Our Little Concordance

‘Midst’ in the Bible – All 431 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Midst’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Midst’ occurs 431 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 1:6 God also said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide waters from waters.”Genesis 1:6

Genesis 2:9 And from the soil the Lord God produced every tree that was beautiful to behold and pleasant to eat. And even the tree of life was in the midst of Paradise, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.Genesis 2:9

Genesis 3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.Genesis 3:8

Genesis 18:26 And the Lord said to him, “If I find in Sodom fifty of the just in the midst of the city, I will release the entire place because of them.”Genesis 18:26

Genesis 23:10 Now Ephron dwelt in the midst of the sons of Heth. And Ephron responded to Abraham in the hearing of everyone who was entering at the gate of his city, saying:Genesis 23:10

Genesis 23:13 And he spoke to Ephron, standing in the midst of the people: “I ask you to hear me. I will give you money for the field. Take it, and so I will bury my dead in it.”Genesis 23:13

Genesis 35:2 In truth, Jacob, having called together all his house, said: “Cast away the foreign gods that are in your midst and be cleansed, and also change your garments.Genesis 35:2

Number of the word / term Midst in Genesis: 7

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 3:2 And the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. And he saw that the bush was burning and was not burnt.Exodus 3:2

Exodus 3:4 Then the Lord, discerning that he proceeded on to see it, called to him from the midst of the bush, and he said, “Moses, Moses.” And he responded, “Here I am.”Exodus 3:4

Exodus 3:20 For I will extend my hand, and I will strike Egypt with all my wonders that I will do in the midst of them. After these things, he will release you.Exodus 3:20

Exodus 7:5 And the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord, who has extended my hand over Egypt, and who has led the sons of Israel from their midst.”Exodus 7:5

Exodus 8:22 And in that day, I will cause a miracle in the land of Goshen, where my people are, so that flies will not be there. And you will know that I am the Lord in the midst of the earth.Exodus 8:22

Exodus 14:16 Now, lift up your staff, and extend your hand over the sea and divide it, so that the sons of Israel may walk through the midst of the sea on dry ground.Exodus 14:16

Exodus 14:22 And the sons of Israel went in through the midst of the dried sea. For the water was like a wall at their right hand and at their left hand.Exodus 14:22

Exodus 14:23 And the Egyptians, pursuing them, went in after them, along with all of the horses of Pharaoh, his chariots and horsemen, through the midst of the sea.Exodus 14:23

Exodus 14:27 And when Moses had extended his hand opposite the sea, it was returned, at first light, to its former place. And the fleeing Egyptians met with the waters, and the Lord immersed them in the midst of the waves.Exodus 14:27

Exodus 14:29 But the sons of Israel continued directly through the midst of the dried sea, and the waters were to them like a wall on the right and on the left.Exodus 14:29

Exodus 15:8 And by the breath of your fury, the waters were gathered together. The flowing waves stood still. The abyss was gathered into the midst of the sea.Exodus 15:8

Exodus 15:19 For the rider Pharaoh, with his chariots and horsemen, was brought into the sea. And the Lord brought back upon them the waters of the sea. But the sons of Israel walked across dry ground in its midst.”Exodus 15:19

Exodus 23:25 And you shall serve the Lord your God, so that I may bless your bread and your waters, and so that I may take away sickness from your midst.Exodus 23:25

Exodus 24:18 And Moses, entering into the midst of the cloud, ascended the mountain. And he was there for forty days and forty nights.Exodus 24:18

Exodus 25:8 And they shall make a sanctuary for me, and I will live in their midst.Exodus 25:8

Exodus 28:1 “Also, join to yourself your brother Aaron, with his sons from the midst of the sons of Israel, so that they may exercise the priesthood for me: Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.Exodus 28:1

Exodus 28:33 Yet truly, beneath it, at the base of the same tunic, all around, you shall make something like pomegranates, from hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, with little bells set in their midst.Exodus 28:33

Exodus 29:45 And I will live in the midst of the sons of Israel, and I will be their God.Exodus 29:45

Exodus 31:14 Keep my Sabbath, for it is holy to you. Whoever will have polluted it, shall die a death. Whoever will have done any work in it, his soul shall perish from the midst of his people.Exodus 31:14

Exodus 32:27 And he said to them: “Thus says the Lord God of Israel: Let a man place his sword at his thigh. Go forth, and then return, from gate to gate, through the midst of the camp, and let each one kill his brother, and friend, and neighbor.”Exodus 32:27

Exodus 33:5 And the Lord said to Moses: “Say to the sons of Israel: You are a stiff-necked people. I should at once go up into your midst and destroy you. Now immediately put aside your ornaments, so that I may know what to do to you.”Exodus 33:5

Exodus 34:10 The Lord responded: “I will enter into a pact in the sight of all. I will perform signs which have never been seen on earth, nor among any nation, so that this people, in whose midst you are, may discern the terrible work of the Lord that I will do.Exodus 34:10

Exodus 38:4 And he made its grating of brass, in the manner of a net, and under it, in the midst of the altar, its base,Exodus 38:4

Number of the word / term Midst in Exodus: 23

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 16:16 and so that he may expiate the Sanctuary from the uncleanness of the sons of Israel, and from their prevarications and every one of their sins. According to this rite, he shall act toward the tabernacle of the testimony, which is fixed among them in the midst of the filth of their habitation.Leviticus 16:16

Leviticus 17:4 and not have presented it as an oblation to the Lord at the door of the tabernacle, he shall be guilty of blood. It is just as if he had shed blood; so then, he shall perish from the midst of his people.Leviticus 17:4

Leviticus 18:29 Every soul who shall commit any of these abominations shall perish from the midst of his people.Leviticus 18:29

Leviticus 20:3 And I will set my face against him. And I will cut him down from the midst of his people, because he has given from his seed to Moloch, and he has contaminated my Sanctuary, and polluted my holy name.Leviticus 20:3

Leviticus 20:5 I will set my face over that man and over his kindred, and I will cut down both him and all who consented with him to fornicate with Moloch, from the midst of their people.Leviticus 20:5

Leviticus 20:6 The soul who will have turned aside to astrologers and soothsayers, and who will have fornicated with them, I will set my face against him, and I will destroy him from the midst of his people.Leviticus 20:6

Leviticus 20:14 If any man, having taken the daughter as a wife, will have married her mother, he has acted according to wickedness. He shall be burnt alive with them. Neither shall so great a nefarious act persist in your midst.Leviticus 20:14

Leviticus 20:18 Whoever has sexual intercourse with a woman in her menstrual flow, and has uncovered her nakedness, and she has opened the fountain of her blood, both shall be destroyed from the midst of their people.Leviticus 20:18

Leviticus 22:32 Do not pollute my holy name, so that I may be sanctified in the midst of the sons of Israel. I am the Lord, who sanctifies you,Leviticus 22:32

Leviticus 26:11 I will set my tabernacle in your midst, and my soul will not cast you out.Leviticus 26:11

Leviticus 26:25 And I will lead over you the sword that shall avenge my covenant. And when you will have fled into the cities, I will send a pestilence into your midst, and you will be delivered into the hands of your enemies.Leviticus 26:25

Number of the word / term Midst in Leviticus: 11

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 3:38 Moses and Aaron, with their sons, shall make camp before the tabernacle of the covenant, that is, on the east side, holding the custody of the Sanctuary in the midst of the sons of Israel. Whatever foreigner approaches it shall die.Numbers 3:38

Numbers 4:2 “Take a total of the sons of Kohath from the midst of the Levites, by their houses and families,Numbers 4:2

Numbers 4:18 “Do not be willing to lose the people of Kohath from the midst of the Levites.Numbers 4:18

Numbers 8:6 “Take the Levites from the midst of the sons of Israel, and you shall purify themNumbers 8:6

Numbers 8:14 and you shall separate them from the midst of the sons of Israel, so that they may be for me.Numbers 8:14

Numbers 8:19 And I have delivered them as a gift to Aaron and his sons, from the midst of the people, in order to serve me, for Israel, in the tabernacle of the covenant, and in order to pray for them, lest there be a scourge among the people, if they were to dare to approach to my Sanctuary.”Numbers 8:19

Numbers 11:20 but for up to a month of days, until it exits from your nostrils, and until it turns into nausea for you, because you have slipped away from the Lord, who is in your midst, and because you have wept before him, saying: ‘Why did we go forth out of Egypt?’ ”Numbers 11:20

Numbers 14:13 And Moses said to the Lord: “But then the Egyptians, from whose midst you led out this people,Numbers 14:13

Numbers 16:21 “Separate yourselves from the midst of this congregation, so that I may suddenly destroy them.”Numbers 16:21

Numbers 16:33 And they descended alive, the ground closing around them, into the underworld, and they perished from the midst of the mulititude.Numbers 16:33

Numbers 16:45 “Withdraw from the midst of this multitude, and I will destroy them immediately.” And while they were lying on the ground,Numbers 16:45

Numbers 16:47 When Aaron had done this, and he ran into the midst of the multitude, which the burning fire was now destroying, and he offered the incense.Numbers 16:47

Numbers 18:6 I have given your brothers, the Levites, to you from the midst of the sons of Israel, and I have delivered them as a gift to the Lord, in order to serve in the ministries of his tabernacle.Numbers 18:6

Numbers 18:20 And the Lord said to Aaron: “In their land, you shall possess nothing; neither shall you have a portion among them. I am your portion and your inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel.Numbers 18:20

Numbers 19:20 If anyone has not been expiated by this ritual, his soul shall perish from the midst of the Church. For he has polluted the Sanctuary of the Lord, and he has not been sprinkled with purifying waters.Numbers 19:20

Numbers 25:7 And when Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, had seen it, he rose up from the midst of the multitude, and, seizing a dagger,Numbers 25:7

Number of the word / term Midst in Numbers: 16

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 2:15 For his hand was against them, so that they would pass away from the midst of the camp.Deuteronomy 2:15

Deuteronomy 4:12 And the Lord spoke to you from the midst of fire. You heard the voice of his words, but you did not see any form at all.Deuteronomy 4:12

Deuteronomy 4:15 And so, guard your souls carefully. You saw no likeness on the day that the Lord God spoke to you on Horeb from the midst of fire.Deuteronomy 4:15

Deuteronomy 4:33 that a people would hear the voice of God, speaking from the midst of fire, just as you have heard it, and live,Deuteronomy 4:33

Deuteronomy 4:34 whether God has acted so as to enter and take for himself a nation from the midst of the nations, by means of tests, signs, and wonders, by means of fighting, and a strong hand, and an outstretched arm, and terrible visions, in accord with all the things which the Lord your God has accomplished for you in Egypt, in the sight of your eyes.Deuteronomy 4:34

