Our Little Concordance

‘Fill’ in the Bible – All 47 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Fill’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Fill’ occurs 47 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 1:22 And he blessed them, saying: “Increase and multiply, and fill the waters of the sea. And let the birds be multiplied above the land.”Genesis 1:22

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and he said, “Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”Genesis 1:28

Genesis 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons. And he said to them: “Increase, and multiply, and fill the earth.Genesis 9:1

Genesis 42:25 And taking Simeon, and binding him in their presence, he ordered his ministers to fill their sacks with wheat, and to replace each one’s money in their sacks, and to give them, in addition, provisions for the way. And they did so.Genesis 42:25

Number of the word / term Fill in Genesis: 4

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 10:6 And they will fill your houses, and those of your servants and of all the Egyptians: so many as your fathers and ancestors have not seen, from the time that they rose up over the earth, even until this present day.” And he turned himself away, and he departed from Pharaoh.Exodus 10:6

Exodus 16:32 Then Moses said: “This is the word that the Lord has instructed: Fill an omer of it, and let it be kept for future generations hereafter, so that they may know the bread, with which I nourished you in the wilderness, when you had been led away from the land of Egypt.”Exodus 16:32

Exodus 23:26 There will not be fruitless or barren ones in your land. I will fill up the number of your days.Exodus 23:26

Exodus 40:7 The washtub shall stand between the altar and the tabernacle, and you shall fill it with water.Exodus 40:7

Number of the word / term Fill in Exodus: 4

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 16:1 And the Lord said to Samuel: “How long will you mourn for Saul, though I have rejected him, so that he would not reign over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and approach, so that I may send you to Jesse of Bethlehem. For I have provided a king from among his sons for myself.”1 Samuel 16:1

Number of the word / term Fill in 1 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 20:10 And returning, the messengers took this to him, and he sent again and said, “May the gods do these things to me, and may they add these other things, if the dust of Samaria is enough to fill the hands of all the people who follow me.”1 Kings 20:10

Number of the word / term Fill in 1 Kings: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 29:5 and gold for wherever there is need of gold, and silver for wherever there is need of silver, for the works to be done by the hands of the artisans. And if anyone freely offers, let him fill his hand this day, and let him offer whatever he wishes to the Lord.”1 Chronicles 29:5

Number of the word / term Fill in 1 Chronicles: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Job

Job 3:15 either with princes, who possess gold and fill their houses with silver,Job 3:15

Job 15:2 Will a wise man answer as if he were speaking wind, and will he fill his stomach with fire?Job 15:2

Job 23:4 I would place judgment before his eye, and my mouth would fill with criticism,Job 23:4

Job 36:11 If they listen and obey, they will fill their days with goodness and complete their years in glory.Job 36:11

Job 38:27 so that it would fill impassable and desolate places, and would bring forth green plants?Job 38:27

Job 41:7 Will you fill up bags with his hide, and let his head be used as a home for fishes?Job 41:7

Number of the word / term Fill in Job: 6

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 16:11 You have made known to me the ways of life; you will fill me with joy by your countenance. At your right hand are delights, even to the end.Psalm 16:11

Psalm 81:10 For I am the Lord your God, who led you out of the land of Egypt. Widen your mouth, and I will fill it.Psalm 81:10

Psalm 91:16 I will fill him with length of days. And I will reveal to him my salvation.Psalm 91:16

Psalm 110:6 He will judge between the nations; he will fill up ruination. He will shatter heads in the land of the many.Psalm 110:6

Psalm 129:7 with it, he who reaps does not fill his hand and he who gathers sheaves does not fill his bosom.Psalm 129:7

Psalm 145:16 You open your hand, and you fill every kind of animal with a blessing.Psalm 145:16

Number of the word / term Fill in Psalm: 6

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 1:13 We will discover every precious substance. We will fill our houses with spoils.Proverbs 1:13

Proverbs 1:31 Therefore, they shall eat the fruit of their way, and they shall have their fill of their own counsels.Proverbs 1:31

Proverbs 25:17 Withdraw your feet from the house of your neighbor, lest, when he has had his fill, he may hate you.Proverbs 25:17

