the covenant. In the same manner as their fathers, they were turned backwards, like a crooked bow.Psalm 78:57

Psalm 79:12 And repay our neighbors sevenfold within their sinews. It is the reproach of the same ones who brought reproach against you, O Lord.Psalm 79:12

Psalm 105:10 And he stationed the same for Jacob with a precept, and for Israel with an eternal testament,Psalm 105:10

Psalm 105:32 He gave them a shower of hail and a burning fire, in the same land.Psalm 105:32

Number of the word / term Same in Psalm: 9

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 10:4 The neglectful hand has wrought destitution. But the hand of the steadfast prepares riches. He who advances by lies, this one feeds on the wind. For he is the same as one who runs after flying birds.Proverbs 10:4

Proverbs 24:12 If you would say: “I do not have sufficient strength.” He who inspects the heart, the same one understands, and nothing slips past the one who preserves your soul. And he shall repay a man according to his works.Proverbs 24:12

Proverbs 26:23 In the same manner as an earthen vessel, if it were adorned with impure silver, conceited lips are allied with a wicked heart.Proverbs 26:23

Proverbs 28:26 Whoever trusts in his own heart is a fool. But whoever treads wisely, the same shall be saved.Proverbs 28:26

Proverbs 31:30 Charm is false, and beauty is vain. The woman who fears the Lord, the same shall be praised.Proverbs 31:30

Number of the word / term Same in Proverbs: 5

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 1:9 What is it that has existed? The same shall exist in the future. What is it that has been done? The same shall continue to be done.Ecclesiastes 1:9

Ecclesiastes 3:15 What has been made, the same continues. What is in the future, has already existed. And God restores what has passed away.Ecclesiastes 3:15

Ecclesiastes 5:16 It is an utterly miserable infirmity that, in the same manner as he has arrived, so shall he return. How then does it benefit him, since he has labored for the wind?Ecclesiastes 5:16

Ecclesiastes 6:6 Even if he were to live for two thousand years, and yet not thoroughly enjoy what is good, does not each one hurry on to the same place?Ecclesiastes 6:6

Ecclesiastes 8:10 I have seen the impious buried. These same, while they were still living, were in the holy place, and they were praised in the city as workers of justice. But this, too, is emptiness.Ecclesiastes 8:10

Ecclesiastes 9:3 This is a very great burden among all things that are done under the sun: that the same things happen to everyone. And when the hearts of the sons of men are filled with malice and contempt in their lives, afterwards they shall be dragged down to hell.Ecclesiastes 9:3

Ecclesiastes 11:5 In the same manner that you do not know the way of the spirit, nor the way that bones are joined together in the womb of a pregnant woman, so you do not know the works of God, who is the Maker of all.Ecclesiastes 11:5

Number of the word / term Same in Ecclesiastes: 7

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 3:12 As for my people, their oppressors have despoiled them, and women have ruled over them. My people, who call you blessed, the same are deceiving you and disrupting the path of your steps.Isaiah 3:12

Isaiah 10:10 In the same manner as my hand reached the kingdoms of the idol, so also will it reach their false images, those of Jerusalem and of Samaria.Isaiah 10:10

Isaiah 11:10 In that day, the root of Jesse, who stands as a sign among the people, the same the Gentiles shall beseech, and his sepulcher will be glorious.Isaiah 11:10

Isaiah 14:24 The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying: Surely, just as I have considered it, so shall it be, and in the same manner as I have drawn it through my mind,Isaiah 14:24

Isaiah 20:2 in that same time, the Lord spoke by the hand of Isaiah, the son of Amoz, saying: “Go forth, and remove the sackcloth from your waist, and take your shoes from your feet.” And he did so, going out naked and barefoot.Isaiah 20:2

Isaiah 31:4 For the Lord says this to me: In the same way that a lion roars, and a young lion is over his prey, and though a multitude of shepherds may meet him, he will not dread their voice, nor be afraid of their number, so will the Lord of hosts descend in order to battle upon mount Zion and upon its hill.Isaiah 31:4

Isaiah 31:6 Be converted to the same depth that you have drawn away, O sons of Israel.Isaiah 31:6

Isaiah 42:22 But this same people has robbed and laid waste. All their youth are a snare, and they have been hidden in houses of confinement. They have become victims; there is no one who may rescue them. They have been plundered; there is no one who may say, “Restore.”Isaiah 42:22

Isaiah 43:10 You are my witnesses, says the Lord, and you are my servant, whom I have chosen, so that you may know, and may believe in me, and so that you may understand that I am the same. Before me, there was no god formed, and after me there will be none.Isaiah 43:10

