Our Little Concordance

‘Iniquity’ in the Bible – All 316 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Iniquity’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Iniquity’ occurs 316 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 4:13 And Cain said to the Lord: “My iniquity is too great to deserve kindness.Genesis 4:13

Genesis 6:11 Yet the earth was corrupted before the eyes of God, and it was filled with iniquity.Genesis 6:11

Genesis 6:13 he said to Noah: “The end of all flesh has arrived in my sight. The earth has been filled with iniquity by their presence, and I will destroy them, along with the earth.Genesis 6:13

Genesis 44:16 And Judah said to him, “What could we answer to my lord? And what would we be able to say, or to justly claim? God has discovered the iniquity of your servants. See, we have all become servants to my lord, both we, and he with whom the cup was found.”Genesis 44:16

Genesis 49:5 The brothers Simeon and Levi: vessels of iniquity waging war.Genesis 49:5

Genesis 50:17 that we should say these words to you from him: ‘I beg you to forget the wickedness of your brothers, and the sin and malice that they practiced against you.’ Likewise, we petition you to release the servants of the God of your father from this iniquity.” Hearing this, Joseph wept.Genesis 50:17

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Genesis: 6

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 20:5 You shall not adore them, nor shall you worship them. I am the Lord your God: strong, zealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the sons to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,Exodus 20:5

Exodus 28:43 And Aaron and his sons will use them when they enter the tabernacle of the testimony, and when they approach toward the altar, in order to minister in the sanctuary, lest, being guilty of iniquity, they may die. It shall be a law forever for Aaron, and for his offspring after him.”Exodus 28:43

Exodus 34:7 who preserves mercy a thousand fold, who takes away iniquity, and wickedness, and also sin; and with you no one, in and of himself, is innocent. You render the iniquity of the fathers to the sons, and also to their descendents to the third and fourth generation.”Exodus 34:7

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Exodus: 3

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 5:1 If a soul will have sinned, and heard the voice of one testifying under oath, and he is a witness because either he has seen it himself, or he is aware of it: if he does not reveal it, he shall carry his iniquity.Leviticus 5:1

Leviticus 5:17 If a soul will have sinned through ignorance, and will have done one of those things which the law of the Lord prohibits, and, being guilty of sin, understands his iniquity,Leviticus 5:17

Leviticus 10:17 “Why did you not eat the sacrifice for sin in the holy place, which is the Holy of holies, and which was given to you, so that you might carry the iniquity of the people, and might pray for them in the sight of the Lord,Leviticus 10:17

Leviticus 17:16 But if he will not wash his clothes and his body, he shall bear his iniquity.Leviticus 17:16

Leviticus 19:8 And he shall bear his iniquity, for he has polluted what is holy to the Lord. And that soul shall perish from his people.Leviticus 19:8

Leviticus 19:35 Do not be willing to accomplish iniquity in judgment, in lengths, in weights, in quantities.Leviticus 19:35

Leviticus 20:17 Whoever will have taken his sister, the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother, and will have seen her nakedness, and she will have looked upon her brother’s shame, they have committed a nefarious act. They shall be slain in the sight of their people, because they have uncovered one another’s nakedness. And they shall bear their iniquity.Leviticus 20:17

Leviticus 20:19 You shall not expose the nakedness of your maternal or paternal aunt. Whoever does this has laid bare the shame of his own flesh; both shall bear their iniquity.Leviticus 20:19

Leviticus 22:16 lest perhaps they may suffer the iniquity of their offense, when they will have eaten what has been sanctified. I am the Lord, who sanctifies them.Leviticus 22:16

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Leviticus: 9

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 5:31 then the husband shall be without guilt, and she shall bear her iniquity.”Numbers 5:31

Numbers 14:18 ‘The Lord is patient and full of mercy, taking away iniquity and wickedness, and forsaking no one who is harmless. He visits the sins of the fathers upon the sons, to the third and fourth generation.’Numbers 14:18

Numbers 15:31 For he has despised the word of the Lord, and he has nullified his precept. For this reason, he shall be destroyed, and he shall bear his iniquity.”Numbers 15:31

Numbers 18:1 And the Lord said to Aaron: “You, and your sons, and the house of your father with you, shall carry the iniquity of the Sanctuary. And you and your sons together shall bear the sins of your priesthood.Numbers 18:1

Numbers 30:15 And if he contradicted it only sometime after he had known about it, he shall bear his iniquity.”Numbers 30:15

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Numbers: 5

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 5:9 You shall not adore and you shall not worship these things. For I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, repaying the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation to those who hate me,Deuteronomy 5:9

Deuteronomy 31:29 For I know that, after my death, you will act with iniquity, and you will quickly depart from the way that I have instructed to you. And so, evils will meet you in the end time, when you will have done evil in the sight of the Lord so as to provoke him through the works of your hands.”Deuteronomy 31:29

Deuteronomy 32:4 The works of God are perfect, and all his ways are judgments. God is faithful and without any iniquity. He is just and upright.Deuteronomy 32:4

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Deuteronomy: 3

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 3:13 For I have foretold to him that I will judge his house unto eternity, because of iniquity. For he had known that his sons acted shamefully, and he did not chastise them.1 Samuel 3:13

1 Samuel 3:14 For this reason, I have sworn to the house of Eli that the iniquity of his house will not be expiated, with victims or with gifts, even forever.”1 Samuel 3:14

1 Samuel 14:41 And Saul said to the Lord, the God of Israel: “O Lord, God of Israel, grant a sign: Why is it that you will not respond to your servant this day? If this iniquity is in me, or in my son Jonathan, grant an indication. Or if this iniquity is in your people, grant a sanctification.” And Jonathan and Saul were discovered, but the people were released.1 Samuel 14:41

1 Samuel 20:1 Then David fled from Naioth, which is in Ramah, and he went and said before Jonathan: “What have I done? What is my iniquity, or what is my sin, against your father, so that he would seek my life?”1 Samuel 20:1

1 Samuel 20:8 Therefore, show mercy to your servant. For you have brought me, your servant, into a covenant of the Lord with you. But if there is any iniquity in me, you may kill me, and you shall not lead me in to your father.”1 Samuel 20:8

1 Samuel 24:11 Moreover, see and know, O my father, the edge of your cloak in my hand. For though I cut off the top of your cloak, I was not willing to extend my hand against you. Turn your soul and see that there is no evil in my hand, nor any iniquity or sin against you. Yet you lie in wait for my life, so that you may take it away.1 Samuel 24:11

1 Samuel 25:24 And she fell at his feet, and she said: “May this iniquity be upon me, my lord. I beg you, let your handmaid speak to your ears, and listen to the words of your servant.1 Samuel 25:24

1 Samuel 25:28 Forgive the iniquity of your handmaid. For the Lord will surely make for you, my lord, a faithful house, because you, my lord, fight the battles of the Lord. Therefore, let no evil be found in you all the days of your life.1 Samuel 25:28

Number of the word / term Iniquity in 1 Samuel: 8

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 3:34 Your hands are not bound, and your feet are not weighed down with fetters. But just as men often fall before the sons of iniquity, so you have fallen.” And while repeating this, all the people wept over him.2 Samuel 3:34

