Our Little Concordance

‘Faith’ in the Bible – All 261 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Faith’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Faith’ occurs 261 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 26:23 And the Lord will repay each one according to his justice and faith. For the Lord has delivered you this day into my hand, but I was not willing to extend my hand against the Christ of the Lord.1 Samuel 26:23

Number of the word / term Faith in 1 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 15:20 You arrived yesterday. And today should you be compelled to go away with us? For I should go to the place where I am going. But you should return, and lead your own brothers back with you. And the Lord will show mercy and truth to you, because you have shown grace and faith.”2 Samuel 15:20

Number of the word / term Faith in 2 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 12:15 And they did not ration the money to the men who received it in order to distribute it to the artisans. Instead, they bestowed it with faith.2 Kings 12:15

2 Kings 18:19 And Rabshakeh said to them: “Speak to Hezekiah: Thus says the great king, the king of the Assyrians: What is this faith, in which you strive?2 Kings 18:19

2 Kings 18:22 But if you say to me: ‘We have faith in the Lord, our God.’ Is it not he, whose high places and altars Hezekiah has taken away? And did he not instruct Judah and Jerusalem: ‘You shall adore before this altar in Jerusalem?’2 Kings 18:22

2 Kings 18:24 So how can you resist one prince from the least of my lord’s servants? Do you have faith in Egypt because of the chariots and horsemen?2 Kings 18:24

2 Kings 18:30 And do not let him give you faith in the Lord, saying: ‘The Lord will rescue and free us, and this city will not be delivered into the hand of the king of the Assyrians.’2 Kings 18:30

Number of the word / term Faith in 2 Kings: 5

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 9:22 All these, chosen as porters for the gates, were two hundred twelve. And they were recorded in their own towns, those whom David, and the seer Samuel, appointed, in their faith,1 Chronicles 9:22

1 Chronicles 17:25 For you, O Lord my God, have revealed to the ear of your servant that you will build a house for him. And therefore your servant has found faith so that he might pray before you.1 Chronicles 17:25

Number of the word / term Faith in 1 Chronicles: 2

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 14:11 And he called upon the Lord God, and he said: “O Lord, there is no difference to you, whether you assist by few, or by many. Help us, O Lord our God. For having faith in you and in your name, we have gone forth against this multitude. O Lord, you are our God. Do not allow man to prevail against you.”2 Chronicles 14:11

2 Chronicles 16:7 In that time, the prophet Hanani went to Asa, the king of Judah, and he said to him: “Because you have faith in the king of Syria, and not in the Lord your God, therefore the army of the king of Syria has escaped from your hand.2 Chronicles 16:7

2 Chronicles 32:10 “Thus says Sennacherib, the king of the Assyrians: In whom do you have faith, as you sit besieged in Jerusalem?2 Chronicles 32:10

Number of the word / term Faith in 2 Chronicles: 3

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Job

Job 8:14 His frenzy will not please him, and his faith will be like a spider’s web.Job 8:14

Job 11:18 And, when hope has been set before you, you will have faith, and, when buried, you will sleep secure.Job 11:18

Job 39:11 Will you put your faith in his great strength, and delegate your labors to him?Job 39:11

Number of the word / term Faith in Job: 3

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 33:4 For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his works are in faith.Psalm 33:4

Number of the word / term Faith in Psalm: 1

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 15:27 Whoever pursues avarice disturbs his own house. But whoever hates bribes shall live. Through mercy and faith, sins are purged. But through the fear of the Lord, each one turns aside from evil.Proverbs 15:27

Number of the word / term Faith in Proverbs: 1

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 11:5 And justice will be the belt around his waist. And faith will be the warrior’s belt at his side.Isaiah 11:5

Isaiah 33:6 And there will be faith in your times: the riches of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. For the fear of the Lord is his treasure.Isaiah 33:6

Isaiah 36:4 And Rabshakeh said to them: “Tell Hezekiah: Thus says the great king, the king of the Assyrians: What is this faith in which you believe?Isaiah 36:4

Isaiah 36:5 And by what counsel or strength would you prepare to rebel? In whom do you have faith, so much so that you would withdraw from me?Isaiah 36:5

Isaiah 57:13 When you cry out, let your followers free you. But the wind will carry them all away; a breeze will take them up. But he who has faith in me will inherit the earth and will possess my holy mountain.Isaiah 57:13

Number of the word / term Faith in Isaiah: 5

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 5:1 “Travel the streets of Jerusalem; and gaze, and consider, and seek, in its wide streets. If you can find a man exercising judgment and seeking faith, then I will be forgiving to them.Jeremiah 5:1

