Our Little Concordance

‘Jehoash’ in the Bible – All 24 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Jehoash’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Jehoash’ occurs 24 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Jehoash’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 11:2 But Jehosheba, the daughter of king Joram, the sister of Ahaziah, taking Jehoash, the son of Ahaziah, stole him away from the midst of the sons of the king who were being killed, out of the bedroom, with his nurse. And she hid him from the face of Athaliah, so that he would not be killed.2 Kings 11:2

2 Kings 11:21 Now Jehoash was seven years old when he had begun to reign.2 Kings 11:21

2 Kings 12:1 In the seventh year of Jehu, Jehoash reigned. And he reigned for forty years in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Zebiah from Beersheba.2 Kings 12:1

2 Kings 12:2 And Jehoash did what was right in the sight of the Lord, during all the days that Jehoiada, the priest, taught him.2 Kings 12:2

2 Kings 12:4 And Jehoash said to the priests: “All of the money for the holy things, which has been brought into the temple of the Lord from those who pass by, which is offered for the price of a soul, and which they bring into the temple of the Lord willingly, from their own free heart:2 Kings 12:4

2 Kings 12:6 And yet, even until the twenty-third year of king Jehoash, the priests did not repair the surfaces of the temple.2 Kings 12:6

2 Kings 12:7 And king Jehoash called the high priest, Jehoiada, and the priests, saying to them: “Why have you not repaired the surfaces of the temple? Therefore, you may no longer accept money according to your ranks. Instead, return it in order that the temple may be repaired.”2 Kings 12:7

2 Kings 12:18 For this reason, Jehoash, the king of Judah, took all the sanctified things, which Jehoshaphat, and Jehoram, and Ahaziah, his fathers, the kings of Judah, had consecrated and which he himself had offered, and all the silver that could be found in the treasuries of the temple of the Lord and in the palace of the king, and he sent it to Hazael, the king of Syria. And so he withdrew from Jerusalem.2 Kings 12:18

2 Kings 12:19 Now the rest of the words of Jehoash, and all that he did, have these not been written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Judah?2 Kings 12:19

2 Kings 12:20 Then his servants rose up and conspired among themselves. And they struck down Jehoash, at the house of Millo, on the descent of Silla.2 Kings 12:20

2 Kings 13:10 In the thirty-seventh year of Jehoash, the king of Judah, Joash, the son of Jehoahaz, reigned over Israel, in Samaria, for sixteen years.2 Kings 13:10

2 Kings 13:25 Now Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz, by a just war, took the cities from the hand of Benhadad, the son of Hazael, which he had taken from the hand of Jehoahaz, his father. Jehoash struck him three times, and he restored the cities to Israel.2 Kings 13:25

2 Kings 14:1 In the second year of Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz, the king of Israel: Amaziah, the son of Jehoash, reigned as king of Judah.2 Kings 14:1

2 Kings 14:3 And he did what is right before the Lord, yet truly, not like David, his father. He acted in accord with all the things that his father Jehoash did,2 Kings 14:3

2 Kings 14:8 Then Amaziah sent messengers to Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz, the son of Jehu, the king of Israel, saying: “Come, and let us see one another.”2 Kings 14:8

2 Kings 14:9 And Jehoash, the king of Israel, sent a reply to Amaziah, the king of Judah, saying: “A thistle of Lebanon sent to a cedar, which is in Lebanon, saying: ‘Give your daughter as wife to my son.’ And the beasts of the forest, which are in Lebanon, passed by and trampled the thistle.2 Kings 14:9

2 Kings 14:11 But Amaziah was not quieted. And so Jehoash, the king of Israel, went up. And he and Amaziah, the king of Judah, saw one another at Beth-shemesh, a town in Judah.2 Kings 14:11

2 Kings 14:13 And truly, Jehoash, the king of Israel, captured Amaziah, the king of Judah, the son of Jehoash, the son of Ahaziah, at Beth-shemesh. And he brought him to Jerusalem. And he breached the wall of Jerusalem, from the gate of Ephraim as far as the gate of the Corner, four hundred cubits.2 Kings 14:13

2 Kings 14:15 But the rest of the words of Jehoash, which he accomplished, and his strength, with which he fought against Amaziah, the king of Judah, have these not been written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Israel?2 Kings 14:15

2 Kings 14:16 And Jehoash slept with his fathers, and he was buried in Samaria, with the kings of Israel. And Jeroboam, his son, reigned in his place.2 Kings 14:16

2 Kings 14:17 Now Amaziah, the son of Jehoash, the king of Judah, lived for fifteen years after the death of Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz, the king of Israel.2 Kings 14:17

2 Kings 14:23 In the fifteenth year of Amaziah, the son of Jehoash, the king of Judah: Jeroboam, the son of Jehoash, the king of Israel, reigned, in Samaria, for forty-one years.2 Kings 14:23

2 Kings 14:27 But the Lord did not say that he would wipe away the name of Israel from under heaven. So instead, he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam, the son of Jehoash.2 Kings 14:27

Number of the word / term Jehoash in 2 Kings: 23

Bible passages with ‘Jehoash’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 3:11 the father of Jehoram. And Jehoram conceived Ahaziah, from whom there was born Jehoash.1 Chronicles 3:11

Number of the word / term ‘Jehoash’ in 1 Chronicles: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 24

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