Deuteronomy 4:36 He has caused you to hear his voice from heaven, so that he might teach you. And he showed you his exceedingly great fire on earth, and you heard his words from the midst of the fire.Deuteronomy 4:36

Deuteronomy 5:4 He spoke to us face to face on the mountain, from the midst of fire.Deuteronomy 5:4

Deuteronomy 5:22 The Lord spoke these words to the entire multitude of you on the mountain, from the midst of the fire and the cloud and the darkness, with a loud voice, adding nothing more. And he wrote them on two tablets of stone, which he delivered to me.Deuteronomy 5:22

Deuteronomy 5:23 Then, after you heard the voice from the midst of the darkness, and you saw the mountain burning, you approached me, all you leaders of the tribes and those greater by birth. And you said:Deuteronomy 5:23

Deuteronomy 5:24 ‘Behold, the Lord our God has revealed to us his majesty and his greatness. We have heard his voice from the midst of fire, and we have proven today that, though God is speaking with man, man has lived.Deuteronomy 5:24

Deuteronomy 5:26 What is all flesh, that it would hear the voice of the living God, who speaks from the midst of fire, just as we have heard it, and be able to live?Deuteronomy 5:26

Deuteronomy 6:15 For the Lord your God is a jealous God in your midst. Otherwise, at sometime, the fury of the Lord your God may be enraged against you, and he may take you away from the face of the earth.Deuteronomy 6:15

Deuteronomy 7:21 You shall not fear them, for the Lord your God is in your midst: a great and terrible God.Deuteronomy 7:21

Deuteronomy 9:10 And the Lord gave me two tablets of stone, written with the finger of God and containing all the words that he spoke to you on the mountain from the midst of fire, while the people, being stirred up, were assembled together.Deuteronomy 9:10

Deuteronomy 10:4 And he wrote on the tablets, according to that which he had written before, the ten words, which the Lord spoke to you on the mountain from the midst of fire, when the people were assembled. And he gave them to me.Deuteronomy 10:4

Deuteronomy 11:3 the signs and works that he did in the midst of Egypt, to Pharaoh, the king, and to his entire land,Deuteronomy 11:3

Deuteronomy 11:6 and to Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab, who was the son of Reuben, those whom the earth, opening its mouth, engulfed with their households and tents, and with their entire substance which they had in the midst of Israel.Deuteronomy 11:6

Deuteronomy 13:1 “If there will have arisen in your midst a prophet, or someone who claims that he had seen a dream, and if he will have predicted sign and portent,Deuteronomy 13:1

Deuteronomy 13:5 But that prophet or forger of dreams shall be put to death. For he has spoken so as to turn you away from the Lord your God, who led you away from the land of Egypt and who redeemed you from the house of servitude, and so as to cause you to wander from the way that the Lord your God has entrusted to you. And so shall you remove the evil from your midst.Deuteronomy 13:5

Deuteronomy 13:13 ‘The sons of Belial have departed from your midst, and they have persuaded the inhabitants of their city, and they have said: “Let us go, and serve strange gods,” ’ which you have not known:Deuteronomy 13:13

Deuteronomy 13:16 Then all the household goods which are there, you shall gather together in the midst of its streets, and you shall set fire to these, along with the city itself, so that you may consume everything for the Lord your God, and so that it may be an everlasting tomb. It shall no longer be built up.Deuteronomy 13:16

Deuteronomy 17:7 First, the hands of the witnesses shall be upon him who will be put to death, and lastly, the hands of the remainder of the people shall be sent forth. So may you take away the evil from your midst.Deuteronomy 17:7

Deuteronomy 18:18 I will raise up a prophet for them, from the midst of their brothers, similar to you. And I will place my words in his mouth, and he will speak to them all the things that I will instruct him.Deuteronomy 18:18

Deuteronomy 19:2 you shall separate for yourselves three cities in the midst of the land, which the Lord will give to you as a possession,Deuteronomy 19:2

Deuteronomy 19:10 So may innocent blood not be shed in the midst of the land which the Lord your God will give you to possess, lest you be guilty of blood.Deuteronomy 19:10

Deuteronomy 19:19 they shall render to him just as he intended to do to his brother. And so shall you take away the evil from your midst.Deuteronomy 19:19

Deuteronomy 20:4 For the Lord your God is in your midst, and he will contend against your enemies on your behalf, so that he may rescue you from peril.’Deuteronomy 20:4

Deuteronomy 21:8 Be merciful to your people Israel, whom you have redeemed, O Lord, and do not charge them with innocent blood in the midst of your people Israel.’ And so the guilt of the blood will be taken away from them.Deuteronomy 21:8

Deuteronomy 21:21 Then the people of the city shall stone him to death. And he shall die, so that you may take away the evil from your midst. And so may all of Israel, upon hearing it, be very afraid.Deuteronomy 21:21

Deuteronomy 22:21 then they shall throw her down, outside the doors of her father’s house, and the men of that city shall stone her to death, and she shall die. For she has acted wickedly in Israel, in that she fornicated in her father’s house. And so shall you take away the evil from your midst.Deuteronomy 22:21

Deuteronomy 22:24 then you shall lead them both out to the gate of that city, and they shall be stoned to death: the girl, because she did not cry out though she was in the city; the man, because he has humiliated the wife of his neighbor. And so shall you take away the evil from your midst.Deuteronomy 22:24

Deuteronomy 23:14 that from which you were relieved. For the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp, in order to rescue you, and to deliver your enemies to you. And so, let your camp be holy, and let nothing filthy appear within it, lest he abandon you.Deuteronomy 23:14

Deuteronomy 24:7 If a man has been caught soliciting his brother among the sons of Israel, and selling him in order to receive a price, then he shall be put to death. And so shall you take away the evil from your midst.Deuteronomy 24:7

Deuteronomy 29:16 For you know how we lived in the land of Egypt, and how we passed through the midst of nations. And when passing through them,Deuteronomy 29:16

Deuteronomy 32:51 For you trespassed against me in the midst of the sons of Israel, at the Waters of Contradiction, in Kadesh, in the desert of Sin. And you did not sanctify me among the sons of Israel.Deuteronomy 32:51

Number of the word / term Midst in Deuteronomy: 35

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 1:10 And Joshua instructed the leaders of the people, saying: “Cross through the midst of the camp, and command the people, and say:Joshua 1:10

Joshua 2:20 But if you will have betrayed us, so that you spread this word in their midst, we will be free from this oath, to which you have sworn us.”Joshua 2:20

Joshua 3:2 After these things unfolded, announcers passed through the midst of the camp,Joshua 3:2

Joshua 3:10 And again, he said: “By this shall you know that the Lord, the living God, is in your midst, and that he shall scatter in your sight, the Canaanite and the Hittite, the Hivite and the Perizzite, likewise the Girgashite, and the Jebusite, and the Amorite.Joshua 3:10

Joshua 3:17 Then the people advanced opposite Jericho. And the priests who were carrying the ark of the covenant of the Lord were standing, fully-dressed, upon dry soil in the midst of the Jordan, and all the people passed over, through the channel that was dried up.Joshua 3:17

Joshua 4:3 and instruct them so that they may take from the midst of the channel of the Jordan, where the feet of the priests stood still, twelve very hard stones, which you shall station in the place of the camp, where you will pitch your tents this night.”Joshua 4:3

Joshua 4:8 Therefore, the sons of Israel did as Joshua instructed them, carrying twelve stones from the midst of the channel of the Jordan, just as the Lord had ordered him, according to the number of the sons of Israel, as far as the place where they made camp, and there they stationed them.Joshua 4:8

Joshua 4:10 Now the priests who were carrying the ark stood in the midst of the Jordan, until everything was accomplished which the Lord had instructed Joshua to speak to the people and which Moses had said to him. And the people hurried, and they passed over.Joshua 4:10

Joshua 6:25 Yet truly, Joshua caused Rahab the harlot, and her father’s household, and all she had, to survive. And they lived in the midst of Israel, even to the present day. For she hid the messengers, whom he had sent to explore Jericho. At that time, Joshua made an invocation, saying:Joshua 6:25

Joshua 7:13 Rise up. Sanctify the people. And you shall say to them: ‘Be sanctified tomorrow. For thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: That which is anathema is in your midst, O Israel! You are not able to stand before your enemies, until he who has been contaminated by this wickedness is taken away from you.’Joshua 7:13

Joshua 8:9 And he sent them away, and they traveled to the place of the ambush, and they settled between Bethel and Ai, toward the western region of the city of Ai. But Joshua remained for that night in the midst of the people.Joshua 8:9

Joshua 10:13 And the sun and the moon stood still, until the people had avenged themselves of their enemies. Has this not been written in the book of the just? And so the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and it did not hurry to its rest for the space of one day.Joshua 10:13

Joshua 13:9 from Aroer, which is situated on the bank of the torrent Arnon and in the midst of the valley, and all the plains of Medeba, as far as Dibon;Joshua 13:9

Joshua 13:13 And the sons of Israel were not willing to destroy Geshur and Maacati, and so they have lived in the midst of Israel, even to the present day.Joshua 13:13

Joshua 13:16 And their border was from Aroer, which is situated on the bank of the torrent Arnon, and in the midst of the valley of the same torrent, with all the flatlands that lead to Medeba;Joshua 13:16

Joshua 15:13 Yet truly, to Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, he gave a portion in the midst of the sons of Judah, just as the Lord had instructed him: the City of Arba, the father of Anak, which is Hebron.Joshua 15:13

Joshua 16:9 And there were cities, with their villages, which were set aside for the sons of Ephraim, in the midst of the possession of the sons of Manasseh.Joshua 16:9

Joshua 16:10 And the sons of Ephraim did not put to death the Canaanite that was living at Gezer. And the Canaanite lived in the midst of Ephraim, even to this day, paying tribute.Joshua 16:10

Joshua 17:4 And they went before the sight of Eleazar, the priest, and Joshua, the son of Nun, and the leaders, saying: “The Lord instructed by the hand of Moses that a possession ought to be given to us, in the midst of our brothers.” And so, he gave to them, in accord with the order of the Lord, a possession in the midst of the brothers of their father.Joshua 17:4

Joshua 17:6 And so the daughters of Manasseh possessed an inheritance in the midst of his sons. But the land of Gilead fell by lot to the sons of Manasseh that were left.Joshua 17:6

Joshua 17:9 And the border descends to the Valley of Reeds, to the south of the torrent of the cities of Ephraim, which are in the midst of the cities of Manasseh. The border of Manasseh is to the north of the torrent, and its exit extends to the sea.Joshua 17:9