Jeremiah 5:3 O Lord, your eyes look with favor upon faith. You have struck them, and they have not grieved. You have bruised them, and they have refused to accept discipline. They have hardened their faces more than rock, and they are not willing to return.Jeremiah 5:3

Jeremiah 7:28 And you will say to them: This is the nation that has not listened to the voice of the Lord their God, nor accepted discipline. Faith has perished and been taken away from their mouth.Jeremiah 7:28

Jeremiah 39:18 But when delivering, I will free you. And you will not fall by the sword. Instead, your life will be saved for you, because you had faith in me, says the Lord.”Jeremiah 39:18

Jeremiah 48:7 For because you have had faith in your fortifications and in your storehouses, you too will be seized. And Chemosh will go into captivity: his priests and his leaders together.Jeremiah 48:7

Jeremiah 48:13 And Moab will be confounded by Chemosh, just as the house of Israel was shamed by Bethel, in which they had faith.Jeremiah 48:13

Number of the word / term Faith in Jeremiah: 6

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 2:20 And I will wed you to me in faith, and you will know that I am the Lord.Hosea 2:20

Hosea 5:9 Ephraim will be in desolation on the day of correction, for within the tribes of Israel, I have revealed faith.Hosea 5:9

Hosea 11:12 Ephraim has besieged me with denials, and the house of Israel with deceit. But Judah went down as a witness before God and the holy ones of faith.Hosea 11:12

Number of the word / term Faith in Hosea: 3

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Habakkuk

Habakkuk 2:4 Behold, he who is unbelieving, his soul will not be right within himself; but he who is just shall live in his faith.Habakkuk 2:4

Number of the word / term Faith in Habakkuk: 1

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Zephaniah

Zephaniah 3:4 Her prophets are crazed; men without faith. Her priests have polluted what is holy; they have acted unjustly against the law.Zephaniah 3:4

Number of the word / term Faith in Zephaniah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 8:10 And, hearing this, Jesus wondered. And he said to those following him: “Amen I say to you, I have not found so great a faith in Israel.Matthew 8:10

Matthew 9:2 And behold, they brought to him a paralytic, lying on a bed. And Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, “Be strengthened in faith, son; your sins are forgiven you.”Matthew 9:2

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus, turning and seeing her, said: “Be strengthened in faith, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And the woman was made well from that hour.Matthew 9:22

Matthew 9:29 Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith, so let it be done for you.”Matthew 9:29

Matthew 14:27 And immediately, Jesus spoke to them, saying: “Have faith. It is I. Do not be afraid.”Matthew 14:27

Matthew 14:31 And immediately Jesus extended his hand and took hold of him. And he said to him, “O little in faith, why did you doubt?”Matthew 14:31

Matthew 15:28 Then Jesus, responding, said to her: “O woman, great is your faith. Let it be done for you just as you wish.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.Matthew 15:28

Matthew 16:8 Then Jesus, knowing this, said: “Why do you consider within yourselves, O little in faith, that it is because you have no bread?Matthew 16:8

Matthew 17:20 Jesus said to them: “Because of your unbelief. Amen I say to you, certainly, if you will have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it shall move. And nothing will be impossible for you.Matthew 17:20

Matthew 21:21 And Jesus responded to them by saying: “Amen I say to you, if you have faith and do not hesitate, not only shall you do this, concerning the fig tree, but even if you would say to this mountain, ‘Take and cast yourself into the sea,’ it shall be done.Matthew 21:21

Matthew 23:23 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! For you collect tithes on mint and dill and cumin, but you have abandoned the weightier things of the law: judgment and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, while not omitting the others.Matthew 23:23

Number of the word / term Faith in Matthew: 11

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Mark

Mark 2:5 Then, when Jesus had seen their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”Mark 2:5

Mark 5:34 And he said to her: “Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace, and be healed from your wound.”Mark 5:34

Mark 6:50 For they all saw him, and they were very disturbed. And immediately he spoke with them, and he said to them: “Be strengthened in faith. It is I. Do not be afraid.”Mark 6:50

Mark 10:52 Then Jesus said to him, “Go, your faith has made you whole.” And immediately he saw, and he followed him on the way.Mark 10:52

Mark 11:22 And in response, Jesus said to them: “Have the faith of God.Mark 11:22

Number of the word / term Faith in Mark: 5

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Luke

Luke 5:20 And when he saw his faith, he said, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.”Luke 5:20

Luke 7:9 And upon hearing this, Jesus was amazed. And turning to the multitude following him, he said, “Amen I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such great faith.”Luke 7:9

Luke 7:50 Then he said to the woman: “Your faith has brought you salvation. Go in peace.”Luke 7:50

Luke 8:48 But he said to her: “Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”Luke 8:48

Luke 17:5 And the Apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.”Luke 17:5

