Our Little Concordance

‘Judgment’ in the Bible – All 481 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Judgment’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Judgment’ occurs 481 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 18:19 For I know that he will instruct his sons, and his household after him, to keep to the way of the Lord, and to act with judgment and justice, so that, for the sake of Abraham, the Lord may bring about all the things that he has spoken to him.”Genesis 18:19

Genesis 18:25 Far be it from you to do this thing, and to kill the just with the impious, and for the just to be treated like the impious. No, this is not like you. You judge all the earth; you would never make such a judgment.”Genesis 18:25

Number of the word / term Judgment in Genesis: 2

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 6:6 For this reason, say to the sons of Israel: I am the Lord who will lead you away from the work house of the Egyptians, and rescue you from servitude, and also redeem you with an exalted arm and great judgments.Exodus 6:6

Exodus 7:4 and he will not listen to you. And I will send my hand over Egypt, and I will lead my army and my people, the sons of Israel, from the land of Egypt, through very great judgments.Exodus 7:4

Exodus 12:12 And I will cross through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man, even to cattle. And I will bring judgments against all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord.Exodus 12:12

Exodus 15:25 So he cried out to the Lord, who showed him a tree. And when he had cast it into the waters, they were turned into sweetness. In that place, he established instructions for him, and also judgments. And he tested him there,Exodus 15:25

Exodus 21:1 “These are the judgments which you shall place before them:Exodus 21:1

Exodus 22:9 so as to perpetrate any fraud, such as with an ox, or a donkey, or a sheep, or clothing, nor to do anything that would be able to cause damage. The case of both shall be brought before the heavens. And if they give judgment against him, he shall repay double to his neighbor.Exodus 22:9

Exodus 23:2 You shall not follow the crowd in doing evil. Neither shall you go astray in judgment, by agreeing with the majority opinion, apart from the truth.Exodus 23:2

Exodus 23:3 Likewise, you shall not show pity in judgment of the poor.Exodus 23:3

Exodus 23:6 You shall not deviate in judgment of the poor.Exodus 23:6

Exodus 24:3 Therefore, Moses went and explained to the people all the words of the Lord, as well as the judgments. And all the people responded with one voice: “We will do all the words of the Lord, which he has spoken.”Exodus 24:3

Exodus 28:15 Likewise, you shall make the breastplate of judgment, wrought with diverse colors according to weaving of the ephod: of gold, hyacinth and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twisted linen.Exodus 28:15

Exodus 28:29 And Aaron shall carry the names of the sons of Israel on the breastplate of judgment upon his chest, when he enters into the Sanctuary, as a memorial in the presence of the Lord in eternity.Exodus 28:29

Exodus 28:30 Then you shall place in the breastplate of judgment, Doctrine and Truth, which shall then be upon Aaron’s chest, when he enters before the Lord. And he shall wear the judgment of the sons of Israel on his chest, in the sight of the Lord always.Exodus 28:30

Number of the word / term Judgment in Exodus: 13

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 13:3 And if he sees that leprosy is in his skin, and that the hair has turned a white color, and that the place where the leprosy appears is lower than the rest of the skin and the flesh, then it is the mark of leprosy, and at his judgment he shall be separated.Leviticus 13:3

Leviticus 13:15 then by the judgment of the priest he shall be polluted, and he shall be considered to be among the unclean. For the live flesh, if it is spotted with leprosy, is unclean.Leviticus 13:15

Leviticus 13:44 Therefore, whoever will have been spotted by leprosy, and who has been separated at the judgment of the priest,Leviticus 13:44

Leviticus 18:4 You shall accomplish my judgments, and you shall observe my precepts, and you shall walk in them. I am the Lord your God.Leviticus 18:4

Leviticus 18:5 Keep my laws and judgments; when a man does these, he shall live by them. I am the Lord.Leviticus 18:5

Leviticus 18:26 Keep my ordinances and judgments, and do not do any of these abominations: the native born, as well as the settler, who sojourns among you.Leviticus 18:26

Leviticus 19:35 Do not be willing to accomplish iniquity in judgment, in lengths, in weights, in quantities.Leviticus 19:35

Leviticus 19:37 Keep all my precepts, and all my judgments, and accomplish them. I am the Lord.Leviticus 19:37

Leviticus 20:22 Observe my laws as well as my judgments, and act according to them, lest the land, into which you will enter and live, may vomit you out, too.Leviticus 20:22

Leviticus 24:22 Let there be equal judgment among you, whether it is a sojourner or a citizen who will have sinned. For I am the Lord your God.Leviticus 24:22

Leviticus 25:18 Accomplish my precepts, and observe my judgments, and complete them, so that you may be able to live in the land without any fear,Leviticus 25:18

Leviticus 26:15 if you despise my laws, and disdain my judgments, so that you do not accomplish those things which have been established by me, and so that you lead my covenant away into nullification,Leviticus 26:15

Leviticus 26:43 which, when she will be left behind by them, shall be pleased by her Sabbaths, enduring solitude because of them. Yet truly, they shall pray for their sins, because they cast aside my judgments, and they despised my laws.Leviticus 26:43

Leviticus 26:46 These are the judgments, and precepts, and laws, which the Lord has granted between himself and the sons of Israel, on mount Sinai, by the hand of Moses.Leviticus 26:46

Number of the word / term Judgment in Leviticus: 14

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 15:15 There shall be one precept and one judgment, as much for yourselves as for newcomers to the land.”Numbers 15:15

Numbers 27:4 And Moses referred their case to the judgment of the Lord.Numbers 27:4

Numbers 30:14 But if the husband, upon hearing it, remains silent, and he delays judgment until another day, whatever she had vowed or promised, she shall repay, because when he first heard it, he remained silent.Numbers 30:14

Numbers 35:25 then the innocent one shall be freed from the hand of the revenger, and he shall be returned by this judgment into the city to which he had fled, and he shall stay there until the high priest, who has been anointed with the holy oil, dies.Numbers 35:25

Numbers 36:13 These are the commandments and judgments which the Lord ordered by the hand of Moses to the sons of Israel, in the plains of Moab, above the Jordan, opposite Jericho.Numbers 36:13

Number of the word / term Judgment in Numbers: 5

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 1:12 Alone, I do not have the strength to endure your arbitrations and judgments and disputes.Deuteronomy 1:12

Deuteronomy 1:17 There shall be no favoritism to any persons. So you shall listen to the little as well as to the great. And you shall not accept anyone’s reputation, for this is the judgment of God. But if anything seems difficult to you, then refer it to me, and I will hear it.’Deuteronomy 1:17

Deuteronomy 4:1 “And now, O Israel, listen to the precepts and judgments which I am teaching to you, so that, by doing these, you may live, and you may enter and possess the land, which the Lord, the God of your fathers, will give to you.Deuteronomy 4:1

Deuteronomy 4:8 For what other nation is there so renowned as to have ceremonies, and just judgments, and the entire law that I will set forth today before your eyes?Deuteronomy 4:8

Deuteronomy 4:14 And he commanded me, at that time, that I should teach you the ceremonies and judgments which you must carry out, in the land that you shall possess.Deuteronomy 4:14

Deuteronomy 4:45 And these are the testimonies and ceremonies as well as judgments, which he spoke to the sons of Israel, when they departed from Egypt,Deuteronomy 4:45

Deuteronomy 5:1 And Moses summoned all of Israel, and he said to them: “Listen, O Israel, to the ceremonies and judgments, which I am speaking to your ears on this day. Learn them, and fulfill them in deed.Deuteronomy 5:1

Deuteronomy 5:31 But as for you, stand here with me, and I will speak to you all my commandments and ceremonies, as well as judgments. These, you shall teach them, so that they may do them in the land, which I will give to them as a possession.Deuteronomy 5:31

Deuteronomy 6:1 “These are the precepts and ceremonies, as well as the judgments, which the Lord your God has commanded that I teach to you, which you shall do in the land to which you will travel in order to possess it.Deuteronomy 6:1

Deuteronomy 6:20 And when your son will ask you tomorrow, saying: ‘What do these testimonies and ceremonies and judgments mean, which the Lord our God has entrusted to us?’Deuteronomy 6:20

Deuteronomy 7:11 Therefore, keep the precepts and ceremonies as well as the judgments, which I command to you this day, so that you may do them.Deuteronomy 7:11

Deuteronomy 7:12 If, after you have heard these judgments, you keep and do them, the Lord your God will also keep his covenant with you and the mercy that he swore to your fathers.Deuteronomy 7:12

Deuteronomy 8:11 Be observant and cautious, lest at sometime you may forget the Lord your God, and neglect his commandments, as well as the judgments and ceremonies, which I instruct to you this day.Deuteronomy 8:11

Deuteronomy 10:18 He accomplishes judgment for the orphan and the widow. He loves the sojourner, and he gives him food as well as clothing.Deuteronomy 10:18

Deuteronomy 11:1 “And so, love the Lord your God, and observe his precepts and ceremonies, his judgments and commandments, at all times.Deuteronomy 11:1

Deuteronomy 11:32 Therefore, see to it that you fulfill the ceremonies and judgments, which I am placing in your sight this day.”Deuteronomy 11:32

Deuteronomy 12:1 “These are the precepts and judgments which you must do in the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, will give to you, so that you may possess it during all the days that you shall walk upon the soil.Deuteronomy 12:1

Deuteronomy 16:18 You shall appoint judges and magistrates at all your gates, which the Lord your God will give to you, throughout each of your tribes, so that they may judge the people with a just judgment,Deuteronomy 16:18

Deuteronomy 17:8 If you have perceived that there is among you a difficult and doubtful matter of judgment, between blood and blood, cause and cause, leprosy and leprosy, and if you will have seen that the words of the judges within your gates vary: rise up and ascend to the place which the Lord your God will choose.Deuteronomy 17:8

Deuteronomy 17:9 And you shall approach the priests of the Levitical stock, and the judge, who shall be among them at that time, and you shall inquire of them, and they will reveal to you the truth of the judgment.Deuteronomy 17:9

Deuteronomy 21:19 they shall take him and lead him to the elders of the city and to the gate of judgment.Deuteronomy 21:19

Deuteronomy 22:28 If a man find a girl who is a virgin, who does not have a betrothal, and, taking her, he lies with her, and the matter is brought to judgment,Deuteronomy 22:28

Deuteronomy 24:17 You shall not pervert the judgment of the new arrival or the orphan, nor shall you take away the widow’s garment as collateral.Deuteronomy 24:17