2 Samuel 7:10 And I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and I will plant them, and they shall live there, and they shall no longer be disturbed. Neither shall the sons of iniquity continue to afflict them as before,2 Samuel 7:10

2 Samuel 7:14 I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me. And if he will commit any iniquity, I will correct him with the rod of men and with the wounds of the sons of men.2 Samuel 7:14

2 Samuel 14:9 And the woman of Tekoa said to the king: “May the iniquity be upon me, my lord, and upon the house of my father. But may the king and his throne be innocent.”2 Samuel 14:9

2 Samuel 14:32 And Absalom responded to Joab: “I sent to you, begging that you might come to me, and that I might send you to the king, and that you might say to him: ‘Why was I brought from Geshur? It would have been better for me to be there.’ I beg you, therefore, that I may see the face of the king. And if he is mindful of my iniquity, let him put me to death.”2 Samuel 14:32

2 Samuel 19:19 said to him: “May you not impute to me, my lord, the iniquity, nor call to mind the injuries, of your servant in the day that you, my lord the king, departed from Jerusalem. And may you not store it up in your heart, O king.2 Samuel 19:19

2 Samuel 22:3 I will hope in him. God is my strong one, my shield, and the horn of my salvation. He lifts me up, and he is my refreshment. You, O my Savior, will free me from iniquity.2 Samuel 22:3

2 Samuel 22:24 And I shall be perfect with him. And I shall guard myself from my own iniquity.2 Samuel 22:24

2 Samuel 24:10 Then the heart of David struck him, after the people were numbered. And David said to the Lord: “I have sinned greatly in what I have done. But I pray that you, O Lord, may take away the iniquity of your servant. For I have acted very foolishly.”2 Samuel 24:10

Number of the word / term Iniquity in 2 Samuel: 9

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 12:17 And David went out to meet them, and he said: “If you have arrived peacefully, so as to be a help to me, may my heart be joined to you; but if to betray me to my adversaries, though I have no iniquity in my hands, may the God of our fathers see and judge.”1 Chronicles 12:17

1 Chronicles 17:9 And I have given a place to my people Israel. They shall be planted, and they shall live in it, and they shall no longer be moved. Neither shall the sons of iniquity wear them away, as in the beginning,1 Chronicles 17:9

1 Chronicles 21:8 And David said to God: “I have sinned exceedingly in doing this. I beg you take away the iniquity of your servant. For I have acted unwisely.”1 Chronicles 21:8

Number of the word / term Iniquity in 1 Chronicles: 3

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 6:37 and if, having been converted in their heart in the land to which they had been led as captives, they will do penance, and beseech you in the land of their captivity, saying, ‘We have sinned; we have committed iniquity; we have acted unjustly,’2 Chronicles 6:37

2 Chronicles 19:7 Let the fear of the Lord be with you, and do all things with diligence. For there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of persons, nor desire for gifts.”2 Chronicles 19:7

Number of the word / term Iniquity in 2 Chronicles: 2

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 9:13 And after all that has happened to us because of our very wicked works and our great offense, you, our God, have freed us from our iniquity, and you have given us salvation, just as it is this day,Ezra 9:13

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Ezra: 1

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 4:5 May you not conceal their iniquity, and may their sin not be wiped away, before your face, for they have ridiculed those who are building.Nehemiah 4:5

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Nehemiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Job

Job 4:8 In fact, I have instead seen those who work iniquity and who sow resentments, reap them,Job 4:8

Job 5:16 And there will be hope for those in need, for iniquity will diminish its speech.Job 5:16

Job 6:30 And you will not find iniquity on my tongue, nor will foolishness resound in my throat.Job 6:30

Job 8:4 And if now your children have sinned against him, and he has dismissed them into the power of their iniquity,Job 8:4

Job 10:6 so that you would inquire about my iniquity and examine my sin?Job 10:6

Job 11:6 so that he might reveal to you the secrets of wisdom, and how intricate his law is, and that you would understand how much less he requires of you than your iniquity deserves.Job 11:6

Job 11:11 For he knows the vanity of men, and when he sees iniquity, does he not evaluate it?Job 11:11

Job 11:14 If you would send away from you the iniquity that is in your hand, and not let injustice remain in your tabernacle,Job 11:14

Job 14:17 You have sealed up my offenses, as if in a purse, but you have cured my iniquity.Job 14:17

Job 15:5 For your iniquity has mislead your mouth, and you imitate the tongue of blasphemers.Job 15:5

Job 15:35 He has conceived sorrow, and he has brought forth iniquity, and his womb prepares deceit.Job 15:35

Job 16:17 These things I have endured without iniquity in my hand, while I held pure prayers before God.Job 16:17

Job 27:4 my lips will not speak iniquity, nor will my tongue devise lies.Job 27:4

Job 31:28 which is a very great iniquity and a denial against the most high God;Job 31:28

Job 31:33 if, as man does, I have hidden my sin and have concealed my iniquity in my bosom;Job 31:33

Job 33:9 “I am clean and without sin; I am immaculate, and there is no iniquity in me.Job 33:9

Job 34:8 who accompanies those who work iniquity, and who walks with impious men?Job 34:8

Job 34:10 Therefore, prudent men, hear me: impiety is far from God, and iniquity is far from the Almighty.Job 34:10

Job 34:22 There is no darkness and no shadow of death, where those who work iniquity may be hidden.Job 34:22

Job 34:36 My father, let Job be tested even to the end; may you not retreat from a man of iniquity.Job 34:36

Job 36:10 Likewise, he will open their ears to his correction, and he will speak to them, so that they may return from iniquity.Job 36:10

Job 36:21 Be careful that you do not turn to iniquity; for, after your misery, you have begun to follow this.Job 36:21

Job 36:23 Who is able to investigate his ways? And who can say, “You have done iniquity,” to him?Job 36:23

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Job: 23

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 5:4 In the morning, I will stand before you, and I will see. For you are not a God who wills iniquity.Psalm 5:4

Psalm 5:6 You hate all who work iniquity. You will destroy all who speak a lie. The bloody and deceitful man, the Lord will abominate.Psalm 5:6

Psalm 6:8 Scatter before me, all you who work iniquity, for the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping.Psalm 6:8

Psalm 7:3 O Lord, my God, if there is iniquity in my hands, if I have done this:Psalm 7:3

Psalm 7:14 Behold him who has given birth to injustice: he has conceived sorrow and has begotten iniquity.Psalm 7:14

Psalm 7:16 His sorrow will be turned upon his own head, and his iniquity will descend upon his highest point.Psalm 7:16

Psalm 11:5 The Lord questions the just and the impious. Yet he who loves iniquity, hates his own soul.Psalm 11:5

Psalm 14:4 Will they never learn: all those who work iniquity, who devour my people like a meal of bread?Psalm 14:4

Psalm 17:3 You have tested my heart and visited it by night. You have examined me by fire, and iniquity has not been found in me.Psalm 17:3

Psalm 18:4 The sorrows of death surrounded me, and the torrents of iniquity dismayed me.Psalm 18:4

Psalm 18:23 And I will be immaculate together with him, and I will keep myself from my iniquity.Psalm 18:23

Psalm 27:12 Do not surrender me to the souls of those who trouble me. For unjust witnesses have risen up against me, and iniquity has lied to itself.Psalm 27:12

