Our Little Concordance

‘Gate’ in the Bible – All 333 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Gate’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Gate’ occurs 333 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 19:1 And the two Angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting at the gate of the city. And when he had seen them, he rose up and went to meet them. And he reverenced prone on the ground.Genesis 19:1

Genesis 22:17 I will bless you, and I will multiply your offspring like the stars of heaven, and like the sand which is on the seashore. Your offspring will possess the gates of their enemies.Genesis 22:17

Genesis 23:10 Now Ephron dwelt in the midst of the sons of Heth. And Ephron responded to Abraham in the hearing of everyone who was entering at the gate of his city, saying:Genesis 23:10

Genesis 23:18 Abraham took it as a possession, in the sight of the sons of Heth and of everyone who was entering at the gate of his city.Genesis 23:18

Genesis 24:60 wishing prosperity for their sister, by saying: “You are our sister. May you increase to thousands of thousands. And may your offspring possess the gates of their enemies.”Genesis 24:60

Genesis 34:20 And entering at the gate of the city, they spoke to the people:Genesis 34:20

Number of the word / term Gate in Genesis: 6

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 20:10 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. You shall not do any work in it: you and your son and your daughter, your male servant and your female servant, your beast and the newcomer who is within your gates.Exodus 20:10

Exodus 32:26 and standing at the gate of the camp, said: “If anyone is for the Lord, let him join with me.” And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together to him.Exodus 32:26

Exodus 32:27 And he said to them: “Thus says the Lord God of Israel: Let a man place his sword at his thigh. Go forth, and then return, from gate to gate, through the midst of the camp, and let each one kill his brother, and friend, and neighbor.”Exodus 32:27

Number of the word / term Gate in Exodus: 3

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 3:5 All the cities were fortified with very high walls, and with gates and bars, in addition to innumerable villages which had no walls.Deuteronomy 3:5

Deuteronomy 5:14 The seventh is the day of the Sabbath, that is, the rest of the Lord your God. You shall not do any work in it, nor shall your son, nor daughter, nor man servant, nor woman servant, nor ox, nor donkey, nor any of your cattle, nor the sojourner who is within your gates, so that your men and woman servants may rest, just as you do.Deuteronomy 5:14

Deuteronomy 11:20 You shall write them upon the doorposts and the gates of your house,Deuteronomy 11:20

Deuteronomy 14:21 But whatever has died of itself, you shall not eat from it. Give it to the sojourner, who is within your gates, so that he may eat, or sell it to him. For you are the holy people of the Lord your God. You shall not boil a young goat in the milk of his mother.Deuteronomy 14:21

Deuteronomy 14:27 As for the Levite, who is within your gates, take care that you do not abandon him, for he has no other portion within your possession.Deuteronomy 14:27

Deuteronomy 14:28 In the third year, you shall separate another tenth part of all the things which spring forth for you at that time, and you shall store it within your gates.Deuteronomy 14:28

Deuteronomy 14:29 And the Levite, who has no other portion or possession with you, and the sojourner as well as the orphan and the widow who are within your gates, shall approach and eat and be satisfied, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all the works of your hands which you shall do.”Deuteronomy 14:29

Deuteronomy 15:7 If one of your brothers, who dwells within the gates of your city, in the land which the Lord your God will give to you, falls into poverty, you shall not harden your heart, nor tighten your hand.Deuteronomy 15:7

Deuteronomy 15:22 Instead, you shall eat it within the gates of your city. The clean as well as the unclean alike shall feed on these, such as the roe deer and the stag.Deuteronomy 15:22

Deuteronomy 16:11 And you shall feast in the sight of the Lord your God: you, your son and your daughter, your man servant and your woman servant, and the Levite who is within your gates, and the new arrival as well as the orphan and the widow, who abide with you, in the place which the Lord your God will choose, so that his name may dwell there.Deuteronomy 16:11

Deuteronomy 16:14 And you shall feast at the time of your festival: you, your son and daughter, your man servant and woman servant, likewise the Levite and the new arrival, the orphan and the widow, who are within your gates.Deuteronomy 16:14

Deuteronomy 16:18 You shall appoint judges and magistrates at all your gates, which the Lord your God will give to you, throughout each of your tribes, so that they may judge the people with a just judgment,Deuteronomy 16:18

Deuteronomy 17:2 When there will have been found among you, within one of your gates which the Lord your God will give to you, a man or a woman who is doing evil in the sight of the Lord your God, and who is transgressing his covenant,Deuteronomy 17:2

Deuteronomy 17:5 you shall lead forward the man or the woman who has perpetrated this most wicked thing to the gates of your city, and they shall be stoned to death.Deuteronomy 17:5

Deuteronomy 17:8 If you have perceived that there is among you a difficult and doubtful matter of judgment, between blood and blood, cause and cause, leprosy and leprosy, and if you will have seen that the words of the judges within your gates vary: rise up and ascend to the place which the Lord your God will choose.Deuteronomy 17:8

Deuteronomy 20:11 If they receive it, and open the gates to you, then all the people who are in it shall be saved, and they shall serve you by paying tribute.Deuteronomy 20:11

Deuteronomy 21:19 they shall take him and lead him to the elders of the city and to the gate of judgment.Deuteronomy 21:19

Deuteronomy 22:15 then her father and mother shall take her, and they shall bring with them the signs of her virginity, to the elders of the city who are at the gate.Deuteronomy 22:15

Deuteronomy 22:24 then you shall lead them both out to the gate of that city, and they shall be stoned to death: the girl, because she did not cry out though she was in the city; the man, because he has humiliated the wife of his neighbor. And so shall you take away the evil from your midst.Deuteronomy 22:24

Deuteronomy 24:14 You shall not refuse the pay of the indigent and the poor, whether he is your brother, or he is a new arrival who dwells with you in the land and is within your gates.Deuteronomy 24:14

Deuteronomy 25:7 But if he is not willing to take his brother’s wife, who by law must go to him, the woman shall go to the gate of the city, and she shall call upon those greater by birth, and she shall say: ‘The brother of my husband is not willing to raise up his brother’s name in Israel; nor will he join with me.’Deuteronomy 25:7

Deuteronomy 26:12 When you will have completed the tithing of all your crops, in the third year of tithes, you shall give it to the Levite, and to the new arrival, and to the orphan, and to the widow, so that they may eat within your gates and be satisfied.Deuteronomy 26:12

Deuteronomy 28:52 And he will crush you in all your cities. And your strong and lofty walls, in which you trusted, will be destroyed throughout all your land. You will be besieged within your gates throughout all your land, which the Lord your God will give to you.Deuteronomy 28:52

Deuteronomy 28:55 lest he give to them from the flesh of his sons, which he will eat. For he has nothing else due to the siege and the destitution, with which your enemies will devastate you within all your gates.Deuteronomy 28:55

Deuteronomy 28:57 and over the filth of the afterbirth, which goes forth from between her thighs, and over the children who are born in the same hour. For they will eat them secretly, due to the scarcity of all things during the siege and the devastation, with which your enemy will oppress you within your gates.Deuteronomy 28:57

Deuteronomy 31:12 And when the people have gathered together, men as well as women and little children, and the new arrivals who are within your gates, they shall listen so that they may learn, and may fear the Lord your God, and may keep and fulfill all the words of this law,Deuteronomy 31:12

Number of the word / term Gate in Deuteronomy: 26

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 2:5 And when the gate was closed, they went out together in the darkness. I do not know where they have gone. Pursue them quickly, and you will overtake them.”Joshua 2:5

Joshua 2:7 But those who had been sent pursued after them along the way that leads to the ford of the Jordan. And as soon as they went out, the gate was closed.Joshua 2:7

Joshua 6:26 “Cursed before the Lord is the man who will raise up and rebuild the city of Jericho! With his firstborn, may he lay its foundation, and with the last of his children, may he set up its gates.”Joshua 6:26

Joshua 7:5 and were struck down by the men of the city of Ai. And thirty-six men of them fell. And the adversaries pursued them from the gate, even as far as Shebarim. And they felled them as they were fleeing downward. And the heart of the people was struck with fear, and it melted like water.Joshua 7:5

