Our Little Concordance

‘Money’ in the Bible – All 114 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Money’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Money’ occurs 114 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 23:9 so that he may give me the double cave, which he has at the far end of his field. He may transfer it to me for as much money as it is worth in your sight, for the possession of a sepulcher.”Genesis 23:9

Genesis 23:13 And he spoke to Ephron, standing in the midst of the people: “I ask you to hear me. I will give you money for the field. Take it, and so I will bury my dead in it.”Genesis 23:13

Genesis 23:16 And when Abraham had heard this, he weighed out the money that Ephron had requested, in the hearing of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, of the approved public currency.Genesis 23:16

Genesis 42:25 And taking Simeon, and binding him in their presence, he ordered his ministers to fill their sacks with wheat, and to replace each one’s money in their sacks, and to give them, in addition, provisions for the way. And they did so.Genesis 42:25

Genesis 42:27 And one of them, opening a sack to give his beast of burden fodder at the inn, looked upon the money at the sack’s mouth,Genesis 42:27

Genesis 42:28 and he said to his brothers: “My money has returned to me. See, it is held in the sack.” And they were astonished and troubled, and they said to one another, “What is this that God has done to us?”Genesis 42:28

Genesis 42:35 Having said this, when they poured out their grain, each found his money tied to the mouth of his sack. And all were terrified together.Genesis 42:35

Genesis 43:12 Also, take with you double the money, and carry back what you found in your sacks, lest perhaps it was done in error.Genesis 43:12

Genesis 43:15 Therefore, the men took the gifts, and double the money, and Benjamin. And they went down into Egypt, and they stood in the presence of Joseph.Genesis 43:15

Genesis 43:18 And there, being terrified, they said one to another: “Because of the money, which we carried back the first time in our sacks, we have been brought in, so that he may unleash a false accusation against us, and by violence subjugate both us and our donkeys into servitude.”Genesis 43:18

Genesis 43:21 And having bought it, when we arrived at the inn, we opened our sacks and found the money in the mouths of the sacks, which we now have carried back in the same amount.Genesis 43:21

Genesis 43:23 But he responded: “Peace be with you. Do not be afraid. Your God, and the God of your father, has given you the treasure in your sacks. As for the money that you gave to me, I held it as a test.” And he led Simeon out to them.Genesis 43:23

Genesis 44:1 Then Joseph instructed the steward of his house, saying: “Fill their sacks with grain, as much as they are able to hold. And place each one’s money at the top of the sack.Genesis 44:1

Genesis 44:8 The money, which we found at the top of our sacks, we carried back to you from the land of Canaan. So in what way does it follow that we would steal, from the house of your lord, gold or silver?Genesis 44:8

Genesis 45:23 And he sent just as much money and clothing to his father, adding also ten male donkeys, with which to transport all the riches of Egypt, and as many female donkeys, carrying wheat and bread for the journey.Genesis 45:23

Genesis 47:14 from which he gathered together all the money for the grain that they bought, and he took it into the treasury of the king.Genesis 47:14

Genesis 47:15 And when the buyers had run out of money, all Egypt came to Joseph, saying: “Give us bread. Why should we die in your sight, lacking money?”Genesis 47:15

Genesis 47:16 And he responded to them: “Bring me your cattle, and I will give food to you in exchange for them, if you do not have money.”Genesis 47:16

Genesis 47:18 Likewise, they came the second year, and they said to him: “We will not conceal from our lord that our money is gone; likewise our cattle are gone. Neither are you unaware that we have nothing left but our bodies and our land.Genesis 47:18

Number of the word / term Money in Genesis: 19

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 21:11 If he does not do these three things, she shall depart freely, without money.Exodus 21:11

Exodus 21:21 But if he survives for one day or two, he shall not be subject to punishment, because it is his money.Exodus 21:21

Exodus 22:7 If anyone will have entrusted money, or a container, to his friend to keep, and if these have been stolen from the one who received them: if the thief is found, he shall repay double.Exodus 22:7

Exodus 22:17 If the father of the virgin is not willing to give her, he shall pay money according to manner of a dowry, which virgins are accustomed to receive.Exodus 22:17

Exodus 22:25 If you lend money to the poor of my people who live among you, you shall not coerce them like a collector, nor oppress them with usury.Exodus 22:25

Exodus 30:16 And the money received, which was collected from the sons of Israel, you shall deliver for the uses of the tabernacle of the testimony, so that it may be a memorial of them before the Lord, and he may act favorably toward their souls.”Exodus 30:16