Deuteronomy 26:16 Today the Lord your God has instructed you to carry out these commandments and judgments, and to keep and fulfill them, with all your heart and with all your soul.Deuteronomy 26:16

Deuteronomy 26:17 Today, you have chosen the Lord to be your God, so that you may walk in his ways, and keep his ceremonies and commandments and judgments, and obey his command.Deuteronomy 26:17

Deuteronomy 27:19 Cursed be he who subverts the judgment of the new arrival, the orphan, or the widow. And all the people shall say: Amen.Deuteronomy 27:19

Deuteronomy 30:16 so that you may love the Lord your God, and walk in his ways, and keep his commandments and ceremonies and judgments, and so that you may live, and he may multiply you and bless you in the land, which you shall enter in order to possess.Deuteronomy 30:16

Deuteronomy 32:4 The works of God are perfect, and all his ways are judgments. God is faithful and without any iniquity. He is just and upright.Deuteronomy 32:4

Deuteronomy 32:41 When I sharpen my sword like lightning, and my hand takes hold of judgment, then I will render vengeance to my enemies, and I will repay those who hate me.Deuteronomy 32:41

Deuteronomy 33:10 your judgments, O Jacob, and your law, O Israel. They shall place incense before your fury and a holocaust upon your altar.Deuteronomy 33:10

Deuteronomy 33:21 And he has seen his own pre-eminence, which his teacher has stored up as his portion. He was with the princes of the people, and he accomplished the justices of the Lord, and his judgment with Israel.”Deuteronomy 33:21

Number of the word / term Judgment in Deuteronomy: 31

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 20:6 And he shall live in that city, until he stands before judgment in order to render the facts of his case, and until the death of the high priest, whoever it will be in that time. Then the one who killed a man may return, and he may enter his own city and house, from which he had fled.”Joshua 20:6

Joshua 24:25 Therefore, on that day, Joshua struck a covenant, and he set before the people at Shechem the precepts and the judgments.Joshua 24:25

Number of the word / term Judgment in Joshua: 2

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Judges

Judges 4:5 And she was sitting under a palm tree, which was called by her name, between Ramah and Bethel, on Mount Ephraim. And the sons of Israel went up to her for every judgment.Judges 4:5

Judges 5:10 You who ride upon donkeys laboring, and you who sit in judgment, and you who walk along the way, speak out.Judges 5:10

Number of the word / term Judgment in Judges: 2

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 8:3 But his sons did not walk in his ways. Instead, they turned aside, pursuing avarice. And they accepted bribes, and they perverted judgment.1 Samuel 8:3

1 Samuel 12:7 Now therefore, stand, so that I may contend in judgment against you before the Lord, about all the mercies of the Lord, which he has given to you and to your fathers:1 Samuel 12:7

Number of the word / term Judgment in 1 Samuel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 8:15 And David reigned over all of Israel. And David accomplished judgment and justice with all his people.2 Samuel 8:15

2 Samuel 15:2 And rising up in the morning, Absalom was standing beside the entrance of the gate. And when there was any man who had a dispute that might go before the king’s judgment, Absalom would call him to him, and would say, “Which city are you from?” And responding, he would say, “I am your servant, from a certain tribe of Israel.”2 Samuel 15:2

2 Samuel 15:6 And he was doing this to all those of Israel arriving for judgment to be heard by the king. And he solicited the hearts of the men of Israel.2 Samuel 15:6

2 Samuel 18:19 Then Ahimaaz, the son of Zadok, said, “I will run and report to the king that the Lord has accomplished judgment for him, from the hand of his enemies.”2 Samuel 18:19

2 Samuel 22:23 For all his judgments are in my sight. And I have not removed his precepts from me.2 Samuel 22:23

Number of the word / term Judgment in 2 Samuel: 5

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 2:3 And observe the care of the Lord your God, so that you walk in his ways, so that you care for his ceremonies, and his precepts, and judgments, and testimonies, just as it is written in the law of Moses. So may you understand everything that you do, in any direction that you may turn yourself.1 Kings 2:3

1 Kings 3:11 And the Lord said to Solomon: “Since you have requested this word, and you have not asked for many days or for wealth for yourself, nor for the lives of your enemies, but instead you have requested for yourself wisdom in order to discern judgment:1 Kings 3:11

1 Kings 3:28 Then all of Israel heard about the judgment that the king had judged, and they feared the king, seeing that the wisdom of God was in him to accomplish judgment.1 Kings 3:28

1 Kings 6:12 “Concerning this house, which you are building: if you will walk in my precepts, and carry out my judgments, and keep all my commandments, advancing by them, I will confirm my word to you, which I spoke to your father David.1 Kings 6:12

1 Kings 7:8 And in the midst of the portico, there was a small house, where he would sit in judgment, similar in workmanship. He also made a house for the daughter of Pharaoh (whom Solomon had taken as wife) of the same work and type as this portico.1 Kings 7:8

1 Kings 8:45 And you will hear in heaven their prayers and their petitions. And you will accomplish judgment for them.1 Kings 8:45

1 Kings 8:49 you will hear in heaven, in the firmament of your throne, their prayers and their petitions. And you will accomplish their judgment.1 Kings 8:49

1 Kings 8:58 But may he incline our hearts to himself, so that we may walk in all his ways, and keep his commandments, and his ceremonies, and whatever judgments he commanded to our fathers.1 Kings 8:58

1 Kings 8:59 And may these my words, by which I have prayed before the Lord, be near to the Lord our God, day and night, so that he may accomplish judgment for his servant and for his people Israel, throughout each day.1 Kings 8:59

1 Kings 9:4 Also, if you will walk before me, just as your father walked, in simplicity of heart and in equity, and you do all that I have instructed to you, and you keep my laws and my judgments,1 Kings 9:4

1 Kings 10:9 Blessed is the Lord your God, whom you have greatly pleased, and who has placed you upon the throne of Israel. For the Lord loves Israel forever, and he has appointed you as king, so that you may accomplish judgment and justice.”1 Kings 10:9

1 Kings 11:33 For he has abandoned me, and he has adored Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Chemosh, the god of Moab, and Milcom, the god of the sons of Ammon. And he has not walked in my ways, so that he would do justice before me, and so that he would carry out my precepts and judgments, as his father David did.1 Kings 11:33

1 Kings 20:40 And while I was distracted, turning one way and another, suddenly, he was not to be seen.” And the king of Israel said to him, “This is your judgment, that which you yourself have decreed.”1 Kings 20:40

1 Kings 21:9 And this was the judgment of the letters: “Proclaim a fast, and cause Naboth to sit among the first rulers of the people.1 Kings 21:9

Number of the word / term Judgment in 1 Kings: 14

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 9:13 And so they hurried away. And each one, taking his cloak, placed it under his feet, in the manner of a seat for judgment. And they sounded the trumpet, and they said: “Jehu reigns!”2 Kings 9:13

2 Kings 17:34 Even to the present day, they follow the ancient customs; they do not fear the Lord, and they do not keep his ceremonies, and judgments, and law, and commandment, which the Lord had instructed to the sons of Jacob, whom he named Israel.2 Kings 17:34

2 Kings 17:37 Also, the ceremonies, and judgments, and law, and commandment, which he wrote for you, you shall keep so that you do them for all days. And you shall not fear strange gods.2 Kings 17:37

2 Kings 25:6 Therefore, having apprehended him, they led the king to the king of Babylon at Riblah. And he was speaking with him in judgment.2 Kings 25:6

Number of the word / term Judgment in 2 Kings: 4

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 16:12 Remember his miracles, which he has accomplished, his signs, and the judgments of his mouth.1 Chronicles 16:12

1 Chronicles 16:14 He is the Lord our God. His judgments are throughout all the earth.1 Chronicles 16:14

1 Chronicles 18:14 Therefore, David reigned over all of Israel, and he executed judgment and justice among all his people.1 Chronicles 18:14

1 Chronicles 22:13 For then you will be able to advance, if you keep the commandments and judgments that the Lord instructed Moses to teach to Israel. Be strengthened and act manfully. You should not fear, and you should not dread.1 Chronicles 22:13

1 Chronicles 28:7 And I will make firm his kingdom, even unto eternity, if he will persevere in doing my precepts and judgments, as also today.’1 Chronicles 28:7

Number of the word / term Judgment in 1 Chronicles: 5

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 6:39 from heaven, that is, from your firm habitation, you will heed their prayers, and you will accomplish judgment, and you will forgive your people, even though they are sinners.2 Chronicles 6:39

2 Chronicles 7:17 And as for you, if you will walk before me, just as your father David walked, and if you will act in accord with all that I have instructed you, and if you will observe my justices and judgments,2 Chronicles 7:17

2 Chronicles 9:8 Blessed is the Lord your God, who willed to set you upon his throne as a king for the Lord your God. Since God loves Israel, he wishes to preserve them unto eternity. For this reason, he appointed you as king over them, so that you may accomplish judgment and justice.”2 Chronicles 9:8

2 Chronicles 19:6 And instructing the judges, he said: “Pay attention to what you are doing. For you exercise judgment, not of man, but of the Lord. And whatever you will have judged, it will come back to you.2 Chronicles 19:6

2 Chronicles 19:8 Jehoshaphat also appointed Levites and priests and leaders of families, out of Israel, in Jerusalem, so that they might judge the judgment and purpose of the Lord for its inhabitants.2 Chronicles 19:8

2 Chronicles 20:9 ‘If evils will have fallen upon us, the sword of judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we will stand in your sight before this house, in which your name is invoked, and we will cry out to you in our tribulations. And you will heed us and accomplish our salvation.’2 Chronicles 20:9

2 Chronicles 24:24 And although certainly there had arrived a very small number of Syrians, the Lord delivered into their hands an immense multitude. For they had forsaken the Lord, the God of their fathers. Also, against Joash they executed disgraceful judgments.2 Chronicles 24:24

2 Chronicles 32:3 he took counsel with the rulers and with the most valiant men, so that they might obstruct the heads of the springs which were beyond the city. And with everyone discerning the same judgment about this,2 Chronicles 32:3

2 Chronicles 33:8 And I will not cause the foot of Israel to be moved from the land which I delivered to their fathers. Yet this is so, only if they will take care to do what I have instructed them, by the hand of Moses, with the entire law and the ceremonies and the judgments.”2 Chronicles 33:8

Number of the word / term Judgment in 2 Chronicles: 9

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 7:10 For Ezra prepared his heart, so that he might search the law of the Lord, and so that he might keep and teach precept and judgment in Israel.Ezra 7:10

Ezra 7:26 And any one who will not diligently keep the law of your God, and the law of the king, judgment shall be upon him, either to death, or to exile, or to the confiscation of his goods, or certainly to prison.”Ezra 7:26

