Our Little Concordance

‘Garment’ in the Bible – All 207 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Garment’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Garment’ occurs 207 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 3:21 The Lord God also made for Adam and his wife garments from skins, and he clothed them.Genesis 3:21

Genesis 24:53 And bringing forth vessels of silver and gold, as well as garments, he gave them to Rebekah as a tribute. Likewise, he offered gifts to her brothers and her mother.Genesis 24:53

Genesis 27:15 And she clothed him with the very fine garments of Esau, which she had at home with her.Genesis 27:15

Genesis 27:27 He approached and kissed him. And immediately he perceived the fragrance of his garments. And so, blessing him, he said: “Behold, the smell of my son is like the smell of a plentiful field, which the Lord has blessed.Genesis 27:27

Genesis 35:2 In truth, Jacob, having called together all his house, said: “Cast away the foreign gods that are in your midst and be cleansed, and also change your garments.Genesis 35:2

Genesis 37:30 And rending his garments, he went to his brothers and said, “The boy is not present, and so where shall I go?”Genesis 37:30

Genesis 37:34 And tearing his garments, he was clothed in haircloth, mourning his son for a long time.Genesis 37:34

Genesis 38:14 And storing away the garments of her widowhood, she took up a veil. And changing her clothing, she sat at the crossroad that leads to Timnah, because Shelah had grown up, and she had not received him as a husband.Genesis 38:14

Genesis 38:19 And she arose and went away. And storing away the garments that she had taken up, she was clothed in the garments of her widowhood.Genesis 38:19

Genesis 39:12 And she, grasping the hem of his garment, said, “Sleep with me.” But he, leaving behind the cloak in her hand, fled and went outside.Genesis 39:12

Genesis 39:13 And when the woman saw the garment in her hands and herself being treated with disrespect,Genesis 39:13

Genesis 44:13 But they, tearing their garments and burdening their donkeys again, returned to the town.Genesis 44:13

Number of the word / term Garment in Genesis: 12

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 3:22 But every woman shall ask of her neighbor and of her hostess vessels of silver and of gold, as well as garments. And you shall set them upon your sons and daughters, and you shall despoil Egypt.”Exodus 3:22

Exodus 12:35 And the sons of Israel did just as Moses had instructed. And they petitioned the Egyptians for vessels of silver and of gold, and very many garments.Exodus 12:35

Exodus 19:10 who said to him: “Go to the people, and sanctify them today, and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments.Exodus 19:10

Exodus 19:14 And Moses came down from the mountain to the people, and he sanctified them. And when they had washed their garments,Exodus 19:14

Exodus 22:26 If you take a garment from your neighbor as a pledge, you shall return it to him again before the setting of the sun.Exodus 22:26

Exodus 28:4 Now these shall be the vestments that they shall make: A breastplate and an ephod, a tunic and a close-fit linen garment, a headdress and a wide belt. They shall make the holy vestments for your brother Aaron and his sons, so that they may exercise the priesthood for me.Exodus 28:4

Exodus 28:32 and the head will be above its middle, with a hem woven around it, just as is usually made at the end parts of a garment, so that it may not be easily broken.Exodus 28:32

Number of the word / term Garment in Exodus: 7

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 6:27 Whatever will touch its flesh shall be sanctified. If a garment will be sprinkled with its blood, it shall be washed in a holy place.Leviticus 6:27

Leviticus 10:6 And Moses said to Aaron, and to his sons, Eleazar and Ithamar: “Do not uncover your heads, and do not rend your garments, lest perhaps you may die, and indignation may rise up over the entire assembly. Let your brothers, and all the house of Israel, bewail the burning that the Lord has kindled.Leviticus 10:6

Leviticus 11:32 And anything upon which something from their carcasses will have fallen shall be defiled, whether it is a vessel of wood, or a garment, or skins, or haircloths, or anything by which work is done. These shall be dipped in water and shall be defiled until evening, but then afterwards these shall be clean.Leviticus 11:32

Leviticus 13:47 A woolen or linen garment that will have held the leprosy,Leviticus 13:47

Leviticus 13:51 And on the seventh day, having looked at it again, if he detects an increase, it is a persistent leprosy; he shall judge the garment to be polluted, along with everything with which it has been found.Leviticus 13:51

Leviticus 13:55 And when he will have seen that the former appearance has not returned, even if the leprosy has not increased, he shall judge it to be unclean, and he shall burn it with fire, for the leprosy has been infused in the exterior of the garment, or throughout the whole.Leviticus 13:55

Leviticus 13:56 But if the place of the leprosy has become somewhat darker, after the garment has been washed, he shall tear it away, and separate it from the part that is sound.Leviticus 13:56

Leviticus 13:59 This is the law about leprosy for any woolen or linen garment, in the weave and in the threads, and for all items made from skins, how it must be declared either clean or contaminated.Leviticus 13:59