Number of the word / term Money in Exodus: 6

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 25:37 You shall not give him your money by usury, nor exact from him an overabundance of produce.Leviticus 25:37

Leviticus 25:50 considering only the years from the time of his selling until the year of the Jubilee, and calculating the money for which he was sold, according to the number of years and the accounting of a hired hand.Leviticus 25:50

Leviticus 27:18 But if, after some amount of time, the priest shall evaluate the money according to the number of years that remain until the Jubilee, then the price shall be reduced.Leviticus 27:18

Leviticus 27:19 But if he who had vowed it, was willing to redeem his field, he shall add a fifth part of the money to the estimation, and then he shall possess it.Leviticus 27:19

Number of the word / term Money in Leviticus: 4

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 3:48 And you shall give the money to Aaron and his sons as the price of those that are in excess.”Numbers 3:48

Numbers 3:49 Therefore, Moses took the money for those that were in excess, and whom they had redeemed from the LevitesNumbers 3:49

Numbers 35:31 You shall not accept money from him who is guilty of blood, and he shall be put to death promptly.Numbers 35:31

Number of the word / term Money in Numbers: 3

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 2:6 You shall buy food from them for money, and you shall eat. You shall draw water for money, and you shall drink.Deuteronomy 2:6

Deuteronomy 2:28 Sell us food for a price, so that we may eat. Provide us with water for money, and so we will drink. We only ask that you allow us to pass through,Deuteronomy 2:28

Deuteronomy 14:25 you shall sell them all, so as to turn them into money, and you shall carry it in your hand, and you shall set out for the place which the Lord will choose.Deuteronomy 14:25

Deuteronomy 14:26 And you shall buy with the same money whatever pleases you, either from the herds or from the sheep, and also wine and liquor, and all that your soul desires. And you shall eat in the sight of the Lord your God, and you shall feast: you and your household.Deuteronomy 14:26

Deuteronomy 15:6 You shall lend money to many nations, and you yourselves shall borrow in return from no one. You shall rule over very many nations, and no one shall rule over you.Deuteronomy 15:6

Deuteronomy 21:14 But if afterwards she does not sit well in your mind, you shall set her free. You cannot sell her for money, nor can you oppress her by force. For you have humiliated her.Deuteronomy 21:14

Deuteronomy 23:18 You shall not offer money from a prostitute, nor the price of a dog, in the house of the Lord your God, no matter what you may have vowed. For both of these are an abomination with the Lord your God.Deuteronomy 23:18

Deuteronomy 23:19 You shall not lend money, or grain, or anything else at all, to your brother at interest,Deuteronomy 23:19

Number of the word / term Money in Deuteronomy: 8

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Judges

Judges 16:18 Then, seeing that he had confessed to her his whole soul, she sent to the leaders of the Philistines and ordered: “Come up just once more. For now he has opened his heart to me.” And they went up, taking with them the money that they had promised.Judges 16:18

Number of the word / term Money in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 21:6 And he responded to her: “I spoke to Naboth, the Jezreelite, and I said to him: ‘Give your vineyard to me, and accept money. Or if it pleases you, I will give to you a better vineyard, in place of it.’ And he said, ‘I will not give my vineyard to you.’ ”1 Kings 21:6

1 Kings 21:15 Then it happened that, when Jezebel had heard that Naboth was stoned and was dead, she said to Ahab: “Rise up and take possession of the vineyard of Naboth, the Jezreelite, who was not willing to acquiesce to you, and to give it to you in exchange for money. For Naboth is not alive, but dead.”1 Kings 21:15

Number of the word / term Money in 1 Kings: 2

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 5:26 But he said: “Was my heart not present, when the man turned back from his chariot to meet you? And now you have received money, and you have received garments, so that you might buy olive groves, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and men and women servants.2 Kings 5:26

2 Kings 12:4 And Jehoash said to the priests: “All of the money for the holy things, which has been brought into the temple of the Lord from those who pass by, which is offered for the price of a soul, and which they bring into the temple of the Lord willingly, from their own free heart:2 Kings 12:4

2 Kings 12:7 And king Jehoash called the high priest, Jehoiada, and the priests, saying to them: “Why have you not repaired the surfaces of the temple? Therefore, you may no longer accept money according to your ranks. Instead, return it in order that the temple may be repaired.”2 Kings 12:7