Psalm 28:3 Do not draw me away together with sinners; and let me not perish with those who work iniquity, who speak peacefully to their neighbor, yet evils are in their hearts.Psalm 28:3

Psalm 31:18 May deceitful lips be silenced: those that speak iniquity against the just, in arrogance and in abusiveness.Psalm 31:18

Psalm 36:2 For he has acted deceitfully in his sight, such that his iniquity will be found to be hatred.Psalm 36:2

Psalm 36:3 The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit. He is unwilling to understand, so that he may act well.Psalm 36:3

Psalm 36:4 He has been considering iniquity on his bed. He has set himself on every way that is not good; moreover, he has not hated evil.Psalm 36:4

Psalm 36:12 In that place, those who work iniquity have fallen. They have been expelled; they were not able to stand.Psalm 36:12

Psalm 37:1 A Psalm of David himself. Do not choose to imitate the malicious; neither should you envy those who work iniquity.Psalm 37:1

Psalm 38:18 For I will announce my iniquity, and I will think about my sin.Psalm 38:18

Psalm 39:11 I fall short at corrections from the strength of your hand. For you have chastised man for iniquity. And you have made his soul shrink away like a spider. Nevertheless, it is in vain that any man be disquieted.Psalm 39:11

Psalm 41:6 And when he came in to see me, he was speaking emptiness. His heart gathered iniquity to itself. He went outside, and he was speaking in the same way.Psalm 41:6

Psalm 45:7 You have loved justice and hated iniquity. Because of this, God, your God, has anointed you, before your co-heirs, with the oil of gladness.Psalm 45:7

Psalm 49:5 Why should I fear in the evil day? The iniquity at my heel will surround me.Psalm 49:5

Psalm 51:1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came to him, after he went to Bathsheba. Be merciful to me, O God, according to your great mercy. And, according to the plentitude of your compassion, wipe out my iniquity.Psalm 51:1

Psalm 51:2 Wash me once again from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.Psalm 51:2

Psalm 51:3 For I know my iniquity, and my sin is ever before me.Psalm 51:3

Psalm 52:3 You have loved malice above goodness, and iniquity more than speaking righteousness.Psalm 52:3

Psalm 53:4 Will they never learn: all those who work iniquity, who devour my people like a meal of bread?Psalm 53:4

Psalm 55:9 Cast them down, O Lord, and divide their tongues. For I have seen iniquity and contradiction in the city.Psalm 55:9

Psalm 55:10 Day and night, iniquity will surround it upon its walls, and hardship is in its midst,Psalm 55:10

Psalm 57:1 Unto the end. May you not destroy. Of David, with the inscription of a title, when he fled from Saul into a cave. Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me. For my soul trusts in you. And I will hope in the shadow of your wings, until iniquity passes away.Psalm 57:1

Psalm 58:2 For, even in your heart, you work iniquity. Your hands construct injustice on the earth.Psalm 58:2

Psalm 59:2 Rescue me from those who work iniquity, and save me from men of blood.Psalm 59:2

Psalm 59:4 And it is neither my iniquity, nor my sin, O Lord. I have run and gone directly, without iniquity.Psalm 59:4

Psalm 59:5 Rise up to meet me, and see: even you, O Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel. Reach out to visit all nations. Do not take pity on all those who work iniquity.Psalm 59:5

Psalm 62:10 Do not trust in iniquity, and do not desire plunder. If riches flow toward you, do not be willing to set your heart on them.Psalm 62:10

Psalm 63:11 Truly, the king will rejoice in God: all those who swear by him will be praised, because the mouth of those who speak iniquity has been blocked.Psalm 63:11

Psalm 64:2 You have protected me from the assembly of the malignant, from a multitude of workers of iniquity.Psalm 64:2

Psalm 65:3 Words of iniquity have prevailed over us. And you will pardon our impieties.Psalm 65:3

Psalm 66:18 If I have seen iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not heed me.Psalm 66:18

Psalm 69:27 Assign an iniquity upon their iniquity, and may they not enter into your justice.Psalm 69:27

Psalm 72:14 He will redeem their souls from usuries and from iniquity, and their names shall be honorable in his sight.Psalm 72:14

Psalm 73:6 Therefore, arrogance has held on to them. They have been covered with their iniquity and impiety.Psalm 73:6

Psalm 73:7 Their iniquity has proceeded, as if from fat. They have parted from the affection of the heart.Psalm 73:7

Psalm 73:8 They have thought and spoken wickedness. They have spoken iniquity in high places.Psalm 73:8

Psalm 73:19 How have they been brought to desolation? They have suddenly failed. They have perished because of their iniquity.Psalm 73:19

Psalm 74:20 Consider your covenant. For those who have been darkened upon the earth have been filled by the iniquity of the houses.Psalm 74:20

Psalm 75:5 Do not exalt your horn on high. Do not speak iniquity against God.Psalm 75:5

Psalm 85:2 You have released the iniquity of your people. You have covered all their sins.Psalm 85:2

Psalm 89:22 The enemy will have no advantage over him, nor will the son of iniquity be positioned to harm him.Psalm 89:22

Psalm 92:7 when sinners will have risen up like grass, and when all those who work iniquity will have appeared, that they shall pass away, age after age.Psalm 92:7

Psalm 92:9 For behold your enemies, O Lord, for behold your enemies will perish, and all those who work iniquity will be dispersed.Psalm 92:9

Psalm 92:15 so that they may announce that the Lord our God is righteous and that there is no iniquity in him.Psalm 92:15

Psalm 94:20 Does the seat of iniquity adhere to you, you who contrive hardship within a commandment?Psalm 94:20

Psalm 94:23 And he will repay them their iniquity, and he will destroy them in their malice. The Lord our God will utterly destroy them.Psalm 94:23

Psalm 101:7 He who has acted arrogantly will not dwell in the midst of my house. He who has spoken iniquity was not guided with the sight of my eyes.Psalm 101:7

Psalm 101:8 In the morning, I executed all the sinners of the earth, so that I might scatter all the workers of iniquity from the city of the Lord.Psalm 101:8

Psalm 106:6 We have sinned, as have our fathers. We have acted unjustly; we have wrought iniquity.Psalm 106:6

Psalm 107:17 He has taken them up, from the way of their iniquity. For they were brought low, because of their injustices.Psalm 107:17

Psalm 107:42 The upright will see, and they will rejoice. And every iniquity will block its mouth.Psalm 107:42

Psalm 109:14 May the iniquity of his fathers return in memory before the sight of the Lord, and do not let the sin of his mother be wiped away.Psalm 109:14

Psalm 119:3 For those who work iniquity have not walked in his ways.Psalm 119:3

Psalm 119:29 Remove the way of iniquity from me, and have mercy on me by your law.Psalm 119:29

Psalm 119:69 The iniquity of the arrogant has been multiplied over me. Yet I will examine your commandments with all my heart.Psalm 119:69

Psalm 119:78 Let the arrogant be confounded, for unjustly they have done iniquity to me. But I will be trained in your commandments.Psalm 119:78

Psalm 119:104 I obtained understanding by your commandments. Because of this, I have hated every way of iniquity.Psalm 119:104

Psalm 119:150 Those who persecute me have drawn near to iniquity, but they been brought far from your law.Psalm 119:150