Joshua 20:4 And when he will have fled to one of these cities, he shall stand before the gate of the city, and he shall speak to the ancients of that city, the things that prove him innocent. And so shall they receive him, and give him a place in which to live.Joshua 20:4

Number of the word / term Gate in Joshua: 5

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Judges

Judges 5:8 The Lord chose new wars, and he himself overturned the gates of the enemies. A shield with a spear was not seen among the forty thousand of Israel.Judges 5:8

Judges 5:11 Where the chariots were struck together, and the army of the enemies was choked, in that place, let the justices of the Lord be described, and let his clemency be for the brave of Israel. Then did the people of the Lord descend to the gates, and obtain leadership.Judges 5:11

Judges 9:35 And Gaal, the son of Ebed, went out, and he stood at the entrance to the gate of the city. Then Abimelech rose up, and all the army with him, from the places of the ambushes.Judges 9:35

Judges 9:40 who pursued him, fleeing, and drove him into the city. And many were cut down on his side, even to the gate of the city.Judges 9:40

Judges 9:51 Now there was, in the midst of the city, a high tower, to which men and women were fleeing together, with all the leaders of the city. And, having very strongly sealed the gate, they were standing on the roof of the tower to defend themselves.Judges 9:51

Judges 9:52 And Abimelech, drawing near the tower, fought valiantly. And approaching the gate, he strove to set it on fire.Judges 9:52

Judges 16:2 And when the Philistines had heard of this, and it had become well known among them, that Samson had entered the city, they surrounded him, placing guards at the gate of the city. And there they were keeping watch all night in silence, so that, in the morning, they might kill him as he was going out.Judges 16:2

Judges 16:3 But Samson slept until the middle of the night, and rising up from there, he took both doors from the gate, with their posts and bars. And laying them upon his shoulders, he carried them to the top of the hill that looks toward Hebron.Judges 16:3

Judges 20:25 the sons of Benjamin burst forth from the gates of Gibeah. And meeting them, they made such a frenzied slaughter against them that they struck down eighteen thousand men who drew the sword.Judges 20:25

Number of the word / term Gate in Judges: 9

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Ruth

Ruth 3:11 Therefore, do not be afraid, but whatever you decide about me, I will accomplish for you. For all the people, who dwell within the gates of my city, know that you are a virtuous woman.Ruth 3:11

Ruth 4:1 Then Boaz went up to the gate, and he sat there. And when he had seen the kinsman passing by, whom he had previously discussed, he spoke to him, calling him by his name, “Pause for a little while, and sit down here.” He turned aside and sat down.Ruth 4:1

Ruth 4:11 All the people who were at the gate, along with the eldest, answered, “We are witnesses. May the Lord make this woman, who enters into your house, like Rachel, and Leah, who built up the house of Israel, so that she may be an example of virtue in Ephrathah, and so that her name may be honored in Bethlehem.Ruth 4:11

Number of the word / term Gate in Ruth: 3

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 9:18 Then Saul drew near to Samuel, at the middle of the gate, and he said, “Tell me, I beg you: where is the house of the seer?”1 Samuel 9:18

1 Samuel 17:52 And the men of Israel and Judah, rising up, shouted and pursued after the Philistines, even until they arrived at the valley and as far as the gates of Ekron. And many wounded among the Philistines fell on the way of Shaaraim, and as far as Gath, and as far as Ekron.1 Samuel 17:52

1 Samuel 21:13 And he altered his mouth before them, and he slipped down between their hands. And he stumbled against the doors of the gate. And his spit flowed down his beard.1 Samuel 21:13

1 Samuel 23:7 Then it was reported to Saul that David had gone to Keilah. And Saul said: “The Lord has delivered him into my hands. For he is enclosed, having entered into a city which has gates and bars.”1 Samuel 23:7

Number of the word / term Gate in 1 Samuel: 4

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 3:27 And when Abner had returned to Hebron, Joab took him alone to the middle of the gate, so that he might speak to him, but with deceit. And there, he stabbed him in the groin, and he died, in revenge for the blood of Asahel, his brother.2 Samuel 3:27

2 Samuel 10:8 Then the sons of Ammon went forth, and they positioned their battle line before the very entrance of the gates. But the Syrians of Zobah, and of Rehob, and of Tob, and of Maacah, were by themselves in the field.2 Samuel 10:8

2 Samuel 11:9 But Uriah slept before the gate of the king’s house, with the other servants of his lord, and he did not go down to his own house.2 Samuel 11:9

2 Samuel 11:23 And the messenger said to David: “The men prevailed against us, and they went out to us in the field. Then we pursued them, making an assault, even to the gate of the city.2 Samuel 11:23

2 Samuel 15:2 And rising up in the morning, Absalom was standing beside the entrance of the gate. And when there was any man who had a dispute that might go before the king’s judgment, Absalom would call him to him, and would say, “Which city are you from?” And responding, he would say, “I am your servant, from a certain tribe of Israel.”2 Samuel 15:2

2 Samuel 18:4 And the king said to them, “I will do whatever seems good to you.” Therefore, the king stood beside the gate. And the people went out by their troops, by hundreds and by thousands.2 Samuel 18:4

2 Samuel 18:24 Now David was sitting between the two gates. Truly, the watchman, who was at the summit of the gate upon the wall, lifting up his eyes, saw a man running alone.2 Samuel 18:24

2 Samuel 18:33 And so the king, being greatly saddened, ascended to the upper room of the gate, and he wept. And as he went, he was speaking in this manner: “My son Absalom! Absalom my son! Who can grant to me that I may die on your behalf? Absalom, my son! My son, Absalom!”2 Samuel 18:33

2 Samuel 19:8 Therefore, the king rose up, and he sat at the gate. And it was announced to all the people that the king was sitting at the gate. And the entire multitude went before the king. But Israel fled to their own tents.2 Samuel 19:8

2 Samuel 23:15 Then David desired, and he said, “If only someone would give me a drink of the water from the cistern, which is in Bethlehem beside the gate!”2 Samuel 23:15

2 Samuel 23:16 Therefore, the three valiant men burst into the encampment of the Philistines, and they drew water from the cistern of Bethlehem, which was beside the gate. And they brought it to David. Yet he was not willing to drink; instead, he poured it out to the Lord,2 Samuel 23:16

Number of the word / term Gate in 2 Samuel: 11

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 8:37 Then, if famine rises over the land, or pestilence, or corrupt air, or blight, or locust, or mildew, or if their enemy afflicts them, besieging the gates, or any harm or infirmity,1 Kings 8:37

1 Kings 14:27 In place of these, king Rehoboam made shields of brass, and he delivered them into the hand of the commanders of the shield bearers, and of those who were keeping the night watch before the gate of the king’s house.1 Kings 14:27

1 Kings 16:34 In his days, Hiel from Bethel built up Jericho. With Abiram, his firstborn, he founded it, and with Segub, his youngest son, he set up its gates, in accord with the word of the Lord, which he had spoken by the hand of Joshua, the son of Nun.1 Kings 16:34

1 Kings 17:10 He rose up and went away to Zarephath. And when he had arrived at the gate of the city, he saw the widowed woman collecting wood, and he called to her. And he said to her, “Give me a little water in a vessel, so that I may drink.”1 Kings 17:10

1 Kings 22:10 Now the king of Israel, and Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, were each sitting upon his own throne, clothed in the habit of royal vestments, in a courtyard beside the entrance of the gate of Samaria. And all the prophets were prophesying in their sight.1 Kings 22:10

Number of the word / term Gate in 1 Kings: 5

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 7:1 Then Elisha said: “Listen to the word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord: Tomorrow, at this time, one measure of fine wheat flour will be one silver coin, and two measures of barley will be one silver coin, at the gate of Samaria.”2 Kings 7:1

2 Kings 7:3 Now there were four lepers beside the entrance of the gate. And they said one to another: “Should we choose to stay here until we die?2 Kings 7:3

2 Kings 7:10 And when they had arrived at the gate of the city, they explained to them, saying: “We went into the camp of the Syrians, and we found no one in that place, except horses and donkeys tied, and the tents still standing.”2 Kings 7:10

2 Kings 7:17 Then the king stationed that leader, on whose hand he leaned, at the gate. And the crowd trampled him at the entrance of the gate. And he died, in accord with what the man of God had said when the king had descended to him.2 Kings 7:17