Number of the word / term Judgment in Ezra: 2

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 1:7 We have been seduced by vanity. And we have not kept your commandments and ceremonies and judgments, which you have instructed to your servant Moses.Nehemiah 1:7

Nehemiah 3:31 After him, Malchijah, the son of the goldsmith, built, even up to the house of the temple servants and of the sellers of small items, opposite the judgment gate, and even to the upper room of the corner.Nehemiah 3:31

Nehemiah 9:13 You also descended to mount Sinai, and you spoke with them from heaven. And you gave them upright judgments, and the law of truth, and ceremonies, and good precepts.Nehemiah 9:13

Nehemiah 9:29 And you contended with them, so that they might return to your law. Yet truly, they acted in arrogance, and they did not listen to your commandments, and they sinned against your judgments, which, if a man does them, he shall live by them. And they withdrew from offering their shoulder, and they hardened their neck; neither would they listen.Nehemiah 9:29

Nehemiah 10:29 All who were able to understand, pledged on behalf of their brothers, with their nobles, and they came forward to promise and to swear that they would walk in the law of God, which he had given to the hand of Moses, the servant of God, that they would do and keep all the commandments of the Lord our God, and his judgments and his ceremonies,Nehemiah 10:29

Number of the word / term Judgment in Nehemiah: 5

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Esther

Esther 1:13 questioned the wise men, who, according to royal custom were always near him and all he did was by their counsel, who knew the laws as well as the judgments of their ancestors,Esther 1:13

Number of the word / term Judgment in Esther: 1

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Job

Job 6:29 Respond, I beg you, without contention, and, speaking what is just, pass judgment.Job 6:29

Job 8:3 Does God supplant judgment, or does the Almighty subvert that which is just?Job 8:3

Job 9:19 If strength is sought, he is most strong; if equity in judgment, no one would dare to give testimony for me.Job 9:19

Job 9:32 For even I would not answer a man who were like myself, nor one who could be heard with me equally in judgment.Job 9:32

Job 13:6 Therefore, listen to my correction, and pay attention to the judgment of my lips.Job 13:6

Job 13:8 Have you taken his place, and do you struggle to give judgment in favor of God?Job 13:8

Job 13:19 Who is it that will go to judgment with me? Let him approach. Why should I be consumed in silence?Job 13:19

Job 14:3 And do you consider it fitting to look down with your eyes on someone in this way and to lead him into judgment with you?Job 14:3

Job 19:6 At least now you should understand that God has not afflicted me with a balanced judgment, though he has encompassed me with his scourges.Job 19:6

Job 19:29 So then, flee from the face of the sword, for the sword is the avenger of iniquities; but know this: there is to be a judgment.Job 19:29

Job 21:27 Surely, I know your thoughts and your sinful judgments against me.Job 21:27

Job 22:4 Will he reprove you and take you to judgment for being afraid,Job 22:4

Job 23:4 I would place judgment before his eye, and my mouth would fill with criticism,Job 23:4

Job 23:7 Let him show fairness in response to me, and let my judgment reach to victory.Job 23:7

Job 27:2 As God lives, who has taken away my judgment, and the Almighty, who has led my soul to bitterness,Job 27:2

Job 29:14 I put on justice, and I clothed myself with my judgment, like a robe and a diadem.Job 29:14

Job 31:13 If I have despised being subject to judgment with my servant or my maid, when they had any complaint against me,Job 31:13

Job 32:9 The wise are not the aged, nor do the elders understand judgment.Job 32:9

Job 33:3 My words are from my simple heart, and my lips will speak a pure judgment.Job 33:3

Job 34:4 Let us choose judgment for ourselves, and let us consider among ourselves what is best.Job 34:4

Job 34:5 For Job has said: “I am just, yet God has subverted my judgment.Job 34:5

Job 34:6 For, within my judgment, there is a lie: my vehement barbs are without any sin.”Job 34:6

Job 34:12 For truly, God will not condemn in vain, nor will the Almighty repudiate judgment.Job 34:12

Job 34:17 Is he that does not love judgment able to be corrected? And how can you so greatly condemn him who is just?Job 34:17

Job 34:23 For it is no longer within the power of man to enter into judgment with God.Job 34:23

Job 34:37 For he adds blasphemy on top of his sins; nevertheless, let him be constrained to be among us, and then let him provoke God to judgment with his speeches.Job 34:37

Job 36:6 But he does not save the impious, though he grants judgment to the poor.Job 36:6

Job 36:17 Your case has been judged like that of the impious; you will withdraw your plea and your judgment.Job 36:17

Job 37:23 We are not worthy to be able to find him. Great in strength, great in judgment, great in justice: he is indescribable.Job 37:23

Job 40:8 Will you make my judgment null and void; and will you condemn me so that you may be justified?Job 40:8

Number of the word / term Judgment in Job: 30

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 1:5 Therefore, the impious will not prevail again in judgment, nor sinners in the council of the just.Psalm 1:5

Psalm 9:4 For you have accomplished my judgment and my cause. You have sat upon the throne that judges justice.Psalm 9:4

Psalm 9:7 But the Lord remains in eternity. He has prepared his throne in judgment.Psalm 9:7

Psalm 9:16 The Lord will be recognized when making judgments. The sinner has been caught in the works of his own hands.Psalm 9:16

Psalm 10:5 God is not before his sight. His ways are stained at all times. Your judgments are removed from his face. He will be master of all his enemies.Psalm 10:5

Psalm 17:2 Let my judgment proceed from your presence. Let your eyes behold fairness.Psalm 17:2

Psalm 18:22 For all his judgments are in my sight, and his justice, I have not pushed away from me.Psalm 18:22

Psalm 19:9 The fear of the Lord is holy, enduring for all generations. The judgments of the Lord are true, justified in themselves:Psalm 19:9

Psalm 25:9 He will direct the mild in judgment. He will teach the meek his ways.Psalm 25:9

Psalm 33:5 He loves mercy and judgment. The earth is full of the mercy of the Lord.Psalm 33:5

Psalm 35:23 Rise up and be attentive to my judgment, to my cause, my God and my Lord.Psalm 35:23

Psalm 36:6 Your justice is like the mountains of God. Your judgments are a great abyss. Men and beasts, you will save, O Lord.Psalm 36:6

Psalm 37:6 And he will bring forth your justice like the light, and your judgment like the midday.Psalm 37:6

Psalm 37:28 For the Lord loves judgment, and he will not abandon his saints. They will be kept safe in eternity. The unjust will be punished, and the offspring of the impious will perish.Psalm 37:28

Psalm 37:30 The mouth of the just one will express wisdom, and his tongue will speak judgment.Psalm 37:30

Psalm 48:11 Let mount Zion rejoice, and let the daughters of Judah exult, because of your judgments, O Lord.Psalm 48:11

Psalm 51:4 Against you only have I sinned, and I have done evil before your eyes. And so, you are justified in your words, and you will prevail when you give judgment.Psalm 51:4

Psalm 72:2 Give your judgment, O God, to the king, and your justice to the king’s son, to judge your people with justice and your poor with judgment.Psalm 72:2

Psalm 76:8 You have caused judgment to be heard from heaven. The earth trembled and was quieted,Psalm 76:8

Psalm 76:9 when God rose up in judgment in order to bring salvation to all the meek of the earth.Psalm 76:9

Psalm 81:4 for it is a precept in Israel and a judgment for the God of Jacob.Psalm 81:4

Psalm 89:14 Justice and judgment are the preparation of your throne. Mercy and truth will precede your face.Psalm 89:14

Psalm 89:30 But if his sons abandon my law, and if they do not walk in my judgments,Psalm 89:30

Psalm 94:15 even until the time when justice is being converted into judgment, and when those who are close to justice are all those who are upright of heart.Psalm 94:15

Psalm 97:2 Clouds and mist are all around him. Justice and judgment are corrections from his throne.Psalm 97:2

Psalm 97:8 Zion heard, and was glad. And the daughters of Judah exulted because of your judgments, O Lord.Psalm 97:8

Psalm 99:4 And the honor of the king loves judgment. You have prepared guidance. You have accomplished judgment and justice in Jacob.Psalm 99:4

Psalm 101:1 A Psalm of David himself. I will sing mercy and judgment to you, O Lord. I will sing psalms.Psalm 101:1

Psalm 103:6 The Lord accomplishes mercies, and his judgment is for all who patiently endure injuries.Psalm 103:6

Psalm 105:5 Remember his miracles, which he has done, his portents and the judgments of his mouth:Psalm 105:5

Psalm 105:7 He is the Lord our God. His judgments are throughout the entire earth.Psalm 105:7

Psalm 106:3 Blessed are those who keep judgment and who do justice at all times.Psalm 106:3

Psalm 111:7 so that he may give them the inheritance of the nations. The works of his hands are truth and judgment.Psalm 111:7

Psalm 112:5 Pleasing is the man who shows mercy and lends. He will order his words with judgment.Psalm 112:5

Psalm 119:7 I will confess to you with honesty of heart. In this way, I have learned the judgments of your justice.Psalm 119:7

Psalm 119:13 With my lips, I have pronounced all the judgments of your mouth.Psalm 119:13

Psalm 119:30 I have chosen the way of truth. I have not forgotten your judgments.Psalm 119:30

Psalm 119:39 Cut off my disgrace, which I have taken up, for your judgments are delightful.Psalm 119:39

Psalm 119:43 And do not utterly take away the word of truth from my mouth. For in your judgments, I have hoped beyond hope.Psalm 119:43

Psalm 119:52 I called to mind your judgments of antiquity, O Lord, and I was consoled.Psalm 119:52

Psalm 119:62 I arose in the middle of the night to confess to you, over the judgments of your justification.Psalm 119:62

Psalm 119:75 I know, O Lord, that your judgments are fairness. And in your truth, you have humbled me.Psalm 119:75

Psalm 119:84 How many are the days of your servant? When will you bring judgment against those who persecute me?Psalm 119:84

Psalm 119:102 I have not declined from your judgments, because you have stationed a law for me.Psalm 119:102

Psalm 119:106 I have sworn it, and so I am determined to keep the judgments of your justice.Psalm 119:106

Psalm 119:108 Make the willing offerings of my mouth well pleasing, Lord, and teach me your judgments.Psalm 119:108

Psalm 119:118 You have despised all those who fell away from your judgments. For their intention is unjust.Psalm 119:118

Psalm 119:120 Pierce my flesh with your fear, for I am afraid of your judgments.Psalm 119:120

