Our Little Concordance

‘Perish’ in the Bible – All 189 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Perish’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Perish’ occurs 189 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 18:24 If there were fifty of the just in the city, will they perish with the rest? And will you not spare that place for the sake of fifty of the just, if they were in it?Genesis 18:24

Genesis 19:15 And when it was morning, the Angels compelled him, saying, “Arise, take your wife, and the two daughters that you have, lest you also should perish amid the wickedness of the city.”Genesis 19:15

Genesis 19:17 And they brought him out, and placed him beyond the city. And there they spoke to him, saying: “Save your life. Do not look not back. Neither should you stay in the entire surrounding region. But save yourself in the mountain, lest you also should perish.”Genesis 19:17

Genesis 45:11 And there I will pasture you, (for there are still five years of famine remaining) lest both you and your house perish, along with all that you possess.’Genesis 45:11

Number of the word / term Perish in Genesis: 4

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 9:4 And the Lord will cause a miracle between the possessions of Israel and the possessions of the Egyptians, so that nothing at all will perish from those things which belong to the sons of Israel.”Exodus 9:4

Exodus 9:6 Therefore, the Lord accomplished this word the next day. And all the animals of the Egyptians died. Yet truly, of the animals of the sons of Israel, nothing at all perished.Exodus 9:6

Exodus 9:15 For now, extending my hand, I shall strike you and your people with pestilence, and you will perish from the earth.Exodus 9:15

Exodus 12:15 For seven days, you shall eat unleavened bread. On the first day there shall be no leaven in your houses. Whoever will consume anything leavened, from the first day, even until the seventh day, that soul shall perish from Israel.Exodus 12:15

Exodus 12:19 For seven days, there shall not be found leaven in your houses. Whoever will eat leaven, his soul will perish from the assembly of Israel, as much with the newcomers as with the natives of the land.Exodus 12:19

Exodus 19:21 he said to him: “Descend, and call the people to witness, lest they might be willing to transgress the limits, so as to see the Lord, and a very great multitude of them might perish.Exodus 19:21

Exodus 30:38 Whatever man will have made anything similar, so as to thoroughly enjoy its smell, he shall perish from his people.”Exodus 30:38

Exodus 31:14 Keep my Sabbath, for it is holy to you. Whoever will have polluted it, shall die a death. Whoever will have done any work in it, his soul shall perish from the midst of his people.Exodus 31:14

Number of the word / term Perish in Exodus: 8

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 7:20 If a soul which is polluted will have eaten from the flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings, which is offered to the Lord, he shall perish from his people.Leviticus 7:20

Leviticus 7:25 If anyone will have eaten the fat which ought to be offered as a burnt sacrifice of the Lord, he shall perish from his people.Leviticus 7:25

Leviticus 7:27 Every soul that will have eaten blood shall perish from his people.Leviticus 7:27

Leviticus 10:7 But you shall not depart from the door of the tabernacle; otherwise, you shall perish. For certainly the oil of holy anointing is upon you.” And they did all things according to the precept of Moses.Leviticus 10:7

Leviticus 17:4 and not have presented it as an oblation to the Lord at the door of the tabernacle, he shall be guilty of blood. It is just as if he had shed blood; so then, he shall perish from the midst of his people.Leviticus 17:4

Leviticus 17:14 For the life of all flesh is in the blood. Therefore, I said to the sons of Israel: You shall not eat the blood of any flesh at all, because the life of the flesh is in the blood, and whoever has eaten it shall perish.Leviticus 17:14

Leviticus 18:29 Every soul who shall commit any of these abominations shall perish from the midst of his people.Leviticus 18:29

Leviticus 19:8 And he shall bear his iniquity, for he has polluted what is holy to the Lord. And that soul shall perish from his people.Leviticus 19:8

Leviticus 22:3 Say to them and to their posterity: Every man of your stock, who approaches toward those things which have been consecrated, and which the sons of Israel have brought forward to the Lord, in whom there is uncleanness, shall perish before the Lord. I am the Lord.Leviticus 22:3

Leviticus 23:29 Every soul that has not been afflicted on this day shall perish from his people,Leviticus 23:29