2 Kings 7:18 And this happened in accord with the word of the man of God, which he had spoken to the king, when he said: “Two measures of barley will be one silver coin, and one measure of fine wheat flour will be one silver coin, at this same time tomorrow, at the gate of Samaria.”2 Kings 7:18

2 Kings 7:20 Therefore, it happened to him just as it had been predicted. For the people trampled him at the gate, and he died.2 Kings 7:20

2 Kings 9:31 as Jehu was entering through the gate. And she said, “Is it possible for there to be peace for Zimri, who killed his lord?”2 Kings 9:31

2 Kings 10:8 Then a messenger arrived and reported to him, saying, “They have brought the heads of the king’s sons.” And he responded, “Place them in two piles, beside the entrance of the gate, until morning.”2 Kings 10:8

2 Kings 11:6 Let one third part of you enter on the Sabbath, and keep watch on the house of the king. And let one third part be at the gate of Sur. And let one third part be at the gate behind the dwelling place of the shield bearers. And you shall keep the watch on the house of Mesha.2 Kings 11:6

2 Kings 11:19 And he took the centurions, and the legions of the Cherethites and Pelethites, and all the people of the land, and together they led the king from the house of the Lord. And they went by way of the gate of the shield bearers into the palace. And he sat upon the throne of the kings.2 Kings 11:19

2 Kings 14:13 And truly, Jehoash, the king of Israel, captured Amaziah, the king of Judah, the son of Jehoash, the son of Ahaziah, at Beth-shemesh. And he brought him to Jerusalem. And he breached the wall of Jerusalem, from the gate of Ephraim as far as the gate of the Corner, four hundred cubits.2 Kings 14:13

2 Kings 15:35 Yet truly, he did not take away the high places. And still the people were immolating, and burning incense, in the high places. But he edified the gate of the house of the Lord to be very sublime.2 Kings 15:35

2 Kings 23:8 And he gathered together all the priests from the cities of Judah. And he defiled the high places, where the priests were sacrificing, from Geba as far as Beersheba. And he tore down the altars of the gates at the entrance to the gate of Joshua, the leader of the city, which was to the left of the gate of the city.2 Kings 23:8

2 Kings 25:4 And the city was breached. And all the men of war fled in the night along the way of the gate which is between the double wall at the garden of the king. Now the Chaldeans were besieging the city on all sides. And so Zedekiah fled along the way which leads to the plains of the wilderness.2 Kings 25:4

Number of the word / term Gate in 2 Kings: 14

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 9:18 For until that time, at the gate of the king to the east, the sons of Levi served in their turns.1 Chronicles 9:18

1 Chronicles 9:21 But Zechariah, the son of Meshelemiah, was the keeper of the gate of the tabernacle of the testimony.1 Chronicles 9:21

1 Chronicles 9:22 All these, chosen as porters for the gates, were two hundred twelve. And they were recorded in their own towns, those whom David, and the seer Samuel, appointed, in their faith,1 Chronicles 9:22

1 Chronicles 9:23 as with them, so also with their sons, at the gates of the house of the Lord and the tabernacle, by their turns.1 Chronicles 9:23

1 Chronicles 9:27 And they remained in their watches, on all sides of the temple of the Lord, so that, when the time had arrived, they might open the gates in the morning.1 Chronicles 9:27

1 Chronicles 11:17 And then David desired and said, “O if only someone would give me water from the well of Bethlehem, which is at the gate!”1 Chronicles 11:17

1 Chronicles 11:18 Therefore, these three broke through to the midst of the camp of the Philistines, and they drew water from the well of Bethlehem, which was at the gate. And they took it to David, so that he might drink. But he was not willing; and instead, he offered it as a libation to the Lord,1 Chronicles 11:18

1 Chronicles 19:9 And the sons of Ammon, going out, set up a battle line before the gate of the city. But the kings who had come to their aid stood separately in the field.1 Chronicles 19:9

1 Chronicles 22:3 Also, David prepared very much iron to use for the nails of the gates, and for the seams and joints, as well as an immeasurable weight of brass.1 Chronicles 22:3

1 Chronicles 26:13 Then they cast lots equally, for both the small and the great, by their families, concerning each one of the gates.1 Chronicles 26:13

1 Chronicles 26:16 Shuppim and Hosah obtained that toward the west, beside the gate that leads to the way of the ascent, one post facing the other.1 Chronicles 26:16

Number of the word / term Gate in 1 Chronicles: 11

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 6:28 If a famine will have risen up in the land, or pestilence, or fungus, or mildew, or locusts, or beetles, or if enemies will have laid waste to the countryside and will have besieged the gates of the cities, or whatever scourge or infirmity will have pressed upon them,2 Chronicles 6:28

2 Chronicles 8:5 And he built upper Beth-horon and lower Beth-horon, as walled cities, having gates and bars and locks,2 Chronicles 8:5

2 Chronicles 8:14 And he appointed, in accord with the plan of his father David, the offices of the priests in their ministries; and those of the Levites, in their orders, so that they might praise and minister before the priests according to the ritual of each day; and the porters, in their divisions, from gate to gate. For so had David, the man of God, instructed.2 Chronicles 8:14

2 Chronicles 14:7 Then he said to Judah: “Let us build these cities, and strengthen them with walls, and fortify them with towers and gates and bars, while all things are at rest from wars. For we have sought the Lord, the God of our fathers, and he has granted to us peace on every side.” And so they built, and there was nothing to impede them from building.2 Chronicles 14:7

2 Chronicles 18:9 Now the king of Israel, and Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, were both sitting upon their thrones, clothed in royal vestments. And they were sitting in an open area, beside the gate of Samaria. And all the prophets were prophesying before them.2 Chronicles 18:9

2 Chronicles 23:5 One third part of you who arrive on the Sabbath, priests, and Levites, and porters, shall be at the gates. Truly, one third part shall be at the house of the king. And one third shall be at the gate which is called the Foundation. Yet truly, let all the remainder of the common people be in the courts of the house of the Lord.2 Chronicles 23:5

2 Chronicles 23:15 And they laid hands on her neck. And when she had entered the gate for the horses at the king’s house, they put her to death there.2 Chronicles 23:15

2 Chronicles 23:19 Also, he appointed porters at the gates of the house of the Lord, so that whoever was unclean for any reason would not enter.2 Chronicles 23:19

2 Chronicles 23:20 And he took the centurions, and the most valiant men, and the leaders of the people, and all the common people of the land, and they set out to descend to the king, from the house of the Lord, and to enter through the middle of the upper gate, to the house of the king. And they placed him on the royal throne.2 Chronicles 23:20

2 Chronicles 24:8 Therefore, the king instructed, and they made an ark. And they placed it beside the gate of the house of the Lord, on the outside.2 Chronicles 24:8

2 Chronicles 25:23 Then Joash, the king of Israel, captured Amaziah, the king of Judah, the son of Joash, the son of Jehoahaz, at Beth-shemesh, and he led him to Jerusalem. And he destroyed its walls, from the gate of Ephraim as far as the gate of the corner, four hundred cubits.2 Chronicles 25:23

2 Chronicles 26:9 And Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem, above the gate of the corner, and above the gate of the valley, and others on the same side of the wall, and he fortified them.2 Chronicles 26:9

2 Chronicles 27:3 He improved the high gate of the house of the Lord. And he built many things upon the wall of Ophel.2 Chronicles 27:3

2 Chronicles 31:2 Then Hezekiah appointed the companies of the priests and Levites by their divisions, each man in his proper office, certainly as much for the priests as for the Levites, for the sake of holocausts and peace offerings, so that they might minister and confess and sing, at the gates of the camp of the Lord.2 Chronicles 31:2

2 Chronicles 31:14 Yet truly, Kore, the son of Imnah, a Levite and the porter of the eastern gate, was the overseer of the things that were being offered freely to the Lord, and of the first-fruits, and of the things consecrated for the Holy of Holies.2 Chronicles 31:14

2 Chronicles 32:6 And he appointed leaders of the warriors within the army. And he summoned them all to the wide street of the gate of the city. And he spoke to their heart, saying:2 Chronicles 32:6