Joshua 19:2 in the midst of the possession of the sons of Judah: Beersheba, and Sheba, and Moladah,Joshua 19:2

Joshua 19:9 within the possession and lot of the sons of Judah, which was greater. And for this reason, the sons of Simeon had a possession in the midst of their inheritance.Joshua 19:9

Joshua 19:49 And when he had completed dividing the land by lot to each one by their tribes, the sons of Israel gave a possession to Joshua, the son of Nun, in their midst,Joshua 19:49

Joshua 21:41 And so all the cities of the Levites, in the midst of the possession of the sons of Israel, were forty-eight,Joshua 21:41

Number of the word / term Midst in Joshua: 25

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Judges

Judges 1:30 Zebulun did not wipe out the inhabitants of Kitron and of Nahalal. Instead, the Canaanite lived in their midst and became their tributary.Judges 1:30

Judges 1:32 And he lived in the midst of the Canaanites, the inhabitants of that land, for he did not put them to death.Judges 1:32

Judges 3:5 And so, the sons of Israel lived in the midst of the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.Judges 3:5

Judges 9:29 I wish that someone would set this people under my hand, so that I might take away Abimelech from their midst.” And it was told to Abimelech, “Gather the multitude of an army, and approach.”Judges 9:29

Judges 9:51 Now there was, in the midst of the city, a high tower, to which men and women were fleeing together, with all the leaders of the city. And, having very strongly sealed the gate, they were standing on the roof of the tower to defend themselves.Judges 9:51

Judges 12:4 And so, calling to himself all the men of Gilead, he fought against Ephraim. And the men of Gilead struck down Ephraim, because he had said, “Gilead is a fugitive from Ephraim, and he lives in the midst of Ephraim and Manasseh.”Judges 12:4

Number of the word / term Midst in Judges: 6

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 4:3 And the people returned to the camp. And those greater by birth of Israel said: “Why has the Lord struck us today before the Philistines? Let us bring to ourselves the ark of the covenant of the Lord from Shiloh. And let it enter into our midst, so that it may save us from the hand of our enemies.”1 Samuel 4:3

1 Samuel 5:6 Now the hand of the Lord weighed heavily upon the Ashdodites, and he destroyed them. And he struck Ashdod and its borders at the inner part of the buttocks. And in the villages and fields, in the midst of that region, mice rose up and burst forth. And this caused a great tumult unto death in the city.1 Samuel 5:6

1 Samuel 9:14 And they ascended into the city. And as they were walking in the midst of the city, Samuel appeared, advancing to meet them, so that he might ascend to the high place.1 Samuel 9:14

1 Samuel 10:10 And they arrived at the above-stated hill, and behold, a group of prophets met him. And the Spirit of the Lord leapt up within him, and he prophesied in their midst.1 Samuel 10:10

1 Samuel 10:23 And so they ran and brought him there. And he stood in the midst of the people, and he was taller than the entire people, from the shoulders upward.1 Samuel 10:23

1 Samuel 14:14 And the first slaughter was made when Jonathan and his armor bearer struck down about twenty of the men, in the midst of an area of land that a yoke of oxen would usually plow in a day.1 Samuel 14:14

1 Samuel 15:6 And Saul said to the Kenite: “Go away, withdraw, and descend from Amalek. Otherwise, I will include you with him. For you showed mercy to all the sons of Israel, when they ascended from Egypt.” And so the Kenite withdrew from the midst of Amalek.1 Samuel 15:6

1 Samuel 16:13 Therefore, Samuel took the horn of oil, and he anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the Lord was guiding David from that day and thereafter. And Samuel rose up, and he went away to Ramah.1 Samuel 16:13

1 Samuel 17:34 And David said to Saul: “Your servant was pasturing the flock of his father. And there approached a lion or a bear, and it took a ram from the midst of the flock.1 Samuel 17:34

1 Samuel 18:10 Then, on the next day, the evil spirit from God assailed Saul, and he prophesied in the midst of his house. And David played with his hand, just as at every other time. And Saul held a lance in his hand.1 Samuel 18:10

Number of the word / term Midst in 1 Samuel: 10

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 7:2 he said to the prophet Nathan, “Do you not see that I live in a house of cedar, and that the ark of God has been placed in the midst of tent skins?”2 Samuel 7:2

2 Samuel 17:11 But this seems to me to be the right counsel: Let all of Israel be gathered to you, from Dan to Beersheba, like the sand of the sea which is innumerable. And you will be in their midst.2 Samuel 17:11

Number of the word / term Midst in 2 Samuel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 3:8 And your servant is in the midst of the people that you have chosen, an immense people, who are not able to be numbered or counted because of their multitude.1 Kings 3:8

1 Kings 6:13 And I will dwell in the midst of the sons of Israel, and I will not forsake my people Israel.”1 Kings 6:13

1 Kings 7:8 And in the midst of the portico, there was a small house, where he would sit in judgment, similar in workmanship. He also made a house for the daughter of Pharaoh (whom Solomon had taken as wife) of the same work and type as this portico.1 Kings 7:8

1 Kings 8:51 For they are your people and your inheritance, whom you have led away from the land of Egypt, from the midst of the furnace of iron.1 Kings 8:51

1 Kings 14:7 Go, and tell Jeroboam: ‘Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Although I exalted you from the midst of the people, and I granted to you to be the leader over my people Israel,1 Kings 14:7

Number of the word / term Midst in 1 Kings: 5

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 4:13 he said to his servant: “Say to her: Behold, you have ministered to us attentively in all things. What do you want, that I might do for you? Do you have any business, or do you want me to speak to the king, or to the leader of the military?” And she responded, “I live in the midst of my own people.”2 Kings 4:13

2 Kings 6:20 And when they had entered into Samaria, Elisha said, “O Lord, open the eyes of these ones, so that they may see.” And the Lord opened their eyes, and they saw themselves to be in the midst of Samaria.2 Kings 6:20

2 Kings 9:2 And when you arrive in that place, you will see Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi. And upon entering, you shall raise him up from the midst of his brothers, and you shall lead him into an inner room.2 Kings 9:2

2 Kings 11:2 But Jehosheba, the daughter of king Joram, the sister of Ahaziah, taking Jehoash, the son of Ahaziah, stole him away from the midst of the sons of the king who were being killed, out of the bedroom, with his nurse. And she hid him from the face of Athaliah, so that he would not be killed.2 Kings 11:2

2 Kings 23:9 Yet truly, the priests of the high places did not ascend to the altar of the Lord in Jerusalem. For they would only eat from the unleavened bread in the midst of their brothers.2 Kings 23:9

Number of the word / term Midst in 2 Kings: 5

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 11:14 These men stood in the midst of the field, and they defended it. And when they had struck down the Philistines, the Lord gave a great salvation to his people.1 Chronicles 11:14

1 Chronicles 11:18 Therefore, these three broke through to the midst of the camp of the Philistines, and they drew water from the well of Bethlehem, which was at the gate. And they took it to David, so that he might drink. But he was not willing; and instead, he offered it as a libation to the Lord,1 Chronicles 11:18

1 Chronicles 16:1 And so they took the ark of God, and they set it in the midst of the tabernacle, which David had pitched for it. And they offered holocausts and peace offerings before God.1 Chronicles 16:1

Number of the word / term Midst in 1 Chronicles: 3

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 6:13 For indeed, Solomon had made a bronze base, and he had positioned it in the midst of the hall; it held five cubits in length, and five cubits in width, and three cubits in height. And he stood upon it. And next, kneeling down while facing the entire multitude of Israel, and lifting up his palms towards heaven,2 Chronicles 6:13

2 Chronicles 20:5 And when Jehoshaphat had stood up in the midst of the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house of the Lord, before the new atrium,2 Chronicles 20:5

2 Chronicles 20:14 But there was Jahaziel, the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite from the sons of Asaph, upon whom the Spirit of the Lord went, in the midst of the crowd.2 Chronicles 20:14

2 Chronicles 20:20 And when they had risen up in the morning, they went out through the desert of Tekoa. And as they were setting out, Jehoshaphat, standing in their midst, said: “Listen to me, men of Judah and all inhabitants of Jerusalem. Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be secure. Believe in his prophets, and everything will come to prosperity.”2 Chronicles 20:20

2 Chronicles 22:11 But Jehosheba, the daughter of the king, took Joash, the son of Ahaziah, and stole him from the midst the king’s sons when they were being slain. And she hid him with his nurse in a bedroom. Now Jehosheba, the one who had hidden him, was the daughter of king Jehoram, and the wife of the high priest Jehoiada, and the sister of Ahaziah. And because of this, Athaliah did not kill him.2 Chronicles 22:11

2 Chronicles 32:4 he gathered together a great multitude, and they obstructed all the springs, and the brook which was flowing through the midst of the land, saying: “Otherwise, the kings of the Assyrians might arrive and find an abundance of water.”2 Chronicles 32:4

Number of the word / term Midst in 2 Chronicles: 6

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 4:11 And our enemies said: “Let them neither know, nor realize, until we arrive in their midst, and kill them, and cause the work to cease.”Nehemiah 4:11

Nehemiah 4:22 Also at that time, I said to the people: “Let each one with his servant remain in the midst of Jerusalem. And let us take turns, throughout the night and day, in doing the work.”Nehemiah 4:22

Nehemiah 6:10 And I entered into the house of Shemaiah, the son of Delaiah, the son of Mehetabel, in secret. And he said: “Let us consult together in the house of God, in the midst of the temple. And let us close the doors of the temple. For they will come to kill you, and they will arrive in the night to put you to death.”Nehemiah 6:10

Nehemiah 7:4 Now the city was great and very wide, and the people in its midst were few, and the houses were not yet built.Nehemiah 7:4

Nehemiah 9:11 And you divided the sea before them, and they crossed through the midst of the sea on dry land. But their pursuers you cast into the depths, like a stone into great waters.Nehemiah 9:11

Number of the word / term Midst in Nehemiah: 5

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 22:14 And so, I have been poured out like water, and all my bones have been scattered. My heart has become like wax, melting in the midst of my chest.Psalm 22:14

Psalm 22:22 I will declare your name to my brothers. In the midst of the Church, I will praise you.Psalm 22:22

Psalm 23:4 For, even if I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils. For you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they have given me consolation.Psalm 23:4

Psalm 40:8 that I should do your will. My God, I have willed it. And your law is in the midst of my heart.Psalm 40:8

Psalm 46:5 God is in its midst; it will not be shaken. God will assist it in the early morning.Psalm 46:5

Psalm 48:9 We have received your mercy, O God, in the midst of your temple.Psalm 48:9