Isaiah 43:13 And from the beginning, I am the same. And there is no one who can rescue from my hand. I act, and who can turn it aside?Isaiah 43:13

Isaiah 46:4 Even to your old age, I am the same. And even with your grey hairs, I will carry you. I have made you, and I will sustain you. I will carry you, and I will save you.Isaiah 46:4

Isaiah 48:12 Listen to me, O Jacob, and Israel whom I call. I am the same, I am the first, and I am the last.Isaiah 48:12

Isaiah 55:10 And in the same manner as rain and snow descend from heaven, and no longer return there, but soak the earth, and water it, and cause it to bloom and to provide seed to the sower and bread to the hungry,Isaiah 55:10

Isaiah 65:8 Thus says the Lord: In the same way as it is said about a grain found in a cluster, “Do not destroy it, because it is a blessing,” so will I act for the sake of my servants, so that I may not destroy the whole.Isaiah 65:8

Isaiah 66:20 And they will lead all of your brothers from all of the Gentiles as a gift to the Lord, on horses, and in four-horse chariots, and on stretchers, and on mules, and in coaches, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, says the Lord, in the same manner that the sons of Israel would carry an offering in a pure vessel into the house of the Lord.Isaiah 66:20

Number of the word / term Same in Isaiah: 15

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 2:26 In the same way that a thief is confounded when he has been apprehended, so the house of Israel has been confounded, they and their kings, their leaders and priests and prophets.Jeremiah 2:26

Jeremiah 3:18 In those days, the house of Judah will go to the house of Israel, and they will come from the land of the north, at the same time, to the land that I gave to your fathers.Jeremiah 3:18

Jeremiah 3:20 But, in the same way that a woman spurns her lover, so also has the house of Israel spurned me, says the Lord.”Jeremiah 3:20

Jeremiah 13:9 “Thus says the Lord: In the same way, I will cause the arrogance of Judah and the arrogance of Jerusalem to rot.Jeremiah 13:9

Jeremiah 19:11 And you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord of hosts: In the same way, I will crush this people and this city, just as the potter’s vessel was crushed and cannot be made whole again. And they will be buried at Topheth, because there will be no other place for burial.Jeremiah 19:11

Jeremiah 25:1 The word that came to Jeremiah about all the people of Judah, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, the king of Judah. The same is the first year of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon.Jeremiah 25:1

Jeremiah 32:1 The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord in the tenth year of Zedekiah, the king of Judah. The same is the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar.Jeremiah 32:1

Jeremiah 41:9 Now the cistern, into which Ishmael cast all the dead bodies of the men whom he had struck down because of Gedaliah, is the same one that king Asa made out of fear of Baasha, the king of Israel. This same cistern Ishmael, the son of Nethaniah, filled with those who were slain.Jeremiah 41:9

Jeremiah 46:21 Her hired hands also, who move within her midst, like fatted calves have been turned back, and they have fled at the same time, and they are not able to stand firm. For the day of their passing away has overwhelmed them; it is the time of their visitation.Jeremiah 46:21

Number of the word / term Same in Jeremiah: 9

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 1:2 On the fifth of the month, the same is the fifth year of the transmigration of king Joachin,Ezekiel 1:2

Ezekiel 1:19 And when the living creatures advanced, the wheels advanced together with them. And when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels, too, were lifted up at the same time.Ezekiel 1:19

Ezekiel 3:18 If, when I say to the impious man, ‘You shall certainly die,’ you do not announce it to him, and you do not speak so that he may turn aside from his impious way and live, then the same impious man will die in his iniquity. But I will attribute his blood to your hand.Ezekiel 3:18

Ezekiel 8:5 And he said to me: “Son of man, lift up your eyes to the way of the north.” And I lifted up my eyes to the way of the north. And behold, from the north of the gate of the altar was the idol of rivalry, at the same entrance.Ezekiel 8:5

Ezekiel 10:22 And, concerning the appearance of their faces, these were the same faces that I had seen beside the river Chebar, and the gaze and force of each one of them was to go before his face.Ezekiel 10:22

Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine. Just as the soul of the father is mine, so also is the soul of the son. The soul that sins, the same shall die.Ezekiel 18:4

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sins, the same shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, and the father shall not bear the iniquity of the son. The justice of the just man shall be upon himself, but the impiety of the impious man shall be upon himself.Ezekiel 18:20

Ezekiel 23:13 And I saw that she had been defiled, and that they both took the same path.Ezekiel 23:13

