Our Little Concordance

‘Kinship’ in the Bible – All 49 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Kinship’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Kinship’ occurs 49 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Kinship’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 1:4 And there shall be with you the leaders of the tribes, as well as of the houses, in their kinships,Numbers 1:4

Numbers 1:16 These are the very noble leaders of the multitude, by their tribes and kinships, and the heads of the army of Israel.Numbers 1:16

Numbers 1:18 and they gathered them together on the first day of the second month, taking a census of them by kinships, and houses, and families, and heads, and the names of each one from twenty years and above,Numbers 1:18

Numbers 1:22 Of the sons of Simeon, by their generations and families, and the houses of their kinships, having been counted by the names and heads of each one, of all who were of the male sex, from twenty years and above, capable of going to war,Numbers 1:22

Numbers 1:24 Of the sons of Gad, by their generations and families, and the houses of their kinships, having been counted by the names of each one, from twenty years and above, of all who could go forth to war,Numbers 1:24

Numbers 1:26 Of the sons of Judah, by their generations and families, and the houses of their kinships, by the names of each one, from twenty years and above, of all who were able to go forth to war,Numbers 1:26

Numbers 1:28 Of the sons of Issachar, by their generations and families, and the houses of their kinships, by the names of each one, from twenty years and above, of all who could go forth to war,Numbers 1:28

Numbers 1:30 Of the sons of Zebulon, by their generations and families, and the houses of their kinships, having been counted by the names of each one, from twenty years and above, of all who were able to go forth to war,Numbers 1:30

Numbers 1:32 From the sons of Joseph, of the sons of Ephraim, by their generations and families, and the houses of their kinships, having been counted by the names of each one, from twenty years and above, of all who were able to go forth to war,Numbers 1:32

Numbers 1:34 Furthermore, of the sons of Manasseh, by their generations and families, and the houses of their kinships, having been counted by the names of each one, from twenty years and above, of all who were able to go forth to war,Numbers 1:34

Numbers 1:36 Of the sons of Benjamin, by their generations and families, and the houses of their kinships, having been counted by the names of each one, from twenty years and above, of all who were able to go forth to war,Numbers 1:36

Numbers 1:38 Of the sons of Dan, by their generations and families, and the houses of their kinships, having been counted by the names of each one, from twenty years and above, of all who were able to go forth to war,Numbers 1:38

Numbers 1:40 Of the sons of Asher, by their generations and families, and the houses of their kinships, having been counted by the names of each one, from twenty years and above, of all who were able to go forth to war,Numbers 1:40

Numbers 1:42 Of the sons of Naphtali, by their generations and families, and the houses of their kinships, having been counted by the names of each one, from twenty years and above, of all who were able to go forth to war,Numbers 1:42

Numbers 1:44 These are the ones who were numbered by Moses and Aaron and the twelve leaders of Israel, each one by the houses of their kinships.Numbers 1:44

Numbers 2:2 “Each one shall make camp, by their troops, as well as by their insignia and standards, and by the houses of their kinships, all around the tabernacle of the covenant.”Numbers 2:2

Numbers 2:32 This is the number of the sons of Israel, of their army divided by the houses of their kinships and their companies: six hundred three thousand five hundred fifty.Numbers 2:32

Numbers 3:27 The kinship of Kohath includes the peoples of the Amramites and Izharites and Hebronites and Uzzielites. These are the families of the Kohathites, having been counted by their names,Numbers 3:27

Numbers 4:22 “Now also take a total of the sons of Gershon, by their houses and families and kinships,Numbers 4:22

Numbers 4:34 Therefore, Moses and Aaron, and the leaders of the assembly, took a census of the sons of Kohath, by the kinships and houses of their fathers,Numbers 4:34

Numbers 4:38 The sons of Gershon also were numbered by the kinships and houses of their fathers,Numbers 4:38

Numbers 4:42 The sons of Merari also were numbered by the kinships and houses of their fathers,Numbers 4:42

Numbers 4:46 All who were counted from the Levites, and whom, by name, Moses and Aaron, and the leaders of Israel, counted by the kinships and houses of their fathers,Numbers 4:46

Numbers 17:2 “Speak to the sons of Israel, and receive from each of them a rod by their kinships, from all the leaders of the tribes, twelve rods, and write the name of each one on his rod.Numbers 17:2

Numbers 25:14 Now the name of the Israelite man, who was killed with the Midianite woman, was Zimri the son of Salu, a leader from the kinship and tribe of Simeon.Numbers 25:14

Numbers 26:2 “Number the entire sum of the sons of Israel, from twenty years and above, by their houses and kinships, all who are able to go forth to war.”Numbers 26:2