Psalm 55:10 Day and night, iniquity will surround it upon its walls, and hardship is in its midst,Psalm 55:10

Psalm 55:15 Let death come upon them, and let them descend alive into Hellfire. For there is wickedness in their dwellings, in their midst.Psalm 55:15

Psalm 57:4 And he has rescued my soul from the midst of the young lions. I slept troubled. The sons of men: their teeth are weapons and arrows, and their tongue is a sharp sword.Psalm 57:4

Psalm 68:13 If you take your rest in the midst of the clergy, you will be like a dove whose wings are covered with fine silver and edged with pale gold.Psalm 68:13

Psalm 68:25 The leaders went ahead, united with the singers of psalms, in the midst of girls playing on timbrels.Psalm 68:25

Psalm 74:4 And those who hate you have been glorified, in the midst of your solemnity. They have set up their own signs as a proof,Psalm 74:4

Psalm 74:11 Why do you turn your hand away, even your right hand, from the midst of your sinews, until the end?Psalm 74:11

Psalm 74:12 But God is our king before all ages. He has wrought salvation in the midst of the earth.Psalm 74:12

Psalm 78:28 And they fell down in the midst of their camp, encircling their tabernacles.Psalm 78:28

Psalm 82:1 A Psalm of Asaph. God has stood in the synagogue of gods, but, in their midst, he decides between gods.Psalm 82:1

Psalm 101:2 And I will have understanding within the immaculate way, when you will draw near to me. I wandered about in the innocence of my heart, in the midst of my house.Psalm 101:2

Psalm 101:7 He who has acted arrogantly will not dwell in the midst of my house. He who has spoken iniquity was not guided with the sight of my eyes.Psalm 101:7

Psalm 104:10 You spring forth fountains in steep valleys. The waters will cross through the midst of the mountains.Psalm 104:10

Psalm 104:12 Above them, the flying things of the air will dwell. From the midst of the rocks, they will utter voices.Psalm 104:12

Psalm 107:34 a fruit-bearing land in the midst of brine, before the malice of those who dwell in it.Psalm 107:34

Psalm 107:35 He has placed a desert in the midst of pools of waters, and a land without water in the midst of sources of water.Psalm 107:35

Psalm 109:30 I will confess exceedingly to the Lord with my mouth. And I will praise him in the midst of the multitude.Psalm 109:30

Psalm 110:2 The Lord will send forth the scepter of your virtue from Zion. Rule in the midst of your enemies.Psalm 110:2

Psalm 116:19 in the courts of the house of the Lord, in your midst, O Jerusalem.Psalm 116:19

Psalm 135:9 He sent signs and wonders into your midst, O Egypt: upon Pharaoh and upon all his servants.Psalm 135:9

Psalm 136:11 He led Israel away from their midst, for his mercy is eternal:Psalm 136:11

Psalm 137:2 By the willow trees, in their midst, we hung up our instruments.Psalm 137:2

Psalm 138:7 If I wander into the midst of tribulation, you will revive me. For you extended your hand against the wrath of my enemies. And your right hand has accomplished my salvation.Psalm 138:7

Number of the word / term Midst in Psalm: 29

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 4:21 Let them not recede from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart.Proverbs 4:21

Proverbs 5:14 I have almost been with all evil in the midst of the church and of the assembly.”Proverbs 5:14

Proverbs 8:2 At the summits and the tops of exalted places, standing above the ways, in the midst of the paths,Proverbs 8:2

Proverbs 8:20 I walk in the way of justice, in the midst of the paths of judgment,Proverbs 8:20

Proverbs 15:31 The ear that listens to the reproofs of life shall abide in the midst of the wise.Proverbs 15:31

Proverbs 20:20 Whoever curses his father and mother, his lamp will be extinguished in the midst of darkness.Proverbs 20:20

Proverbs 22:13 The lazy one says: “There is a lion outside. I might be slain in the midst of the streets.”Proverbs 22:13

Number of the word / term Midst in Proverbs: 7

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 4:4 Then the Lord will have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and will have washed away the blood of Jerusalem from its midst, by means of a spirit of judgment and a spirit of intense devotion.Isaiah 4:4

Isaiah 5:8 Woe to you who join house to house, and who combine field to field, even to the limits of the place! Do you intend to live alone in the midst of the earth?Isaiah 5:8

Isaiah 5:25 For this reason, the fury of the Lord has been enraged against his people, and he has extended his hand over them, and he has struck them. And the mountains were disturbed. And their carcasses became like dung in the midst of the streets. After all this, his fury was not turned away; instead, his hand was still extended.Isaiah 5:25

Isaiah 6:5 And I said: “Woe to me! For I have remained silent. For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live in the midst of a people having unclean lips, and I have seen with my eyes the King, the Lord of hosts!”Isaiah 6:5

Isaiah 6:12 For the Lord will take the men far away, and she who will have been left behind will be multiplied in the midst of the earth.Isaiah 6:12

Isaiah 7:6 “Let us ascend to Judah, and stir it up, and tear it away for ourselves, and appoint the son of Tabeel as a king in its midst.”Isaiah 7:6

Isaiah 7:22 and, instead of an abundance of milk, he will eat butter. For all who are left behind in the midst of the land will eat butter and honey.Isaiah 7:22

Isaiah 10:23 For the Lord, the God of hosts, will accomplish an abbreviation and a consummation, in the midst of all the earth.Isaiah 10:23

Isaiah 12:6 Exult and give praise, O habitation of Zion! For the Great One, the Holy One of Israel, is in your midst!”Isaiah 12:6

Isaiah 19:1 The burden of Egypt. Behold, the Lord will ascend upon a lofty cloud, and he will enter into Egypt, and the false images of Egypt will be moved before his face, and the heart of Egypt will waste away in its midst.Isaiah 19:1

Isaiah 19:14 The Lord has mixed a spirit of giddiness into its midst. And they have caused Egypt to err in all its works, like a drunken man who staggers and vomits.Isaiah 19:14

Isaiah 19:19 In that day, there will be an altar of the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt and a monument of the Lord beside its borders.Isaiah 19:19

Isaiah 19:24 In that day, will Israel be the third to the Egyptian and the Assyrian, a blessing in the midst of the earth,Isaiah 19:24

Isaiah 23:3 The offspring of the Nile is in the midst of many waters. The harvest of the river is her crop. And she has become the marketplace of the nations.Isaiah 23:3

Isaiah 24:13 For so shall it be in the midst of the earth, in the midst of the people: it is as if the few remaining olives are being shaken from the olive tree, and it is like a few clusters of grapes, when the grape harvest has already ended.Isaiah 24:13

Isaiah 29:23 Instead, when he sees his children, they will be the work of my hands in his midst, sanctifying my name, and they will sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and they will preach the God of Israel.Isaiah 29:23

Isaiah 41:18 I will open rivers in the high hills, and fountains in the midst of the plains. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the impassable land into streams of water.Isaiah 41:18

Isaiah 52:11 Depart, depart, get out of here! Do not be willing to touch what is polluted. Go out from her midst! Be cleansed, you who bear the vessels of the Lord.Isaiah 52:11

Isaiah 58:9 Then you will call, and the Lord will heed; you will cry out, and he will say, “Here I am,” if you take away the chains from your midst, and cease to point your finger and to speak what is not beneficial.Isaiah 58:9

Isaiah 61:9 And they will know their offspring among the nations, and their progeny in the midst of the peoples. All who see them will recognize them: that these are the offspring whom the Lord has blessed.Isaiah 61:9

Number of the word / term Midst in Isaiah: 20

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 6:1 “O sons of Benjamin, be strengthened in the midst of Jerusalem, and sound the trumpet in Tekoa, and lift up a banner over the house of Haccherem. For an evil has been seen from the north, with great destruction.Jeremiah 6:1

Jeremiah 6:6 For thus says the Lord of hosts: “Cut down her trees, and build a rampart around Jerusalem. This is the city of visitation! Every kind of false claim is in her midst.Jeremiah 6:6

Jeremiah 9:6 Your habitation is in the midst of deceit. In their deceitfulness, they have refused to know me, says the Lord.”Jeremiah 9:6

Jeremiah 12:14 Thus says the Lord against all my wicked neighbors, who touch the inheritance that I have distributed to my people Israel: “Behold, I will root them out of their own land, and I will root the house of Judah out of their midst.Jeremiah 12:14

Jeremiah 12:16 And this shall be: if they are taught and they learn the ways of my people, so that they swear by my name, ‘As the Lord lives,’ just as they had taught my people to swear by Baal, then they will be built up in the midst of my people.Jeremiah 12:16

Jeremiah 17:11 A partridge has hatched eggs that she did not lay; a man has gathered riches, but without judgment. In the midst of his days, he will leave it all behind, and he will be foolish concerning his very end.”Jeremiah 17:11

Jeremiah 21:4 Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, with which you fight against the king of Babylon and the Chaldeans, who besiege you at the surrounding walls. And I will gather these things together in the midst of this city.Jeremiah 21:4

Jeremiah 25:9 behold, I will send for and take all the associates of the north, says the Lord, and Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, my servant, and I will lead them over this land, and over its inhabitants, and over all the nations that are around it. And I will destroy them, and I will set them in the midst of stupor and hissing, and continual desolations.Jeremiah 25:9

Jeremiah 29:8 For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Do not allow your prophets and your diviners, who are in your midst, to seduce you. And you should pay no attention to your dreams, which you are dreaming.Jeremiah 29:8

Jeremiah 29:32 For this reason, thus says the Lord: Behold, I will visit upon Shemaiah of Nehelam, and upon his offspring. There will not be, for him, even one man sitting in the midst of this people. And he will not see the good that I will accomplish for my people, says the Lord. For he has spoken a betrayal against the Lord.”Jeremiah 29:32

Jeremiah 30:21 And their ruler will one of their own. And their prince will be led forward from their midst. And I will draw him near, and he will cling to me. For who is the one who applies his heart, so that he may draw near to me, says the Lord?Jeremiah 30:21

Jeremiah 37:4 Now Jeremiah was walking freely in the midst of the people. For they had not yet sent him into the custody of the prison.Jeremiah 37:4

Jeremiah 40:5 And you may decline to come with me. For you may live with Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, whom the king of Babylon has made governor over the cities of Judah. Therefore, you may live with him in the midst of the people. And you may go wherever it will please you to go.” And the leader of the military also gave him foods and gifts, and he released him.Jeremiah 40:5

Jeremiah 40:6 Then Jeremiah went to Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, at Mizpah. And he lived with him in the midst of the people, those who had been left behind in the land.Jeremiah 40:6