Psalm 119:163 I have held hatred for iniquity, and I have abhorred it. Yet I have loved your law.Psalm 119:163

Psalm 120:2 O Lord, free my soul from lips of iniquity and from the deceitful tongue.Psalm 120:2

Psalm 125:3 For the Lord will not allow the rod of sinners to remain over the lot of the just, so that the just may not extend their hands toward iniquity.Psalm 125:3

Psalm 125:5 But those who turn away into obligation, the Lord will lead away with the workers of iniquity. Peace be upon Israel.Psalm 125:5

Psalm 129:3 The sinners have made fabrications behind my back. They have prolonged their iniquity.Psalm 129:3

Psalm 139:24 And see if there might be in me the way of iniquity, and lead me in the way of eternity.Psalm 139:24

Psalm 140:4 Preserve me, O Lord, from the hand of the sinner, and rescue me from men of iniquity. They have decided to supplant my steps.Psalm 140:4

Psalm 141:4 Do not turn aside my heart to words of malice, to making excuses for sins, with men who work iniquity; and I will not communicate, even with the best of them.Psalm 141:4

Psalm 141:9 Protect me from the snare that they have set up for me and from the scandals of those who work iniquity.Psalm 141:9

Psalm 144:8 Their mouth has been speaking vain things, and their right hand is the right hand of iniquity.Psalm 144:8

Psalm 144:11 Rescue me, and deliver me from the hand of the sons of foreigners. Their mouth has been speaking vain things, and their right hand is the right hand of iniquity.Psalm 144:11

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Psalm: 79

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 4:17 They eat the bread of impiety, and they drink the wine of iniquity.Proverbs 4:17

Proverbs 10:6 The blessing of the Lord is on the head of the just. But iniquity covers the mouth of the impious.Proverbs 10:6

Proverbs 10:11 The mouth of the just is a vein of life. And the mouth of the impious covers iniquity.Proverbs 10:11

Proverbs 13:2 From the fruit of his own month, a man shall be satisfied with good things. But the soul of betrayers is iniquity.Proverbs 13:2

Proverbs 16:6 By mercy and truth, iniquity is redeemed. And by the fear of the Lord, one turns away from evil.Proverbs 16:6

Proverbs 16:8 Better is a little with justice, than many fruits with iniquity.Proverbs 16:8

Proverbs 16:29 A man of iniquity entices his friend, and he leads him along a way that is not good.Proverbs 16:29

Proverbs 19:28 An unjust witness ridicules judgment. And the mouth of the impious devours iniquity.Proverbs 19:28

Proverbs 21:15 It is gladness for the just to do judgment; and it is dread for those who work iniquity.Proverbs 21:15

Proverbs 22:8 Whoever sows iniquity will reap evils, and by the rod of his own wrath he will be consumed.Proverbs 22:8

Proverbs 26:6 Whoever sends words by a foolish messenger has lame feet and drinks iniquity.Proverbs 26:6

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Proverbs: 11

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 3:16 I saw under the sun: instead of judgment, impiety, and instead of justice, iniquity.Ecclesiastes 3:16

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Ecclesiastes: 1

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 1:4 Woe to a sinful nation, a people burdened by iniquity, a wicked offspring, accursed children. They have abandoned the Lord. They have blasphemed the Holy One of Israel. They been taken away backwards.Isaiah 1:4

Isaiah 5:7 For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel. And the man of Judah is his delightful seedling. And I expected that he would do judgment, and behold iniquity, and that he would do justice, and behold an outcry.Isaiah 5:7

Isaiah 5:18 Woe to you who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and who draw sin as if with the rope of a cart,Isaiah 5:18

Isaiah 13:11 And I will act against the evils of the world, and against the impious for their iniquity. And I will cause the pride of the unfaithful to cease, and I will bring down the arrogance of the strong.Isaiah 13:11

Isaiah 14:21 Prepare his sons for the slaughter, according to the iniquity of their fathers. They will not rise up, nor inherit the earth, nor fill the face of the world with cities.Isaiah 14:21

Isaiah 22:14 And the voice of the Lord of hosts was revealed in my ears: “Surely this iniquity will not be forgiven you, until you die,” says the Lord, the God of hosts.Isaiah 22:14

Isaiah 24:20 The earth will stagger greatly, like a drunken man, and will be carried away, like the tent of a single night. And its iniquity will be heavy upon it, and it will fall and not rise up again.Isaiah 24:20

Isaiah 26:10 Let us take pity on the impious one, but he will not learn justice. In the land of the holy ones, he has done iniquity, and so he will not see the glory of the Lord.Isaiah 26:10

Isaiah 26:21 For behold, the Lord will go forth from his place, so that he may visit the iniquity of each inhabitant of the earth against him. And the earth will reveal its blood, and it will no longer cover its slain.Isaiah 26:21

Isaiah 27:9 Therefore, concerning this, the iniquity of the house of Jacob will be forgiven. And this is the reward of all: that their sin be taken away, when he will have made all the stones of the altar to be like crushed cinders. For the sacred groves and the shrines shall not stand.Isaiah 27:9

Isaiah 29:20 For the one who was prevailing has failed, the one who was mocking has been consumed, and all those who were standing guard over iniquity have been cut down.Isaiah 29:20

Isaiah 30:13 for this reason, this iniquity will be to you like a breach that has fallen, and like a gap in a high wall. For its destruction will happen suddenly, when it is not expected.Isaiah 30:13

Isaiah 31:2 Therefore, being wise, he has permitted harm, and he has not removed his words, and he will rise up against the house of the wicked and against those who assist the workers of iniquity.Isaiah 31:2

Isaiah 32:6 For a foolish man speaks foolishness and his heart works iniquity in order to accomplish deception. And he speaks to the Lord deceitfully, so as to empty the soul of the hungry and to take away drink from the thirsty.Isaiah 32:6

Isaiah 33:24 He who is nearby will not say: “I am too weak.” The people who live in it will have their iniquity taken away from them.Isaiah 33:24

Isaiah 40:2 Speak to the heart of Jerusalem, and call out to her! For her malice has reached its end. Her iniquity has been forgiven. She has received double for all her sins from the hand of the Lord.Isaiah 40:2

Isaiah 53:6 We have all gone astray like sheep; each one has turned aside to his own way. And the Lord has placed all our iniquity upon him.Isaiah 53:6

Isaiah 53:9 And he will be given a place with the impious for his burial, and with the rich for his death, though he has done no iniquity, nor was deceit in his mouth.Isaiah 53:9

Isaiah 57:17 Because of the iniquity of his avarice, I was angry, and I struck him down. I concealed my face from you, and I was angry. And he went astray by wandering in his heart.Isaiah 57:17

Isaiah 59:3 For your hands have been polluted by blood, and your fingers by iniquity. Your lips have spoken lies, and your tongue utters iniquity.Isaiah 59:3

Isaiah 59:4 There is no one who calls for justice, and there is no one who judges truly. For they trust in nothing, and they speak emptiness. They have conceived hardship, and they have given birth to iniquity.Isaiah 59:4

Isaiah 59:6 Their weavings will not be for clothing, nor will they cover themselves with their handiwork. Their works are useless things, and the work of iniquity is in their hands.Isaiah 59:6

