Our Little Concordance

‘Justice’ in the Bible – All 314 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Justice’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Justice’ occurs 314 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 15:6 Abram believed God, and it was reputed to him unto justice.Genesis 15:6

Genesis 18:19 For I know that he will instruct his sons, and his household after him, to keep to the way of the Lord, and to act with judgment and justice, so that, for the sake of Abraham, the Lord may bring about all the things that he has spoken to him.”Genesis 18:19

Genesis 30:33 And my justice will answer on my behalf tomorrow, when the time of settlement arrives before you. And all that is not variegated or blemished or darkened, as much among the sheep as among the goats, these will prove me to be a thief.”Genesis 30:33

Number of the word / term Justice in Genesis: 3

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 4:5 You know that I have taught you precepts as well as justices, just as the Lord my God has commanded me. And so shall you do in the land that you will possess.Deuteronomy 4:5

Deuteronomy 9:4 You should not say in your heart, when the Lord your God will have destroyed them in your sight: ‘It is because of my justice that the Lord led me in, so that I might possess this land, while these nations have been destroyed because of their impiety.’Deuteronomy 9:4

Deuteronomy 9:5 For it is not because of your justices or the uprightness of your heart that you will enter, so that you may possess their lands. Instead, it is because they have acted wickedly that they are destroyed upon your arrival, and so that the Lord may accomplish his word, which he promised under oath to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.Deuteronomy 9:5

Deuteronomy 9:6 Therefore, know that the Lord your God will not give you this excellent land as a possession due to your justices, for you are a very stiff-necked people.Deuteronomy 9:6

Deuteronomy 24:13 Instead, you shall return it to him promptly, before the setting of the sun, so that, sleeping in his own garment, he may bless you, and you may have justice in the presence of the Lord your God.Deuteronomy 24:13

Deuteronomy 25:1 “If there is a case between persons, and they apply to the judges, they shall give the palm of justice to the one whom they perceive to be just, and they shall condemn of impiety the one who is impious.Deuteronomy 25:1

Deuteronomy 27:10 You shall listen to his voice, and you shall do the commandments and justices, which I am entrusting to you.”Deuteronomy 27:10

Deuteronomy 33:19 They shall summon the peoples to the mountain. There, they shall immolate the victims of justice, who feed on the flood of the sea, as if on milk, and on the hidden treasures of the sands.”Deuteronomy 33:19

Deuteronomy 33:21 And he has seen his own pre-eminence, which his teacher has stored up as his portion. He was with the princes of the people, and he accomplished the justices of the Lord, and his judgment with Israel.”Deuteronomy 33:21

Number of the word / term Justice in Deuteronomy: 9

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Judges

Judges 5:11 Where the chariots were struck together, and the army of the enemies was choked, in that place, let the justices of the Lord be described, and let his clemency be for the brave of Israel. Then did the people of the Lord descend to the gates, and obtain leadership.Judges 5:11

Number of the word / term Justice in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 26:23 And the Lord will repay each one according to his justice and faith. For the Lord has delivered you this day into my hand, but I was not willing to extend my hand against the Christ of the Lord.1 Samuel 26:23

Number of the word / term Justice in 1 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 8:15 And David reigned over all of Israel. And David accomplished judgment and justice with all his people.2 Samuel 8:15

2 Samuel 22:21 The Lord will reward me according to my justice. And he will repay me according to the cleanness of my hands.2 Samuel 22:21

2 Samuel 22:25 And the Lord will recompense me according to my justice, and according to the cleanness of my hands in the sight of his eyes.2 Samuel 22:25

Number of the word / term Justice in 2 Samuel: 3

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 3:6 And Solomon said: “You have shown great mercy to your servant David, my father, because he walked in your sight in truth and justice, and with an upright heart before you. And you have kept your great mercy for him, and you have given him a son sitting upon his throne, just as it is this day.1 Kings 3:6

1 Kings 8:32 you will hear in heaven, and you will act and judge your servants, condemning the impious, and repaying his own way upon his own head, but justifying the just, and rewarding him in accord with his justice.1 Kings 8:32

1 Kings 10:9 Blessed is the Lord your God, whom you have greatly pleased, and who has placed you upon the throne of Israel. For the Lord loves Israel forever, and he has appointed you as king, so that you may accomplish judgment and justice.”1 Kings 10:9

1 Kings 11:33 For he has abandoned me, and he has adored Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Chemosh, the god of Moab, and Milcom, the god of the sons of Ammon. And he has not walked in my ways, so that he would do justice before me, and so that he would carry out my precepts and judgments, as his father David did.1 Kings 11:33

Number of the word / term Justice in 1 Kings: 4

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 18:14 Therefore, David reigned over all of Israel, and he executed judgment and justice among all his people.1 Chronicles 18:14

Number of the word / term Justice in 1 Chronicles: 1

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 6:23 you will hear him from heaven, and you will execute justice for your servants, so that you return, to the iniquitous man, his own way upon his own head, and so that you vindicate the just man, repaying him according to his own justice.2 Chronicles 6:23

2 Chronicles 7:17 And as for you, if you will walk before me, just as your father David walked, and if you will act in accord with all that I have instructed you, and if you will observe my justices and judgments,2 Chronicles 7:17

2 Chronicles 7:19 But if you will have turned away, and will have forsaken my justices and my precepts, which I have set before you, and going astray, you serve strange gods, and you adore them,2 Chronicles 7:19

2 Chronicles 9:8 Blessed is the Lord your God, who willed to set you upon his throne as a king for the Lord your God. Since God loves Israel, he wishes to preserve them unto eternity. For this reason, he appointed you as king over them, so that you may accomplish judgment and justice.”2 Chronicles 9:8

Number of the word / term Justice in 2 Chronicles: 4

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 2:20 And I replied to them a word, and I said to them: “The God of heaven himself is helping us, and we are his servants. Let us rise up and build. But there is no portion, or justice, or remembrance in Jerusalem for you.”Nehemiah 2:20

Number of the word / term Justice in Nehemiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Job

Job 9:15 And if I now have any justice, I will not respond, but will beseech my judge.Job 9:15

Job 29:14 I put on justice, and I clothed myself with my judgment, like a robe and a diadem.Job 29:14

Job 33:26 He will beg pardon from God, and he will be soothing to him; and he will look upon his face in jubilation, and he will restore his justice to man.Job 33:26