Jeremiah 44:7 And now, thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Why do you commit this great evil against your own souls, so that, among you, man and woman, child and infant would pass away from the midst of Judah, and so that no remnant at all would be left behind of you?Jeremiah 44:7

Jeremiah 46:21 Her hired hands also, who move within her midst, like fatted calves have been turned back, and they have fled at the same time, and they are not able to stand firm. For the day of their passing away has overwhelmed them; it is the time of their visitation.Jeremiah 46:21

Jeremiah 48:45 Those fleeing from the snare stood in the shadow of Heshbon. For a fire has gone forth from Heshbon, and a flame from the midst of Sihon, and it will devour the portion of Moab, and the top of the head of the sons of tumult.Jeremiah 48:45

Jeremiah 50:8 Withdraw from the midst of Babylon, and go forth from the land of the Chaldeans. And be like young goats before the flock.Jeremiah 50:8

Jeremiah 50:37 A sword is for their horses, and for their chariots, and for all the common people who are in her midst. And they will be like women. A sword is for her storehouses, and they will be plundered.Jeremiah 50:37

Jeremiah 51:6 Flee from the midst of Babylon! And let each one save his own life. Do not be silent about her iniquity. For it is the time of revenge from the Lord. He himself will repay her, in her turn.Jeremiah 51:6

Jeremiah 51:45 Go forth from her midst, my people, so that each one may save his life from the wrath of the fury of the Lord.Jeremiah 51:45

Jeremiah 51:47 Because of this, behold, the days are approaching, when I will visit against the graven images of Babylon. And her entire land will be confounded, and all her slain will fall in her midst.Jeremiah 51:47

Jeremiah 51:63 And when you will have completed reading this book, you will tie a stone to it, and you will cast it into the midst of the Euphrates.Jeremiah 51:63

Jeremiah 52:25 He also took from the city one eunuch who was in charge of the men of war, and seven men among those who served before the face of the king, who were found in the city, and a scribe, a leader of the military, who tested the new recruits, and sixty men from the people of the land, who were found in the midst of the city.Jeremiah 52:25

Number of the word / term Midst in Jeremiah: 24

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 1:15 SAMECH. The Lord has taken away all of my great ones from my midst. He has called forth time against me, so as to crush my elect ones. The Lord has trampled the winepress, which was for the virgin daughter of Judah.Lamentations 1:15

Lamentations 3:45 SAMECH. In the midst of the peoples, you have uprooted me and cast me out.Lamentations 3:45

Lamentations 4:13 MEM. It is because of the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, who have shed the blood of the just in her midst.Lamentations 4:13

Number of the word / term Midst in Lamentations: 3

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 1:1 And it happened that, in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth of the month, when I was in the midst of the captives beside the river Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I saw the visions of God.Ezekiel 1:1

Ezekiel 1:4 And I saw, and behold, a whirlwind arrived from the north. And a great cloud, wrapped in fire and brightness, was all around it. And from its midst, that is, from the midst of the fire, there was something with the appearance of amber.Ezekiel 1:4

Ezekiel 1:5 And in its midst, there was the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: the likeness of a man was in them.Ezekiel 1:5

Ezekiel 1:13 And as for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like that of burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps. This was the vision dashing in the midst of the living creatures, a bright fire, with lightning going forth from the fire.Ezekiel 1:13

Ezekiel 2:5 Perhaps it may be that they will hear, and perhaps they may be quieted. For they are a provoking house. And they shall know that there has been a prophet in their midst.Ezekiel 2:5

Ezekiel 3:15 And I went to those of the transmigration, to the stockpile of new crops, to those who were living beside the river Chebar. And I sat where they were sitting. And I remained there for seven days, while mourning in their midst.Ezekiel 3:15

Ezekiel 3:24 And the Spirit entered into me, and set me upon my feet. And he spoke to me, and he said to me: “Enter and enclose yourself in the midst of your house.Ezekiel 3:24

Ezekiel 3:25 And as for you, son of man, behold: they shall put chains upon you and bind you with them. And you shall not go out from their midst.Ezekiel 3:25

Ezekiel 5:2 A third part you shall burn with fire in the midst of the city, according to the completion of the days of the siege. And you shall take a third part, and you shall cut it with the knife all around. Yet truly, the other third, you shall scatter to the wind, for I will unsheathe the sword after them.Ezekiel 5:2

Ezekiel 5:4 And again, you shall take from them, and you shall throw them into the midst of the fire, and you shall burn them with fire. And from it, there shall go forth a fire to the entire house of Israel.”Ezekiel 5:4

Ezekiel 5:5 Thus says the Lord God: “This is Jerusalem. I have placed her in the midst of the Gentiles and of the lands all around her.Ezekiel 5:5

Ezekiel 5:8 therefore, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, and I myself will accomplish judgments in your midst, in the sight of the Gentiles.Ezekiel 5:8

Ezekiel 5:10 Therefore, the fathers shall consume the sons in your midst, and the sons shall consume their fathers. And I will execute judgments in you, and I will winnow your entire remnant in every wind.Ezekiel 5:10

Ezekiel 5:12 One third part of you will die by pestilence or be consumed by famine in your midst. And one third part of you will fall by the sword all around you. Yet truly, one third part of you I will scatter to every wind, and I will unsheathe the sword after them.Ezekiel 5:12

Ezekiel 6:7 And the slain will fall in your midst. And you shall know that I am the Lord.Ezekiel 6:7

Ezekiel 6:13 And you shall know that I am the Lord, when your slain will be in the midst of your idols, all around your altars, on every exalted hill, and on the summits of all the mountains, and under every dense tree, and under every leafy oak: the places where they burned sweet-smelling incense to all their idols.Ezekiel 6:13

Ezekiel 7:4 And my eye will not be lenient over you, and I will not take pity. Instead, I will set your ways upon you, and your abominations will be in your midst. And you shall know that I am the Lord.”Ezekiel 7:4

Ezekiel 7:9 And my eye will not be lenient, nor will I take pity. Instead, I will place your ways upon you, and your abominations will be in your midst. And you shall know that I am the Lord, who is striking.Ezekiel 7:9

Ezekiel 8:11 And there were seventy men out of the elders of the house of Israel, with Jaazaniah, the son of Shaphan, standing in their midst, and they stood before the pictures. And each one had a censer in his hand. And a cloud of smoke rose up from the incense.Ezekiel 8:11

Ezekiel 9:2 And behold, six men were approaching from the way of the upper gate, which looks to the north. And each one had equipment for killing in his hand. Also, one man in their midst was clothed with linen, and an instrument for writing was at his waist. And they entered and stood beside the bronze altar.Ezekiel 9:2

Ezekiel 9:4 And the Lord said to him: “Cross through the middle of the city, in the center of Jerusalem, and seal a Tau upon the foreheads of the grieving men, who are mourning over all the abominations which are being committed in its midst.”Ezekiel 9:4

Ezekiel 10:6 And when he had instructed the man who was clothed with linen, saying, “Take fire from the midst of the wheels that are between the cherubim,” he entered and stood next to the wheel.Ezekiel 10:6

Ezekiel 10:7 And one cherub extended his hand, from the midst of the cherubim, to the fire that was between the cherubim. And he took and gave it into the hands of the one who was clothed with linen, and he accepted it and went forth.Ezekiel 10:7

Ezekiel 10:10 And in their appearance, each one of the four were similar, as if a wheel were in the midst of a wheel.Ezekiel 10:10

Ezekiel 11:1 And the Spirit lifted me up, and he brought me to the east gate of the house of the Lord, which looks toward the rising of the sun. And behold, at the entrance to the gate were twenty-five men. And I saw, in their midst, Jaazaniah, the son of Azzur, and Pelatiah, the son of Benaiah, leaders of the people.Ezekiel 11:1

Ezekiel 11:7 Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Your slain, whom you have placed in its midst, these are the meat, and this city is the cooking pot. And I will draw you out of its midst.Ezekiel 11:7

Ezekiel 11:9 And I will cast you out of its midst, and I will give you over to the hand of the enemies, and I will execute judgments among you.Ezekiel 11:9

Ezekiel 11:11 This city will not be a cooking pot for you, and you will not be like meat in its midst. I will judge you within the borders of Israel.Ezekiel 11:11

Ezekiel 11:23 And the glory of the Lord ascended from the midst of the city and stood above the mountain, which is to the east of the city.Ezekiel 11:23

Ezekiel 12:2 “Son of man, you live in the midst of a provoking house. They have eyes to see, and they do not see; and ears to hear, and they do not hear. For they are a provoking house.Ezekiel 12:2

Ezekiel 12:10 Say to them: Thus says the Lord God: This is the burden concerning my leader who is in Jerusalem, and concerning the entire house of Israel, who are in their midst.Ezekiel 12:10

Ezekiel 12:12 And the leader who is in their midst will be carried on shoulders; he will go forth in darkness. They will dig through the wall, so that they may lead him away. His face will be covered, so that he may not see the land with his eye.Ezekiel 12:12

Ezekiel 12:24 For there shall be no longer be any empty visions, nor any ambiguous divination in the midst of the sons of Israel.Ezekiel 12:24

Ezekiel 13:14 And I will destroy the wall that you have covered without tempering it. And I will level it to the ground, and its foundation will be revealed. And it will fall and be consumed in its midst. And you shall know that I am the Lord.Ezekiel 13:14

Ezekiel 14:8 And I will set my face against that man, and I will make him an example and a proverb. And I will perish him from the midst of my people. And you shall know that I am the Lord.Ezekiel 14:8

Ezekiel 14:9 And when a prophet has gone astray and has spoken a word: I, the Lord, have deceived that prophet. And I will extend my hand over him, and I will wipe him away from the midst of my people, Israel.Ezekiel 14:9

Ezekiel 14:18 and if these three men were in its midst, as I live, says the Lord God, they will deliver neither sons, nor daughters, but only they themselves will be delivered.Ezekiel 14:18

Ezekiel 14:20 and if Noah, and Daniel, and Job were in its midst, as I live, says the Lord God, they will deliver neither son, nor daughter, but they will deliver only their own souls by their justice.Ezekiel 14:20

Ezekiel 16:53 But I will convert and restore them, by converting Sodom with her daughters, and by converting Samaria and her daughters. And I will convert your return in their midst.Ezekiel 16:53

Ezekiel 17:16 As I live, says the Lord God, in the place of the king, who appointed him as king, whose oath he has made void, and whose pact he has broken, under which he was living with him, in the midst of Babylon, he shall die.Ezekiel 17:16

Ezekiel 18:18 As for his father, because he oppressed and did violence to his brother, and worked evil in the midst of his people, behold, he has died by his own iniquity.Ezekiel 18:18

