Our Little Concordance

‘Resembled’ in the Bible – All 3 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Resembled’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Resembled’ occurs 3 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Resembled’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 1:15 and his feet resembled shining brass, just as in a burning furnace; and his voice was like the voice of many waters.Revelation 1:15

Revelation 4:7 And the first living creature resembled a lion, and the second living creature resembled a calf, and the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature resembled a flying eagle.Revelation 4:7

Revelation 9:7 And the likenesses of the locusts resembled horses prepared for battle. And upon their heads were something like crowns similar to gold. And their faces were like the faces of men.Revelation 9:7

Number of the word / term ‘Resembled’ in Revelation: 3

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 3

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