Leviticus 26:38 You will perish among the Gentiles, and the land of the enemy will consume you.Leviticus 26:38

Number of the word / term Perish in Leviticus: 11

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 14:3 “If only we had died in Egypt,” and, “If only we would perish in this vast wilderness,” and, “May the Lord not lead us into this land, lest we fall by the sword, and our wives, as well as our children, be led away as captives. Is it not better to return to Egypt?”Numbers 14:3

Numbers 15:30 Yet truly, the soul who commits any of these acts through arrogance, whether he is a citizen or a sojourner, because he has rebelled against the Lord, shall perish from among his people.Numbers 15:30

Numbers 16:33 And they descended alive, the ground closing around them, into the underworld, and they perished from the midst of the mulititude.Numbers 16:33

Numbers 16:49 But the number of those who were struck down was fourteen thousand men, and seven hundred, aside from those who had perished in the sedition of Korah.Numbers 16:49

Numbers 18:3 And the Levites shall stand watch by your precepts, and for all the works of the tabernacle; yet in such a manner that they shall not approach the vessels of the Sanctuary and of the altar, lest both they die, and you perish, at the same time.Numbers 18:3

Numbers 19:13 Anyone who will have touched the dead body of a human life, and who has not been sprinkled with this mixture, pollutes the tabernacle of the Lord, and he shall perish out of Israel. For not having been sprinkled with the water of expiation, he shall be unclean, and his filth shall remain upon him.Numbers 19:13

Numbers 19:20 If anyone has not been expiated by this ritual, his soul shall perish from the midst of the Church. For he has polluted the Sanctuary of the Lord, and he has not been sprinkled with purifying waters.Numbers 19:20

Numbers 20:3 And as it turned into sedition, they said: “If only we had perished among our brothers in the sight of the Lord.Numbers 20:3

Numbers 24:19 From Jacob will be he who shall be ruler. And he shall perish the remnants of the city.”Numbers 24:19

Numbers 24:24 They shall arrive in Greek warships from Italy. They shall overcome the Assyrians, and they shall devastate the Hebrews, and yet, at the very end, even they themselves shall perish.”Numbers 24:24

Numbers 26:11 so that, when Korah perished, his sons did not perish.Numbers 26:11

Number of the word / term Perish in Numbers: 11

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 4:26 I call heaven and earth as witnesses this day, that you shall quickly perish from the land, which, when you have crossed over the Jordan, you will possess. You will not live in it for a long time; instead, the Lord will destroy you.Deuteronomy 4:26

Deuteronomy 8:19 But if you forget the Lord your God, so that you follow foreign gods, and serve and adore them: behold, I now foretell to you that you shall utterly perish.Deuteronomy 8:19

Deuteronomy 8:20 Just like the nations, which the Lord destroyed upon your arrival, so shall you also perish, if you have been disobedient to the voice of the Lord your God.”Deuteronomy 8:20

Deuteronomy 11:17 And the Lord, becoming angry, might close up heaven, so that the rain would not descend, nor would the earth produce her seedlings, and then you would quickly perish from the excellent land, which the Lord will give to you.Deuteronomy 11:17

Deuteronomy 17:6 By the mouth of two or three witnesses, he who is to be put to death shall perish. Let no one be killed with only one person speaking testimony against him.Deuteronomy 17:6

Deuteronomy 28:22 May the Lord strike you with destitution, with fever and cold, with burning and heat, and with polluted air and rot, and may he pursue you until you perish.Deuteronomy 28:22

Deuteronomy 28:40 You will have olive trees in all your borders, but you will not be anointed with the oil. For the olives will fall off and perish.Deuteronomy 28:40

Deuteronomy 30:18 then I predict to you this day that you will perish, and you will remain for only a short time in the land, for which you shall cross the Jordan, and which you shall enter in order to possess.Deuteronomy 30:18

Number of the word / term Perish in Deuteronomy: 8

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 11:20 For it was the sentence of the Lord that their hearts would be hardened, and that they would fight against Israel and fall, and that they did not deserve any clemency, and that they should perish, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.Joshua 11:20

Joshua 22:20 Did not Achan, the son of Zerah, go against the commandment of the Lord, and so his wrath was laid over all the people of Israel? And he was only one man. If only he had perished in his wickedness alone!”Joshua 22:20