Ezekiel 19:2 and you shall say: Why did your mother, the lioness, recline among the male lions, and raise her little ones in the midst of young lions?Ezekiel 19:2

Ezekiel 20:8 But they provoked me, and they were not willing to listen to me. Each one of them did not cast away the abominations of his eyes, nor did they leave behind the idols of Egypt. And so, I said that I would pour out my indignation upon them, and fulfill my wrath against them, in the midst of the land of Egypt.Ezekiel 20:8

Ezekiel 20:9 But I acted for the sake of my name, so that it would not be violated in the sight of the Gentiles, in the midst of whom they were, and among whom I appeared to them, so that I might lead them away from the land of Egypt.Ezekiel 20:9

Ezekiel 21:32 You will be food for the fire; your blood will be in the midst of the land; you will be delivered to oblivion. For I, the Lord, have spoken.”Ezekiel 21:32

Ezekiel 22:3 And you shall reveal to her all her abominations. And you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: This is the city which sheds blood in her midst, so that her time may come, and which has made idols against herself, so that she may be defiled.Ezekiel 22:3

Ezekiel 22:7 They have abused father and mother within you. The new arrival has been oppressed in your midst. They have grieved the orphan and the widow among you.Ezekiel 22:7

Ezekiel 22:9 Maligning men were within you, in order to shed blood, and they have eaten upon the mountains within you. They have worked wickedness in your midst.Ezekiel 22:9

Ezekiel 22:13 Behold, I have clapped my hands over your avarice, which you have worked, and over the blood that has been shed in your midst.Ezekiel 22:13

Ezekiel 22:18 “Son of man, the house of Israel has become like dross to me. All these are brass, and tin, and iron, and lead in the midst of the furnace; they have become like the dross of silver.Ezekiel 22:18

Ezekiel 22:19 Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Since you have all turned into dross, therefore, behold, I will gather you together in the midst of Jerusalem,Ezekiel 22:19

Ezekiel 22:20 just as they gather silver, and brass, and tin, and iron, and lead in the midst of the furnace, so that I may kindle in it a fire to melt it. So will I gather you together in my fury and in my wrath, and I will be quieted, and I will melt you down.Ezekiel 22:20

Ezekiel 22:21 And I will gather you together, and I will burn you in the fire of my fury, and you will be melted in its midst.Ezekiel 22:21

Ezekiel 22:22 Just as silver is melted in the midst of the furnace, so will you be in its midst. And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have poured out my indignation upon you.”Ezekiel 22:22

Ezekiel 22:25 There is a conspiracy of prophets in her midst. Like a lion, roaring and seizing the prey, they have devoured souls. They have taken riches and a price. They have multiplied widows in her midst.Ezekiel 22:25

Ezekiel 22:26 Her priests have despised my law, and they have defiled my sanctuaries. They have held no distinction between holy and profane. And they have not understood the difference between defiled and clean. And they have averted their eyes from my Sabbaths. And I was profaned in their midst.Ezekiel 22:26

Ezekiel 22:27 Her leaders in her midst are like wolves seizing the prey: to shed blood, and to perish souls, and to continually pursue profit with avarice.Ezekiel 22:27

Ezekiel 23:39 And when they immolated their children to their idols, they also entered my sanctuary on the same day, so that they defiled it. They have done these things, even in the midst of my house.Ezekiel 23:39

Ezekiel 24:5 Take the fattest from the flock, and arrange also a heap of bones under it. Its cooking has boiled over, and its bones in its midst have been thoroughly cooked.Ezekiel 24:5

Ezekiel 24:7 For her blood is in her midst; she has shed it upon the smoothest rock. She has not shed it upon the ground, so that it could be covered with dust.Ezekiel 24:7

Ezekiel 24:11 Also, place it empty on burning coals, so that it may be heated, and its brass may melt. And let the filth of it be melted in its midst, and let its rust be consumed.Ezekiel 24:11

Ezekiel 26:5 She will be a drying place for nets from the midst of the sea. For I have spoken, says the Lord God. And she will be a spoil for the Gentiles.Ezekiel 26:5

Ezekiel 26:12 They will lay waste to your wealth. They will despoil your businesses. And they will tear down your walls and overturn your eminent houses. And they will put your stones and your timber and your dust into the midst of the waters.Ezekiel 26:12

Ezekiel 27:27 Your riches, and your treasures, and your versatile equipment, your sailors and your navigators, who handle your goods and who were first among your people, likewise your men of war, who were among you, and your entire multitude that is in your midst: they will fall in the heart of the sea on the day of your ruin.Ezekiel 27:27

Ezekiel 27:32 And they will take up a mournful verse over you, and they will lament you: ‘What city is like Tyre, which has become mute in the midst of the sea?’Ezekiel 27:32

Ezekiel 27:34 Now you have been worn away by the sea, your opulence is in the depths of the waters, and your entire multitude that was in your midst has fallen.Ezekiel 27:34

Ezekiel 28:14 You were a cherub, stretched out and protecting, and I stationed you on the holy mountain of God. You have walked in the midst of stones containing fire.Ezekiel 28:14

Ezekiel 28:16 By the multitude of your business dealings, your interior was filled with iniquity, and you sinned. And I cast you away from the mountain of God, and I perished you, O protecting cherub, from the midst of the stones containing fire.Ezekiel 28:16

Ezekiel 28:18 You have defiled your sanctuaries, by the multitude of your iniquities and by the iniquity of your business dealings. Therefore, I will produce a fire from your midst, which will consume you, and I will make you into ashes upon the earth, in the sight of all who are watching you.Ezekiel 28:18

Ezekiel 28:22 And you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, Sidon, and I will be glorified in your midst. And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have executed judgments in her, and when I will have been sanctified in her.Ezekiel 28:22

Ezekiel 28:23 And I will send a pestilence upon her, and there will be blood in her streets. And they will fall, slain by the sword, on every side in her midst. And they shall know that I am the Lord.Ezekiel 28:23

Ezekiel 29:3 Speak, and you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, Pharaoh, king of Egypt, you great dragon, who rests in the midst of your rivers. And you say: ‘Mine is the river, and I have made myself.’Ezekiel 29:3

Ezekiel 29:4 But I will place a bridle in your jaws. And I will adhere the fish of your rivers to your scales. And I will draw you out of the midst of your rivers, and all your fish will adhere to your scales.Ezekiel 29:4

Ezekiel 29:12 And I will set the land of Egypt in desolation, in the midst of desolate lands, and its cities in the midst of overturned cites. And they will be desolate for forty years. And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and I will disperse them among the lands.Ezekiel 29:12

Ezekiel 29:21 In that day, a horn will spring forth for the house of Israel, and I will give to you an open mouth in their midst. And they shall know that I am the Lord.”Ezekiel 29:21

Ezekiel 30:7 And they will be scattered into the midst of desolate lands, and its cities will be in the midst of cities that have been deserted.Ezekiel 30:7

Ezekiel 31:14 For this reason, none of the trees among the waters will exalt themselves because of their height, nor will they place their summits above the thick branches and foliage, nor will any of those that are irrigated stand out because of their height. For they have all been delivered unto death, to the lowest part of the earth, into the midst of the sons of men, those who descend into the pit.Ezekiel 31:14

Ezekiel 31:17 For they, too, will descend with him into hell, to those who have been slain by the sword. And the arm of each one will reside under his shadow, in the midst of the nations.Ezekiel 31:17

Ezekiel 31:18 To whom can you be compared, O famous and sublime one, among the trees of pleasure? Behold, you have been brought down, with the trees of pleasure, to the lowest part of the earth. You will sleep in the midst of the uncircumcised, with those who have been slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh, and all his multitude, says the Lord God.”Ezekiel 31:18

Ezekiel 32:8 I will cause all the lights of heaven to grieve over you. And I will bring darkness upon your land, says the Lord God, when your wounded will have fallen in the midst of the land, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 32:8

Ezekiel 32:20 They will fall by the sword in the midst of the slain. The sword has been given. They have dragged her down, with all her people.Ezekiel 32:20

Ezekiel 32:21 The most powerful among the strong will speak to him from the midst of hell, those who descended with his helpers and who went to sleep uncircumcised, slain by the sword.Ezekiel 32:21

Ezekiel 32:25 They have appointed him a place to lie among all his people, in the midst of the slain. Their graves are all around him. All these are uncircumcised and were slain by the sword. For they spread their terror in the land of the living, and they have borne their disgrace, with those who descend into the pit. They have been stationed in the midst of the slain.Ezekiel 32:25

Ezekiel 32:28 Therefore, you also will be broken in the midst of the uncircumcised, and you will sleep with those who were slain by the sword.Ezekiel 32:28

Ezekiel 32:32 For I have spread my terror in the land of the living, and he has gone to sleep in the midst of the uncircumcised, with those who were slain by the sword, even Pharaoh and all his multitude, says the Lord God.”Ezekiel 32:32

Ezekiel 34:12 Just as a shepherd visits his flock, in the day when he will be in the midst of his sheep that were scattered, so will I visit my sheep. And I will deliver them from all the places to which they had been scattered in the day of gloom and darkness.Ezekiel 34:12

Ezekiel 34:24 And I, the Lord, will be their God. And my servant David will be the leader in their midst. I, the Lord, have spoken.Ezekiel 34:24

Ezekiel 36:23 And I will sanctify my great name, which was defiled among the Gentiles, which you have defiled in their midst. So may the Gentiles know that I am the Lord, says the Lord of hosts, when I will have been sanctified in you, before their eyes.Ezekiel 36:23

Ezekiel 36:27 And I will place my Spirit in your midst. And I will act so that you may walk in my precepts and keep my judgments, and so that you may fulfill them.Ezekiel 36:27

Ezekiel 37:1 The hand of the Lord was set upon me, and he led me away in the Spirit of the Lord, and he released me in the midst of a plain which was full of bones.Ezekiel 37:1

Ezekiel 37:21 And you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take up the sons of Israel, from the midst of the nations to which they have gone, and I will gather them together on every side, and I will lead them onto their own soil.Ezekiel 37:21

Ezekiel 37:26 And I will strike a covenant of peace with them. This will be an everlasting covenant for them. And I will establish them, and multiply them. And I will set my sanctuary in their midst, unceasingly.Ezekiel 37:26

Ezekiel 37:28 And the Gentiles shall know that I am the Lord, the Sanctifier of Israel, when my sanctuary will be in their midst, forever.”Ezekiel 37:28

Ezekiel 39:7 And I will make known my holy name in the midst of my people, Israel, and my holy name will no longer be defiled. And the Gentiles shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.Ezekiel 39:7