Ezekiel 23:38 But they have done even this to me: They have defiled my sanctuary on the same day, and they have profaned my Sabbaths.Ezekiel 23:38

Ezekiel 23:39 And when they immolated their children to their idols, they also entered my sanctuary on the same day, so that they defiled it. They have done these things, even in the midst of my house.Ezekiel 23:39

Ezekiel 40:4 And the same man said to me: “Son of man, look with your eyes, and listen with your ears, and set your heart upon all that I will reveal to you. For you have been brought to this place, so that these things may be revealed to you. Announce all that you see to the house of Israel.”Ezekiel 40:4

Ezekiel 40:24 And he led me to the way of the south, and behold, there was a gate which looked toward the south. And he measured its front and its vestibule to be the same as the measures above.Ezekiel 40:24

Ezekiel 40:29 Its chamber, and its front, and its vestibule had the same measures. And its windows and its vestibule all around were fifty cubits in length, and twenty-five cubits in width.Ezekiel 40:29

Ezekiel 41:25 And cherubim were engraved in the same doors of the temple, with the figures of palm trees, as were depicted also on the walls. For this reason also, the boards were thicker in the front of the vestibule on the exterior.Ezekiel 41:25

Ezekiel 44:3 to the prince. The prince himself will sit at it, so that he may eat bread before the Lord; he will enter by the way of the vestibule of the gate, and he will depart by the same way.”Ezekiel 44:3

Ezekiel 45:7 Appoint the same for the prince, on one side and on the other, in the separation of the sanctuary, and in the possession of the city, opposite the face of the separation of the sanctuary, and opposite the face of the possession of the city, from the side of the sea even to the sea, and from the side of the east even to the east. And the length shall be just as in each part, from the western border even to the eastern border.Ezekiel 45:7

Ezekiel 46:3 And the people of the land shall adore at the entrance of the same gate, on the Sabbaths and on the new moons, in the sight of the Lord.Ezekiel 46:3

Ezekiel 46:8 And when the prince will enter, let him enter by the way of the vestibule of the gate, and let him go out by the same way.Ezekiel 46:8

Ezekiel 46:13 And daily he shall offer, as a holocaust to the Lord, an immaculate lamb of the same age. He shall offer it always in the morning.Ezekiel 46:13

Ezekiel 46:22 At the four corners of the court, little atriums were positioned, forty cubits in length, and thirty in width; each of the four were of the same measure.Ezekiel 46:22

Ezekiel 48:8 And beyond the border of Judah, from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea, there shall be the first-fruits, which you shall separate, twenty-five thousand in width, and in length, the same as each one of the portions from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea. And the sanctuary shall be in its midst.Ezekiel 48:8

Number of the word / term Same in Ezekiel: 21

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 3:6 But if anyone will not bow down and adore, in the same hour he will be cast into a furnace of burning fire.”Daniel 3:6

Daniel 3:8 And soon, about the same time, some influential Chaldeans came and accused the Jews,Daniel 3:8

Daniel 3:15 Therefore, if you are prepared now, whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet, pipe, lute, harp and psaltery, and of the symphony and every kind of music, prostrate yourselves and adore the statue which I have made. But if you will not adore, in the same hour you will be cast into the furnace of burning fire. And who is the God that will rescue you from my hand?”Daniel 3:15

Daniel 4:33 The same hour, the sentence was fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar, and he was driven away from among men, and he ate hay like an ox, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven, until his hair increased like the feathers of eagles, and his nails like those of birds.Daniel 4:33

Daniel 4:36 At the same time, my mind returned to me, and I arrived at the honor and glory of my kingdom. And my appearance was given back to me. And my nobles and my magistrates needed me. And I was restored to my kingdom, and even greater majesty was added to me.Daniel 4:36

Daniel 5:5 In the same hour, there appeared fingers, as of the hand of a man, writing on the surface of the wall, opposite the candlestick, in the king’s palace. And the king observed the part of the hand that wrote.Daniel 5:5

Daniel 5:30 That same night, king Belshazzar the Chaldean was killed.Daniel 5:30

Daniel 7:24 Moreover, the ten horns of the same kingdom will be ten kings, and another will rise up after them, and he will be mightier than the ones before him, and he will bring down three kings.Daniel 7:24

Daniel 8:21 Furthermore, the he-goat among she-goats is the king of the Greeks, and the great horn, which was between his eyes, is the same one, the first king.Daniel 8:21