Luke 17:6 But the Lord said: “If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you may say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted, and be transplanted into the sea.’ And it would obey you.Luke 17:6

Luke 17:19 And he said to him: “Rise up, go forth. For your faith has saved you.”Luke 17:19

Luke 18:8 I tell you that he will quickly bring vindication to them. Yet truly, when the Son of man returns, do you think that he will find faith on earth?”Luke 18:8

Luke 18:42 And Jesus said to him: “Look around. Your faith has saved you.”Luke 18:42

Luke 22:32 But I have prayed for you, so that your faith may not fail, and so that you, once converted, may confirm your brothers.”Luke 22:32

Number of the word / term Faith in Luke: 10

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Acts

Acts 3:16 And by faith in his name, this man, whom you have seen and known, has confirmed his name. And faith through him has given this man complete health in the sight of you all.Acts 3:16

Acts 6:5 And the plan pleased the entire multitude. And they chose Stephen, a man filled with faith and with the Holy Spirit, and Philip and Prochorus and Nicanor and Timon and Parmenas and Nicolas, a new arrival from Antioch.Acts 6:5

Acts 6:7 And the Word of the Lord was increasing, and the number of disciples in Jerusalem was multiplied exceedingly. And even a large group of the priests were obedient to the faith.Acts 6:7

Acts 11:24 For he was a good man, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit and with faith. And a great multitude was added to the Lord.Acts 11:24

Acts 13:8 But Elymas the magician (for so his name is translated) stood against them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the Faith.Acts 13:8

Acts 14:9 This man heard Paul speaking. And Paul, gazing at him intently, and perceiving that he had faith, so that he might be healed,Acts 14:9

Acts 14:22 strengthening the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them that they should remain always in the faith, and that it is necessary for us to enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations.Acts 14:22

Acts 14:27 And when they had arrived and had gathered together the church, they related what great things God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.Acts 14:27

Acts 15:9 And he distinguished nothing between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.Acts 15:9

Acts 16:5 And certainly, the Churches were being strengthened in faith and were increasing in number every day.Acts 16:5

Acts 17:31 For he has appointed a day on which he will judge the world in equity, through the man whom he has appointed, offering faith to all, by raising him from the dead.”Acts 17:31

Acts 20:21 testifying both to Jews and to Gentiles about repentance in God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.Acts 20:21

Acts 24:24 Then, after some days, Felix, arriving with his wife Drusilla who was a Jew, called for Paul and listened to him about the faith that is in Christ Jesus.Acts 24:24

Acts 26:18 in order to open their eyes, so that they may be converted from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive the remission of sins and a place among the saints, through the faith that is in me.’Acts 26:18

Number of the word / term Faith in Acts: 14

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Romans

Romans 1:5 through whom we have received grace and Apostleship, for the sake of his name, for the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles,Romans 1:5

Romans 1:8 Certainly, I give thanks to my God, through Jesus Christ, first for all of you, because your faith is being announced throughout the entire world.Romans 1:8

Romans 1:12 specifically, to be consoled together with you through that which is mutual: your faith and mine.Romans 1:12

Romans 1:17 For the justice of God is revealed within it, by faith unto faith, just as it was written: “For the just one lives by faith.”Romans 1:17

Romans 3:3 But what if some of them have not believed? Shall their unbelief nullify the faith of God? Let it not be so!Romans 3:3

Romans 3:22 And the justice of God, though the faith of Jesus Christ, is in all those and over all those who believe in him. For there is no distinction.Romans 3:22

Romans 3:25 whom God has offered as a propitiation, through faith in his blood, to reveal his justice for the remission of the former offenses,Romans 3:25

Romans 3:26 and by the forbearance of God, to reveal his justice in this time, so that he himself might be both the Just One and the Justifier of anyone who is of the faith of Jesus Christ.Romans 3:26

Romans 3:27 So then, where is your self-exaltation? It is excluded. Through what law? That of works? No, but rather through the law of faith.Romans 3:27

Romans 3:28 For we judge a man to be justified by faith, without the works of the law.Romans 3:28

Romans 3:30 For One is the God who justifies circumcision by faith and uncircumcision through faith.Romans 3:30

Romans 4:5 Yet truly, for he who does not work, but who believes in him who justifies the impious, his faith is reputed unto justice, according to the purpose of the grace of God.Romans 4:5

Romans 4:9 Does this blessedness, then, remain only in the circumcised, or is it even in the uncircumcised? For we say that faith was reputed to Abraham unto justice.Romans 4:9

Romans 4:11 For he received the sign of circumcision as a symbol of the justice of that faith which exists apart from circumcision, so that he might be the father of all those who believe while uncircumcised, so that it might also be reputed to them unto justice,Romans 4:11

