Our Little Concordance

‘Gibeah’ in the Bible – All 42 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Gibeah’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Gibeah’ occurs 42 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Gibeah’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 15:57 Kain, Gibeah, and Timnah: ten cities, and their villages.Joshua 15:57

Joshua 18:28 and Zela, Haeleph, and Jebus, which is Jerusalem, Gibeah and Kiriath: fourteen cities, and their villages. This is the possession of the sons of Benjamin, according to their families.Joshua 18:28

Joshua 24:33 Likewise, Eleazar, the son of Aaron, died. And they buried him at Gibeah, which belongs to Phinehas, his son, and which was given to him on mount Ephraim.Joshua 24:33

Number of the word / term Gibeah in Joshua: 3

Bible passages with ‘Gibeah’ in the book Judges

Judges 19:12 His lord responded to him: “I will not enter into the town of a foreign people, who are not of the sons of Israel. Instead, I will cross over as far as Gibeah.Judges 19:12

Judges 19:14 Therefore, they passed by Jebus, and continuing on, they undertook the journey. But the sun went down on them when they were near Gibeah, which is of the tribe of Benjamin.Judges 19:14

Judges 19:16 And behold, they saw an old man, returning from the field and from his work in the evening, and he was also from mount Ephraim, and he was living as a stranger in Gibeah. For the men of that region were of the sons of Benjamin.Judges 19:16

Judges 20:4 responded: “I went to Gibeah of Benjamin, with my wife, and I diverted to that place.Judges 20:4

Judges 20:9 But this we shall do in common against Gibeah:Judges 20:9

Judges 20:10 We shall select ten men out of one hundred from all the tribes of Israel, and one hundred out of one thousand, and one thousand out of ten thousand, so that they may transport supplies for the army, and so that we will be able to fight against Gibeah of Benjamin, and to repay it for its crime as it deserves.”Judges 20:10

Judges 20:13 Deliver the men of Gibeah, who have perpetrated this deplorable act, so that they may die, and so that the evil may be taken away from Israel.” And they were not willing to listen to the command of their brothers, the sons of Israel.Judges 20:13

Judges 20:14 Instead, out of all the cities that were their lot, they convened at Gibeah, so that they might bring them assistance, and so that they might contend against the entire people of Israel.Judges 20:14

Judges 20:15 And there were found from Benjamin twenty-five thousand who drew the sword, aside from the inhabitants of Gibeah,Judges 20:15

Judges 20:19 And immediately the sons of Israel, rising up in the morning, made camp near Gibeah.Judges 20:19

Judges 20:21 And the sons of Benjamin, departing from Gibeah, slew twenty-two thousand men from the sons of Israel, on that day.Judges 20:21

Judges 20:25 the sons of Benjamin burst forth from the gates of Gibeah. And meeting them, they made such a frenzied slaughter against them that they struck down eighteen thousand men who drew the sword.Judges 20:25

Judges 20:29 And the sons of Israel stationed ambushes around the city of Gibeah.Judges 20:29

Judges 20:31 But the sons of Benjamin again burst forth boldly from the city. And since their enemies were fleeing, they pursued them a long way, so that they might wound or kill some of them, just as they had done on the first and second days. And they turned their backs along two paths, one bringing them toward Bethel, and the other toward Gibeah. And they struck down about thirty men.Judges 20:31

Judges 20:43 And so it happened that they were cut down on both sides by the enemies, nor was there any respite for the dying. They were killed and struck down on the eastern side of the city of Gibeah.Judges 20:43

Number of the word / term Gibeah in Judges: 15

Bible passages with ‘Gibeah’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 7:1 Then the men of Kiriath-jearim arrived, and they led away the ark of the Lord. And they brought it into the house of Abinadab, in Gibeah. Then they sanctified Eleazar, his son, so that he might care for the ark of the Lord.1 Samuel 7:1

1 Samuel 10:26 And then Saul went away to his own house at Gibeah. And a portion of the army, whose hearts had been touched by God, went away with him.1 Samuel 10:26

1 Samuel 11:4 Therefore, the messengers arrived at Gibeah of Saul. And they spoke these words in the hearing of the people. And all the people lifted up their voice and wept.1 Samuel 11:4

1 Samuel 13:2 And Saul chose for himself three thousand men of Israel. And two thousand were with Saul at Michmash and at mount Bethel. Then one thousand were with Jonathan at Gibeah of Benjamin. But the remainder of the people, he sent back, each one to his own tent.1 Samuel 13:2

