Our Little Concordance

‘Hundred’ in the Bible – All 528 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Hundred’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Hundred’ occurs 528 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 5:3 Then Adam lived for one hundred and thirty years. And then he conceived a son in his own image and likeness, and he called his name Seth.Genesis 5:3

Genesis 5:4 And after he conceived Seth, the days of Adam that passed were eight hundred years. And he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 5:4

Genesis 5:5 And all the time that passed while Adam lived was nine hundred and thirty years, and then he died.Genesis 5:5

Genesis 5:6 Seth likewise lived for one hundred and five years, and then he conceived Enos.Genesis 5:6

Genesis 5:7 And after he conceived Enos, Seth lived for eight hundred and seven years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 5:7

Genesis 5:8 And all the days of Seth that passed were nine hundred and twelve years, and then he died.Genesis 5:8

Genesis 5:10 After his birth, he lived eight hundred and fifteen years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 5:10

Genesis 5:11 And all the days of Enos that passed were nine hundred and five years, and then he died.Genesis 5:11

Genesis 5:13 And after he conceived Mahalalel, Cainan lived for eight hundred and forty years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 5:13

Genesis 5:14 And all the days of Cainan that passed were nine hundred and ten years, and then he died.Genesis 5:14

Genesis 5:16 And after he conceived Jared, Mahalalel lived for eight hundred and thirty years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 5:16

Genesis 5:17 And all the days of Mahalalel that passed were eight hundred and ninety-five years, and then he died.Genesis 5:17

Genesis 5:18 And Jared lived for one hundred and sixty-two years, and then he conceived Enoch.Genesis 5:18

Genesis 5:19 And after he conceived Enoch, Jared lived for eight hundred years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 5:19

Genesis 5:20 And all the days of Jared that passed were nine hundred and sixty-two years, and then he died.Genesis 5:20

Genesis 5:22 And Enoch walked with God. And after he conceived Methuselah, he lived for three hundred years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 5:22

Genesis 5:23 And all the days of Enoch that passed were three hundred and sixty-five years.Genesis 5:23

Genesis 5:25 Likewise, Methuselah lived for one hundred and eighty-seven years, and then he conceived Lamech.Genesis 5:25

Genesis 5:26 And after he conceived Lamech, Methuselah lived for seven hundred and eighty-two years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 5:26

Genesis 5:27 And all the days of Methuselah that passed were nine hundred and sixty-nine years, and then he died.Genesis 5:27

Genesis 5:28 Then Lamech lived for one hundred and eighty-two years, and he conceived a son.Genesis 5:28

Genesis 5:30 And after he conceived Noah, Lamech lived for five hundred and ninety-five years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 5:30

Genesis 5:31 And all the days of Lamech that passed were seven hundred and seventy-seven years, and then he died.Genesis 5:31

Genesis 5:32 In truth, when Noah was five hundred years old, he conceived Shem, Ham, and Japheth.Genesis 5:32

Genesis 6:3 And God said: “My spirit shall not remain in man forever, because he is flesh. And so his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”Genesis 6:3

Genesis 6:15 And thus shall you make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits.Genesis 6:15

Genesis 7:6 And he was six hundred years old when the waters of the great flood inundated the earth.Genesis 7:6

Genesis 7:24 And the waters possessed the earth for one hundred and fifty days.Genesis 7:24

Genesis 8:3 And the waters were restored to their coming and going from the earth. And they began to diminish after one hundred and fifty days.Genesis 8:3

Genesis 8:13 Therefore, in the six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the waters were diminished upon the earth. And Noah, opening the cover of the ark, gazed out and saw that the surface of the earth had become dry.Genesis 8:13

Genesis 9:28 And after the great flood, Noah lived for three hundred and fifty years.Genesis 9:28

Genesis 9:29 And all his days were completed in nine hundred and fifty years, and then he died.Genesis 9:29

Genesis 11:10 These are the generations of Shem. Shem was one hundred years old when he conceived Arphaxad, two years after the great flood.Genesis 11:10

Genesis 11:11 And after he conceived Arphaxad, Shem lived for five hundred years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 11:11

Genesis 11:13 And after he conceived Shelah, Arphaxad lived for three hundred and three years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 11:13

Genesis 11:15 And after he conceived Eber, Shelah lived for four hundred and three years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 11:15

Genesis 11:17 And after he conceived Peleg, Eber lived for four hundred and thirty years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 11:17

Genesis 11:19 And after he conceived Reu, Peleg lived for two hundred and nine years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 11:19

Genesis 11:21 Likewise, after he conceived Serug, Reu lived for two hundred and seven years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 11:21

Genesis 11:23 And after he conceived Nahor, Serug lived for two hundred years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 11:23

Genesis 11:25 And after he conceived Terah, Nahor lived for one hundred and nineteen years, and he conceived sons and daughters.Genesis 11:25

Genesis 11:32 And the days of Terah that passed were two hundred and five years, and then he died in Haran.Genesis 11:32

Genesis 14:14 When Abram had heard this, namely, that his brother Lot had been taken captive, he numbered three hundred and eighteen of his own armed men and he went in pursuit all the way to Dan.Genesis 14:14

Genesis 15:13 And it was said to him: “Know beforehand that your future offspring will be sojourners in a land not their own, and they will subjugate them in servitude and afflict them for four hundred years.Genesis 15:13

Genesis 17:17 Abraham fell on his face, and he laughed, saying in his heart: “Do you think a son can be born to a one hundred year old man? And will Sarah give birth at the age of ninety?”Genesis 17:17

Genesis 21:5 when he was one hundred years old. Indeed, at this stage of his father’s life, Isaac was born.Genesis 21:5

Genesis 23:1 Now Sarah lived for one hundred and twenty-seven years.Genesis 23:1

Genesis 23:15 The land that you request is worth four hundred shekels of silver. This is the price between me and you. But how much is this? Bury your dead.”Genesis 23:15

Genesis 23:16 And when Abraham had heard this, he weighed out the money that Ephron had requested, in the hearing of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, of the approved public currency.Genesis 23:16

Genesis 25:7 Now the days of Abraham’s life were one hundred and seventy-five years.Genesis 25:7

Genesis 25:17 And the years of the life of Ishmael that passed were one hundred and thirty-seven. And declining, he died and was placed with his people.Genesis 25:17

Genesis 32:6 And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, “We went to your brother Esau, and behold, he rushes to meet you with four hundred men.”Genesis 32:6

Genesis 32:14 two hundred she-goats, twenty he-goats, two hundred ewes, and twenty rams,Genesis 32:14

Genesis 33:1 Then Jacob, lifting up his eyes, saw Esau arriving, and with him four hundred men. And he divided the sons of Leah and Rachel, and of both the handmaids.Genesis 33:1

Genesis 33:19 And he bought the part of the field in which he had pitched his tents from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for one hundred lambs.Genesis 33:19

Genesis 35:28 And the days of Isaac were completed: one hundred and eighty years.Genesis 35:28

Genesis 45:22 Likewise, he ordered two robes for each of them to be brought. Yet truly, to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver along with five of the best robes.Genesis 45:22

Genesis 47:9 He responded, “The days of my sojourn are one hundred and thirty years, few and unworthy, and they do not reach even to the days of the sojourning of my fathers.”Genesis 47:9

Genesis 47:28 And he lived in it seventeen years. And all the days of his life that passed were one hundred and forty-seven years.Genesis 47:28

Genesis 50:22 And he lived in Egypt with all his father’s house; and he survived for one hundred and ten years.Genesis 50:22

Genesis 50:26 he died, having completed one hundred and ten years of his life. And having been embalmed with aromatics, he was laid to rest in a coffin in Egypt.Genesis 50:26

Number of the word / term Hundred in Genesis: 61

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 6:16 And these are the names of the sons of Levi by their kindred: Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari. Now the years of the life of Levi were one hundred and thirty-seven.Exodus 6:16

Exodus 6:18 The sons of Kohath: Amram, and Izhar, and Hebron and Uzziel. Likewise, the years of the life of Kohath were one hundred and thirty-three.Exodus 6:18

Exodus 6:20 Now Amram took as a wife Jochebed, his paternal aunt, who bore for him Aaron and Moses. And the years of the life of Amram were one hundred and thirty-seven.Exodus 6:20

Exodus 12:37 And the sons of Israel set out from Rameses to Soccoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides little ones.Exodus 12:37

Exodus 12:40 Now the habitation of the sons of Israel, while they remained in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.Exodus 12:40

Exodus 14:7 And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and whatever chariots were in Egypt, and also the leaders of the whole army.Exodus 14:7

Exodus 18:21 Then provide, from all of the people, men capable and fearing God, in whom there is truth and who hate avarice, and appoint from them tribunes, and leaders of hundreds, and of fifties, and of tens,Exodus 18:21

Exodus 18:25 And choosing virtuous men from all of Israel, he appointed them as leaders of the people: tribunes, and leaders of hundreds, and of fifties, and of tens.Exodus 18:25

Exodus 27:9 You shall also make the atrium of the tabernacle, at the southern part of which, opposite the meridian, there shall be hangings of fine twisted linen: one side extending for one hundred cubits in length.Exodus 27:9

Exodus 27:11 In like manner also, throughout the length of the north side, there shall be hangings of one hundred cubits, and twenty columns, and the same number of bases of brass, and their heads with their engravings of silver.Exodus 27:11

Exodus 27:18 In length, the atrium shall occupy one hundred cubits, in width, fifty; the height shall be of five cubits. And it shall be made of fine twisted linen, and it shall have bases of brass.Exodus 27:18

Exodus 30:23 saying: “Take for yourself aromatics: of the first and best myrrh, five hundred shekels, and of cinnamon half as much, that is, two hundred and fifty shekels; of sweet flag similarly two hundred and fifty,Exodus 30:23

Exodus 30:24 but of cassia, five hundred shekels by the weight of the sanctuary, and of the oil of olives the measure of a hin.Exodus 30:24

Exodus 38:9 He also made the atrium, at the south side of which were hangings of fine twisted linen of one hundred cubits andExodus 38:9

Exodus 38:24 All of the gold that was expended in the work of the Sanctuary, and that was offered in donation, was twenty-nine talents and seven hundred thirty shekels, according to the measure of the Sanctuary.Exodus 38:24

Exodus 38:25 Now it was offered by those who were past the numbering of twenty years and above: from six hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fifty men able to bear arms.Exodus 38:25

Exodus 38:26 There were, beyond that, one hundred talents of silver, from which were cast the bases for the Sanctuary and for the entrance where the veil hangs.Exodus 38:26

Exodus 38:27 One hundred bases were made from one hundred talents, a single talent being counted for each base.Exodus 38:27

Exodus 38:28 But from one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, he made the heads of the columns, which he also clothed with silver.Exodus 38:28

Exodus 38:29 Likewise, of brass, there was offered seventy-two thousand talents, and four hundred more shekels,Exodus 38:29

Number of the word / term Hundred in Exodus: 20

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 26:8 Five of yours will pursue a hundred foreigners, and a hundred of you will pursue ten thousand. Your enemies will fall by the sword in your sight.Leviticus 26:8