Psalm 119:121 AIN. I have accomplished judgment and justice. Do not hand me over to those who slander me.Psalm 119:121

Psalm 119:132 Gaze upon me and be merciful to me, according to the judgment of those who love your name.Psalm 119:132

Psalm 119:137 SADE. You are just, O Lord, and your judgment is right.Psalm 119:137

Psalm 119:149 Hear my voice according to your mercy, O Lord. And revive me according to your judgment.Psalm 119:149

Psalm 119:154 Judge my judgment and redeem me. Revive me because of your eloquence.Psalm 119:154

Psalm 119:156 Many are your mercies, O Lord. Enliven me according to your judgment.Psalm 119:156

Psalm 119:160 The beginning of your words is truth. All the judgments of your justice are for eternity.Psalm 119:160

Psalm 119:164 Seven times a day, I uttered praise to you about the judgments of your justice.Psalm 119:164

Psalm 119:175 My soul will live and will praise you, and your judgments will assist me.Psalm 119:175

Psalm 122:5 For in that place, seats have sat down in judgment, seats above the house of David.Psalm 122:5

Psalm 143:2 And do not enter into judgment with your servant. For all the living will not be justified in your sight.Psalm 143:2

Psalm 146:7 He preserves the truth forever. He executes judgment for those who suffer injury. He provides food for the hungry. The Lord releases those who are bound.Psalm 146:7

Psalm 147:19 He announces his word to Jacob, his justices and his judgments to Israel.Psalm 147:19

Psalm 147:20 He has not done so much for every nation, and he has not made his judgments manifest to them. Alleluia.Psalm 147:20

Psalm 149:9 to obtain judgment over them, as it has been written. This is glory for all his saints. Alleluia.Psalm 149:9

Number of the word / term Judgment in Psalm: 63

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 1:3 to understand words of prudence, and to accept the instruction of doctrine, justice and judgment, and equity,Proverbs 1:3

Proverbs 2:9 Then you shall understand justice and judgment, and equity, and every good path.Proverbs 2:9

Proverbs 8:20 I walk in the way of justice, in the midst of the paths of judgment,Proverbs 8:20

Proverbs 12:5 The thoughts of the just are judgments. And the counsels of the impious are dishonest.Proverbs 12:5

Proverbs 13:23 Much nourishment is in the fallow land of the fathers. But for others, it is gathered without judgment.Proverbs 13:23

Proverbs 16:10 Foreknowledge is in the lips of the king. His mouth shall not err in judgment.Proverbs 16:10

Proverbs 16:11 Weights and scales are judgments of the Lord. And all the stones in the bag are his work.Proverbs 16:11

Proverbs 17:14 Whoever releases the water is the head of the conflict. And just before he suffers contempt, he abandons judgment.Proverbs 17:14

Proverbs 17:23 The impious receives gifts from the bosom, so that he may pervert the paths of judgment.Proverbs 17:23

Proverbs 18:5 It is not good to accept the character of the impious, so as to turn away from true judgment.Proverbs 18:5

Proverbs 18:18 Casting a lot suppresses contentions and passes judgment, even among the powerful.Proverbs 18:18

Proverbs 18:19 A brother who is helped by a brother is like a reinforced city, and judgments are like the bars of cities.Proverbs 18:19

Proverbs 19:28 An unjust witness ridicules judgment. And the mouth of the impious devours iniquity.Proverbs 19:28

Proverbs 20:8 The king who sits on the throne of judgment scatters all evil with his gaze.Proverbs 20:8

Proverbs 21:3 To do mercy and judgment is more pleasing to the Lord than sacrifices.Proverbs 21:3

Proverbs 21:7 The robberies of the impious will drag them down, because they were not willing to do judgment.Proverbs 21:7

Proverbs 21:15 It is gladness for the just to do judgment; and it is dread for those who work iniquity.Proverbs 21:15

Proverbs 24:23 Likewise, these things are for the wise. It is not good to base judgment on knowledge of character.Proverbs 24:23

Proverbs 26:16 The lazy one seems wiser to himself than seven men speaking judgments.Proverbs 26:16

Proverbs 28:5 Evil men do not intend judgment. But those who inquire after the Lord turn their souls toward all things.Proverbs 28:5

Proverbs 28:21 Whoever shows favoritism in judgment does not do well; even if it is for a morsel of bread, he forsakes the truth.Proverbs 28:21

Proverbs 29:26 Many demand the face of the leader. But the judgment of each one proceeds from the Lord.Proverbs 29:26

Proverbs 31:5 And perhaps they may drink and forget judgments, and alter the case of the sons of the poor.Proverbs 31:5

Number of the word / term Judgment in Proverbs: 23

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 3:16 I saw under the sun: instead of judgment, impiety, and instead of justice, iniquity.Ecclesiastes 3:16

Ecclesiastes 5:8 If you see false accusations against the indigent, and violent judgments, and subverted justice in the government, do not be surprised over this situation. For those in high places have others who are higher, and there are still others, more eminent, over these.Ecclesiastes 5:8

Ecclesiastes 6:10 Whoever shall be in the future, his name has already been called. And it is known that he is a man and that he is not able to contend in judgment against one who is stronger than himself.Ecclesiastes 6:10

Ecclesiastes 8:11 For the sons of men perpetrate evils without any fear, because judgment is not pronounced quickly against the evil.Ecclesiastes 8:11

Ecclesiastes 11:9 So then, rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart remain in what is good during the days of your youth. And walk in the ways of your heart, and with the perception of your eyes. And know that, concerning all these things, God will bring you to judgment.Ecclesiastes 11:9

Ecclesiastes 12:14 And so, for all that is done and for each error, God will bring judgment: whether it was good or evil.Ecclesiastes 12:14

Number of the word / term Judgment in Ecclesiastes: 6

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 1:17 Learn to do good. Seek judgment, support the oppressed, judge for the orphan, defend the widow.Isaiah 1:17

Isaiah 1:21 How has the faithful city, full of judgment, become a harlot? Justice lived in her, but now murderers.Isaiah 1:21

Isaiah 1:27 Zion will be redeemed in judgment, and they will lead her back to justice.Isaiah 1:27

Isaiah 3:13 The Lord stands for judgment, and he stands to judge the people.Isaiah 3:13

Isaiah 3:14 The Lord will enter into judgment with the elders of his people, and with their leaders. For you have been devouring the vineyard, and the plunder from the poor is in your house.Isaiah 3:14

Isaiah 4:4 Then the Lord will have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and will have washed away the blood of Jerusalem from its midst, by means of a spirit of judgment and a spirit of intense devotion.Isaiah 4:4

Isaiah 5:7 For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel. And the man of Judah is his delightful seedling. And I expected that he would do judgment, and behold iniquity, and that he would do justice, and behold an outcry.Isaiah 5:7

Isaiah 5:16 And the Lord of hosts will be exalted in judgment, and the holy God will be sanctified in justice.Isaiah 5:16

Isaiah 9:7 His reign will be increased, and there will be no end to his peace. He will sit upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to confirm and strengthen it, in judgment and justice, from now even unto eternity. The zeal of the Lord of hosts shall accomplish this.Isaiah 9:7

Isaiah 10:2 in order to oppress the poor in judgment, and to do violence to the case of the humble of my people, in order that widows may be their prey, and that they might plunder the orphan.Isaiah 10:2

Isaiah 16:5 And a throne will be prepared in mercy, and One shall sit upon it in truth, in the tabernacle of David, judging and seeking judgment, and quickly repaying what is just.Isaiah 16:5

Isaiah 26:8 And in the path of your judgments, O Lord, we have endured for you. Your name and your remembrance are the desire of the soul.Isaiah 26:8

Isaiah 26:9 My soul has desired you in the night. But I will also watch for you with my spirit, in my inmost heart, from the morning. When you accomplish your judgments upon the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn justice.Isaiah 26:9

Isaiah 28:6 And he will be the spirit of judgment for those who sit in judgment, and the strength of those who return from war to the gates.Isaiah 28:6

Isaiah 28:7 Yet truly, these also have been ignorant due to wine, and they have gone astray due to inebriation. The priest and the prophet have been ignorant because of inebriation. They have been absorbed by wine. They have staggered in drunkenness. They have not known the One who sees. They have been ignorant of judgment.Isaiah 28:7

Isaiah 28:17 And I will establish judgment in weights, and justice in measures. And a hailstorm will overturn hope in what is false; and waters will inundate its protection.Isaiah 28:17

Isaiah 28:26 For he will be instructed in judgment; his God will teach him.Isaiah 28:26

Isaiah 30:18 Therefore, the Lord waits, so that he may take pity on you. And therefore, he will be exalted for sparing you. For the Lord is the God of judgment. Blessed are all those who wait for him.Isaiah 30:18

Isaiah 32:1 Behold, the king will reign in justice, and the princes will rule in judgment.Isaiah 32:1

Isaiah 32:7 The tools of the deceitful are very wicked. For they have concocted plans to destroy the meek by lying words, though the poor speak judgment.Isaiah 32:7

Isaiah 32:16 And judgment will live in solitude, and justice will be seated in a fruitful place.Isaiah 32:16

Isaiah 33:5 The Lord has been magnified, because he has lived on high. He has filled Zion with judgment and justice.Isaiah 33:5

Isaiah 34:5 “For my sword in heaven has been inebriated. Behold, it will descend upon Idumea, and upon the people of my slaughter, unto judgment.”Isaiah 34:5

Isaiah 34:8 For this is the day of the vengeance of the Lord, the year of retribution for the judgment of Zion.Isaiah 34:8

Isaiah 40:27 Why do you say this, O Jacob, and why do you speak this way, O Israel? “My way has been hidden from the Lord, and my judgment escaped notice by my God.”Isaiah 40:27

Isaiah 41:1 Let the islands be silent before me, and let the nations take new strength. Let them draw near, and then speak. Let us apply for judgment together.Isaiah 41:1

Isaiah 42:1 Behold my servant, I will uphold him, my elect, with him my soul is well-pleased. I have sent my Spirit upon him. He will offer judgment to the nations.Isaiah 42:1

Isaiah 42:3 The bruised reed he will not break, and the smoldering wick he will not extinguish. He will lead forth judgment unto truth.Isaiah 42:3

Isaiah 42:4 He will not be saddened or troubled, until he establishes judgment on earth. And the islands will await his law.Isaiah 42:4

Isaiah 43:26 Call me to mind, and let us go to judgment together. If you have anything to justify yourself, explain it.Isaiah 43:26