Number of the word / term Same in Daniel: 9

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 2:15 And I will give to her, from the same place, her vinedressers, and the valley of Achor as a passage of hope. And she will sing there as in the days of her youth, and as in the days of her ascension from the land of Egypt.Hosea 2:15

Number of the word / term Same in Hosea: 1

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Amos

Amos 2:7 They grind the heads of the poor into the dust of the earth, and they divert the way of the humble. And the son, as well as his father, have gone to the same girl, so that they outrage my holy name.Amos 2:7

Number of the word / term Same in Amos: 1

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 10:4 From him will go forth the angle, from him the wooden peg, from him the bow of battle, from him every exactor at the same time.Zechariah 10:4

Number of the word / term Same in Zechariah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 3:4 Now the same John had a garment made from the hair of camels, and a leather belt around his waist. And his food was locusts and wild honey.Matthew 3:4

Matthew 7:21 Not all who say to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of heaven. But whoever does the will of my Father, who is in heaven, the same shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.Matthew 7:21

Matthew 10:22 And you will be hated by all for the sake of my name. But whoever will have persevered, even to the end, the same shall be saved.Matthew 10:22

Matthew 12:50 For anyone who does the will of my Father, who is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”Matthew 12:50

Matthew 24:13 But whoever will have persevered until the end, the same shall be saved.Matthew 24:13

Matthew 26:23 But he responded by saying: “He who dips his hand with me into the dish, the same will betray me.Matthew 26:23

Matthew 26:44 And leaving them behind, again he went and prayed for the third time, saying the same words.Matthew 26:44

Matthew 26:55 In that same hour, Jesus said to the crowds: “You went out, as if to a robber, with swords and clubs to seize me. Yet I sat daily with you, teaching in the temple, and you did not take hold of me.Matthew 26:55

Matthew 27:44 Then, the robbers who were crucified with him also reproached him with the very same thing.Matthew 27:44

Number of the word / term Same in Matthew: 9

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Mark

Mark 3:35 For whoever has done the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister and mother.”Mark 3:35

Mark 6:16 When Herod had heard it, he said, “John whom I beheaded, the same has risen again from the dead.”Mark 6:16

Mark 6:22 And when the daughter of the same Herodias had entered, and danced, and pleased Herod, along with those who were at table with him, the king said to the girl, “Request from me whatever you want, and I will give it to you.”Mark 6:22

Mark 10:10 And again, in the house, his disciples questioned him about the same thing.Mark 10:10

Mark 12:10 “And so, have you not read this scripture?: ‘The stone which the builders have rejected, the same has been made the head of the corner.Mark 12:10

Mark 13:13 And you will be hated by all for the sake of my name. But whoever will have persevered unto the end, the same will be saved.Mark 13:13

Mark 14:39 And going away again, he prayed, saying the same words.Mark 14:39

Number of the word / term Same in Mark: 7

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Luke

Luke 1:2 just as they have been handed on to those of us who from the beginning saw the same and were ministers of the word,Luke 1:2

Luke 2:8 And there were shepherds in the same region, being vigilant and keeping watch in the night over their flock.Luke 2:8

Luke 2:38 And entering at the same hour, she confessed to the Lord. And she spoke about him to all who were awaiting the redemption of Israel.Luke 2:38

Luke 5:10 Now the same was true of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were associates of Simon. And Jesus said to Simon: “Do not be afraid. From now on, you will be catching men.”Luke 5:10

Luke 6:23 Be glad in that day and exult. For behold, your reward is great in heaven. For these same things their fathers did to the prophets.Luke 6:23

Luke 6:26 Woe to you when men will have blessed you. For these same things their fathers did to the false prophets.Luke 6:26

Luke 6:31 And exactly as you would want people to treat you, treat them also the same.Luke 6:31

Luke 6:34 And if you will loan to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is due to you? For even sinners lend to sinners, in order to receive the same in return.Luke 6:34

Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you: a good measure, pressed down and shaken together and overflowing, they will place upon your lap. Certainly, the same measure that you use to measure out, will be used to measure back to you again.”Luke 6:38

Luke 7:21 Now in that same hour, he cured many of their diseases and wounds and evil spirits; and to many of the blind, he gave sight.Luke 7:21

Luke 9:48 And he said to them: “Whoever will receive this child in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives him who sent me. For whoever is the lesser among you all, the same is greater.”Luke 9:48

Luke 10:7 And remain in the same house, eating and drinking the things that are with them. For the worker is worthy of his pay. Do not choose to pass from house to house.Luke 10:7