Job 35:8 Your impiety may hurt a man who is like you, though your justice may help the son of the man.Job 35:8

Job 37:23 We are not worthy to be able to find him. Great in strength, great in judgment, great in justice: he is indescribable.Job 37:23

Number of the word / term Justice in Job: 5

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 4:1 In parts according to verses. A Psalm of David. When I called upon him, the God of my justice heeded me. In tribulation, you have enlarged me. Have mercy on me, and heed my prayer.Psalm 4:1

Psalm 4:5 Offer the sacrifice of justice, and hope in the Lord. Many say, “Who reveals to us what is good?”Psalm 4:5

Psalm 5:8 Lord, lead me in your justice. Because of my enemies, direct my way in your sight.Psalm 5:8

Psalm 7:8 The Lord judges the people. Judge me, O Lord, according to my justice and according to my innocence within me.Psalm 7:8

Psalm 7:17 I will confess to the Lord according to his justice, and I will sing a psalm to the name of the Lord Most High.Psalm 7:17

Psalm 9:4 For you have accomplished my judgment and my cause. You have sat upon the throne that judges justice.Psalm 9:4

Psalm 9:8 And he will judge the whole world in equity. He will judge the people in justice.Psalm 9:8

Psalm 11:7 For the Lord is just, and he has chosen justice. His countenance has beheld equity.Psalm 11:7

Psalm 15:2 He who walks without blemish and who works justice.Psalm 15:2

Psalm 17:1 A Prayer of David. Lord, listen to my justice, attend to my supplication. Pay attention to my prayer, which is not from deceitful lips.Psalm 17:1

Psalm 17:15 But as for me, I will appear before your sight in justice. I will be satisfied when your glory appears.Psalm 17:15

Psalm 18:20 And the Lord will reward me according to my justice, and he will repay me according to the purity of my hands.Psalm 18:20

Psalm 18:22 For all his judgments are in my sight, and his justice, I have not pushed away from me.Psalm 18:22

Psalm 18:24 And the Lord will reward me according to my justice and according to the purity of my hands before his eyes.Psalm 18:24

Psalm 19:8 The justice of the Lord is right, rejoicing hearts. The precepts of the Lord are brilliant, enlightening the eyes.Psalm 19:8

Psalm 22:31 There will be announced for the Lord a future generation, and the heavens will announce his justice to a people who will be born, whom the Lord has made.Psalm 22:31

Psalm 23:3 He has converted my soul. He has led me away on the paths of justice, for the sake of his name.Psalm 23:3

Psalm 31:1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David according to an ecstasy. In you, Lord, I have hoped; let me never be confounded. In your justice, deliver me.Psalm 31:1

Psalm 35:24 Judge me according to your justice, O Lord, my God, and do not let them be glad over me.Psalm 35:24

Psalm 35:27 Let them exult and rejoice, who wish my justice, and let them ever say, “The Lord be magnified,” who will the peace of his servant.Psalm 35:27

Psalm 35:28 And so my tongue will express your justice: your praise all day long.Psalm 35:28

Psalm 36:6 Your justice is like the mountains of God. Your judgments are a great abyss. Men and beasts, you will save, O Lord.Psalm 36:6

Psalm 36:10 Extend your mercy before those who know you, and your justice to these, who are upright in heart.Psalm 36:10

Psalm 37:6 And he will bring forth your justice like the light, and your judgment like the midday.Psalm 37:6

Psalm 40:9 I have announced your justice in a great Church: behold, I will not restrain my lips. O Lord, you have known it.Psalm 40:9

Psalm 40:10 I have not concealed your justice within my heart. I have spoken your truth and your salvation. I have not concealed your mercy and your truth from a great assembly.Psalm 40:10

Psalm 45:4 With your splendor and your excellence extended, proceed prosperously, and reign for the sake of truth and meekness and justice, and so will your right hand lead you wondrously.Psalm 45:4

Psalm 45:7 You have loved justice and hated iniquity. Because of this, God, your God, has anointed you, before your co-heirs, with the oil of gladness.Psalm 45:7

Psalm 48:10 According to your name, O God, so does your praise reach to the ends of the earth. Your right hand is full of justice.Psalm 48:10

Psalm 50:6 And the heavens will announce his justice. For God is the judge.Psalm 50:6

Psalm 50:16 But to the sinner, God has said: Why do you discourse on my justices, and take up my covenant through your mouth?Psalm 50:16

Psalm 51:14 Free me from blood, O God, the God of my salvation, and my tongue will extol your justice.Psalm 51:14

Psalm 51:19 Then you will accept the sacrifice of justice, oblations, and holocausts. Then they will lay calves upon your altar.Psalm 51:19

Psalm 58:1 Unto the end. May you not destroy. Of David, with the inscription of a title. If, truly and certainly, you speak justice, then judge what is right, you sons of men.Psalm 58:1

Psalm 69:27 Assign an iniquity upon their iniquity, and may they not enter into your justice.Psalm 69:27

Psalm 71:2 Free me by your justice, and rescue me. Incline your ear to me, and save me.Psalm 71:2

Psalm 71:15 My mouth will announce your justice, your salvation all day long. For I have not known letters.Psalm 71:15

Psalm 71:16 I will enter into the powers of the Lord. I will be mindful of your justice alone, O Lord.Psalm 71:16

Psalm 71:19 and your justice, O God, even to the highest great things that you have done. O God, who is like you?Psalm 71:19

Psalm 71:24 And even my tongue will meditate on your justice all day long, when those who seek evils for me have been confounded and set in awe.Psalm 71:24

Psalm 72:2 Give your judgment, O God, to the king, and your justice to the king’s son, to judge your people with justice and your poor with judgment.Psalm 72:2

Psalm 72:3 Let the mountains take up peace for the people, and the hills, justice.Psalm 72:3

Psalm 72:7 In his days, justice will rise like the sun, with abundance of peace, until the moon is taken away.Psalm 72:7

Psalm 75:2 While I have time, I will judge justices.Psalm 75:2

Psalm 82:3 Judge for the indigent and the orphan. Do justice to the humble and the poor.Psalm 82:3

Psalm 85:10 Mercy and truth have met each other. Justice and peace have kissed.Psalm 85:10