Ezekiel 43:7 said to me: “Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the steps of my feet, is where I live: in the midst of the sons of Israel forever. And the house of Israel, they and their kings, shall no longer defile my holy name by their fornications, and by the ruinous ways of their kings, and by exalted places.Ezekiel 43:7

Ezekiel 43:9 Now therefore, let them drive away their fornications, and the ruinous ways of their kings, from before me. And I will live in their midst forever.Ezekiel 43:9

Ezekiel 44:9 Thus says the Lord God: Any foreigner, any foreign son who is in the midst of the sons of Israel, who is uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, shall not enter into my sanctuary.Ezekiel 44:9

Ezekiel 46:10 But the prince in their midst shall enter when they enter, and he shall depart when they depart.Ezekiel 46:10

Ezekiel 47:18 Moreover, the eastern region will be from the midst of Hauran, and from the midst of Damascus, and from the midst of Gilead, and from the midst of the land of Israel, to the Jordan, marking the boundary to the eastern sea. For so shall you measure the eastern region.Ezekiel 47:18

Ezekiel 47:22 And you shall distribute it by lot as an inheritance, for yourselves and for the new arrival who will be added to you, who will conceive sons in your midst. And they shall be to you as the indigenous among the sons of Israel. They shall divide the possession with you, in the midst of the tribes of Israel.Ezekiel 47:22

Ezekiel 48:8 And beyond the border of Judah, from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea, there shall be the first-fruits, which you shall separate, twenty-five thousand in width, and in length, the same as each one of the portions from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea. And the sanctuary shall be in its midst.Ezekiel 48:8

Ezekiel 48:10 And these shall be the first-fruits for the sanctuary of the priests: toward the north, in length, twenty-five thousand, and toward the sea, in width, ten thousand, but also, toward the east, in width, ten thousand, and toward the south, in length, twenty-five thousand. And the sanctuary of the Lord shall be in its midst.Ezekiel 48:10

Ezekiel 48:22 Now from the possession of the Levites, and from the possession of the city, which are in the midst of the prince’s portions, whatever is between the border of Judah and the border of Benjamin, shall also belong to the prince.Ezekiel 48:22

Number of the word / term Midst in Ezekiel: 103

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 3:23 But these three men, that is, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, having been bound, fell down in the middle of the oven of burning fire. And they were walking in the midst of the flame, praising God and blessing the Lord. Then Azariah, while standing, prayed in this manner, and opening his mouth in the midst of the fire, he said: “Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and your name is praiseworthy and glorious for all ages. For you are just in all the things that you have accomplished for us, and all your works are true, and your ways are right, and all your judgments are true. For you have made equally true judgments in all the things that you have brought upon us and upon Jerusalem, the holy city of our fathers. For in truth and in judgment, you have brought down all these things because of our sins. For we have sinned, and we have committed iniquity in withdrawing from you, and we have offended in all things. And we have not listened to your precepts, nor have we observed or done as you have ordered us, so that it might go well with us. Therefore, everything that you have brought upon us, and all that you have done for us, you have done in true judgment. And you have delivered us into the hands of our enemies: traitors, unjust and most wicked, and to a king, unjust and most wicked, even more so than all others on earth. And now we are not able to open our mouths. We have become a shame and a disgrace to your servants and to those who worship you. Do not hand us over forever, we ask you, because of your name, and do not abolish your covenant. And do not withdraw your mercy from us, because of Abraham, your beloved, and Isaac, your servant, and Israel, your holy one. You have spoken with them, promising that you would multiply their offspring like the stars of heaven and like the sand on the seashore. For we, O Lord, are diminished more than all other peoples, and we are brought low throughout all the earth, this day, because of our sins. Neither is there, at this time, a leader, or a ruler, or a prophet, nor any holocaust, or sacrifice, or oblation, or incense, or place of first fruits, in your eyes, so that we may be able to find your mercy. Nevertheless, with a contrite soul and humble spirit, let us be accepted. Just as in the holocausts of rams and bullocks, and as in thousands of fat lambs, so let our sacrifice be in your sight this day, in order to please you. For there is no shame for those who trust in you. And now we follow you wholeheartedly, and we fear you, and we seek your face. Do not put us to shame, but deal with us in agreement with your clemency and according to the multitude of your mercies. And rescue us by your wonders and give glory to your name, O Lord. And let all those be confounded who lead your servants towards evil. May they be confounded by all your power and may their strength be crushed. And may they know that you are the Lord, the only God, and glorious above the world.” And they did not cease, those attendants of the king who had cast them in, to heat the furnace with oil, and flax, and pitch, and brush. And the flame streamed forth above the furnace for forty-nine cubits. And the fire erupted and burnt those of the Chaldeans within its reach near the furnace. But the angel of the Lord descended with Azariah and his companions into the furnace; and he cast the flame of the fire out of the furnace. And he made the middle of the furnace like the blowing of a damp wind, and the fire did not touch them, nor afflict them, nor bother them at all. Then these three, as if with one voice, praised and glorified and blessed God, in the furnace, saying: “Blessed are you, Lord, God of our fathers: praiseworthy, and glorious, and exalted above all forever. And blessed is the holy name of your glory: praiseworthy, and exalted above all, for all ages. Blessed are you in the holy temple of your glory: praiseworthy above all and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you on the throne of your kingdom: praiseworthy above all and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you who beholds the abyss and sits upon the cherubims: praiseworthy and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you in the firmament of heaven: praiseworthy and glorious forever. All works of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All waters that are above the heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All powers of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sun and moon, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Stars of heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Every rain and dew, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Every breath of God, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Fire and steam, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Cold and heat, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Dews and frost, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sleet and winter, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Ice and snow, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Nights and days, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Light and darkness, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Lightning and clouds, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. May the land bless the Lord: and praise and exalt him above all forever. Mountains and hills, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All things that grow in the land, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Fountains, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Seas and rivers, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Whales and all things that move in the waters, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All things that fly in the heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All beasts and cattle, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sons of men, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. May Israel bless the Lord: and praise and exalt him above all forever. Priests of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Servants of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Spirits and souls of the just, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Those who are holy and humble in heart, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. For he has delivered us from the underworld, and saved us from the hand of death, and freed us from the midst of the burning flame, and rescued us from the midst of the fire. Give thanks to the Lord because he is good: because his mercy is forever. All those who are pious, bless the Lord, the God of gods: praise him and acknowledge him because his mercy is for all generations.”Daniel 3:23

Daniel 3:24 Then king Nebuchadnezzar was astonished, and he quickly got up and said to his nobles: “Did we not cast three men shackled into the midst of the fire?” Answering the king, they said, “True, O king.”Daniel 3:24

Daniel 3:25 He answered and said, “Behold, I see four men unbound and walking in the midst of the fire, and no harm is in them, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of God.”Daniel 3:25

Daniel 3:26 Then Nebuchadnezzar approached the entrance of the furnace of burning fire, and he said, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the supreme God, come out and approach.” And immediately Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego went out from the midst of the fire.Daniel 3:26

Daniel 7:8 I considered the horns, and behold, another little horn rose out of the midst of them. And three of the first horns were rooted out by its presence. And behold, eyes like the eyes of a man were in this horn, and a mouth speaking unnatural things.Daniel 7:8

Number of the word / term Midst in Daniel: 5

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 5:4 They will not set their thoughts to return to their God, for the spirit of fornication is in the midst of them, and they have not known the Lord.Hosea 5:4

Hosea 11:9 I will not act on the fury of my wrath. I will not turn back to utterly destroy Ephraim. For I am God, and not man, the Divine in your midst, and I will not advance upon the city.Hosea 11:9

Number of the word / term Midst in Hosea: 2

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Joel

Joel 2:27 And you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, and I am the Lord your God, and there is no other, and my people will not be confounded forever.Joel 2:27

Number of the word / term Midst in Joel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Amos

Amos 2:3 And I will destroy the judge in their midst, and I will execute all his leaders with him, says the Lord.Amos 2:3

Amos 3:9 Let it be heard in the buildings of Ashdod and in the buildings of the land of Egypt, and say: Gather together across the mountains of Samaria, and see the many absurdities in its midst, and those who are suffering false accusations in its inner most places.Amos 3:9

Amos 5:17 And in all the vineyards there will be wailing. For I will cross through your midst, says the Lord.Amos 5:17

Amos 6:4 You sleep on beds of ivory, and you are lustful on your couches. You devour lambs from the flock and calves from the midst of the herd.Amos 6:4

Amos 7:8 And the Lord said to me, “What do you see, Amos?” And I said, “A mason’s trowel.” And the Lord said, “Behold, I will place the trowel in the midst of my people Israel. I will no longer plaster over them.Amos 7:8

Amos 7:10 And Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, sent to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying: “Amos has rebelled against you in the midst of the house of Israel. The land is not able to withstand all his sermons.Amos 7:10

Number of the word / term Midst in Amos: 6

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Micah

Micah 2:12 I will gather together in a congregation all of you, Jacob. I will lead together as one, the remnant of Israel. I will set them together like a flock in the fold, like a sheep in the midst of the sheep pen. They will cause a tumult before the multitude of men.Micah 2:12

Micah 5:7 And there will be a remnant of Jacob in the midst of many peoples, like a dew from the Lord and like drops upon the grass, which awaits no man and does not stand before the sons of men.Micah 5:7

Micah 5:8 And there will be a remnant of Jacob within the Gentiles, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forests, and like a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, when he will pass through and trample down and seize, there is none who can rescue.Micah 5:8

Micah 5:10 And it will be in that day, says the Lord: I will take away your horses from your midst, and I will utterly ruin your four-horse chariots.Micah 5:10

Micah 5:13 And I will cause your graven images to perish, and your statues, from your midst. And you will no longer adore the works of your hands.Micah 5:13

Micah 5:14 And I will root out your sacred groves from your midst, and I will crush your cities.Micah 5:14

Micah 6:14 You will consume and not be satisfied, and your humiliation will be in your midst. And you will take hold, and not save, and those whom you will save, I will deliver to the sword.Micah 6:14

Micah 7:14 With your rod, pasture your people, the flock of your inheritance, living alone in the narrow forest, in the midst of Carmel. They will graze in Bashan and Gilead, as in the ancient days.Micah 7:14

Number of the word / term Midst in Micah: 8

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Habakkuk

Habakkuk 3:2 Lord, I heard what has been said about you, and I was afraid. Lord, your work, in the midst of years, revive it. In the midst of years, you will make it known. When you have become angry, you will remember mercy.Habakkuk 3:2

