Our Little Concordance

‘Lean’ in the Bible – All 9 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Lean’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Lean’ occurs 9 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Lean’ in the book Judges

Judges 16:26 And he said to the boy who was guiding his steps, “Permit me to touch the pillars, which support the entire house, and to lean against them, so that I may rest a little.”Judges 16:26

Number of the word / term Lean in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Lean’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 18:21 Do you hope in Egypt, that staff of a broken reed, which, if a man would lean upon it, breaking, it would pierce his hand? Such is Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to all who would trust in him.2 Kings 18:21

Number of the word / term Lean in 2 Kings: 1

Bible passages with ‘Lean’ in the book Job

Job 8:15 He will lean on his house, and it will not stand; he will prop it up, but it will not rise.Job 8:15

Job 31:10 then let my wife be the harlot of another, and let other men lean over her.Job 31:10

Number of the word / term Lean in Job: 2

Bible passages with ‘Lean’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 10:20 And this shall be in that day: those not added to the remnant of Israel, and those who escape of the house of Jacob, will not lean upon him who strikes them. Instead, they will lean upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.Isaiah 10:20

Isaiah 14:16 Those who see you, will lean toward you, and will gaze upon you, saying: ‘Could this be the man who disturbed the earth, who shook kingdoms,Isaiah 14:16

Isaiah 36:6 Behold, you are trusting in Egypt, in that broken staff of a reed. But if a man were to lean against it, it would enter his hand and pierce it. So is Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to all who trust in him.Isaiah 36:6

Isaiah 50:10 Who is there among you who fears the Lord? Who hears the voice of his servant? Who has walked in darkness, and there is no light in him? Let him hope in the name of the Lord, and let him lean upon his God.Isaiah 50:10

Number of the word / term Lean in Isaiah: 4

Bible passages with ‘Lean’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 34:20 Because of this, thus says the Lord God to you: Behold, I myself am judging between the fat cattle and the lean.Ezekiel 34:20

Number of the word / term ‘Lean’ in Ezekiel: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 9

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