Psalm 85:11 Truth has risen from the earth, and justice has gazed down from heaven.Psalm 85:11

Psalm 88:12 Will your wonders be known in the darkness, or your justice in the land of oblivion?Psalm 88:12

Psalm 89:16 and they will exult in your name all day long, and they will be exalted in your justice.Psalm 89:16

Psalm 89:31 if they profane my justices, and if they do not keep my commandments:Psalm 89:31

Psalm 94:15 even until the time when justice is being converted into judgment, and when those who are close to justice are all those who are upright of heart.Psalm 94:15

Psalm 97:2 Clouds and mist are all around him. Justice and judgment are corrections from his throne.Psalm 97:2

Psalm 97:6 The heavens announced his justice, and all peoples saw his glory.Psalm 97:6

Psalm 98:2 The Lord has made known his salvation. He has revealed his justice in the sight of the nations.Psalm 98:2

Psalm 98:9 before the presence of the Lord. For he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the whole world with justice, and the peoples with fairness.Psalm 98:9

Psalm 99:4 And the honor of the king loves judgment. You have prepared guidance. You have accomplished judgment and justice in Jacob.Psalm 99:4

Psalm 103:17 But the mercy of the Lord is from eternity, and even unto eternity, upon those who fear him. And his justice is with the sons of the sons,Psalm 103:17

Psalm 106:3 Blessed are those who keep judgment and who do justice at all times.Psalm 106:3

Psalm 106:31 And it was reputed to him unto justice, from generation to generation, even forever.Psalm 106:31

Psalm 111:3 Confession and magnificence are his work. And his justice remains from age to age.Psalm 111:3

Psalm 112:3 Glory and wealth will be in his house, and his justice shall remain from age to age.Psalm 112:3

Psalm 112:9 He has distributed, he has given to the poor. His justice shall remain from age to age. His horn shall be exalted in glory.Psalm 112:9

Psalm 118:19 Open the gates of justice to me. I will enter them, and I will confess to the Lord.Psalm 118:19

Psalm 119:7 I will confess to you with honesty of heart. In this way, I have learned the judgments of your justice.Psalm 119:7

Psalm 119:106 I have sworn it, and so I am determined to keep the judgments of your justice.Psalm 119:106

Psalm 119:121 AIN. I have accomplished judgment and justice. Do not hand me over to those who slander me.Psalm 119:121

Psalm 119:123 My eyes have failed in your salvation and in the eloquence of your justice.Psalm 119:123

Psalm 119:138 You have commanded justice: your testimonies and your truth even more so.Psalm 119:138

Psalm 119:142 Your justice is justice for all eternity, and your law is truth.Psalm 119:142

Psalm 119:160 The beginning of your words is truth. All the judgments of your justice are for eternity.Psalm 119:160

Psalm 119:164 Seven times a day, I uttered praise to you about the judgments of your justice.Psalm 119:164

Psalm 132:9 Let your priests be clothed with justice, and let your saints exult.Psalm 132:9

Psalm 140:12 I know that the Lord will accomplish justice for the needy and vindication for the poor.Psalm 140:12

Psalm 143:1 A Psalm of David, when his son Absalom was pursuing him. O Lord, hear my prayer. Incline your ear to my supplication in your truth. Heed me according to your justice.Psalm 143:1

Psalm 145:7 They will shout about the memory of your abundant sweetness. And they will exult in your justice.Psalm 145:7

Psalm 147:19 He announces his word to Jacob, his justices and his judgments to Israel.Psalm 147:19

Number of the word / term Justice in Psalm: 76

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 1:3 to understand words of prudence, and to accept the instruction of doctrine, justice and judgment, and equity,Proverbs 1:3

Proverbs 2:8 serving the paths of justice, and guarding the ways of sanctity.Proverbs 2:8

Proverbs 2:9 Then you shall understand justice and judgment, and equity, and every good path.Proverbs 2:9

Proverbs 8:16 Through me, princes rule and the powerful decree justice.Proverbs 8:16

Proverbs 8:18 With me, are wealth and glory, superb riches and justice.Proverbs 8:18

Proverbs 8:20 I walk in the way of justice, in the midst of the paths of judgment,Proverbs 8:20

Proverbs 10:2 Treasures of impiety will profit nothing. Truly, justice shall liberate from death.Proverbs 10:2

Proverbs 11:4 Wealth will not profit in the day of vengeance. But justice shall liberate from death.Proverbs 11:4

Proverbs 11:5 The justice of the simple shall direct his way. And the impious will fall in his impiety.Proverbs 11:5

Proverbs 11:6 The justice of the upright shall free them. And the iniquitous will be seized by their own treachery.Proverbs 11:6

Proverbs 11:18 The impious does work with inconstancy. But for the sower of justice, there is the reward of faithfulness.Proverbs 11:18

Proverbs 12:17 He is a sign of justice, who speaks what he knows. But whoever deceives is a dishonest witness.Proverbs 12:17

Proverbs 12:28 In the path of justice, there is life. But the devious way leads to death.Proverbs 12:28

Proverbs 15:5 A fool laughs at the discipline of his father. But whoever preserves rebukes will become astute. In abundant justice, there is very great virtue. But the intentions of the impious will be eradicated.Proverbs 15:5

Proverbs 15:9 The way of the impious is an abomination to the Lord. Whoever pursues justice is loved by him.Proverbs 15:9

Proverbs 16:5 All the arrogant are an abomination to the Lord. Even if hand will be joined to hand, he is not innocent. The beginning of a good way is to do justice. And this is more acceptable with God than to immolate sacrifices.Proverbs 16:5

Proverbs 16:8 Better is a little with justice, than many fruits with iniquity.Proverbs 16:8

Proverbs 16:12 Those who act impiously are abominable to the king. For the throne is made firm by justice.Proverbs 16:12

Proverbs 16:31 Old age is a crown of dignity, when it is found in the ways of justice.Proverbs 16:31

Proverbs 21:21 Whoever follows justice and mercy shall discover life, justice, and glory.Proverbs 21:21

Proverbs 25:5 Take away impiety from the face of the king, and his throne shall be made firm by justice.Proverbs 25:5

Proverbs 31:9 Open your mouth, declare what is just, and do justice to the indigent and the poor.Proverbs 31:9