Number of the word / term Perish in Joshua: 2

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Judges

Judges 5:31 O Lord, so may all your enemies perish! But may those who love you shine with splendor, as the sun shines at its rising.” And the land rested for forty years.Judges 5:31

Judges 18:25 And the sons of Dan said to him, “Take care that you no longer speak to us, otherwise men with a mind for violence may overwhelm you, and you yourself would perish with all your house.”Judges 18:25

Number of the word / term Perish in Judges: 2

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 12:25 But if you persevere in wickedness, both you and your king will perish together.”1 Samuel 12:25

1 Samuel 25:21 And David said: “Truly, in vain have I preserved all that was his in the wilderness, so that nothing perished out of all that belonged to him. And he has repaid evil to me for good.1 Samuel 25:21

1 Samuel 26:10 And David said: “As the Lord lives, unless the Lord himself will strike him, or unless his day to die will have arrived, or unless, descending into battle, he will perish,1 Samuel 26:10

Number of the word / term Perish in 1 Samuel: 3

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 14:14 We are all dying, and we are all like waters that flow into the ground and do not return. God does not will to lose a soul. Instead, he renews his efforts, thinking that what has been rejected might not perish altogether.2 Samuel 14:14

Number of the word / term Perish in 2 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 18:5 Then Ahab said to Obadiah, “Go into the land, to all fountains of water, and to all the valleys, for perhaps we will be able to find plants, and save the horses and mules, so that the beasts of burden may not perish entirely.”1 Kings 18:5

Number of the word / term Perish in 1 Kings: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Esther

Esther 4:14 For, if you remain silent now, the Jews will be delivered through some other opportunity, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for this reason, so that you would be prepared for such a time as this?” And he entrusted her (there was no question but that it was Mordecai) to go in to the king, and to petition on behalf of her people and her native land.Esther 4:14

Esther 7:4 For I and my people have been handed over to be crushed, to be slain, and to perish. And if we were only being sold as servants and slaves, the evil might be tolerable, and I would have mourned in silence. But now our enemy is one whose cruelty overflows upon the king.”Esther 7:4

Number of the word / term Perish in Esther: 2

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Job

Job 3:3 May the day perish on which I was born, and the night, in which it was said, “A man has been conceived.”Job 3:3

Job 4:7 Consider this, I beg you: who ever perished being innocent? Or when have the righteous been destroyed?Job 4:7

Job 4:11 The tiger has perished because it does not have prey, and the young lions have been scattered.Job 4:11

Job 6:17 At that time, when they are scattered, they will perish, and when it becomes hot, they will be freed from their place.Job 6:17

Job 6:18 The paths of their steps are entangled; they will walk in vain and will perish.Job 6:18

Job 8:13 Just so are the ways of all who forget God, and the hope of the hypocrite will perish.Job 8:13

Job 11:20 But the eyes of the impious will fade away, and the path to escape will perish before them, for the abomination of the soul is their hope.Job 11:20

Job 18:17 Let the memory of him perish from the earth, and let not his name be celebrated in the streets.Job 18:17

Job 23:17 Yet I have not perished because of the threatening darkness, nor has gloom covered my face.Job 23:17

Number of the word / term Perish in Job: 9

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 2:12 Embrace discipline, lest at any time the Lord might become angry, and you would perish from the way of the just. Though his wrath can flare up in a short time, blessed are all those who trust in him.Psalm 2:12

Psalm 9:3 For my enemy will be turned back. They will be weakened and perish before your face.Psalm 9:3

Psalm 9:5 You have rebuked the Gentiles, and the impious one has perished. You have deleted their name in eternity and for all generations.Psalm 9:5

Psalm 9:6 The spears of the enemy have failed in the end, and their cities, you have destroyed. Their memory has perished with a loud noise.Psalm 9:6

Psalm 9:18 For the poor will not be forgotten in the end. The patience of the poor will not perish in the end.Psalm 9:18

Psalm 10:16 The Lord shall reign in eternity, even forever and ever. You will perish the Gentiles from his land.Psalm 10:16

