Our Little Concordance

‘Moses’ in the Bible – All 671 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Moses’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Moses’ occurs 671 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

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Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 2:10 And she adopted him in place of a son, and she called his name Moses, saying, “Because I took him from the water.”Exodus 2:10

Exodus 2:11 In those days, after Moses had grown up, he went out to his brothers. And he saw their affliction and an Egyptian man striking a certain one of the Hebrews, his brothers.Exodus 2:11

Exodus 2:14 But he responded: “Who appointed you as leader and judge over us? Do you want to kill me, just as yesterday you killed the Egyptian?” Moses was afraid, and he said, “How has this word become known?”Exodus 2:14

Exodus 2:15 And Pharaoh heard this talk, and he sought to kill Moses. But fleeing from his sight, he stayed in the land of Midian, and he sat down next to a well.Exodus 2:15

Exodus 2:17 The shepherds overcame them and drove them away. And Moses rose up, and defending the girls, he watered their sheep.Exodus 2:17

Exodus 2:21 Therefore, Moses swore that he would live with him. And he accepted his daughter Zipporah as a wife.Exodus 2:21

Exodus 3:1 Now Moses was pasturing the sheep of his father-in-law Jethro, a priest of Midian. And when he had driven the flock into the interior of the desert, he came to the mountain of God, Horeb.Exodus 3:1

Exodus 3:3 Therefore, Moses said, “I will go and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.”Exodus 3:3

Exodus 3:4 Then the Lord, discerning that he proceeded on to see it, called to him from the midst of the bush, and he said, “Moses, Moses.” And he responded, “Here I am.”Exodus 3:4

Exodus 3:6 And he said, “I am the God of your father: the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Moses hid his face, for he dared not look directly at God.Exodus 3:6

Exodus 3:11 And Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should lead the sons of Israel out of Egypt?”Exodus 3:11

Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO AM.” He said: “Thus shall you say to the sons of Israel: ‘HE WHO IS has sent me to you.’ ”Exodus 3:14

Exodus 3:15 And God said again to Moses: “Thus shall you say to the sons of Israel: ‘The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is the name for me in eternity, and this is my memorial from generation to generation.Exodus 3:15

Exodus 4:1 Responding, Moses said, “They will not believe me, and they will not listen to my voice, but they will say: ‘The Lord has not appeared to you.’ ”Exodus 4:1

Exodus 4:3 And the Lord said, “Cast it down upon the ground.” He cast it down, and it was turned into a snake, so that Moses fled away.Exodus 4:3

Exodus 4:14 The Lord, being angry at Moses, said: “Aaron the Levite is your brother. I know that he is eloquent. Behold, he is going out to meet you, and seeing you, he will rejoice in heart.Exodus 4:14

Exodus 4:19 And so the Lord said to Moses in Midian: “Go, and return to Egypt. For all those who sought your life have died.”Exodus 4:19

Exodus 4:20 Therefore, Moses took his wife and his sons, and he placed them upon a donkey, and he returned into Egypt, carrying the staff of God in his hand.Exodus 4:20

Exodus 4:27 Then the Lord said to Aaron, “Go into the desert to meet Moses.” And he went directly to meet him on the mountain of God, and he kissed him.Exodus 4:27

Exodus 4:28 And Moses explained to Aaron all the words of the Lord, by which he had sent him, and the signs which he had commanded.Exodus 4:28

Exodus 4:30 And Aaron spoke all the words which the Lord had said to Moses. And he accomplished the signs in the sight of the people,Exodus 4:30

Exodus 5:1 After these things, Moses and Aaron entered, and they said to Pharaoh: “Thus says the Lord God of Israel: Release my people, so that they may sacrifice to me in the desert.”Exodus 5:1

Exodus 5:4 The king of Egypt said to them: “Why do you, Moses and Aaron, distract the people from their works? Go back to your burdens.”Exodus 5:4

Exodus 5:20 And they met with Moses and Aaron, who stood opposite them as they departed from Pharaoh.Exodus 5:20

Exodus 5:22 And Moses returned to the Lord, and he said: “Lord, why have you afflicted this people? Why have you sent me?Exodus 5:22

Exodus 6:1 And the Lord said to Moses: “Now you will see what I shall do to Pharaoh. For through a strong hand he will release them, and by a mighty hand he will cast them from his land.”Exodus 6:1

Exodus 6:2 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “I am the Lord,Exodus 6:2

Exodus 6:9 And so, Moses explained all these things to the sons of Israel, who did not agree with him, because of their anguish of spirit and very difficult work.Exodus 6:9

Exodus 6:10 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Exodus 6:10

Exodus 6:13 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, and he gave them a commandment for the sons of Israel, and for Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, that they should lead the sons of Israel away from the land of Egypt.Exodus 6:13

Exodus 6:20 Now Amram took as a wife Jochebed, his paternal aunt, who bore for him Aaron and Moses. And the years of the life of Amram were one hundred and thirty-seven.Exodus 6:20

Exodus 6:26 These are Aaron and Moses, whom the Lord instructed to lead the sons of Israel away from the land of Egypt by their companies.Exodus 6:26

Exodus 6:27 These are those who speak to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, in order to lead the sons of Israel out of Egypt. These are Moses and Aaron,Exodus 6:27

Exodus 6:28 in the day when the Lord spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt.Exodus 6:28

Exodus 6:29 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “I am the Lord. Speak to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, all that I speak to you.”Exodus 6:29

Exodus 6:30 And Moses said in the sight of the Lord: “Lo, I am of uncircumcised lips, how will Pharaoh listen to me?”Exodus 6:30

Exodus 7:1 And the Lord said to Moses: “Behold, I have appointed you as the god of Pharaoh. And Aaron, your brother, will be your prophet.Exodus 7:1

Exodus 7:6 And so, Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord had instructed. And so it was done.Exodus 7:6

Exodus 7:7 Now Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron eighty-three, when they spoke to Pharaoh.Exodus 7:7

Exodus 7:8 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron:Exodus 7:8

Exodus 7:10 And so Moses and Aaron entered to Pharaoh, and they did just as the Lord had commanded. And Aaron took the staff in the sight of Pharaoh and his servants, and it was turned into a snake.Exodus 7:10

Exodus 7:14 Then the Lord said to Moses: “The heart of Pharaoh has been hardened; he is not willing to release the people.Exodus 7:14

Exodus 7:19 The Lord also said to Moses: “Say to Aaron: ‘Take your staff; and extend your hand over the waters of Egypt, and over their rivers and streams and marshes and all the pools of waters, so that they may be turned into blood. And let there be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, as much in vessels of wood as in those of stone.’ ”Exodus 7:19

Exodus 7:20 And Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord had instructed. And lifting up the staff, he struck the water of the river in the sight of Pharaoh and his servants. And it was turned into blood.Exodus 7:20

Exodus 8:1 The Lord also said to Moses: “Enter to Pharaoh, and you will say to him: ‘Thus says the Lord: Release my people in order to sacrifice to me.Exodus 8:1

Exodus 8:5 And the Lord said to Moses: “Say to Aaron: ‘Extend your hand over the rivers, and also over the streams and the marshes, and bring forth frogs over the land of Egypt.’ ”Exodus 8:5

Exodus 8:8 But Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, and he said to them: “Pray to the Lord, so as to take away the frogs from me and from my people. And I will release the people, so as to sacrifice to the Lord.”Exodus 8:8

Exodus 8:9 And Moses said to Pharaoh: “Appoint for me a time, when I should petition on behalf of you, and your servants, and your people, so that the frogs may be driven away from you, and from your house, and from your servants, and from your people, and so that they may remain only in the river.”Exodus 8:9

Exodus 8:12 And Moses and Aaron departed from Pharaoh. And Moses cried out to the Lord on behalf of the promise that he had made to Pharaoh concerning the frogs.Exodus 8:12

Exodus 8:13 And the Lord acted according to the word of Moses. And the frogs died out of the houses, and out of the villages, and out of the fields.Exodus 8:13

Exodus 8:16 And the Lord said to Moses: “Say to Aaron: ‘Extend your staff and strike the dust of the earth. And let there be stinging insects throughout the entire the land of Egypt.’ ”Exodus 8:16

Exodus 8:20 The Lord also said to Moses: “Arise at first light, and stand in the sight of Pharaoh, for he will go out to the waters. And you will say to him: ‘Thus says the Lord: Release my people to sacrifice to me.Exodus 8:20

Exodus 8:25 And Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, and he said to them, “Go and sacrifice to your God in this land.”Exodus 8:25

Exodus 8:26 And Moses said: “It cannot be so. For we will immolate the abominations of the Egyptians to the Lord our God. For if we slaughter those things which the Egyptians worship, in their presence, they will stone us.Exodus 8:26

Exodus 8:29 And Moses said: “After departing from you, I will pray to the Lord. And the flies will withdraw from Pharaoh, and from his servants, and from his people, tomorrow. Yet do not be willing to deceive any longer, so that you would not release the people to sacrifice to the Lord.”Exodus 8:29

Exodus 8:30 And Moses, departing from Pharaoh, prayed to the Lord.Exodus 8:30

Exodus 9:1 Then the Lord said to Moses: “Enter to Pharaoh, and say to him: ‘Thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews: Release my people, to sacrifice to me.Exodus 9:1

Exodus 9:8 And the Lord said to Moses and to Aaron: “Take handfuls of ashes from the oven, and let Moses sprinkle it into the air, in the sight of Pharaoh.Exodus 9:8

Exodus 9:10 And they took ashes from the oven, and they stood in the sight of Pharaoh, and Moses sprinkled it in the air. And there came sores with swelling pustules on men and on beasts.Exodus 9:10

Exodus 9:11 Neither could the sorcerers stand in the sight of Moses, because of the sores that were on them and on all the land of Egypt.Exodus 9:11

Exodus 9:12 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not listen to them, just as the Lord said to Moses.Exodus 9:12

Exodus 9:13 And the Lord said to Moses: “Rise up in the morning, and stand in the sight of Pharaoh, and you will say to him: ‘Thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews: Release my people to sacrifice to me.Exodus 9:13

Exodus 9:22 And the Lord said to Moses: “Extend your hand into the sky, so that there may be hail in the entire land of Egypt, on men, and on beasts, and on every plant of the field in the land of Egypt.”Exodus 9:22

Exodus 9:23 And Moses extended his staff into the sky, and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and also lightning dashing across the earth. And the Lord rained down hail upon the land of Egypt.Exodus 9:23

Exodus 9:27 And Pharaoh sent and called Moses and Aaron, saying to them: “I have sinned even until now. The Lord is just. I and my people are impious.Exodus 9:27

Exodus 9:33 And Moses, departing from Pharaoh out of the city, reached out his hands toward the Lord. And the thunders and hail ceased, neither did there drop any more rain upon the land.Exodus 9:33

Exodus 9:35 And his heart was weighed down, along with that of his servants, and it was hardened exceedingly. Neither did he release the sons of Israel, just as the Lord had instructed by the hand of Moses.Exodus 9:35

Exodus 10:1 And the Lord said to Moses: “Enter to Pharaoh. For I have hardened his heart, and that of his servants, so that I may accomplish these, my signs, in him,Exodus 10:1

Exodus 10:3 Therefore, Moses and Aaron entered to Pharaoh, and they said to him: “Thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews: How long will you be unwilling to be subject to me? Release my people to sacrifice to me.Exodus 10:3

Exodus 10:8 And they called back Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh, who said to them: “Go, sacrifice to the Lord your God. Who are they who would go?”Exodus 10:8

Exodus 10:12 Then the Lord said to Moses: “Extend your hand over the land of Egypt, toward the locusts, so that they may rise up over it, and devour every plant which remains from the hail.”Exodus 10:12

Exodus 10:13 And Moses extended his staff over the land of Egypt. And the Lord brought a burning wind all that day and night. And when morning came, the burning wind lifted up the locusts.Exodus 10:13

Exodus 10:16 For this reason, Pharaoh hurriedly called Moses and Aaron, and he said to them: “I have sinned against the Lord your God, and against you.Exodus 10:16

Exodus 10:18 And Moses, departing from the sight of Pharaoh, prayed to the Lord.Exodus 10:18

Exodus 10:21 Then the Lord said to Moses: “Extend your hand into the sky. And let there be a darkness over the land of Egypt, so dense that they may be able to feel it.”Exodus 10:21

Exodus 10:22 And Moses extended his hand into the sky. And there came a horrible darkness in the entire land of Egypt for three days.Exodus 10:22

Exodus 10:24 And Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, and he said to them: “Go, sacrifice to the Lord. Only let your sheep and herds remain behind. Your little ones may go with you.”Exodus 10:24

Exodus 10:28 And Pharaoh said to Moses: “Withdraw from me, and beware that you no longer see my face. On whatever day you will appear in my sight, you shall die.”Exodus 10:28