Romans 4:12 and he might be the father of circumcision, not only for those who are of circumcision, but even for those who follow the footsteps of that faith which is in the uncircumcision of our father Abraham.Romans 4:12

Romans 4:13 For the Promise to Abraham, and to his posterity, that he would inherit the world, was not through the law, but through the justice of faith.Romans 4:13

Romans 4:14 For if those who are of the law are the heirs, then faith becomes empty and the Promise is abolished.Romans 4:14

Romans 4:16 Because of this, it is from faith according to grace that the Promise is ensured for all posterity, not only for those who are of the law, but also for those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all before God,Romans 4:16

Romans 4:19 And he was not weakened in faith, nor did he consider his own body to be dead (though he was then almost one hundred years old), nor the womb of Sarah to be dead.Romans 4:19

Romans 4:20 And then, in the Promise of God, he did not hesitate out of distrust, but instead he was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God,Romans 4:20

Romans 5:1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, let us be at peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.Romans 5:1

Romans 5:2 For through him we also have access by faith to this grace, in which we stand firm, and to glory, in the hope of the glory of the sons of God.Romans 5:2

Romans 9:30 What should we say next? That the Gentiles who did not follow justice have attained justice, even the justice that is of faith.Romans 9:30

Romans 9:32 Why is this? Because they did not seek it from faith, but as if it were from works. For they stumbled over a stumbling block,Romans 9:32

Romans 10:6 But the justice that is of faith speaks in this way: Do not say in your heart: “Who shall ascend into heaven?” (that is, to bring Christ down);Romans 10:6

Romans 10:8 But what does Scripture say? “The word is near, in your mouth and in your heart.” This is the word of faith, which we are preaching.Romans 10:8

Romans 10:17 Therefore, faith is from hearing, and hearing is through the Word of Christ.Romans 10:17

Romans 11:20 Well enough. They were broken off because of unbelief. But you stand on faith. So do not choose to savor what is exalted, but instead be afraid.Romans 11:20

Romans 12:3 For I say, through the grace that has been given to me, to all who are among you: Taste no more than it is necessary to taste, but taste unto sobriety and just as God has distributed a share of the faith to each one.Romans 12:3

Romans 12:6 And we each have different gifts, according to the grace that has been given to us: whether prophecy, in agreement with the reasonableness of faith;Romans 12:6

Romans 14:1 But accept those who are weak in faith, without disputing about ideas.Romans 14:1

Romans 14:23 But he who discerns, if he eats, is condemned, because it is not of faith. For all that is not of faith is sin.Romans 14:23

Number of the word / term Faith in Romans: 32

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 2:5 so that your faith would not be based on the wisdom of men, but on the virtue of God.1 Corinthians 2:5

1 Corinthians 12:9 to another, in the same Spirit, faith; to another, in the one Spirit, the gift of healing;1 Corinthians 12:9

1 Corinthians 13:2 And if I have prophecy, and learn every mystery, and obtain all knowledge, and possess all faith, so that I could move mountains, yet not have charity, then I am nothing.1 Corinthians 13:2

1 Corinthians 13:13 But for now, these three continue: faith, hope, and charity. And the greatest of these is charity.1 Corinthians 13:13

1 Corinthians 15:14 And if Christ has not risen, then our preaching is useless, and your faith is also useless.1 Corinthians 15:14

1 Corinthians 15:17 But if Christ has not risen, then your faith is vain; for you would still be in your sins.1 Corinthians 15:17

1 Corinthians 16:13 Be vigilant. Stand with faith. Act manfully and be strengthened.1 Corinthians 16:13

Number of the word / term Faith in 1 Corinthians: 7

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 1:9 But we had within ourselves the response to death, so that we would not have faith in ourselves, but in God, who raises the dead.2 Corinthians 1:9

2 Corinthians 1:24 not because we have dominion over your faith, but because we are assistants of your joy. For by faith you stand.2 Corinthians 1:24

2 Corinthians 3:4 And we have such faith, through Christ, toward God.2 Corinthians 3:4

2 Corinthians 4:13 But we have the same Spirit of faith. And just as it is written, “I believed, and for that reason I spoke,” so we also believe, and for that reason, we also speak.2 Corinthians 4:13

2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by means of faith, and not by sight.2 Corinthians 5:7

2 Corinthians 8:7 But, just as in all things you abound in faith and in word and in knowledge and in all solicitude, and even more so in your charity toward us, so also may you abound in this grace.2 Corinthians 8:7

2 Corinthians 10:15 We are not glorying immeasurably over the labors of others. Instead, we hold on to the hope of your growing faith, so as to be magnified in you, according to our own limits, but in abundance,2 Corinthians 10:15