Number of the word / term Justice in Proverbs: 22

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 3:16 I saw under the sun: instead of judgment, impiety, and instead of justice, iniquity.Ecclesiastes 3:16

Ecclesiastes 5:8 If you see false accusations against the indigent, and violent judgments, and subverted justice in the government, do not be surprised over this situation. For those in high places have others who are higher, and there are still others, more eminent, over these.Ecclesiastes 5:8

Ecclesiastes 7:15 I also saw this, in the days of my vanity: a just man perishing in his justice, and an impious man living a long time in his malice.Ecclesiastes 7:15

Ecclesiastes 8:10 I have seen the impious buried. These same, while they were still living, were in the holy place, and they were praised in the city as workers of justice. But this, too, is emptiness.Ecclesiastes 8:10

Number of the word / term Justice in Ecclesiastes: 4

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 1:21 How has the faithful city, full of judgment, become a harlot? Justice lived in her, but now murderers.Isaiah 1:21

Isaiah 1:27 Zion will be redeemed in judgment, and they will lead her back to justice.Isaiah 1:27

Isaiah 5:7 For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel. And the man of Judah is his delightful seedling. And I expected that he would do judgment, and behold iniquity, and that he would do justice, and behold an outcry.Isaiah 5:7

Isaiah 5:16 And the Lord of hosts will be exalted in judgment, and the holy God will be sanctified in justice.Isaiah 5:16

Isaiah 5:23 For you justify an impious man in exchange for bribes, and you carry away the justice of a just man from him.Isaiah 5:23

Isaiah 9:7 His reign will be increased, and there will be no end to his peace. He will sit upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to confirm and strengthen it, in judgment and justice, from now even unto eternity. The zeal of the Lord of hosts shall accomplish this.Isaiah 9:7

Isaiah 10:22 For though your people, O Israel, will be like the sand of the sea, yet only a remnant of them will be converted. The consummation, having been shortened, will be inundated with justice.Isaiah 10:22

Isaiah 11:4 Instead, he will judge the poor with justice, and he will reprove the meek of the earth with fairness. And he will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and he will slay the impious with the spirit of his lips.Isaiah 11:4

Isaiah 11:5 And justice will be the belt around his waist. And faith will be the warrior’s belt at his side.Isaiah 11:5

Isaiah 26:9 My soul has desired you in the night. But I will also watch for you with my spirit, in my inmost heart, from the morning. When you accomplish your judgments upon the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn justice.Isaiah 26:9

Isaiah 26:10 Let us take pity on the impious one, but he will not learn justice. In the land of the holy ones, he has done iniquity, and so he will not see the glory of the Lord.Isaiah 26:10

Isaiah 28:17 And I will establish judgment in weights, and justice in measures. And a hailstorm will overturn hope in what is false; and waters will inundate its protection.Isaiah 28:17

Isaiah 28:29 And this has gone forth from the Lord, the God of hosts, so that he may accomplish his miraculous plan and magnify justice.Isaiah 28:29

Isaiah 29:21 For they caused men to sin by a word, and they supplanted him who argued against them at the gates, and they turned away from justice in vain.Isaiah 29:21

Isaiah 32:1 Behold, the king will reign in justice, and the princes will rule in judgment.Isaiah 32:1

Isaiah 32:16 And judgment will live in solitude, and justice will be seated in a fruitful place.Isaiah 32:16

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of justice will be peace. And the service of justice will be quiet and secure, forever.Isaiah 32:17

Isaiah 33:5 The Lord has been magnified, because he has lived on high. He has filled Zion with judgment and justice.Isaiah 33:5

Isaiah 33:15 The one who walks in justice and speaks the truth, who casts out avarice with oppression and shakes all bribes from his hands, who blocks his ears so that he may not listen to blood, and closes his eyes so that he may not see evil.Isaiah 33:15

Isaiah 40:14 With whom has he consulted? And who has instructed him, and taught him the path of justice, and guided him to knowledge, and revealed the way of understanding to him?Isaiah 40:14

Isaiah 42:6 I, the Lord, have called you in justice, and I have taken your hand and preserved you. And I have presented you as a covenant of the people, as a light to the Gentiles,Isaiah 42:6

Isaiah 45:8 Send down dew from above, O heavens, and let the clouds rain down upon the just! Let the earth open and spring forth a savior! And let justice rise up at once! I, the Lord, have created him.Isaiah 45:8

Isaiah 45:13 I have raised him up unto justice, and I will direct all his ways. He himself will build my city and release my captives, but not for ransom or gifts, says the Lord, the God of hosts.Isaiah 45:13

Isaiah 45:19 I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth. I have not said to the offspring of Jacob, “Seek me in vain.” I am the Lord, who speaks justice, who announces what is right.Isaiah 45:19

Isaiah 45:23 I have sworn by myself. The Word of justice will proceed from my mouth, and it will not turn back. For every knee shall bend to me, and every tongue shall swear it.Isaiah 45:23

Isaiah 45:24 Therefore, he will say, “In the Lord are my justices and my dominion.” They will go to him. And all who fight against him will be confounded.Isaiah 45:24

Isaiah 46:12 Hear me, you who are hard of heart, who are far from justice!Isaiah 46:12

Isaiah 46:13 I have brought my justice near. It will not be far away, and my salvation will not be delayed. I will grant salvation in Zion, and my glory in Israel.Isaiah 46:13

Isaiah 48:1 Listen to these things, O house of Jacob, you who are called by the name of Israel, and who went forth from the waters of Judah. You swear by the name of the Lord and you call to mind the God of Israel, but not in truth, and not in justice.Isaiah 48:1

Isaiah 48:18 If only you had paid attention to my commandments! Your peace would have been like a river, and your justice would have been like the waves of the sea,Isaiah 48:18

Isaiah 51:6 Lift up your eyes to heaven, and look down to the earth below. For the heavens will vanish like smoke, and the earth will be worn away like a garment, and its inhabitants will pass away in like manner. But my salvation will be forever, and my justice will not fail.Isaiah 51:6

Isaiah 51:8 For the worm will consume them like a garment, and the moth will devour them like wool. But my salvation will be forever, and my justice will be from generation to generation.Isaiah 51:8

Isaiah 54:14 And you will be founded in justice. Depart far from oppression, for you will not be afraid. And depart from terror, for it will not approach you.Isaiah 54:14