Number of the word / term Midst in Habakkuk: 1

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Zephaniah

Zephaniah 2:14 And flocks will lie down in its midst, all the beasts of the Gentiles. And the pelican and the hedgehog will stay at its threshold; the voice of the singing bird will be at the window, with the crow above its threshold, for I will diminish her strength.Zephaniah 2:14

Zephaniah 3:3 Her leaders are in her midst like roaring lions. Her judges are evening wolves; they leave nothing for the morning.Zephaniah 3:3

Zephaniah 3:5 The just Lord is in their midst; he will not do iniquity. In the morning, in the morning, he will bring his judgment into the light, and it will not be hidden. But the impious one has not known shame.Zephaniah 3:5

Zephaniah 3:11 In that day, you will not be ashamed over all of your inventions, by which you have transgressed against me. For then I will take away from your midst your arrogant boasters, and you will no longer be exalted on my holy mountain.Zephaniah 3:11

Zephaniah 3:12 And I will bequeath into your midst a poor and needy people, and they will hope in the name of the Lord.Zephaniah 3:12

Zephaniah 3:15 The Lord has taken away your judgment; he has turned aside your foes. The king of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst; you shall no longer fear evil.Zephaniah 3:15

Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is the strength in your midst; he will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness. In his love, he will be silent. He will exult over you with praise.Zephaniah 3:17

Number of the word / term Midst in Zephaniah: 7

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Haggai

Haggai 2:5 And act according to the word that I planted with you when you departed from the land of Egypt. And my Spirit will be in your midst. Do not be afraid.Haggai 2:5

Number of the word / term Midst in Haggai: 1

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 2:4 And he said to him: Hurry, speak to this young man, saying: Jerusalem will be inhabited without walls, because of the multitude of men and beasts of burden in its midst.Zechariah 2:4

Zechariah 2:5 And I will be to it, says the Lord, a wall of fire all around. And in glory, I will be in its midst.Zechariah 2:5

Zechariah 2:10 Sing praise and rejoice, daughter of Zion. For behold, I approach, and I will dwell in your midst, says the Lord.Zechariah 2:10

Zechariah 2:11 And many nations will be joined to the Lord in that day, and they will be my people, and I will dwell in your midst. And you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you.Zechariah 2:11

Zechariah 5:4 I will bring it forth, says the Lord of hosts, and it will approach to the house of the thief, and to the house of him who swears falsely by my name, and it will remain in the midst of his house and will consume it, with its wood and its stones.Zechariah 5:4

Zechariah 8:3 Thus says the Lord of hosts: I have been turned back towards Zion, and I will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. And Jerusalem will be called: “The City of Truth,” and “The Mountain of the Lord of Hosts, the Sanctified Mountain.”Zechariah 8:3

Zechariah 8:8 And I will lead them, and they will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. And they will be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and in justice.Zechariah 8:8

Zechariah 14:1 Behold, the days of the Lord will arrive, and your spoils will be divided in your midst.Zechariah 14:1

Number of the word / term Midst in Zechariah: 8

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 10:16 Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore, be as prudent as serpents and as simple as doves.Matthew 10:16

Matthew 13:49 So shall it be at the consummation of the age. The Angels shall go forth and separate the bad from the midst of the just.Matthew 13:49

Matthew 14:6 Then, on Herod’s birthday, the daughter of Herodias danced in their midst, and it pleased Herod.Matthew 14:6

Matthew 14:24 But in the midst of the sea, the boat was being tossed about by the waves. For the wind was against them.Matthew 14:24

Matthew 18:2 And Jesus, calling to himself a little child, placed him in their midst.Matthew 18:2

Matthew 18:20 For wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there am I, in their midst.”Matthew 18:20

Number of the word / term Midst in Matthew: 6

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Mark

Mark 6:47 And when it was late, the boat was in the midst of the sea, and he was alone on the land.Mark 6:47

Mark 7:31 And again, departing from the borders of Tyre, he went by way of Sidon to the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the area of the Ten Cities.Mark 7:31

Mark 9:36 And taking a child, he set him in their midst. And when he had embraced him, he said to them:Mark 9:36

Mark 14:60 And the high priest, rising up in their midst, questioned Jesus, saying, “Do you have nothing to say in answer to the things that are brought against you by these ones?”Mark 14:60

Number of the word / term Midst in Mark: 4

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Luke

Luke 2:46 And it happened that, after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, listening to them and questioning them.Luke 2:46

Luke 4:30 But passing through their midst, he went away.Luke 4:30

Luke 4:35 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be silent and depart from him.” And when the demon had thrown him into their midst, he departed from him, and he no longer harmed him.Luke 4:35

Luke 5:19 And not finding a way by which they might bring him in, because of the crowd, they climbed up to the roof, and they let him down through the roof tiles with his bed, into their midst, in front of Jesus.Luke 5:19

Luke 17:11 And it happened that, while he was traveling to Jerusalem, he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee.Luke 17:11

Luke 21:21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, and those who are in its midst withdraw, and those who are in the countryside not enter into it.Luke 21:21

Luke 22:27 For who is greater: he who sits at table, or he who serves? Is not he who sits at table? Yet I am in your midst as one who serves.Luke 22:27

Luke 22:55 Now as they were sitting around a fire, which had been kindled in the middle of the atrium, Peter was in their midst.Luke 22:55

Luke 24:36 Then, while they were talking about these things, Jesus stood in their midst, And he said to them: “Peace be with you. It is I. Do not be afraid.”Luke 24:36

Number of the word / term Midst in Luke: 9

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book John

John 1:26 John answered them by saying: “I baptize with water. But in your midst stands one, whom you do not know.John 1:26

John 20:19 Then, when it was late on the same day, on the first of the Sabbaths, and the doors were closed where the disciples were gathered, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst, and he said to them: “Peace to you.”John 20:19

John 20:26 And after eight days, again his disciples were within, and Thomas was with them. Jesus arrived, though the doors had been closed, and he stood in their midst and said, “Peace to you.”John 20:26

Number of the word / term Midst in John: 3

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Acts

Acts 1:15 In those days, Peter, rising up in the midst of the brothers, said (now the crowd of men altogether was about one hundred and twenty):Acts 1:15

Acts 2:22 Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus the Nazarene is a man confirmed by God among you through the miracles and wonders and signs that God accomplished through him in your midst, just as you also know.Acts 2:22

Acts 17:33 So Paul departed from their midst.Acts 17:33

Acts 23:10 And since a great dissension had been made, the tribune, fearing that Paul might be torn apart by them, ordered the soldiers to descend and to seize him from their midst, and to bring him into the fortress.Acts 23:10

Acts 27:21 And after they had fasted for a long time, Paul, standing in their midst, said: “Certainly, men, you should have listened to me and not set out from Crete, so as to cause this injury and loss.Acts 27:21

Number of the word / term Midst in Acts: 5

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Romans

Romans 10:19 But I say: Has Israel not known? First, Moses says: “I will lead you into a rivalry with those who are not a nation; in the midst of a foolish nation, I will send you into wrath.”Romans 10:19

Number of the word / term Midst in Romans: 1

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 5:2 And yet you are inflated, and you have not instead been grieved, so that he who has done this thing would be taken away from your midst.1 Corinthians 5:2

Number of the word / term Midst in 1 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 6:17 Because of this, you must depart from their midst and be separate, says the Lord. And do not touch what is unclean.2 Corinthians 6:17

Number of the word / term Midst in 2 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Philippians

Philippians 2:15 So may you be without blame, simple sons of God, without reproof, in the midst of a depraved and perverse nation, among whom you shine like lights in the world,Philippians 2:15

Number of the word / term Midst in Philippians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Colossians

Colossians 2:14 and wiping away the handwriting of the decree which was against us, which was contrary to us. And he has taken this away from your midst, affixing it to the Cross.Colossians 2:14

Number of the word / term Midst in Colossians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 1:6 And so, you became imitators of us and of the Lord, accepting the Word in the midst of great tribulation, but with the joy of the Holy Spirit.1 Thessalonians 1:6

1 Thessalonians 2:7 And although we could have been a burden to you, as Apostles of Christ, instead we became like little ones in your midst, like a nurse cherishing her children.1 Thessalonians 2:7

1 Thessalonians 3:7 As a result, we were consoled in you, brothers, in the midst of all our difficulties and tribulations, through your faith.1 Thessalonians 3:7

Number of the word / term Midst in 1 Thessalonians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book 2 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity is already at work. And only one now holds back, and will continue to hold back, until he is taken from our midst.2 Thessalonians 2:7

Number of the word / term Midst in 2 Thessalonians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 2:12 “I will announce your name to my brothers. In the midst of the Church, I will praise you.”Hebrews 2:12

Number of the word / term Midst in Hebrews: 1

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book James

James 3:6 And so the tongue is like a fire, comprising all iniquity. The tongue, stationed in the midst of our body, can defile the entire body and inflame the wheel of our nativity, setting a fire from Hell.James 3:6

Number of the word / term Midst in James: 1

Bible passages with ‘Midst’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 1:13 And in the midst of the seven golden lampstands was one resembling the Son of man, clothed to the feet with a vestment, and wrapped to the breast with a wide belt of gold.Revelation 1:13

Revelation 2:1 “And to the Angel of the Church of Ephesus write: Thus says the One who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands:Revelation 2:1

Revelation 5:6 And I saw, and behold, in the midst of the throne and the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, a Lamb was standing, as if it were slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God, sent forth to all the earth.Revelation 5:6

Revelation 6:6 And I heard something like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A double measure of wheat for a denarius, and three double measures of barley for a denarius, but do no harm to wine and oil.”Revelation 6:6

Revelation 7:17 For the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, will rule over them, and he will lead them to the fountains of the waters of life. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”Revelation 7:17

Revelation 8:13 And I saw, and I heard the voice of a lone eagle flying through the midst of heaven, calling with a great voice: “Woe, Woe, Woe, to the inhabitants of the earth, from the remaining voices of the three Angels, who will soon sound the trumpet!”Revelation 8:13

Revelation 14:6 And I saw another Angel, flying through the midst of heaven, holding the eternal Gospel, so as to evangelize those sitting upon the earth and those of every nation and tribe and language and people,Revelation 14:6

Revelation 19:17 And I saw a certain Angel, standing in the sun. And he cried out with a great voice, saying to all the birds that were flying through the midst of the sky, “Come and gather together for the great supper of God,Revelation 19:17

Revelation 22:2 In the midst of its main street, and on both sides of the river, was the Tree of Life, bearing twelve fruits, offering one fruit for each month, and the leaves of the tree are for the health of the nations.Revelation 22:2

Number of the word / term ‘Midst’ in Revelation: 9

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 431

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