Leviticus 14:55 of the leprosy of garments and houses,Leviticus 14:55

Leviticus 15:17 The garment or skin which he will have, he shall wash with water, and it shall be unclean until evening.Leviticus 15:17

Leviticus 16:24 he shall wash his flesh in the holy place, and he shall be clothed in his own garments. And departing afterwards, he shall present his own holocaust and that of the people: he shall pray as much for himself as for the people.Leviticus 16:24

Leviticus 19:19 Observe my laws. You shall not cause your cattle to breed with other kinds of animals. You shall not sow your field with diverse seeds. You shall not be clothed with a garment which has been woven from two things.Leviticus 19:19

Number of the word / term Garment in Leviticus: 12

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 4:11 And certainly they shall wrap the golden altar in a hyacinth garment, and they shall extend over it a covering of violet skins, and they shall draw in the bars.Numbers 4:11

Numbers 4:13 Moreover, they shall cleanse the altar of ashes, and they shall wrap it in a purple garment,Numbers 4:13

Numbers 8:7 according to this ritual: Let them be sprinkled with the water of illumination, and let them shave off all the hairs of their body. And when they have washed their garments and have been cleansed,Numbers 8:7

Numbers 8:21 And they were purified, and they washed their garments. And Aaron lifted them up in the sight of the Lord, and he prayed for them,Numbers 8:21

Numbers 14:6 Yet truly, Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, who themselves had also viewed the land, tore their garments,Numbers 14:6

Numbers 19:7 And then finally, having washed his garments and his body, he shall enter into the camp, and he shall be deeply stained until evening.Numbers 19:7

Numbers 19:8 Then he also who had burned it shall wash his garments and his body, and he shall be unclean until evening.Numbers 19:8

Numbers 19:10 And when he who had carried the ashes of the cow will have washed his garments, he shall be unclean until evening. The sons of Israel, and the newcomers who live among them, shall have this as a holy and perpetual right.Numbers 19:10

Numbers 19:19 And so, in this manner, what is clean shall purify what is unclean, on the third and seventh days. And have been expiated on the seventh day, he shall wash both himself and his garments, and he shall be unclean until evening.Numbers 19:19

Numbers 19:21 This precept shall be an everlasting ordinance. Likewise, the one who has sprinkled the waters shall wash his garments. All who will have touched the waters of expiation shall be unclean until evening.Numbers 19:21

Numbers 31:20 And all of the spoils, whether it is a garment, or a vessel, or another useful thing, made from the pelts or hair of goats, or from wood, shall be expiated.”Numbers 31:20

Numbers 31:24 And you shall wash your garments on the seventh day, and, after having been purified, you shall enter the camp.”Numbers 31:24

Number of the word / term Garment in Numbers: 12

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 8:4 Your garment, with which you were covered, has by no means decayed due to age, and your foot has not been worn down, even to this fortieth year,Deuteronomy 8:4

Deuteronomy 21:13 and remove the garment in which she was captured. And she shall sit in your house and weep for her father and mother, for one month. And after that, you shall enter to her and sleep with her, and she shall be your wife.Deuteronomy 21:13

Deuteronomy 24:13 Instead, you shall return it to him promptly, before the setting of the sun, so that, sleeping in his own garment, he may bless you, and you may have justice in the presence of the Lord your God.Deuteronomy 24:13

Deuteronomy 24:17 You shall not pervert the judgment of the new arrival or the orphan, nor shall you take away the widow’s garment as collateral.Deuteronomy 24:17

Deuteronomy 29:5 He led you for forty years through the desert. Your garments have not been worn out, nor have the shoes on your feet been consumed by age.Deuteronomy 29:5

Number of the word / term Garment in Deuteronomy: 5

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 7:6 And truly, Joshua tore his garments, and he fell prone on the ground before the ark of the Lord, even until evening, both he and all the elders of Israel. And they cast dust upon their heads.Joshua 7:6

Joshua 9:5 and having very old shoes, which had been sewn with patches indicating their age, and being clothed in old garments, having also loaves, which they carried as food for the journey, which were hard and broken into pieces.Joshua 9:5

Joshua 9:13 These wineskins were new when we filled them, now they are torn and broken. The garments we are wearing, and the shoes we have on our feet, due to the great length of the distance, have become worn and are nearly consumed.”Joshua 9:13

Joshua 22:8 he said to them: “Return to your settlements with much substance and wealth, with silver and gold, brass and iron, and a multitude of garments. Divide the spoils of your enemies with your brothers.”Joshua 22:8

Number of the word / term Garment in Joshua: 4

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Judges

Judges 5:30 ‘Perhaps he is now dividing the spoils, and the most beautiful among the women is being selected for him. Garments of diverse colors are being delivered to Sisera as spoils, and various goods are being collected for the adornment of necks.’Judges 5:30