2 Kings 12:8 And so the priests were prohibited from accepting any more money from the people to repair the surfaces of the house.2 Kings 12:8

2 Kings 12:9 And the high priest, Jehoiada, took a certain chest, and he opened a hole in the top, and he placed it beside the altar, to the right of those who were entering the house of the Lord. And the priests who kept the doors put all the money in it which was being brought into the temple of the Lord.2 Kings 12:9

2 Kings 12:10 And when they saw that there was a great amount of money in the chest, the scribe of the king and the high priest went up and poured it out. And they counted the money that was found in the house of the Lord.2 Kings 12:10

2 Kings 12:13 Yet truly, from the same money, they did not make for the temple of the Lord water pitchers, or small hooks, or censers, or trumpets, or any vessel of gold or silver, from the money that was brought into the temple of the Lord.2 Kings 12:13

2 Kings 12:15 And they did not ration the money to the men who received it in order to distribute it to the artisans. Instead, they bestowed it with faith.2 Kings 12:15

2 Kings 12:16 Yet truly, the money for offenses and the money for sins, they did not bring into the temple of the Lord, since it was for the priests.2 Kings 12:16

2 Kings 22:4 “Go to Hilkiah, the high priest, so that the money may be put together which has been brought into the temple of the Lord, which the doorkeepers of the temple have collected from the people.2 Kings 22:4

2 Kings 22:7 Yet truly, let no account be given by them of the money that they receive. Instead, let them have it within their power and trust.”2 Kings 22:7

2 Kings 22:9 Also, Shaphan, the scribe, went to the king, and reported to him what he had instructed. And he said: “Your servants have brought together the money which was found in the house of the Lord. And they have given it so that it would be distributed to the workers by the overseers of the works of the temple of the Lord.”2 Kings 22:9

Number of the word / term Money in 2 Kings: 12

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 21:22 And David said to him: “Give this place of your threshing floor to me, so that I may build an altar to the Lord upon it. And you shall accept from me as much money as it is worth, so that the plague may cease from the people.”1 Chronicles 21:22

1 Chronicles 21:24 And king David said to him: “By no means shall it be so. Instead, I will give money to you, as much as it is worth. For I must not take it from you, and thereby offer to the Lord holocausts that cost nothing.”1 Chronicles 21:24

Number of the word / term Money in 1 Chronicles: 2

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 24:5 And he gathered together the priests and Levites, and he said to them: “Go out to the cities of Judah, and collect from all of Israel money to repair the surfaces of the temple of your God, throughout each year. And do this promptly.” But the Levites acted negligently.2 Chronicles 24:5

2 Chronicles 24:6 And the king summoned Jehoiada, the leader, and he said to him: “Why was there no concern with you, so that you would compel the Levites to bring, from Judah and from Jerusalem, the money that was appointed by Moses, the servant of the Lord, so as to bring it, from the entire multitude of Israel, to the tabernacle of the testimony?2 Chronicles 24:6

2 Chronicles 24:9 And they proclaimed, in Judah and Jerusalem, that each one should bring to the Lord the money that Moses, the servant of God, appointed in the desert, concerning all of Israel.2 Chronicles 24:9

2 Chronicles 24:11 And when it was time for them to bring the ark before the king by the hands of the Levites, for they saw that there was much money, the scribe of the king, and the one whom the high priest had appointed, entered. And they poured out the money that was in the ark. Then they carried the ark back to its place. And they did this on each day. And an immense sum of money was gathered.2 Chronicles 24:11

2 Chronicles 24:14 And when they had completed all the works, they brought the remaining part of the money before the king and Jehoiada. And from it, the vessels of the temple were made, for the ministry and for the holocausts, including bowls and other vessels of gold and silver. And holocausts were being offered in the house of the Lord continually, during all the days of Jehoiada.2 Chronicles 24:14

2 Chronicles 24:27 But concerning his sons, and the sum of money that had been amassed under him, and the repairing of the house of God, these things have been written more diligently in the book of kings. Then his son, Amaziah, reigned in his place.2 Chronicles 24:27

2 Chronicles 34:9 And they went to Hilkiah, the high priest. And having accepted from him the money which had been brought into the house of the Lord, and which the Levites and porters had gathered together from Manasseh, and Ephraim, and the entire remnant of Israel, and also from all of Judah, and Benjamin, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem,2 Chronicles 34:9

2 Chronicles 34:14 And when they carried out the money that had been brought into the temple of the Lord, Hilkiah the priest found the book of the law of the Lord by the hand of Moses.2 Chronicles 34:14