Number of the word / term Hundred in Leviticus: 1

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 1:21 there were forty-six thousand five hundred.Numbers 1:21

Numbers 1:23 there were fifty-nine thousand three hundred.Numbers 1:23

Numbers 1:25 there were forty-five thousand six hundred fifty.Numbers 1:25

Numbers 1:27 there were counted seventy-four thousand six hundred.Numbers 1:27

Numbers 1:29 there were counted fifty-four thousand four hundred.Numbers 1:29

Numbers 1:31 there were fifty-seven thousand four hundred.Numbers 1:31

Numbers 1:33 there were forty thousand five hundred.Numbers 1:33

Numbers 1:35 there were thirty-two thousand two hundred.Numbers 1:35

Numbers 1:37 there were thirty-five thousand four hundred.Numbers 1:37

Numbers 1:39 there were sixty-two thousand seven hundred.Numbers 1:39

Numbers 1:41 there were forty thousand and one thousand five hundred.Numbers 1:41

Numbers 1:43 there were fifty-three thousand four hundred.Numbers 1:43

Numbers 1:46 six hundred three thousand five hundred fifty men.Numbers 1:46

Numbers 2:4 And the entire total of the fighting men from his stock was seventy-four thousand six hundred.Numbers 2:4

Numbers 2:6 And the entire number of his fighting men was fifty-four thousand four hundred.Numbers 2:6

Numbers 2:8 All the army of fighting men from his stock were fifty-seven thousand four hundred.Numbers 2:8

Numbers 2:9 All who were numbered in the camp of Judah were one hundred eighty-six thousand four hundred. And these, by their companies, shall go forth first.Numbers 2:9

Numbers 2:11 And the entire army of his fighting men, who were numbered, were forty-six thousand five hundred.Numbers 2:11

Numbers 2:13 And the entire army of his fighting men, who were numbered, were fifty-nine thousand three hundred.Numbers 2:13

Numbers 2:15 And the entire army of his fighting men, who were numbered, were forty-five thousand six hundred fifty.Numbers 2:15

Numbers 2:16 All who were counted in the camp of Ruben were one hundred fifty thousand and one thousand four hundred fifty, by their companies. These shall advance in the second place.Numbers 2:16

Numbers 2:19 The entire army of his fighting men, who were numbered, were forty thousand five hundred.Numbers 2:19

Numbers 2:21 And the entire army of his fighting men, who were numbered, were thirty-two thousand two hundred.Numbers 2:21

Numbers 2:23 And the entire army of his fighting men, who were counted, were thirty-five thousand four hundred.Numbers 2:23

Numbers 2:24 All who were numbered in the camp of Ephraim were one hundred eight thousand one hundred, by their companies. These shall advance third.Numbers 2:24

Numbers 2:26 The entire army of his fighting men, who were numbered, were sixty-two thousand seven hundred.Numbers 2:26

Numbers 2:28 The entire army of his fighting men, who were numbered, were forty thousand and one thousand five hundred.Numbers 2:28

Numbers 2:30 The entire army of his fighting men were fifty-three thousand four hundred.Numbers 2:30

Numbers 2:31 All who were numbered in the camp of Dan were one hundred fifty-seven thousand six hundred; and these shall advance at the very end.Numbers 2:31

Numbers 2:32 This is the number of the sons of Israel, of their army divided by the houses of their kinships and their companies: six hundred three thousand five hundred fifty.Numbers 2:32

Numbers 3:22 The people of these were numbered, of the male sex, from one month and above: seven thousand five hundred.Numbers 3:22

Numbers 3:28 all those of the male gender, from one month and above: eight thousand six hundred. They shall keep watch over the Sanctuary,Numbers 3:28

Numbers 3:34 all those of the male gender, from one month and above: six thousand two hundred.Numbers 3:34

Numbers 3:43 And the males by their names, from one month and above, were twenty-two thousand two hundred seventy-three.Numbers 3:43

Numbers 3:46 But for the price of the two hundred and seventy-three, which exceed the number of the Levites compared to the number of firstborn of the sons of Israel,Numbers 3:46

Numbers 3:50 in place of the firstborn of the sons of Israel: one thousand three hundred sixty-five shekels, according to the weight of the Sanctuary.Numbers 3:50

Numbers 4:36 And there were found two thousand seven hundred fifty.Numbers 4:36

Numbers 4:40 And there were found two thousand six hundred thirty.Numbers 4:40

Numbers 4:44 And there were found three thousand two hundred.Numbers 4:44

Numbers 4:48 were together eight thousand five hundred eighty.Numbers 4:48

Numbers 7:13 And in it were these: a silver dish weighing one hundred thirty shekels, a silver bowl having seventy shekels, according to the weight of the Sanctuary, and both were filled with fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil as a sacrifice,Numbers 7:13

Numbers 7:19 a silver dish weighing one hundred thirty shekels, a silver bowl having seventy shekels, according to the weight of the Sanctuary, and both were filled with fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil as a sacrifice,Numbers 7:19

Numbers 7:25 offered a silver dish weighing one hundred thirty shekels, a silver bowl having seventy shekels, by the weight of the Sanctuary, and both were filled with fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil as a sacrifice,Numbers 7:25

Numbers 7:31 offered a silver dish weighing one hundred thirty shekels, a silver bowl having seventy shekels, by the weight of the Sanctuary, and both were filled with fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil as a sacrifice,Numbers 7:31

Numbers 7:37 offered a silver dish weighing one hundred thirty shekels, a silver bowl having seventy shekels, by the weight of the Sanctuary, and both were filled with fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil as a sacrifice,Numbers 7:37

Numbers 7:43 offered a silver dish weighing one hundred thirty shekels, a silver bowl having seventy shekels, by the weight of the Sanctuary, and both were filled with fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil as a sacrifice,Numbers 7:43

Numbers 7:49 offered a silver dish weighing one hundred thirty shekels, a silver bowl having seventy shekels, by the weight of the Sanctuary, and both were filled with fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil as a sacrifice,Numbers 7:49

Numbers 7:55 offered a silver dish weighing one hundred thirty shekels, a silver bowl having seventy shekels, by the weight of the Sanctuary, and both were filled with fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil as a sacrifice,Numbers 7:55

Numbers 7:61 offered a silver dish weighing one hundred thirty shekels, a silver bowl having seventy shekels, by the weight of the Sanctuary, and both were filled with fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil as a sacrifice,Numbers 7:61

Numbers 7:67 offered a silver dish weighing one hundred thirty shekels, a silver bowl having seventy shekels, by the weight of the Sanctuary, and both were filled with fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil as a sacrifice,Numbers 7:67

Numbers 7:73 offered a silver dish weighing one hundred thirty shekels, a silver bowl having seventy shekels, by the weight of the Sanctuary, and both were filled with fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil as a sacrifice,Numbers 7:73

Numbers 7:79 offered a silver dish weighing one hundred thirty shekels, a silver bowl having seventy shekels, by the weight of the Sanctuary, and both were filled with fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil as a sacrifice,Numbers 7:79

Numbers 7:85 such that each dish had one hundred thirty shekels of silver, and each bowl had seventy shekels, that is, putting all of the vessels from silver together, two thousand four hundred shekels, by the weight of the Sanctuary,Numbers 7:85

Numbers 7:86 and twelve little mortars of gold, filled with incense, weighing ten shekels by the weight of the Sanctuary, that is, all together one hundred twenty shekels of gold,Numbers 7:86

Numbers 11:21 And Moses said: “There are six hundred thousand footmen of this people, and yet you say, ‘I will give them flesh to eat for a whole month.’Numbers 11:21

Numbers 16:2 rose up against Moses, with two hundred fifty others of the sons of Israel, leading men of the assembly, and who, at the time of a council, would be called by name.Numbers 16:2

Numbers 16:17 Let each one of you take censers, and place incense in them, offering to the Lord two hundred fifty censers. Let Aaron also hold his censer.”Numbers 16:17

Numbers 16:35 Then, too, a fire, going forth from the Lord, put to death the two hundred fifty men who were offering the incense.Numbers 16:35

Numbers 16:49 But the number of those who were struck down was fourteen thousand men, and seven hundred, aside from those who had perished in the sedition of Korah.Numbers 16:49

Numbers 26:7 These are the families of the stock of Ruben, whose number was found to be forty-three thousand and seven hundred thirty.Numbers 26:7

Numbers 26:10 And the earth, opening its mouth, devoured Korah, with many others dying, when the fire burned two hundred fifty men. And a great miracle was wrought,Numbers 26:10

Numbers 26:14 These are the families of the stock of Simeon, whose entire number was twenty-two thousand two hundred.Numbers 26:14

Numbers 26:18 These are the families of Gad, whose entire number was forty thousand five hundred.Numbers 26:18

Numbers 26:22 These are the families of Judah, whose entire number was seventy-six thousand five hundred.Numbers 26:22

Numbers 26:25 These are the kinships of Issachar, whose number was sixty-four thousand three hundred.Numbers 26:25

Numbers 26:27 These are the kinships of Zebulun, whose number was sixty thousand five hundred.Numbers 26:27

Numbers 26:34 These are the families of Manasseh, and their number was fifty-two thousand seven hundred.Numbers 26:34

Numbers 26:37 These are the kinships of the sons of Ephraim, whose number was thirty-two thousand five hundred.Numbers 26:37

Numbers 26:41 These are the sons of Benjamin by their kinships, whose number was forty-five thousand six hundred.Numbers 26:41

Numbers 26:43 All these were Shuhamites, whose number was sixty-four thousand four hundred.Numbers 26:43

Numbers 26:47 These are the kinships of the sons of Asher, and their number was fifty-three thousand four hundred.Numbers 26:47

Numbers 26:50 These are the kinships of the sons of Naphtali by their families, whose number was forty-five thousand four hundred.Numbers 26:50

Numbers 26:51 This is the sum of the sons of Israel, who were counted: six hundred thousand and one thousand seven hundred thirty.Numbers 26:51

Numbers 31:28 And you shall separate a portion for the Lord from the portion of those who fought and were in the battle: one soul out of five hundred, as much from humans, as from oxen and donkeys and sheep.Numbers 31:28

Numbers 31:32 Now the prey which the army had seized was six hundred seventy-five thousand sheep,Numbers 31:32

Numbers 31:36 And one half of the portion was given to those who had been in the battle: three hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred sheep.Numbers 31:36

Numbers 31:37 From these, for the portion of the Lord, there were accounted: six hundred seventy-five sheep;Numbers 31:37

Numbers 31:39 from the thirty thousand five hundred donkeys, sixty-one donkeys.Numbers 31:39

Numbers 31:43 Yet truly, from the one half portion which fell to the remainder of the multitude, that is, from the three hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred sheep,Numbers 31:43

Numbers 31:45 and from the thirty thousand five hundred donkeys,Numbers 31:45

Numbers 31:52 weighing sixteen thousand seven hundred fifty shekels, from the tribunes and the centurions.Numbers 31:52