2 Corinthians 13:5 Test yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Examine yourselves. Or do you yourselves not know whether Christ Jesus is in you? But perhaps you are reprobates.2 Corinthians 13:5

Number of the word / term Faith in 2 Corinthians: 8

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 1:23 For they had only heard that: “He, who formerly persecuted us, now evangelizes the faith which he once fought.”Galatians 1:23

Galatians 2:16 And we know that man is not justified by the works of the law, but only by the faith of Jesus Christ. And so we believe in Christ Jesus, in order that we may be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law. For no flesh will be justified by the works of the law.Galatians 2:16

Galatians 2:20 I live; yet now, it is not I, but truly Christ, who lives in me. And though I live now in the flesh, I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and who delivered himself for me.Galatians 2:20

Galatians 3:7 Therefore, know that those who are of faith, these are the sons of Abraham.Galatians 3:7

Galatians 3:8 Thus Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, foretold to Abraham: “All nations shall be blessed in you.”Galatians 3:8

Galatians 3:9 And so, those who are of faith shall be blessed with faithful Abraham.Galatians 3:9

Galatians 3:11 And, since in the law no one is justified with God, this is manifest: “For the just man lives by faith.”Galatians 3:11

Galatians 3:12 But the law is not of faith; instead, “he who does these things shall live by them.”Galatians 3:12

Galatians 3:14 This was so that the blessing of Abraham might reach the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, in order that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.Galatians 3:14

Galatians 3:22 But Scripture has enclosed everything under sin, so that the promise, by the faith of Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe.Galatians 3:22

Galatians 3:23 But before the faith arrived, we were preserved by being enclosed under the law, unto that faith which was to be revealed.Galatians 3:23

Galatians 3:24 And so the law was our guardian in Christ, in order that we might be justified by faith.Galatians 3:24

Galatians 3:25 But now that faith has arrived, we are no longer under a guardian.Galatians 3:25

Galatians 3:26 For you are all sons of God, through the faith which is in Christ Jesus.Galatians 3:26

Galatians 5:5 For in spirit, by faith, we await the hope of justice.Galatians 5:5

Galatians 5:6 For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision prevails over anything, but only faith which works through charity.Galatians 5:6

Galatians 5:23 meekness, faith, modesty, abstinence, chastity. There is no law against such things.Galatians 5:23

Galatians 6:10 Therefore, while we have time, we should do good works toward everyone, and most of all toward those who are of the household of the faith.Galatians 6:10

Number of the word / term Faith in Galatians: 18

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Ephesians

Ephesians 1:15 Because of this, and hearing of your faith that is in the Lord Jesus, and of your love toward all the saints,Ephesians 1:15

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not of yourselves, for it is a gift of God.Ephesians 2:8

Ephesians 3:12 In him we trust, and so we approach with confidence, through his faith.Ephesians 3:12

Ephesians 3:17 so that Christ may live in your hearts through a faith rooted in, and founded on, charity.Ephesians 3:17

Ephesians 4:5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,Ephesians 4:5

Ephesians 4:13 until we all meet in the unity of faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, as a perfect man, in the measure of the age of the fullness of Christ.Ephesians 4:13

Ephesians 4:29 Let no evil words proceed from your mouth, but only what is good, toward the edification of faith, so as to bestow grace upon those who listen.Ephesians 4:29

Ephesians 6:16 In all things, take up the shield of faith, with which you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one.Ephesians 6:16

Ephesians 6:19 and also for me, so that words may be given to me, as I open my mouth with faith to make known the mystery of the Gospel,Ephesians 6:19

Ephesians 6:23 Peace to the brothers, and charity with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.Ephesians 6:23

Number of the word / term Faith in Ephesians: 10

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Philippians

Philippians 1:25 And having this confidence, I know that I shall remain and that I shall continue to remain with all of you, for your advancement and for your joy in the faith,Philippians 1:25

Philippians 1:27 Only let your behavior be worthy of the Gospel of Christ, so that, whether I return and see you, or whether, being absent, I hear about you, still you may stand firm with one spirit, with one mind, laboring together for the faith of the Gospel.Philippians 1:27

Philippians 2:17 Moreover, if I am to be immolated because of the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and give thanks with all of you.Philippians 2:17

Philippians 3:9 and so that you may be found in him, not having my justice, which is of the law, but that which is of the faith of Christ Jesus, the justice within faith, which is of God.Philippians 3:9

Number of the word / term Faith in Philippians: 4

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Colossians

Colossians 1:4 For we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love that you have toward all the saints,Colossians 1:4

Colossians 1:23 So then, continue in the faith: well-founded and steadfast and immovable, by the hope of the Gospel that you have heard, which has been preached throughout all creation under heaven, the Gospel of which I, Paul, have become a minister.Colossians 1:23