Psalm 26:9 O God, do not let my soul perish with the impious, nor my life with the men of blood,Psalm 26:9

Psalm 28:3 Do not draw me away together with sinners; and let me not perish with those who work iniquity, who speak peacefully to their neighbor, yet evils are in their hearts.Psalm 28:3

Psalm 34:16 But the countenance of the Lord is upon those who do evil, to perish the remembrance of them from the earth.Psalm 34:16

Psalm 37:20 for sinners will perish. Truly, the adversaries of the Lord, soon after they have been honored and exalted, will fade away, in the same way that smoke fades away.Psalm 37:20

Psalm 37:22 For those who bless him will inherit the earth, but those who curse him will perish.Psalm 37:22

Psalm 37:28 For the Lord loves judgment, and he will not abandon his saints. They will be kept safe in eternity. The unjust will be punished, and the offspring of the impious will perish.Psalm 37:28

Psalm 49:10 He will not see death, when he sees the wise dying: the foolish and the senseless will perish together. And they will leave their riches to strangers.Psalm 49:10

Psalm 73:19 How have they been brought to desolation? They have suddenly failed. They have perished because of their iniquity.Psalm 73:19

Psalm 73:27 For behold, those who put themselves far from you will perish. You have perished all those who fornicate away from you.Psalm 73:27

Psalm 80:16 Whatever has been set on fire and dug under will perish at the rebuke of your countenance.Psalm 80:16

Psalm 83:10 They perished at Endor, and they became like the dung of the earth.Psalm 83:10

Psalm 83:17 Let them be ashamed and troubled, from age to age, and let them be confounded and perish.Psalm 83:17

Psalm 92:9 For behold your enemies, O Lord, for behold your enemies will perish, and all those who work iniquity will be dispersed.Psalm 92:9

Psalm 102:26 They will perish, but you remain. And all will grow old like a garment. And, like a blanket, you will change them, and they will be changed.Psalm 102:26

Psalm 109:15 May these be opposite the Lord always, but let their memory perish from the earth.Psalm 109:15

Psalm 112:10 The sinner will see and become angry. He will gnash his teeth and waste away. The desire of sinners will perish.Psalm 112:10

Psalm 119:92 If your law had not been my meditation, then perhaps I would have perished in my humiliation.Psalm 119:92

Psalm 142:4 I considered toward the right, and I looked, but there was no one who would know me. Flight has perished before me, and there is no one who has concern for my soul.Psalm 142:4

Psalm 146:4 His spirit will depart, and he will return to his earth. In that day, all their thoughts will perish.Psalm 146:4

Number of the word / term Perish in Psalm: 25

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 1:32 The loathing of the little ones shall destroy them, and the prosperity of the foolish shall perish them.Proverbs 1:32

Proverbs 2:22 Yet truly, the impious shall perish from the earth, and those who act unjustly shall be taken away from it.Proverbs 2:22

Proverbs 10:28 The expectation of the just is rejoicing. But the hope of the impious will perish.Proverbs 10:28

Proverbs 10:31 The mouth of the just shall bring forth wisdom. The tongue of the depraved will perish.Proverbs 10:31

Proverbs 11:7 When the impious man is dead, there will no longer be any hope. And the expectation of the anxious will perish.Proverbs 11:7

Proverbs 19:9 A false witness shall not go unpunished. And whoever speaks lies will perish.Proverbs 19:9

Proverbs 21:28 A lying witness will perish. An obedient man shall speak of victory.Proverbs 21:28

Proverbs 24:14 So, too, is the doctrine of wisdom to your soul. When you have found it, you will have hope in the end, and your hope shall not perish.Proverbs 24:14

Proverbs 28:28 When the impious rise up, men will hide themselves. When they perish, the just shall be multiplied.Proverbs 28:28

Number of the word / term Perish in Proverbs: 9

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 9:6 Likewise, love and hatred and envy have all perished together, nor have they any place in this age and in the work which is done under the sun.Ecclesiastes 9:6

Number of the word / term Perish in Ecclesiastes: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 11:13 And the envy of Ephraim will be taken away, and the enemies of Judah will perish. Ephraim will not be a rival to Judah, and Judah will not fight against Ephraim.Isaiah 11:13