Numbers 33:39 when he was one hundred twenty-three years old.Numbers 33:39

Number of the word / term Hundred in Numbers: 82

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 22:19 Moreover, they shall fine him one hundred shekels of silver, which he will give to the father of the girl, because he has committed slander, with a very wicked name, against a virgin of Israel. And he shall have her as a wife, and he cannot dismiss her throughout all the days of his life.Deuteronomy 22:19

Deuteronomy 31:2 And he said to them: “Today, I am one hundred and twenty years old. I am no longer able to go out and return, especially since the Lord has also said to me, ‘You shall not cross this Jordan.’Deuteronomy 31:2

Deuteronomy 34:7 Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eye was not dimmed, nor were his teeth displaced.Deuteronomy 34:7

Number of the word / term Hundred in Deuteronomy: 3

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 7:21 For I saw among the spoils a very fine scarlet cloak, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a gold bar of fifty shekels. And coveting these, I took and hid them in the ground near the middle of my tent, and I covered the silver with the soil that I had dug.”Joshua 7:21

Joshua 24:29 And after these things, Joshua, the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died, being one hundred and ten years old.Joshua 24:29

Joshua 24:32 And the bones of Joseph, which the sons of Israel had brought from Egypt, they buried at Shechem, in a portion of the field that Jacob had purchased from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for one hundred young female sheep, and so it was in the possession of the sons of Joseph.Joshua 24:32

Number of the word / term Hundred in Joshua: 3

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Judges

Judges 2:8 Then Joshua, the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died, being one hundred and ten years old.Judges 2:8

Judges 3:31 After him, there was Shamgar, the son of Anath, who struck down six hundred men of the Philistines with a plowshare. And he also defended Israel.Judges 3:31

Judges 4:3 And the sons of Israel cried out to the Lord. For he had nine hundred chariots with scythes, and he vehemently oppressed them for twenty years.Judges 4:3

Judges 4:13 And he gathered together the nine hundred chariots with scythes, and the entire army, from Harosheth of the Gentiles to the torrent Kishon.Judges 4:13

Judges 7:6 And so the number of those who had lapped the water, by bringing it with the hand to the mouth, was three hundred men. And all the remainder of the multitude drank by bending the knee.Judges 7:6

Judges 7:7 And the Lord said to Gideon: “By the three hundred men who lapped the water, I will free you, and I will deliver Midian into your hand. But let all the remainder of the multitude return to their place.”Judges 7:7

Judges 7:8 And so, taking food and trumpets in accord with their number, he instructed all the rest of the multitude to go back to their tents. And with the three hundred men, he gave himself to the conflict. Now the camp of Midian was below, in the valley.Judges 7:8

Judges 7:16 And he divided the three hundred men into three parts. And he gave trumpets, and empty pitchers, and lamps for the middle of the pitchers, into their hands.Judges 7:16

Judges 7:19 And Gideon, and the three hundred men who were with him, entered a portion of the camp, at the beginning of the watch in the middle of the night. And when the guards were alerted, they began to sound the trumpets and to clap the pitchers against one another.Judges 7:19

Judges 7:22 And the three hundred men nevertheless continued sounding the trumpets. And the Lord sent the sword into the entire camp, and they maimed and cut down one another,Judges 7:22

Judges 8:4 And when Gideon had arrived at the Jordan, he crossed over it with the three hundred men who were with him. And they were so weary that they were unable to pursue those who were fleeing.Judges 8:4

Judges 8:10 Now Zebah and Zalmunna were resting with their entire army. For fifteen thousand men were left out of all the troops of the eastern people. And one hundred twenty thousand warriors that drew the sword had been cut down.Judges 8:10

Judges 8:26 And the weight of the earrings that he requested was one thousand seven hundred shekels of gold, aside from the ornaments, and necklaces, and purple garments, which the kings of Midian were accustomed to use, and aside from the gold chains on the camels.Judges 8:26

Judges 11:26 And though he has lived in Heshbon, and its villages, and in Aroer, and its villages, and in all the cities near the Jordan for three hundred years, why have you, for such long a time, put forward nothing about this claim?Judges 11:26

Judges 15:4 And he went out and caught three hundred foxes. And he joined them tail to tail. And he tied torches between the tails.Judges 15:4

Judges 16:5 And the leaders of the Philistines went to her, and they said: “Deceive him, and learn from him wherein lies his great strength, and how we may be able to overcome him and to impose restraints on him. And if you will do this, each one of us will give you one thousand one hundred silver coins.”Judges 16:5

Judges 17:2 And he said to his mother, “The one thousand one hundred silver coins, which you had separated for yourself, and about which you had sworn in my hearing, behold, I have them, and they are with me.” And she answered him, “My son has been blessed by the Lord.”Judges 17:2

Judges 17:4 And when he restored these to his mother, she took two hundred of the silver coins, and she gave them to the silversmith, so that he might make from them a molten idol and a graven image. And it was in the house of Micah.Judges 17:4

Judges 18:11 And so, those of the kindred of Dan set out, that is, six hundred men from Zorah and Eshtaol, girded with the weapons of warfare.Judges 18:11

Judges 18:16 Now the six hundred men, who were all armed, were standing before the door.Judges 18:16

Judges 18:17 But those who had entered the house of the youth strove to take away the graven image, and the ephod, and the theraphim, and the molten idol. But the priest was standing in front of the door, with the six hundred very strong men waiting not far away.Judges 18:17

Judges 18:27 Now the six hundred men took the priest, and the things we stated above, and they went to Laish, to a people quiet and secure, and they struck them down with the edge of the sword. And they burned the city with fire.Judges 18:27

Judges 20:2 And all the chiefs of the people, and every tribe of Israel, convened as an assembly of the people of God, four hundred thousand foot soldiers for battle.Judges 20:2

Judges 20:10 We shall select ten men out of one hundred from all the tribes of Israel, and one hundred out of one thousand, and one thousand out of ten thousand, so that they may transport supplies for the army, and so that we will be able to fight against Gibeah of Benjamin, and to repay it for its crime as it deserves.”Judges 20:10

Judges 20:16 who were seven hundred very strong men, fighting with the left hand as well as with the right hand, and casting stones from a sling so accurately that they were able to strike even a hair, and the path of the stone would by no means miss to either side.Judges 20:16

Judges 20:17 Then too, among the men of Israel apart from the sons of Benjamin, there were found four hundred thousand who drew the sword and who were prepared for battle.Judges 20:17

Judges 20:35 And the Lord struck them down in the sight of the sons of Israel, and they put to death, on that day, twenty-five thousand of them, along with one hundred men, all warriors and those who drew the sword.Judges 20:35

Judges 20:47 And so there remained from the entire number of Benjamin six hundred men who were able to escape and to flee into the wilderness. And they settled at the rock of Rimmon, for four months.Judges 20:47

Judges 21:12 And four hundred virgins, who had not known the bed of a man, were found from Jabesh-Gilead. And they brought them to the camp at Shiloh, in the land of Canaan.Judges 21:12

Number of the word / term Hundred in Judges: 29

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 11:8 And he took a census of them at Bezek. And there were three hundred thousand of the sons of Israel. And there were thirty thousand of the men of Judah.1 Samuel 11:8

1 Samuel 13:15 Then Samuel rose up and ascended from Gilgal to Gibeah of Benjamin. And the remainder of the people ascended after Saul, to meet the people who were fighting against them, going from Gilgal into Gibeah, to the hill of Benjamin. And Saul took a census of the people, who had been found to be with him, about six hundred men.1 Samuel 13:15

1 Samuel 14:2 Moreover, Saul was staying in the furthermost part of Gibeah, below the pomegranate tree that was at Migron. And the people with him were about six hundred men.1 Samuel 14:2

1 Samuel 15:4 And so, Saul instructed the people, and he numbered them like lambs: two hundred thousand foot soldiers, and ten thousand men of Judah.1 Samuel 15:4

1 Samuel 17:7 Now the shaft of his spear was like the beam used by a weaver. And the iron of his spear held six hundred shekels of iron. And his armor bearer went before him.1 Samuel 17:7

1 Samuel 18:25 Then Saul said, “Speak in this way to David: The king does not have need of any dowry, but only one hundred foreskins from the Philistine men, so that he may be vindicated from the enemies of the king.” So did Saul think to deliver David into the hands of the Philistines.1 Samuel 18:25

1 Samuel 18:27 And after a few days, David, rising up, went with the men who were under him, and he struck down two hundred men of the Philistines. And he brought their foreskins, and he counted them out for the king, so that he might be his son-in-law. And so, Saul gave to him his daughter Michal as wife.1 Samuel 18:27

1 Samuel 22:2 And all those left in distress, or oppressed by debt to strangers, or bitter in soul, gathered themselves to him. And he became their leader, and about four hundred men were with him.1 Samuel 22:2

1 Samuel 23:13 Therefore, David, and his men of about six hundred, rose up, and, departing from Keilah, they wandered here and there, aimlessly. And it was reported to Saul that David had fled from Keilah, and was saved. For this reason, he chose not to go out.1 Samuel 23:13

1 Samuel 25:13 Then David said to his servants, “Let each one gird his sword.” And each one girded his sword. And David also girded his sword. And about four hundred men followed David. But two hundred remained behind with the supplies.1 Samuel 25:13

1 Samuel 25:18 And so Abigail hurried, and she took two hundred loaves, and two vessels of wine, and five cooked sheep, and five measures of cooked grain, and one hundred clusters of dried grapes, and two hundred masses of dried figs, and she set them upon donkeys.1 Samuel 25:18

1 Samuel 27:2 And David rose up and went away, he and the six hundred men who were with him, to Achish, the son of Maoch, the king of Gath.1 Samuel 27:2

1 Samuel 29:2 And indeed, the princes of the Philistines advanced by hundreds and by thousands; but David and his men were in the rear with Achish.1 Samuel 29:2

1 Samuel 30:9 Therefore, David went away, he and the six hundred men who were with him, and they arrived as far as the torrent Besor. And certain ones, being weary, stayed there.1 Samuel 30:9

1 Samuel 30:10 But David pursued, he and four hundred men. For two hundred stayed, who, being weary, were not able to cross the torrent Besor.1 Samuel 30:10

1 Samuel 30:17 And David struck them down from evening until the evening of the next day. And no one among them escaped, except four hundred youths, who had climbed on camels and fled.1 Samuel 30:17

1 Samuel 30:21 Then David arrived at the two hundred men, who, being weary, had stayed, for they had not been able to follow David, and he had ordered them to remain at the torrent Besor. And they went out to meet David, and the people who were with him. Then David, drawing near to the people, greeted them peacefully.1 Samuel 30:21

Number of the word / term Hundred in 1 Samuel: 17

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 2:31 But of Benjamin and of the men who were with Abner, the servants of David had struck three hundred and sixty, who also died.2 Samuel 2:31

2 Samuel 3:14 Then David sent messengers to Ishbosheth, the son of Saul, saying, “Restore my wife Michal, whom I espoused to myself for one hundred foreskins of the Philistines.”2 Samuel 3:14