Colossians 2:5 For though I may be absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit. And I rejoice as I gaze upon your order and its foundation, which is in Christ, your faith.Colossians 2:5

Colossians 2:7 Be rooted and continually built up in Christ. And be confirmed in the faith, just as you have also learned it, increasing in him with acts of thanksgiving.Colossians 2:7

Colossians 2:12 You have been buried with him in baptism. In him also, you have risen again through faith, by the work of God, who raised him up from the dead.Colossians 2:12

Number of the word / term Faith in Colossians: 5

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 1:3 remembering your work of faith, and hardship, and charity, and enduring hope, in our Lord Jesus Christ, before God our Father.1 Thessalonians 1:3

1 Thessalonians 1:8 For from you, the Word of the Lord was spread, not only in Macedonia and in Achaia, but also in every place. Your faith, which is toward God, has advanced so much so that we do not need to speak to you about anything.1 Thessalonians 1:8

1 Thessalonians 3:2 And we sent Timothy, our brother and a minister of God in the Gospel of Christ, to confirm you and to exhort you, on behalf of your faith,1 Thessalonians 3:2

1 Thessalonians 3:5 For this reason also, I was not willing to wait any longer, and I sent to find out about your faith, lest perhaps he who tempts may have tempted you, and our labor might have been in vain.1 Thessalonians 3:5

1 Thessalonians 3:6 But then, when Timothy arrived to us from you, he reported to us your faith and charity, and that you keep a good remembrance of us always, desiring to see us, just as we likewise desire to see you.1 Thessalonians 3:6

1 Thessalonians 3:7 As a result, we were consoled in you, brothers, in the midst of all our difficulties and tribulations, through your faith.1 Thessalonians 3:7

1 Thessalonians 3:10 For night and day, ever more abundantly, we are praying that we may see your face, and that we may complete those things that are lacking in your faith.1 Thessalonians 3:10

1 Thessalonians 5:8 But we, who are of the daylight, should be sober, being clothed with the breastplate of faith and of charity and having, as a helmet, the hope of salvation.1 Thessalonians 5:8

Number of the word / term Faith in 1 Thessalonians: 8

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 2 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians 1:3 We ought to give thanks always to God for you, brothers, in a fitting manner, because your faith is increasing greatly, and because the charity of each of you toward one another is abundant,2 Thessalonians 1:3

2 Thessalonians 1:4 so much so that we ourselves even glory in you among the churches of God, because of your patience and faith in all of your persecutions and tribulations that you endure,2 Thessalonians 1:4

2 Thessalonians 1:11 Because of this, too, we pray always for you, so that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may complete every act of his goodness, as well as his work of faith in virtue,2 Thessalonians 1:11

2 Thessalonians 2:13 Yet we must always give thanks to God for you, brothers, beloved of God, because God has chosen you as first-fruits for salvation, by the sanctification of the Spirit and by faith in the truth.2 Thessalonians 2:13

Number of the word / term Faith in 2 Thessalonians: 4

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 1:2 to Timothy, beloved son in the faith. Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our Lord.1 Timothy 1:2

1 Timothy 1:4 against those who have been paying attention to fables and endless genealogies. These things present questions as if they were greater than the edification that is of God, which is in faith.1 Timothy 1:4

1 Timothy 1:5 Now the goal of instruction is charity from a pure heart, and a good conscience, and an unfeigned faith.1 Timothy 1:5

1 Timothy 1:14 And so the grace of our Lord has abounded greatly, with the faith and love that is in Christ Jesus.1 Timothy 1:14

1 Timothy 1:19 holding to faith and good conscience, against those who, by rejecting these things, have made a shipwreck of the faith.1 Timothy 1:19

1 Timothy 2:7 Of this testimony, I have been appointed a preacher and an Apostle, (I speak the truth, I do not lie) as a teacher of the Gentiles, in faith and in truth.1 Timothy 2:7

1 Timothy 2:15 Yet she will be saved by bearing children, if she has continued in faith and love, and in sanctification accompanied by self-restraint.1 Timothy 2:15

1 Timothy 3:9 holding to the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience.1 Timothy 3:9

1 Timothy 3:13 For those who have ministered well will acquire for themselves a good position, and much confidence in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.1 Timothy 3:13

1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit has clearly said that, in the end times, some persons will depart from the faith, paying attention to spirits of error and the doctrines of devils,1 Timothy 4:1

1 Timothy 4:6 By proposing these things to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, nourished by words of faith, and by the good doctrine that you have secured.1 Timothy 4:6

1 Timothy 4:12 Let no one despise your youth, but be an example among the faithful in word, in behavior, in charity, in faith, in chastity.1 Timothy 4:12