Judges 8:26 And the weight of the earrings that he requested was one thousand seven hundred shekels of gold, aside from the ornaments, and necklaces, and purple garments, which the kings of Midian were accustomed to use, and aside from the gold chains on the camels.Judges 8:26

Judges 11:35 And upon seeing her, he tore his garments, and he said: “Alas, my daughter! You have cheated me, and you yourself have been cheated. For I opened my mouth to the Lord, and I can do nothing else.”Judges 11:35

Judges 14:19 And so the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon him, and he descended to Ashkelon, and in that place he struck down thirty men. And taking away their garments, he gave them to those who had solved the problem. And being exceedingly angry, he went up to his father’s house.Judges 14:19

Judges 17:5 And he also separated in it a little shrine for the god. And he made an ephod and theraphim, that is, a priestly garment and idols. And he filled the hand of one of his sons, and he became his priest.Judges 17:5

Judges 17:10 And Micah said: “Stay with me. And you shall be to me like a parent and a priest. And I will give to you, each year, ten silver coins, and a double-layered garment, and whatever provisions are necessary.”Judges 17:10

Number of the word / term Garment in Judges: 6

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Ruth

Ruth 3:3 Therefore, wash and anoint yourself, and put on your decorative garments, and go down to the threshing floor, but do not let the man see you, while he finishes eating and drinking.Ruth 3:3

Number of the word / term Garment in Ruth: 1

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 15:9 And Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the flocks of sheep, and of the herds, and the garments, and the rams, and all that was beautiful, and they were not willing to destroy them. Yet truly, whatever was vile or worthless, these they demolished.1 Samuel 15:9

1 Samuel 17:38 And Saul clothed David with his garments. And he placed a helmet of brass upon his head, and he clothed him with a breastplate.1 Samuel 17:38

1 Samuel 18:4 And Jonathan took off the coat that he was wearing, and he gave it to David, with the rest of his garments, even to his sword and bow, and even his belt.1 Samuel 18:4

1 Samuel 19:24 And he also took off his garments, and he prophesied with the others before Samuel. And he fell down naked, throughout that day and night. From this, too, is derived the proverb, “Could Saul also be among the prophets?”1 Samuel 19:24

1 Samuel 27:9 And David struck the entire land. Neither did he leave alive man or woman. And he took away the sheep, and the oxen, and the donkeys, and the camels, and the garments. And he returned and went to Achish.1 Samuel 27:9

Number of the word / term Garment in 1 Samuel: 5

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 1:2 Then, on the third day, a man appeared, arriving from the camp of Saul, with his garments torn and dust sprinkled on his head. And when he came to David, he fell on his face, and he reverenced.2 Samuel 1:2

2 Samuel 1:11 Then David, taking hold of his garments, tore them, with all the men who were with him.2 Samuel 1:11

2 Samuel 3:31 Then David said to Joab, and to all the people who were with him, “Tear your garments, and gird yourselves with sackcloth, and mourn before the funeral procession of Abner.” Moreover, king David himself was following the casket.2 Samuel 3:31

2 Samuel 10:4 And so, Hanun took the servants of David, and he shaved off one half part of their beards, and he cut their garments at the middle, as far as the buttocks, and he sent them away.2 Samuel 10:4

2 Samuel 13:18 Now she was clothed with an ankle-length robe. For the virgin daughters of the king made use of this kind of garment. And so, his servant cast her out, and he closed the door behind her.2 Samuel 13:18

2 Samuel 13:31 And so the king rose up, and he tore his garments, and he fell upon the ground. And all his servants, who were standing near him, tore their garments.2 Samuel 13:31

2 Samuel 14:30 he said to his servants: “You know that the field of Joab, the one that is near my field, has a harvest of barley. Therefore, go and set it on fire.” And so, the servants of Absalom set fire to the grain field. And the servants of Joab, arriving with their garments torn, said, “The servants of Absalom have set fire to part of the field!”2 Samuel 14:30

2 Samuel 15:32 And when David had ascended to the summit of the mountain, where he was going to adore the Lord, behold Hushai the Archite met him, with his garment torn and his head covered with soil.2 Samuel 15:32

2 Samuel 19:24 And Mephibosheth, the son of Saul, descended to meet the king, with unwashed his feet and uncut beard. And he had not washed his garments from the day that the king had departed, until the day of his return in peace.2 Samuel 19:24

2 Samuel 20:8 And when they were beside the great stone, which is in Gibeon, Amasa came to meet them. Now Joab was wearing a close-fitting coat of equal length with his garment. And over these, he was girded with a sword hanging down to his thigh, in a scabbard which was made so that the sword could be removed with the least motion, and then strike.2 Samuel 20:8

2 Samuel 20:12 Now Amasa was covered with blood, and was lying in the middle of the road. A certain man saw this, with all the people standing nearby to look at him, and he removed Amasa from the road into a field. And he covered him with a garment, so that those passing by would not stop because of him.2 Samuel 20:12