Isaiah 54:17 No object which has been formed to use against you will succeed. And every tongue that resists you in judgment, you shall judge. This is the inheritance of the servants of the Lord, and this is their justice with me, says the Lord.Isaiah 54:17

Isaiah 56:1 Thus says the Lord: Preserve judgment, and accomplish justice. For my salvation is close to its arrival, and my justice is close to being revealed.Isaiah 56:1

Isaiah 57:12 I will announce your justice, and your works will not benefit you.Isaiah 57:12

Isaiah 58:2 For they also seek me, from day to day, and they are willing to know my ways, like a nation which has done justice and has not abandoned the judgment of their God. They petition me for judgments of justice. They are willing to draw near to God.Isaiah 58:2

Isaiah 58:8 Then your light will break forth like the morning, and your health will improve quickly, and your justice will go before your face, and the glory of the Lord will gather you up.Isaiah 58:8

Isaiah 59:4 There is no one who calls for justice, and there is no one who judges truly. For they trust in nothing, and they speak emptiness. They have conceived hardship, and they have given birth to iniquity.Isaiah 59:4

Isaiah 59:9 Because of this, judgment is far from us, and justice will not take hold of us. We waited for light, and behold, darkness; we waited for brightness, and we walked in darkness.Isaiah 59:9

Isaiah 59:14 And judgment has been turned backwards, and justice has stood far away. For truth has fallen down in the street, and fairness was not able to enter.Isaiah 59:14

Isaiah 59:16 And he saw that there was no good man. And he was astonished that there was no one to meet him. And his own arm brought salvation to him, and his own justice strengthened him.Isaiah 59:16

Isaiah 59:17 He clothed himself with justice as with a breastplate, and with a helmet of salvation upon his head. He put on the vestments of vengeance, and he was covered with zeal as with a cloak.Isaiah 59:17

Isaiah 60:17 In exchange for brass, I will bring gold; and in exchange for iron, I will bring silver; and for wood, brass; and for stones, iron. And I will make your visitation into peace, and your leaders into justice.Isaiah 60:17

Isaiah 61:3 to take up the mourners of Zion and to give them a crown in place of ashes, an oil of joy in place of mourning, a cloak of praise in place of a spirit of grief. And there, they shall be called the strong ones of justice, the planting of the Lord, unto glorification.Isaiah 61:3

Isaiah 61:10 I will rejoice greatly in the Lord, and my soul will exult in my God. For he has clothed me with the vestments of salvation, and he has wrapped me in the clothing of justice, like a groom arrayed with a crown, and like a bride adorned with her jewels.Isaiah 61:10

Isaiah 61:11 For as the earth brings forth its seedlings and the garden produces its seeds, so will the Lord God bring forth justice and praise in the sight of all the nations.Isaiah 61:11

Isaiah 63:1 Who is this, who arrives from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah? This is the Handsome One in his robe, advancing by the fullness of his strength. It is I, the Speaker of Justice, and I am the Fighter for Salvation.Isaiah 63:1

Isaiah 64:5 You have met with those who rejoice in doing justice. By your ways, they will remember you. Behold, you have been angry, for we have sinned. In this, we have continued, but we will be saved.Isaiah 64:5

Isaiah 64:6 And we have all become like the unclean. And all our justices are like a rag of menstruation. And we have all fallen away, like a leaf. And our iniquities have carried us away, like the wind.Isaiah 64:6

Number of the word / term Justice in Isaiah: 50

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 4:2 And you will swear, ‘As the Lord lives,’ in truth and in judgment and in justice.” And the Gentiles will bless him, and they will praise him.Jeremiah 4:2

Jeremiah 9:24 But he who glories should glory in this: to know me and to know me well. For I am the Lord, who accomplishes mercy and judgment and justice upon the earth. For these things are pleasing to me, says the Lord.Jeremiah 9:24

Jeremiah 22:3 Thus says the Lord: Exercise judgment and justice, and free anyone who is oppressed by violence from the hand of a false accuser. And do not be willing to sadden the new arrival, or the orphan, or the widow, nor should you burden them unfairly. And you shall not shed innocent blood in this place.Jeremiah 22:3

Jeremiah 22:15 Will you reign because you compare yourself to the cedar? Did your father not eat and drink, and act with judgment and justice, so that it would be well with him?Jeremiah 22:15

Jeremiah 23:5 Behold, the days are approaching, says the Lord, when I will raise up to David a righteous branch. And a king will reign, and he will be wise. And he will exercise judgment and justice upon the earth.Jeremiah 23:5

Jeremiah 31:23 Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Still they will speak this word in the land of Judah, and in its cities, when I will convert their captivity: ‘May the Lord bless you, the beauty of justice, the holy mountain.’Jeremiah 31:23

Jeremiah 33:15 In those days and at that time, I will cause the seedling of justice to spring up from David, and he will accomplish judgment and justice upon the earth.Jeremiah 33:15

Jeremiah 50:7 All whom they have found, they have devoured. And their enemies have said: ‘We have not sinned. For it is they who have sinned against the Lord, the beauty of justice, and against the Lord, the hope of their fathers.’Jeremiah 50:7

Jeremiah 51:10 The Lord has brought forth our justices. Come and let us describe in Zion the work of the Lord our God.”Jeremiah 51:10

Number of the word / term Justice in Jeremiah: 9

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 3:20 Moreover, if the just man turns aside from his justice and commits iniquity, I will place a stumbling block before him. He shall die, because you have not announced to him. He shall die in his sin, and his justices that he did shall not be remembered. Yet truly, I will attribute his blood to your hand.Ezekiel 3:20

Ezekiel 14:14 And if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver their own souls by their justice, says the Lord of hosts.Ezekiel 14:14

Ezekiel 14:20 and if Noah, and Daniel, and Job were in its midst, as I live, says the Lord God, they will deliver neither son, nor daughter, but they will deliver only their own souls by their justice.Ezekiel 14:20

Ezekiel 18:5 And if a man is just, and he accomplishes judgment and justice,Ezekiel 18:5

Ezekiel 18:19 And you say, ‘Why has not the son borne the iniquity of the father?’ Clearly, since the son has worked judgment and justice, has observed all my precepts, and has done them, he shall certainly live.Ezekiel 18:19