Isaiah 59:20 And the Redeemer will arrive in Zion, and to those who return from the iniquity within Jacob, says the Lord.Isaiah 59:20

Isaiah 64:7 There is no one who calls upon your name, who rises up and holds fast to you. You have concealed your face from us, and you have crushed us with the hand of our own iniquity.Isaiah 64:7

Isaiah 64:9 Do not be so angry, O Lord, and no longer call to mind our iniquity. Behold, consider that we are all your people.Isaiah 64:9

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Isaiah: 25

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 2:5 Thus says the Lord: “What iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they would draw far away from me, and would walk after emptiness, and would become empty?Jeremiah 2:5

Jeremiah 2:22 Even if you wash yourself with soap, and increase your use of herbal soaps, you are still stained by your iniquity in my sight, says the Lord God.Jeremiah 2:22

Jeremiah 3:13 So then, truly acknowledge your iniquity, that you have betrayed the Lord your God, and that you have spread your ways to strangers, under every leafy tree, and that you have not listened to my voice, says the Lord.Jeremiah 3:13

Jeremiah 6:7 Just as a cistern makes its water cold, so has she made her wickedness cold. Iniquity and devastation will be heard in her; sickness and wounds will be ever before me.Jeremiah 6:7

Jeremiah 9:5 And a man will deride his brother, and they will not speak the truth. For they have taught their tongue to speak lies; they have labored to commit iniquity.Jeremiah 9:5

Jeremiah 13:22 But if you say in your heart, ‘Why have these things happened to me?’ it is because of the greatness of your iniquity that your shame has been uncovered and the soles of your feet have been defiled.Jeremiah 13:22

Jeremiah 16:10 And when you announce all these words to this people, they will say to you: ‘Why would the Lord pronounce all this great evil against us? What is our iniquity and what is our sin that we have committed against the Lord our God?’Jeremiah 16:10

Jeremiah 16:17 For my eyes are upon all their ways. They have not been hidden from my face, and their iniquity has not been concealed from my eyes.Jeremiah 16:17

Jeremiah 18:23 But you, O Lord, know all their plans against me unto death. May you not forgive their iniquity, and do not allow their sin be taken away from your face. Let them be thrown down in your sight, in the time of your fury, so that you may destroy them.Jeremiah 18:23

Jeremiah 20:8 For I speak now as I have long spoken: crying out against iniquity and proclaiming devastation. And the word of the Lord has been made into a reproach against me and a derision, all day long.Jeremiah 20:8

Jeremiah 25:12 And when the seventy years have been completed, I will visit their iniquity upon the king of Babylon, and upon that nation, and upon the land of the Chaldeans, says the Lord. And I will set it in continual desolations.Jeremiah 25:12

Jeremiah 30:15 Why do you cry out over your affliction? Your pain is incurable. I have done these things to you because of the multitude of your iniquity and because of your hardened sins.Jeremiah 30:15

Jeremiah 31:30 Instead, each one will die for his own iniquity. Each man who will have eaten a bitter grape, his own teeth will be affected.Jeremiah 31:30

Jeremiah 31:34 And they will no longer teach, a man his neighbor, and a man his brother, saying: ‘Know the Lord.’ For all will know me, from the littlest of them even to the greatest, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will no longer remember their sin.Jeremiah 31:34

Jeremiah 32:18 You act with mercy a thousand-fold, but you repay the iniquity of the fathers into the sinews of their sons after them. The Lord of hosts is your name: most strong, great, and powerful!Jeremiah 32:18

Jeremiah 33:8 And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity, by which they have sinned against me. And I will forgive all their iniquities, by which they have offended against me and have despised me.Jeremiah 33:8

Jeremiah 36:3 Perhaps it may be that the house of Judah, upon hearing all the evils that I have decided to do to them, may return, each one from his wicked way, and then I will forgive their iniquity and their sin.”Jeremiah 36:3

Jeremiah 50:20 In those days and at that time, says the Lord, the iniquity of Israel will be sought, and there will be none. And the sin of Judah will be sought, and none will be found. For I will be forgiving to them, whom I will leave behind.Jeremiah 50:20

Jeremiah 51:6 Flee from the midst of Babylon! And let each one save his own life. Do not be silent about her iniquity. For it is the time of revenge from the Lord. He himself will repay her, in her turn.Jeremiah 51:6

Jeremiah 51:35 This iniquity is against me, and so my flesh is upon Babylon,” says the habitation of Zion. “And my blood is upon the inhabitants of Chaldea,” says Jerusalem.Jeremiah 51:35

Jeremiah 51:46 For otherwise, your heart may faint, and you may be afraid at the news that is heard in the land. And the news will arrive within a year, and after that year more news will arrive. And iniquity will be in the land, and one ruler will be over another ruler.Jeremiah 51:46

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Jeremiah: 21

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 2:14 NUN. Your prophets have seen false and foolish things for you. And they have not laid open your iniquity, so as to provoke you to repentance. Yet they have seen for you false revelations and banishments.Lamentations 2:14

Lamentations 3:59 RES. You have seen, O Lord, their iniquity against me. Judge my case.Lamentations 3:59

Lamentations 4:6 VAU. And the iniquity of the daughter of my people has been made greater than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment, and yet hands did not take captives in her.Lamentations 4:6

Lamentations 4:22 THAU. Your iniquity has been completed, O daughter of Zion. He will no longer send you away to captivity. He has visited your iniquity, O daughter of Edom; he has uncovered your sins.Lamentations 4:22

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Lamentations: 4

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 3:18 If, when I say to the impious man, ‘You shall certainly die,’ you do not announce it to him, and you do not speak so that he may turn aside from his impious way and live, then the same impious man will die in his iniquity. But I will attribute his blood to your hand.Ezekiel 3:18

Ezekiel 3:19 But if you announce it to the impious man, and he is not converted from his impiety and from his impious way, then indeed he will die in his iniquity. But you will have delivered your own soul.Ezekiel 3:19

Ezekiel 3:20 Moreover, if the just man turns aside from his justice and commits iniquity, I will place a stumbling block before him. He shall die, because you have not announced to him. He shall die in his sin, and his justices that he did shall not be remembered. Yet truly, I will attribute his blood to your hand.Ezekiel 3:20

Ezekiel 4:4 And you shall sleep on your left side. And you shall place the iniquities of the house of Israel on it by the number of days that you will sleep on it. And you shall take upon yourself their iniquity.Ezekiel 4:4

Ezekiel 4:5 For I have given to you the years of their iniquity, by the number of the days: three hundred and ninety days. And you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.Ezekiel 4:5

Ezekiel 4:6 And when you will have completed this, you shall sleep a second time, on your right side, and you shall assume the iniquity of the house of Judah for forty days: one day for each year; one day, I say, for each year, have I given to you.Ezekiel 4:6

Ezekiel 7:13 For whoever sells will not return to what he has sold, but as yet their life will be among the living. For the vision concerning their entire multitude will not turn back. And man will not be strengthened in the iniquity of his life.Ezekiel 7:13

Ezekiel 7:16 And those who flee from among them will be saved. And they will be among the mountains, like doves in steep valleys, with everyone of them trembling, each one because of his iniquity.Ezekiel 7:16