Number of the word / term Garment in 2 Samuel: 11

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 21:27 Then, when Ahab had heard these words, he tore his garments, and he put haircloth on his body, and he fasted, and he slept in sackcloth, and he walked with his head downcast.1 Kings 21:27

1 Kings 22:30 Then the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat: “Take up your armor, and enter the battle. And be clothed in your own garments.” But the king of Israel changed his clothing, and he entered the war.1 Kings 22:30

Number of the word / term Garment in 1 Kings: 2

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 2:12 Then Elisha saw it, and he cried out: “My father, my father! The chariot of Israel with its driver!” And he saw him no more. And he took hold of his own garments, and he tore them into two parts.2 Kings 2:12

2 Kings 5:7 And when the king of Israel had read the letter, he tore his garments, and he said: “Am I God, so that I could take or give life, or so that this man would send to me to cure a man from his leprosy? Take notice and see that he is seeking occasions against me.”2 Kings 5:7

2 Kings 5:8 And when Elisha, the man of God, had heard this, specifically, that the king of Israel had torn his garments, he sent to him, saying: “Why have you torn your garments? Let him come to me, and let him know that there is a prophet in Israel.”2 Kings 5:8

2 Kings 5:26 But he said: “Was my heart not present, when the man turned back from his chariot to meet you? And now you have received money, and you have received garments, so that you might buy olive groves, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and men and women servants.2 Kings 5:26

2 Kings 6:30 When the king had heard this, he tore his garments, and he passed along the wall. And all the people saw the haircloth that he had worn underneath, beside his flesh.2 Kings 6:30

2 Kings 11:14 she saw the king standing upon a tribunal, according to custom, and the singers and trumpets near him, and all the people of the land rejoicing and sounding the trumpets. And she tore her garments, and she cried out: “Conspiracy! Conspiracy!”2 Kings 11:14

2 Kings 18:37 And Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah, the first ruler of the house, and Shebnah, the scribe, and Joah, the son of Asaph, the keeper of records, went to Hezekiah with their garments torn. And they reported to him the words of Rabshakeh.2 Kings 18:37

2 Kings 19:1 And when king Hezekiah had heard this, he tore his garments, and he covered himself with sackcloth, and he entered the house of the Lord.2 Kings 19:1

2 Kings 22:11 and the king had heard the words of the book of the law of the Lord, he tore his garments.2 Kings 22:11

2 Kings 22:19 and your heart was terrified, and you humbled yourself before the Lord, listening to the words against this place and its inhabitants, specifically, that they would become an astonishment and a curse, and because you have torn your garments, and have wept before me: I also have heard you, says the Lord.2 Kings 22:19

2 Kings 25:29 And he changed his garments that he had worn in prison. And he ate bread before him always, during all the days of his life.2 Kings 25:29

Number of the word / term Garment in 2 Kings: 11

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 9:4 indeed also the foods of his table, and the habitations of the servants, and the duties of his ministers, and their apparel, and also his cupbearers and their garments, and the victims which he was immolating in the house of the Lord, there was no longer any spirit in her, due to astonishment.2 Chronicles 9:4

2 Chronicles 9:24 And they were bringing to him gifts, vessels of silver and of gold, and garments, and armor, and aromatics, and horses, and mules, throughout each year.2 Chronicles 9:24

2 Chronicles 18:29 And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat: “I will change my clothing, and in this way I will go into battle. But you should be clothed in your own garments.” And the king of Israel, having changed his clothing, went to war.2 Chronicles 18:29

2 Chronicles 20:25 Therefore, Jehoshaphat went, and all the people with him, in order to take away the spoils of the dead. And they found, among the dead bodies, diverse equipment, and also garments, and very precious vessels. And they despoiled these, to such an extent that they were unable to carry everything. Neither could they, over three days, take away the spoils because of the magnitude of the plunder.2 Chronicles 20:25

2 Chronicles 23:13 And when she had seen the king standing upon the step at the entrance, and the leaders and companies around him, and all the people of the land rejoicing, and sounding the trumpets, and playing on instruments of various kinds, and the voice of those who were praising, she tore her garments, and she said: “Treason! Treason!”2 Chronicles 23:13

2 Chronicles 34:19 and he had heard the words of the law, he tore his garments.2 Chronicles 34:19

2 Chronicles 34:27 and your heart was softened, and you humbled yourself in the sight of God concerning these things which have been said against this place and against the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and since, revering my face, you have torn your garments, and have wept before me: I also have heeded you, says the Lord.2 Chronicles 34:27

Number of the word / term Garment in 2 Chronicles: 7

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 7:70 Now several of the leaders of the families gave to the work. The cupbearer gave to the treasury one thousand drachmas of gold, fifty bowls, and five hundred thirty priestly garments.Nehemiah 7:70

