Our Little Concordance

‘Inner’ in the Bible – All 52 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Inner’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Inner’ occurs 52 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 5:6 Now the hand of the Lord weighed heavily upon the Ashdodites, and he destroyed them. And he struck Ashdod and its borders at the inner part of the buttocks. And in the villages and fields, in the midst of that region, mice rose up and burst forth. And this caused a great tumult unto death in the city.1 Samuel 5:6

1 Samuel 5:12 For the fear of death fell upon every single city, and the hand of God was very heavy. Also, the men who did not die were being afflicted in the inner part of the buttocks. And the wailing of each city was ascending to heaven.1 Samuel 5:12

Number of the word / term Inner in 1 Samuel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 6:16 And he built panels of cedar, of twenty cubits, at the back part of the temple, from the floor even to the top. And he made the inner house of the oracle as the Holy of Holies.1 Kings 6:16

1 Kings 6:19 Now he made the oracle in the middle of the house, in the inner part, so that he might station the ark of the covenant of the Lord there.1 Kings 6:19

1 Kings 6:27 And he stationed the cherubim in the middle of the inner temple. And the cherubim extended their wings, and the wing of the one was touching the wall, and the wing of the second cherub was touching the other wall. But the other wings, in the middle of the temple, were touching each another.1 Kings 6:27

1 Kings 6:36 And he built the inner atrium with three rows of polished stones, and one row of cedar wood.1 Kings 6:36

Number of the word / term Inner in 1 Kings: 4

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 9:2 And when you arrive in that place, you will see Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi. And upon entering, you shall raise him up from the midst of his brothers, and you shall lead him into an inner room.2 Kings 9:2

Number of the word / term Inner in 2 Kings: 1

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 4:22 Also, the vessels for the perfumes, and the censers, and the bowls, and the little mortars were from the purest gold. And he engraved the doors of the inner temple, that is, for the Holy of Holies. And the doors of the outer temple were of gold. And so, every work was completed that Solomon made in the house of the Lord.2 Chronicles 4:22

2 Chronicles 21:15 And you shall be sickened by a very grievous disease of your bowels, until your inner organs depart, little by little, each day.”2 Chronicles 21:15

2 Chronicles 21:19 And as day followed after day, and the space of time turned, the course of two years was completed. And after having been wasted by a long consumption, so much so that even his inner organs were discharged, the disease ended along with his life. And so he died of a very grievous illness. And the people did not make a funeral for him, according to the custom of burning, as they had done for his ancestors.2 Chronicles 21:19

Number of the word / term Inner in 2 Chronicles: 3

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book Esther

Esther 4:11 “All the servants of the king and all the provinces that are under his realm understand that anyone, whether man or woman, who enters the king’s inner court, who has not been summoned, is immediately to be put to death without any delay, unless the king should happen to extend the golden scepter to him, as a sign of clemency, so that he will be able to live. How then can I go in to the king, when, for thirty days now, I have not been called to him?”Esther 4:11

Esther 6:4 And immediately the king said, “Who is in the atrium?” For, you see, Haman was entering the inner atrium of the king’s house to suggest to the king that he should order Mordecai to be hanged on the gallows, which had been prepared for him.Esther 6:4

Number of the word / term Inner in Esther: 2

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 105:30 Their land brought forth frogs, even in the inner chambers of their kings.Psalm 105:30

Psalm 109:18 And he loved a curse, and it came to him. And he was unwilling to have a blessing, and it went far from him. And he clothed himself with curses like a garment, and it entered his inner self like water, and it entered his bones like oil.Psalm 109:18

Number of the word / term Inner in Psalm: 2

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 7:27 Her household is the way to Hell, reaching even to the inner places of death.Proverbs 7:27

Proverbs 12:10 The just one knows the lives of his beasts. But the inner most parts of the impious are cruel.Proverbs 12:10

Proverbs 20:27 The spirit of a man is a lamp to the Lord, which investigates all the secrets of the inner self.Proverbs 20:27

Proverbs 20:30 The bruise of a wound, as well as scourges, shall wipe away evils in the more secret places of the inner self.Proverbs 20:30

Proverbs 22:18 It shall be beautiful to you, if you preserve it in your inner self, and it shall overflow from your lips,Proverbs 22:18

Number of the word / term Inner in Proverbs: 5

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book Song

Song of Solomon 5:4 My beloved put his hand through the window, and my inner self was moved by his touch.Song of Solomon 5:4

Number of the word / term Inner in Song: 1

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 16:11 Over this, my heart will resonate like a harp for Moab, and my inner most being for the brick wall.Isaiah 16:11

Isaiah 66:17 Those who were sanctified, who thought themselves to be clean in the gardens behind the inner gate, who were eating swine’s flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse: they will be consumed all at once, says the Lord.Isaiah 66:17

Number of the word / term Inner in Isaiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 31:33 But this will be the covenant that I will form with the house of Israel, after those days, says the Lord: I will give my law to their inner most being, and I will write it upon their heart. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people.Jeremiah 31:33

Number of the word / term Inner in Jeremiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 8:3 And as the image of a hand went out, it took hold of me by a lock of my head. And the Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven. And he brought me into Jerusalem, within a vision of God, next to the inner gate that looked toward the north, where there was stationed an idol of rivalry, so as to provoke an envious emulation.Ezekiel 8:3