Ezekiel 7:19 Their silver will be thrown away, and their gold will be like a dunghill. Their silver and their gold will have no power to free them in the day of the fury of the Lord. They will not satisfy their soul, and their bellies will not be filled, because of the scandal of their iniquity.Ezekiel 7:19

Ezekiel 7:23 Cause it to be closed. For the land has been filled with the judgment of blood, and the city is full of iniquity.Ezekiel 7:23

Ezekiel 8:17 And he said to me: “Certainly, son of man, you have seen. Can this be so trivial to the house of Judah, when they commit these abominations, just as they have committed here, that, having filled the earth with iniquity, they now turn to provoke me? And behold, they are applying a branch to their nose.Ezekiel 8:17

Ezekiel 9:9 And he said to me: “The iniquity of the house of Israel, and of Judah, is vast and exceedingly great, and the land has been filled with blood, and the city has been filled with what is abhorrent. For they have said: ‘The Lord has forsaken the earth,’ and, ‘The Lord does not see.’Ezekiel 9:9

Ezekiel 11:2 And he said to me: “Son of man, these are men who devise iniquity. And they offer a wicked counsel in this city,Ezekiel 11:2

Ezekiel 12:19 And say to the people of the land: Thus says the Lord God, to those who are living in Jerusalem, in the land of Israel: They shall eat their bread in anxiety, and drink their water in desolation, so that the land may be desolate before its multitude, because of the iniquity of all who are living in it.Ezekiel 12:19

Ezekiel 14:7 For the man, the man of the house of Israel, and the new arrival among the converts who may be in Israel, if he is alienated from me, and he sets his idols in his heart, and he stations the scandal of his iniquity before his face, and he approaches the prophet, so that he may inquire of me through him: I, the Lord, will respond to him through myself.Ezekiel 14:7

Ezekiel 14:10 And they shall bear their iniquity. In accord with the iniquity of the one who inquires, so shall the iniquity of the prophet be.Ezekiel 14:10

Ezekiel 16:49 Behold, this was the iniquity of Sodom, your sister: arrogance, indulgence in bread and abundance, and the idleness of her and her daughters; and they did not reach out their hand to the needy and the poor.Ezekiel 16:49

Ezekiel 18:8 if he has not lent upon usury, nor taken any increase, if he has averted his hand from iniquity, and has executed true judgment between man and man,Ezekiel 18:8

Ezekiel 18:17 who has averted his hand from injuring the poor, who has not taken usury and an overabundance, who has acted according to my judgments and walked in my precepts, then this one shall not die for the iniquity of his father; instead, he shall certainly live.Ezekiel 18:17

Ezekiel 18:18 As for his father, because he oppressed and did violence to his brother, and worked evil in the midst of his people, behold, he has died by his own iniquity.Ezekiel 18:18

Ezekiel 18:19 And you say, ‘Why has not the son borne the iniquity of the father?’ Clearly, since the son has worked judgment and justice, has observed all my precepts, and has done them, he shall certainly live.Ezekiel 18:19

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sins, the same shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, and the father shall not bear the iniquity of the son. The justice of the just man shall be upon himself, but the impiety of the impious man shall be upon himself.Ezekiel 18:20

Ezekiel 18:24 But if a just man turns himself away from his justice, and does iniquity in accord with all the abominations that the impious man so often does, why should he live? All his justices, which he has accomplished, shall not be remembered. By the transgression, in which he has transgressed, and by his sin, in which he has sinned, by these he shall die.Ezekiel 18:24

Ezekiel 18:26 For when the just man turns himself away from his justice, and commits iniquity, he shall die by this; by the injustice that he has worked, he shall die.Ezekiel 18:26

Ezekiel 18:30 Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge each one according to his ways, says the Lord God. Be converted, and do penance for all your iniquities, and then iniquity will not be your ruin.Ezekiel 18:30

Ezekiel 21:25 But as for you, O impious leader of Israel, whose day has arrived that was predetermined at the time of iniquity:Ezekiel 21:25

Ezekiel 21:27 Iniquity, iniquity, iniquity I will make it. And this was not done until the one arrived to whom judgment belongs, and I will hand it over to him.Ezekiel 21:27

Ezekiel 21:29 while they look upon you in vain, and they divine lies, so that you may be given over to the necks of the wounded impious, whose day has arrived that was predetermined at the time of iniquity.Ezekiel 21:29

Ezekiel 28:15 You were perfect in your ways, from the day of your formation, until iniquity was found in you.Ezekiel 28:15

Ezekiel 28:16 By the multitude of your business dealings, your interior was filled with iniquity, and you sinned. And I cast you away from the mountain of God, and I perished you, O protecting cherub, from the midst of the stones containing fire.Ezekiel 28:16

Ezekiel 28:18 You have defiled your sanctuaries, by the multitude of your iniquities and by the iniquity of your business dealings. Therefore, I will produce a fire from your midst, which will consume you, and I will make you into ashes upon the earth, in the sight of all who are watching you.Ezekiel 28:18

Ezekiel 29:16 And they will no longer be the confidence of the house of Israel, teaching iniquity, so that they may flee and follow them. And they shall know that I am the Lord God.”Ezekiel 29:16

Ezekiel 33:6 And if the watchman sees the sword approaching, and he does not sound the trumpet, and so the people do not guard themselves, and the sword arrives and takes some of their lives, certainly these have been taken due to their own iniquity. But I will attribute their blood to the hand of the watchman.Ezekiel 33:6

Ezekiel 33:8 When I say to the impious, ‘O impious man, you will die a death,’ if you have not spoken so that the impious man will keep himself from his way, then that impious man will die in his iniquity. But I will attribute his blood to your hand.Ezekiel 33:8

Ezekiel 33:9 But if you have announced to the impious man, so that he may be converted from his ways, and he has not converted from his way, then he will die in his iniquity. Yet you will have freed your own soul.Ezekiel 33:9

Ezekiel 33:13 Even now, if I say to the just man that he shall certainly live, and so, with confidence in his justice, he commits iniquity, all his justices will be delivered into oblivion, and by his iniquity, which he has done, by this he shall die.Ezekiel 33:13

Ezekiel 35:5 For you have been a continual adversary, and you have enclosed the sons of Israel, by the hands of the sword, in the time of their affliction, in the time of extreme iniquity.Ezekiel 35:5

Ezekiel 39:23 And the Gentiles shall know that the house of Israel was taken captive because of their own iniquity, because they abandoned me. And so I concealed my face from them, and I delivered them into the hands of their enemies, and they all fell by the sword.Ezekiel 39:23

Ezekiel 44:10 And as for the Levites, they have withdrawn far away from me, in the errors of the sons of Israel, and they have gone astray from me after their idols, and they have borne their iniquity.Ezekiel 44:10

Ezekiel 44:12 But because they ministered to them in the sight their idols, and they became a stumbling block of iniquity to the house of Israel, for this reason, I have lifted up my hand against them, says the Lord God, and they will bear their iniquity.Ezekiel 44:12

Ezekiel 45:9 Thus says the Lord God: Let this be sufficient for you, O princes of Israel! Cease from iniquity and robberies, and execute judgment and justice. Separate your confines from my people, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 45:9