2 Samuel 8:4 And from his troops, David seized one thousand seven hundred horsemen and twenty thousand foot soldiers. And he cut the sinew of the leg in all the chariot horses. But he left aside enough of them for one hundred chariots.2 Samuel 8:4

2 Samuel 10:18 And the Syrians fled before the face of Israel. And David killed, among the Syrians, the men of seven hundred chariots, and forty thousand horsemen. And he struck down Shobach, the leader of the military, who immediately died.2 Samuel 10:18

2 Samuel 14:26 And when he shaved off his hair, for he shaved it off once a year, because his long hair was burdensome to him, he weighed the hair of his head at two hundred shekels, by the public weights.2 Samuel 14:26

2 Samuel 15:11 Now having been called, two hundred men from Jerusalem went forth with Absalom, going in simplicity of heart and being entirely ignorant of the plan.2 Samuel 15:11

2 Samuel 15:18 And all his servants were walking beside him. And the legions of the Cerethites and Phelethites, and all the Gittites, powerful fighters, six hundred men who had followed him from Gath on foot, were preceding the king.2 Samuel 15:18

2 Samuel 16:1 And when David had passed a little beyond the top of the mountain, Ziba, the servant of Mephibosheth, appeared to meet him, with two donkeys, which were burdened with two hundred loaves, and one hundred bunches of dried grapes, and one hundred masses of dried figs, and a skin of wine.2 Samuel 16:1

2 Samuel 18:4 And the king said to them, “I will do whatever seems good to you.” Therefore, the king stood beside the gate. And the people went out by their troops, by hundreds and by thousands.2 Samuel 18:4

2 Samuel 21:16 Ishbibenob, who was of the ancestry of Arapha, the iron of whose spear weighed three hundred ounces, who had been girded with a new sword, strove to strike down David.2 Samuel 21:16

2 Samuel 23:8 These are the names of the valiant of David. Sitting in the chair was the wisest leader among the three; he was like a very tender little worm in a tree, who killed eight hundred men in one attack.2 Samuel 23:8

2 Samuel 23:18 Also Abishai, the brother of Joab, the son of Zeruiah, was first among the three. It was he who lifted up his spear against three hundred men, whom he killed. And he was renowned among the three,2 Samuel 23:18

2 Samuel 24:9 Then Joab gave the number of the description of the people to the king. And there were found of Israel eight hundred thousand able-bodied men, who might draw the sword; and of Judah, five hundred thousand fighting men.2 Samuel 24:9

Number of the word / term Hundred in 2 Samuel: 13

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 4:23 ten fattened oxen, and twenty oxen from the pastures, and one hundred rams, aside from the venison of stags, roe deer, and gazelles, and fattened poultry.1 Kings 4:23

1 Kings 5:16 aside from the commanders who were over each work, in number three thousand and three hundred, who gave orders to the people and to those who were doing the work.1 Kings 5:16

1 Kings 6:1 Then it happened that, in the four hundred and eightieth year after the sons of Israel departed from the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of the reign of Solomon over Israel, in the month of Ziv, which is the second month, the house of the Lord began to be built.1 Kings 6:1

1 Kings 7:2 And he built the house from the forest of Lebanon: one hundred cubits in length, and fifty cubits in width, and thirty cubits in height, with four walkways between columns of cedar. For he had hewn the cedar trees into columns.1 Kings 7:2

1 Kings 7:20 And again, there were other heads at the tops of the columns above, in accord with the measure of the column opposite the netting. And there were two hundred of the pomegranates, in rows around the second head.1 Kings 7:20

1 Kings 7:42 and the four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, two turnings of pomegranates for each network, in order to cover the cords of the heads, which were above the tops of the columns;1 Kings 7:42

1 Kings 8:63 And Solomon slew sacrifices of peace offerings, which he immolated to the Lord: twenty-two thousand oxen, and twenty thousand one hundred sheep. And the king and all the sons of Israel dedicated the temple of the Lord.1 Kings 8:63

1 Kings 9:14 And Hiram sent to king Solomon one hundred twenty talents of gold.1 Kings 9:14

1 Kings 9:23 Now there were five hundred fifty leaders in the first place over all the works of Solomon, and they had people subject to them, and these were given orders for the appointed works.1 Kings 9:23

1 Kings 9:28 And when they had gone to Ophir, taking from there four hundred twenty talents of gold, they brought it to king Solomon.1 Kings 9:28

1 Kings 10:10 Then she gave the king one hundred twenty talents of gold, and an exceedingly great amount of aromatics and precious stones. No greater quantity of aromatics was ever again brought forth as these, which the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon.1 Kings 10:10

1 Kings 10:14 Now the weight of the gold that was brought to Solomon each year was six hundred sixty-six talents of gold,1 Kings 10:14

1 Kings 10:16 Also, king Solomon made two hundred large shields from the purest gold. He dispensed six hundred shekels of gold for the layers of one shield.1 Kings 10:16

1 Kings 10:17 And for the three hundred crescent-shaped shields of tested gold, there were three hundred minas of gold covering one shield. And the king placed these in the house of the forest of Lebanon.1 Kings 10:17

1 Kings 10:26 And Solomon gathered together the chariots and horsemen. And he had one thousand four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen. And he placed them in the walled cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.1 Kings 10:26

1 Kings 10:29 Now a four-horse chariot would be sent from Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and a horse for one hundred and fifty. And in this manner, all the kings of the Hittites and of Syria were selling horses.1 Kings 10:29

1 Kings 11:3 And for him, there were seven hundred wives, as if they were queens, and three hundred concubines. And the women turned aside his heart.1 Kings 11:3

1 Kings 12:21 Then Rehoboam went to Jerusalem, and he gathered together the entire house of Judah, and the tribe of Benjamin, one hundred and eighty thousand elect men of war, so that they might fight against the house of Israel, and might bring the kingdom back to Rehoboam, the son of Solomon.1 Kings 12:21

1 Kings 18:4 For when Jezebel was killing the prophets of the Lord, he took one hundred prophets, and concealed them, fifty and fifty, in caves. And he fed them with bread and water.1 Kings 18:4

1 Kings 18:13 Has it not been revealed to you, my lord, what I did when Jezebel was killing the prophets of the Lord: how I hid one hundred men from the prophets of the Lord, fifty and fifty, in caves, and how I fed them with bread and water?1 Kings 18:13

1 Kings 18:19 Yet truly now, send and gather to me all of Israel, on Mount Carmel, with the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of the sacred groves, who eat from the table of Jezebel.”1 Kings 18:19

1 Kings 18:22 And Elijah said again to the people: “I alone remain as a prophet of the Lord. But the prophets of Baal are four hundred and fifty men.1 Kings 18:22

1 Kings 20:15 Therefore, he took a count of the servants of the leaders of the provinces. And he found the number to be two hundred thirty-two. And he set them in order after the people, all the sons of Israel, who were seven thousand.1 Kings 20:15

1 Kings 20:29 And for seven days, both sides arranged each of their battle lines. Then, on the seventh day, the war was undertaken. And the sons of Israel struck down, from the Syrians, one hundred thousand foot soldiers in one day.1 Kings 20:29

1 Kings 22:6 Therefore, the king of Israel gathered together the prophets, about four hundred men, and he said to them, “Should I go to Ramoth Gilead to make war, or should I be at peace?” They responded, “Ascend, and the Lord will give it into the hand of the king.”1 Kings 22:6

Number of the word / term Hundred in 1 Kings: 25

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 3:4 Now Mesha, the king of Moab, raised many sheep. And he repaid to the king of Israel one hundred thousand lambs, and one hundred thousand rams, with their fleece.2 Kings 3:4

2 Kings 3:26 And when the king of Moab had seen this, specifically, that the enemies had prevailed, he took with him seven hundred men who draw the sword, so that he might break through to the king of Idumea. But they were unable.2 Kings 3:26

2 Kings 4:43 And his servant responded to him, “What amount is this, that I should set it before a hundred men?” But he said again: “Give it to the people, so that they may eat. For thus says the Lord, ‘They shall eat, and there shall be still more.’ ”2 Kings 4:43

2 Kings 14:13 And truly, Jehoash, the king of Israel, captured Amaziah, the king of Judah, the son of Jehoash, the son of Ahaziah, at Beth-shemesh. And he brought him to Jerusalem. And he breached the wall of Jerusalem, from the gate of Ephraim as far as the gate of the Corner, four hundred cubits.2 Kings 14:13

2 Kings 18:14 Then Hezekiah, the king of Judah, sent messengers to the king of the Assyrians at Lachish, saying: “I have offended. Withdraw from me, and all that you will impose upon me, I will bear.” And so the king of the Assyrians levied a tax upon Hezekiah, the king of Judah, of three hundred talents of silver and thirty talents of gold.2 Kings 18:14

2 Kings 19:35 And so it happened that, in the same night, an Angel of the Lord went and struck down, in the camp of the Assyrians, one hundred and eighty-five thousand. And when he had risen up, at first light, he saw all the bodies of the dead. And withdrawing, he went away.2 Kings 19:35

2 Kings 23:33 And Pharaoh Neco bound him at Riblah, which is in the land of Hamath, so that he would not reign in Jerusalem. And he imposed a penalty on the land: one hundred talents of silver, and one talent of gold.2 Kings 23:33

Number of the word / term Hundred in 2 Kings: 7

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 4:42 Also, some of the sons of Simeon, five hundred men, went away to mount Seir, having as leaders Pelatiah and Neariah and Rephaiah and Uzziel, the sons of Ishi.1 Chronicles 4:42

1 Chronicles 5:18 the sons of Reuben, and of Gad, and the one half tribe of Manasseh, men of war, carrying shields and swords, and bending the bow, and trained for battle, forty-four thousand and seven hundred sixty, advancing to the fight.1 Chronicles 5:18

1 Chronicles 5:21 And they seized all that they possessed, of camels fifty thousand, and of sheep two hundred fifty thousand, and of donkeys two thousand, and of men one hundred thousand lives.1 Chronicles 5:21

1 Chronicles 7:2 The sons of Tola: Uzzi, and Rephaiah, and Jeriel, and Jahmai, and Ibsam, and Shemuel, leaders according to the houses of their kindred. From the stock of Tola, there were numbered, in the days of David, twenty-two thousand six hundred very strong men.1 Chronicles 7:2

1 Chronicles 7:9 And they were numbered according to their families, by the leaders of their kindred, very strong in warfare, twenty thousand and two hundred.1 Chronicles 7:9

1 Chronicles 7:11 All these were sons of Jediael, the leaders of their kindred, very strong men, seventeen thousand and two hundred, going forth to battle.1 Chronicles 7:11

1 Chronicles 8:40 And the sons of Ulam were very robust men, drawing the bow with great strength. And they had many sons and grandsons, even to one hundred fifty. All these were sons of Benjamin.1 Chronicles 8:40