Exodus 11:1 And the Lord said to Moses: “I will touch Pharaoh and Egypt with one more plague, and after these things he will release you, and he will compel you to go out.Exodus 11:1

Exodus 11:3 Then the Lord will grant favor to his people in the sight of the Egyptians.” And Moses was a very great man in the land of Egypt, in the sight of the servants of Pharaoh and of all the people.Exodus 11:3

Exodus 11:9 And he went out from Pharaoh exceedingly angry. Then the Lord said to Moses: “Pharaoh will not listen to you, so that many signs may be accomplished in the land of Egypt.”Exodus 11:9

Exodus 11:10 Now Moses and Aaron did all the wonders that are written, in the sight of Pharaoh. And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh; neither did he release the sons of Israel from his land.Exodus 11:10

Exodus 12:1 The Lord also said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt:Exodus 12:1

Exodus 12:21 Then Moses called all the elders of the sons of Israel, and he said to them: “Go, taking an animal by your families, and sacrifice the Passover.Exodus 12:21

Exodus 12:28 And the sons of Israel, departing, did just as the Lord had instructed Moses and Aaron.Exodus 12:28

Exodus 12:31 And Pharaoh, calling Moses and Aaron in the night, said: “Rise up and go forth from among my people, you and the sons of Israel. Go, sacrifice to the Lord, just as you say.Exodus 12:31

Exodus 12:35 And the sons of Israel did just as Moses had instructed. And they petitioned the Egyptians for vessels of silver and of gold, and very many garments.Exodus 12:35

Exodus 12:43 And the Lord said to Moses and to Aaron: “This is the religious observance of the Passover. No foreigner shall eat from it.Exodus 12:43

Exodus 12:50 And all the sons of Israel did just as the Lord had instructed Moses and Aaron.Exodus 12:50

Exodus 13:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Exodus 13:1

Exodus 13:3 And Moses said to the people: “Remember this day, on which you were taken away from Egypt and from the house of servitude. For with a strong hand the Lord has led you away from this place. Thus, you shall eat no leavened bread.Exodus 13:3

Exodus 13:19 Also, Moses took the bones of Joseph with him, because he had sworn to the sons of Israel, saying: “God will visit you. Carry my bones away from here with you.”Exodus 13:19

Exodus 14:1 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Exodus 14:1

Exodus 14:11 And they said to Moses: “Perhaps there were no graves in Egypt, for which reason you took us to die in the wilderness. What is it that you intended to do, in leading us out of Egypt?Exodus 14:11

Exodus 14:13 And Moses said to the people: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and see the great wonders of the Lord, which he will do today. For the Egyptians, whom you now see, will never again be seen, forever.Exodus 14:13

Exodus 14:15 And the Lord said to Moses: “Why cry out to me? Tell the sons of Israel to continue on.Exodus 14:15

Exodus 14:21 And when Moses had extended his hand over the sea, the Lord took it away by an intense burning wind, blowing throughout the night, and he turned it into dry ground. And the water was divided.Exodus 14:21

Exodus 14:26 And the Lord said to Moses: “Extend your hand over the sea, so that the waters may return on the Egyptians, over their chariots and horsemen.”Exodus 14:26

Exodus 14:27 And when Moses had extended his hand opposite the sea, it was returned, at first light, to its former place. And the fleeing Egyptians met with the waters, and the Lord immersed them in the midst of the waves.Exodus 14:27

Exodus 14:31 And they saw the Egyptians dead on the shore of the sea and the great hand that the Lord had exercised against them. And the people feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in Moses his servant.Exodus 14:31

Exodus 15:1 Then Moses and the sons of Israel sang this song to the Lord, and they said: “Let us sing to the Lord, for he has been gloriously magnified: the horse and the rider he has cast into the sea.Exodus 15:1

Exodus 15:22 Then Moses took Israel from the Red Sea, and they went forth into the desert of Shur. And they wandered for three days through the wilderness, and they found no water.Exodus 15:22

Exodus 15:24 And the people murmured against Moses, saying: “What shall we drink?”Exodus 15:24

Exodus 16:2 And the entire congregation of the sons of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness.Exodus 16:2

Exodus 16:4 Then the Lord said to Moses: “Behold, I will rain down bread from heaven for you. Let the people go out and collect what is sufficient for each day, so that I may test them, as to whether or not they will walk in my law.Exodus 16:4

Exodus 16:6 And Moses and Aaron said to the sons of Israel: “In the evening, you will know that the Lord has led you away from the land of Egypt.Exodus 16:6

Exodus 16:8 And Moses said: “In the evening, the Lord will give you flesh to eat, and in the morning, bread in fullness. For he has heard your murmurings that you have murmured against him. For what are we? Your murmuring is not against us, but against the Lord.”Exodus 16:8

Exodus 16:11 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Exodus 16:11

Exodus 16:15 When the sons of Israel had seen it, they said one to another: “Manhu?” which means “What is this?” For they did not know what it was. And Moses said to them: “This is the bread that the Lord has given you to eat.Exodus 16:15

Exodus 16:19 And Moses said to them, “Let no one leave any of it behind until morning.”Exodus 16:19

Exodus 16:20 And they did not listen to him, but they left some of it behind until morning, and it began to swarm with worms, and it putrefied. And Moses became angry against them.Exodus 16:20

Exodus 16:22 But on the sixth day, they collected a double portion, that is, two omers for each man. Then all the leaders among the multitude came, and they discoursed with Moses.Exodus 16:22

Exodus 16:24 And they did just as Moses had instructed, and it did not putrefy, nor were there any worms found in it.Exodus 16:24

Exodus 16:25 And Moses said: “Eat it today, because it is the Sabbath of the Lord. Today it will not be found in the field.Exodus 16:25

Exodus 16:28 Then the Lord said to Moses: “How long will you be unwilling to keep my commandments and my law?Exodus 16:28

Exodus 16:32 Then Moses said: “This is the word that the Lord has instructed: Fill an omer of it, and let it be kept for future generations hereafter, so that they may know the bread, with which I nourished you in the wilderness, when you had been led away from the land of Egypt.”Exodus 16:32

Exodus 16:33 And Moses said to Aaron, “Take one vessel, and put manna into it, as much as an omer is able to hold. And store it in the sight of the Lord, to keep for your generations,Exodus 16:33

Exodus 16:34 just as the Lord instructed Moses.” And so, Aaron placed it in the tabernacle, in reserve.Exodus 16:34

Exodus 17:2 And arguing against Moses, they said, “Give us water, so that we may drink.” And Moses answered them: “Why argue against me? For what reason do you tempt the Lord?”Exodus 17:2

Exodus 17:3 And so the people were thirsty in that place, due to the scarcity of water, and they murmured against Moses, saying: “Why did you cause us to go out of Egypt, so as to kill us and our children, as well as our cattle, with thirst?”Exodus 17:3

Exodus 17:4 Then Moses cried out to the Lord, saying: “What shall I do with this people? A little while more and they will stone me.”Exodus 17:4

Exodus 17:5 And the Lord said to Moses: “Go before the people, and take with you some of the elders of Israel. And take in your hand the staff, with which you struck the river, and advance.Exodus 17:5

Exodus 17:6 Lo, I will stand in that place before you, on the rock of Horeb. And you shall strike the rock, and water will go forth from it, so that the people may drink.” Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.Exodus 17:6

Exodus 17:9 And Moses said to Joshua: “Choose men. And when you go out, fight against Amalek. Tomorrow, I will stand at the top of the hill, holding the staff of God in my hand.”Exodus 17:9

Exodus 17:10 Joshua did as Moses had spoken, and he fought against Amalek. But Moses and Aaron and Hur ascended to the top of the hill.Exodus 17:10

Exodus 17:11 And when Moses lifted up his hands, Israel prevailed. But when he released them a little while, Amalek overcame.Exodus 17:11

Exodus 17:12 Then the hands of Moses became heavy. And so, taking a stone, they placed it beneath him, and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur sustained his hands from both sides. And it happened that his hands did not tire until the setting of the sun.Exodus 17:12

Exodus 17:14 Then the Lord said to Moses: “Write this, as a memorial in a book, and deliver it to the ears of Joshua. For I will wipe away the memory of Amalek from under heaven.”Exodus 17:14

Exodus 17:15 And Moses built an altar. And he called its name, ‘The Lord, my Exaltation.’ For he said:Exodus 17:15

Exodus 18:1 And when Jethro, the priest of Midian, the kinsman of Moses, had heard all that God had done for Moses, and for his people Israel, and that the Lord had led Israel away from Egypt,Exodus 18:1

Exodus 18:2 he brought Zipporah, the wife of Moses, whom he was to return to him,Exodus 18:2

Exodus 18:5 And so Jethro, the kinsman of Moses, with his sons and his wife, came to Moses in the desert, where he was encamped next to the mountain of God.Exodus 18:5

Exodus 18:6 And he sent word to Moses, saying: “I, Jethro, your kinsman, have come to you, with your wife, and your two sons with her.”Exodus 18:6

Exodus 18:12 And so Jethro, the kinsman of Moses, offered holocausts and sacrifices to God. And Aaron arrived with all the elders of Israel, in order to eat bread with him in the sight of God.Exodus 18:12

Exodus 18:13 Then, the next day, Moses sat down in order to judge the people, and they stood beside Moses from morning, even until evening.Exodus 18:13

Exodus 18:15 And Moses answered him: “The people come to me seeking the verdict of God.Exodus 18:15

Exodus 18:24 Having heard this, Moses did everything that he had suggested to him.Exodus 18:24

Exodus 19:3 Then Moses ascended to God. And the Lord called to him from the mountain, and he said: “This you shall say to the house of Jacob, and announce to the sons of Israel:Exodus 19:3

Exodus 19:8 And all the people responded together: “Everything that the Lord has spoken, we shall do.” And when Moses had related the words of the people to the Lord,Exodus 19:8

Exodus 19:9 the Lord said to him: “Soon now, I will come to you in the mist of a cloud, so that the people may hear me speaking to you, and so that they may believe you continuously.” Therefore, Moses reported the words of the people to the Lord,Exodus 19:9

Exodus 19:14 And Moses came down from the mountain to the people, and he sanctified them. And when they had washed their garments,Exodus 19:14

Exodus 19:17 And when Moses had led them out to meet God, from the place of the camp, they stood at the base of the mountain.Exodus 19:17

Exodus 19:19 And the sound of the trumpet gradually increased to be louder, and extended to be longer. Moses was speaking, and God was answering him.Exodus 19:19

Exodus 19:20 And the Lord descended over Mount Sinai, to the very top of the mountain, and he called Moses to its summit. And when he had ascended there,Exodus 19:20

Exodus 19:23 And Moses said to the Lord: “The people are not able to ascend to Mount Sinai. For you testified, and you commanded, saying: ‘Set limits around the mountain, and sanctify it.’ ”Exodus 19:23

Exodus 19:25 And Moses descended to the people, and he explained everything to them.Exodus 19:25

Exodus 20:19 saying to Moses: “Speak to us, and we will listen. Let not the Lord speak to us, lest perhaps we may die.”Exodus 20:19

Exodus 20:20 And Moses said to the people: “Do not be afraid. For God came in order to test you, and so that the dread of him might be with you, and you would not sin.”Exodus 20:20

Exodus 20:21 And the people stood far away. But Moses approached toward the mist, in which was God.Exodus 20:21

Exodus 20:22 Thereafter, the Lord said to Moses: “This you shall say to the sons of Israel: You have seen that I have spoken to you from heaven.Exodus 20:22

Exodus 24:1 He also said to Moses: “Ascend to the Lord, you and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy elders out of Israel, and adore from a distance.Exodus 24:1

Exodus 24:2 And only Moses will ascend to the Lord, and these shall not approach. Neither shall the people ascend with him.”Exodus 24:2

Exodus 24:3 Therefore, Moses went and explained to the people all the words of the Lord, as well as the judgments. And all the people responded with one voice: “We will do all the words of the Lord, which he has spoken.”Exodus 24:3

Exodus 24:4 Then Moses wrote all the words of the Lord. And rising up in the morning, he built an altar at the base of the mountain, with twelve titles according to the twelve tribes of Israel.Exodus 24:4

Exodus 24:6 And so Moses took one half part of the blood, and he put it into bowls. Then the remaining part he poured over the altar.Exodus 24:6

Exodus 24:9 And Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel ascended.Exodus 24:9

Exodus 24:12 Then the Lord said to Moses: “Ascend to me on the mountain, and be there. And I will give to you tablets of stone, and the law and the commandments that I have written. So may you teach them.”Exodus 24:12

Exodus 24:13 Moses rose up, with Joshua his minister. And Moses, ascending on the mountain of God,Exodus 24:13

Exodus 24:15 And when Moses had ascended, a cloud covered the mountain.Exodus 24:15