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Ezekiel: 41

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 3:23 But these three men, that is, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, having been bound, fell down in the middle of the oven of burning fire. And they were walking in the midst of the flame, praising God and blessing the Lord. Then Azariah, while standing, prayed in this manner, and opening his mouth in the midst of the fire, he said: “Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and your name is praiseworthy and glorious for all ages. For you are just in all the things that you have accomplished for us, and all your works are true, and your ways are right, and all your judgments are true. For you have made equally true judgments in all the things that you have brought upon us and upon Jerusalem, the holy city of our fathers. For in truth and in judgment, you have brought down all these things because of our sins. For we have sinned, and we have committed iniquity in withdrawing from you, and we have offended in all things. And we have not listened to your precepts, nor have we observed or done as you have ordered us, so that it might go well with us. Therefore, everything that you have brought upon us, and all that you have done for us, you have done in true judgment. And you have delivered us into the hands of our enemies: traitors, unjust and most wicked, and to a king, unjust and most wicked, even more so than all others on earth. And now we are not able to open our mouths. We have become a shame and a disgrace to your servants and to those who worship you. Do not hand us over forever, we ask you, because of your name, and do not abolish your covenant. And do not withdraw your mercy from us, because of Abraham, your beloved, and Isaac, your servant, and Israel, your holy one. You have spoken with them, promising that you would multiply their offspring like the stars of heaven and like the sand on the seashore. For we, O Lord, are diminished more than all other peoples, and we are brought low throughout all the earth, this day, because of our sins. Neither is there, at this time, a leader, or a ruler, or a prophet, nor any holocaust, or sacrifice, or oblation, or incense, or place of first fruits, in your eyes, so that we may be able to find your mercy. Nevertheless, with a contrite soul and humble spirit, let us be accepted. Just as in the holocausts of rams and bullocks, and as in thousands of fat lambs, so let our sacrifice be in your sight this day, in order to please you. For there is no shame for those who trust in you. And now we follow you wholeheartedly, and we fear you, and we seek your face. Do not put us to shame, but deal with us in agreement with your clemency and according to the multitude of your mercies. And rescue us by your wonders and give glory to your name, O Lord. And let all those be confounded who lead your servants towards evil. May they be confounded by all your power and may their strength be crushed. And may they know that you are the Lord, the only God, and glorious above the world.” And they did not cease, those attendants of the king who had cast them in, to heat the furnace with oil, and flax, and pitch, and brush. And the flame streamed forth above the furnace for forty-nine cubits. And the fire erupted and burnt those of the Chaldeans within its reach near the furnace. But the angel of the Lord descended with Azariah and his companions into the furnace; and he cast the flame of the fire out of the furnace. And he made the middle of the furnace like the blowing of a damp wind, and the fire did not touch them, nor afflict them, nor bother them at all. Then these three, as if with one voice, praised and glorified and blessed God, in the furnace, saying: “Blessed are you, Lord, God of our fathers: praiseworthy, and glorious, and exalted above all forever. And blessed is the holy name of your glory: praiseworthy, and exalted above all, for all ages. Blessed are you in the holy temple of your glory: praiseworthy above all and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you on the throne of your kingdom: praiseworthy above all and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you who beholds the abyss and sits upon the cherubims: praiseworthy and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you in the firmament of heaven: praiseworthy and glorious forever. All works of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All waters that are above the heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All powers of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sun and moon, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Stars of heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Every rain and dew, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Every breath of God, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Fire and steam, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Cold and heat, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Dews and frost, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sleet and winter, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Ice and snow, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Nights and days, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Light and darkness, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Lightning and clouds, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. May the land bless the Lord: and praise and exalt him above all forever. Mountains and hills, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All things that grow in the land, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Fountains, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Seas and rivers, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Whales and all things that move in the waters, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All things that fly in the heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All beasts and cattle, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sons of men, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. May Israel bless the Lord: and praise and exalt him above all forever. Priests of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Servants of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Spirits and souls of the just, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Those who are holy and humble in heart, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. For he has delivered us from the underworld, and saved us from the hand of death, and freed us from the midst of the burning flame, and rescued us from the midst of the fire. Give thanks to the Lord because he is good: because his mercy is forever. All those who are pious, bless the Lord, the God of gods: praise him and acknowledge him because his mercy is for all generations.”Daniel 3:23

Daniel 9:5 We have sinned, we have committed iniquity, we acted impiously and have withdrawn, and we have turned aside from your commandments as well as your judgments.Daniel 9:5

Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks of years are concentrated on your people and on your holy city, so that transgression shall be finished, and sin shall reach an end, and iniquity shall be wiped away, and so that everlasting justice shall be brought in, and vision and prophecy shall be fulfilled, and the Saint of saints shall be anointed.Daniel 9:24

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Daniel: 3

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 4:8 They will devour the sins of my people, and they will lift up their souls towards their iniquity.Hosea 4:8

Hosea 5:5 And the arrogance of Israel will answer to his face. And Israel and Ephraim will fall in their iniquity, and even Judah will fall with them.Hosea 5:5

Hosea 7:1 When I was willing to heal Israel, the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered, and the malice of Samaria, for they had been manufacturing lies. And the thief steals from inside, the robber from outside.Hosea 7:1

Hosea 8:13 They will offer victims, they will immolate flesh and will eat, and the Lord will not accept them. For now he will remember their iniquity, and he will repay their sins: they will be turned back to Egypt.Hosea 8:13

Hosea 9:9 They have sinned profoundly, just as in the days of Gibeah. He will remember their iniquity, and he will repay their sin.Hosea 9:9

Hosea 10:9 From the days of Gibeah, Israel has sinned; in this, they remained firm. The battle in Gibeah against the sons of iniquity will not take hold of them.Hosea 10:9

Hosea 10:13 You have ploughed impiety; you have harvested iniquity; you have eaten the fruit of lies. For you had confidence in your ways, in the multitude of your good fortunes.Hosea 10:13

Hosea 12:8 And Ephraim has said, “Nevertheless, I have become rich; I have found an idol for myself. All of my labors will not reveal to me the iniquity that I have committed.”Hosea 12:8

Hosea 13:12 The iniquity of Ephraim has been bound; his sin has been engulfed.Hosea 13:12

Hosea 14:1 Israel, convert to the Lord your God. For you have been ruined by your own iniquity.Hosea 14:1

Hosea 14:2 Take these words with you and return to the Lord. And say to him, “Remove all iniquity and accept the good. And we will repay the calves of our lips.Hosea 14:2

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Hosea: 11

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Amos

Amos 3:10 And they do not know how to make it right, says the Lord, storing up iniquity and plunder in their buildings.Amos 3:10

Amos 6:3 You have been set aside for the day of disaster, and you approach the throne of iniquity.Amos 6:3

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Amos: 2

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Obadiah

Obadiah 1:10 Because of the execution, and because of the iniquity against your brother Jacob, confusion will cover you, and you will pass away into eternity.Obadiah 1:10

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Obadiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Jonah

Jonah 3:8 And let men and beasts be covered with sackcloth, and let them cry out to the Lord with strength, and may man be converted from his evil way, and from the iniquity that is in their hands.Jonah 3:8

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Jonah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Micah

Micah 3:10 You build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity.Micah 3:10