1 Chronicles 9:6 Then from the sons of Zerah: Jeuel, and their brothers, six hundred ninety.1 Chronicles 9:6

1 Chronicles 9:9 and their brothers according to their families, nine hundred fifty-six. All these were leaders of their kindred, according to the houses of their fathers.1 Chronicles 9:9

1 Chronicles 9:13 and also their brothers, leaders according to their families, one thousand seven hundred sixty, very strong experience men, for the work of the ministry in the house of God.1 Chronicles 9:13

1 Chronicles 9:22 All these, chosen as porters for the gates, were two hundred twelve. And they were recorded in their own towns, those whom David, and the seer Samuel, appointed, in their faith,1 Chronicles 9:22

1 Chronicles 11:11 And this is the number of the robust of David: Jashobeam, the son of a Hachmonite, leader among the thirty. He lifted up his spear over three hundred, who were wounded at one time.1 Chronicles 11:11

1 Chronicles 11:20 Also, Abishai, the brother of Joab, was the leader of the three, and he lifted up his spear against three hundred, who were wounded. And he was most renown among the three,1 Chronicles 11:20

1 Chronicles 12:14 These were from the sons of Gad, leaders of the army. The least was in charge of one hundred soldiers, and the greatest was in charge of one thousand.1 Chronicles 12:14

1 Chronicles 12:24 the sons of Judah, carrying shield and spear, six thousand eight hundred, equipped for battle;1 Chronicles 12:24

1 Chronicles 12:25 from the sons of Simeon, very strong men for the fight, seven thousand one hundred;1 Chronicles 12:25

1 Chronicles 12:26 from the sons of Levi, four thousand six hundred;1 Chronicles 12:26

1 Chronicles 12:27 as well as Jehoiada, a leader from the stock of Aaron, and with him three thousand seven hundred;1 Chronicles 12:27

1 Chronicles 12:30 Then from the sons of Ephraim, there were twenty thousand eight hundred, very strong and robust men, renowned among their kindred.1 Chronicles 12:30

1 Chronicles 12:32 Also, from the sons of Issachar, there were learned men, who knew each of the times, in order to anticipate what Israel ought to do, two hundred leaders. And all the remainder of the tribe were following their counsel.1 Chronicles 12:32

1 Chronicles 12:35 And then from Dan, there were twenty-eight thousand six hundred, ready for battle.1 Chronicles 12:35

1 Chronicles 12:37 Then, across the Jordan, there were, from the sons of Reuben, and from Gad, and from the one half tribe of Manasseh, one hundred twenty thousand, prepared with the weapons of warfare.1 Chronicles 12:37

1 Chronicles 15:5 From the sons of Kohath, Uriel was the leader, and his brothers were one hundred twenty.1 Chronicles 15:5

1 Chronicles 15:6 From the sons of Merari: Asaiah was the leader, and his brothers were two hundred twenty.1 Chronicles 15:6

1 Chronicles 15:7 From the sons of Gershom: Joel was the leader, and his brothers were one hundred thirty.1 Chronicles 15:7

1 Chronicles 15:8 From the sons of Elizaphan: Shemaiah was the leader, and his brothers were two hundred.1 Chronicles 15:8

1 Chronicles 15:10 From the sons of Uzziel: Amminadab was the leader, and his brothers were one hundred twelve.1 Chronicles 15:10

1 Chronicles 18:4 Then David seized one thousand of his four-horse chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand men on foot. And he hamstrung all the chariot horses, except for one hundred four-horse chariots, which he reserved for himself.1 Chronicles 18:4

1 Chronicles 21:3 And Joab responded: “May the Lord increase his people a hundred times more than they are. But, my lord the king, are they not all your servants? Why would my lord seek this thing, which may be imputed as a sin to Israel?”1 Chronicles 21:3

1 Chronicles 21:5 And he gave to David the number of those whom he had surveyed. And the entire number of Israel was found to be one million and one hundred thousand men who could draw the sword; but from Judah, there were four hundred and seventy thousand men of war.1 Chronicles 21:5

1 Chronicles 21:25 Therefore, David gave Ornan, for the place, the very just weight of six hundred shekels of gold.1 Chronicles 21:25

1 Chronicles 22:14 Behold, in my poverty I have prepared the expenses for the house of the Lord: one hundred thousand talents of gold, and one million of talents of silver. Yet truly, there is no measuring the brass and the iron. For their magnitude is beyond numbering. And I have prepared the timber and the stones for the entire project.1 Chronicles 22:14

1 Chronicles 25:7 Now the number of these, with their brothers, who were instructing in the song of the Lord, all the teachers, were two hundred eighty-eight.1 Chronicles 25:7

1 Chronicles 26:30 Now from the Hebronites, Hashabiah and his brothers, one thousand seven hundred very strong men, were in charge of Israel across the Jordan toward the west, in all the works of the Lord, and in the ministry of the king.1 Chronicles 26:30

1 Chronicles 26:32 And his brothers of a mature age were two thousand seven hundred leaders of families. Then king David placed them in charge of the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the one half tribe of Manasseh, in all of the ministries of God and of the king.1 Chronicles 26:32

1 Chronicles 29:7 and gave, for the works of the house of the Lord, five thousand talents and ten thousand pieces of gold, ten thousand talents of silver, and eighteen thousand talents of brass, and also one hundred thousand talents of iron.1 Chronicles 29:7

Number of the word / term Hundred in 1 Chronicles: 36

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 1:14 And he gathered to himself chariots and horsemen. And they brought to him one thousand four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen. And he caused them to be in the cities of the chariots, and with the king in Jerusalem.2 Chronicles 1:14

2 Chronicles 1:17 a four-horse chariot for six hundred pieces of silver, and a horse for one hundred fifty. A similar offer to purchase was made known among all the kingdoms of the Hittites, and among the kings of Syria.2 Chronicles 1:17

2 Chronicles 2:2 And he numbered seventy thousand men to carry upon shoulders, and eighty thousand who were hewing stones in the mountains, and three thousand six hundred as their overseers.2 Chronicles 2:2

2 Chronicles 2:17 And so Solomon numbered all the new converts who were in the land of Israel, after the numbering that David his father had done, and they were found to be one hundred fifty thousand and three thousand six hundred.2 Chronicles 2:17

2 Chronicles 2:18 And he appointed seventy thousand of them, who would carry burdens on shoulders, and eighty thousand who would hew stones in the mountains, then three thousand and six hundred as overseers of the work of the people.2 Chronicles 2:18

2 Chronicles 3:4 Truly, at the front, the portico, which was extended in length according to the measure of the width of the house, was of twenty cubits. Then the height was of one hundred twenty cubits. And he overlaid it on the interior with the purest gold.2 Chronicles 3:4

2 Chronicles 3:8 Also, he made the house of the Holy of Holies. Its length, in accord with the width of the temple, was of twenty cubits. And its width, similarly, was of twenty cubits. And he covered it with layers of gold, of about six hundred talents.2 Chronicles 3:8

2 Chronicles 3:16 Then too, there were something like little chains on the oracle, and he placed these upon the heads of the pillars. And there were one hundred pomegranates, which he placed between the little chains.2 Chronicles 3:16

2 Chronicles 4:8 Moreover, there were also ten tables. And he placed them in the temple, five on the right, and five on the left. Also, there were one hundred gold bowls.2 Chronicles 4:8

2 Chronicles 4:13 and also four hundred pomegranates, and two little nets, so that two rows of pomegranates were joined to each net, which would cover the crossbeams and the heads of the pillars.2 Chronicles 4:13

2 Chronicles 5:12 with both the Levites and the singing men, that is, those who were under Asaph, and those who were under Heman, and those who were under Jeduthun, with their sons and brothers, clothed in fine linen, sounded out with cymbals, and psalteries, and harps, standing toward the eastern side of the altar. And with them were one hundred twenty priests, sounding out with trumpets.2 Chronicles 5:12

2 Chronicles 7:5 And so, king Solomon slaughtered victims: twenty-two thousand oxen, and one hundred twenty thousand rams. And the king and the entire people dedicated the house of God.2 Chronicles 7:5

2 Chronicles 8:10 Now all the leaders of the army of king Solomon were two hundred fifty, who were instructing the people.2 Chronicles 8:10

2 Chronicles 8:18 And Hiram sent to him ships, by the hands of his servants, sailors and skillful navigators of the sea, and they went away with the servants of Solomon to Ophir. And they took from there four hundred fifty talents of gold, and they brought it to king Solomon.2 Chronicles 8:18

2 Chronicles 9:9 Then she gave to the king one hundred twenty talents of gold, and an exceedingly great abundance of aromatics, and very precious gems. Never were there such aromatics as those that the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon.2 Chronicles 9:9

2 Chronicles 9:13 Now the weight of the gold, which was being brought to Solomon throughout each year, was six hundred sixty-six talents of gold,2 Chronicles 9:13

2 Chronicles 9:15 And so, king Solomon made two hundred gold spears, from six hundred gold pieces, the amount used for each spear,2 Chronicles 9:15

2 Chronicles 9:16 and also three hundred gold shields, from three hundred gold pieces, which covered each shield. And the king placed them in the armory, which was situated in a forest.2 Chronicles 9:16

2 Chronicles 11:1 Then Rehoboam went to Jerusalem, and he called together the entire house of Judah and of Benjamin, one hundred eighty thousand elect men of war, so that he might contend against Israel, and turn back his kingdom to himself.2 Chronicles 11:1

2 Chronicles 12:3 with one thousand two hundred chariots and sixty thousand horsemen. And the common people could not be numbered who had arrived with him from Egypt, namely, the Libyans, and the Troglodytes, and the Ethiopians.2 Chronicles 12:3

2 Chronicles 13:3 And when Abijah had undertaken the conflict, and he had with him four hundred thousand elect men, very fit for war, Jeroboam set up a battle line opposite him of eight hundred thousand men, who were also elect and very strong in warfare.2 Chronicles 13:3

2 Chronicles 13:17 Therefore, Abijah and his people struck them with a great slaughter. And five hundred thousand strong men of Israel fell wounded.2 Chronicles 13:17

2 Chronicles 14:8 Now Asa had in his army three hundred thousand men of Judah, carrying shields and spears, and truly, of Benjamin, two hundred eighty thousand men with shields and bows. All of these were very valiant men.2 Chronicles 14:8

2 Chronicles 14:9 Then Zerah, the Ethiopian, went forth against them with his army of one million men, and three hundred chariots. And he approached as far as Mareshah.2 Chronicles 14:9

2 Chronicles 15:11 they immolated to the Lord on that day, from the best of the spoils and from the plunder that they had brought: seven hundred oxen and seven thousand rams.2 Chronicles 15:11

2 Chronicles 17:11 Moreover, the Philistines carried gifts to Jehoshaphat, and a tribute in silver. Also, the Arabians brought cattle: seven thousand seven hundred rams, and the same number of he-goats.2 Chronicles 17:11

2 Chronicles 17:14 and this is the number of them, by each of the houses and families. In Judah, the leader of the army was Adnah, the commander; and with him were three hundred thousand very experienced men.2 Chronicles 17:14