Exodus 24:18 And Moses, entering into the midst of the cloud, ascended the mountain. And he was there for forty days and forty nights.Exodus 24:18

Exodus 25:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Exodus 25:1

Exodus 30:11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Exodus 30:11

Exodus 30:17 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Exodus 30:17

Exodus 30:22 And the Lord spoke to Moses,Exodus 30:22

Exodus 30:34 And the Lord said to Moses: “Take to yourself aromatics: stacte, and onycha, galbanum of sweet odor, and the clearest frankincense, all these shall be of equal weight.Exodus 30:34

Exodus 31:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Exodus 31:1

Exodus 31:12 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Exodus 31:12

Exodus 31:18 And the Lord, having completed speaking in this way on Mount Sinai, gave to Moses two stone tablets of testimony, written with the finger of God.Exodus 31:18

Exodus 32:1 Then the people, seeing that Moses made a delay in descending from the mountain, gathered together against Aaron, and said: “Rise up, make us gods, who may go before us. But as for this man Moses, who led us away from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has befallen him.”Exodus 32:1

Exodus 32:7 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Go, descend. Your people, whom you led away from the land of Egypt, have sinned.Exodus 32:7

Exodus 32:9 And again, the Lord said to Moses: “I discern that this people is stiff-necked.Exodus 32:9

Exodus 32:11 Then Moses prayed to the Lord his God, saying: “Why, O Lord, is your fury enraged against your people, whom you led away from the land of Egypt, with great strength and with a mighty hand?Exodus 32:11

Exodus 32:15 And Moses returned from the mountain, carrying the two tablets of the testimony in his hand, written on both sides,Exodus 32:15

Exodus 32:17 Then Joshua, hearing the tumult of the people shouting, said to Moses: “The outcry of battle is heard in the camp.”Exodus 32:17

Exodus 32:23 They said to me: ‘Make gods for us, who may go before us. For this Moses, who led us away from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has befallen him.’Exodus 32:23

Exodus 32:25 Therefore, Moses, seeing that the people were naked (for Aaron had stripped them because of the disgrace of their sordidness, and he had set them naked among their enemies),Exodus 32:25

Exodus 32:28 And the sons of Levi did according to the words of Moses, and there fell on that day about twenty-three thousand men.Exodus 32:28

Exodus 32:29 And Moses said: “On this day, you have consecrated your hands to the Lord, each one in his son and in his brother, so that a blessing may be given to you.”Exodus 32:29

Exodus 32:30 Then, when the next day arrived, Moses spoke to the people: “You have sinned the greatest sin. I will ascend to the Lord. Perhaps, in some way, I might be able to entreat him for your wickedness.”Exodus 32:30

Exodus 33:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Go forth, ascend from this place, you and your people, whom you led away from the land of Egypt, into the land that I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying: To your offspring, I will give it.Exodus 33:1

Exodus 33:5 And the Lord said to Moses: “Say to the sons of Israel: You are a stiff-necked people. I should at once go up into your midst and destroy you. Now immediately put aside your ornaments, so that I may know what to do to you.”Exodus 33:5

Exodus 33:7 Also, Moses took the tabernacle and pitched it beyond the camp at a distance, and he called its name: ‘Tabernacle of the Covenant.’ And all the people, who had any kind of question, went out to the Tabernacle of the Covenant, beyond the camp.Exodus 33:7

Exodus 33:8 And when Moses went out to the tabernacle, all the people rose up, and each one stood at the door of his pavilion, and they beheld the back of Moses until he entered the tent.Exodus 33:8

Exodus 33:9 And when he had gone into the Tabernacle of the Covenant, the pillar of cloud descended and stood at the door, and he spoke with Moses.Exodus 33:9

Exodus 33:11 But the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, just as a man is used to speaking to his friend. And when he returned to the camp, his minister Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, did not withdraw from the Tabernacle.Exodus 33:11

Exodus 33:12 Then Moses said to the Lord: “You instruct me to lead this people away, and you do not reveal to me whom you will send with me, particularly since you have said: ‘I know you by name, and you have found favor before me.’Exodus 33:12

Exodus 33:15 And Moses said: “If you will not yourself precede us, then do not lead us away from this place.Exodus 33:15

Exodus 33:17 Then the Lord said to Moses: “This word also, which you have spoken, I will do. For you have found grace before me, and I have known you by name.”Exodus 33:17

Exodus 34:5 And when the Lord had descended in a cloud, Moses stood with him, calling upon the name of the Lord.Exodus 34:5

Exodus 34:8 And hurrying, Moses bowed down prostrate to the ground; and worshiping,Exodus 34:8

Exodus 34:27 And the Lord said to Moses, “Write these words to you, through which I have formed a covenant, both with you and with Israel.”Exodus 34:27

Exodus 34:29 And when Moses descended from Mount Sinai, he held the two tablets of the testimony, and he did not know that his face was radiant from the sharing of words with the Lord.Exodus 34:29

Exodus 34:30 Then Aaron and the sons of Israel, seeing that the face of Moses was radiant, were afraid to approach close by.Exodus 34:30

Exodus 34:35 And they saw that the face of Moses, when he came out, was radiant, but he covered his face again, whenever he spoke to them.Exodus 34:35

Exodus 35:4 And Moses said to the entire crowd of the sons of Israel: “This is the word which the Lord has instructed, saying:Exodus 35:4

Exodus 35:20 And all the multitude of the sons of Israel, departing from the sight of Moses,Exodus 35:20

Exodus 35:29 All the men and women offered donations with a devout mind, so that the works might be done which the Lord had ordered by the hand of Moses. All the sons of Israel dedicated voluntary offerings to the Lord.Exodus 35:29

Exodus 35:30 And Moses said to the sons of Israel: “Behold, the Lord has called by name Bezalel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, from the tribe of Judah,Exodus 35:30

Exodus 36:2 And when Moses had called them and every man of learning, to whom the Lord had given wisdom, and who, of their own accord, had offered themselves in order to accomplish this work,Exodus 36:2

Exodus 36:5 to Moses and to say, “The people offer more than is needed.”Exodus 36:5

Exodus 36:6 Therefore, Moses ordered this to be recited, with a voice of proclamation: “Let neither man nor woman offer anything further for the work of the Sanctuary.” And so they ceased from offering gifts,Exodus 36:6

Exodus 38:21 These are the instruments of the tabernacle of the testimony, which were enumerated according to the instruction of Moses, with the ceremonies of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the priest,Exodus 38:21

Exodus 38:22 which Bezalel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur from the tribe of Judah, had completed, just as the Lord decreed through Moses.Exodus 38:22

Exodus 39:1 Truly, from hyacinth and purple, vermillion and fine linen, he made the vestments with which Aaron was clothed when he ministered in the holy places, just as the Lord instructed Moses.Exodus 39:1

Exodus 39:5 and a wide belt from the same colors, just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Exodus 39:5

Exodus 39:7 And he set them in the sides of the ephod, as a memorial to the sons of Israel, just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Exodus 39:7

Exodus 39:19 being fastened to the wide belt and strongly coupled with rings, to which a hyacinth band was joined, lest they should shake loose and be moved away from one another, just as the Lord instructed Moses.Exodus 39:19

Exodus 39:24 So then, the high priest approached, adorned with gold bell and pomegranate, when he performed his ministry, just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Exodus 39:24

Exodus 39:28 Truly, they also made a wide band of fine twisted linen, hyacinth, purple, as well as vermillion, twice-dyed, with skillful embroidery, just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Exodus 39:28

Exodus 39:30 And they fastened it to the headdress with a hyacinth band, just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Exodus 39:30

Exodus 39:31 And so all the work of the tabernacle and of the covering of the testimony was completed. And the sons of Israel did all that the Lord had instructed Moses.Exodus 39:31

Exodus 39:43 After this, when Moses saw that everything was completed, he blessed them.Exodus 39:43

Exodus 40:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Exodus 40:1

Exodus 40:16 And Moses did all that the Lord had instructed.Exodus 40:16

Exodus 40:18 And Moses raised it up, and he positioned the panels as well as the bases and the bars, and he set up the columns,Exodus 40:18

Exodus 40:23 arranging before it the bread of the presence, just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Exodus 40:23

Exodus 40:27 and he heaped upon it the incense of aromatics, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.Exodus 40:27

Exodus 40:31 And Moses and Aaron, along with his sons, washed their hands and feet,Exodus 40:31

Exodus 40:32 whenever they would enter the covering of the covenant, and when they approached to the altar, just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Exodus 40:32

Exodus 40:35 Neither could Moses enter the covering of the covenant: the cloud was covering all things, and the majesty of the Lord was flashing. For the cloud had covered everything.Exodus 40:35

Number of the word / term Moses in Exodus: 220

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 1:1 Then the Lord called Moses and spoke to him from the tabernacle of the testimony, saying:Leviticus 1:1

Leviticus 4:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 4:1

Leviticus 5:14 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 5:14

Leviticus 6:1 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 6:1

Leviticus 6:8 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 6:8

Leviticus 6:19 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 6:19

Leviticus 6:24 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 6:24

Leviticus 7:22 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 7:22

Leviticus 7:28 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 7:28

Leviticus 7:35 This is the anointing of Aaron and his sons, by the ceremonies of the Lord, in the day when Moses offered them, so that they may fulfill the priesthood,Leviticus 7:35

Leviticus 7:38 which the Lord appointed to Moses on mount Sinai, when he commanded the sons of Israel to offer their oblations to the Lord in the desert of Sinai.Leviticus 7:38

Leviticus 8:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 8:1

Leviticus 8:4 And Moses did as the Lord had commanded. And when all the crowd was gathered together before the entrance of the tabernacle,Leviticus 8:4

Leviticus 8:23 And when Moses had immolated it, taking up some of its blood, he touched the tip of Aaron’s right ear, and the thumb of his right hand, and similarly also his foot.Leviticus 8:23

Leviticus 8:36 And Aaron and his sons did everything that the Lord spoke by the hand of Moses.Leviticus 8:36

Leviticus 9:1 Then, the eighth day having arrived, Moses called Aaron and his sons, and those greater by birth from Israel, and he said to Aaron:Leviticus 9:1

Leviticus 9:5 And so they brought everything that Moses had ordered before the door of the tabernacle, where, when all the multitude stood together,Leviticus 9:5

Leviticus 9:10 And the fat, and the little kidneys, and the mesh of the liver, which are for sin, he burned upon the altar, just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Leviticus 9:10

Leviticus 9:21 Aaron separated their breasts and the right shoulders, lifting them up in the sight of the Lord, as Moses had instructed.Leviticus 9:21

Leviticus 9:23 Then Moses and Aaron entered the tabernacle of the testimony, and afterwards came out and blessed the people. And the glory of the Lord appeared to the entire multitude.Leviticus 9:23

Leviticus 10:3 And Moses said to Aaron: “This is what the Lord has spoken: ‘I will be sanctified in those who approach me, and I will be glorified in the sight of all the people.’ ” And upon hearing this, Aaron was silent.Leviticus 10:3

Leviticus 10:4 Then Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel, the paternal uncle of Aaron, and he said to them, “Go and take your brothers from the sight of the Sanctuary, and carry them beyond the camp.”Leviticus 10:4

Leviticus 10:6 And Moses said to Aaron, and to his sons, Eleazar and Ithamar: “Do not uncover your heads, and do not rend your garments, lest perhaps you may die, and indignation may rise up over the entire assembly. Let your brothers, and all the house of Israel, bewail the burning that the Lord has kindled.Leviticus 10:6

Leviticus 10:7 But you shall not depart from the door of the tabernacle; otherwise, you shall perish. For certainly the oil of holy anointing is upon you.” And they did all things according to the precept of Moses.Leviticus 10:7

Leviticus 10:11 And so may you teach the sons of Israel all my ordinances, which the Lord has spoken to them by the hand of Moses.”Leviticus 10:11

Leviticus 10:12 And Moses spoke to Aaron, and to his sons, Eleazar and Ithamar, who were remaining: “Take the sacrifice which remains from the oblation of the Lord, and eat it without leaven next to the altar, because it is the Holy of holies.Leviticus 10:12

Leviticus 10:16 Meanwhile, when Moses was searching for the he-goat, which had been offered for sin, he discovered it burned up. And being angry against Eleazar and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron who were remaining, he said:Leviticus 10:16

Leviticus 10:20 But when Moses had heard this, he was satisfied.Leviticus 10:20

Leviticus 11:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Leviticus 11:1

Leviticus 12:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 12:1

Leviticus 13:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Leviticus 13:1

Leviticus 14:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 14:1

Leviticus 14:33 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Leviticus 14:33

Leviticus 15:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Leviticus 15:1

Leviticus 16:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they were destroyed for offering strange fire.Leviticus 16:1

Leviticus 16:34 And this shall be to you a perpetual law, that you pray for the sons of Israel, and for all their sins once a year. Therefore, he did just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Leviticus 16:34