Number of the word / term Fill in Proverbs: 3

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 14:21 Prepare his sons for the slaughter, according to the iniquity of their fathers. They will not rise up, nor inherit the earth, nor fill the face of the world with cities.Isaiah 14:21

Isaiah 27:6 As they advance with violence against Jacob, Israel will flourish and spring forth, and they will fill the face of the world with offspring.Isaiah 27:6

Isaiah 58:11 And the Lord will give you rest continually, and he will fill your soul with splendor, and he will free your bones, and you will be like a watered garden and like a fountain of water whose waters will not fail.Isaiah 58:11

Number of the word / term Fill in Isaiah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 13:13 And you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord: Behold, I will fill all the inhabitants of this land, and the kings from the stock of David who sit upon his throne, and the priests, and the prophets, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, unto inebriation.Jeremiah 13:13

Jeremiah 23:24 If a man is hidden in concealed places, do I not see him, says the Lord? Do I not fill up heaven and earth, says the Lord?Jeremiah 23:24

Jeremiah 33:5 of those who have arrived, so that they may fight with the Chaldeans, and so that they may have their fill of the dead bodies of the men whom I have struck down in my fury and in my indignation, concealing my face from this city, because of all their wickedness:Jeremiah 33:5

Jeremiah 51:11 Sharpen the arrows, fill the quivers. The Lord has raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes. And his mind is against Babylon, so that he may destroy her. For this is the vengeance of the Lord, the vengeance of his temple.Jeremiah 51:11

Jeremiah 51:14 The Lord of hosts has sworn by himself, saying: “For I will fill you with men as with locusts, and they will sing a rhythmic chant against you.”Jeremiah 51:14

Number of the word / term Fill in Jeremiah: 5

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 9:7 And he said to them: “Defile the house, and fill its courts with the slain! Go forth!” And they went forth and struck down those who were in the city.Ezekiel 9:7

Ezekiel 10:2 And he spoke to the man who was clothed with linen, and he said: “Enter, between the wheels that are under the cherubim, and fill your hand with the coals of fire that are between the cherubim, and pour them upon the city.” And he entered, in my sight.Ezekiel 10:2

Ezekiel 30:11 He, and his people with him, the strongest of the Gentiles, will be brought forth in order to destroy the land. And they will draw their swords over Egypt. And they will fill the land with the slain.Ezekiel 30:11

Ezekiel 32:5 And I will place your flesh upon the mountains. And I will fill up your hills with your decaying flesh.Ezekiel 32:5

Ezekiel 35:8 And I will fill up its mountains with its slain. In your hills, and in your valleys, as well as in your torrents, the slain will fall by the sword.Ezekiel 35:8

Ezekiel 36:11 And I will fill you again with men and with cattle. And they will be multiplied, and they will increase. And I will cause you to live as from the beginning, and I will give you even greater gifts than those you had from the start. And you shall know that I am the Lord.Ezekiel 36:11

Ezekiel 43:26 For seven days, they shall expiate the altar, and they shall cleanse it, and they shall fill its hand.Ezekiel 43:26

Number of the word / term Fill in Ezekiel: 7

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Zephaniah

Zephaniah 1:9 And I will visit upon all who enter arrogantly over the threshold in that day, those who fill the house of the Lord their God with iniquity and deceit.Zephaniah 1:9

Number of the word / term Fill in Zephaniah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Haggai

Haggai 2:7 And I will move all nations. And the Desired of all nations will arrive. And I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of hosts.Haggai 2:7

Number of the word / term Fill in Haggai: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Mark

Mark 7:27 And he said to her: “First allow the sons to have their fill. For it is not good to take away the bread of the sons and throw it to the dogs.”Mark 7:27

Number of the word / term Fill in Mark: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Luke

Luke 15:16 And he wanted to fill his belly with the scraps that the swine ate. But no one would give it to him.Luke 15:16

Number of the word / term Fill in Luke: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Acts

Acts 2:28 You have made known to me the ways of life. You will completely fill me with happiness by your presence.’Acts 2:28

Number of the word / term Fill in Acts: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fill’ in the book Romans

Romans 15:13 So may the God of hope fill you with every joy and with peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope and in the virtue of the Holy Spirit.Romans 15:13

Number of the word / term ‘Fill’ in Romans: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 47

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