Luke 10:21 In the same hour, he exulted in the Holy Spirit, and he said: “I confess to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the prudent, and have revealed them to little ones. It is so, Father, because this way was pleasing before you.Luke 10:21

Luke 10:31 And it happened that a certain priest was descending along the same way. And seeing him, he passed by.Luke 10:31

Luke 12:12 For the Holy Spirit will teach you, in the same hour, what you must say.”Luke 12:12

Luke 13:31 On the same day, some of the Pharisees approached, saying to him: “Depart, and go away from here. For Herod wishes to kill you.”Luke 13:31

Luke 20:17 Then, gazing at them, he said: “Then what does this mean, which is written: ‘The stone which the builders have rejected, the same has become the head of the corner?’Luke 20:17

Luke 20:19 And the leaders of the priests, and the scribes, were seeking to lay hands on him in that same hour, but they feared the people. For they realized that he had spoken this parable about them.Luke 20:19

Luke 23:40 But the other responded by rebuking him, saying: “Do you have no fear of God, since you are under the same condemnation?Luke 23:40

Luke 24:13 And behold, two of them went out, on the same day, to a town named Emmaus, which was the distance of sixty stadia from Jerusalem.Luke 24:13

Luke 24:33 And rising up at that same hour, they returned to Jerusalem. And they found the eleven gathered together, and those who were with them,Luke 24:33

Number of the word / term Same in Luke: 21

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book John

John 1:27 The same is he who is to come after me, who has been placed ahead of me, the laces of whose shoes I am not worthy to loosen.”John 1:27

John 4:53 Then the father realized that it was at the same hour that Jesus said to him, “Your son lives.” And both he and his entire household believed.John 4:53

John 5:38 And you do not have his word abiding in you. For the one whom he sent, the same you would not believe.John 5:38

John 6:57 Just as the living Father has sent me and I live because of the Father, so also whoever eats me, the same shall live because of me.John 6:57

John 11:6 Even so, after he heard that he was sick, he then still remained in the same place for two days.John 11:6

John 12:48 Whoever despises me and does not accept my words has one who judges him. The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him on the last day.John 12:48

John 14:12 Or else, believe because of these same works. Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me shall also do the works that I do. And greater things than these shall he do, for I go to the Father.John 14:12

John 20:19 Then, when it was late on the same day, on the first of the Sabbaths, and the doors were closed where the disciples were gathered, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst, and he said to them: “Peace to you.”John 20:19

John 21:24 This is the same disciple who offers testimony about these things, and who has written these things. And we know that his testimony is true.John 21:24

Number of the word / term Same in John: 9

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Acts

Acts 1:11 And they said: “Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking up toward heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, shall return in just the same way that you have seen him going up to heaven.”Acts 1:11

Acts 2:1 And when the days of Pentecost were completed, they were all together in the same place.Acts 2:1

Acts 2:36 Therefore, may the entire house of Israel know most certainly that God has made this same Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.”Acts 2:36

Acts 3:10 And they recognized him, that he was the same one who was sitting for alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple. And they were filled with awe and amazement at what had happened to him.Acts 3:10

Acts 3:22 Indeed, Moses said: ‘For the Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet for you from your brothers, one like me; the same shall you listen to according to everything whatsoever that he shall speak to you.Acts 3:22

Acts 7:20 In the same time, Moses was born. And he was in the grace of God, and he was nourished for three months in the house of his father.Acts 7:20

Acts 7:28 Could it be that you want to kill me, in the same way that you killed the Egyptian yesterday?’Acts 7:28

Acts 11:17 Therefore, if God gave them the same grace, as also to us, who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I, that I would be able to prohibit God?”Acts 11:17

Acts 12:1 Now at the same time, king Herod extended his hand, in order to afflict some from the Church.Acts 12:1

Acts 12:6 And when Herod was ready to produce him, in that same night, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, and was bound with two chains. And there were guards in front of the door, guarding the prison.Acts 12:6

Acts 15:11 But by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, we believe in order to be saved, in the same manner also as them.”Acts 15:11

Acts 15:27 Therefore, we have sent Judas and Silas, who themselves also will, with the spoken word, reaffirm to you the same things.Acts 15:27

Acts 16:18 Now she behaved in this way for many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you, in the name of Jesus Christ, to go out from her.” And it went away in that same hour.Acts 16:18

Acts 16:33 And he, taking them in the same hour of the night, washed their scourges. And he was baptized, and next his entire household.Acts 16:33

Acts 18:3 And because he was of the same trade, he lodged with them and was working. (Now they were tentmakers by trade.)Acts 18:3