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sins, the same shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, and the father shall not bear the iniquity of the son. The justice of the just man shall be upon himself, but the impiety of the impious man shall be upon himself.Ezekiel 18:20

Ezekiel 18:21 But if the impious man does penance for all his sins which he has committed, and if he keeps all my precepts, and accomplishes judgment and justice, then he shall certainly live, and he shall not die.Ezekiel 18:21

Ezekiel 18:22 I will not remember all his iniquities, which he has worked; by his justice, which he has worked, he shall live.Ezekiel 18:22

Ezekiel 18:24 But if a just man turns himself away from his justice, and does iniquity in accord with all the abominations that the impious man so often does, why should he live? All his justices, which he has accomplished, shall not be remembered. By the transgression, in which he has transgressed, and by his sin, in which he has sinned, by these he shall die.Ezekiel 18:24

Ezekiel 18:26 For when the just man turns himself away from his justice, and commits iniquity, he shall die by this; by the injustice that he has worked, he shall die.Ezekiel 18:26

Ezekiel 18:27 And when the impious man turns himself away from his impiety, which he has done, and accomplishes judgment and justice, he shall cause his own soul to live.Ezekiel 18:27

Ezekiel 33:12 And as for you then, son of man, say to the sons of your people: The justice of the just man will not deliver him, on whatever day he will have sinned. And the impiety of the impius man will not harm him, on whatever day he will have been converted from his impiety. And the just man will not be able to live by his justice, on whatever day he will have sinned.Ezekiel 33:12

Ezekiel 33:13 Even now, if I say to the just man that he shall certainly live, and so, with confidence in his justice, he commits iniquity, all his justices will be delivered into oblivion, and by his iniquity, which he has done, by this he shall die.Ezekiel 33:13

Ezekiel 33:14 And if I say to the impious man, ‘You shall certainly die,’ and yet he repents from his sin, and he does judgment and justice,Ezekiel 33:14

Ezekiel 33:16 None of his sins, which he has committed, will be imputed to him. He has done judgment and justice, so he shall certainly live.Ezekiel 33:16

Ezekiel 33:18 For when the just man will have withdraw from his justice, and committed iniquities, he shall die by these.Ezekiel 33:18

Ezekiel 33:19 And when the impious man will have withdrawn from his impiety, and have done judgment and justice, he shall live by these.Ezekiel 33:19

Ezekiel 45:9 Thus says the Lord God: Let this be sufficient for you, O princes of Israel! Cease from iniquity and robberies, and execute judgment and justice. Separate your confines from my people, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 45:9

Number of the word / term Justice in Ezekiel: 18

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 6:22 My God has sent his angel, and he has closed the mouths of the lions, and they have not harmed me, because before him justice has been found in me, and, even before you, O king, I have committed no offense.”Daniel 6:22

Daniel 9:7 To you, O Lord, is justice, but to us is confusion of face, just as it is on this day for the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and all Israel, for those who are near and those who are far off, in all the lands to which you have driven them, because of their iniquities by which they have sinned against you.Daniel 9:7

Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks of years are concentrated on your people and on your holy city, so that transgression shall be finished, and sin shall reach an end, and iniquity shall be wiped away, and so that everlasting justice shall be brought in, and vision and prophecy shall be fulfilled, and the Saint of saints shall be anointed.Daniel 9:24

Daniel 12:3 But those who have taught will shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who instruct many towards justice, like the stars for unending eternity.Daniel 12:3

Number of the word / term Justice in Daniel: 4

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 2:19 And I will betroth you to me forever, and I will betroth you to me in justice and judgment, and in mercy and compassion.Hosea 2:19

Hosea 10:12 Sow for yourselves in justice, and harvest in the mouth of mercy; renew your fallow land. But the time when you will seek the Lord is the time when he will arrive who will teach you justice.Hosea 10:12

Number of the word / term Justice in Hosea: 2

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Joel

Joel 2:23 And you, sons of Zion, exult and rejoice in the Lord your God. For he has given you a teacher of justice, and he will make the early and the late rains descend to you, just as it was in the beginning.Joel 2:23

Number of the word / term Justice in Joel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Amos

Amos 5:7 You turn judgment into wormwood, and you abandon justice on earth.Amos 5:7

Amos 5:24 And judgment will be revealed like water, and justice like a mighty torrent.Amos 5:24

Amos 6:12 Can horses gallop across rocks, or is anyone able to plough with gazelles? For you have turned judgment into bitterness and the fruit of justice into wormwood.Amos 6:12

Number of the word / term Justice in Amos: 3

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Micah

Micah 6:5 My people, remember, I ask you, what Balak the king of Moab planned, and how Balaam the son of Beor responded to him, from Shittim even to Gilgal, so that you may know the justice of the Lord.Micah 6:5

Micah 7:9 I will carry the wrath of the Lord, because I have sinned against him, until he may judge my case and execute judgment for me. He will lead me into the light. I will behold his justice.Micah 7:9

Number of the word / term Justice in Micah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 8:8 And I will lead them, and they will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. And they will be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and in justice.Zechariah 8:8

Number of the word / term Justice in Zechariah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Malachi

Malachi 3:3 And he will sit refining and cleansing the silver, and he will purge the sons of Levi, and he will gather them like gold and like silver, and they will offer sacrifices to the Lord in justice.Malachi 3:3

Malachi 4:2 But unto you, who fear my name, the Sun of justice will arise, and health will be in his wings. And you will go forth and leap like the calves of the herd.Malachi 4:2

Number of the word / term Justice in Malachi: 2

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 3:15 And responding, Jesus said to him: “Permit this for now. For in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all justice.” Then he allowed him.Matthew 3:15

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied.Matthew 5:6

Matthew 5:10 Blessed are those who endure persecution for the sake of justice, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.Matthew 5:10

Matthew 5:20 For I say to you, that unless your justice has surpassed that of the scribes and the Pharisees you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.Matthew 5:20

Matthew 6:1 “Pay attention, lest you perform your justice before men, in order to be seen by them; otherwise you shall not have a reward with your Father, who is in heaven.Matthew 6:1

Matthew 6:33 Therefore, seek first the kingdom of God and his justice, and all these things shall be added to you as well.Matthew 6:33

Matthew 21:32 For John came to you in the way of justice, and you did not believe him. But the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him. Yet even after seeing this, you did not repent, so as to believe him.Matthew 21:32