2 Chronicles 33:14 After these things, he built a wall outside the City of David, to the west of Gihon, at the steep valley, from the entrance to the fish gate, circling around as far as Ophel. And he raised it up greatly. And he appointed leaders of the army in all the fortified cities of Judah.2 Chronicles 33:14

2 Chronicles 35:15 Now the singers, the sons of Asaph, were standing in their order, according to the instruction of David, and of Asaph and Heman and Jeduthun, the prophets of the king. Truly, the porters kept watch at each gate, so as not to depart from their ministry even for one moment. And for this reason, their brothers, the Levites, prepared foods for them.2 Chronicles 35:15

Number of the word / term Gate in 2 Chronicles: 18

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 1:3 And they said to me: “Those who have remained and have been left behind from the captivity, there in the province, are in great affliction and in disgrace. And the wall of Jerusalem has been broken apart, and its gates have been burned with fire.”Nehemiah 1:3

Nehemiah 2:3 And I said to the king: “O king, live forever. Why should my expression not be mournful, since the city of the house of the sepulchers of my father is desolate, and its gates have been burned with fire?”Nehemiah 2:3

Nehemiah 2:8 and a letter to Asaph, the keeper of the king’s forest, so that he may give me timber, in order that I may be able to cover the gates of the tower of the house, and the walls of the city, and the house that I will enter.” And the king granted to me in accord with the good hand of my God, who is with me.Nehemiah 2:8

Nehemiah 2:13 And I departed in the night through the gate of the valley, and before the fountain of the dragon, and toward the dung gate. And I considered the wall of Jerusalem, which was broken apart, and its gates, which had been consumed by fire.Nehemiah 2:13

Nehemiah 2:14 And I continued on to the gate of the fountain, and to the aqueduct of the king. And there was no room for the beast on which I was sitting to pass through.Nehemiah 2:14

Nehemiah 2:15 And so I climbed up in the night along the torrent, and I considered the wall. And turning back, I went by the gate of the valley, and I returned.Nehemiah 2:15

Nehemiah 2:17 And so I said to them: “You know the affliction in which we are, because Jerusalem is desolate, and its gates have been consumed by fire. Come, and let us rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and let us no longer be in disgrace.”Nehemiah 2:17

Nehemiah 3:1 And Eliashib, the great priest, rose up, with his brothers, the priests, and they built the gate of the flock. They sanctified it, and they set up its double doors, and as far as the tower of one hundred cubits, they sanctified it, even to the tower of Hananel.Nehemiah 3:1

Nehemiah 3:3 But the sons of Hassenaah built the fish gate. They covered it, and they set up its double doors and locks and bars. And beside them, Meremoth, the son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, built.Nehemiah 3:3

Nehemiah 3:6 And Joiada, the son of Paseah, and Meshullam, the son of Besodeiah, built the old gate. They covered it, and they set up its double doors and locks and bars.Nehemiah 3:6

Nehemiah 3:13 And Hanun built the gate of the valley, with the inhabitants of Zanoah. They built it, and they set up its double doors and locks and bars, with one thousand cubits of the wall, as far as the gate of the dunghill.Nehemiah 3:13

Nehemiah 3:14 And Malchijah, the son of Rechab, the leader of the street of Beth-haccherem, built the gate of the dunghill. He built it, and he set up its double doors and locks and bars.Nehemiah 3:14

Nehemiah 3:15 And Shallum, the son of Colhozeh, the leader of the district of Mizpah, built the gate of the fountain. He built it, and he covered it, and he set up its double doors and locks and bars, and the walls of the pool of Shelah at the garden of the king, and as far as the steps that descend from the City of David.Nehemiah 3:15

Nehemiah 3:26 And the temple servants, who were living in Ophel, built to a point opposite the water gate, toward the east, and the tower that is prominent.Nehemiah 3:26

Nehemiah 3:28 Then, upward from the horse gate, the priests built, each one opposite his own house.Nehemiah 3:28

Nehemiah 3:29 After them, Zadok, the son of Immer, built, opposite his own house. And after him, Shemaiah, the son of Shecaniah, the keeper of the east gate, built.Nehemiah 3:29

Nehemiah 3:31 After him, Malchijah, the son of the goldsmith, built, even up to the house of the temple servants and of the sellers of small items, opposite the judgment gate, and even to the upper room of the corner.Nehemiah 3:31

Nehemiah 3:32 And within the upper room of the corner, at the gate of the flock, the goldsmiths and the merchants built.Nehemiah 3:32

Nehemiah 6:1 Now it happened that, when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and Geshem, an Arab, and our other enemies, had heard that I had built the wall, and that there was no interruption remaining in it, (even though, at that time, I had not set up the double doors at the gates,)Nehemiah 6:1

Nehemiah 7:3 and I said to them: “Let not the gates of Jerusalem be opened until the sun is hot.” And while they were standing there, the gates were closed and barred. And I stationed guards from the inhabitants of Jerusalem, each one in his turn, and each one opposite his own house.Nehemiah 7:3

Nehemiah 8:1 And the seventh month had arrived. Now the sons of Israel were in their cities. And all the people were gathered together, like one man, in the street which is before the water gate. And they spoke to Ezra the scribe, so that he would bring the book of the law of Moses, which the Lord had instructed to Israel.Nehemiah 8:1

Nehemiah 8:3 And he read it openly in the street which was before the water gate, from morning even until midday, in the sight of the men and women, and those who understood. And the ears of all the people were attentive to the book.Nehemiah 8:3

Nehemiah 8:16 And the people went forth and brought. And they made for themselves tabernacles, each one at his own dwelling, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the street of the water gate, and in the street of the gate of Ephraim.Nehemiah 8:16

Nehemiah 12:25 Mattaniah, and Bakbukiah, Obadiah, Meshullam, Talmon, Akkub, were keepers of the gates and of the vestibules before the gates.Nehemiah 12:25

Nehemiah 12:30 And the priests and the Levites were cleansed, and they cleansed the people, and the gates, and the wall.Nehemiah 12:30

Nehemiah 12:31 Then I caused the leaders of Judah to ascend the wall, and I appointed two great choirs to give praise. And they went to the right upon the wall, toward the dung gate.Nehemiah 12:31

Nehemiah 12:36 And his brothers, Shemaiah, and Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethanel, and Judah, and Hanani, went forth with the canticles of David, the man of God. And Ezra, the scribe, was before them at the fountain gate.Nehemiah 12:36

Nehemiah 12:37 And opposite them, they ascended by the steps of the city of David, at the ascent of the wall above the house of David, and as far as the water gate to the east.Nehemiah 12:37

Nehemiah 12:39 and above the gate of Ephraim, and above the ancient gate, and above the fish gate, and the tower of Hananel, and the tower of Hamath, and as far as the flock gate. And they stood still at the watch gate.Nehemiah 12:39

Nehemiah 13:19 And it happened that, when the gates of Jerusalem had rested on the day of the Sabbath, I spoke, and they closed the gates. And I instructed that they should not open them until after the Sabbath. And I appointed some of my servants over the gates, so that no one would carry in a burden on the day of the Sabbath.Nehemiah 13:19

Nehemiah 13:22 I also spoke to the Levites, so that they would be cleansed, and would arrive to guard the gates and to sanctify the day of the Sabbath. Because of this also, O my God, remember me and spare me, in accord with the multitude of your mercies.Nehemiah 13:22

Number of the word / term Gate in Nehemiah: 31

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Esther

Esther 2:19 And when the virgins were sought for the second time and gathered together, Mordecai remained at the king’s gate.Esther 2:19

Esther 2:21 Therefore, at that time, when Mordecai was staying at the king’s gate, Bagatha and Thara, two of the king’s eunuchs, who were gatekeepers and who presided over the first entryway of the palace, were angry, and they decided to rise up against the king and kill him.Esther 2:21

Esther 4:2 And he continued with this lamenting, even up to the gate of the palace, for no one clothed with sackcloth is permitted to enter the king’s court.Esther 4:2

Esther 5:9 And so Haman went out that day joyful and cheerful. And when he saw that Mordecai was sitting in front of the gate of the palace, and that he alone did not get up for him, but did not so much as move from the place where he sat, he was very indignant.Esther 5:9

Esther 5:13 And though I have all these things, I consider that I have nothing as long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting in front of the king’s gate.”Esther 5:13