Acts 19:25 And calling them together, with those who were employed in the same way, he said: “Men, you know that our income is from this craft.Acts 19:25

Acts 22:13 drawing near to me and standing close by, said to me, ‘Brother Saul, see!’ And in that same hour, I looked upon him.Acts 22:13

Acts 25:5 “Therefore,” he said, “let those among you who are able, descend at the same time, and if there is any guilt in the man, they may accuse him.”Acts 25:5

Acts 27:25 Because of this, men, be courageous in soul. For I trust God that this will happen in the same way that it has been told to me.Acts 27:25

Acts 27:40 And when they had taken up the anchors, they committed themselves to the sea, at the same time loosing the restraints of the rudders. And so, raising the mainsail to the gusting wind, they pressed on toward the shore.Acts 27:40

Number of the word / term Same in Acts: 20

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Romans

Romans 2:1 For this reason, O man, each one of you who judges is inexcusable. For by that which you judge another, you condemn yourself. For you do the same things that you judge.Romans 2:1

Romans 4:24 but also for our sake. For the same shall be reputed to us, if we believe in him who raised up our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead,Romans 4:24

Romans 9:21 And does not the potter have the authority over the clay to make, from the same material, indeed, one vessel unto honor, yet truly another unto disgrace?Romans 9:21

Romans 10:12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek. For the same Lord is over all, richly in all who call upon him.Romans 10:12

Romans 11:5 Therefore, in the same way, again in this time, there is a remnant that has been saved in accord with the choice of grace.Romans 11:5

Romans 12:4 For just as, within one body, we have many parts, though all the parts do not have the same role,Romans 12:4

Romans 12:16 Be of the same mind toward one another: not savoring what is exalted, but consenting in humility. Do not choose to seem wise to yourself.Romans 12:16

Number of the word / term Same in Romans: 7

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 1:10 And so, I beg you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that every one of you speak in the same way, and that there be no schisms among you. So may you become perfect, with the same mind and with the same judgment.1 Corinthians 1:10

1 Corinthians 1:31 And so, in the same way, it was written: “Whoever glories, should glory in the Lord.”1 Corinthians 1:31

1 Corinthians 7:20 Let each and every one remain in the same calling to which he was called.1 Corinthians 7:20

1 Corinthians 10:3 And they all ate of the same spiritual food.1 Corinthians 10:3

1 Corinthians 10:4 And they all drank of the same spiritual drink. And so, they all were drinking of the spiritual rock seeking to obtain them; and that rock was Christ.1 Corinthians 10:4

1 Corinthians 11:5 But every woman praying or prophesying with her head not covered disgraces her head. For it is the same as if her head were shaven.1 Corinthians 11:5

1 Corinthians 11:23 For I have received from the Lord what I have also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus, on the same night that he was handed over, took bread,1 Corinthians 11:23

1 Corinthians 12:4 Truly, there are diverse graces, but the same Spirit.1 Corinthians 12:4

1 Corinthians 12:5 And there are diverse ministries, but the same Lord.1 Corinthians 12:5

1 Corinthians 12:6 And there are diverse works, but the same God, who works everything in everyone.1 Corinthians 12:6

1 Corinthians 12:8 Certainly, to one, through the Spirit, is given words of wisdom; but to another, according to the same Spirit, words of knowledge;1 Corinthians 12:8

1 Corinthians 12:9 to another, in the same Spirit, faith; to another, in the one Spirit, the gift of healing;1 Corinthians 12:9

1 Corinthians 12:11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one according to his will.1 Corinthians 12:11

1 Corinthians 15:39 Not all flesh is the same flesh. But one is indeed of men, another truly is of beasts, another is of birds, and another is of fish.1 Corinthians 15:39

Number of the word / term Same in 1 Corinthians: 14

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 1:6 So, if we are in tribulation, it is for your exhortation and salvation, or if we are in consolation, it is for your consolation, or if we are exhorted, it is for your exhortation and salvation, which results in the patience endurance of the same passion which we also endure.2 Corinthians 1:6

2 Corinthians 2:3 And so, I wrote this same thing to you, so that I might not, when I arrive, add sorrow to sorrow for those with whom I ought to rejoice, having confidence in you in all things, so that my joy may be entirely yours.2 Corinthians 2:3

2 Corinthians 3:14 for their minds were obtuse. And, even until this present day, the very same veil, in the readings from the Old Testament, remains not taken away (though, in Christ, it is taken away).2 Corinthians 3:14

2 Corinthians 3:18 Yet truly, all of us, as we gaze upon the unveiled glory of the face of the Lord, are transfigured into the same image, from one glory to another. And this is done by the Spirit of the Lord.2 Corinthians 3:18