Leviticus 17:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 17:1

Leviticus 18:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 18:1

Leviticus 19:1 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 19:1

Leviticus 20:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 20:1

Leviticus 21:1 The Lord also said to Moses: Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and you shall say to them: Do not allow a priest to be contaminated by the death of his citizens,Leviticus 21:1

Leviticus 21:16 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 21:16

Leviticus 21:24 Therefore, Moses spoke to Aaron, and to his sons, and to all of Israel, everything that had been commanded to him.Leviticus 21:24

Leviticus 22:1 The Lord also spoke to Moses saying:Leviticus 22:1

Leviticus 22:17 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 22:17

Leviticus 22:26 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 22:26

Leviticus 23:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 23:1

Leviticus 23:9 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 23:9

Leviticus 23:23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 23:23

Leviticus 23:26 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 23:26

Leviticus 23:33 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 23:33

Leviticus 23:44 And Moses spoke about the solemnities of the Lord to the sons of Israel.Leviticus 23:44

Leviticus 24:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 24:1

Leviticus 24:11 And when he had blasphemed the name, and had cursed it, he was led to Moses. (Now his mother was called Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri from the tribe of Dan.)Leviticus 24:11

Leviticus 24:13 who spoke to Moses,Leviticus 24:13

Leviticus 24:23 And Moses spoke to the sons of Israel. And they led away him who had blasphemed, beyond the camp, and they overwhelmed him with stones. And the sons of Israel did just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Leviticus 24:23

Leviticus 25:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses on mount Sinai, saying:Leviticus 25:1

Leviticus 26:46 These are the judgments, and precepts, and laws, which the Lord has granted between himself and the sons of Israel, on mount Sinai, by the hand of Moses.Leviticus 26:46

Leviticus 27:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Leviticus 27:1

Leviticus 27:34 These are the precepts, which the Lord commanded Moses for the sons of Israel on mount Sinai.Leviticus 27:34

Number of the word / term Moses in Leviticus: 60

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 1:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses in the desert of Sinai, in the tabernacle of the covenant, on the first day of the second month, in the year after their departure from Egypt, saying:Numbers 1:1

Numbers 1:19 just as the Lord had instructed Moses. And they were numbered in the desert of Sinai.Numbers 1:19

Numbers 1:44 These are the ones who were numbered by Moses and Aaron and the twelve leaders of Israel, each one by the houses of their kinships.Numbers 1:44

Numbers 1:48 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 1:48

Numbers 1:54 Therefore, the sons of Israel acted according to everything that the Lord had instructed Moses.Numbers 1:54

Numbers 2:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Numbers 2:1

Numbers 2:33 But the Levites were not numbered among the sons of Israel. For so the Lord had instructed Moses.Numbers 2:33

Numbers 3:1 These are the generations of Aaron and Moses, in the day when the Lord spoke to Moses on mount Sinai.Numbers 3:1

Numbers 3:5 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 3:5

Numbers 3:11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 3:11

Numbers 3:14 And the Lord spoke to Moses in the desert of Sinai, saying:Numbers 3:14

Numbers 3:39 All the Levites, whom Moses and Aaron numbered by their families according to the precept of the Lord, of the male gender, from one month and above, were twenty-two thousand.Numbers 3:39

Numbers 3:40 And the Lord said to Moses: “Number the firstborn of the male sex from the sons of Israel, from one month and above, and you shall take their total.Numbers 3:40

Numbers 3:44 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 3:44

Numbers 3:49 Therefore, Moses took the money for those that were in excess, and whom they had redeemed from the LevitesNumbers 3:49

Numbers 4:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Numbers 4:1

Numbers 4:17 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Numbers 4:17

Numbers 4:21 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 4:21

Numbers 4:34 Therefore, Moses and Aaron, and the leaders of the assembly, took a census of the sons of Kohath, by the kinships and houses of their fathers,Numbers 4:34

Numbers 4:37 This is the number of the people of Kohath, who enter the tabernacle of the covenant. These Moses and Aaron numbered according to the word of the Lord by the hand of Moses.Numbers 4:37

Numbers 4:41 This is the people of the Gershonites, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to the word of the Lord.Numbers 4:41

Numbers 4:45 This is the number of the sons of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron counted according to the command of the Lord by the hand of Moses.Numbers 4:45

Numbers 4:46 All who were counted from the Levites, and whom, by name, Moses and Aaron, and the leaders of Israel, counted by the kinships and houses of their fathers,Numbers 4:46

Numbers 5:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 5:1

Numbers 5:4 And the sons of Israel did so, and they cast them out, beyond the camp, just as the Lord had spoken to Moses.Numbers 5:4

Numbers 5:5 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 5:5

Numbers 5:11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 5:11

Numbers 6:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 6:1

Numbers 6:22 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 6:22

Numbers 7:1 Now it happened in the day when Moses completed the tabernacle, and he set it up, and he anointed and sanctified it with all of its vessels, and similarly the altar and all of its vessels,Numbers 7:1

Numbers 7:4 Then the Lord said to Moses:Numbers 7:4

Numbers 7:6 And so Moses, having received the wagons and the oxen, delivered them to the Levites.Numbers 7:6

Numbers 7:11 And the Lord said to Moses: “Let each of the leaders, on each of the days, offer their gifts for the dedication of the altar.”Numbers 7:11

Numbers 7:89 And when Moses entered into the tabernacle of the covenant, to consult the oracle, he heard the voice of One speaking to him from the propitiatory, which is over the ark of the testimony between the two cherubims, and there he also spoke to him.Numbers 7:89

Numbers 8:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 8:1

Numbers 8:3 And Aaron did so, and he placed the lamps on the lampstand, just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Numbers 8:3

Numbers 8:4 Now this was the workmanship of the lampstand: it was of ductile gold, both the main shaft and all that originated from both sides of the branches. According to the example that the Lord revealed to Moses, so did he make the lampstand.Numbers 8:4

Numbers 8:5 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 8:5

Numbers 8:20 And Moses and Aaron, and all the multitude of the sons of Israel, accomplished all that the Lord had commanded Moses concerning the Levites.Numbers 8:20

Numbers 8:22 so that, having been purified, they might enter to their duties in the tabernacle of the covenant before Aaron and his sons. Just as the Lord had instructed Moses about the Levites, so was it done.Numbers 8:22

Numbers 8:23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 8:23

Numbers 9:1 The Lord spoke to Moses in the desert of Sinai, in the second year after they departed from the land of Egypt, in the first month, saying:Numbers 9:1

Numbers 9:4 And Moses instructed the sons of Israel, so that they would observe the Passover.Numbers 9:4

Numbers 9:5 And they observed it at its proper time: on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, at mount Sinai. The sons of Israel acted according to all the things that the Lord had commanded Moses.Numbers 9:5

Numbers 9:6 But behold, certain ones, who were not able to observe the Passover on that day, being unclean because of the life of a man, approaching Moses and Aaron,Numbers 9:6

Numbers 9:8 And Moses responded to them: “Remain, so that I may consult the Lord, as to what he will rule about you.”Numbers 9:8

Numbers 9:9 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 9:9

Numbers 9:23 By the word of the Lord they fixed their tents, and by his word they advanced. And they kept the night watches of the Lord, according to his command by the hand of Moses.Numbers 9:23

Numbers 10:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 10:1

Numbers 10:13 And the first to move their camp, according to the command of the Lord by the hand of Moses,Numbers 10:13

Numbers 10:29 And Moses said to Hobab the son of Raguel the Midianite, his kinsman: “We are setting out to the place which the Lord will give to us. Come with us, so that we may do good to you. For the Lord has promised good things to Israel.”Numbers 10:29

Numbers 10:35 And when the ark was lifted up, Moses said, “Rise up, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee from your face.”Numbers 10:35

Numbers 11:2 And when the people had cried out to Moses, Moses prayed to the Lord, and the fire was consumed.Numbers 11:2

Numbers 11:10 And so, Moses heard the people weeping by their families, each one at the door of his tent. And the fury of the Lord was greatly enflamed. And to Moses also the matter seemed intolerable.Numbers 11:10

Numbers 11:16 And the Lord said to Moses: “Gather to me seventy men from the elders of Israel, whom you know to be elders, as well as teachers, of the people. And you shall lead them to the door of the tabernacle of the covenant, and you shall cause them to stand there with you,Numbers 11:16

Numbers 11:21 And Moses said: “There are six hundred thousand footmen of this people, and yet you say, ‘I will give them flesh to eat for a whole month.’Numbers 11:21

Numbers 11:24 And so, Moses went and explained the words of the Lord to the people. Gathering together seventy men from the elders of Israel, he caused them to stand around the tabernacle.Numbers 11:24

Numbers 11:25 And the Lord descended in a cloud, and he spoke to him, taking from the Spirit which was in Moses, and giving to the seventy men. And when the Spirit had rested in them, they prophesied; nor did they cease afterwards.Numbers 11:25

Numbers 11:27 And when they were prophesying in the camp, a boy ran and reported to Moses, saying: “Eldad and Medad prophesy in the camp.”Numbers 11:27

Numbers 11:28 Promptly, Joshua the son of Nun, the minister of Moses and chosen from many, said: “My lord Moses, prohibit them.”Numbers 11:28

Numbers 11:30 And Moses returned, with those greater by birth of Israel, into the camp.Numbers 11:30

Numbers 12:1 And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, because of his wife, an Ethiopian,Numbers 12:1

Numbers 12:3 (for Moses was a man exceedingly meek, beyond all the men who were living upon the earth)Numbers 12:3

Numbers 12:7 But it is not so with my servant Moses, who is the most faithful in all my house.Numbers 12:7

Numbers 12:11 he said to Moses: “I beg you, my lord, not to impose upon us this sin, which we have committed foolishly.Numbers 12:11

Numbers 12:13 And Moses cried out to the Lord, saying, “O God, I beg you: heal her.”Numbers 12:13

Numbers 13:1 And there, the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 13:1

Numbers 13:3 Moses did what the Lord had commanded, sending, from the desert of Paran, leading men, whose names are these:Numbers 13:3

Numbers 13:16 These are the names of the men, whom Moses sent to examine the land. And he called Hosea, the son of Nun, Joshua.Numbers 13:16

Numbers 13:17 And so, Moses sent them to examine the land of Canaan, and he said to them: “Ascend by the south side. And when you arrive at the mountains,Numbers 13:17

Numbers 13:26 And they went to Moses and Aaron, and to the entire assembly of the sons of Israel in the desert of Paran, which is in Kadesh. And speaking to them, and to the entire multitude, they showed them the fruits of the land.Numbers 13:26

Numbers 13:30 During these events, Caleb, to restrain the murmuring of the people who rose up against Moses, said, “Let us ascend and possess the land, for we will be able to obtain it.”Numbers 13:30

Numbers 14:2 And all the sons of Israel were murmuring against Moses and Aaron, saying:Numbers 14:2

Numbers 14:5 And when Moses and Aaron heard this, they fell prone on the ground in the sight of the multitude of the sons of Israel.Numbers 14:5

Numbers 14:11 And the Lord said to Moses: “How long will this people disparage me? How long will they refuse to believe me, despite all the signs that I have wrought before them?Numbers 14:11

Numbers 14:13 And Moses said to the Lord: “But then the Egyptians, from whose midst you led out this people,Numbers 14:13

Numbers 14:26 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Numbers 14:26

Numbers 14:36 Therefore, all the men, whom Moses had sent to contemplate the land, and who, having returned, had caused the entire multitude to murmur against him, disparaging the land as if it were evil,Numbers 14:36

Numbers 14:39 And Moses spoke all these words to all the sons of Israel, and the people mourned exceedingly.Numbers 14:39

Numbers 14:41 And Moses said to them: “Why do you transgress the word of the Lord, merely because it will not result in prosperity for you?Numbers 14:41

Numbers 14:44 But they, having been darkened, ascended to the top of the mountain. But the ark of the testament of the Lord, and Moses, did not withdraw from the camp.Numbers 14:44

Numbers 15:1 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 15:1

Numbers 15:16 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 15:16

Numbers 15:22 And if, through ignorance, you neglect any of these things, which the Lord has spoken to Moses,Numbers 15:22

Numbers 15:33 they brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to the whole multitude.Numbers 15:33

Numbers 15:35 And the Lord said to Moses, “Let that man be put to death; let the entire crowd crush him with stones, outside the camp.”Numbers 15:35

Numbers 15:37 The Lord also said to Moses:Numbers 15:37

Numbers 16:2 rose up against Moses, with two hundred fifty others of the sons of Israel, leading men of the assembly, and who, at the time of a council, would be called by name.Numbers 16:2

Numbers 16:3 And when they had stood against Moses and Aaron, they said: “Let it be sufficient for you that the entire multitude is of holy ones, and that the Lord is among them. Why do you elevate yourselves above the people of the Lord?”Numbers 16:3