1 Samuel 13:3 And Jonathan struck the garrison of the Philistines, which was in Gibeah. And when the Philistines had heard about it, Saul sounded the trumpet over all the land, saying, “Let the Hebrews listen.”1 Samuel 13:3

1 Samuel 13:15 Then Samuel rose up and ascended from Gilgal to Gibeah of Benjamin. And the remainder of the people ascended after Saul, to meet the people who were fighting against them, going from Gilgal into Gibeah, to the hill of Benjamin. And Saul took a census of the people, who had been found to be with him, about six hundred men.1 Samuel 13:15

1 Samuel 13:16 And Saul, and his son Jonathan, and the people who had been found to be with them, were at Gibeah of Benjamin. But the Philistines had settled in at Michmash.1 Samuel 13:16

1 Samuel 14:2 Moreover, Saul was staying in the furthermost part of Gibeah, below the pomegranate tree that was at Migron. And the people with him were about six hundred men.1 Samuel 14:2

1 Samuel 14:5 One boulder projected toward the north, opposite Michmash, and the other toward the south, opposite Gibeah.1 Samuel 14:5

1 Samuel 14:16 And the watchmen of Saul, who were at Gibeah of Benjamin, looked out, and behold, a multitude was thrown down and dispersed, this way and that.1 Samuel 14:16

1 Samuel 15:34 Then Samuel went away to Ramah. But Saul ascended to his house at Gibeah.1 Samuel 15:34

1 Samuel 22:6 And Saul heard that David, and the men who were with him, had been seen. Now while Saul was staying in Gibeah, and while he was in the forest that is in Ramah, holding a spear in his hand, with all his servants standing around him,1 Samuel 22:6

1 Samuel 23:19 Then the Ziphites ascended to Saul at Gibeah, saying: “Behold, is not David hidden with us in very secure places in the woods on the hill of Hachilah, which is to the right of the desert?1 Samuel 23:19

1 Samuel 26:1 And the Ziphites went to Saul at Gibeah, saying: “Behold, David is hidden on the hill of Hachilah, which is opposite the wilderness.”1 Samuel 26:1

1 Samuel 26:3 And Saul encamped at Gibeah on Hachilah, which was opposite the wilderness on the way. But David was living in the desert. Then, seeing that Saul had arrived after him in the wilderness,1 Samuel 26:3

Number of the word / term Gibeah in 1 Samuel: 15

Bible passages with ‘Gibeah’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 23:29 Heleb, the son of Baanah, also himself a Netophathite, Ittai, the son of Ribai, from Gibeah, of the sons of Benjamin,2 Samuel 23:29

Number of the word / term Gibeah in 2 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Gibeah’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 11:31 Ithai, the son of Ribai, from Gibeah, of the sons of Benjamin; Benaiah, a Pirathonite;1 Chronicles 11:31

1 Chronicles 12:3 the leader was Ahiezer, with Joash, sons of Shemaah from Gibeah, and Jeziel and Pelet, sons of Azmaveth, and Beracah and Jehu, from Anathoth.1 Chronicles 12:3

Number of the word / term Gibeah in 1 Chronicles: 2

Bible passages with ‘Gibeah’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 13:2 He reigned for three years in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother was Micaiah, the daughter of Uriel, from Gibeah. And there was war between Abijah and Jeroboam.2 Chronicles 13:2

2 Chronicles 16:6 Then king Asa took all of Judah, and they carried away from Ramah the stones and the wood that Baasha had prepared for the things to be built. And he built up Gibeah and Mizpah with them.2 Chronicles 16:6

Number of the word / term Gibeah in 2 Chronicles: 2

Bible passages with ‘Gibeah’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 10:29 They have passed through in haste; Geba is our seat; Ramah was stupefied; Gibeah of Saul fled.Isaiah 10:29

Number of the word / term Gibeah in Isaiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Gibeah’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 5:8 Sound the bugle in Gibeah, the trumpet in Ramah. Shout in Bethaven, behind your back, O Benjamin.Hosea 5:8

Hosea 9:9 They have sinned profoundly, just as in the days of Gibeah. He will remember their iniquity, and he will repay their sin.Hosea 9:9

Hosea 10:9 From the days of Gibeah, Israel has sinned; in this, they remained firm. The battle in Gibeah against the sons of iniquity will not take hold of them.Hosea 10:9

Number of the word / term ‘Gibeah’ in Hosea: 3

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 42

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