Our Little Concordance

‘Root’ in the Bible – All 66 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Root’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Root’ occurs 66 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 22:4 said to those greater by birth of Midian: “So will this people wipe away all those who are dwelling within our borders, in the same way that the ox is accustomed to tear out grass, all the way to the roots.” At that time, he was king of Moab.Numbers 22:4

Number of the word / term Root in Numbers: 1

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 29:18 so that there would not be among you man or woman, family or tribe, whose heart has been turned away this day from the Lord our God, so as to go and serve the gods of those nations. For then there would be among you a root springing forth gall and bitterness.Deuteronomy 29:18

Number of the word / term Root in Deuteronomy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 19:30 And whatever will have been left behind, from the house of Judah, shall send a root downward, and shall bear fruit upward.2 Kings 19:30

Number of the word / term Root in 2 Kings: 1

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Esther

Esther 1:2 when he sat on the throne of his kingdom, the city of Susa was the root of his kingdom.Esther 1:2

Number of the word / term Root in Esther: 1

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Job

Job 5:3 I have seen a fool with a strong root, and I have cursed his excellence without hesitation.Job 5:3

Job 8:17 His roots will crowd together over a heap of stones, and among the stones he will remain.Job 8:17

Job 14:8 If its roots grow old in the earth, and its trunk passes into dust,Job 14:8

Job 15:29 He will not be enriched, nor will his basic necessities endure, nor will he establish his root in the earth.Job 15:29

Job 18:16 Let his roots be dried up from beneath him, and his harvest be crushed from above.Job 18:16

Job 29:19 My root has been spread beside the waters, and the dew will remain with my harvest.Job 29:19

Job 30:4 And they chewed grass and the bark from trees, and the root of junipers was their food.Job 30:4

Job 31:12 It is a fire devouring all the way to perdition, and it roots out all that springs forth.Job 31:12

Number of the word / term Root in Job: 8

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 52:5 Because of this, God will destroy you in the end. He will pull you up, and he will remove you from your tabernacle and your root from the land of the living.Psalm 52:5

Psalm 80:9 You were the leader of the journey in its sight. You planted its roots, and it filled the earth.Psalm 80:9

Number of the word / term Root in Psalm: 2

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 12:3 Man will not be made strong from impiety. And the root of the just shall not be moved.Proverbs 12:3

Proverbs 12:12 The desire of the impious is the fortification of what is most wicked. But the root of the just shall prosper.Proverbs 12:12

Number of the word / term Root in Proverbs: 2

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 5:24 Because of this, as the tongue of fire devours stubble, and as the heat of a flame burns it completely, so will their root become like glowing embers, and so will their offshoot ascend like dust. For they have cast aside the law of the Lord of hosts, and they have blasphemed the eloquence of the Holy One of Israel.Isaiah 5:24

Isaiah 11:1 And a rod will go forth from the root of Jesse, and a flower will ascend from his root.Isaiah 11:1

Isaiah 11:10 In that day, the root of Jesse, who stands as a sign among the people, the same the Gentiles shall beseech, and his sepulcher will be glorious.Isaiah 11:10

Isaiah 14:29 You should not rejoice, all you of Philistia, that the rod of him who struck you has been crushed. For from the root of the serpent will go forth a king snake, and his offspring will engulf that which flies.Isaiah 14:29

Isaiah 14:30 And the firstborn of the poor will be pastured, and the poor will rest in faithfulness. And I will cause your root to pass away by famine, and I will put to death your remnant.Isaiah 14:30

Isaiah 37:31 And what will be saved from the house of Judah, and what is left behind, will form deep roots, and will bear high fruits.Isaiah 37:31

Isaiah 53:2 And he will rise up like a tender plant in his sight, and like a root from the thirsty ground. There is no beautiful or stately appearance in him. For we looked upon him, and there was no aspect, such that we would desire him.Isaiah 53:2

Number of the word / term Root in Isaiah: 7

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 1:10 Behold, today I have appointed you over nations and over kingdoms, so that you may root up, and pull down, and destroy, and scatter, and so that you may build and plant.”Jeremiah 1:10