Numbers 16:4 When Moses had heard this, he fell prone on his face.Numbers 16:4

Numbers 16:12 Therefore, Moses sent to call for Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, who responded: “We will not come.Numbers 16:12

Numbers 16:15 And Moses, being very angry, said to the Lord: “Do not look with favor on their sacrifices. You know that I have not accepted from them, at any time, so much as a young donkey, nor have I afflicted any of them.”Numbers 16:15

Numbers 16:18 When they had done this, Moses and Aaron stood up,Numbers 16:18

Numbers 16:20 And the Lord, speaking to Moses and Aaron, said:Numbers 16:20

Numbers 16:23 And the Lord said to Moses:Numbers 16:23

Numbers 16:25 And Moses rose up and went to Dathan and Abiram. And the elders of Israel followed him,Numbers 16:25

Numbers 16:28 And Moses said: “By this shall you know that the Lord has sent me to do all that you discern, and that I have not brought these things out of my own heart:Numbers 16:28

Numbers 16:36 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 16:36

Numbers 16:40 so that the sons of Israel would have, thereafter, something to admonish them, lest any stranger, or anyone who is not of the offspring of Aaron, might approach to offer incense to the Lord, and lest he endure what happened to Korah, and to all his congregation, when the Lord spoke to Moses.Numbers 16:40

Numbers 16:41 Then, the following day, the entire multitude of the sons of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron, saying: “You have put to death the people of the Lord.”Numbers 16:41

Numbers 16:44 And the Lord said to Moses:Numbers 16:44

Numbers 16:50 And Aaron returned to Moses at the door of the tabernacle of the covenant, after the destruction quieted.Numbers 16:50

Numbers 17:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 17:1

Numbers 17:6 And Moses spoke to the sons of Israel. And all the leaders gave him rods, one for each tribe. And there were twelve rods, aside from the rod of Aaron.Numbers 17:6

Numbers 17:7 And when Moses had placed these before the Lord, in the tabernacle of the testimony,Numbers 17:7

Numbers 17:9 Therefore, Moses brought out all the rods, from the sight of the Lord, to all the sons of Israel. And they saw, and each one received their rods.Numbers 17:9

Numbers 17:10 And the Lord said to Moses: “Carry back the rod of Aaron into the tabernacle of the testimony, so that it may be kept there as a sign of the rebellion of the sons of Israel, and so that their complaints may be quieted before me, lest they die.”Numbers 17:10

Numbers 17:11 And Moses did just as the Lord had instructed.Numbers 17:11

Numbers 17:12 Then the sons of Israel said to Moses: “Behold, we have been consumed; we have been ruined.Numbers 17:12

Numbers 18:25 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 18:25

Numbers 19:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Numbers 19:1

Numbers 20:2 And when the people were in need of water, they came together against Moses and Aaron.Numbers 20:2

Numbers 20:6 And Moses and Aaron, dismissing the multitude, entered the tabernacle of the covenant, and they fell prone on the ground, and they cried out to the Lord, and they said: “O Lord God, listen to the outcry of this people, and open for them, from your storehouse, a fountain of living water, so that, being satisfied, their murmuring may cease.” And the glory of the Lord appeared over them.Numbers 20:6

Numbers 20:7 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 20:7

Numbers 20:9 Therefore, Moses took the rod, which was in the sight of the Lord, just as he had instructed him.Numbers 20:9

Numbers 20:11 And when Moses had lifted up his hand, striking the stone twice with the rod, very great waters went forth, so much so that the people and their cattle were able to drink.Numbers 20:11

Numbers 20:12 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not believe me, so as to sanctify me before the sons of Israel, you shall not lead this people into the land, which I will give to them.”Numbers 20:12

Numbers 20:14 Meanwhile, Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom. They said: “Your brother Israel says this: You know of all the hardships which have overtaken us,Numbers 20:14

Numbers 20:23 where the Lord spoke to Moses:Numbers 20:23

Numbers 20:28 And when he had despoiled Aaron of his vestments, he clothed his son Eleazar with them. And when Aaron had died at the top of the mountain, Moses came down with Eleazar.Numbers 20:28

Numbers 21:5 And speaking against God and Moses, they said: “Why did you lead us away from Egypt, so as to die in the wilderness? Bread is lacking; there are no waters. Our soul is now nauseous over this very light food.”Numbers 21:5

Numbers 21:7 And so they went to Moses, and they said: “We have sinned, because we have spoken against the Lord and against you. Pray, so that he may take away these serpents from us.” And Moses prayed for the people.Numbers 21:7

Numbers 21:9 Therefore, Moses made a bronze serpent, and he placed it as a sign. When those who had been struck gazed upon it, they were healed.Numbers 21:9

Numbers 21:16 Beyond that place appeared a well, about which the Lord said to Moses: “Gather the people together, and I will give them water.”Numbers 21:16

Numbers 21:32 And Moses sent some to explore Jazer. These captured its villages and possessed its inhabitants.Numbers 21:32

Numbers 21:34 And the Lord said to Moses: “Do not be afraid of him. For I have delivered him, and all his people, as well as his land, into your hand. And you shall do to him just as you did to Sihon, the king of the Amorites, the inhabitant of Heshbon.”Numbers 21:34

Numbers 25:4 said to Moses, “Take all the leaders of the people, and hang them on gallows against the sun, so that my fury may be averted from Israel.”Numbers 25:4

Numbers 25:5 And Moses said to the judges of Israel, “Let each one kill his neighbors, who have been initiated into Baal of Peor.”Numbers 25:5

Numbers 25:6 And behold, one of the sons of Israel entered, in the sight of his brothers, to a prostitute of Midian, within view of Moses and of all the crowd of the sons of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle.Numbers 25:6

Numbers 25:10 And the Lord said to Moses:Numbers 25:10

Numbers 25:16 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 25:16

Numbers 26:1 After the blood of the guilty was shed, the Lord said to Moses, and to Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest:Numbers 26:1

Numbers 26:3 And so, Moses and Eleazar the priest, who were in the plains of Moab, above the Jordan, opposite Jericho, spoke to those who wereNumbers 26:3

Numbers 26:9 his sons, Nemuel and Dathan and Abiram. These are Dathan and Abiram, the leaders of the people, who rose up against Moses and Aaron in the sedition at Korah, when they rebelled against the Lord.Numbers 26:9

Numbers 26:52 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 26:52

Numbers 26:59 who had a wife, Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, who was born to him in Egypt. She bore, to her husband Amram: sons, Aaron and Moses, as well as their sister, Miriam.Numbers 26:59

Numbers 26:63 This is the number of the sons of Israel, who were enrolled by Moses and by Eleazar the priest, in the plains of Moab, above the Jordan, opposite Jericho.Numbers 26:63

Numbers 26:64 Among these, not one of them was numbered before, by Moses and Aaron in the desert of Sinai.Numbers 26:64

Numbers 27:2 And they stood before Moses and Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the people, at the door of the tabernacle of the covenant, and they said:Numbers 27:2

Numbers 27:4 And Moses referred their case to the judgment of the Lord.Numbers 27:4

Numbers 27:11 But if he has no paternal uncles, the inheritance shall be given to those who are closest to him. And this shall be, for the sons of Israel, consecrated as a perpetual law, just as the Lord has instructed Moses.”Numbers 27:11

Numbers 27:12 The Lord also said to Moses: “Ascend onto this mountain, Abarim, and contemplate from there the land, which I will give to the sons of Israel.Numbers 27:12

Numbers 28:1 The Lord also said to Moses:Numbers 28:1

Numbers 29:40 And Moses explained to the sons of Israel all that the Lord had commanded him.Numbers 29:40

Numbers 30:16 These are the laws which the Lord has appointed to Moses, between a husband and a wife, between a father and a daughter, who is still in the state of childhood or who remains in her father’s house.Numbers 30:16

Numbers 31:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 31:1

Numbers 31:3 And immediately Moses said: “Arm the men among you for a battle, so that they may be able to fulfill the retribution of the Lord on the Midianites.Numbers 31:3

Numbers 31:6 And Moses sent them with Phinehas, the son of Eleazar the priest; also, he delivered to him the holy vessels, and the trumpets to sound.Numbers 31:6

Numbers 31:12 And they led these to Moses and Eleazar the priest, and to all the multitude of the sons of Israel. But the remainder of the articles they carried to the camp on the plains of Moab, next to the Jordan, opposite Jericho.Numbers 31:12

Numbers 31:13 Then Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the assembly went out to meet them beyond the camp.Numbers 31:13

Numbers 31:14 And Moses, being angry with the leaders of the army, and the tribunes, and the centurions, who had arrived from the battle,Numbers 31:14

Numbers 31:21 Likewise, Eleazar the priest spoke in this manner to the men of the army who had fought: “This is the precept of the law, which the Lord has commanded Moses:Numbers 31:21

Numbers 31:25 And the Lord also said to Moses:Numbers 31:25

Numbers 31:31 And Moses and Eleazar did just as the Lord had instructed.Numbers 31:31

Numbers 31:41 And Moses delivered the number of the first-fruits of the Lord to Eleazar the priest, just as had been commanded of him,Numbers 31:41

Numbers 31:48 And when the leaders of the army, and the tribunes, and the centurions had approached Moses, they said:Numbers 31:48

Numbers 31:51 And Moses and Eleazar the priest received all the gold in its various kinds,Numbers 31:51

Numbers 32:2 they went to Moses, and to Eleazar the priest and the leaders of the multitude, and they said:Numbers 32:2

Numbers 32:6 And Moses answered them: “Should your brothers go to battle, while you sit here?Numbers 32:6

Numbers 32:20 And Moses said to them: “If you accomplish what you have promised, you may go out, equipped for battle, before the Lord.Numbers 32:20

Numbers 32:25 And the sons of Gad and of Ruben said to Moses: “We are your servants, we shall do what you, our ruler, orders.Numbers 32:25

Numbers 32:28 Therefore, Moses instructed Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the princes of the families throughout the tribes of Israel, and he said to them:Numbers 32:28

Numbers 32:33 And so, Moses gave to the sons of Gad and of Ruben, and to half the tribe of Manasseh, the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon, king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og, king of Bashan, and their land with its surrounding cities.Numbers 32:33

Numbers 32:40 Therefore, Moses gave the land of Gilead to Machir, the son of Manasseh, and he lived in it.Numbers 32:40

Numbers 33:1 These are the lodging places of the sons of Israel, who departed from Egypt by their companies under the hand of Moses and Aaron,Numbers 33:1

Numbers 33:2 which Moses wrote down according to the places of the encampments, which they changed upon the order of the Lord.Numbers 33:2

Numbers 33:50 where the Lord said to Moses:Numbers 33:50

Numbers 34:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:Numbers 34:1

Numbers 34:13 And Moses instructed the sons of Israel, saying: “This shall be the land which you shall possess by lot, and which the Lord has ordered to be given to the nine tribes, and to the half tribe.Numbers 34:13

Numbers 34:16 And the Lord said to Moses:Numbers 34:16

Numbers 35:1 And the Lord also spoke these things to Moses in the plains of Moab, above the Jordan, opposite Jericho:Numbers 35:1

Numbers 35:9 The Lord said to Moses:Numbers 35:9

Numbers 36:1 Then the leaders of the families of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, from the stock of the sons of Joseph, approached and spoke to Moses before the leaders of Israel, and they said:Numbers 36:1

Numbers 36:13 These are the commandments and judgments which the Lord ordered by the hand of Moses to the sons of Israel, in the plains of Moab, above the Jordan, opposite Jericho.Numbers 36:13

Number of the word / term Moses in Numbers: 174

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 1:1 These are the words which Moses spoke to all of Israel, across the Jordan, in the plain of the wilderness opposite the Red Sea, between Paran and Tophel and Laban and Hazeroth, where gold is very plentiful,Deuteronomy 1:1

Deuteronomy 1:3 In the fortieth year, on the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, Moses told the sons of Israel all that the Lord had instructed him. And so he spoke to them,Deuteronomy 1:3

Deuteronomy 1:5 across the Jordan in the land of Moab. And so, Moses began to explain the law, and to say:Deuteronomy 1:5

Deuteronomy 4:41 Then Moses set aside three cities, across the Jordan toward the eastern region,Deuteronomy 4:41

Deuteronomy 4:44 This is the law, which Moses set forth before the sons of Israel.Deuteronomy 4:44

Deuteronomy 4:46 across the Jordan, in the valley opposite the shrine of Peor, in the land of Sihon, the king of the Amorites, who lived at Heshbon, whom Moses struck down. Accordingly, the sons of Israel, having departed from Egypt,Deuteronomy 4:46

Deuteronomy 5:1 And Moses summoned all of Israel, and he said to them: “Listen, O Israel, to the ceremonies and judgments, which I am speaking to your ears on this day. Learn them, and fulfill them in deed.Deuteronomy 5:1