Esther 6:10 And the king said to him, “Hurry, take the robe and the horse, and do as you have said to Mordecai the Jew, who sits in front of the gate of the palace. Be careful not to omit any of those things which you have mentioned.”Esther 6:10

Number of the word / term Gate in Esther: 6

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Job

Job 5:4 His sons will be far from prosperity and will be crushed at the gate, and there will be none who can rescue them.Job 5:4

Job 29:7 When I went to the gate of the city, or to the main street, they prepared a chair for me.Job 29:7

Job 30:14 They have rushed upon me, as when a wall is broken or a gate opened, and they have been pulled down into my miseries.Job 30:14

Job 31:21 if I have lifted up my hand over an orphan, even when it might seem to me that I the advantage over him at the gate;Job 31:21

Job 38:17 Have the gates of death been opened to you, and have you seen the doors of darkness?Job 38:17

Number of the word / term Gate in Job: 5

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 9:14 You lift me up from the gates of death, so that I may announce all your praises at the gates of the daughter of Zion.Psalm 9:14

Psalm 24:7 Lift up your gates, you princes, and be lifted up, eternal gates. And the King of Glory shall enter.Psalm 24:7

Psalm 24:9 Lift up your gates, you princes, and be lifted up, eternal gates. And the King of Glory shall enter.Psalm 24:9

Psalm 69:12 Those who sat at the gate spoke against me, and those who drank wine made me their song.Psalm 69:12

Psalm 73:28 But it is good for me to adhere to God, to put my hope in the Lord God, so that I may announce all your prophecies, at the gates of the daughter of Zion.Psalm 73:28

Psalm 87:2 the Lord loves the gates of Zion above all the tabernacles of Jacob.Psalm 87:2

Psalm 100:4 Enter his gates with confession, his courts with hymns, and acknowledge him. Praise his name.Psalm 100:4

Psalm 107:16 For he has crushed the gates of brass and broken the iron bars.Psalm 107:16

Psalm 107:18 Their soul abhorred all food, and they drew near even to the gates of death.Psalm 107:18

Psalm 118:19 Open the gates of justice to me. I will enter them, and I will confess to the Lord.Psalm 118:19

Psalm 118:20 This is the gate of the Lord. The just will enter by it.Psalm 118:20

Psalm 127:5 Blessed is the man who has filled his desire from these things. He will not be confounded when he speaks to his enemies at the gate.Psalm 127:5

Psalm 147:13 For he has reinforced the bars of your gates. He has blessed your sons within you.Psalm 147:13

Number of the word / term Gate in Psalm: 13

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 1:21 She cries out at the head of crowds; at the entrance of the gates of the city, she offers her words, saying:Proverbs 1:21

Proverbs 8:3 beside the gates of the city, at the very doors, she speaks, saying:Proverbs 8:3

Proverbs 8:34 Blessed is the man who listens to me, and who stands watch at my gates everyday, and who observes at the posts of my doors.Proverbs 8:34

Proverbs 14:19 The evil will fall down before the good. And the impious will fall down before the gates of the just.Proverbs 14:19

Proverbs 22:22 Do not act with violence toward the pauper because he is poor. And do not weary the needy at the gate.Proverbs 22:22

Proverbs 24:7 Wisdom is beyond the foolish; at the gate he will not open his mouth.Proverbs 24:7

Proverbs 31:23 Her husband is noble at the gates, when he sits among the senators of the land.Proverbs 31:23

Proverbs 31:31 Give to her from the fruit of her own hands. And let her works praise her at the gates.Proverbs 31:31

Number of the word / term Gate in Proverbs: 8

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Song

Song of Solomon 7:13 The mandrakes yield their fragrance. At our gates is every fruit. The new and the old, my beloved, I have kept for you.Song of Solomon 7:13

Number of the word / term Gate in Song: 1

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 3:26 And her gates will grieve and mourn. And she will sit on the ground, desolate.Isaiah 3:26

Isaiah 13:2 Over the foggy mountain lift up a sign! Raise the voice, lift up the hand, and let the rulers enter through the gates!Isaiah 13:2

Isaiah 14:31 Wail, O gate! Cry out, O city! All of Philistia has been prostrated. For a smoke will arrive from the north, and there is no one who will escape his army.Isaiah 14:31

Isaiah 22:7 And your elect valleys will be filled with chariots, and the horsemen will position themselves at the gates.Isaiah 22:7

Isaiah 24:12 Solitude is what remains in the city, and calamity will overwhelm its gates.Isaiah 24:12

Isaiah 26:2 Open the gates, and let the just people who guard the truth enter.Isaiah 26:2

Isaiah 28:6 And he will be the spirit of judgment for those who sit in judgment, and the strength of those who return from war to the gates.Isaiah 28:6

Isaiah 29:21 For they caused men to sin by a word, and they supplanted him who argued against them at the gates, and they turned away from justice in vain.Isaiah 29:21

Isaiah 38:10 “I said: In the middle of my days, I will go to the gates of Hell. So I sought the remainder of my years.Isaiah 38:10

Isaiah 45:1 Thus says the Lord to my anointed Cyrus, whose right hand I hold, so that I may subjugate the nations before his face, and I may turn the backs of kings, and I may open the doors before him, and so that the gates will not be shut.Isaiah 45:1

Isaiah 45:2 I will go before you. And I will humble the glorious ones of the earth. I will shatter the gates of brass, and I will break apart the bars of iron.Isaiah 45:2

Isaiah 54:12 and I will make your ramparts out of jasper, and your gates out of sculpted stones, and all your borders out of desirable stones.Isaiah 54:12

Isaiah 60:11 And your gates will be open continually. They will not be closed day or night, so that the strength of the nations may be brought before you, and their kings may be lead in.Isaiah 60:11

Isaiah 60:18 Iniquity will no longer be heard in your land, nor devastation and destruction in your borders. And salvation will occupy your walls, and praise will occupy your gates.Isaiah 60:18

Isaiah 62:10 Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare a way for the people! Make the road level, remove the stones, and lift up a sign for the people!Isaiah 62:10

Isaiah 66:17 Those who were sanctified, who thought themselves to be clean in the gardens behind the inner gate, who were eating swine’s flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse: they will be consumed all at once, says the Lord.Isaiah 66:17

Number of the word / term Gate in Isaiah: 16

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 1:15 For behold, I will call together all the close associates of the kingdoms of the north, says the Lord. And they will arrive, and each one of them will place his throne at the entrance to the gates of Jerusalem, and over all its surrounding walls, and over all the cities of Judah.Jeremiah 1:15

Jeremiah 2:12 Be astonished at this, O heavens, and be utterly desolate, O gates of heaven, says the Lord.Jeremiah 2:12

Jeremiah 7:2 “Stand at the gate to the house of the Lord, and preach this word there, and say: Listen to the word of the Lord, all you of Judah who enter through these gates to adore the Lord.Jeremiah 7:2

Jeremiah 14:2 “Judea has mourned. And its gates have fallen and become hard to discern on the ground. And the outcry of Jerusalem has ascended.Jeremiah 14:2

Jeremiah 15:7 And I will scatter them with a winnowing fan at the gates of the land. I have killed and dispersed my people, and yet they have not turned back from their ways.Jeremiah 15:7

Jeremiah 17:19 Thus says the Lord to me: “Go, and stand at the gate of the sons of the people, through which the kings of Judah enter and depart, and at all the gates of Jerusalem.Jeremiah 17:19

Jeremiah 17:20 And you shall say to them: Listen to the word of the Lord, O kings of Judah, and all of Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, who enter through these gates.”Jeremiah 17:20

Jeremiah 17:21 Thus says the Lord: “Guard your souls, and do not choose to carry heavy things on the day of the Sabbath, nor should you carry these things through the gates of Jerusalem.Jeremiah 17:21

Jeremiah 17:24 And this shall be: If you listen to me, says the Lord, so that you do not carry in burdens through the gates of this city on the day of the Sabbath, and if you sanctify the day of the Sabbath, so that you do not do work in it,Jeremiah 17:24

Jeremiah 17:25 then there will enter through the gates of this city: kings and princes, sitting on the throne of David, and riding on chariots and horses, they and their princes, the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And this city will be inhabited forever.Jeremiah 17:25