Jeremiah 12:2 You planted them, and they took root. They are prospering and bearing fruit. You are near to their mouths, but far from their hearts.Jeremiah 12:2

Jeremiah 12:14 Thus says the Lord against all my wicked neighbors, who touch the inheritance that I have distributed to my people Israel: “Behold, I will root them out of their own land, and I will root the house of Judah out of their midst.Jeremiah 12:14

Jeremiah 17:8 And he will be like a tree planted beside waters, which sends out its roots to moist soil. And it will not fear when the heat arrives. And its leaves will be green. And in the time of drought, it will not be anxious, nor will it cease at any time to bear fruit.Jeremiah 17:8

Jeremiah 31:28 And just as I have watched over them, so that I may root up, and tear down, and scatter, and destroy, and afflict, so will I watch over them, so that I may build and plant them, says the Lord.Jeremiah 31:28

Number of the word / term Root in Jeremiah: 5

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 16:3 And you shall say: Thus says the Lord God to Jerusalem: Your root and your lineage is from the land of Canaan; your father was an Amorite, and your mother was a Cethite.Ezekiel 16:3

Ezekiel 17:5 And he took from the seed of the land and placed it in the ground for seed, so that it might take firm root above many waters; he placed it at the surface.Ezekiel 17:5

Ezekiel 17:6 And when it had germinated, it increased into a more extensive vine, low in height, with its branches facing toward itself. And its roots were underneath it. And so, it became a vine, and sprouted branches, and produced shoots.Ezekiel 17:6

Ezekiel 17:7 And there was another large eagle, with great wings and many feathers. And behold, this vine seemed to bend its roots towards him, extending its branches toward him, so that he might irrigate it from the garden of its germination.Ezekiel 17:7

Ezekiel 17:9 Speak: Thus says the Lord God: What if it does not prosper? Should he not pull up its roots, and strip off its fruit, and dry up all the branches that it has produced, and let it wither, though he is without a strong arm and without many people to pull it up by the root?Ezekiel 17:9

Ezekiel 31:4 The waters have nourished him. The abyss has exalted him. Its rivers have flowed around his roots, and it has sent forth its streams to all the trees of the regions.Ezekiel 31:4

Ezekiel 31:7 And he was most beautiful in his greatness and in the expansion of his groves. For his root was near many waters.Ezekiel 31:7

Number of the word / term Root in Ezekiel: 7

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 1:12 “I beg you to test us, your servants, for ten days, and let roots be given to us to eat and water to drink,Daniel 1:12

Daniel 1:16 Thereafter, Malasar took away their portions and their wine for drinking, and he gave them roots.Daniel 1:16

Daniel 4:15 Nevertheless, leave the stump of its roots in the earth, and let it be bound with a band of iron and brass among the plants, which are close by, and let it be touched by the dew of heaven, and let its place be with the wild animals among the plants of the earth.Daniel 4:15

Daniel 4:23 Yet the king also saw a watcher and a holy one descend from heaven and say: ‘Cut down the tree and scatter it; however, leave the stump of its roots in the earth, and let it be bound with iron and brass, among the surrounding plants, and let it be sprinkled with the dew of heaven, and let his feeding be with the wild beasts, until seven periods of time pass over him.’Daniel 4:23

Daniel 4:26 But, since he commanded that the stump of its roots, that is, of the tree, should be left behind, your kingdom will be left for you, after you have realized that power is from divinity.Daniel 4:26

Daniel 11:7 And a transplant from the germination of her roots will stand up, and he will come with an army, and will enter into the province of the king of the North, and he will abuse them, and will hold it fast.Daniel 11:7

Number of the word / term Root in Daniel: 6

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 9:16 Ephraim has been struck; their root has been dried out: by no means will they yield fruit. And even if they should conceive, I will execute the most beloved of their womb.Hosea 9:16

Hosea 14:5 I will be like the dew; Israel will spring forth like the lily, and his root will spread out like that of the cedars of Lebanon.Hosea 14:5