Ezekiel 8:16 And he led me into the inner atrium of the house of the Lord. And behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the vestibule and the altar, there were about twenty-five men with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east. And they were adoring toward the rising of the Sun.Ezekiel 8:16

Ezekiel 10:3 Now the cherubim were standing before the right side of the house, when the man entered. And a cloud filled the inner court.Ezekiel 10:3

Ezekiel 40:8 And the threshold of the gate, next to the inner vestibule of the gate, was one reed.Ezekiel 40:8

Ezekiel 40:19 And he measured the width, from the face of the lower gate to the front of the outer part of the inner court, to be one hundred cubits, to the east and to the north.Ezekiel 40:19

Ezekiel 40:23 And the gate of the inner court was opposite the gate of the north, and that of the east. And he measured from gate to gate as one hundred cubits.Ezekiel 40:23

Ezekiel 40:27 And there was a gate at the inner court, on the way to the south. And he measured from one gate to another, on the way to the south, to be one hundred cubits.Ezekiel 40:27

Ezekiel 40:28 And he led me into the inner court, to the south gate. And he measured the gate to be in accord with the measures above.Ezekiel 40:28

Ezekiel 40:32 And he led me into the inner court, along the way of the east. And he measured the gate to be in accord with the measures above.Ezekiel 40:32

Ezekiel 40:44 And outside the interior gate, there were storerooms for the cantors, in the inner court, which was beside the gate that looks toward the north. And their face was opposite the way to the south; one was beside the east gate, which looked toward the way of the north.Ezekiel 40:44

Ezekiel 41:9 And the width of the exterior wall for the side chambers was five cubits. And the inner house was within the side chambers of the house.Ezekiel 41:9

Ezekiel 41:15 And he measured the length of the edifice opposite its face, which was separated at the back, and the porticos on both sides, to be one hundred cubits, with the inner temple and the vestibules of the court.Ezekiel 41:15

Ezekiel 41:17 and it reached even to the inner house, and to the exterior, throughout the entire wall, all around the interior and exterior, for the entire extent.Ezekiel 41:17

Ezekiel 42:15 And when he had completed measuring the inner house, he led me out along the way of the gate that looked toward the way of the east. And he measured it on every side all around.Ezekiel 42:15

Ezekiel 43:5 And the Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court. And behold, the house was filled with the glory of the Lord.Ezekiel 43:5

Ezekiel 44:17 And when they enter the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments. Neither shall anything woolen be placed over them, when they minister within the gates of the inner and the outer court.Ezekiel 44:17

Ezekiel 44:21 And no priest shall drink wine, when he will be entering into the inner court.Ezekiel 44:21

Ezekiel 44:27 And on the day when he enters into the sanctuary, to the inner court, so that he may minister to me in the sanctuary, he shall make an offering because of his offense, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 44:27

Ezekiel 45:19 And the priest shall take from the blood that will be for the sin offering. And he shall place it on the doorposts of the house, and on the four corners of the rim of the altar, and on the posts of the gate of the inner court.Ezekiel 45:19

Ezekiel 46:1 Thus says the Lord God: “The gate of the inner court which looks toward the east shall be closed for the six days on which work is done. Then, on the Sabbath day, it shall be opened. But also on the day of the new moon, it shall be opened.Ezekiel 46:1

Number of the word / term Inner in Ezekiel: 20

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book Amos

Amos 3:9 Let it be heard in the buildings of Ashdod and in the buildings of the land of Egypt, and say: Gather together across the mountains of Samaria, and see the many absurdities in its midst, and those who are suffering false accusations in its inner most places.Amos 3:9

Amos 6:10 And his closest relative will steal him away and will burn him, so that he may carry the bones out of the house. And he will say to him that is in the inner most rooms of the house, “Now is there any left that still belongs to you?” And he will answer, “It is finished.” And he will say to him, “Be silent and do not call to mind the name of the Lord.”Amos 6:10

Number of the word / term Inner in Amos: 2

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book Habakkuk

Habakkuk 2:19 Woe to him who says to wood, “Awaken,” to the silent stone, “Arise.” Is it able to teach? Behold, it has been entirely covered with gold and silver; and there is no spirit at all in its inner workings.Habakkuk 2:19

Number of the word / term Inner in Habakkuk: 1

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 24:26 Therefore, if they will have said to you, ‘Behold, he is in the desert,’ do not choose to go out, or, ‘Behold, he is in the inner rooms,’ do not be willing to believe it.Matthew 24:26

Number of the word / term Inner in Matthew: 1

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book Romans

Romans 7:22 For I am delighted with the law of God, according to the inner man.Romans 7:22

Romans 16:18 For ones such as these do not serve Christ our Lord, but their inner selves, and, through pleasing words and skillful speaking, they seduce the hearts of the innocent.Romans 16:18

Number of the word / term Inner in Romans: 2

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 4:16 For this reason, we are not insufficient. But it is as though our outer man is corrupted, while our inner man is renewed from day to day.2 Corinthians 4:16

2 Corinthians 6:12 You are not narrowed by us, but it is by your own inner selves that you are narrowed.2 Corinthians 6:12

Number of the word / term Inner in 2 Corinthians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Inner’ in the book Ephesians

Ephesians 3:16 And I ask him to grant to you to be strengthened in virtue by his Spirit, in accord with the wealth of his glory, in the inner man,Ephesians 3:16

Number of the word / term ‘Inner’ in Ephesians: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 52

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