Deuteronomy 27:1 Then Moses and the elders of Israel instructed the people, saying: “Keep each commandment that I instruct to you this day.Deuteronomy 27:1

Deuteronomy 27:9 And Moses and the priests of Levitical stock said to all of Israel: “Attend and listen, O Israel! Today you have become the people of the Lord your God.Deuteronomy 27:9

Deuteronomy 27:11 And Moses instructed the people in that day, saying:Deuteronomy 27:11

Deuteronomy 29:1 These are the words of the covenant which the Lord instructed Moses to form with the sons of Israel in the land of Moab, beside that covenant which he struck with them at Horeb.Deuteronomy 29:1

Deuteronomy 29:2 And Moses called all of Israel, and he said to them: “You have seen all the things that the Lord has done in your sight in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh, and to all his servants, and to his entire land:Deuteronomy 29:2

Deuteronomy 31:1 And so, Moses went out, and he spoke all these words to all of Israel.Deuteronomy 31:1

Deuteronomy 31:7 And Moses called Joshua, and, before all of Israel, he said to him: ‘Be strong and valiant. For you shall lead this people into the land which the Lord swore that he would give to their fathers, and you shall divide it by lot.Deuteronomy 31:7

Deuteronomy 31:9 And so, Moses wrote this law, and he handed it to the priests, the sons of Levi, who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and to all the elders of Israel.Deuteronomy 31:9

Deuteronomy 31:14 And the Lord said to Moses: “Behold, the days of your death draw near. Call Joshua, and stand in the tabernacle of the testimony, so that I may instruct him.” Therefore, Moses and Joshua went and stood in the tabernacle of the testimony.Deuteronomy 31:14

Deuteronomy 31:16 And the Lord said to Moses: “Behold, you shall sleep with your fathers, and this people will rise up and will fornicate after foreign gods, in the land which they will enter so that they may live in it. In that place, they will forsake me, and they will make void the covenant that I have formed with them.Deuteronomy 31:16

Deuteronomy 31:22 Therefore, Moses wrote the canticle, and he taught it to the sons of Israel.Deuteronomy 31:22

Deuteronomy 31:24 Therefore, after Moses had written the words of this law in a volume, and had finished it,Deuteronomy 31:24

Deuteronomy 31:30 Thus did Moses speak, in the hearing of the entire assembly of Israel, the words of this canticle, and he completed it to its very end.Deuteronomy 31:30

Deuteronomy 32:44 Therefore, Moses went and spoke all the words of this canticle to the ears of the people, both he and Joshua, the son of Nun.Deuteronomy 32:44

Deuteronomy 32:48 And the Lord spoke to Moses on the same day, saying:Deuteronomy 32:48

Deuteronomy 33:1 This is the blessing, with which Moses, the man of God, blessed the sons of Israel before his death.Deuteronomy 33:1

Deuteronomy 34:1 Therefore, Moses ascended from the plains of Moab onto Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, opposite Jericho. And the Lord revealed to him the entire land of Gilead, as far as Dan,Deuteronomy 34:1

Deuteronomy 34:5 And Moses, the servant of the Lord, died in that place, in the land of Moab, by order of the Lord.Deuteronomy 34:5

Deuteronomy 34:8 And the sons of Israel wept for him in the plains of Moab for thirty days. And then the days of their wailing, during which they mourned Moses, were completed.Deuteronomy 34:8

Deuteronomy 34:9 Truly, Joshua, the son of Nun, was filled with the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands upon him. And the sons of Israel were obedient to him, and they did as the Lord instructed Moses.Deuteronomy 34:9

Deuteronomy 34:10 And no other prophet rose up in Israel like Moses, one whom the Lord knew face to face,Deuteronomy 34:10

Deuteronomy 34:12 nor one with such a powerful hand and such great miracles as Moses did in the sight of all Israel.Deuteronomy 34:12

Number of the word / term Moses in Deuteronomy: 29

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 1:1 And after the death of Moses, the servant of the Lord, it happened that the Lord spoke to Joshua, the son of Nun, the minister of Moses, and he said to him:Joshua 1:1

Joshua 1:3 I will deliver to you every place that the step of your foot will tread upon, just as I said to Moses.Joshua 1:3

Joshua 1:5 No one will be able to resist you during all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so will I be with you. I will not leave you, nor will I forsake you.Joshua 1:5

Joshua 1:7 Therefore, be strengthened and be very steadfast, so that you may observe and accomplish the entire law, which Moses, my servant, instructed to you. You may not turn aside from it to the right, nor to the left. So may you understand all that you should do.Joshua 1:7

Joshua 1:13 “Remember the words, which Moses, the servant of the Lord, instructed to you, saying: ‘The Lord your God has given you rest, and has given you all the land.’Joshua 1:13

Joshua 1:14 Your wives and sons, as well as the cattle, shall remain in the land which Moses delivered to you beyond the Jordan. But as for you, pass over with weapons, before your brothers, all you who are strong of hand, and fight on their behalf,Joshua 1:14

Joshua 1:15 until the Lord gives rest to your brothers, just as he has given to you, and until they also possess the land, which the Lord your God will give to them. And so shall you be returned to the land of your possession. And you shall live in the land, which Moses, the servant of the Lord, gave to you beyond the Jordan, opposite the rising of the sun.”Joshua 1:15

Joshua 1:17 Just as we obeyed Moses in all things, so shall we obey you also. But may the Lord your God be with you, just as he was with Moses.Joshua 1:17

Joshua 3:7 And the Lord said to Joshua: “Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, so that they may know that, just as I was with Moses, so also am I with you.Joshua 3:7

Joshua 4:10 Now the priests who were carrying the ark stood in the midst of the Jordan, until everything was accomplished which the Lord had instructed Joshua to speak to the people and which Moses had said to him. And the people hurried, and they passed over.Joshua 4:10

Joshua 4:12 Likewise, the sons of Reuben, and of Gad, and of the one half tribe of Manasseh advanced with weapons before the sons of Israel, just as Moses had instructed them.Joshua 4:12

Joshua 4:14 In that day, the Lord magnified Joshua in the sight of all Israel, so that they would fear him, just as they had feared Moses while he lived.Joshua 4:14

Joshua 8:31 just as Moses, the servant of the Lord, had instructed to the sons of Israel, and this was written in the book of the law of Moses: truly, an altar of uncut stones, which iron has not touched. And he offered holocausts upon it to the Lord, and he immolated victims as peace-offerings.Joshua 8:31

Joshua 8:32 And he wrote on the stones, the Deuteronomy of the law of Moses, which he had set in order before the sons of Israel.Joshua 8:32

Joshua 8:33 Then all the people, and those greater by birth, and the commanders and judges were standing on both sides of the ark, in the sight of the priests who were carrying the ark of the covenant of the Lord, with both the new arrival and the native born, one half part of them beside Mount Gerizim, and one half beside Mount Ebal, just as Moses, the servant of the Lord, had instructed. And first, certainly, he blessed the people of Israel.Joshua 8:33

Joshua 8:35 He left nothing untouched out of those things that Moses had ordered, and he repeated everything before the entire multitude of Israel, with the women and the little ones, and the new arrivals who were staying among them.Joshua 8:35

Joshua 9:24 And they responded: “It was reported to us, your servants, that the Lord your God had promised his servant Moses that he would give you the entire land, and that he would destroy all its inhabitants. Therefore, we were very afraid, and we made a provision for our lives, compelled by the dread of you, and we undertook this counsel.Joshua 9:24

Joshua 11:12 And he seized, struck, and destroyed all the surrounding cities and their kings, just as Moses, the servant of God, had instructed him.Joshua 11:12

Joshua 11:15 Just as the Lord had instructed his servant Moses, so did Moses instruct Joshua, and he fulfilled everything. He did not omit even one word out of all the commandments, which the Lord had commanded Moses.Joshua 11:15

Joshua 11:20 For it was the sentence of the Lord that their hearts would be hardened, and that they would fight against Israel and fall, and that they did not deserve any clemency, and that they should perish, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.Joshua 11:20

Joshua 11:23 Thus, Joshua seized all the land, just as the Lord spoke to Moses, and he delivered it as a possession to the sons of Israel, according to their divisions and tribes. And the land rested from battles.Joshua 11:23

Joshua 12:6 Moses, the servant of the Lord, and the sons of Israel struck them down. And Moses delivered their land into the possession of the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the one half tribe of Manasseh.Joshua 12:6

Joshua 13:8 With them, Reuben and Gad have possessed the land, which Moses, the servant of the Lord, delivered to them beyond the river Jordan, on the eastern side:Joshua 13:8

Joshua 13:12 the entire kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned at Ashtaroth and Edrei, (he was among the last of the Rephaim). And Moses struck and destroyed them.Joshua 13:12

Joshua 13:15 Therefore, Moses gave a possession to the tribe of the sons of Reuben, according to their families.Joshua 13:15

Joshua 13:21 and all the cities of the plain, and all the kingdoms of Sihon, the king of the Amorites, who reigned at Heshbon, whom Moses struck down with the leaders of Midian: Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, the commanders of Sihon, inhabitants of the land.Joshua 13:21

Joshua 13:24 And Moses gave to the tribe of Gad and his sons, by their families, a possession, of which this is the division:Joshua 13:24

Joshua 14:2 dividing all by lot, just as the Lord had instructed by the hand of Moses, to the nine tribes and to the one half tribe.Joshua 14:2

Joshua 14:3 For to the two and one half tribes, Moses had given a possession beyond the Jordan, aside from the Levites, who received no land among their brothers.Joshua 14:3

Joshua 14:5 Just as the Lord had commanded Moses, so the sons of Israel did, and they divided the land.Joshua 14:5

Joshua 14:6 And so, the sons of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal. And Caleb, the son of Jephone, the Kenizzite, spoke to him: “You know what the Lord said to Moses, the man of God, at Kadesh-barnea, about me and you.Joshua 14:6

Joshua 14:7 I was forty years old when Moses, the servant of the Lord, sent me from Kadesh-barnea, so that I might consider the land. And I reported to him what seemed to me to be true.Joshua 14:7

Joshua 14:9 And Moses swore, on that day, saying: ‘The land that your foot has tread upon shall be your possession, and that of your sons, unto eternity. For you have followed the Lord my God.’Joshua 14:9

Joshua 14:10 Therefore, the Lord has granted life to me, just as he promised, even to the present day. It has been forty-five years since the Lord spoke this word to Moses, when Israel was wandering through the wilderness. Today, I am eighty-five years old,Joshua 14:10

Joshua 17:4 And they went before the sight of Eleazar, the priest, and Joshua, the son of Nun, and the leaders, saying: “The Lord instructed by the hand of Moses that a possession ought to be given to us, in the midst of our brothers.” And so, he gave to them, in accord with the order of the Lord, a possession in the midst of the brothers of their father.Joshua 17:4

Joshua 18:7 But there is no portion among you for the Levites. Instead, the priesthood of the Lord is their inheritance. And Gad and Reuben, and the one half tribe of Manasseh, have already received their possessions beyond the Jordan in the eastern region, which Moses, the servant of the Lord, gave to them.”Joshua 18:7

Joshua 20:2 Separate the cities of refuge, about which I spoke to you by the hand of Moses,Joshua 20:2

Joshua 21:2 And they spoke to them at Shiloh, in the land of Canaan, and they said, “The Lord instructed, by the hand of Moses, that cities should be given to us as habitations, with their suburbs to nourish our cattle.”Joshua 21:2

Joshua 21:8 And so the sons of Israel gave cities and their suburbs to the Levites, just as the Lord instructed by the hand of Moses, distributing to each by lot.Joshua 21:8

Joshua 22:2 And he said to them: “You have done all that Moses, the servant of the Lord, instructed you. You have also obeyed me in all things.Joshua 22:2

Joshua 22:4 Therefore, since the Lord your God has given your brothers peace and quiet, just as he promised: return, and go into your tents and into the land of your possession, which Moses, the servant of the Lord, delivered to you beyond the Jordan.Joshua 22:4

Joshua 22:5 And may you continue to observe attentively, and to work to fulfill, the commandment and the law that Moses, the servant of the Lord, instructed to you, so that you may love the Lord your God, and walk in all his ways, and keep all his commandments, and cling to him, and serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”Joshua 22:5

Joshua 22:7 Now to the one half tribe of Manasseh, Moses had given a possession in Bashan. And therefore, to the one half that was left over, Joshua gave a lot among the remainder of their brothers across the Jordan, in the western region. And when he had blessed them and dismissed them to their tents,Joshua 22:7

Joshua 22:9 And the sons of Reuben, and the sons of Gad, and the one half tribe of Manasseh returned, and they went away from the sons of Israel at Shiloh, which is situated in Canaan, so that they might enter into Gilead, the land of their possession, which they had obtained according to the order of the Lord, by the hand of Moses.Joshua 22:9