Numbers 26:12 The sons of Simeon, by their kinships: Nemuel, from him is the family of the Nemuelites; Jamin, from him is the family of the Jaminites; Jachin, from him is the family of the Jachinites;Numbers 26:12

Numbers 26:15 The sons of Gad, by their kinships: Zephon, from him is the family of the Zephonites; Haggi, from him is the family of the Haggites; Shuni, from him is the family of the Shunites;Numbers 26:15

Numbers 26:20 And these were the sons of Judah, by their kinships: Shelah, from whom is the family of the Shelahites; Perez, from whom is the family of the Perezites; Zerah, from whom is the family of the Zerahites.Numbers 26:20

Numbers 26:23 The sons of Issachar, by their kinships: Tola from whom is the family of the Tolaites; Puvah, from whom is the family of the Puvahites;Numbers 26:23

Numbers 26:25 These are the kinships of Issachar, whose number was sixty-four thousand three hundred.Numbers 26:25

Numbers 26:26 The sons of Zebulon by their kinships: Sered, from whom is the family of the Seredites; Elon, from whom is the family of the Elonites; Jahleel, from whom is the family of the Jahleelites.Numbers 26:26

Numbers 26:27 These are the kinships of Zebulun, whose number was sixty thousand five hundred.Numbers 26:27

Numbers 26:28 The sons of Joseph by their kinships: Manasseh and Ephraim.Numbers 26:28

Numbers 26:35 Now the sons of Ephraim by their kinships were these: Shuthelah, from whom is the family of the Shuthelahites; Becher, from whom is the family of the Becherites; Tahan, from whom is the family of the Tahanites.Numbers 26:35

Numbers 26:37 These are the kinships of the sons of Ephraim, whose number was thirty-two thousand five hundred.Numbers 26:37

Numbers 26:38 These are the sons of Joseph by their families: the sons of Benjamin in their kinships: Bela, from whom is the family of the Belaites; Ashbel, from whom is the family of the Ashbelites; Ahiram, from whom is the family of the Ahiramites;Numbers 26:38

Numbers 26:41 These are the sons of Benjamin by their kinships, whose number was forty-five thousand six hundred.Numbers 26:41

Numbers 26:42 The sons of Dan by their kinships: Shuham, from whom is the family of the Shuhamites. These are the kinships of Dan by their families.Numbers 26:42

Numbers 26:44 The sons of Asher by their kinships: Imnah, from whom is the family of the Imnahites; Ishvi, from whom is the family of the Ishvites; Beriah, from whom is the family of the Beriahites.Numbers 26:44

Numbers 26:47 These are the kinships of the sons of Asher, and their number was fifty-three thousand four hundred.Numbers 26:47

Numbers 26:48 The sons of Naphtali by their kinships: Jahzeel, from whom is the family of the Jahzeelites; Guni, from whom is the family of the Gunites;Numbers 26:48

Numbers 26:50 These are the kinships of the sons of Naphtali by their families, whose number was forty-five thousand four hundred.Numbers 26:50

Numbers 34:14 For the tribe of the sons of Ruben, by their families, and the tribe of the sons of Gad, according to the number of their kinships, and also one half of the tribe of Manasseh,Numbers 34:14

Numbers 36:7 lest the possession of the sons of Israel become commingled, from tribe to tribe. For all men shall take wives from their own tribe and kinship;Numbers 36:7

Number of the word / term Kinship in Numbers: 45

Bible passages with ‘Kinship’ in the book Ruth

Ruth 3:13 Be at peace for this night. And when morning arrives, if he is willing to uphold the law of kinship for you, things will turn out well; but if he is not willing, then, I will take you, without any doubt, as the Lord lives. Sleep until morning.”Ruth 3:13

Ruth 4:4 I wanted you to hear this, and to tell you in front of everyone sitting here, including the eldest of my people. If you will take possession of it by the right of kinship, buy it and possess it. But if it displeases you, you should reveal this to me, so that I will know what I have to do. For there is no near kinsman besides you, who is before me, and I am after you.” But he answered, “I will buy the field.”Ruth 4:4

Ruth 4:6 He answered, “I yield my right of kinship, for I am obliged not to cut off the posterity of my own family. You may make use of my privilege, which I freely declare I will forego.”Ruth 4:6

Number of the word / term Kinship in Ruth: 3

Bible passages with ‘Kinship’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 18:18 Then David said to Saul, “Who am I, and what is my life, and what is my father’s kinship within Israel, that I should be the son-in-law of the king?”1 Samuel 18:18

Number of the word / term ‘Kinship’ in 1 Samuel: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 49

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