Isaiah 14:22 But I will rise up against them, says the Lord of hosts. And I will perish the name of Babylon and its remnants: both the plant and its progeny, says the Lord.Isaiah 14:22

Isaiah 22:25 In that day, says the Lord of hosts, the peg which was fastened in a trustworthy place shall be taken away. And he will be broken, and he will fall, and he will perish, along with all that had depended upon him, because the Lord has spoken it.Isaiah 22:25

Isaiah 26:14 Let not the dead live; let not the giants rise up again. For this reason, you have visited and destroyed them, and you have perished all remembrance of them.Isaiah 26:14

Isaiah 29:14 for this reason, behold, I will proceed to accomplish a wonder for this people, a great and mystifying miracle. For wisdom will perish from their wise, and the understanding of their prudent will be concealed.Isaiah 29:14

Isaiah 38:17 Behold, in peace my bitterness is most bitter. But you have rescued my soul, so that it would not perish. You have cast all my sins behind your back.Isaiah 38:17

Isaiah 41:11 Behold, all who fight against you shall be confounded and ashamed. They will be as if they did not exist, and the men who contradict you will perish.Isaiah 41:11

Isaiah 48:9 For the sake of my name, I will take the face of my fury far away. And for the sake of my praise, I will bridle you, lest you perish.Isaiah 48:9

Isaiah 56:5 I will give them a place in my house, within my walls, and a name better than sons and daughters. I will give them an everlasting name, which will never perish.Isaiah 56:5

Isaiah 60:12 For the nation and the kingdom that will not serve you will perish. And the Gentiles will be devastated by solitude.Isaiah 60:12

Number of the word / term Perish in Isaiah: 10

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 4:9 And this shall be in that day, says the Lord: The heart of the king will perish, with the heart of the princes. And the priests will be stupefied, and the prophets will be in consternation.”Jeremiah 4:9

Jeremiah 6:21 Therefore, thus says the Lord: “Behold I will bring this people to utter ruin, and they will fall, with their fathers and sons; neighbor and relative will perish together.”Jeremiah 6:21

Jeremiah 7:28 And you will say to them: This is the nation that has not listened to the voice of the Lord their God, nor accepted discipline. Faith has perished and been taken away from their mouth.Jeremiah 7:28

Jeremiah 9:12 Who is the wise man who understands this, and to whom a word from the mouth of the Lord may be given, so that he may announce this: why the land has perished, and has been scorched like a desert, so much so that no one passes through it?”Jeremiah 9:12

Jeremiah 9:21 ‘For death has climbed through our windows. It has entered our houses to perish the little children from the outdoors, the youths from the streets.’ ”Jeremiah 9:21

Jeremiah 10:11 “And so, you shall speak to them in this way: The gods that have not made heaven and earth, let them perish from the earth and from among those places which are under heaven.Jeremiah 10:11

Jeremiah 10:15 These things are empty, and they are a work deserving of ridicule. In the time of their visitation, they will perish.Jeremiah 10:15

Jeremiah 18:18 And they said: “Come, and let us devise a plan against Jeremiah. For the law will not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor a sermon from the prophet. Come, and let us strike him with the tongue, and let us pay no attention to any of his words.”Jeremiah 18:18

Jeremiah 25:10 And I will perish from them the voice of gladness and the voice of rejoicing, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the millstone and the light of the lamp.Jeremiah 25:10

Jeremiah 27:10 For they prophesy lies to you, so that they may cause you to be far from your own country, and may cast you out, and may cause you to perish.Jeremiah 27:10

Jeremiah 27:15 For I have not sent them, says the Lord. And they prophesy falsely in my name, so that they may cast you out, and so that you may perish, both you and the prophets who make predictions for you.”Jeremiah 27:15

Jeremiah 40:15 But Johanan, the son of Kareah, spoke to Gedaliah, separately, at Mizpah, saying: “I will go, and I will strike down Ishmael, the son of Nethaniah, without anyone knowing; otherwise he may kill you, and all the Jews will be scattered who have been gathered to you, and the remnant of Judah will perish.”Jeremiah 40:15