Number of the word / term Money in 2 Chronicles: 8

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 3:7 And so they gave money to those who cut and laid stones. Similarly, they gave food, and drink, and oil to the Sidonians and the Tyrians, so that they would bring cedar wood, from Lebanon to the sea at Joppa, in accord with what had been commanded of them by Cyrus, the king of the Persians.Ezra 3:7

Ezra 7:17 accept it freely. And with this money, carefully purchase calves, rams, lambs, and their sacrifices and libations, and offer these upon the altar of the temple of your God, which is in Jerusalem.Ezra 7:17

Number of the word / term Money in Ezra: 2

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 5:4 And others were saying: “Let us borrow money for the tribute of the king, and let us surrender our fields and vineyards.”Nehemiah 5:4

Nehemiah 5:10 Both I and my brothers, with my servants, have lent money and grain to many. Let us agree not to ask for its return. Let us forgive the other money that is owed to us.Nehemiah 5:10

Nehemiah 5:11 On this day, restore their fields, and their vineyards, and their olive groves, and their houses to them. Then, too, the hundredth part of the money, and of the grain, wine, and oil, which you usually exact from them, give it to them.”Nehemiah 5:11

Nehemiah 5:15 But the former governors, the ones who had been before me, were a burden to the people, and they took from them bread and wine, and forty shekels of money each day. And their officials also oppressed the people. But I did not do so, out of fear of God.Nehemiah 5:15

Nehemiah 6:13 For he had accepted money, so that I would be afraid, and would sin, and so that they would have some evil with which to rebuke me.Nehemiah 6:13

Number of the word / term Money in Nehemiah: 5

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Job

Job 15:34 For the congregation of the hypocrites is fruitless, and fire will devour the tabernacles of those who love to accept money.Job 15:34

Job 31:39 if I have used its fruits for nothing but money and have afflicted the souls of its tillers,Job 31:39

Number of the word / term Money in Job: 2

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 15:5 He who has not given his money in usury, nor accepted bribes against the innocent. He who does these things will be undisturbed for eternity.Psalm 15:5

Psalm 109:11 May the money lenders scrutinize all his belongings, and let foreigners plunder his labors.Psalm 109:11

Number of the word / term Money in Psalm: 2

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 2:4 if you will seek her like money, and dig for her as if for treasure,Proverbs 2:4

Proverbs 7:20 He took with him a bag of money. He will return to his house on the day of the full moon.”Proverbs 7:20

Proverbs 8:10 Accept my discipline, and not money. Choose the doctrine that is greater than gold.Proverbs 8:10

Number of the word / term Money in Proverbs: 3

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 5:10 A greedy man will not be satisfied by money. And whoever loves wealth will reap no fruit from it. Therefore, this, too, is emptiness.Ecclesiastes 5:10

Ecclesiastes 7:12 For as wisdom protects, so also does money protect. But learning and wisdom have this much more: that they grant life to one who possesses them.Ecclesiastes 7:12

Ecclesiastes 10:19 While laughing, they make bread and wine, so that the living may feast. And all things are obedient to money.Ecclesiastes 10:19

Number of the word / term Money in Ecclesiastes: 3

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 43:24 You have bought me no sweet cane with money, and you have not inebriated me with the fat of your victims. Yet truly, you have burdened me with your sins; you have wearied me with your iniquities.Isaiah 43:24

Isaiah 52:3 For thus says the Lord: You were sold for nothing, and you will be redeemed without money.Isaiah 52:3

Isaiah 55:1 All you who thirst, come to the waters. And you who have no money: hurry, buy and eat. Approach, buy wine and milk, without money and without barter.Isaiah 55:1

Isaiah 55:2 Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and expend your labor for what does not satisfy? Listen very closely to me, and eat what is good, and then your soul will be delighted by a full measure.Isaiah 55:2

Number of the word / term Money in Isaiah: 4

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 15:10 “O my mother, woe to me! Why did you conceive me, a man of strife, a man of discord to all the earth? I have not lent money at interest, nor has anyone lent money at interest to me. Yet everyone is cursing me.”Jeremiah 15:10

Jeremiah 32:9 And I bought the field, which is in Anathoth, from Hanamel, the son of my uncle. And I weighed out the money to him, seven small coins and ten pieces of silver.Jeremiah 32:9

Jeremiah 32:25 So why, O Lord God, are you saying to me: ‘Buy a field with money, and summon witnesses,’ while the city is being given into the hands of the Chaldeans?”Jeremiah 32:25