2 Chronicles 17:15 After him, Jehohanan was the leader; and with him were two hundred eighty thousand.2 Chronicles 17:15

2 Chronicles 17:16 Also after him, there was Amasiah, the son of Zichri, who was consecrated to the Lord; and with him were two hundred thousand strong men.2 Chronicles 17:16

2 Chronicles 17:17 Following him, there was Eliada, who was experienced in battle; and with him were two hundred thousand, holding bow and shield.2 Chronicles 17:17

2 Chronicles 17:18 Then too, after him, there was Jehozabad; and with him were one hundred eighty thousand lightly-armed solders.2 Chronicles 17:18

2 Chronicles 18:5 And so the king of Israel gathered together four hundred men of the prophets, and he said to them: “Should we go to war against Ramoth Gilead, or should we be quieted?” But they said, “Ascend, and God will deliver into the hand of the king.”2 Chronicles 18:5

2 Chronicles 24:15 But Jehoiada was old and full of days. And he died when he was one hundred thirty years old.2 Chronicles 24:15

2 Chronicles 25:5 And then Amaziah gathered together Judah, and he organized them by families, and tribunes, and centurions, throughout all of Judah and Benjamin. And he numbered them from twenty years old and upward. And he found three hundred thousand young men, who could go forth to battle, and who could hold spear and shield.2 Chronicles 25:5

2 Chronicles 25:6 Also, he hired for pay from Israel one hundred thousand experienced men, for one hundred talents of silver.2 Chronicles 25:6

2 Chronicles 25:9 And Amaziah said to the man of God, “Then what will become of the one hundred talents, which I gave to the soldiers of Israel?” And the man of God responded to him, “The Lord has that from which he is able to give much more than this to you.”2 Chronicles 25:9

2 Chronicles 25:23 Then Joash, the king of Israel, captured Amaziah, the king of Judah, the son of Joash, the son of Jehoahaz, at Beth-shemesh, and he led him to Jerusalem. And he destroyed its walls, from the gate of Ephraim as far as the gate of the corner, four hundred cubits.2 Chronicles 25:23

2 Chronicles 26:12 And the entire number of the leaders, by the families of strong men, was two thousand six hundred.2 Chronicles 26:12

2 Chronicles 26:13 And the entire army under them was three hundred and seven thousand five hundred, who were fit for war, and who fought on behalf of the king against the adversaries.2 Chronicles 26:13

2 Chronicles 27:5 He fought against the king of the sons of Ammon, and he defeated them. And at that time, the sons of Ammon gave to him one hundred talents of silver, and ten thousand cor of wheat, and the same number of cor of barley. These things the sons of Ammon offered to him in the second and third year.2 Chronicles 27:5

2 Chronicles 28:6 And Pekah, the son of Remaliah, killed, on one day, one hundred twenty thousand, all of them men of war from Judah, because they had forsaken the Lord, the God of their fathers.2 Chronicles 28:6

2 Chronicles 28:8 And the sons of Israel seized, from their brothers, two hundred thousand women, boys, and girls, and immense plunder. And they took it away to Samaria.2 Chronicles 28:8

2 Chronicles 29:32 Now the number of the holocausts that the multitude offered was seventy bulls, one hundred rams, two hundred lambs.2 Chronicles 29:32

2 Chronicles 29:33 And they sanctified to the Lord six hundred oxen and three thousand sheep.2 Chronicles 29:33

2 Chronicles 35:8 Also, his rulers offered what they had vowed freely, as much for the people as for the priests and Levites. Moreover, Hilkiah, and Zechariah, and Jehiel, rulers of the house of the Lord, gave to the priests, in order to observe the Passover, two thousand six hundred small cattle, and three hundred oxen.2 Chronicles 35:8

2 Chronicles 35:9 And Conaniah, with Shemaiah and Nethanel, his brothers, indeed also Hashabiah and Jeiel and Jozabad, rulers of the Levites, gave to the rest of the Levites, in order to celebrate the Passover, five thousand small cattle, and five hundred oxen.2 Chronicles 35:9

2 Chronicles 36:3 Then the king of Egypt, when he had arrived in Jerusalem, removed him, and condemned the land to one hundred talents of silver and one talent of gold.2 Chronicles 36:3

Number of the word / term Hundred in 2 Chronicles: 47

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 1:10 four hundred ten of a second kind of silver cup, one thousand other vessels.Ezra 1:10

Ezra 1:11 All the vessels of gold and silver were five thousand four hundred. Sheshbazzar brought all these, with those who ascended from the transmigration of Babylon, into Jerusalem.Ezra 1:11

Ezra 2:3 The sons of Parosh, two thousand one hundred seventy-two.Ezra 2:3

Ezra 2:4 The sons of Shephatiah, three hundred seventy-two.Ezra 2:4

Ezra 2:5 The sons of Arah, seven hundred seventy-five.Ezra 2:5

Ezra 2:6 The sons of Pahath-moab, of the sons of Jeshua and Joab, two thousand eight hundred twelve.Ezra 2:6

Ezra 2:7 The sons of Elam, one thousand two hundred fifty-four.Ezra 2:7

Ezra 2:8 The sons of Zattu, nine hundred forty-five.Ezra 2:8

Ezra 2:9 The sons of Zaccai, seven hundred sixty.Ezra 2:9

Ezra 2:10 The sons of Bani, six hundred forty-two.Ezra 2:10

Ezra 2:11 The sons of Bebai, six hundred twenty-three.Ezra 2:11

Ezra 2:12 The sons of Azgad, one thousand two hundred twenty-two.Ezra 2:12

Ezra 2:13 The sons of Adonikam, six hundred sixty-six.Ezra 2:13

Ezra 2:15 The sons of Adin, four hundred fifty-four.Ezra 2:15

Ezra 2:17 The sons of Bezai, three hundred twenty-three.Ezra 2:17

Ezra 2:18 The sons of Jorah, one hundred twelve.Ezra 2:18

Ezra 2:19 The sons of Hashum, two hundred twenty-three.Ezra 2:19

Ezra 2:21 The sons of Bethlehem, one hundred twenty-three.Ezra 2:21

Ezra 2:23 The men of Anathoth, one hundred twenty-eight.Ezra 2:23

Ezra 2:25 The sons of Kiriatharim, Chephirah, and Beeroth, seven hundred forty-three.Ezra 2:25

Ezra 2:26 The sons of Ramah and Geba, six hundred twenty-one.Ezra 2:26

Ezra 2:27 The men of Michmas, one hundred twenty-two.Ezra 2:27

Ezra 2:28 The men of Bethel and Ai, two hundred twenty-three.Ezra 2:28

Ezra 2:30 The sons of Magbish, one hundred fifty-six.Ezra 2:30

Ezra 2:31 The sons of the other Elam, one thousand two hundred fifty-five.Ezra 2:31

Ezra 2:32 The sons of Harim, three hundred twenty.Ezra 2:32

Ezra 2:33 The sons of Lod, Hadid, and Ono, seven hundred twenty-five.Ezra 2:33

Ezra 2:34 The sons of Jericho, three hundred forty-five.Ezra 2:34

Ezra 2:35 The sons of Senaah, three thousand six hundred thirty.Ezra 2:35

Ezra 2:36 The priests: the sons of Jedaiah of the house of Jeshua, nine hundred seventy-three.Ezra 2:36

Ezra 2:38 The sons of Pashhur, one thousand two hundred forty-seven.Ezra 2:38

Ezra 2:41 The singing men: the sons of Asaph, one hundred twenty-eight.Ezra 2:41

Ezra 2:42 The sons of the gatekeepers: the sons of Shallum, the sons of Ater, the sons of Talmon, the sons of Akkub, the sons of Hatita, the sons of Shobai: altogether one hundred thirty-nine.Ezra 2:42

Ezra 2:58 all the temple servants and the sons of the servants of Solomon, three hundred ninety-two.Ezra 2:58

Ezra 2:60 The sons of Delaiah, the sons of Tobiah, the sons of Nekoda, six hundred fifty-two.Ezra 2:60

Ezra 2:64 The entire multitude joined together was forty-two thousand three hundred sixty,Ezra 2:64

Ezra 2:65 not including their men and women servants, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty-seven. And among these were singing men and singing women, two hundred.Ezra 2:65

Ezra 2:66 Their horses were seven hundred thirty-six; their mules were two hundred forty-five;Ezra 2:66

Ezra 2:67 their camels were four hundred thirty-five; their donkeys were six thousand seven hundred twenty.Ezra 2:67

Ezra 2:69 They gave to the expenses of the work in accord with their ability: sixty-one thousand gold coins, five thousand silver minas, and one hundred priestly vestments.Ezra 2:69

Ezra 6:17 And they offered, for the dedication of the house of God, one hundred calves, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs, and, as a sin offering for all of Israel, twelve he-goats from among the goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.Ezra 6:17

Ezra 7:22 even up to one hundred talents of silver, and up to one hundred cors of wheat, and up to one hundred baths of wine, and up to one hundred baths of oil, and truly salt without measure.Ezra 7:22

Ezra 8:3 From the sons of Shecaniah, the son of Parosh, Zechariah, and one hundred fifty men were numbered with him.Ezra 8:3

Ezra 8:4 From the sons of Pahath-moab, Eliehoenai, the son of Zerahiah, and two hundred men were with him.Ezra 8:4

Ezra 8:5 From the sons of Shecaniah, the son of Jahaziel, and three hundred men were with him.Ezra 8:5

Ezra 8:9 From the sons of Joab, Obadiah, the son of Jehiel, and two hundred eighteen men were with him.Ezra 8:9

Ezra 8:10 From the sons of Shelomith, the son of Josiphiah, and one hundred sixty men were with him.Ezra 8:10

Ezra 8:12 From the sons of Azgad, Johanan, the son of Hakkatan, and one hundred and ten men were with him.Ezra 8:12

Ezra 8:20 And from the temple servants, whom David, and the leaders had provided for the ministry of the Levites, there were two hundred twenty temple servants. All these were called by their names.Ezra 8:20

Ezra 8:26 And I weighed out to their hands six hundred fifty talents of silver, and one hundred vessels of silver, and one hundred talents of gold,Ezra 8:26

Number of the word / term Hundred in Ezra: 50

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 3:1 And Eliashib, the great priest, rose up, with his brothers, the priests, and they built the gate of the flock. They sanctified it, and they set up its double doors, and as far as the tower of one hundred cubits, they sanctified it, even to the tower of Hananel.Nehemiah 3:1

Nehemiah 5:17 Likewise, the Jews and the magistrates, one hundred and fifty men, were at my table, with those who came to us from among the Gentiles that are around us.Nehemiah 5:17

Nehemiah 7:8 The sons of Parosh, two thousand one hundred seventy-two.Nehemiah 7:8

Nehemiah 7:9 The sons of Shephatiah, three hundred seventy-two.Nehemiah 7:9

Nehemiah 7:10 The sons of Arah, six hundred fifty-two.Nehemiah 7:10

Nehemiah 7:11 The sons of Pahath-moab of the sons of Jeshua and of Joab, two thousand eight hundred eighteen.Nehemiah 7:11