1 Timothy 5:8 But if anyone has no concern for his own, and especially for those of his own household, he has denied the faith, and he is worse than an unbeliever.1 Timothy 5:8

1 Timothy 5:12 resulting in damnation, because they have disregarded the primacy of faith.1 Timothy 5:12

1 Timothy 6:10 For desire is the root of all evils. Some persons, hungering in this way, have strayed from the faith and have entangled themselves in many sorrows.1 Timothy 6:10

1 Timothy 6:11 But you, O man of God, flee from these things, and truly pursue justice, piety, faith, charity, patience, meekness.1 Timothy 6:11

1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you have been called, and make a good profession of faith in the sight of many witnesses.1 Timothy 6:12

1 Timothy 6:21 Certain persons, promising these things, have perished from the faith. May grace be with you. Amen.1 Timothy 6:21

Number of the word / term Faith in 1 Timothy: 18

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 2 Timothy

2 Timothy 1:5 calling to mind the same faith, which is in you unfeigned, which also first dwelt in your grandmother, Lois, and in your mother, Eunice, and also, I am certain, in you.2 Timothy 1:5

2 Timothy 1:13 Hold to the kind of sound words that you have heard from me in the faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.2 Timothy 1:13

2 Timothy 2:18 who have fallen away from the truth by saying that the resurrection is already complete. And so they have subverted the faith of certain persons.2 Timothy 2:18

2 Timothy 2:22 So then, flee from the desires of your youth, yet truly, pursue justice, faith, hope, charity, and peace, along with those who call upon the Lord from a pure heart.2 Timothy 2:22

2 Timothy 3:8 And in the same manner that Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so also will these resist the truth, men corrupted in mind, reprobates from the faith.2 Timothy 3:8

2 Timothy 3:10 But you have fully comprehended my doctrine, instruction, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, patience,2 Timothy 3:10

2 Timothy 3:15 And, from your infancy, you have known the Sacred Scriptures, which are able to instruct you toward salvation, through the faith which is in Christ Jesus.2 Timothy 3:15

2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight. I have completed the course. I have preserved the faith.2 Timothy 4:7

Number of the word / term Faith in 2 Timothy: 8

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Titus

Titus 1:1 Paul, a servant of God and an Apostle of Jesus Christ, in accord with the faith of God’s elect and in acknowledgment of the truth which is accompanied by piety,Titus 1:1

Titus 1:4 to Titus, beloved son according to the common faith. Grace and peace, from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our Savior.Titus 1:4

Titus 1:13 This testimony is true. Because of this, rebuke them sharply, so that they may be sound in the faith,Titus 1:13

Titus 2:2 Old men should be sober, chaste, prudent, sound in faith, in love, in patience.Titus 2:2

Titus 3:15 All those who are with me greet you. Greet those who love us in the faith. May the grace of God be with you all. Amen.Titus 3:15

Number of the word / term Faith in Titus: 5

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Philemon

Philemon 1:5 (for I am hearing of your charity and faith, which you have in the Lord Jesus and with all the saints)Philemon 1:5

Philemon 1:6 so that the participation of your faith may become evident by the recognition of every good work which is in you in Christ Jesus.Philemon 1:6

Number of the word / term Faith in Philemon: 2

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 4:2 For this was announced to us in a similar manner as to them. But the mere hearing of the word did not benefit them, since it was not joined together with a faith in those things that they heard.Hebrews 4:2

Hebrews 6:1 Therefore, interrupting an explanation of the basics of Christ, let us consider what is more advanced, not presenting again the fundamentals of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,Hebrews 6:1

Hebrews 6:12 so that you may not be slow to act, but instead may be imitators of those who, through faith and patience, shall inherit the promises.Hebrews 6:12

Hebrews 10:19 And so, brothers, have faith in the entrance into the Holy of Holies by the blood of Christ,Hebrews 10:19

Hebrews 10:22 So, let us draw near with a true heart, in the fullness of faith, having hearts cleansed from an evil conscience, and bodies absolved with clean water.Hebrews 10:22

Hebrews 10:38 For my just man lives by faith. But if he were to draw himself back, he would not please my soul.”Hebrews 10:38

Hebrews 10:39 So then, we are not sons who are drawn away to perdition, but we are sons of faith toward the securing of the soul.Hebrews 10:39

Hebrews 11:1 Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not apparent.Hebrews 11:1

Hebrews 11:3 By faith, we understand the world to be fashioned by the Word of God, so that the visible might be made by the invisible.Hebrews 11:3

Hebrews 11:4 By faith, Abel offered to God a much better sacrifice than that of Cain, through which he obtained testimony that he was just, in that God offered testimony to his gifts. And through that sacrifice, he still speaks to us, though he is dead.Hebrews 11:4