Micah 6:10 Nevertheless, there is a fire in the house of the impious, the treasury of iniquity, and a small measure, filled with wrath.Micah 6:10

Micah 6:12 By this, her wealthy have been filled with iniquity, and her inhabitants have spoken lies, and their tongue was deceitful in their mouth.Micah 6:12

Micah 7:18 What God is like you, who takes away iniquity and passes over the sin of the remnant of your inheritance? No longer will he send forth his fury, because he is willing to be merciful.Micah 7:18

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Micah: 4

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Habakkuk

Habakkuk 1:3 Why have you revealed to me iniquity and hardship, to see plunder and injustice opposite me? And there has been judgment, but the opposition is more powerful.Habakkuk 1:3

Habakkuk 1:13 Your eyes are pure, you do not behold evil, and you cannot look towards iniquity. Why do you look upon the agents of iniquity, and remain silent, while the impious is devouring one who is more just than himself?Habakkuk 1:13

Habakkuk 2:8 Because you have despoiled many peoples, all those who are left of the people shall despoil you, because of the blood of men, and the iniquity of the earth, of the city and all who dwell therein.Habakkuk 2:8

Habakkuk 2:12 Woe to him who builds a town with blood and prepares a city by iniquity.Habakkuk 2:12

Habakkuk 2:17 For the iniquity of Lebanon will cover you, and the devastation of animals which will deter them from the blood of men, and the iniquity of the earth and the city, and of all who dwell therein.Habakkuk 2:17

Habakkuk 3:7 I saw the tents of Ethiopia for their iniquity; the tent-skins of the land of Midian will be thrown into confusion.Habakkuk 3:7

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Habakkuk: 6

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Zephaniah

Zephaniah 1:9 And I will visit upon all who enter arrogantly over the threshold in that day, those who fill the house of the Lord their God with iniquity and deceit.Zephaniah 1:9

Zephaniah 3:5 The just Lord is in their midst; he will not do iniquity. In the morning, in the morning, he will bring his judgment into the light, and it will not be hidden. But the impious one has not known shame.Zephaniah 3:5

Zephaniah 3:13 The remnant of Israel will not do iniquity, nor speak lies, and a deceitful tongue will not be found in their mouth. For they will pasture and will recline, and there will be no one to strike them with terror.Zephaniah 3:13

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Zephaniah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 3:4 He answered and spoke to those who stood before him, saying, “Take away the filthy garments from him.” And he said to him, “Behold, I have taken away from you your iniquity, and I have clothed you with a change of clothing.”Zechariah 3:4

Zechariah 3:9 For behold, the stone that I have bestowed before Jesus. Upon one stone, there are seven eyes. Behold, I will carve its engraving, says the Lord of hosts. And I will take away the iniquity of that land in one day.Zechariah 3:9

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Zechariah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Malachi

Malachi 2:6 The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and integrity, and he turned away many from iniquity.Malachi 2:6

Malachi 2:16 If you would hold hatred, dismiss her, says the Lord, the God of Israel. But iniquity will cover his garment, says the Lord of hosts. Preserve your spirit, and do not be willing to despise.Malachi 2:16

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Malachi: 2

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 7:23 And then will I disclose to them: ‘I have never known you. Depart from me, you workers of iniquity.’Matthew 7:23

Matthew 13:41 The Son of man shall send out his Angels, and they shall gather from his kingdom all who lead astray and those who work iniquity.Matthew 13:41

Matthew 23:28 So also, you certainly appear to men outwardly to be just. But inwardly you are filled with hypocrisy and iniquity.Matthew 23:28

Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity has abounded, the charity of many will grow cold.Matthew 24:12

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Matthew: 4

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Luke

Luke 11:39 And the Lord said to him: “You Pharisees today clean what is outside the cup and the plate, but what is inside of you is full of plunder and iniquity.Luke 11:39

Luke 13:27 And he will say to you: ‘I do not know where you are from. Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity!’Luke 13:27

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Luke: 2

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Acts

Acts 1:18 And this man certainly possessed an estate from the wages of iniquity, and so, having been hanged, he burst open in the middle and all his internal organs poured out.Acts 1:18

Acts 8:23 For I perceive you to be in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity.”Acts 8:23

Acts 24:20 Or let these ones here say if they have found in me any iniquity, while standing before the council.Acts 24:20

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Acts: 3

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Romans

Romans 1:29 having been completely filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness; full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, spite, gossiping;Romans 1:29

Romans 2:8 But to those who are contentious and who do not acquiesce to the truth, but instead trust in iniquity, he will render wrath and indignation.Romans 2:8

Romans 6:13 Nor should you offer the parts of your body as instruments of iniquity for sin. Instead, offer yourselves to God, as if you were living after death, and offer the parts of your body as instruments of justice for God.Romans 6:13

Romans 6:19 I am speaking in human terms because of the infirmity of your flesh. For just as you offered the parts of your body to serve impurity and iniquity, for the sake of iniquity, so also have you now yielded the parts of your body to serve justice, for the sake of sanctification.Romans 6:19

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Romans: 4

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 13:6 Charity does not rejoice over iniquity, but rejoices in truth.1 Corinthians 13:6

Number of the word / term Iniquity in 1 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book 2 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity is already at work. And only one now holds back, and will continue to hold back, until he is taken from our midst.2 Thessalonians 2:7

2 Thessalonians 2:10 and with every seduction of iniquity, toward those who are perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth, so that they may be saved.2 Thessalonians 2:10

2 Thessalonians 2:12 in order that all those who have not believed in the truth, but who have consented to iniquity, may be judged.2 Thessalonians 2:12

Number of the word / term Iniquity in 2 Thessalonians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book 2 Timothy

2 Timothy 2:19 But the firm foundation of God remains standing, having this seal: the Lord knows those who are his own, and all who know the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.2 Timothy 2:19

Number of the word / term Iniquity in 2 Timothy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Titus

Titus 2:14 He gave himself for our sake, so that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and might cleanse for himself an acceptable people, pursuers of good works.Titus 2:14

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Titus: 1

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 1:9 You have loved justice, and you have hated iniquity. Because of this, God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of exultation, above your companions.”Hebrews 1:9

Number of the word / term Iniquity in Hebrews: 1

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book James

James 3:6 And so the tongue is like a fire, comprising all iniquity. The tongue, stationed in the midst of our body, can defile the entire body and inflame the wheel of our nativity, setting a fire from Hell.James 3:6

Number of the word / term Iniquity in James: 1

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book 2 Peter

2 Peter 2:8 For in seeing and in hearing, he was just, though he lived with those who, from day to day, crucified the just soul with works of iniquity.2 Peter 2:8

2 Peter 2:15 Abandoning the straight path, they wandered astray, having followed the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved the wages of iniquity.2 Peter 2:15

Number of the word / term Iniquity in 2 Peter: 2

Bible passages with ‘Iniquity’ in the book 1 John

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, then he is faithful and just, so as to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all iniquity.1 John 1:9

1 John 3:4 Everyone who commits a sin, also commits iniquity. For sin is iniquity.1 John 3:4

1 John 5:17 All that is iniquity is sin. But there is a sin unto death.1 John 5:17

Number of the word / term ‘Iniquity’ in 1 John: 3

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 316

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