Nehemiah 7:72 And what the remainder of the people gave was twenty thousand drachmas of gold, and two thousand minas of silver, and sixty-seven priestly garments.Nehemiah 7:72

Nehemiah 9:21 For forty years, you fed them in the desert, and nothing was lacking to them; their garments did not grow old, and their feet were not worn down.Nehemiah 9:21

Number of the word / term Garment in Nehemiah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Esther

Esther 4:1 When Mordecai had heard this, he tore his garments and put on sackcloth, strewing ashes on his head, and he cried out with a loud voice in the main street of the city, revealing the anguish of his soul.Esther 4:1

Esther 4:4 Then Esther’s maids and eunuchs went in and informed her. When she heard it, she was shocked, and she sent a garment to clothe him and to take away the sackcloth, but he would not accept it.Esther 4:4

Number of the word / term Garment in Esther: 2

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Job

Job 1:20 Then Job got up and tore his garments, and, having shaved his head, he collapsed on the ground, and worshipped,Job 1:20

Job 2:12 And when they had raised up their eyes from a distance, they did not recognize him, and, crying out, they wept, and, tearing their garments, they scattered dust over their heads into the sky.Job 2:12

Job 9:31 yet you would plunge me in filth, and my own garments would abhor me.Job 9:31

Job 13:28 I will be left to decay like something rotten and like a garment that is being eaten by moths.Job 13:28

Job 27:16 If he will amass silver as if it were dirt and fabricate garments as if they were clay,Job 27:16

Job 37:17 Are not your garments hot, when the south wind blows across the land?Job 37:17

Job 38:9 when I stationed a cloud as its garment and wrapped it in a mist as if swaddling an infant?Job 38:9

Job 38:14 The seal will be restored like clay, and it will remain in place like a garment.Job 38:14

Job 40:10 Envelop yourself with splendor, and raise yourself up on high, and be glorious, and put on splendid garments.Job 40:10

Number of the word / term Garment in Job: 9

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 22:18 They divided my garments among them, and over my vestment, they cast lots.Psalm 22:18

Psalm 45:8 Myrrh and balsam and cinnamon perfume your garments, from the houses of ivory. From these, they have delighted you:Psalm 45:8

Psalm 69:11 And I put on a haircloth as my garment, and I became a parable to them.Psalm 69:11

Psalm 102:26 They will perish, but you remain. And all will grow old like a garment. And, like a blanket, you will change them, and they will be changed.Psalm 102:26

Psalm 104:2 you are dressed with light like a garment, while you stretch out heaven like a tent.Psalm 104:2

Psalm 104:6 The abyss, like a garment, is its clothing. The waters will remain standing above the mountains.Psalm 104:6

Psalm 109:18 And he loved a curse, and it came to him. And he was unwilling to have a blessing, and it went far from him. And he clothed himself with curses like a garment, and it entered his inner self like water, and it entered his bones like oil.Psalm 109:18

Psalm 109:19 May it be to him like a garment that covers him, and like a belt that always cinches him.Psalm 109:19

Psalm 133:2 It is like the ointment on the head that descended to the beard, the beard of Aaron, which descended to the hem of his garment.Psalm 133:2

Number of the word / term Garment in Psalm: 9

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 6:27 Would a man be able to conceal fire in his bosom, so that his garments would not burn?Proverbs 6:27

Proverbs 25:20 and like one who loosens his garment in cold weather. Whoever sings verses to a wicked heart is like vinegar on baking soda. Just like a moth to a garment, and a worm to wood, so too does the sadness of a man do harm to the heart.Proverbs 25:20

Proverbs 27:13 Take away the garment of him who has vouched for an outsider. And take a pledge from him on behalf of foreigners.Proverbs 27:13

Proverbs 31:22 She has made embroidered clothing for herself. Fine linen and purple is her garment.Proverbs 31:22

Number of the word / term Garment in Proverbs: 4

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 9:8 Let your garments be white at all times, and let not oil be absent from your head.Ecclesiastes 9:8

Number of the word / term Garment in Ecclesiastes: 1

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Song

Song of Solomon 4:11 Your lips, my spouse, are a dripping honeycomb; honey and milk are under your tongue. And the fragrance of your garments is like the odor of frankincense.Song of Solomon 4:11

Number of the word / term Garment in Song: 1

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 9:5 For every violent plunder with a tumult, and every garment mixed with blood, will be burned up and will become fuel for the fire.Isaiah 9:5

Isaiah 22:17 Behold, the Lord will cause you to be carried away, like a domesticated rooster, and he will remove you, like an outer garment.Isaiah 22:17

Isaiah 36:22 And Eliakim, son of Hilkiah, who was over the house, and Shebna, the scribe, and Joah, son of Asaph, the historian, entered to Hezekiah with their garments rent, and they reported to him the words of Rabshakeh.Isaiah 36:22