2 Corinthians 4:13 But we have the same Spirit of faith. And just as it is written, “I believed, and for that reason I spoke,” so we also believe, and for that reason, we also speak.2 Corinthians 4:13

2 Corinthians 6:13 But since we have the same recompense, (I am speaking as if to my own sons), you, too, should be enlarged.2 Corinthians 6:13

2 Corinthians 7:8 For though I made you sorrowful by my epistle, I do not repent. And if I did repent, but only for a time, having realized that the same epistle made you sorrowful,2 Corinthians 7:8

2 Corinthians 7:11 So consider this same idea, being sorrowful according to God, and what great solicitude it accomplishes in you: including protection, and indignation, and fear, and desire, and zeal, and vindication. In all things, you have shown yourselves to be uncorrupted by this sorrow.2 Corinthians 7:11

2 Corinthians 8:6 so much so that we petitioned Titus, that in the same manner as he had begun, he would also complete in you this same grace.2 Corinthians 8:6

2 Corinthians 8:11 So, truly now, accomplish this in deed, so that, in the same manner as your willing mind is prompted, you may also act, out of that which you have.2 Corinthians 8:11

2 Corinthians 8:16 But thanks be to God, who has granted to the heart of Titus, this same solicitude for you.2 Corinthians 8:16

2 Corinthians 10:11 Let someone like this realize that whatever we are in word through epistles, while absent: we are much the same in deed, while present.2 Corinthians 10:11

2 Corinthians 12:18 I asked for Titus, and I sent a brother with him. Did Titus defraud you? Did we not walk with the same spirit? Did we not walk in the same steps?2 Corinthians 12:18

2 Corinthians 13:11 As to the rest, brothers, rejoice, be perfect, be encouraged, have the same mind, have peace. And so the God of peace and love will be with you.2 Corinthians 13:11

Number of the word / term Same in 2 Corinthians: 14

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 4:26 But that Jerusalem which is above is free; the same is our mother.Galatians 4:26

Number of the word / term Same in Galatians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Ephesians

Ephesians 3:6 so that the Gentiles would be co-heirs, and of the same body, and partners together, by his promise in Christ Jesus, through the Gospel.Ephesians 3:6

Ephesians 4:10 He who descended is the same one who also ascended above all the heavens, so that he might fulfill everything.Ephesians 4:10

Ephesians 4:11 And the same one granted that some would be Apostles, and some Prophets, yet truly others evangelists, and others pastors and teachers,Ephesians 4:11

Ephesians 6:8 For you know that whatever good each one will do, the same will he receive from the Lord, whether he is servant or free.Ephesians 6:8

Number of the word / term Same in Ephesians: 4

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Philippians

Philippians 1:30 engaging in the same struggle, of a kind which you also have seen in me, and which you now have heard from me.Philippians 1:30

Philippians 2:2 complete my joy by having the same understanding, holding to the same charity, being of one mind, with the same sentiment.Philippians 2:2

Philippians 2:18 And over this same thing, you also should rejoice and give thanks, together with me.Philippians 2:18

Philippians 3:1 Concerning other things, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. It is certainly not tiresome for me to write the same things to you, but for you, it is not necessary.Philippians 3:1

Philippians 3:7 But the things which had been to my gain, the same have I considered a loss, for the sake of Christ.Philippians 3:7

Philippians 3:16 Yet truly, whatever point we reach, let us be of the same mind, and let us remain in the same rule.Philippians 3:16

Philippians 4:2 I ask Euodia, and I beg Syntyche, to have the same understanding in the Lord.Philippians 4:2

Number of the word / term Same in Philippians: 7

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 1:5 For our Gospel has not been among you in word alone, but also in virtue, and in the Holy Spirit, and with a great fullness, in the same manner as you know we have acted among you for your sake.1 Thessalonians 1:5

1 Thessalonians 2:14 For you, brothers, have become imitators of the churches of God which are at Judea, in Christ Jesus. For you, too, have suffered the same things from your fellow countrymen as they have suffered from the Jews,1 Thessalonians 2:14

Number of the word / term Same in 1 Thessalonians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 5:13 And being at the same time also idle, they learn to go from house to house, being not only idle, but also talkative and curious, speaking of things which do not concern them.1 Timothy 5:13

1 Timothy 6:2 But those who have believing masters, let them not despise them because they are brothers, but rather serve them all the more because they are believing and beloved, participants of the same service. Teach and exhort these things.1 Timothy 6:2