Jeremiah 44:8 For you have provoked me by the works of your hands, by sacrificing to strange gods in the land of Egypt, into which you have entered in order to live there, and so that you would perish and become a curse and a disgrace before all the nations of the earth.Jeremiah 44:8

Jeremiah 46:8 Egypt ascends in the form of a river, and its waves will be moved like those of a river. And he will say: ‘I will ascend and cover the earth! I will perish the city and its inhabitants!’Jeremiah 46:8

Jeremiah 48:8 And the despoiler will overwhelm every city, and not a single city will be saved. And the valleys will perish, and the fields will be destroyed. For the Lord has spoken.Jeremiah 48:8

Jeremiah 48:36 Because of this, my heart will resound for Moab, like the pipes, and my heart will make a sound like the pipes for the men on the brick wall. For he has done more than he was able, yet still they have perished.Jeremiah 48:36

Jeremiah 49:7 Against Idumea. Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Is there no longer any wisdom in Teman? Counsel has perished from the sons. Their wisdom has become useless.Jeremiah 49:7

Jeremiah 49:38 And I will set my throne in Elam, and I will perish the kings and princes from there, says the Lord.Jeremiah 49:38

Jeremiah 51:18 They are empty works, deserving of ridicule. In the time of their visitation, they will perish.Jeremiah 51:18

Jeremiah 51:55 For the Lord has despoiled Babylon, and he has perished the great voice from her. And their wave will make a sound like many waters. Their voice has uttered a noise.Jeremiah 51:55

Jeremiah 51:58 Thus says the Lord of hosts: “That very wide wall of Babylon will be utterly overturned, and her exalted gates will be burned with fire, and the labors of the people will be as nothing, and the labors of the nations will be sent into the fire and will perish.”Jeremiah 51:58

Number of the word / term Perish in Jeremiah: 21

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 3:18 VAU. And I said, “My end and my hope from the Lord has perished.”Lamentations 3:18

Number of the word / term Perish in Lamentations: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 7:26 Disturbance will follow after disturbance, and rumor after rumor. And they will seek the vision of the prophet, and the law will perish from the priest, and counsel will perish from the elders.Ezekiel 7:26

Ezekiel 12:22 “Son of man, what is this proverb that you have in the land of Israel? saying: ‘The days shall be extended in length, and every vision shall perish.’Ezekiel 12:22

Ezekiel 14:8 And I will set my face against that man, and I will make him an example and a proverb. And I will perish him from the midst of my people. And you shall know that I am the Lord.Ezekiel 14:8

Ezekiel 19:5 Then, when she had seen that she was weakened, and that her hope had perished, she took one of her little ones, and appointed him as a lion.Ezekiel 19:5

Ezekiel 22:27 Her leaders in her midst are like wolves seizing the prey: to shed blood, and to perish souls, and to continually pursue profit with avarice.Ezekiel 22:27

Ezekiel 25:7 therefore, behold, I will extend my hand over you, and I will deliver you as a spoil of the Gentiles. And I will destroy you from the peoples, and I will perish you from the lands, and I will crush you. And you shall know that I am the Lord.Ezekiel 25:7

Ezekiel 25:16 because of this, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will extend my hand over the Philistines, and I will destroy those who destroy, and I will perish the remnant of the maritime regions.Ezekiel 25:16

Ezekiel 26:17 And taking up a lamentation over you, they will say to you: ‘How could you have perished, you who live in the sea, the famous city that was strong in the sea, with your inhabitants, of whom the whole world was in dread?’Ezekiel 26:17

Ezekiel 28:16 By the multitude of your business dealings, your interior was filled with iniquity, and you sinned. And I cast you away from the mountain of God, and I perished you, O protecting cherub, from the midst of the stones containing fire.Ezekiel 28:16

Ezekiel 32:13 And I will perish all its cattle, which were above the many waters. And the foot of man will no longer disturb them, and the hoof of cattle will no longer trouble them.Ezekiel 32:13

Ezekiel 37:11 And he said to me: “Son of man: All these bones are the house of Israel. They say: ‘Our bones are dried out, and our hope has perished, and we have been cut off.’Ezekiel 37:11