Joshua 23:6 Even so, be strengthened and be careful that you observe all the things that have been written in the book of the law of Moses, and that you do not turn aside from them, neither to the right, nor to the left.Joshua 23:6

Joshua 24:5 And I sent Moses and Aaron, and I struck Egypt with many signs and portents.Joshua 24:5

Number of the word / term Moses in Joshua: 46

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Judges

Judges 1:16 Now the sons of the Kenite, the relative of Moses, ascended from the City of Palms, with the sons of Judah, into the wilderness of his lot, which is toward the south of Arad. And they lived with him.Judges 1:16

Judges 1:20 And just as Moses had said, they gave Hebron to Caleb, who destroyed out of it the three sons of Anak.Judges 1:20

Judges 3:4 And he left them, so that by them he might test Israel, as to whether or not they would listen to the commandments of the Lord, which he instructed to their fathers by the hand of Moses.Judges 3:4

Judges 4:11 Now Heber, the Kenite, had previously withdrawn from the rest of the Kenites, his brothers, the sons of Hobab, the relative of Moses. And he had pitched his tents as far as the valley that is called Zaanannim, which was near Kedesh.Judges 4:11

Judges 18:30 And they established for themselves the graven image. And Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son of Moses, with his sons, were priests in the tribe of Dan, even until the day of their captivity.Judges 18:30

Number of the word / term Moses in Judges: 5

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 12:6 And Samuel said to the people: “It is the Lord who appointed Moses and Aaron, and who led our fathers away from the land of Egypt.1 Samuel 12:6

1 Samuel 12:8 How Jacob entered into Egypt, and your fathers cried out to the Lord. And the Lord sent Moses and Aaron, and he led your fathers away from Egypt, and he transferred them to this place.1 Samuel 12:8

Number of the word / term Moses in 1 Samuel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 2:3 And observe the care of the Lord your God, so that you walk in his ways, so that you care for his ceremonies, and his precepts, and judgments, and testimonies, just as it is written in the law of Moses. So may you understand everything that you do, in any direction that you may turn yourself.1 Kings 2:3

1 Kings 8:9 Now inside the ark, there was nothing other than the two tablets of stone, which Moses had placed in it at Horeb, when the Lord formed a covenant with the sons of Israel, when they departed from the land of Egypt.1 Kings 8:9

1 Kings 8:53 For you have separated them to yourself as an inheritance, from among all the peoples of the earth, just as you spoke by Moses, your servant, when you led our fathers away from Egypt, O Lord God.”1 Kings 8:53

1 Kings 8:56 “Blessed is the Lord, who has given rest to his people Israel, in accord with all that he said. Not even one word, out of all the good things that he spoke by his servant Moses, has fallen away.1 Kings 8:56

Number of the word / term Moses in 1 Kings: 4

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 14:6 But the sons of those who had been killed he did not put to death, in accord with what was written in the book of the law of Moses, just as the Lord instructed, saying: “The fathers shall not die for the sons, and the sons shall not die for the fathers. Instead, each one shall die for his own sin.”2 Kings 14:6

2 Kings 18:4 He destroyed the high places, and he crushed the statues, and he cut down the sacred groves. And he broke apart the bronze serpent, which Moses had made. For even until that time, the sons of Israel were burning incense to it. And he called its name Nehushtan.2 Kings 18:4

2 Kings 18:6 And he clung to the Lord, and he did not withdraw from his footsteps, and he carried out his commandments, which the Lord had instructed to Moses.2 Kings 18:6

2 Kings 18:12 For they did not listen to the voice of the Lord, their God. Instead, they transgressed his covenant. All that Moses, the servant of the Lord, had instructed, they would neither hear, nor do.2 Kings 18:12

2 Kings 21:8 And I will no longer cause the feet of Israel to be moved from the land that I gave to their fathers: if only they will take care to do all that I have instructed them, and the entire law that my servant Moses commanded to them.”2 Kings 21:8

2 Kings 23:25 There was no king before him similar to him, who returned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his strength, in accord with the entire law of Moses. And after him, there rose up no one similar to him.2 Kings 23:25

Number of the word / term Moses in 2 Kings: 6

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 6:3 The sons of Amram: Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. The sons of Aaron: Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.1 Chronicles 6:3

1 Chronicles 6:49 Truly, Aaron and his sons were burning offerings upon the altar of holocausts and upon the altar of incense, for the entire work of the Holy of Holies, and to pray on behalf of Israel, in accord with all the things that Moses, the servant of God, had instructed.1 Chronicles 6:49

1 Chronicles 15:15 And the sons of Levi took the ark of God, just as Moses had instructed, in accord with the word of the Lord, upon their shoulders by the bars.1 Chronicles 15:15

1 Chronicles 21:29 But the tabernacle of the Lord, which Moses had made in the desert, and the altar of holocausts, were at that time on the high place of Gibeon.1 Chronicles 21:29

1 Chronicles 22:13 For then you will be able to advance, if you keep the commandments and judgments that the Lord instructed Moses to teach to Israel. Be strengthened and act manfully. You should not fear, and you should not dread.1 Chronicles 22:13

1 Chronicles 23:13 The sons of Amram: Aaron and Moses. Now Aaron was separated so that he might minister in the Holy of Holies, he and his sons forever, and so that he might burn incense to the Lord, according to his rite, and so that he might bless his name in perpetuity.1 Chronicles 23:13

1 Chronicles 23:14 The sons of Moses, the man of God, were also numbered in the tribe of Levi.1 Chronicles 23:14

1 Chronicles 23:15 The sons of Moses: Gershom and Eliezer.1 Chronicles 23:15

1 Chronicles 26:24 Now, Shebuel, the son of Gershom, the son of Moses, was in the first place over the treasuries,1 Chronicles 26:24

Number of the word / term Moses in 1 Chronicles: 9

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 1:3 And he went away with the entire multitude to the high place of Gibeon, where the tabernacle of the covenant of the Lord was, which Moses, the servant of God, made in the wilderness.2 Chronicles 1:3

2 Chronicles 5:10 And there was nothing else in the ark, except the two tablets, which Moses had placed there at Horeb when the Lord gave the law to the sons of Israel, at the departure from Egypt.2 Chronicles 5:10

2 Chronicles 8:13 so that every day there would be an offering on it, in accord with precept of Moses, on the Sabbaths, and on the new moons, and three times a year on the feast days, that is, on the solemnity of unleavened bread, and on the solemnity of weeks, and in the solemnity of tabernacles.2 Chronicles 8:13

2 Chronicles 23:18 Then Jehoiada appointed overseers in the house of the Lord, under the hands of the priests and Levites, whom David had distributed to the house of the Lord so that they might offer holocausts to the Lord, just as it was written in the law of Moses, with gladness and singing, in accord with the disposition of David.2 Chronicles 23:18

2 Chronicles 24:6 And the king summoned Jehoiada, the leader, and he said to him: “Why was there no concern with you, so that you would compel the Levites to bring, from Judah and from Jerusalem, the money that was appointed by Moses, the servant of the Lord, so as to bring it, from the entire multitude of Israel, to the tabernacle of the testimony?2 Chronicles 24:6

2 Chronicles 24:9 And they proclaimed, in Judah and Jerusalem, that each one should bring to the Lord the money that Moses, the servant of God, appointed in the desert, concerning all of Israel.2 Chronicles 24:9

2 Chronicles 25:4 But he did not put to death their sons, just as it was written in the book of the law of Moses, where the Lord instructed, saying: “The fathers shall not be slain because of the sons, nor the sons because of their fathers. Instead, each one shall die for his own sin.”2 Chronicles 25:4

2 Chronicles 30:16 And they stood in their order, according to the disposition and law of Moses, the man of God. Yet truly, the priests took up the blood, which was to be poured out, from the hands of the Levites,2 Chronicles 30:16

2 Chronicles 31:3 Now the portion of the king, from his own substance, was such that they could offer a holocaust always, in morning and in evening, also on the Sabbaths, and the new moons, and the other solemnities, just as it was written in the law of Moses.2 Chronicles 31:3

2 Chronicles 33:8 And I will not cause the foot of Israel to be moved from the land which I delivered to their fathers. Yet this is so, only if they will take care to do what I have instructed them, by the hand of Moses, with the entire law and the ceremonies and the judgments.”2 Chronicles 33:8

2 Chronicles 34:14 And when they carried out the money that had been brought into the temple of the Lord, Hilkiah the priest found the book of the law of the Lord by the hand of Moses.2 Chronicles 34:14

2 Chronicles 35:6 And having been sanctified, immolate the Passover. And then prepare your brothers, so that they may be able to act in accord with the words which the Lord has spoken by the hand of Moses.”2 Chronicles 35:6

2 Chronicles 35:12 And they put these aside, so that they might give them to each one, by their houses and families, and so that they might be offered to the Lord, just as it was written in the book of Moses. And with the oxen, they acted similarly.2 Chronicles 35:12

Number of the word / term Moses in 2 Chronicles: 13

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 3:2 And Jeshua, the son of Jozadak, rose up with his brothers, the priests. And Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, rose up with his brothers. And they built the altar of the God of Israel, so that they might offer holocausts upon it, just as it was written in the law of Moses, the man of God.Ezra 3:2

Ezra 6:18 And they appointed the priests into their divisions, and the Levites into their turns, over the works of God in Jerusalem, just as it was written in the book of Moses.Ezra 6:18

Ezra 7:6 this same Ezra, ascended from Babylon; and he was a proficient scribe in the law of Moses, which the Lord God gave to Israel. And the king granted to him his every petition. For the hand of the Lord, his God, was over him.Ezra 7:6

Number of the word / term Moses in Ezra: 3

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 1:7 We have been seduced by vanity. And we have not kept your commandments and ceremonies and judgments, which you have instructed to your servant Moses.Nehemiah 1:7

Nehemiah 1:8 Remember the word which you commanded to your servant Moses, saying: ‘When you will have transgressed, I will disperse you among the nations.Nehemiah 1:8

Nehemiah 8:1 And the seventh month had arrived. Now the sons of Israel were in their cities. And all the people were gathered together, like one man, in the street which is before the water gate. And they spoke to Ezra the scribe, so that he would bring the book of the law of Moses, which the Lord had instructed to Israel.Nehemiah 8:1

Nehemiah 8:14 And they found written in the law, which the Lord had instructed by the hand of Moses, that the sons of Israel should live in tabernacles on the day of solemnity in the seventh month,Nehemiah 8:14

Nehemiah 9:14 You revealed to them your sanctified Sabbath, and you instructed them in commandments, and ceremonies, and the law, by the hand of Moses, your servant.Nehemiah 9:14

Nehemiah 10:29 All who were able to understand, pledged on behalf of their brothers, with their nobles, and they came forward to promise and to swear that they would walk in the law of God, which he had given to the hand of Moses, the servant of God, that they would do and keep all the commandments of the Lord our God, and his judgments and his ceremonies,Nehemiah 10:29

Nehemiah 10:34 Then we cast lots concerning the oblation of the wood among the priests, and the Levites, and the people, so that it would be carried into the house of our God, by the households of our fathers, at set times, from the times of one year to another, so that they might burn upon the altar of the Lord our God, just as it was written in the law of Moses,Nehemiah 10:34

Nehemiah 13:1 Now on that day, they read from the book of Moses in the hearing of the people. And in it, there was found written that the Ammonites and the Moabites must not enter the church of God, even for all time,Nehemiah 13:1

Number of the word / term Moses in Nehemiah: 8

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 77:20 You have conducted your people like sheep, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.Psalm 77:20

Psalm 90:1 A prayer of Moses, the man of God. O Lord, you have been our refuge from generation to generation.Psalm 90:1

Psalm 103:7 He has made his ways known to Moses, his will to the sons of Israel.Psalm 103:7

Psalm 105:26 He sent Moses, his servant, and Aaron, the one whom he chose.Psalm 105:26

Psalm 106:16 And they provoked Moses in the camp, and Aaron, the holy one of the Lord.Psalm 106:16

Psalm 106:23 And he said that he would destroy them, yet Moses, his elect, stood firm before him in the breach, in order to avert his wrath, lest he destroy them.Psalm 106:23

Psalm 106:32 And they provoked him at the Waters of Contradiction, and Moses was afflicted because of them,Psalm 106:32

Number of the word / term Moses in Psalm: 7

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 63:11 And he remembered the days of ancient times, the days of Moses and his people. Where is he who led them out of the sea, with the shepherds of his flock? Where is he who placed his Holy Spirit in their midst?Isaiah 63:11

Isaiah 63:12 He led Moses by the right hand, with the arm of his majesty. He split the waters before them, in order to make an everlasting name for himself.Isaiah 63:12