Number of the word / term Same in 1 Timothy: 2

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 2 Timothy

2 Timothy 1:5 calling to mind the same faith, which is in you unfeigned, which also first dwelt in your grandmother, Lois, and in your mother, Eunice, and also, I am certain, in you.2 Timothy 1:5

2 Timothy 3:8 And in the same manner that Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so also will these resist the truth, men corrupted in mind, reprobates from the faith.2 Timothy 3:8

Number of the word / term Same in 2 Timothy: 2

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 1:12 And you will change them like a cloak, and they shall be changed. Yet you are ever the same, and your years will not diminish.”Hebrews 1:12

Hebrews 2:14 Therefore, because children have a common flesh and blood, he himself also, in like manner, has shared in the same, so that through death, he might destroy him who held the dominion of death, that is, the devil,Hebrews 2:14

Hebrews 3:15 For it has been said: “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts, in the same manner as in the former provocation.”Hebrews 3:15

Hebrews 4:3 For we who have believed shall enter into rest, in the same manner as he said: “So it is as I have sworn in my wrath: They shall not enter into my rest!” And certainly, this is when the works from the foundation of the world have been finished.Hebrews 4:3

Hebrews 4:10 For whoever has entered into his rest, the same has also rested from his works, just as God did from his.Hebrews 4:10

Hebrews 4:11 Therefore, let us hasten to enter into that rest, so that no one may fall into the same example of unbelief.Hebrews 4:11

Hebrews 5:3 And because of this, he also must make such offerings for sins even for himself, in the same manner as for the people.Hebrews 5:3

Hebrews 6:11 Yet we desire that each one of you display the same solicitude toward the fulfillment of hope, even unto the end,Hebrews 6:11

Hebrews 9:27 And in the same manner as it has been appointed for men to die one time, and after this, to be judged,Hebrews 9:27

Hebrews 10:1 For the law contains the shadow of future good things, not the very image of these things. So, by the very same sacrifices which they offer ceaselessly each year, they can never cause these to approach perfection.Hebrews 10:1

Hebrews 10:11 And certainly, every priest stands by, ministering daily, and frequently offering the same sacrifices, which are never able to take away sins.Hebrews 10:11

Hebrews 11:9 By faith, he stayed in the Land of the Promise as if in a foreign land, dwelling in cottages, with Isaac and Jacob, co-heirs of the same promise.Hebrews 11:9

Number of the word / term Same in Hebrews: 12

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book James

James 3:10 From the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so!James 3:10

James 3:11 Does a fountain emit, out of the same opening, both sweet and bitter water?James 3:11

Number of the word / term Same in James: 2

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 1 Peter

1 Peter 2:7 Therefore, to you who believe, he is honor. But to those who do not believe, the stone which the builders have rejected, the same has been made into the head of the corner,1 Peter 2:7

1 Peter 4:1 Since Christ has suffered in the flesh, you also should be armed with the same intention. For he who suffers in the flesh desists from sin,1 Peter 4:1

1 Peter 4:4 About this, they wonder why you do not rush with them into the same confusion of indulgences, blaspheming.1 Peter 4:4

1 Peter 4:10 Just as each of you has received grace, minister in the same way to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.1 Peter 4:10

1 Peter 5:9 Resist him by being strong in faith, being aware that the same passions afflict those who are your brothers in the world.1 Peter 5:9

Number of the word / term Same in 1 Peter: 5

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 2 Peter

2 Peter 1:3 in the same manner that all things which are for life and piety have been given to us by his Divine virtue, through the plan of him who has called us to our own glory and virtue.2 Peter 1:3

2 Peter 3:7 But the heavens and the earth that exist now were restored by the same Word, being reserved unto fire on the day of judgment, and unto the perdition of impious men.2 Peter 3:7

Number of the word / term Same in 2 Peter: 2

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book 2 John

2 John 1:6 And this is love: that we walk according to his commandments. For this is the commandment that you have heard in the same way from the beginning, and in which you should walk.2 John 1:6

Number of the word / term Same in 2 John: 1

Bible passages with ‘Same’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 2:16 So do penance to the same extent. If you do less, I will come to you quickly and I will fight against these ones with the sword of my mouth.Revelation 2:16

Revelation 2:28 The same I also have received from my Father. And I will give to him the morning star.Revelation 2:28

Revelation 17:11 And the beast who was, and is not, the same is also the eighth, and he is of the seven, and he goes forth unto destruction.Revelation 17:11

Number of the word / term ‘Same’ in Revelation: 3

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 442

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