Number of the word / term Perish in Ezekiel: 11

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 2:18 so that they would seek mercy before the face of the God of heaven, about this mystery, and so that Daniel and his companions might not perish with the other wise men of Babylon.Daniel 2:18

Daniel 3:29 Therefore, this decree is established by me: that every people, tribe, and language, whenever they have spoken blasphemy against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, will perish and their homes will be destroyed. For there is no other God who is able to save in this way.”Daniel 3:29

Number of the word / term Perish in Daniel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 13:16 Let Samaria perish, because she has urged her God towards bitterness. Let them perish by the sword, let their little ones be thrown down, and let their pregnant women be cut in two.Hosea 13:16

Number of the word / term Perish in Hosea: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Joel

Joel 1:9 Sacrifice and libation have perished from the house of the Lord; the priests who are ministers of the Lord have mourned.Joel 1:9

Joel 1:11 The farmers have been confounded, the vineyard workers have wailed over the crop and the barley, because the harvest of the field has perished.Joel 1:11

Joel 1:16 Has not your nourishment perished from before your eyes, joy and gladness from the house of our God?Joel 1:16

Number of the word / term Perish in Joel: 3

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Amos

Amos 1:8 And I will destroy the inhabitant from Ashdod, and the holder of the scepter of Ashkelon. And I will turn my hand against Ekron, and the remainder of the Philistines will perish, says the Lord God.Amos 1:8

Amos 2:14 And flight will perish from the swift, and the strong will not maintain his strength, and the healthy will not save his life.Amos 2:14

Amos 3:15 And I will strike the winter house with the summer house; and the houses of ivory will perish, and many buildings will be torn apart, says the Lord.Amos 3:15

Number of the word / term Perish in Amos: 3

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Obadiah

Obadiah 1:9 And your strong from the Meridian will be afraid, so that man may perish from the mount of Esau.Obadiah 1:9

Number of the word / term Perish in Obadiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Jonah

Jonah 1:6 And the helmsman approached him, and he said to him, “Why are you weighed down with sleep? Rise, call upon your God, so perhaps God will be mindful of us and we might not perish.”Jonah 1:6

Jonah 1:14 And they cried out to the Lord, and they said, “We beseech you, Lord, do not let us perish for this man’s life, and do not attribute to us innocent blood. For you, Lord, have done just as it pleased you.”Jonah 1:14

Jonah 4:10 And the Lord said, “You grieve for the ivy, for which you have not labored and which you did not cause to grow, though it had been born during one night, and during one night perished.Jonah 4:10

Number of the word / term Perish in Jonah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Micah

Micah 5:13 And I will cause your graven images to perish, and your statues, from your midst. And you will no longer adore the works of your hands.Micah 5:13

Number of the word / term Perish in Micah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Nahum

Nahum 3:15 There, fire will devour you. You will perish by the sword; it will devour you like the beetle. Gather together like the beetle. Multiply like the locust.Nahum 3:15

Number of the word / term Perish in Nahum: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Zephaniah

Zephaniah 3:7 I said: Nevertheless, you will fear me; you will accept discipline. And her dwelling place will not perish, despite all the things about which I have visited her. Yet truly, they arose with the dawn and corrupted all their thoughts.Zephaniah 3:7

Number of the word / term Perish in Zephaniah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 5:29 And if your right eye causes you to sin, root it out and cast it away from you. For it is better for you that one of your members perish, than that your whole body be cast into Hell.Matthew 5:29

Matthew 5:30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it away from you. For it is better for you that one of your members perish, than that your whole body go into Hell.Matthew 5:30

Matthew 26:52 Then Jesus said to him: “Put your sword back in its place. For all who take up the sword shall perish by the sword.Matthew 26:52

Matthew 27:20 But the leaders of the priests and the elders persuaded the people, so that they would ask for Barabbas, and so that Jesus would perish.Matthew 27:20

Number of the word / term Perish in Matthew: 4

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Luke

Luke 11:51 from the blood of Abel, even to the blood of Zachariah, who perished between the altar and the sanctuary. So I say to you: it will be required of this generation!Luke 11:51

Luke 13:3 No, I tell you. But unless you repent, you will all perish similarly.Luke 13:3

Luke 13:5 No, I tell you. But if you do not repent, you will all perish similarly.”Luke 13:5