Isaiah 49:4 And I said: “I have labored toward emptiness. I have consumed my strength without purpose and in vain. Therefore, my judgment is with the Lord, and my work is with my God.”Isaiah 49:4

Isaiah 51:4 Pay attention to me, my people, and listen to me, my tribes. For a law will go forth from me, and my judgment will rest as a light for the nations.Isaiah 51:4

Isaiah 53:8 He was lifted up from anguish and judgment. Who will describe his life? For he has been cut off from the land of the living. Because of the wickedness of my people, I have struck him down.Isaiah 53:8

Isaiah 54:17 No object which has been formed to use against you will succeed. And every tongue that resists you in judgment, you shall judge. This is the inheritance of the servants of the Lord, and this is their justice with me, says the Lord.Isaiah 54:17

Isaiah 56:1 Thus says the Lord: Preserve judgment, and accomplish justice. For my salvation is close to its arrival, and my justice is close to being revealed.Isaiah 56:1

Isaiah 58:2 For they also seek me, from day to day, and they are willing to know my ways, like a nation which has done justice and has not abandoned the judgment of their God. They petition me for judgments of justice. They are willing to draw near to God.Isaiah 58:2

Isaiah 59:8 They have not known the way of peace, and there is no judgment in their steps. Their paths have become crooked for them. Anyone who treads in them knows no peace.Isaiah 59:8

Isaiah 59:9 Because of this, judgment is far from us, and justice will not take hold of us. We waited for light, and behold, darkness; we waited for brightness, and we walked in darkness.Isaiah 59:9

Isaiah 59:11 We will all roar like bears, and we will sigh like despondent doves. We hoped for judgment, and there is none; for salvation, and it is far from us.Isaiah 59:11

Isaiah 59:14 And judgment has been turned backwards, and justice has stood far away. For truth has fallen down in the street, and fairness was not able to enter.Isaiah 59:14

Isaiah 59:15 And the truth has gone into oblivion. And he who withdraws from evil endures plunder. And the Lord saw this, and it seemed evil in his eyes. For there is no judgment.Isaiah 59:15

Isaiah 61:8 For I am the Lord, who loves judgment and who holds hatred for robbery within a burnt offering. And I will turn their work into truth, and I will forge a perpetual covenant with them.Isaiah 61:8

Number of the word / term Judgment in Isaiah: 42

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 1:16 And I will speak my judgments with them, concerning all the wickedness of those who have forsaken me, and who have offered libations to strange gods, and who have adored the work of their own hands.Jeremiah 1:16

Jeremiah 2:9 Because of this, I will still contend in judgment against you, says the Lord, and I will dispute with your sons.Jeremiah 2:9

Jeremiah 2:35 And you have said: ‘I am innocent and without sin. And because of this, let your fury be turned away from me.’ Behold, I will contend with you in judgment, because you have said: ‘I have not sinned.’Jeremiah 2:35

Jeremiah 4:2 And you will swear, ‘As the Lord lives,’ in truth and in judgment and in justice.” And the Gentiles will bless him, and they will praise him.Jeremiah 4:2

Jeremiah 4:12 A full spirit from these places will come to me. And now I will speak my judgments over them.Jeremiah 4:12

Jeremiah 5:1 “Travel the streets of Jerusalem; and gaze, and consider, and seek, in its wide streets. If you can find a man exercising judgment and seeking faith, then I will be forgiving to them.Jeremiah 5:1

Jeremiah 5:4 But I said: Perhaps these are the poor and the senseless, who are ignorant of the way of the Lord, of the judgment of their God.Jeremiah 5:4

Jeremiah 5:5 Therefore, I will go to great men, and I will speak with them. For they have known the way of the Lord, the judgment of their God. And behold, these ones have broken the yoke all the more; they have torn apart the bonds.Jeremiah 5:5

Jeremiah 5:28 They have grown stout and fat. And they have transgressed my words most wickedly. They have not judged the case of the widow; they have not given guidance to the case of the orphan; and they have not judged a judgment for the poor.Jeremiah 5:28

Jeremiah 7:5 For if you direct your ways and your intentions well, if you exercise judgment between a man and his neighbor,Jeremiah 7:5

Jeremiah 8:7 The hawk in the heavens has known her time. The turtledove, and the swallow, and the stork have kept the time of their arrival. But my people have not known the judgment of the Lord.Jeremiah 8:7

Jeremiah 9:24 But he who glories should glory in this: to know me and to know me well. For I am the Lord, who accomplishes mercy and judgment and justice upon the earth. For these things are pleasing to me, says the Lord.Jeremiah 9:24

Jeremiah 10:24 Correct me, O Lord, yet truly, do so with judgment, and not in your fury. Otherwise, you will reduce me to nothing.Jeremiah 10:24

Jeremiah 17:11 A partridge has hatched eggs that she did not lay; a man has gathered riches, but without judgment. In the midst of his days, he will leave it all behind, and he will be foolish concerning his very end.”Jeremiah 17:11

Jeremiah 21:12 O house of David! Thus says the Lord: Judge with judgment from early morning, and rescue anyone who is oppressed by violence from the hand of a false accuser. Otherwise, my indignation may go forth like a fire, and may flare up, and there will be no one who can extinguish it, because of the evil of your intentions.Jeremiah 21:12

Jeremiah 22:3 Thus says the Lord: Exercise judgment and justice, and free anyone who is oppressed by violence from the hand of a false accuser. And do not be willing to sadden the new arrival, or the orphan, or the widow, nor should you burden them unfairly. And you shall not shed innocent blood in this place.Jeremiah 22:3

Jeremiah 22:13 Woe to one who builds his house with injustice and his upper rooms without judgment, who oppresses his friend without cause and does not pay him his wages.Jeremiah 22:13

Jeremiah 22:15 Will you reign because you compare yourself to the cedar? Did your father not eat and drink, and act with judgment and justice, so that it would be well with him?Jeremiah 22:15

Jeremiah 23:5 Behold, the days are approaching, says the Lord, when I will raise up to David a righteous branch. And a king will reign, and he will be wise. And he will exercise judgment and justice upon the earth.Jeremiah 23:5

Jeremiah 25:31 The sound of it will penetrate even to the ends of the earth. For the Lord is entering into judgment with the nations. He himself is entering into judgment with all flesh. I have delivered the impious to the sword, says the Lord.”Jeremiah 25:31

Jeremiah 26:11 And the priests and the prophets spoke to the leaders and to all the people, saying: “A judgment of death is for this man. For he has prophesied against this city, just as you have heard with your own ears.”Jeremiah 26:11

Jeremiah 26:16 And then the leaders and all the people said to the priests and to the prophets: “There is no judgment of death against this man. For he has spoken to us in the name of the Lord our God.”Jeremiah 26:16

Jeremiah 30:11 For I am with you, says the Lord, so that I may save you. For I will bring about the consummation of all the nations, among which I have scattered you. But I will not bring about your consummation. Instead, I will chastise you in judgment, so that you will not seem innocent to yourself.”Jeremiah 30:11

Jeremiah 30:13 There is no one who may judge your judgment, so as to bandage it; there is no useful treatment for you.Jeremiah 30:13

Jeremiah 33:15 In those days and at that time, I will cause the seedling of justice to spring up from David, and he will accomplish judgment and justice upon the earth.Jeremiah 33:15

Jeremiah 39:5 But the army of the Chaldeans pursued them. And they overtook Zedekiah in the plain of the desert of Jericho. And having captured him, they led him to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, at Riblah, which is in the land of Hamath. And he declared a judgment against himJeremiah 39:5

Jeremiah 46:28 And as for you, my servant Jacob, do not be afraid, says the Lord. For I am with you. For I will consume all the nations to which I have cast you out. Yet truly, I will not consume you. Instead, I will chastise you in judgment, but neither will I spare you, as if you were innocent.”Jeremiah 46:28

Jeremiah 48:21 and judgment has arrived upon the land of the plains: upon Holon, and upon Jahzah, and upon Mephaath,Jeremiah 48:21

Jeremiah 48:47 But I will convert the captivity of Moab in the last days, says the Lord.” Such are the judgments of Moab thus far.Jeremiah 48:47

Jeremiah 50:34 Their redeemer is strong. The Lord of hosts is his name. He will defend their case in judgment, so that he may terrify the land and disturb the inhabitants of Babylon.Jeremiah 50:34

Jeremiah 51:9 “We would have cured Babylon, but there is no cure. Let us abandon her, and let each one of us go to his own land. For her judgment has reached even to the heavens, and has been lifted up even to the clouds.Jeremiah 51:9

Jeremiah 52:9 And when they had captured the king, they led him away to the king of Babylon at Riblah, which is in the land of Hamath. And he spoke a judgment against him.Jeremiah 52:9

Number of the word / term Judgment in Jeremiah: 32

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 3:35 LAMED. as if to turn aside the judgment of a man in the sight of the presence of the Most High,Lamentations 3:35

Lamentations 3:36 LAMED. as if to pervert a man in his judgment: the Lord does not do this.Lamentations 3:36

Number of the word / term Judgment in Lamentations: 2

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 5:6 And she has despised my judgments, so as to be more impious than the Gentiles, and my precepts, more so than the lands that are all around her. For they have cast aside my judgments, and they have not walked in my precepts.”Ezekiel 5:6

Ezekiel 5:7 For this reason, thus says the Lord God: “Since you have surpassed the Gentiles who are all around you, and have not walked in my precepts, and have not accomplished my judgments, and have not even acted in accord with the judgments of the Gentiles who are all around you:Ezekiel 5:7

Ezekiel 5:8 therefore, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, and I myself will accomplish judgments in your midst, in the sight of the Gentiles.Ezekiel 5:8

Ezekiel 5:10 Therefore, the fathers shall consume the sons in your midst, and the sons shall consume their fathers. And I will execute judgments in you, and I will winnow your entire remnant in every wind.Ezekiel 5:10

Ezekiel 5:15 And you shall be a disgrace and a blasphemy, an example and an astonishment, among the Gentiles, who are all around you, when I will have executed judgments in you, in fury and in indignation and with rebukes of wrath.Ezekiel 5:15

Ezekiel 7:23 Cause it to be closed. For the land has been filled with the judgment of blood, and the city is full of iniquity.Ezekiel 7:23

Ezekiel 7:27 The king will mourn, and the prince will be clothed with grief, and the hands of the people of the earth will be greatly disturbed. I will act toward them in accord with their own way, and I will judge them in accord with their own judgments. And they shall know that I am the Lord.”Ezekiel 7:27