Nehemiah 7:12 The sons of Elam, one thousand two hundred fifty-four.Nehemiah 7:12

Nehemiah 7:13 The sons of Zattu, eight hundred forty-five.Nehemiah 7:13

Nehemiah 7:14 The sons of Zaccai, seven hundred sixty.Nehemiah 7:14

Nehemiah 7:15 The sons of Binnui, six hundred forty-eight.Nehemiah 7:15

Nehemiah 7:16 The sons of Bebai, six hundred twenty-eight.Nehemiah 7:16

Nehemiah 7:17 The sons of Azgad, two thousand three hundred twenty-two.Nehemiah 7:17

Nehemiah 7:18 The sons of Adonikam, six hundred sixty-seven.Nehemiah 7:18

Nehemiah 7:20 The sons of Adin, six hundred fifty-five.Nehemiah 7:20

Nehemiah 7:22 The sons of Hashum, three hundred twenty-eight.Nehemiah 7:22

Nehemiah 7:23 The sons of Bezai, three hundred twenty-four.Nehemiah 7:23

Nehemiah 7:24 The sons of Hariph, one hundred twelve.Nehemiah 7:24

Nehemiah 7:26 The sons of Bethlehem and Netophah, one hundred eighty-eight.Nehemiah 7:26

Nehemiah 7:27 The men of Anathoth, one hundred twenty-eight.Nehemiah 7:27

Nehemiah 7:29 The men of Kiriath-jearim, Chephirah, and Beeroth, seven hundred forty-three.Nehemiah 7:29

Nehemiah 7:30 The men of Ramah and Geba, six hundred twenty-one.Nehemiah 7:30

Nehemiah 7:31 The men of Michmas, one hundred twenty-two.Nehemiah 7:31

Nehemiah 7:32 The men of Bethel and Ai, one hundred twenty-three.Nehemiah 7:32

Nehemiah 7:34 The men of the other Elam, one thousand two hundred fifty-four.Nehemiah 7:34

Nehemiah 7:35 The sons of Harim, three hundred twenty.Nehemiah 7:35

Nehemiah 7:36 The sons of Jericho, three hundred forty-five.Nehemiah 7:36

Nehemiah 7:37 The sons of Lod, Hadid, and Ono, seven hundred twenty-one.Nehemiah 7:37

Nehemiah 7:38 The sons of Senaah, three thousand nine hundred thirty.Nehemiah 7:38

Nehemiah 7:39 The priests: the sons of Jedaiah in the house of Jeshua, nine hundred seventy-three.Nehemiah 7:39

Nehemiah 7:41 The sons of Pashhur, one thousand two hundred forty-seven.Nehemiah 7:41

Nehemiah 7:45 the sons of Asaph, one hundred forty-eight.Nehemiah 7:45

Nehemiah 7:46 The gatekeepers: the sons of Shallum, the sons of Ater, the sons of Talmon, the sons of Akkub, the sons of Hatita, the sons of Shobai, one hundred thirty-eight.Nehemiah 7:46

Nehemiah 7:60 All the temple servants and the sons of the servants of Solomon, three hundred ninety-two.Nehemiah 7:60

Nehemiah 7:62 the sons of Delaiah, the sons of Tobiah, the sons of Nekoda, six hundred forty-two;Nehemiah 7:62

Nehemiah 7:66 The entire multitude, which was like one man, was forty-two thousand three hundred sixty,Nehemiah 7:66

Nehemiah 7:67 aside from their men and women servants, who were seven thousand three hundred thirty-seven, and among them were singing men and singing women, two hundred forty-five.Nehemiah 7:67

Nehemiah 7:68 Their horses were seven hundred thirty-six; their were mules two hundred forty-five.Nehemiah 7:68

Nehemiah 7:69 Their camels were four hundred thirty-five; their donkeys were six thousand seven hundred twenty.Nehemiah 7:69

Nehemiah 7:70 Now several of the leaders of the families gave to the work. The cupbearer gave to the treasury one thousand drachmas of gold, fifty bowls, and five hundred thirty priestly garments.Nehemiah 7:70

Nehemiah 7:71 And some of the leaders of the families gave to the treasury of the work twenty thousand drachmas of gold, and two thousand two hundred minas of silver.Nehemiah 7:71

Nehemiah 11:6 All these sons of Perez lived in Jerusalem, four hundred sixty-eight strong men.Nehemiah 11:6

Nehemiah 11:8 and after him Gabbai, Sallai. These were nine hundred twenty-eight.Nehemiah 11:8

Nehemiah 11:12 and their brothers, who were doing the works of the temple: eight hundred twenty-two. And Adaiah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Pelaliah, the son of Amzi, the son of Zachariah, the son of Pashhur, the son of Malchijah,Nehemiah 11:12

Nehemiah 11:13 and his brothers, the leaders among the fathers: two hundred forty-two. And Amassai, the son of Azarel, the son of Ahzai, the son of Meshillemoth, the son of Immer,Nehemiah 11:13

Nehemiah 11:14 and their brothers, who were very powerful: one hundred twenty-eight. And their foremost leader was Zabdiel, the son of the powerful.Nehemiah 11:14

Nehemiah 11:18 All the Levites in the holy city were two hundred eighty-four.Nehemiah 11:18

Nehemiah 11:19 And the gatekeepers, Akkub, Talmon, and their brothers, who guarded the doorways, were one hundred seventy-two.Nehemiah 11:19

Number of the word / term Hundred in Nehemiah: 47

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Esther

Esther 1:1 In the days of Artaxerxes, who reigned from India to Ethiopia over one hundred twenty-seven provinces,Esther 1:1

Esther 1:4 so that he might show the glorious riches of his kingdom, as well as its greatness, and so boast of his power, for a long time, namely, one hundred and eighty days.Esther 1:4

Esther 3:13 These were sent by the king’s messengers to all the provinces, so as to kill and destroy all the Jews, from children all the way to the elderly, even little children and women, on one day, that is, on the thirteenth of the twelfth month, which is called Adar, and to plunder their goods, even their necessities. And this was the text of the letter: “Artaxerxes, the great king from India all the way to Ethiopia, to the leaders and generals of the one hundred twenty-seven provinces, which are subject to his authority, greetings. Although I have reigned over many nations and subjugated the whole world under my realm, I was by no means willing to abuse the greatness of this power, but to govern my subjects with clemency and leniency, so that they would settle into a quiet life, apart from any terror, and delight in peace, as all mortals would choose to do. Yet, in asking my counselors how this might be able to be accomplished, one who excelled the others in wisdom and fidelity, and who was second after the king, named Haman, explained to me that there was a people, scattered throughout the whole world, that used strange laws, and, acting against the customs of all peoples, despised the commandments of kings and violated the harmony of all nations with their dissension. When we had learned this, seeing one nation rebellious against all mankind, having overthrown the usefulness of laws, and going against our orders, and disturbing the peace and harmony of the provinces subject to us, we commanded that whomever Haman, who is chief over all the provinces, and second after the king, and whom we honor in the place of a father, whomever he would point out should be destroyed by their enemies, with their wives and children, and that no one may take pity on them, on the fourteenth day of the twelfth month Adar of this present year, so that these guilty men, all on one day, may go down to the underworld, restoring to our empire the peace that they had disturbed.”Esther 3:13

Esther 8:9 Then the scribes and copyists were brought in, (now it was the time of the third month which is called Sivan,) on the twenty-third day of the month, and letters were written, as Mordecai wanted, to the Jews, and to the governors, and procurators, and judges, who presided over the one hundred twenty-seven provinces, from India all the way to Ethiopia: to one province and another, to one people and another, in accordance with their languages and letters, and to the Jews, exactly as they were able to read and hear.Esther 8:9

Esther 9:6 so much so that even in Susa they executed five hundred men, besides the ten sons of Haman the Agagite, the enemy of the Jews, and their names are these:Esther 9:6

Esther 9:12 He said to the queen, “In the city of Susa, the Jews have executed five hundred men, and also the ten sons of Haman. How many executions do you think that they have carried out in all the provinces? What more do you ask, and what do you wish, so that I may order it to be done?”Esther 9:12

Esther 9:15 On the fourteenth day of the month Adar, the Jews gathered themselves together, and they executed in Susa three hundred men, but they did not seize their belongings from them.Esther 9:15

Esther 9:30 And they sent to all the Jews, who had been stirred up in the one hundred twenty-seven provinces of king Artaxerxes, that they should have peace and receive truth,Esther 9:30

Number of the word / term Hundred in Esther: 8

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Job

Job 1:3 And his possession was seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, along with five hundred pairs of oxen and five hundred she-donkeys, and also a very large family. And this man was great among all the people of the east.Job 1:3

Job 42:16 But Job lived long after these events, for a hundred and forty years, and he saw his children, and his children’s children, all the way to the fourth generation,Job 42:16

Number of the word / term Hundred in Job: 2

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 17:10 A correction benefits more with a wise man, than a hundred stripes with a fool.Proverbs 17:10

Number of the word / term Hundred in Proverbs: 1

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 6:3 If a man were to produce one hundred children, and to live for many years, and to attain to an age of many days, and if his soul were to make no use of the goods of his resources, and if he were lacking even a burial: concerning such a man, I declare that a miscarried child is better than he.Ecclesiastes 6:3

Ecclesiastes 8:12 But although a sinner may do evil of himself one hundred times, and by patience still endure, I realize that it will be well with those who fear God, who revere his face.Ecclesiastes 8:12

Number of the word / term Hundred in Ecclesiastes: 2

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Song

Song of Solomon 8:12 Groom: My vineyard is before me. The thousand is for your peacefulness, and two hundred is for those who care for its fruit.Song of Solomon 8:12

Number of the word / term Hundred in Song: 1

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 37:36 Then the Angel of the Lord went forth and struck down, in the camp of the Assyrians, one hundred eighty-five thousand. And they arose in the morning, and behold, all these were dead bodies.Isaiah 37:36

Isaiah 65:20 There will no longer be an infant of only a few days there, nor an elder who does not complete his days. For a mere child dies at a hundred years of age, and a sinner of a hundred years will be accursed.Isaiah 65:20

Number of the word / term Hundred in Isaiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 52:23 And there were ninety-six pomegranates hanging down; and there were one hundred pomegranates in all, surrounded by the little nets.Jeremiah 52:23

Jeremiah 52:29 in the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar, eight hundred thirty-two souls from Jerusalem;Jeremiah 52:29

Jeremiah 52:30 in the twenty-third year of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, the chief of the military, carried away of the Jews seven hundred forty-five souls. Therefore, all the souls were four thousand six hundred.Jeremiah 52:30

Number of the word / term Hundred in Jeremiah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 4:5 For I have given to you the years of their iniquity, by the number of the days: three hundred and ninety days. And you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.Ezekiel 4:5