Number of the word / term Justice in Matthew: 7

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Luke

Luke 1:75 in holiness and in justice before him, throughout all our days.Luke 1:75

Luke 12:31 Yet truly, seek first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added to you.Luke 12:31

Number of the word / term Justice in Luke: 2

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book John

John 16:8 And when he has arrived, he will argue against the world, about sin and about justice and about judgment:John 16:8

John 16:10 about justice, truly, because I am going to the Father, and you will not see me any longer;John 16:10

Number of the word / term Justice in John: 2

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Acts

Acts 10:35 But within every nation, whoever fears him and works justice is acceptable to him.Acts 10:35

Acts 13:10 and he said: “So full of every deceit and of all falsehoods, son of the devil, enemy of all justice, you never cease to subvert the righteous ways of the Lord!Acts 13:10

Acts 24:25 And after he discoursed about justice and chastity, and about the future judgment, Felix was trembling, and he responded: “For now, go, but remain under guard. Then, at an opportune time, I will summon you.”Acts 24:25

Number of the word / term Justice in Acts: 3

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Romans

Romans 1:17 For the justice of God is revealed within it, by faith unto faith, just as it was written: “For the just one lives by faith.”Romans 1:17

Romans 1:32 And these, though they had known the justice of God, did not understand that those who act in such a manner are deserving of death, and not only those who do these things, but also those who consent to what is done.Romans 1:32

Romans 2:26 And so, if the uncircumcised keep the justices of the law, shall not this lack of circumcision be counted as circumcision?Romans 2:26

Romans 3:5 But if even our injustice points to the justice of God, what shall we say? Could God be unfair for inflicting wrath?Romans 3:5

Romans 3:21 But now, without the law, the justice of God, to which the law and the prophets have testified, has been made manifest.Romans 3:21

Romans 3:22 And the justice of God, though the faith of Jesus Christ, is in all those and over all those who believe in him. For there is no distinction.Romans 3:22

Romans 3:25 whom God has offered as a propitiation, through faith in his blood, to reveal his justice for the remission of the former offenses,Romans 3:25

Romans 3:26 and by the forbearance of God, to reveal his justice in this time, so that he himself might be both the Just One and the Justifier of anyone who is of the faith of Jesus Christ.Romans 3:26

Romans 4:3 For what does Scripture say? “Abram believed God, and it was reputed to him unto justice.”Romans 4:3

Romans 4:5 Yet truly, for he who does not work, but who believes in him who justifies the impious, his faith is reputed unto justice, according to the purpose of the grace of God.Romans 4:5

Romans 4:6 Similarly, David also declares the blessedness of a man, to whom God brings justice without works:Romans 4:6

Romans 4:9 Does this blessedness, then, remain only in the circumcised, or is it even in the uncircumcised? For we say that faith was reputed to Abraham unto justice.Romans 4:9

Romans 4:11 For he received the sign of circumcision as a symbol of the justice of that faith which exists apart from circumcision, so that he might be the father of all those who believe while uncircumcised, so that it might also be reputed to them unto justice,Romans 4:11

Romans 4:13 For the Promise to Abraham, and to his posterity, that he would inherit the world, was not through the law, but through the justice of faith.Romans 4:13

Romans 4:22 And for this reason, it was reputed to him unto justice.Romans 4:22

Romans 4:23 Now this has been written, that it was reputed to him unto justice, not only for his sake,Romans 4:23

Romans 5:7 Now someone might barely be willing to die for the sake of justice, for example, perhaps someone might dare to die for the sake of a good man.Romans 5:7

Romans 5:17 For though, by the one offense, death reigned through one, yet so much more so shall those who receive an abundance of grace, both of the gift and of justice, reign in life through the one Jesus Christ.Romans 5:17

Romans 5:18 Therefore, just as through the offense of one, all men fell under condemnation, so also through the justice of one, all men fall under justification unto life.Romans 5:18

Romans 5:21 So then, just as sin has reigned unto death, so also may grace reign through justice unto eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.Romans 5:21

Romans 6:13 Nor should you offer the parts of your body as instruments of iniquity for sin. Instead, offer yourselves to God, as if you were living after death, and offer the parts of your body as instruments of justice for God.Romans 6:13

Romans 6:16 Do you not know to whom you are offering yourselves as servants under obedience? You are the servants of whomever you obey: whether of sin, unto death, or of obedience, unto justice.Romans 6:16

Romans 6:18 And having been freed from sin, we have become servants of justice.Romans 6:18

Romans 6:19 I am speaking in human terms because of the infirmity of your flesh. For just as you offered the parts of your body to serve impurity and iniquity, for the sake of iniquity, so also have you now yielded the parts of your body to serve justice, for the sake of sanctification.Romans 6:19

Romans 6:20 For though you were once the servants of sin, you have become the children of justice.Romans 6:20

Romans 9:30 What should we say next? That the Gentiles who did not follow justice have attained justice, even the justice that is of faith.Romans 9:30

Romans 9:31 Yet truly, Israel, though following the law of justice, has not arrived at the law of justice.Romans 9:31

Romans 10:3 For, being ignorant of the justice of God, and seeking to establish their own justice, they have not subjected themselves to the justice of God.Romans 10:3

Romans 10:4 For the end of the law, Christ, is unto justice for all who believe.Romans 10:4

Romans 10:5 And Moses wrote, about the justice that is of the law, that the man who will have done justice shall live by justice.Romans 10:5

Romans 10:6 But the justice that is of faith speaks in this way: Do not say in your heart: “Who shall ascend into heaven?” (that is, to bring Christ down);Romans 10:6

Romans 10:10 For with the heart, we believe unto justice; but with the mouth, confession is unto salvation.Romans 10:10

Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not food and drink, but rather justice and peace and joy, in the Holy Spirit.Romans 14:17

Number of the word / term Justice in Romans: 33

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 1:30 But you are of him in Christ Jesus, who was made by God to be our wisdom and justice and sanctification and redemption.1 Corinthians 1:30

Number of the word / term Justice in 1 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 3:9 For if the ministration of condemnation is with glory, so much more is the ministration of justice abundant in glory.2 Corinthians 3:9

2 Corinthians 5:21 For God made him who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the justice of God in him.2 Corinthians 5:21