Isaiah 37:1 And it happened that, when king Hezekiah had heard this, he rent his garments, and he wrapped himself in sackcloth, and he entered the house of the Lord.Isaiah 37:1

Isaiah 50:9 Behold, the Lord God is my helper. Who is the one who would condemn me? Behold, they will all be worn away like a garment; the moth will devour them.Isaiah 50:9

Isaiah 51:6 Lift up your eyes to heaven, and look down to the earth below. For the heavens will vanish like smoke, and the earth will be worn away like a garment, and its inhabitants will pass away in like manner. But my salvation will be forever, and my justice will not fail.Isaiah 51:6

Isaiah 51:8 For the worm will consume them like a garment, and the moth will devour them like wool. But my salvation will be forever, and my justice will be from generation to generation.Isaiah 51:8

Isaiah 52:1 Rise up, Rise up! Clothe yourself in strength, O Zion! Put on the garments of your glory, O Jerusalem, the city of the Holy One! For the uncircumcised and the unclean will no longer pass through you.Isaiah 52:1

Isaiah 63:1 Who is this, who arrives from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah? This is the Handsome One in his robe, advancing by the fullness of his strength. It is I, the Speaker of Justice, and I am the Fighter for Salvation.Isaiah 63:1

Isaiah 63:2 So then, why is your garment red, and why are your vestments like the ones of those who tread the winepress?Isaiah 63:2

Isaiah 63:3 I have trod the winepress alone. And among the nations, there is no man beside me. I have trampled on them in my fury, and I have tread them down in my wrath. And so, their blood has been sprinkled on my vestments, and I have stained all my garments.Isaiah 63:3

Number of the word / term Garment in Isaiah: 11

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 36:24 And the king and all his servants, who had heard all these words, were not afraid, and they did not rend their garments.Jeremiah 36:24

Jeremiah 38:11 Therefore, Ebedmelech, taking the men with him, entered into the king’s house to a place below the storehouse. And he took from there old garments, no longer in use, and he sent them down by rope to Jeremiah in the pit.Jeremiah 38:11

Jeremiah 38:12 And Ebedmelech, the Ethiopian, said to Jeremiah: “Place these old garments, and these cut and decaying cloths, under your arms and over the ropes.” And Jeremiah did so.Jeremiah 38:12

Jeremiah 41:5 men arrived from Shechem, and from Shiloh, and from Samaria, eighty men, with their beards shaved, and their garments rent, and unbathed. And they had gifts and frankincense in hand, so that they might make an offering in the house of the Lord.Jeremiah 41:5

Jeremiah 52:33 And he changed his prison garments, and he ate bread in his sight always, all the days of his life.Jeremiah 52:33

Number of the word / term Garment in Jeremiah: 5

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 4:14 NUN. They have wandered in the streets like the blind; they have been defiled with blood. And when they were not able, they held their garments.Lamentations 4:14

Number of the word / term Garment in Lamentations: 1

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 16:8 And I passed by you and saw you. And behold, your time was the time of lovers. And I spread my garment over you, and I covered your disgrace. And I swore to you, and I entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord God, and you became mine.Ezekiel 16:8

Ezekiel 16:10 And I covered you with embroidery, and I put violet shoes upon you, and I wrapped you in fine linen, and I clothed you with delicate garments.Ezekiel 16:10

Ezekiel 16:16 And taking from your garments, you made for yourself exalted things, having sewed together disparate pieces. And you fornicated upon them, in a way that has not been done before, nor will be in the future.Ezekiel 16:16

Ezekiel 18:7 and if he has not grieved any man, but has restored the collateral to the debtor, if he has seized nothing by violence, has given his bread to the hungry, and has covered the naked with a garment,Ezekiel 18:7

Ezekiel 18:16 and who has not grieved any man, nor withheld the collateral, nor seized by violence, but instead has given his bread to the hungry, and has covered the naked with a garment,Ezekiel 18:16

Ezekiel 23:12 She shamelessly offered herself to the sons of the Assyrians, to the rulers and magistrates who brought themselves to her clothed with colorful garments, to the horsemen who were carried by horses, and to the youths, all of them exceptional in appearance.Ezekiel 23:12

Ezekiel 26:16 And all the leaders of the sea will descend from their thrones. And they will cast aside their outer garments and their colorful clothing, and they will be clothed in stupor. They will sit on the ground, and they will wonder with astonishment at your sudden downfall.Ezekiel 26:16

Ezekiel 44:17 And when they enter the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments. Neither shall anything woolen be placed over them, when they minister within the gates of the inner and the outer court.Ezekiel 44:17

Ezekiel 44:19 And when they go forth to the outer court to the people, they shall strip off their vestments, in which they ministered, and they shall place them in the storeroom of the sanctuary, and they shall clothe themselves with other garments. And they shall not sanctify the people in their vestments.Ezekiel 44:19