Jeremiah 32:44 Fields will be bought for money, and deeds will be written and signed, and witnesses will be summoned, in the land of Benjamin and all around Jerusalem, in the cities of Judah, and in the cities on the mountains, and in the cities on the plains, and in the cities that are toward the south. For I will convert their captivity, says the Lord.”Jeremiah 32:44

Number of the word / term Money in Jeremiah: 4

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 16:36 Thus says the Lord God: “Because your money has been poured out, and your disgrace has been uncovered, in your fornications with your lovers and with the idols of your abominations, in the blood of your sons, whom you gave to them:Ezekiel 16:36

Number of the word / term Money in Ezekiel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 8:10 But even when they will have brought the nations together for the sake of money, now I will assemble them. And they will rest for a little while from the burden of the king and the leaders.Hosea 8:10

Number of the word / term Money in Hosea: 1

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Amos

Amos 8:6 in order that we may possess the destitute with money, and the poor for a pair of shoes, and may sell even the refuse of the grain?”Amos 8:6

Number of the word / term Money in Amos: 1

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Micah

Micah 3:11 Her leaders have judged for tributes, and her priests have taught for payment, and her prophets divined for money. And they leaned upon the Lord, saying: “Is not the Lord in our midst? No disaster will overcome us.”Micah 3:11

Number of the word / term Money in Micah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 10:9 Do not choose to possess gold, nor silver, nor money in your belts,Matthew 10:9

Matthew 21:12 And Jesus entered into the temple of God, and he cast out all who were selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the chairs of the vendors of doves.Matthew 21:12

Matthew 25:18 But he who had received one, going out, dug into the earth, and he hid the money of his lord.Matthew 25:18

Matthew 25:27 Therefore, you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and then, at my arrival, at least I would have received what is mine with interest.Matthew 25:27

Matthew 28:12 And gathering together with the elders, having taken counsel, they gave an abundant sum of money to the soldiers,Matthew 28:12

Matthew 28:15 Then, having accepted the money, they did as they were instructed. And this word has been spread among the Jews, even to this day.Matthew 28:15

Number of the word / term Money in Matthew: 6

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Mark

Mark 6:8 And he instructed them not to take anything for the journey, except a staff: no traveling bag, no bread, and no money belt,Mark 6:8

Mark 10:24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus, answering again, said to them: “Little sons, how difficult it is for those who trust in money to enter into the kingdom of God!Mark 10:24

Mark 14:11 And they, upon hearing it, were gladdened. And they promised him that they would give him money. And he sought an opportune means by which he might betray him.Mark 14:11

Number of the word / term Money in Mark: 3

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Luke

Luke 9:3 And he said to them: “You should take nothing for the journey, neither staff, nor traveling bag, nor bread, nor money; and you should not have two tunics.Luke 9:3

Luke 18:24 Then Jesus, seeing him brought to sorrow, said: “How difficult it is for those who have money to enter into the kingdom of God!Luke 18:24

Luke 19:15 And it happened that he returned, having received the kingdom. And he ordered the servants, to whom he had given the money, to be called so that he would know how much each one had earned by doing business.Luke 19:15

Luke 19:23 And so, why did you not give my money to the bank, so that, upon my return, I might have withdrawn it with interest?’Luke 19:23

Luke 22:5 And they were glad, and so they made an agreement to give him money.Luke 22:5

Luke 22:35 “When I sent you without money or provisions or shoes, did you lack anything?”Luke 22:35

Luke 22:36 And they said, “Nothing.” Then he said to them: “But now, let whoever has money take it, and likewise with provisions. And whoever does not have these, let him sell his coat and buy a sword.Luke 22:36

Number of the word / term Money in Luke: 7

Bible passages with ‘Money’ in the book Acts

Acts 7:16 And they crossed over into Shechem, and they were placed in the sepulcher which Abraham bought for a sum of money from the sons of Hamor, the son of Shechem.Acts 7:16

Acts 8:18 But when Simon had seen that, by the imposition of the hands of the Apostles, the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money,Acts 8:18

Acts 8:20 “Let your money be with you in perdition, for you have supposed that a gift of God might be possessed by money.Acts 8:20

Acts 24:26 He was also hoping that money might be given to him by Paul, and because of this, he frequently summoned him and spoke with him.Acts 24:26

Number of the word / term ‘Money’ in Acts: 4

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 114

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