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‘Fault’ in the Bible – All 9 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Fault’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Fault’ occurs 9 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Fault’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 31:36 And Jacob, being inflated, said with contention: “For which fault of mine, or for what sin of mine, have you become so enraged against meGenesis 31:36

Number of the word / term Fault in Genesis: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fault’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 15:3 And then he shall be judged subject to this fault, if a filthy fluid, at each moment, adheres to his flesh and gathers there.Leviticus 15:3

Number of the word / term Fault in Leviticus: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fault’ in the book Judges

Judges 9:19 if therefore you are upright and have acted without fault with Jerubbaal and his house, then you should rejoice on this day in Abimelech, and he should rejoice in you.Judges 9:19

Number of the word / term Fault in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fault’ in the book Job

Job 10:3 Does it seem good to you, if you find fault with me and oppress me, the work of your own hands, and assist the counsel of the impious?Job 10:3

Number of the word / term Fault in Job: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fault’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 6:30 Not so great is the fault when someone has stolen. For he steals so as to satisfy a hungry soul.Proverbs 6:30

Number of the word / term Fault in Proverbs: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fault’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 6:4 Furthermore, the king considered setting him over the entire kingdom; whereupon the leaders and the governors sought to find a complaint against Daniel and in favor of the king. And they could find no case, or even suspicion, because he was faithful, and no fault or suspicion was found in him.Daniel 6:4

Number of the word / term Fault in Daniel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fault’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 7:10 And do not find fault with the widow, and the orphan, and the newcomer, and the poor. And let not a man consider evil in his heart towards his brother.Zechariah 7:10

Number of the word / term Fault in Zechariah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Fault’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 8:7 For if the former one had been entirely without fault, then a place certainly would not have been sought for a subsequent one.Hebrews 8:7

Hebrews 8:8 For, finding fault with them, he says: “Behold, the days shall arrive, says the Lord, when I will consummate a New Testament over the house of Israel and the house of Judah,Hebrews 8:8

Number of the word / term ‘Fault’ in Hebrews: 2

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 9

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