Number of the word / term Garment in Ezekiel: 9

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 3:21 And immediately these men were bound, and along with their coats, and their hats, and their shoes, and their garments, were cast into the middle of the furnace of burning fire.Daniel 3:21

Daniel 7:9 I watched until thrones were set up, and the ancient of days sat down. His garment was radiant like snow, and the hair of his head like clean wool; his throne was flames of fire, its wheels had been set on fire.Daniel 7:9

Number of the word / term Garment in Daniel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Joel

Joel 2:13 And rend your hearts, and not your garments, and convert to the Lord your God. For he is gracious and merciful, patient and full of compassion, and steadfast despite ill will.Joel 2:13

Number of the word / term Garment in Joel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Amos

Amos 2:8 And they have lain on garments taken in pledge next to every altar. And they drank the wine of the damned in the house of their God.Amos 2:8

Number of the word / term Garment in Amos: 1

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Zephaniah

Zephaniah 1:8 And this shall be: in the day of the victim of the Lord, I will visit upon the leaders, and upon the sons of the king, and upon all who have been clothed with strange garments.Zephaniah 1:8

Number of the word / term Garment in Zephaniah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Haggai

Haggai 2:12 If a man will have carried sanctified flesh in the pocket of his garment, and the top of it touches his bread, or appetizer, or wine, or oil, or any food, shall it be sanctified? But the priests responded by saying, “No.”Haggai 2:12

Number of the word / term Garment in Haggai: 1

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 3:3 And Jesus was clothed with filthy garments. And he stood before the face of an angel.Zechariah 3:3

Zechariah 3:4 He answered and spoke to those who stood before him, saying, “Take away the filthy garments from him.” And he said to him, “Behold, I have taken away from you your iniquity, and I have clothed you with a change of clothing.”Zechariah 3:4

Zechariah 3:5 And he said, “Place a clean diadem on his head.” And they placed a clean diadem on his head, and they clothed him with garments. And the angel of the Lord remained standing.Zechariah 3:5

Zechariah 13:4 And this shall be: In that day, the prophets will be confounded, each one by his own vision, when he will prophesy. Neither will they be covered with a garment of sackcloth in order to deceive.Zechariah 13:4

Zechariah 14:14 And even Judah will fight against Jerusalem. And the riches of all the Gentiles will be gathered together around them: gold, and silver, and more than enough garments.Zechariah 14:14

Number of the word / term Garment in Zechariah: 5

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Malachi

Malachi 2:16 If you would hold hatred, dismiss her, says the Lord, the God of Israel. But iniquity will cover his garment, says the Lord of hosts. Preserve your spirit, and do not be willing to despise.Malachi 2:16

Number of the word / term Garment in Malachi: 1

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 3:4 Now the same John had a garment made from the hair of camels, and a leather belt around his waist. And his food was locusts and wild honey.Matthew 3:4

Matthew 9:16 For no one would sew a patch of new cloth onto an old garment. For it pulls its fullness away from the garment, and the tear is made worse.Matthew 9:16

Matthew 9:20 And behold, a woman, who had suffered from a flow of blood for twelve years, approached from behind and touched the hem of his garment.Matthew 9:20

Matthew 9:21 For she said within herself, “If I will touch even his garment, I shall be saved.”Matthew 9:21

Matthew 11:8 So what did you go out to see? A man in soft garments? Behold, those who are clothed in soft garments are in the houses of kings.Matthew 11:8

Matthew 14:36 And they petitioned him, so that they might touch even the hem of his garment. And as many as touched it were made whole.Matthew 14:36

Matthew 17:2 And he was transfigured before them. And his face shined brightly like the sun. And his garments were made white like snow.Matthew 17:2

Matthew 21:7 And they brought the donkey and the colt, and they laid their garments on them, and they helped him sit upon them.Matthew 21:7

Matthew 21:8 Then a very numerous crowd spread their garments on the way. But others cut branches from the trees and scattered them on the way.Matthew 21:8

Matthew 22:11 Then the king entered to see the guests. And he saw a man there who was not clothed in a wedding garment.Matthew 22:11

Matthew 26:65 Then the high priest tore his garments, saying: “He has blasphemed. Why do we still need witnesses? Behold, you have now heard the blasphemy.Matthew 26:65

Matthew 27:31 And after they had mocked him, they stripped him of the cloak, and clothed him with his own garments, and they led him away to crucify him.Matthew 27:31

Matthew 27:35 Then, after they had crucified him, they divided his garments, casting lots, in order to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying: “They divided my garments among them, and over my vestment they cast lots.”Matthew 27:35

Number of the word / term Garment in Matthew: 13

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Mark

Mark 2:21 No one sews a patch of new cloth onto an old garment. Otherwise, the new addition pulls away from the old, and the tear becomes worse.Mark 2:21