Ezekiel 11:9 And I will cast you out of its midst, and I will give you over to the hand of the enemies, and I will execute judgments among you.Ezekiel 11:9

Ezekiel 11:12 And you shall know that I am the Lord. For you have not walked in my precepts, and you have not accomplished my judgments. Instead, you have acted in accord with the judgments of the Gentiles, who are all around you.”Ezekiel 11:12

Ezekiel 11:20 So may they may walk in my precepts, and observe my judgments, and accomplish them. And so may they be my people, and I will be their God.Ezekiel 11:20

Ezekiel 14:21 For thus says the Lord God: Even though I will send upon Jerusalem my four most grievous judgments, sword and famine and harmful beasts and pestilence, so that I destroy from it both man and beast,Ezekiel 14:21

Ezekiel 16:38 And I will judge you with the judgment of adulteresses and of those who shed blood. And I will give you over to blood, in fury and in zeal.Ezekiel 16:38

Ezekiel 16:41 And they will burn up your houses with fire, and they will carry out judgments against you in the sight of many women. And you will cease from fornication, and no longer give payment.Ezekiel 16:41

Ezekiel 18:5 And if a man is just, and he accomplishes judgment and justice,Ezekiel 18:5

Ezekiel 18:8 if he has not lent upon usury, nor taken any increase, if he has averted his hand from iniquity, and has executed true judgment between man and man,Ezekiel 18:8

Ezekiel 18:9 if he has walked in my precepts and kept my judgments, so that he acts in accord with truth, then he is just; he shall certainly live, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 18:9

Ezekiel 18:17 who has averted his hand from injuring the poor, who has not taken usury and an overabundance, who has acted according to my judgments and walked in my precepts, then this one shall not die for the iniquity of his father; instead, he shall certainly live.Ezekiel 18:17

Ezekiel 18:19 And you say, ‘Why has not the son borne the iniquity of the father?’ Clearly, since the son has worked judgment and justice, has observed all my precepts, and has done them, he shall certainly live.Ezekiel 18:19

Ezekiel 18:21 But if the impious man does penance for all his sins which he has committed, and if he keeps all my precepts, and accomplishes judgment and justice, then he shall certainly live, and he shall not die.Ezekiel 18:21

Ezekiel 18:27 And when the impious man turns himself away from his impiety, which he has done, and accomplishes judgment and justice, he shall cause his own soul to live.Ezekiel 18:27

Ezekiel 20:11 And I gave them my precepts, and I revealed to them my judgments, which, if a man does them, he shall live by them.Ezekiel 20:11

Ezekiel 20:13 But the house of Israel provoked me in the desert. They did not walk in my precepts, and they cast aside my judgments, which, if a man does them, he shall live by them. And they grievously violated my Sabbaths. Therefore, I said that I would pour out my fury upon them in the desert, and that I would consume them.Ezekiel 20:13

Ezekiel 20:16 For they cast aside my judgments, and they did not walk in my precepts, and they violated my Sabbaths. For their heart went after idols.Ezekiel 20:16

Ezekiel 20:18 Then I said to their sons in the wilderness: ‘Do not choose to advance by the precepts of your fathers, nor should you observe their judgments. And do not be defiled by their idols.Ezekiel 20:18

Ezekiel 20:19 I am the Lord your God. Walk in my precepts, and observe my judgments, and accomplish them.Ezekiel 20:19

Ezekiel 20:21 But their sons provoked me. They did not walk in my precepts. And they did not observe my judgments, so as to do them; for if a man does them, he shall live by them. And they violated my Sabbaths. And so, I threatened that I would pour out my fury upon them, and that I would fulfill my wrath among them in the desert.Ezekiel 20:21

Ezekiel 20:24 For they had not accomplished my judgments, and they had rejected my precepts, and they had violated my Sabbaths. And their eyes had been after the idols of their fathers.Ezekiel 20:24

Ezekiel 20:25 Therefore, I also gave them precepts that were not good, and judgments by which they shall not live.Ezekiel 20:25

Ezekiel 20:35 And I will lead you into the desert of the peoples, and there I will enter into judgment with you, face to face.Ezekiel 20:35

Ezekiel 20:36 Just as I contended in judgment against your fathers in the desert of the land of Egypt, so also will I enter into judgment with you, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 20:36

Ezekiel 21:27 Iniquity, iniquity, iniquity I will make it. And this was not done until the one arrived to whom judgment belongs, and I will hand it over to him.Ezekiel 21:27

Ezekiel 22:29 The people of the land have oppressed with slander and have seized with violence. They have afflicted the needy and the poor, and they have oppressed the new arrival by accusations without judgment.Ezekiel 22:29

Ezekiel 23:10 They uncovered her shame; they took away her sons and daughters; and they slew her with the sword. And they became infamous women. And they carried out judgments in her.Ezekiel 23:10

Ezekiel 23:24 And they will overwhelm you, well-equipped with chariot and wheel, a multitude of peoples. They will be armed against you on every side with armor and shield and helmet. And I will give judgment to their eyes, and they will judge you with their judgments.Ezekiel 23:24

Ezekiel 23:45 But there are just men; these shall judge them with the judgment of adulteresses and with the judgment of those who shed blood. For they are adulteresses, and blood is on their hands.Ezekiel 23:45

Ezekiel 25:11 And I will execute judgments in Moab. And they shall know that I am the Lord.Ezekiel 25:11

Ezekiel 28:22 And you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, Sidon, and I will be glorified in your midst. And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have executed judgments in her, and when I will have been sanctified in her.Ezekiel 28:22

Ezekiel 28:26 And they shall live within it securely. And they shall build houses and plant vineyards. And they shall live in confidence, when I will have executed judgments upon all those who turn against them on every side. And they shall know that I am the Lord their God.”Ezekiel 28:26

Ezekiel 30:14 And I will destroy the land of Pathros, and I will send a fire upon Tahpanhes, and I will execute judgments in Alexandria.Ezekiel 30:14

Ezekiel 30:19 And I will execute judgments in Egypt. And they shall know that I am the Lord.”Ezekiel 30:19

Ezekiel 33:14 And if I say to the impious man, ‘You shall certainly die,’ and yet he repents from his sin, and he does judgment and justice,Ezekiel 33:14

Ezekiel 33:16 None of his sins, which he has committed, will be imputed to him. He has done judgment and justice, so he shall certainly live.Ezekiel 33:16

Ezekiel 33:19 And when the impious man will have withdrawn from his impiety, and have done judgment and justice, he shall live by these.Ezekiel 33:19

Ezekiel 34:16 I will seek what had been lost. And I will lead back again what had been cast aside. And I will bind up what had been broken. And I will strengthen what had been infirm. And I will preserve what was fat and strong. And I will feed them on judgment.Ezekiel 34:16

Ezekiel 36:27 And I will place my Spirit in your midst. And I will act so that you may walk in my precepts and keep my judgments, and so that you may fulfill them.Ezekiel 36:27

Ezekiel 37:24 And my servant David shall be the king over them, and they shall have one shepherd. They shall walk in my judgments, and they shall keep my commandments, and they shall do them.Ezekiel 37:24

Ezekiel 39:21 And I will set my glory among the Gentiles. And all the nations shall see my judgment, which I have accomplished, and my hand, which I have laid upon them.Ezekiel 39:21

Ezekiel 44:24 And when there has been a controversy, they shall stand in my judgments, and they shall judge. They shall observe my laws and my precepts, in all my solemnities, and they shall sanctify my Sabbaths.Ezekiel 44:24

Ezekiel 45:9 Thus says the Lord God: Let this be sufficient for you, O princes of Israel! Cease from iniquity and robberies, and execute judgment and justice. Separate your confines from my people, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 45:9

Number of the word / term Judgment in Ezekiel: 49

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 3:23 But these three men, that is, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, having been bound, fell down in the middle of the oven of burning fire. And they were walking in the midst of the flame, praising God and blessing the Lord. Then Azariah, while standing, prayed in this manner, and opening his mouth in the midst of the fire, he said: “Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and your name is praiseworthy and glorious for all ages. For you are just in all the things that you have accomplished for us, and all your works are true, and your ways are right, and all your judgments are true. For you have made equally true judgments in all the things that you have brought upon us and upon Jerusalem, the holy city of our fathers. For in truth and in judgment, you have brought down all these things because of our sins. For we have sinned, and we have committed iniquity in withdrawing from you, and we have offended in all things. And we have not listened to your precepts, nor have we observed or done as you have ordered us, so that it might go well with us. Therefore, everything that you have brought upon us, and all that you have done for us, you have done in true judgment. And you have delivered us into the hands of our enemies: traitors, unjust and most wicked, and to a king, unjust and most wicked, even more so than all others on earth. And now we are not able to open our mouths. We have become a shame and a disgrace to your servants and to those who worship you. Do not hand us over forever, we ask you, because of your name, and do not abolish your covenant. And do not withdraw your mercy from us, because of Abraham, your beloved, and Isaac, your servant, and Israel, your holy one. You have spoken with them, promising that you would multiply their offspring like the stars of heaven and like the sand on the seashore. For we, O Lord, are diminished more than all other peoples, and we are brought low throughout all the earth, this day, because of our sins. Neither is there, at this time, a leader, or a ruler, or a prophet, nor any holocaust, or sacrifice, or oblation, or incense, or place of first fruits, in your eyes, so that we may be able to find your mercy. Nevertheless, with a contrite soul and humble spirit, let us be accepted. Just as in the holocausts of rams and bullocks, and as in thousands of fat lambs, so let our sacrifice be in your sight this day, in order to please you. For there is no shame for those who trust in you. And now we follow you wholeheartedly, and we fear you, and we seek your face. Do not put us to shame, but deal with us in agreement with your clemency and according to the multitude of your mercies. And rescue us by your wonders and give glory to your name, O Lord. And let all those be confounded who lead your servants towards evil. May they be confounded by all your power and may their strength be crushed. And may they know that you are the Lord, the only God, and glorious above the world.” And they did not cease, those attendants of the king who had cast them in, to heat the furnace with oil, and flax, and pitch, and brush. And the flame streamed forth above the furnace for forty-nine cubits. And the fire erupted and burnt those of the Chaldeans within its reach near the furnace. But the angel of the Lord descended with Azariah and his companions into the furnace; and he cast the flame of the fire out of the furnace. And he made the middle of the furnace like the blowing of a damp wind, and the fire did not touch them, nor afflict them, nor bother them at all. Then these three, as if with one voice, praised and glorified and blessed God, in the furnace, saying: “Blessed are you, Lord, God of our fathers: praiseworthy, and glorious, and exalted above all forever. And blessed is the holy name of your glory: praiseworthy, and exalted above all, for all ages. Blessed are you in the holy temple of your glory: praiseworthy above all and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you on the throne of your kingdom: praiseworthy above all and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you who beholds the abyss and sits upon the cherubims: praiseworthy and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you in the firmament of heaven: praiseworthy and glorious forever. All works of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All waters that are above the heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All powers of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sun and moon, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Stars of heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Every rain and dew, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Every breath of God, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Fire and steam, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Cold and heat, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Dews and frost, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sleet and winter, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Ice and snow, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Nights and days, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Light and darkness, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Lightning and clouds, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. May the land bless the Lord: and praise and exalt him above all forever. Mountains and hills, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All things that grow in the land, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Fountains, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Seas and rivers, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Whales and all things that move in the waters, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All things that fly in the heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All beasts and cattle, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sons of men, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. May Israel bless the Lord: and praise and exalt him above all forever. Priests of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Servants of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Spirits and souls of the just, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Those who are holy and humble in heart, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. For he has delivered us from the underworld, and saved us from the hand of death, and freed us from the midst of the burning flame, and rescued us from the midst of the fire. Give thanks to the Lord because he is good: because his mercy is forever. All those who are pious, bless the Lord, the God of gods: praise him and acknowledge him because his mercy is for all generations.”Daniel 3:23