Jeremiah 17:27 But if you will not listen to me, to sanctify the day of the Sabbath, and not to carry burdens, and not to bring these things through the gates of Jerusalem on the day of the Sabbath, then I will kindle a fire at its gates, and it will devour the houses of Jerusalem, and it will not be extinguished.”Jeremiah 17:27

Jeremiah 19:2 And go out to the valley of the son of Hinnom, which is near the entrance to the earthen gate, and there you shall proclaim the words that I will speak to you.Jeremiah 19:2

Jeremiah 20:2 And Pashhur struck the prophet Jeremiah, and he sent him to the stocks, which were at the upper gate of Benjamin at the house of the Lord.Jeremiah 20:2

Jeremiah 22:2 And you shall say: Listen to the word of the Lord, O king of Judah, who sits upon the throne of David: you and your servants, and your people, who enter through these gates.Jeremiah 22:2

Jeremiah 22:4 For if you will indeed accomplish this word, then there will enter through the gates of this house kings from the stock of David, sitting on his throne, and riding on chariots and on horses: they, and their servants, and their people.Jeremiah 22:4

Jeremiah 22:19 He will be buried with the burial of a donkey, having rotted and been thrown out of the gates of Jerusalem.Jeremiah 22:19

Jeremiah 26:10 And the leaders of Judah heard these words. And they ascended from the house of the king to the house of the Lord, and they sat at the entrance by the new gate of the house of the Lord.Jeremiah 26:10

Jeremiah 31:38 Behold, the days are approaching, says the Lord, when a city will be built for the Lord from the tower of Hananel, even to the Gate of the Corner;Jeremiah 31:38

Jeremiah 31:40 and the entire Valley of dead bodies and ashes, and the entire region of death, even to the torrent of Kedron, and to the corner of the Horse Gate to the east. All this will be the holy place of the Lord. It will not be rooted up, and it will not be torn down, anymore, forever.”Jeremiah 31:40

Jeremiah 36:10 And Baruch read from the volume the words of Jeremiah in the house of the Lord, at the treasury of Gemariah, the son of Shaphan, the scribe, in the upper vestibule, at the entrance to the new gate of the house of the Lord, in the hearing of all the people.Jeremiah 36:10

Jeremiah 37:13 And when he had arrived at the gate of Benjamin, the keeper of the gate, whose turn it was to be there, was named Irijah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah. And he apprehended Jeremiah the prophet, saying, “You are fleeing to the Chaldeans.”Jeremiah 37:13

Jeremiah 38:7 Now Ebedmelech, an Ethiopian man, a eunuch who was in the king’s house, heard that they had sent Jeremiah into the pit, and also that the king was sitting at the gate of Benjamin.Jeremiah 38:7

Jeremiah 38:14 And king Zedekiah sent and took Jeremiah the prophet to him at the third gate, which was at the house of the Lord. And the king said to Jeremiah: “I will question you about a matter. You shall conceal nothing from me.”Jeremiah 38:14

Jeremiah 39:3 And all the rulers of the king of Babylon entered and were seated at the middle gate: Nergal-Sharezer, the priest of Nebo, Sarsechim, the chief eunuch, Nergal-Sharezer, the chief magi, and all the other rulers of the king of Babylon.Jeremiah 39:3

Jeremiah 39:4 And when Zedekiah, the king of Judah, with all the men of war, had seen them, they fled. And they departed from the city at night, by way of the king’s garden, and through the gate which was between the two walls. And they departed along the way of the desert.Jeremiah 39:4

Jeremiah 43:9 “Take great stones in your hand, and you shall conceal them in the crypt which is under the brick wall at the gate of the house of Pharaoh at Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of Judah.Jeremiah 43:9

Jeremiah 49:31 Rise up, and ascend to a nation that is quiet and lives in confidence, says the Lord. They have neither gates nor bars. They dwell alone.Jeremiah 49:31

Jeremiah 51:58 Thus says the Lord of hosts: “That very wide wall of Babylon will be utterly overturned, and her exalted gates will be burned with fire, and the labors of the people will be as nothing, and the labors of the nations will be sent into the fire and will perish.”Jeremiah 51:58

Jeremiah 52:7 And the city was broken, and all the men of war fled, and they departed from the city at night by way of the gate which is between the two walls, and which leads to the king’s garden, while the Chaldeans were besieging the city all around, and they went away by the road that leads to the wilderness.Jeremiah 52:7

Number of the word / term Gate in Jeremiah: 29

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 1:4 DALETH. The pathways of Zion mourn, because there are none who approach for the solemnity. All her gates are destroyed. Her priests groan. Her virgins are filthy. And she is overwhelmed with bitterness.Lamentations 1:4

Lamentations 2:9 TETH. Her gates have been buried in the ground. He has ruined and crushed its bars. Her king and her princes are with the Gentiles. There is no law, and her prophets have found no vision from the Lord.Lamentations 2:9

Lamentations 4:12 LAMED. The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, did not believe that the adversary and the enemy would enter through the gates of Jerusalem.Lamentations 4:12

Lamentations 5:14 The elders have ceased from the gates, the youths from the choir of the psalms.Lamentations 5:14

Number of the word / term Gate in Lamentations: 4

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 8:3 And as the image of a hand went out, it took hold of me by a lock of my head. And the Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven. And he brought me into Jerusalem, within a vision of God, next to the inner gate that looked toward the north, where there was stationed an idol of rivalry, so as to provoke an envious emulation.Ezekiel 8:3

Ezekiel 8:5 And he said to me: “Son of man, lift up your eyes to the way of the north.” And I lifted up my eyes to the way of the north. And behold, from the north of the gate of the altar was the idol of rivalry, at the same entrance.Ezekiel 8:5

Ezekiel 8:14 And he led me in through the door of the gate of the Lord’s house, which looked toward the north. And behold, women were sitting there, mourning for Adonis.Ezekiel 8:14

Ezekiel 9:2 And behold, six men were approaching from the way of the upper gate, which looks to the north. And each one had equipment for killing in his hand. Also, one man in their midst was clothed with linen, and an instrument for writing was at his waist. And they entered and stood beside the bronze altar.Ezekiel 9:2

Ezekiel 10:19 And the cherubim, lifting up their wings, were raised up from the earth in my sight. And as they went away, the wheels also followed. And it stood at the entrance to the east gate of the house of the Lord. And the glory of the God of Israel was over them.Ezekiel 10:19

Ezekiel 11:1 And the Spirit lifted me up, and he brought me to the east gate of the house of the Lord, which looks toward the rising of the sun. And behold, at the entrance to the gate were twenty-five men. And I saw, in their midst, Jaazaniah, the son of Azzur, and Pelatiah, the son of Benaiah, leaders of the people.Ezekiel 11:1

Ezekiel 21:15 and to waste away in heart, and which multiplies ruin. At all their gates, I have presented the consternation of the sword, which has been sharpened and polished so as to shine, which has been dressed for the slaughter.Ezekiel 21:15

Ezekiel 21:22 To his right was set the divination over Jerusalem, to place battering rams so as to open a mouth for the slaughter, to lift up the voice of wailing, to place battering rams opposite the gates, to cast up a rampart, to build fortifications.Ezekiel 21:22

Ezekiel 26:2 “Son of man, because Tyre has said about Jerusalem: ‘It is Well! The gates of the peoples have been broken! She has been turned toward me. I will be filled. She will be deserted!’Ezekiel 26:2

Ezekiel 26:10 He will cover you with the inundation of his horses and with their dust. Your walls will shake at the sound of horsemen and wheels and chariots, when they will have entered your gates, as if through the entrance of a city that has been broken open.Ezekiel 26:10

Ezekiel 38:11 And you will say: ‘I will ascend to the land without a wall. I will go to those who are resting and dwelling securely. All these live without a wall; they have no bars or gates.’Ezekiel 38:11

Ezekiel 40:3 And he led me into that place. And behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a linen rope in his hand, and a measuring reed in his hand. And he was standing at the gate.Ezekiel 40:3

Ezekiel 40:6 And he went to the gate which looked toward the east, and he ascended by its steps. And he measured the width of the threshold of the gate as one reed, that is, one threshold was one reed in width.Ezekiel 40:6