Number of the word / term Root in Hosea: 2

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Amos

Amos 2:9 Yet I exterminated the Amorites before their face, whose height was like the height of cedars, and whose strength was like the oak. And I crushed his fruit from above and his roots below.Amos 2:9

Amos 9:15 And I will plant them on their own soil. And I will no longer root them out of their own land, which I have given them, says the Lord your God.Amos 9:15

Number of the word / term Root in Amos: 2

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Micah

Micah 5:14 And I will root out your sacred groves from your midst, and I will crush your cities.Micah 5:14

Number of the word / term Root in Micah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Malachi

Malachi 4:1 For, behold, the day will arrive, kindled like a furnace, and all the arrogant and all those who act impiously will be stubble. And the approaching day will inflame them, says the Lord of hosts; it will leave behind for them neither root, nor sprout.Malachi 4:1

Number of the word / term Root in Malachi: 1

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 3:10 For even now the axe has been placed at the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree that does not produce good fruit shall be cut down and cast into the fire.Matthew 3:10

Matthew 5:29 And if your right eye causes you to sin, root it out and cast it away from you. For it is better for you that one of your members perish, than that your whole body be cast into Hell.Matthew 5:29

Matthew 13:6 But when the sun rose up, they were scorched, and because they had no roots, they withered.Matthew 13:6

Matthew 13:21 But he has no root in himself, so it is only for a time; then, when tribulation and persecution occur because of the word, he promptly stumbles.Matthew 13:21

Matthew 13:29 And he said: ‘No, lest perhaps in gathering the weeds, you might also root out the wheat together with it.Matthew 13:29

Matthew 18:9 And if your eye leads you to sin, root it out and cast it away from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, than to be sent into the fires of Hell having two eyes.Matthew 18:9

Number of the word / term Root in Matthew: 6

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Mark

Mark 4:6 And when the sun was risen, it was scorched. And because it had no root, it withered away.Mark 4:6

Mark 4:17 But they have no root in themselves, and so they are for a limited time. And when next tribulation and persecution arises because of the word, they quickly fall away.Mark 4:17

Mark 11:20 And when they passed by in the morning, they saw that the fig tree had dried up from the roots.Mark 11:20

Number of the word / term Root in Mark: 3

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Luke

Luke 3:9 For even now the axe has been placed at the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree that does not produce good fruit shall be cut down and cast into the fire.”Luke 3:9

Luke 8:13 Now those upon rock are those who, when they hear it, accept the word with joy, but these have no roots. So they believe for a time, but in a time of testing, they fall away.Luke 8:13

Number of the word / term Root in Luke: 2

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Romans

Romans 11:16 For if the first-fruit has been sanctified, so also has the whole. And if the root is holy, so also are the branches.Romans 11:16

Romans 11:17 And if some of the branches are broken, and if you, being a wild olive branch, are grafted on to them, and you become a partaker of the root and of the fatness of the olive tree,Romans 11:17

Romans 11:18 do not glorify yourself above the branches. For though you glory, you do not support the root, but the root supports you.Romans 11:18

Romans 15:12 And again, Isaiah says: “There shall be a root of Jesse, and he shall rise up to rule the Gentiles, and in him the Gentiles shall hope.”Romans 15:12

Number of the word / term Root in Romans: 4

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 6:10 For desire is the root of all evils. Some persons, hungering in this way, have strayed from the faith and have entangled themselves in many sorrows.1 Timothy 6:10

Number of the word / term Root in 1 Timothy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 12:15 Be contemplative, lest anyone lack the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness spring up and impede you, and by it, many might be defiled,Hebrews 12:15

Number of the word / term Root in Hebrews: 1

Bible passages with ‘Root’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 5:5 And one of the elders said to me: “Weep not. Behold, the lion from the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has prevailed to open the book and to break its seven seals.”Revelation 5:5

Revelation 22:16 “I, Jesus, have sent my Angel, to testify to these things for you among the Churches. I am the Root and the Origin of David, the bright morning Star.”Revelation 22:16

Number of the word / term ‘Root’ in Revelation: 2

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 66

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