Daniel 4:17 This is the decree from the judgment of the watchers, and the decision and proclamation of the holy ones, until the living shall know that the Supreme One is ruler in the kingdom of men, and that he will give it to whomever he wills, and he will appoint the lowest man over it.”Daniel 4:17

Daniel 4:24 This is the interpretation of the judgment of the Most High, which has reached my lord, the king.Daniel 4:24

Daniel 4:37 Therefore I, Nebuchadnezzar, now praise, and magnify, and glorify the King of heaven, because all his works and the judgments of his way are true, and those who go forth in arrogance, he is able to bring low.Daniel 4:37

Daniel 6:8 Now, therefore, O king, confirm this judgment and write the decree, so that what is established by the Medes and Persians may not be altered, nor will any man be allowed to transgress it.”Daniel 6:8

Daniel 7:22 until the Ancient of days came and gave judgment to the holy ones of the Supreme One, and the time arrived, and the holy ones obtained the kingdom.Daniel 7:22

Daniel 9:5 We have sinned, we have committed iniquity, we acted impiously and have withdrawn, and we have turned aside from your commandments as well as your judgments.Daniel 9:5

Number of the word / term Judgment in Daniel: 7

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 2:19 And I will betroth you to me forever, and I will betroth you to me in justice and judgment, and in mercy and compassion.Hosea 2:19

Hosea 5:1 Hear this, priests, and pay attention, house of Israel, and listen closely, house of the king. For there is a judgment against you, because you have become a trap for those you watched over, and a net stretched out over Tabor.Hosea 5:1

Hosea 5:11 Ephraim has been enduring malicious slander and broken judgment, because he began to go after filth.Hosea 5:11

Hosea 10:4 You speak words about a useless vision, and you will strike a deal. And judgment will spring up like bitterness in the furrows of the field.Hosea 10:4

Hosea 12:2 Therefore, the judgment of the Lord is with Judah and a visitation is upon Jacob. He will repay him according to his ways and according to his inventions.Hosea 12:2

Hosea 12:6 And so, you should convert to your God. Keep mercy and judgment, and have hope in your God always.Hosea 12:6

Number of the word / term Judgment in Hosea: 6

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Amos

Amos 5:7 You turn judgment into wormwood, and you abandon justice on earth.Amos 5:7

Amos 5:15 Hate evil and love good, and establish judgment at the gate. Perhaps then the Lord God of hosts may have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.Amos 5:15

Amos 5:24 And judgment will be revealed like water, and justice like a mighty torrent.Amos 5:24

Amos 6:12 Can horses gallop across rocks, or is anyone able to plough with gazelles? For you have turned judgment into bitterness and the fruit of justice into wormwood.Amos 6:12

Amos 7:4 These things the Lord God has revealed to me. And behold, the Lord God called for judgment unto fire, and it devoured the manifold abyss, and it consumed simultaneously in every direction.Amos 7:4

Number of the word / term Judgment in Amos: 5

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Micah

Micah 3:1 And I said: Listen, leaders of Jacob and chiefs of the house of Israel. Does it not belong to you to know judgment,Micah 3:1

Micah 3:8 Nevertheless, truly I have been filled with the strength of the Spirit of the Lord, with judgment and virtue, in order to announce to Jacob his wickedness and to Israel his sin.Micah 3:8

Micah 3:9 Hear this, leaders of the house of Jacob and judges of the house of Israel, you who abominate judgment and who pervert all that is right.Micah 3:9

Micah 6:1 Listen to what the Lord says: Rise, contend in judgment against the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice.Micah 6:1

Micah 6:2 Let the mountains listen to the judgment of the Lord, and the strong foundations of the earth. For the judgment of the Lord is with his people, and he will enter into judgment with Israel.Micah 6:2

Micah 6:8 I will reveal to you, O man, what is good, and what the Lord requires from you, and how to act with judgment, and to love mercy, and to walk carefully with your God.Micah 6:8

Micah 7:9 I will carry the wrath of the Lord, because I have sinned against him, until he may judge my case and execute judgment for me. He will lead me into the light. I will behold his justice.Micah 7:9

Number of the word / term Judgment in Micah: 7

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Habakkuk

Habakkuk 1:3 Why have you revealed to me iniquity and hardship, to see plunder and injustice opposite me? And there has been judgment, but the opposition is more powerful.Habakkuk 1:3

Habakkuk 1:4 Because of this, the law has been torn apart, and judgment does not persevere to its conclusion. For the impious prevail against the just. Because of this, a perverse judgment is issued.Habakkuk 1:4

Habakkuk 1:7 It is dreadful and terrible. From themselves, judgment and their burden will issue.Habakkuk 1:7

Habakkuk 1:12 Have you not existed from the beginning, Lord my God, my holy one, and so we shall not die? Lord, you have stationed him for judgment, and you have establish that his strength will be swept away.Habakkuk 1:12

Number of the word / term Judgment in Habakkuk: 4

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Zephaniah

Zephaniah 2:3 Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth; you who have been working are his judgment. Seek the just, seek the meek. So then, in some way, you might be hidden in the day of the fury of the Lord.Zephaniah 2:3

Zephaniah 3:5 The just Lord is in their midst; he will not do iniquity. In the morning, in the morning, he will bring his judgment into the light, and it will not be hidden. But the impious one has not known shame.Zephaniah 3:5

Zephaniah 3:8 Because of this, expect me, says the Lord, in the day of my resurrection in the future, for my judgment is to gather together the Gentiles, and to collect the kingdoms, and to pour out over them my indignation, all the fury of my anger. For by the fire of my zeal, all the earth will be devoured.Zephaniah 3:8

Zephaniah 3:15 The Lord has taken away your judgment; he has turned aside your foes. The king of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst; you shall no longer fear evil.Zephaniah 3:15

Number of the word / term Judgment in Zephaniah: 4

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 7:9 Thus says the Lord of hosts, saying: Judge with true judgment, and act with mercy and compassion, each and every one with his brother.Zechariah 7:9

Zechariah 8:16 Therefore, these are the words that you shall do: Speak the truth, each one to his neighbor. With truth and a judgment of peace, judge at your gates.Zechariah 8:16

Number of the word / term Judgment in Zechariah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Malachi

Malachi 3:5 And I will approach you in judgment, and I will be a swift witness against evil-doers, and adulterers, and perjurers, and those who cheat the hired hand in his wages, the widows and the orphans, and who oppress the traveler, and who have not feared me, says the Lord of hosts.Malachi 3:5

Malachi 4:4 Remember the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded him on Horeb for all Israel, the precepts and the judgments.Malachi 4:4

Number of the word / term Judgment in Malachi: 2

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 5:21 You have heard that it was said to the ancients: ‘You shall not murder; whoever will have murdered shall be liable to judgment.’Matthew 5:21

Matthew 5:22 But I say to you, that anyone who becomes angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment. But whoever will have called his brother, ‘Idiot,’ shall be liable to the council. Then, whoever will have called him, ‘Worthless,’ shall be liable to the fires of Hell.Matthew 5:22

Matthew 5:40 And anyone who wishes to contend with you in judgment, and to take away your tunic, release to him your cloak also.Matthew 5:40

Matthew 7:2 For with whatever judgment you judge, so shall you be judged; and with whatever measure you measure out, so shall it be measured back to you.Matthew 7:2

Matthew 10:15 Amen I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.Matthew 10:15

Matthew 11:22 Yet truly, I say to you, Tyre and Sidon shall be forgiven more than you, on the day of judgment.Matthew 11:22

Matthew 11:24 Yet truly, I say to you, that the land of Sodom shall be forgiven more than you, on the day of judgment.”Matthew 11:24

Matthew 12:18 “Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased. I will place my Spirit over him, and he shall announce judgment to the nations.Matthew 12:18

Matthew 12:20 He shall not crush the bruised reed, and he shall not extinguish the smoking wick, until he sends forth judgment unto victory.Matthew 12:20

Matthew 12:36 But I say to you, that for every idle word which men will have spoken, they shall render an account in the day of judgment.Matthew 12:36

Matthew 12:41 The men of Nineveh shall arise in judgment with this generation, and they shall condemn it. For, at the preaching of Jonah, they repented. And behold, there is a greater than Jonah here.Matthew 12:41

Matthew 12:42 The Queen of the South shall arise in judgment with this generation, and she shall condemn it. For she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon. And behold, there is a greater than Solomon here.Matthew 12:42

Matthew 23:14 Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! For you consume the houses of widows, praying long prayers. Because of this, you shall receive the greater judgment.Matthew 23:14

Matthew 23:23 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! For you collect tithes on mint and dill and cumin, but you have abandoned the weightier things of the law: judgment and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, while not omitting the others.Matthew 23:23

Matthew 23:33 You serpents, you brood of vipers! How will you escape from the judgment of Hell?Matthew 23:33

Number of the word / term Judgment in Matthew: 15

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Mark

Mark 12:40 who devour the houses of widows under the pretense of long prayers. These shall receive the more extensive judgment.”Mark 12:40

Number of the word / term Judgment in Mark: 1

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Luke

Luke 10:14 Yet truly, Tyre and Sidon will be forgiven more in the judgment than you will be.Luke 10:14