Ezekiel 40:8 And the threshold of the gate, next to the inner vestibule of the gate, was one reed.Ezekiel 40:8

Ezekiel 40:9 And he measured the vestibule of the gate as eight cubits, and its front as two cubits. But the vestibule of the gate was inside.Ezekiel 40:9

Ezekiel 40:10 Moreover, the chambers of the gate, toward the way of the east, were three from one side to the other. The three were of one measure, and the fronts were of one measure, on both sides.Ezekiel 40:10

Ezekiel 40:11 And he measured the width of the threshold of the gate as ten cubits, and the length of the gate as thirteen cubits.Ezekiel 40:11

Ezekiel 40:13 And he measured the gate, from the roof of one chamber to the roof of another, twenty-five cubits in width, from door to door.Ezekiel 40:13

Ezekiel 40:14 And he found the fronts to be sixty cubits. And at the front, there was a court for the gate on every side all around.Ezekiel 40:14

Ezekiel 40:15 And before the face of the gate, which extended even to the face of the vestibule of the gate of the interior, there were fifty cubits.Ezekiel 40:15

Ezekiel 40:16 And there were slanting windows in the chambers and at their fronts, which were within the gate on every side all around. And similarly, there were also windows in the vestibules all around the interior, and there were images of palm trees before the fronts.Ezekiel 40:16

Ezekiel 40:18 And the pavement in front of the gates, along the length of the gates, was lower.Ezekiel 40:18

Ezekiel 40:19 And he measured the width, from the face of the lower gate to the front of the outer part of the inner court, to be one hundred cubits, to the east and to the north.Ezekiel 40:19

Ezekiel 40:20 Likewise, he measured the gate of the outer court, which looked to the way of the north, to be as much in length as in width.Ezekiel 40:20

Ezekiel 40:21 And its chambers were three from one side to the other. And its front and its vestibule, in accord with the measure of the former gate, were fifty cubits in its length and twenty-five cubits in width.Ezekiel 40:21

Ezekiel 40:22 Now its windows, and the vestibule, and the engravings were in accord with the measure of the gate which looked to the east. And its ascent was by seven steps, and a vestibule was before it.Ezekiel 40:22

Ezekiel 40:23 And the gate of the inner court was opposite the gate of the north, and that of the east. And he measured from gate to gate as one hundred cubits.Ezekiel 40:23

Ezekiel 40:24 And he led me to the way of the south, and behold, there was a gate which looked toward the south. And he measured its front and its vestibule to be the same as the measures above.Ezekiel 40:24

Ezekiel 40:27 And there was a gate at the inner court, on the way to the south. And he measured from one gate to another, on the way to the south, to be one hundred cubits.Ezekiel 40:27

Ezekiel 40:28 And he led me into the inner court, to the south gate. And he measured the gate to be in accord with the measures above.Ezekiel 40:28

Ezekiel 40:32 And he led me into the inner court, along the way of the east. And he measured the gate to be in accord with the measures above.Ezekiel 40:32

Ezekiel 40:35 And he led me to the gate which looked toward the north. And he measured it to be in accord with the measures above.Ezekiel 40:35

Ezekiel 40:38 And at each one of the storerooms, there was a door at the front of the gates. There, they washed the holocaust.Ezekiel 40:38

Ezekiel 40:39 And at the vestibule of the gate, there were two tables on one side, and two tables on the other side, so that the holocaust, and the offering for sin, and the offering for transgression could be immolated upon them.Ezekiel 40:39

Ezekiel 40:40 And at the outer side, which ascends to the door of the gate that goes toward the north, there were two tables. And at the other side, before the vestibule of the gate, there were two tables.Ezekiel 40:40

Ezekiel 40:41 Four tables were on one side, and four tables were on the other side; along the sides of the gate, there were eight tables, upon which they immolated.Ezekiel 40:41

Ezekiel 40:44 And outside the interior gate, there were storerooms for the cantors, in the inner court, which was beside the gate that looks toward the north. And their face was opposite the way to the south; one was beside the east gate, which looked toward the way of the north.Ezekiel 40:44

Ezekiel 40:48 And he led me into the vestibule of the temple. And he measured the vestibule to be five cubits on one side, and five cubits on the other side. And the width of the gate was three cubits on one side, and three cubits on the other side.Ezekiel 40:48

Ezekiel 41:2 And the width of the gate was ten cubits. And the sides of the gate were five cubits on one side, and five cubits on the other side. And he measured its length to be forty cubits, and the width to be twenty cubits.Ezekiel 41:2

Ezekiel 41:3 And proceeding inward, he measured the front of the gate to be two cubits. And the gate was six cubits, and the width of the gate was seven cubits.Ezekiel 41:3

Ezekiel 41:20 From the floor, even to the upper parts of the gate, there were cherubim and palm trees engraved in the wall of the temple.Ezekiel 41:20

Ezekiel 42:2 The length of the face of the north gate was one hundred cubits, and the width was fifty cubits.Ezekiel 42:2

Ezekiel 42:15 And when he had completed measuring the inner house, he led me out along the way of the gate that looked toward the way of the east. And he measured it on every side all around.Ezekiel 42:15

Ezekiel 43:1 And he led me to the gate which looked toward the way of the east.Ezekiel 43:1

Ezekiel 43:4 And the majesty of the Lord advanced into the temple, along the way of the gate which looked toward the east.Ezekiel 43:4

Ezekiel 44:1 And he turned me back, toward the way of the gate of the outer sanctuary, which looked toward the east. And it was closed.Ezekiel 44:1

Ezekiel 44:2 And the Lord said to me: “This gate will be closed; it will not be opened. And man shall not cross through it. For the Lord, the God of Israel, has entered through it, and it shall be closedEzekiel 44:2

Ezekiel 44:3 to the prince. The prince himself will sit at it, so that he may eat bread before the Lord; he will enter by the way of the vestibule of the gate, and he will depart by the same way.”Ezekiel 44:3

Ezekiel 44:4 And he led me in, along the way of the north gate, in the sight of the house. And I saw, and behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord. And I fell upon my face.Ezekiel 44:4

Ezekiel 44:11 They will be caretakers in my sanctuary, and doorkeepers at the gates of the house, and ministers to the house. They will slay the holocausts and the victims of the people. And they will stand before them, so that they may minister to them.Ezekiel 44:11

Ezekiel 44:17 And when they enter the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments. Neither shall anything woolen be placed over them, when they minister within the gates of the inner and the outer court.Ezekiel 44:17

Ezekiel 45:19 And the priest shall take from the blood that will be for the sin offering. And he shall place it on the doorposts of the house, and on the four corners of the rim of the altar, and on the posts of the gate of the inner court.Ezekiel 45:19

Ezekiel 46:1 Thus says the Lord God: “The gate of the inner court which looks toward the east shall be closed for the six days on which work is done. Then, on the Sabbath day, it shall be opened. But also on the day of the new moon, it shall be opened.Ezekiel 46:1

Ezekiel 46:2 And the prince shall enter from outside, by the way of the vestibule of the gate, and he shall stand at the threshold of the gate. And the priests shall offer his holocaust and his peace offerings. And he shall adore upon the threshold of the gate, and then depart. But the gate shall not be closed until evening.Ezekiel 46:2

Ezekiel 46:3 And the people of the land shall adore at the entrance of the same gate, on the Sabbaths and on the new moons, in the sight of the Lord.Ezekiel 46:3

Ezekiel 46:8 And when the prince will enter, let him enter by the way of the vestibule of the gate, and let him go out by the same way.Ezekiel 46:8

Ezekiel 46:9 And when the people of the land will enter in the sight of the Lord on the solemnities, whoever enters by the north gate so that he may adore, shall depart by the way of the south gate. And whoever enters by the way of the south gate shall depart by the way of the north gate. He shall not return by way of the gate through which he entered. Instead, he shall depart from the direction opposite to it.Ezekiel 46:9

Ezekiel 46:12 But when the prince will offer a voluntary holocaust or a voluntary peace offering to the Lord, the gate which looks toward the east shall be opened to him. And he shall offer his holocaust and his peace offerings, just as is usually done on the Sabbath day. And he shall depart, and the gate shall be closed after he has gone out.Ezekiel 46:12