Luke 13:33 Yet truly, it is necessary for me to walk today and tomorrow and the following day. For it does not fall to a prophet to perish beyond Jerusalem.Luke 13:33

Luke 15:17 And returning to his senses, he said: ‘How many hired hands in my father’s house have abundant bread, while I perish here in famine!Luke 15:17

Luke 21:18 And yet, not a hair of your head will perish.Luke 21:18

Number of the word / term Perish in Luke: 6

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book John

John 3:15 so that whoever believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life.John 3:15

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that all who believe in him may not perish, but may have eternal life.John 3:16

John 10:28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall not perish, for eternity. And no one shall seize them from my hand.John 10:28

John 11:50 Nor do you realize that it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people, and that the entire nation should not perish.”John 11:50

Number of the word / term Perish in John: 4

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Acts

Acts 5:37 After this one, Judas the Galilean stepped forward, in the days of the enrollment, and he turned the people toward himself. But he also perished, and all of them, as many as had joined with him, were dispersed.Acts 5:37

Acts 27:34 For this reason, I beg you to accept food for the sake of your health. For not a hair from the head of any of you shall perish.”Acts 27:34

Number of the word / term Perish in Acts: 2

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Romans

Romans 2:12 For whoever had sinned without the law, will perish without the law. And whoever had sinned in the law, will be judged by the law.Romans 2:12

Romans 9:6 But it is not that the Word of God has perished. For not all those who are Israelites are of Israel.Romans 9:6

Number of the word / term Perish in Romans: 2

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 1:19 For it has been written: “I will perish the wisdom of the wise, and I will reject the discernment of the prudent.”1 Corinthians 1:19

1 Corinthians 8:11 And should an infirm brother perish by your knowledge, even though Christ died for him?1 Corinthians 8:11

1 Corinthians 10:9 And let us not tempt Christ, as some of them tempted, and so they perished by serpents.1 Corinthians 10:9

1 Corinthians 10:10 And you should not murmur, as some of them murmured, and so they perished by the destroyer.1 Corinthians 10:10

1 Corinthians 15:18 Then, too, those who have fallen asleep in Christ would have perished.1 Corinthians 15:18

Number of the word / term Perish in 1 Corinthians: 5

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 4:9 We suffer persecution, yet we have not been abandoned. We are thrown down, yet we do not perish.2 Corinthians 4:9

Number of the word / term Perish in 2 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 6:21 Certain persons, promising these things, have perished from the faith. May grace be with you. Amen.1 Timothy 6:21

Number of the word / term Perish in 1 Timothy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 11:31 By faith, Rahab, the harlot, did not perish with the unbelievers, after receiving the spies with peace.Hebrews 11:31

Number of the word / term Perish in Hebrews: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book James

James 1:11 For the sun has risen with a scorching heat, and has dried the grass, and its flower has fallen off, and the appearance of its beauty has perished. So also will the rich one wither away, according to his paths.James 1:11

Number of the word / term Perish in James: 1

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book 2 Peter

2 Peter 2:12 Yet truly, these others, like irrational beasts, naturally fall into traps and into ruin by blaspheming whatever they do not understand, and so they shall perish in their corruption,2 Peter 2:12

2 Peter 3:6 By water, the former world then, having been inundated with water, perished.2 Peter 3:6

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not delaying his promise, as some imagine, but he does act patiently for your sake, not wanting anyone to perish, but wanting all to be turned back to penance.2 Peter 3:9

Number of the word / term Perish in 2 Peter: 3

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Jude

Jude 1:5 So I want to caution you. Those who once knew everything that Jesus did, in saving the people from the land of Egypt, afterwards perished because they did not believe.Jude 1:5

Jude 1:11 Woe to them! For they have gone after the way of Cain, and they have poured out the error of Balaam for profit, and they have perished in the sedition of Korah.Jude 1:11

Number of the word / term Perish in Jude: 2

Bible passages with ‘Perish’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 18:14 And the fruits of the desires of your soul have gone away from you. And all things fat and splendid have perished from you. And they shall never find these things again.Revelation 18:14

Number of the word / term ‘Perish’ in Revelation: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 189

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