Ezekiel 4:9 And you shall take for yourself wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and vetch. And you shall set them in one vessel, and you shall make for yourself bread by the number of days that you will sleep upon your side: three hundred and ninety days shall you shall eat from it.Ezekiel 4:9

Ezekiel 40:19 And he measured the width, from the face of the lower gate to the front of the outer part of the inner court, to be one hundred cubits, to the east and to the north.Ezekiel 40:19

Ezekiel 40:23 And the gate of the inner court was opposite the gate of the north, and that of the east. And he measured from gate to gate as one hundred cubits.Ezekiel 40:23

Ezekiel 40:27 And there was a gate at the inner court, on the way to the south. And he measured from one gate to another, on the way to the south, to be one hundred cubits.Ezekiel 40:27

Ezekiel 40:47 And he measured the court to be one hundred cubits in length, and one hundred cubits in width, with four equal sides. And the altar was before the face of the temple.Ezekiel 40:47

Ezekiel 41:13 And he measured the length of the house to be one hundred cubits, and the edifice, which was separate, with its walls, to be one hundred cubits in length.Ezekiel 41:13

Ezekiel 41:14 Now the width before the face of the house, and of that which was separate facing the east, was one hundred cubits.Ezekiel 41:14

Ezekiel 41:15 And he measured the length of the edifice opposite its face, which was separated at the back, and the porticos on both sides, to be one hundred cubits, with the inner temple and the vestibules of the court.Ezekiel 41:15

Ezekiel 42:2 The length of the face of the north gate was one hundred cubits, and the width was fifty cubits.Ezekiel 42:2

Ezekiel 42:8 For the length of the storerooms of the exterior court was fifty cubits, and the length before the face of the temple was one hundred cubits.Ezekiel 42:8

Ezekiel 42:16 Then he measured facing the east wind with the measuring reed: five hundred reeds with the measuring reed throughout the course.Ezekiel 42:16

Ezekiel 42:17 And he measured facing the wind of the north: five hundred reeds with the measuring reed throughout the course.Ezekiel 42:17

Ezekiel 42:18 And toward the south wind, he measured five hundred reeds with the measuring reed throughout the course.Ezekiel 42:18

Ezekiel 42:19 And toward the west wind, he measured five hundred reeds with the measuring reed.Ezekiel 42:19

Ezekiel 42:20 By the four winds, he measured its wall, on every side throughout the course: five hundred cubits in length and five hundred cubits in width, dividing between the sanctuary and the place of the common people.Ezekiel 42:20

Ezekiel 45:2 And there shall be, out of the entire region, a sanctified portion of five hundred by five hundred, foursquare all around, with fifty cubits for its suburbs on all sides.Ezekiel 45:2

Ezekiel 45:15 And take one ram from each flock of two hundred, out of those that Israel tends for sacrifice and holocausts and peace offerings, in order to make an expiation for them, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 45:15

Ezekiel 48:16 And these shall be its measurements: on the northern side, four thousand and five hundred; and on the southern side, four thousand and five hundred; and on the eastern side, four thousand and five hundred; and on the western side, four thousand and five hundred.Ezekiel 48:16

Ezekiel 48:17 But the suburbs of the city shall be: to the north, two hundred and fifty; and to the south, two hundred and fifty; and to the east, two hundred and fifty; and to the sea, two hundred and fifty.Ezekiel 48:17

Ezekiel 48:30 And these shall be the exits of the city: from the northern region, you shall measure four thousand and five hundred.Ezekiel 48:30

Ezekiel 48:32 And to the eastern region, there shall be four thousand and five hundred. And there shall be three gates: the gate of Joseph one, the gate of Benjamin one, the gate of Dan one.Ezekiel 48:32

Ezekiel 48:33 And to the southern region, you shall measure four thousand and five hundred. And there shall be three gates: the gate of Simeon one, the gate of Issachar one, the gate of Zebulun one.Ezekiel 48:33

Ezekiel 48:34 And to the western region, there shall be four thousand and five hundred, and their three gates: the gate of Gad one, the gate of Asher one, the gate of Naphtali one.Ezekiel 48:34

Number of the word / term Hundred in Ezekiel: 24

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 6:1 It pleased Darius, and so he appointed over the kingdom one hundred twenty governors, to be placed throughout his whole kingdom.Daniel 6:1

Daniel 7:10 A river of fire rushed forth from his presence. Thousands upon thousands ministered to him, and ten thousand times hundreds of thousands attended before him. The trial began, and the books were opened.Daniel 7:10

Daniel 8:14 And he said to him, “From evening until morning, two thousand three hundred days, and so the sanctuary will be cleansed.”Daniel 8:14

Daniel 12:11 And from the time when the continual sacrifice will be taken away and the abomination of desolation will be set up, there will be one thousand two hundred ninety days.Daniel 12:11

Daniel 12:12 Blessed is he who waits and reaches until one thousand three hundred thirty-five days.Daniel 12:12

Number of the word / term Hundred in Daniel: 5

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Amos

Amos 5:3 For thus says the Lord God: In the city from which a thousand departed, a hundred will remain, and in that from which a hundred departed, ten will remain, in the house of Israel.Amos 5:3

Number of the word / term Hundred in Amos: 1

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Jonah

Jonah 4:11 And shall I not spare Nineveh, the great city, in which there are more than one hundred and twenty thousand men, who do not know the difference between their right and their left, and many beasts?”Jonah 4:11

Number of the word / term Hundred in Jonah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 13:8 Yet some others fell upon good soil, and they produced fruit: some one hundred fold, some sixty fold, some thirty fold.Matthew 13:8

Matthew 13:23 Yet truly, whoever has received the seed into good soil, this is he who hears the word, and understands it, and so he bears fruit, and he produces: some a hundred fold, and another sixty fold, and another thirty fold.”Matthew 13:23

Matthew 18:12 How does it seem to you? If someone has one hundred sheep, and if one of them has gone astray, should he not leave behind the ninety-nine in the mountains, and go out to seek what has gone astray?Matthew 18:12

Matthew 18:28 But when that servant departed, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him one hundred denarius. And taking hold of him, he choked him, saying: ‘Repay what you owe.’Matthew 18:28

Matthew 19:29 And anyone who has left behind home, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or land, for the sake of my name, shall receive one hundred times more, and shall possess eternal life.Matthew 19:29

Number of the word / term Hundred in Matthew: 5

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Mark

Mark 4:8 And some fell on good soil. And it brought forth fruit that grew up, and increased, and yielded: some thirty, some sixty, and some one hundred.”Mark 4:8

Mark 4:20 And there are those who are sown upon good soil, who hear the word and accept it; and these bear fruit: some thirty, some sixty, and some one hundred.”Mark 4:20

Mark 6:37 And responding, he said to them, “Give them something to eat yourselves.” And they said to him, “Let us go out and buy bread for two hundred denarii, and then we will give them something to eat.”Mark 6:37

Mark 6:40 And they sat down in divisions by hundreds and by fifties.Mark 6:40

Mark 10:30 who will not receive one hundred times as much, now in this time: houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and land, with persecutions, and in the future age eternal life.Mark 10:30

Mark 14:5 For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and been given to the poor.” And they murmured against her.Mark 14:5

Number of the word / term Hundred in Mark: 6

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Luke

Luke 7:41 “A certain creditor had two debtors: one owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty.Luke 7:41

Luke 15:4 “What man among you, who has one hundred sheep, and if he will have lost one of them, would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the one whom he had lost, until he finds it?Luke 15:4

Luke 16:6 So he said, ‘One hundred jars of oil.’ And he said to him, ‘Take your invoice, and quickly, sit down and write fifty.’Luke 16:6

Luke 16:7 Next, he said to another, ‘In truth, how much do you owe?’ And he said, ‘One hundred measures of wheat.’ He said to him, ‘Take your record books, and write eighty.’Luke 16:7

Number of the word / term Hundred in Luke: 4

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book John

John 6:7 Philip answered him, “Two hundred denarii of bread would not be sufficient for each of them to receive even a little.”John 6:7

John 12:5 “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the needy?”John 12:5

John 21:8 Then the other disciples arrived in a boat, (for they were not far from the land, only about two hundred cubits) dragging the net with the fish.John 21:8

John 21:11 Simon Peter climbed up and drew in the net to land: full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three of them. And although there were so many, the net was not torn.John 21:11

Number of the word / term Hundred in John: 4

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Acts

Acts 1:15 In those days, Peter, rising up in the midst of the brothers, said (now the crowd of men altogether was about one hundred and twenty):Acts 1:15

Acts 5:36 For before these days, Theudas stepped forward, asserting himself to be someone, and a number of men, about four hundred, joined with him. But he was killed, and all who believed in him were scattered, and they were reduced to nothing.Acts 5:36

Acts 7:6 Then God told him that his offspring would be a settler in a foreign land, and that they would subjugate them, and treat them badly, for four hundred years.Acts 7:6

Acts 13:20 after about four hundred and fifty years. And after these things, he gave them judges, even until the prophet Samuel.Acts 13:20

Acts 23:23 Then, having called two centurions, he said to them: “Prepare two hundred soldiers, so that they may go as far as Caesarea, and seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen, for the third hour of the night.Acts 23:23

Acts 27:37 Truly, we were two hundred and seventy-six souls on the ship.Acts 27:37

Number of the word / term Hundred in Acts: 6

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Romans

Romans 4:19 And he was not weakened in faith, nor did he consider his own body to be dead (though he was then almost one hundred years old), nor the womb of Sarah to be dead.Romans 4:19

Number of the word / term Hundred in Romans: 1

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 15:6 Next he was seen by more than five hundred brothers at one time, many of whom remain, even to the present time, although some have fallen asleep.1 Corinthians 15:6

Number of the word / term Hundred in 1 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 3:17 But I say this: the testament confirmed by God, which, after four hundred and thirty years became the Law, does not nullify, so as to make the promise empty.Galatians 3:17

Number of the word / term Hundred in Galatians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Hundred’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 7:4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed: one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed, out of every tribe of the sons of Israel.Revelation 7:4

Revelation 9:16 And the number of the army of horsemen was two hundred million. For I heard their number.Revelation 9:16

Revelation 11:3 And I will present my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.Revelation 11:3

Revelation 12:6 And the woman fled into solitude, where a place was being held ready by God, so that they might pasture her in that place for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.Revelation 12:6

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Whoever has intelligence, let him determine the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.Revelation 13:18

Revelation 14:1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb was standing above mount Zion, and with him were one hundred and forty-four thousand, having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.Revelation 14:1

Revelation 14:3 And they were singing what seemed like a new canticle before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. And no one was able to recite the canticle, except those one hundred and forty-four thousand, who were redeemed from the earth.Revelation 14:3

Revelation 14:20 And the basin was trodden beyond the city, and blood went forth from the basin, even as high as the harnesses of horses, out to one thousand six hundred stadia.Revelation 14:20

Revelation 21:17 And he measured its wall as one hundred and forty-four cubits, the measure of a man, which is of an Angel.Revelation 21:17

Number of the word / term ‘Hundred’ in Revelation: 9

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 528

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