Mark 5:27 Then, when she had heard of Jesus, she approached through the crowd behind him, and she touched his garment.Mark 5:27

Mark 5:28 For she said: “Because if I touch even his garment, I will be saved.”Mark 5:28

Mark 6:56 And in whichever place he entered, in towns or villages or cities, they placed the infirm in the main streets, and they pleaded with him that they might touch even the hem of his garment. And as many as touched him were made healthy.Mark 6:56

Mark 10:50 And casting aside his garment, he leapt up and went to him.Mark 10:50

Mark 11:7 And they led the colt to Jesus. And they placed their garments on it; and he sat upon it.Mark 11:7

Mark 11:8 Then many spread their garments along the way; but others cut down leafy branches from trees and scattered them on the way.Mark 11:8

Mark 13:16 And let whoever may be in the field not return to take his garment.Mark 13:16

Mark 14:63 Then the high priest, rending his garments, said: “Why do we still require witnesses?Mark 14:63

Mark 15:20 And after they had mocked him, they stripped him of the purple, and they clothed him in his own garments. And they led him away, so that they might crucify him.Mark 15:20

Mark 15:24 And while crucifying him, they divided his garments, casting lots over them, to see who would take what.Mark 15:24

Number of the word / term Garment in Mark: 11

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Luke

Luke 5:36 Then he also made a comparison for them: “For no one sews a patch from a new garment onto an old garment. Otherwise, he both disrupts the new one, and the patch from the new one does not join together with the old one.Luke 5:36

Luke 8:44 She approached him from behind, and she touched the hem of his garment. And at once the flow of her blood stopped.Luke 8:44

Luke 19:35 And they led it to Jesus. And casting their garments on the colt, they helped Jesus onto it.Luke 19:35

Luke 19:36 Then, as he was traveling, they were laying down their garments along the way.Luke 19:36

Luke 23:11 Then Herod, with his soldiers, scorned him. And he ridiculed him, clothing him in a white garment. And he sent him back to Pilate.Luke 23:11

Luke 23:34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them. For they know not what they do.” And truly, dividing his garments, they cast lots.Luke 23:34

Number of the word / term Garment in Luke: 6

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book John

John 19:2 And the soldiers, plaiting a crown of thorns, imposed it on his head. And they put a purple garment around him.John 19:2

John 19:5 (Then Jesus went out, bearing the crown of thorns and the purple garment.) And he said to them, “Behold the man.”John 19:5

John 19:23 Then the soldiers, when they had crucified him, took his garments, and they made four parts, one part to each soldier, and the tunic. But the tunic was seamless, woven from above throughout the whole.John 19:23

John 19:24 Then they said to one another, “Let us not cut it, but instead let us cast lots over it, to see whose it will be.” This was so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, saying: “They have distributed my garments among themselves, and for my vesture they have cast lots.” And indeed, the soldiers did these things.John 19:24

Number of the word / term Garment in John: 4

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Acts

Acts 7:58 And driving him out, beyond the city, they stoned him. And witnesses placed their garments beside the feet of a youth, who was called Saul.Acts 7:58

Acts 9:39 Then Peter, rising up, went with them. And when he had arrived, they led him to an upper room. And all the widows were standing around him, weeping and showing him the tunics and garments that Dorcas had made for them.Acts 9:39

Acts 12:8 Then the Angel said to him: “Dress yourself, and put on your boots.” And he did so. And he said to him, “Wrap your garment around yourself and follow me.”Acts 12:8

Acts 18:6 But since they were contradicting him and blaspheming, he shook out his garments and said to them: “Your blood is on your own heads. I am clean. From now on, I will go to the Gentiles.”Acts 18:6

Acts 22:20 And when the blood of your witness Stephen was poured out, I stood nearby and was consenting, and I watched over the garments of those who put him to death.’Acts 22:20

Acts 22:23 And while they were shouting, and tossing aside their garments, and casting dust into the air,Acts 22:23

Number of the word / term Garment in Acts: 6

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 1:11 These shall pass away, but you will remain. And all will grow old like a garment.Hebrews 1:11

Number of the word / term Garment in Hebrews: 1

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book James

James 5:2 Your riches have been corrupted, and your garments have been eaten by moths.James 5:2

Number of the word / term Garment in James: 1

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Jude

Jude 1:23 Yet truly, save them, seizing them from the fire. And have mercy on others: in fear, hating even that which is of the flesh, the defiled garment.Jude 1:23

Number of the word / term Garment in Jude: 1

Bible passages with ‘Garment’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 3:4 But you have a few names in Sardis who have not defiled their garments. And these shall walk with me in white, because they are worthy.Revelation 3:4

Revelation 19:16 And he has on his garment and on his thigh written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.Revelation 19:16

Number of the word / term ‘Garment’ in Revelation: 2

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 207

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