Luke 11:31 The queen of the South will rise up, at the judgment, with the men of this generation, and she will condemn them. For she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon. And behold, more than Solomon is here.Luke 11:31

Luke 11:32 The men of Nineveh will rise up, at the judgment, with this generation, and they will condemn it. For at the preaching of Jonah, they repented. And behold, more than Jonah is here.Luke 11:32

Luke 11:42 But woe to you, Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and every herb, but you ignore judgment and the charity of God. But these things you ought to have done, without omitting the others.Luke 11:42

Luke 23:24 And so Pilate issued a judgment granting their petition.Luke 23:24

Number of the word / term Judgment in Luke: 5

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book John

John 3:19 And this is the judgment: that the Light has come into the world, and men loved darkness more than light. For their works were evil.John 3:19

John 5:22 For the Father does not judge anyone. But he has given all judgment to the Son,John 5:22

John 5:24 Amen, amen, I say to you, that whoever hears my word, and believes in him who sent me, has eternal life, and he does not go into judgment, but instead he crosses from death into life.John 5:24

John 5:27 And he has given him the authority to accomplish judgment. For he is the Son of man.John 5:27

John 5:29 And those who have done good shall go forth to the resurrection of life. Yet truly, those who have done evil shall go to the resurrection of judgment.John 5:29

John 5:30 I am not able to do anything of myself. As I hear, so do I judge. And my judgment is just. For I do not seek my own will, but the will of him who sent me.John 5:30

John 7:24 Do not judge according to appearances, but instead judge a just judgment.”John 7:24

John 8:16 And when I do judge, my judgment is true. For I am not alone, but it is I and he who sent me: the Father.John 8:16

John 9:39 And Jesus said, “I came into this world in judgment, so that those who do not see, may see; and so that those who see, may become blind.”John 9:39

John 12:31 Now is the judgment of the world. Now will the prince of this world be cast out.John 12:31

John 16:8 And when he has arrived, he will argue against the world, about sin and about justice and about judgment:John 16:8

John 16:11 about judgment, then, because the prince of this world has already been judged.John 16:11

John 19:13 Now when Pilate had heard these words, he brought Jesus outside, and he sat down in the seat of judgment, in a place which is called the Pavement, but in Hebrew, it is called the Elevation.John 19:13

Number of the word / term Judgment in John: 13

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Acts

Acts 3:13 The God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Son Jesus, whom you, indeed, handed over and denied before the face of Pilate, when he was giving judgment to release him.Acts 3:13

Acts 8:33 He endured his judgment with humility. Who of his generation shall describe how his life was taken away from the earth?”Acts 8:33

Acts 12:21 Then, on the appointed day, Herod was clothed in kingly apparel, and he sat in the judgment seat, and he gave a speech to them.Acts 12:21

Acts 21:25 But, about those Gentiles who have believed, we have written a judgment that they should keep themselves from what has been immolated to idols, and from blood, and from what has been suffocated, and from fornication.”Acts 21:25

Acts 24:25 And after he discoursed about justice and chastity, and about the future judgment, Felix was trembling, and he responded: “For now, go, but remain under guard. Then, at an opportune time, I will summon you.”Acts 24:25

Acts 25:6 Then, having stayed among them no more than eight or ten days, he descended to Caesarea. And on the next day, he sat in the judgment seat, and he ordered Paul to be led in.Acts 25:6

Acts 25:17 Therefore, when they had arrived here, without any delay, on the following day, sitting in the judgment seat, I ordered the man to be brought.Acts 25:17

Acts 25:25 Truly, I have discovered nothing brought forth against him that is worthy of death. But since he himself has appealed to Augustus, it was my judgment to send him.Acts 25:25

Acts 26:6 And now, it is in the hope of the Promise which was made by God to our fathers that I stand subject to judgment.Acts 26:6

Number of the word / term Judgment in Acts: 9

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Romans

Romans 2:2 For we know that the judgment of God is in accord with truth against those who do such things.Romans 2:2

Romans 2:3 But, O man, when you judge those who do such things as you yourself also do, do you think that you will escape the judgment of God?Romans 2:3

Romans 2:5 But in accord with your hard and impenitent heart, you store up wrath for yourself, unto the day of wrath and of revelation by the just judgment of God.Romans 2:5

Romans 3:4 For God is truthful, but every man is deceitful; just as it was written: “Therefore, you are justified in your words, and you will prevail when you give judgment.”Romans 3:4

Romans 5:16 And the sin through one is not entirely like the gift. For certainly, the judgment of one was unto condemnation, but the grace toward many offenses is unto justification.Romans 5:16

Romans 11:33 Oh, the depths of the richness of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are his judgments, and how unsearchable are his ways!Romans 11:33

Romans 14:10 So then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you despise your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.Romans 14:10

Number of the word / term Judgment in Romans: 7

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 1:10 And so, I beg you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that every one of you speak in the same way, and that there be no schisms among you. So may you become perfect, with the same mind and with the same judgment.1 Corinthians 1:10

1 Corinthians 11:34 If anyone is hungry, let him eat at home, so that you may not assemble together unto judgment. As for the rest, I will set it in order when I arrive.1 Corinthians 11:34

Number of the word / term Judgment in 1 Corinthians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 5:10 For it is necessary for us to be manifested before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive the proper things of the body, according to his behavior, whether it was good or evil.2 Corinthians 5:10

Number of the word / term Judgment in 2 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 5:10 I have confidence in you, in the Lord, that you will accept nothing of the kind. However, he who disturbs you shall bear the judgment, whomever he may be.Galatians 5:10

Number of the word / term Judgment in Galatians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Philippians

Philippians 1:13 in such a way that my chains have become manifest in Christ in every place of judgment and in all other such places.Philippians 1:13

Number of the word / term Judgment in Philippians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 2 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians 1:5 which are a sign of the just judgment of God, so that you may be held worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you also suffer.2 Thessalonians 1:5

Number of the word / term Judgment in 2 Thessalonians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 5:24 The sins of some men have been made manifest, preceding them to judgment, but those of others are manifested later.1 Timothy 5:24

Number of the word / term Judgment in 1 Timothy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Titus

Titus 3:11 knowing that one who is like this has been subverted, and that he offends; for he has been condemned by his own judgment.Titus 3:11

Number of the word / term Judgment in Titus: 1

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 6:2 of the doctrine of baptism, and also of the imposition of hands, and of the resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.Hebrews 6:2

Hebrews 10:27 but instead, a certain terrible expectation of judgment, and the rage of a fire that shall consume its adversaries.Hebrews 10:27

Number of the word / term Judgment in Hebrews: 2

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book James

James 2:13 For judgment is without mercy toward him who has not shown mercy. But mercy exalts itself above judgment.James 2:13

James 3:1 My brothers, not many of you should choose to become teachers, knowing that you shall receive a stricter judgment.James 3:1

James 5:12 But before all things, my brothers, do not choose to swear, neither by heaven, nor by the earth, nor in any other oath. But let your word ‘Yes’ be yes, and your word ‘No’ be no, so that you may not fall under judgment.James 5:12

Number of the word / term Judgment in James: 3

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 1 Peter

1 Peter 4:17 For it is time that judgment begin at the house of God. And if it is first from us, what shall be the end of those who do not believe the Gospel of God?1 Peter 4:17

Number of the word / term Judgment in 1 Peter: 1

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 2 Peter

2 Peter 2:3 And in avarice, they will negotiate about you with false words. Their judgment, in the near future, is not delayed, and their perdition does not sleep.2 Peter 2:3

2 Peter 2:4 For God did not spare those Angels who sinned, but instead delivered them, as if dragged down by infernal ropes, into the torments of the underworld, to be reserved unto judgment.2 Peter 2:4

2 Peter 2:9 Thus, the Lord knows how to rescue the pious from trials, and how to reserve the iniquitous for torments on the day of judgment;2 Peter 2:9

2 Peter 2:11 whereas the Angels, who are greater in strength and virtue, did not bring against themselves such a deplorable judgment.2 Peter 2:11

2 Peter 3:7 But the heavens and the earth that exist now were restored by the same Word, being reserved unto fire on the day of judgment, and unto the perdition of impious men.2 Peter 3:7

Number of the word / term Judgment in 2 Peter: 5

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book 1 John

1 John 4:17 In this way, the love of God is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence on the day of judgment. For as he is, so also are we, in this world.1 John 4:17

Number of the word / term Judgment in 1 John: 1

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Jude

Jude 1:4 For certain men entered unnoticed, who were written of beforehand unto this judgment: impious persons who are transforming the grace of our God into self-indulgence, and who are denying both the sole Ruler and our Lord Jesus Christ.Jude 1:4

Jude 1:6 And truly, the Angels, who did not keep to their first place, but instead abandoned their own domiciles, he has reserved with perpetual chains under darkness, unto the great day of judgment.Jude 1:6

Jude 1:9 When Michael the Archangel, disputing with the devil, contended about the body of Moses, he did not dare to bring against him a judgment of blasphemy, so instead he said: “The Lord commands you.”Jude 1:9

Jude 1:15 to execute judgment against everyone, and to reprove all the impious concerning all the works of their impiety, by which they have acted impiously, and concerning all the harsh things that impious sinners have spoken against God.”Jude 1:15

Number of the word / term Judgment in Jude: 4

Bible passages with ‘Judgment’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 14:7 saying with a loud voice: “Fear the Lord, and give honor to him, for the hour of his judgment has arrived. And worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the sources of water.”Revelation 14:7

Revelation 15:4 Who shall not fear you, O Lord, and magnify your name? For you alone are blessed. For all nations shall approach and adore in your sight, because your judgments are manifest.”Revelation 15:4

Revelation 16:7 And from the altar, I heard another one, saying, “Even now, O Lord God Almighty, your judgments are true and just.”Revelation 16:7

Revelation 18:10 standing far away, out of fear of her torments, saying: ‘Woe! Woe! to Babylon, that great city, that strong city. For in one hour, your judgment has arrived.’Revelation 18:10

Revelation 18:20 Exult over her, O heaven, O holy Apostles and Prophets. For God has judged your judgment upon her.’ ”Revelation 18:20

Revelation 19:2 For true and just are his judgments, he who has judged the great harlot that corrupted the earth by her prostitution. And he has vindicated the blood of his servants from her hands.”Revelation 19:2

Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones. And they sat upon them. And judgment was given to them. And the souls of those beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus and because of the Word of God, and who did not adore the beast, nor his image, nor accept his character on their foreheads or on their hands: they lived and they reigned with Christ for a thousand years.Revelation 20:4

Number of the word / term ‘Judgment’ in Revelation: 7

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 481

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