Number of the word / term Moses in Isaiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 15:1 And the Lord said to me: “Even if Moses and Samuel were to stand before me, my soul would not be toward this people. Cast them away from my face, and let them depart!Jeremiah 15:1

Number of the word / term Moses in Jeremiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 9:11 And all Israel has transgressed your law and has turned away, not listening to your voice, and so the condemnation and the curse, which is written in the book of Moses, servant of God, has rained down upon us, because we have sinned against him.Daniel 9:11

Daniel 9:13 Just as it has been written in the law of Moses, all this evil has come upon us, and we did not entreat your face, O Lord our God, so that we might turn back from our iniquities and consider your truth.Daniel 9:13

Number of the word / term Moses in Daniel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Micah

Micah 6:4 For I led you out of the land of Egypt, and I freed you from the house of servitude, and I sent before your face Moses, and Aaron, and Miriam.Micah 6:4

Number of the word / term Moses in Micah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Malachi

Malachi 4:4 Remember the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded him on Horeb for all Israel, the precepts and the judgments.Malachi 4:4

Number of the word / term Moses in Malachi: 1

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 8:4 And Jesus said to him: “See to it that you tell no one. But go, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses instructed, as a testimony for them.”Matthew 8:4

Matthew 17:3 And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, speaking with him.Matthew 17:3

Matthew 17:4 And Peter responded by saying to Jesus: “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you are willing, let us make three tabernacles here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”Matthew 17:4

Matthew 19:7 They said to him, “Then why did Moses command him to give a bill of divorce, and to separate?”Matthew 19:7

Matthew 19:8 He said to them: “Although Moses permitted you to separate from your wives, due to the hardness of your heart, it was not that way from the beginning.Matthew 19:8

Matthew 22:24 saying: “Teacher, Moses said: If anyone will have died, having no son, his brother shall marry his wife, and he shall raise up offspring to his brother.Matthew 22:24

Matthew 23:2 saying: “The scribes and the Pharisees have sat down in the chair of Moses.Matthew 23:2

Number of the word / term Moses in Matthew: 7

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Mark

Mark 1:44 And he said to him: “See to it that you tell no one. But go and show yourself to the high priest, and offer for your cleansing that which Moses instructed, as a testimony for them.”Mark 1:44

Mark 7:10 For Moses said: ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Whoever will have cursed father or mother, let him die a death.’Mark 7:10

Mark 9:4 And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses; and they were speaking with Jesus.Mark 9:4

Mark 9:5 And in response, Peter said to Jesus: “Master, it is good for us to be here. And so let us make three tabernacles, one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”Mark 9:5

Mark 10:3 But in response, he said to them, “What did Moses instruct you?”Mark 10:3

Mark 12:19 “Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if any man’s brother will have died and left behind a wife, and not have left behind sons, his brother should take his wife to himself and should raise up offspring for his brother.Mark 12:19

Mark 12:26 But concerning the dead who rise again, have you not read in the book of Moses, how God spoke to him from the bush, saying: ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?’Mark 12:26

Number of the word / term Moses in Mark: 7

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Luke

Luke 2:22 And after the days of her purification were fulfilled, according to the law of Moses, they brought him to Jerusalem, in order to present him to the Lord,Luke 2:22

Luke 5:14 And he instructed him that he should tell no one, “But go, show yourself to the priest, and make the offering for your cleansing, just as Moses has commanded, as a testimony for them.”Luke 5:14

Luke 9:30 And behold, two men were talking with him. And these were Moses and Elijah, appearing in majesty.Luke 9:30

Luke 9:33 And it happened that, as these were departing from him, Peter said to Jesus: “Teacher, it is good for us to be here. And so, let us make three tabernacles: one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” For he did not know what he was saying.Luke 9:33

Luke 16:29 And Abraham said to him: ‘They have Moses and the prophets. Let them listen to them.’Luke 16:29

Luke 16:31 But he said to him: ‘If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe even if someone has resurrected from the dead.’ ”Luke 16:31

Luke 20:28 saying: “Teacher, Moses wrote for us: If any man’s brother will have died, having a wife, and if he does not have any children, then his brother should take her as his wife, and he should raise up offspring for his brother.Luke 20:28

Luke 20:37 For in truth, the dead do rise again, as Moses also showed beside the bush, when he called the Lord: ‘The God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’Luke 20:37

Luke 24:27 And beginning from Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted for them, in all the Scriptures, the things that were about him.Luke 24:27

Luke 24:44 And he said to them: “These are the words that I spoke to you when I was still with you, because all things must be fulfilled which are written in the law of Moses, and in the Prophets, and in the Psalms about me.”Luke 24:44

Number of the word / term Moses in Luke: 10

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book John

John 1:17 For the law was given though Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.John 1:17

John 1:45 Philip found Nathanael, and he said to him, “We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the Law and the Prophets: Jesus, the son of Joseph, from Nazareth.”John 1:45

John 3:14 And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so also must the Son of man be lifted up,John 3:14

John 5:45 Do not consider that I might accuse you with the Father. There is one who accuses you, Moses, in whom you hope.John 5:45

John 5:46 For if you were believing in Moses, perhaps you would believe in me also. For he wrote about me.John 5:46

John 6:32 Therefore, Jesus said to them: “Amen, amen, I say to you, Moses did not give you bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.John 6:32

John 7:19 Did not Moses give you the law? And yet not one among you keeps the law!John 7:19

John 7:22 For Moses gave you circumcision, (not that it is of Moses, but of the fathers) and on the Sabbath you circumcise a man.John 7:22

John 7:23 If a man can receive circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the law of Moses may not be broken, why are you indignant toward me, because I have made a man whole on the Sabbath?John 7:23

John 8:5 And in the law, Moses commanded us to stone such a one. Therefore, what do you say?”John 8:5

John 9:28 Therefore, they cursed him and said: “You be his disciple. But we are disciples of Moses.John 9:28

John 9:29 We know that God spoke to Moses. But this man, we do not know where he is from.”John 9:29

Number of the word / term Moses in John: 12

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Acts

Acts 3:22 Indeed, Moses said: ‘For the Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet for you from your brothers, one like me; the same shall you listen to according to everything whatsoever that he shall speak to you.Acts 3:22

Acts 6:11 Then they suborned men who were to claim that they had heard him speaking words of blasphemy against Moses and against God.Acts 6:11

Acts 6:14 For we have heard him saying that this Jesus the Nazarene will destroy this place and will change the traditions, which Moses handed down to us.”Acts 6:14

Acts 7:20 In the same time, Moses was born. And he was in the grace of God, and he was nourished for three months in the house of his father.Acts 7:20

Acts 7:22 And Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. And he was mighty in his words and in his deeds.Acts 7:22

Acts 7:29 Then, at this word, Moses fled. And he became a foreigner in the land of Midian, where he produced two sons.Acts 7:29

Acts 7:31 And upon seeing this, Moses was amazed at the sight. And as he drew near in order to gaze at it, the voice of the Lord came to him, saying:Acts 7:31

Acts 7:32 ‘I am the God of your fathers: the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ And Moses, being made to tremble, did not dare to look.Acts 7:32

Acts 7:35 This Moses, whom they rejected by saying, ‘Who has appointed you as leader and judge?’ is the one God sent to be leader and redeemer, by the hand of the Angel who appeared to him in the bush.Acts 7:35

Acts 7:37 This is Moses, who said to the sons of Israel: ‘God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your own brothers. You shall listen to him.’Acts 7:37

Acts 7:40 saying to Aaron: ‘Make gods for us, which may go before us. For this Moses, who led us away from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has happened to him.’Acts 7:40

Acts 7:44 The tabernacle of the testimony was with our fathers in the desert, just as God ordained for them, speaking to Moses, so that he would make it according to the form that he had seen.Acts 7:44

Acts 13:38 Therefore, let it be known to you, noble brothers, that through him is announced to you remission from sins and from everything by which you were not able to be justified in the law of Moses.Acts 13:38

Acts 15:1 And certain ones, descending from Judea, were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.”Acts 15:1

Acts 15:5 But some from the sect of the Pharisees, those who were believers, rose up saying, “It is necessary for them to be circumcised and to be instructed to keep the Law of Moses.”Acts 15:5

Acts 15:21 For Moses, from ancient times, has had in each city those who preach him in the synagogues, where he is read on every Sabbath.”Acts 15:21

Acts 21:21 Now they have heard about you, that you are teaching those Jews who are among the Gentiles to withdraw from Moses, telling them that they should not circumcise their sons, nor act according to custom.Acts 21:21

Acts 26:22 But having been aided by the help of God, even to this day, I stand witnessing to the small and the great, saying nothing beyond what the Prophets and Moses have said would be in the future:Acts 26:22

Acts 28:23 And when they had appointed a day for him, very many persons went to him at his guest quarters. And he discoursed, testifying to the kingdom of God, and persuading them about Jesus, using the law of Moses and the Prophets, from morning until evening.Acts 28:23

Number of the word / term Moses in Acts: 19

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Romans

Romans 5:14 Yet death reigned from Adam until Moses, even in those who have not sinned, in the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a figure of him who was to come.Romans 5:14

Romans 9:15 For to Moses he says: “I will pity whomever I pity. And I will offer mercy to whomever I will pity.”Romans 9:15

Romans 10:5 And Moses wrote, about the justice that is of the law, that the man who will have done justice shall live by justice.Romans 10:5

Romans 10:19 But I say: Has Israel not known? First, Moses says: “I will lead you into a rivalry with those who are not a nation; in the midst of a foolish nation, I will send you into wrath.”Romans 10:19

Number of the word / term Moses in Romans: 4

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 9:9 For it is written in the law of Moses: “You shall not bind the mouth of an ox, while it is treading out the grain.” Is God here concerned with the oxen?1 Corinthians 9:9

1 Corinthians 10:2 And in Moses, they all were baptized, in the cloud and in the sea.1 Corinthians 10:2

Number of the word / term Moses in 1 Corinthians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 3:7 But if the ministration of death, engraved with letters upon stones, was in glory, (so much so that the sons of Israel were not able to gaze intently upon the face of Moses, because of the glory of his countenance) even though this ministration was ineffective,2 Corinthians 3:7

2 Corinthians 3:13 and not as Moses did, in placing a veil over his face, so that the sons of Israel would not gaze intently at his face. This was ineffective,2 Corinthians 3:13

2 Corinthians 3:15 But even until today, when Moses is read, a veil is still set over their hearts.2 Corinthians 3:15

Number of the word / term Moses in 2 Corinthians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book 2 Timothy

2 Timothy 3:8 And in the same manner that Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so also will these resist the truth, men corrupted in mind, reprobates from the faith.2 Timothy 3:8

Number of the word / term Moses in 2 Timothy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 3:2 He is faithful to the One who made him, just as Moses also was, with his entire house.Hebrews 3:2

Hebrews 3:3 For this Jesus was considered worthy of greater glory than Moses, so much so that the house which he has built holds a greater honor than the former one.Hebrews 3:3

Hebrews 3:5 And certainly Moses was faithful, with his entire house, like any servant, as a testimony to those things that would soon be said.Hebrews 3:5

Hebrews 3:16 For some of those listening did provoke him. But not all of these had set forth from Egypt through Moses.Hebrews 3:16

Hebrews 7:14 For it is evident that our Lord arose out of Judah, a tribe about which Moses said nothing concerning priests.Hebrews 7:14

Hebrews 8:5 gifts which serve as mere examples and shadows of the heavenly things. And so it was answered to Moses, when he was about to complete the tabernacle: “See to it,” he said, “that you make everything according to the example which was revealed to you on the mountain.”Hebrews 8:5

Hebrews 9:19 For when every commandment of the law had been read by Moses to the entire people, he took up the blood of calves and goats, with water and with scarlet wool and hyssop, and he sprinkled both the book itself and the entire people,Hebrews 9:19

Hebrews 10:28 If someone dies for acting against the law of Moses, and is shown no compassion because of two or three witnesses,Hebrews 10:28

Hebrews 11:23 By faith, Moses, after being born, was hidden for three months by his parents, because they had seen that he was a graceful infant, and they did not fear the king’s edict.Hebrews 11:23

Hebrews 11:24 By faith, Moses, after growing up, denied himself a place as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter,Hebrews 11:24

Hebrews 12:21 And what was seen was so terrible that even Moses said: “I am terrified, and so, I tremble.”Hebrews 12:21

Number of the word / term Moses in Hebrews: 11

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Jude

Jude 1:9 When Michael the Archangel, disputing with the devil, contended about the body of Moses, he did not dare to bring against him a judgment of blasphemy, so instead he said: “The Lord commands you.”Jude 1:9

Number of the word / term Moses in Jude: 1

Bible passages with ‘Moses’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 15:3 and singing the canticle of Moses, the servant of God, and the canticle of the Lamb, saying: “Great and wondrous are your works, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of all ages.Revelation 15:3

Number of the word / term ‘Moses’ in Revelation: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 671

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