Ezekiel 46:19 And he led me in by the entrance which was at the side of the gate, into the storerooms of the sanctuary for the priests, which looked toward the north. And there was a place there which verged toward the west.Ezekiel 46:19

Ezekiel 47:1 And he turned me back to the gate of the house. And behold, waters went out, from under the threshold of the house, toward the east. For the face of the house looked toward the east. But the waters descended on the right side of the temple, toward the south of the altar.Ezekiel 47:1

Ezekiel 47:2 And he led me out, along the way of the north gate, and he turned me back toward the way outside the exterior gate, the way which looked toward the east. And behold, the waters overflowed on the right side.Ezekiel 47:2

Ezekiel 48:31 And the gates of the city shall be according to the names of the tribes of Israel. There shall be three gates from the north: the gate of Reuben one, the gate of Judah one, the gate of Levi one.Ezekiel 48:31

Ezekiel 48:32 And to the eastern region, there shall be four thousand and five hundred. And there shall be three gates: the gate of Joseph one, the gate of Benjamin one, the gate of Dan one.Ezekiel 48:32

Ezekiel 48:33 And to the southern region, you shall measure four thousand and five hundred. And there shall be three gates: the gate of Simeon one, the gate of Issachar one, the gate of Zebulun one.Ezekiel 48:33

Ezekiel 48:34 And to the western region, there shall be four thousand and five hundred, and their three gates: the gate of Gad one, the gate of Asher one, the gate of Naphtali one.Ezekiel 48:34

Number of the word / term Gate in Ezekiel: 65

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 8:2 saw in my vision, that I was in the capital city of Susa, which is in the region of Elam, yet I saw in the vision that I was over the gate of Ulai.Daniel 8:2

Daniel 8:6 And he went all the way to the ram that had the horns, which I had seen standing before the gate, and he ran towards him in the force of his strength.Daniel 8:6

Number of the word / term Gate in Daniel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Amos

Amos 5:10 They held hatred for the one who corrects at the gate, and they have abhorred the one who speaks perfectly.Amos 5:10

Amos 5:12 For I know your many wicked deeds and the strength of your sins, you enemies of the just, accepting bribes, and depriving the poor at the gate.Amos 5:12

Amos 5:15 Hate evil and love good, and establish judgment at the gate. Perhaps then the Lord God of hosts may have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.Amos 5:15

Number of the word / term Gate in Amos: 3

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Obadiah

Obadiah 1:11 In the day when you stood against him, when strangers seized his army, and foreigners entered into his gates, and they cast lots over Jerusalem: you also were just like one of them.Obadiah 1:11

Obadiah 1:13 And neither shall you enter into the gate of my people in the day of their ruin. And neither shall you also show disdain for his troubles in the day of his desolation. And you shall not send out against his army in the day of his desolation.Obadiah 1:13

Number of the word / term Gate in Obadiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Micah

Micah 1:9 For her wound has been in despair. For it has come even to Judah. It has touched the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem.Micah 1:9

Micah 1:12 For she has been weakened in goodness, who dwells in bitterness. For disaster has descended from the Lord to the gate of Jerusalem.Micah 1:12

Micah 2:13 For he will ascend, opening the way before them. They will separate, and they will cross the gate and enter through it. And their king will pass by, before their very eyes, and the Lord will be at their head.Micah 2:13

Number of the word / term Gate in Micah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Nahum

Nahum 2:6 The gates of the rivers have been opened, and the temple has been pulled down to the ground.Nahum 2:6

Nahum 3:13 Behold, women are at the center of your people. The gates of your land will be opened wide for your enemies; fire will devour your bars.Nahum 3:13

Number of the word / term Gate in Nahum: 2

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Zephaniah

Zephaniah 1:10 And this shall be in that day, says the Lord: the voice of an outcry from the fish gate, and a howling from the Second, and a great contrition from the hills.Zephaniah 1:10

Number of the word / term Gate in Zephaniah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 8:16 Therefore, these are the words that you shall do: Speak the truth, each one to his neighbor. With truth and a judgment of peace, judge at your gates.Zechariah 8:16

Zechariah 11:1 Open your gates, Lebanon, and let fire consume your cedars.Zechariah 11:1

Zechariah 14:10 And all the land will return even to the desert, from the hill of Rimmon to the South of Jerusalem. And she will be exalted, and she will dwell in her own place, from the gate of Benjamin even to the place of the former gate, and even to the gate of the corners, and from the tower of Hananel even to the pressing room of the king.Zechariah 14:10

Number of the word / term Gate in Zechariah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 7:13 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, which leads to perdition, and many there are who enter through it.Matthew 7:13

Matthew 7:14 How narrow is the gate, and how straight is the way, which leads to life, and few there are who find it!Matthew 7:14

Matthew 16:18 And I say to you, that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.Matthew 16:18

Matthew 26:71 Then, as he exited by the gate, another maidservant saw him. And she said to those who were there, “This man also was with Jesus of Nazareth.”Matthew 26:71

Number of the word / term Gate in Matthew: 4

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Mark

Mark 11:4 And going out, they found the colt tied before the outer gate, at the meeting of two ways. And they untied him.Mark 11:4

Number of the word / term Gate in Mark: 1

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Luke

Luke 7:12 Then, when he had drawn near to the gate of the city, behold, a deceased person was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the city was with her.Luke 7:12

Luke 13:24 “Strive to enter through the narrow gate. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and not be able.Luke 13:24

Luke 16:20 And there was a certain beggar, named Lazarus, who lay at his gate, covered with sores,Luke 16:20

Number of the word / term Gate in Luke: 3

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Acts

Acts 3:2 And a certain man, who was lame from his mother’s womb, was being carried in. They would lay him every day at the gate of the temple, which is called the Beautiful, so that he might request alms from those entering into the temple.Acts 3:2

Acts 3:10 And they recognized him, that he was the same one who was sitting for alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple. And they were filled with awe and amazement at what had happened to him.Acts 3:10

Acts 9:24 But their treachery became known to Saul. Now they were also watching the gates, day and night, so that they might put him to death.Acts 9:24

Acts 10:17 Now while Peter was still hesitant within himself as to what the vision, which he had seen, might mean, behold, the men who had been sent from Cornelius stood at the gate, inquiring about Simon’s house.Acts 10:17

Acts 12:10 And passing by the first and second guards, they came to the iron gate which leads into the city; and it opened for them by itself. And departing, they continued on along a certain side street. And suddenly the Angel withdrew from him.Acts 12:10

Acts 12:13 Then, as he knocked at the door of the gate, a girl went out to answer, whose name was Rhoda.Acts 12:13

Acts 12:14 And when she recognized the voice of Peter, out of joy, she did not open the gate, but instead, running in, she reported that Peter stood before the gate.Acts 12:14

Acts 14:13 Also, the priest of Jupiter, who was outside the city, in front of the gate, bringing in oxen and garlands, was willing to offer sacrifice with the people.Acts 14:13

Acts 16:13 Then, on the Sabbath day, we were walking outside the gate, beside a river, where there seemed to be a prayer gathering. And sitting down, we were speaking with the women who had assembled.Acts 16:13

Number of the word / term Gate in Acts: 9

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 13:12 Because of this, Jesus, too, in order to sanctify the people by his own blood, suffered outside the gate.Hebrews 13:12

Number of the word / term Gate in Hebrews: 1

Bible passages with ‘Gate’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 21:12 And it had a wall, great and high, having twelve gates. And at the gates were twelve Angels. And names were written upon them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel.Revelation 21:12

Revelation 21:13 On the East were three gates, and on the North were three gates, and on the South were three gates, and on the West were three gates.Revelation 21:13

Revelation 21:15 And he who was speaking with me was holding a golden measuring reed, in order to measure the City, and its gates and wall.Revelation 21:15

Revelation 21:21 And the twelve gates are twelve pearls, one for each, so that each gate was made from a single pearl. And the main street of the city was of pure gold, similar to transparent glass.Revelation 21:21

Revelation 21:25 And its gates shall not be closed throughout the day, for there shall be no night in that place.Revelation 21:25

Revelation 22:14 Blessed are those who wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb. So may they have a right to the tree of life; so may they enter through the gates into the City.Revelation 22:14

Number of the word / term ‘Gate’ in Revelation: 6

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 333

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