2 Corinthians 6:7 with the Word of truth, with the power of God, and with the armor of justice to the right and to the left;2 Corinthians 6:7

2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not choose to bear the yoke with unbelievers. For how can justice be a participant with iniquity? Or how can the fellowship of light be a participant with darkness?2 Corinthians 6:14

2 Corinthians 9:9 just as it was written: “He has distributed widely, he has given to the poor; his justice remains from age to age.”2 Corinthians 9:9

2 Corinthians 9:10 And he who ministers seed to the sower will offer you bread to eat, and will multiply your seed, and will increase the growth of the fruits of your justice.2 Corinthians 9:10

2 Corinthians 11:15 Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers present themselves as if they were ministers of justice, for their end shall be according to their works.2 Corinthians 11:15

Number of the word / term Justice in 2 Corinthians: 7

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 2:21 I do not reject the grace of God. For if justice is through the law, then Christ died in vain.Galatians 2:21

Galatians 3:6 It is just as it was written: “Abraham believed God, and it was reputed to him unto justice.”Galatians 3:6

Galatians 3:21 So then, was the law contrary to the promises of God? Let it not be so! For if a law had been given, which was able to give life, truly justice would be of the law.Galatians 3:21

Galatians 5:5 For in spirit, by faith, we await the hope of justice.Galatians 5:5

Number of the word / term Justice in Galatians: 4

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Ephesians

Ephesians 4:24 and so put on the new man, who, in accord with God, is created in justice and in the holiness of truth.Ephesians 4:24

Ephesians 5:9 For the fruit of the light is in all goodness and justice and truth,Ephesians 5:9

Ephesians 6:14 Therefore, stand firm, having been girded about your waist with truth, and having been clothed with the breastplate of justice,Ephesians 6:14

Number of the word / term Justice in Ephesians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Philippians

Philippians 1:11 filled with the fruit of justice, through Jesus Christ, in the glory and praise of God.Philippians 1:11

Philippians 3:6 according to zeal, I persecuted the Church of God; according to the justice that is in the law, I lived without blame.Philippians 3:6

Philippians 3:9 and so that you may be found in him, not having my justice, which is of the law, but that which is of the faith of Christ Jesus, the justice within faith, which is of God.Philippians 3:9

Number of the word / term Justice in Philippians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 6:11 But you, O man of God, flee from these things, and truly pursue justice, piety, faith, charity, patience, meekness.1 Timothy 6:11

Number of the word / term Justice in 1 Timothy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book 2 Timothy

2 Timothy 2:22 So then, flee from the desires of your youth, yet truly, pursue justice, faith, hope, charity, and peace, along with those who call upon the Lord from a pure heart.2 Timothy 2:22

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture, having been divinely inspired, is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in justice,2 Timothy 3:16

2 Timothy 4:8 As for the remainder, a crown of justice has been reserved for me, one which the Lord, the just judge, will render to me in that day, and not only to me, but also to those who look forward to his return. Hurry to return to me soon.2 Timothy 4:8

Number of the word / term Justice in 2 Timothy: 3

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Titus

Titus 3:5 And he saved us, not by works of justice that we had done, but, in accord with his mercy, by the washing of regeneration and by the renovation of the Holy Spirit,Titus 3:5

Number of the word / term Justice in Titus: 1

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 1:9 You have loved justice, and you have hated iniquity. Because of this, God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of exultation, above your companions.”Hebrews 1:9

Hebrews 5:13 For anyone who is still feeding on milk is still unskillful in the Word of Justice; for he is like an infant.Hebrews 5:13

Hebrews 7:2 And Abraham divided to him a tenth part of everything. And in translation his name is first, indeed, king of justice, and next also king of Salem, that is, king of peace.Hebrews 7:2

Hebrews 9:10 as well as the various washings and justices of the flesh, which were imposed upon them until the time of correction.Hebrews 9:10

Hebrews 11:7 By faith, Noah, having accepted an answer about those things which were not yet seen, being afraid, fashioned an ark for the salvation of his house. Through the ark, he condemned the world, and was established as the heir of the justice that occurs through faith.Hebrews 11:7

Hebrews 11:33 those who, by faith, conquered kingdoms, accomplished justice, obtained promises, closed the mouths of lions,Hebrews 11:33

Hebrews 12:11 Now every discipline, in the present time, does not seem a gladness, of course, but a grief. But afterwards, it will repay a most peaceful fruit of justice to those who become trained in it.Hebrews 12:11

Number of the word / term Justice in Hebrews: 7

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book James

James 1:20 For the anger of man does not accomplish the justice of God.James 1:20

James 2:23 And so the Scripture was fulfilled which says: “Abraham believed God, and it was reputed to him unto justice.” And so he was called the friend of God.James 2:23

James 3:18 And so the fruit of justice is sown in peace by those who make peace.James 3:18

Number of the word / term Justice in James: 3

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book 1 Peter

1 Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body upon the tree, so that we, having died to sin, would live for justice. By his wounds, you have been healed.1 Peter 2:24

1 Peter 3:14 And yet, even when you suffer something for the sake of justice, you are blessed. So then, do not be afraid with their fear, and do not be disturbed.1 Peter 3:14

Number of the word / term Justice in 1 Peter: 2

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book 2 Peter

2 Peter 1:1 Simon Peter, servant and Apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have been allotted an equal faith with us in the justice of our God and in our Savior Jesus Christ.2 Peter 1:1

2 Peter 2:5 And he did not spare the original world, but he preserved the eighth one, Noah, the herald of justice, bringing the flood upon the world of the impious.2 Peter 2:5

2 Peter 2:21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of justice than, after acknowledging it, to turn away from that holy commandment which was handed on to them.2 Peter 2:21

2 Peter 3:13 Yet truly, in accord with his promises, we are looking forward to the new heavens and the new earth, in which justice lives.2 Peter 3:13

Number of the word / term Justice in 2 Peter: 4

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book 1 John

1 John 3:7 Little sons, let no one deceive you. Whoever does justice is just, even as he also is just.1 John 3:7

Number of the word / term Justice in 1 John: 1

Bible passages with ‘Justice’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And he who was sitting upon it was called Faithful and True. And with justice does he judge and fight.Revelation 19:11

Number of the word / term ‘Justice’ in Revelation: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 314

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