Hebrews 11:5 By faith, Enoch was transferred, so that he would not see death, and he was not found because God had transferred him. For before he was transferred, he had testimony that he pleased God.Hebrews 11:5

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith, it is impossible to please God. For whoever approaches God must believe that he exists, and that he rewards those who seek him.Hebrews 11:6

Hebrews 11:7 By faith, Noah, having accepted an answer about those things which were not yet seen, being afraid, fashioned an ark for the salvation of his house. Through the ark, he condemned the world, and was established as the heir of the justice that occurs through faith.Hebrews 11:7

Hebrews 11:8 By faith, the one called Abraham obeyed, going out to the place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.Hebrews 11:8

Hebrews 11:9 By faith, he stayed in the Land of the Promise as if in a foreign land, dwelling in cottages, with Isaac and Jacob, co-heirs of the same promise.Hebrews 11:9

Hebrews 11:11 By faith also, Sarah herself, being barren, received the ability to conceive offspring, even though she was past that age in life. For she believed him to be faithful, who had promised.Hebrews 11:11

Hebrews 11:13 All of these passed away, adhering to faith, not having received the promises, yet beholding them from afar and saluting them, and confessing themselves to be sojourners and guests upon the earth.Hebrews 11:13

Hebrews 11:17 By faith, Abraham, when he was tested, offered Isaac, so that he who had received the promises was offering up his only son.Hebrews 11:17

Hebrews 11:20 By faith, also, Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau, concerning future events.Hebrews 11:20

Hebrews 11:21 By faith, Jacob, as he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph; and he reverenced the summit of his rod.Hebrews 11:21

Hebrews 11:22 By faith, Joseph, as he was dying, recalled the departure of the sons of Israel, and gave a commandment concerning his bones.Hebrews 11:22

Hebrews 11:23 By faith, Moses, after being born, was hidden for three months by his parents, because they had seen that he was a graceful infant, and they did not fear the king’s edict.Hebrews 11:23

Hebrews 11:24 By faith, Moses, after growing up, denied himself a place as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter,Hebrews 11:24

Hebrews 11:27 By faith, he abandoned Egypt, not dreading the animosity of the king. For he pressed on, as if seeing him who is unseen.Hebrews 11:27

Hebrews 11:28 By faith, he celebrated the Passover and the shedding of the blood, so that he who destroyed the firstborn might not touch them.Hebrews 11:28

Hebrews 11:29 By faith, they crossed the Red Sea, as if on dry land, yet when the Egyptians attempted it, they were swallowed up.Hebrews 11:29

Hebrews 11:30 By faith, the walls of Jericho collapsed, after being encircled for seven days.Hebrews 11:30

Hebrews 11:31 By faith, Rahab, the harlot, did not perish with the unbelievers, after receiving the spies with peace.Hebrews 11:31

Hebrews 11:33 those who, by faith, conquered kingdoms, accomplished justice, obtained promises, closed the mouths of lions,Hebrews 11:33

Hebrews 11:39 And all these, having been proven by the testimony of faith, did not receive the Promise.Hebrews 11:39

Hebrews 12:2 Let us gaze upon Jesus, as the Author and the completion of our faith, who, having joy laid out before him, endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and who now sits at the right hand of the throne of God.Hebrews 12:2

Hebrews 13:7 Remember your leaders, who have spoken the Word of God to you, whose faith you imitate, by observing the goal of their way of life:Hebrews 13:7

Number of the word / term Faith in Hebrews: 32

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book James

James 1:3 knowing that the proving of your faith exercises patience,James 1:3

James 1:6 But he should ask with faith, doubting nothing. For he who doubts is like a wave on the ocean, which is moved about by the wind and carried away;James 1:6

James 2:1 My brothers, within the glorious faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, do not choose to show favoritism toward persons.James 2:1

James 2:5 My most beloved brothers, listen. Has not God chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that God has promised to those who love him?James 2:5

James 2:14 My brothers, what benefit is there if someone claims to have faith, but he does not have works? How would faith be able to save him?James 2:14

James 2:17 Thus even faith, if it does not have works, is dead, in and of itself.James 2:17

James 2:18 Now someone may say: “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without works! But I will show you my faith by means of works.James 2:18

James 2:20 So then, are you willing to understand, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?James 2:20

James 2:22 Do you see that faith was cooperating with his works, and that by means of works faith was brought to fulfillment?James 2:22

James 2:24 Do you see that a man is justified by means of works, and not by faith alone?James 2:24

James 2:26 For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.James 2:26

James 5:15 And a prayer of faith will save the infirm, and the Lord will alleviate him. And if he has sins, these will be forgiven him.James 5:15

Number of the word / term Faith in James: 12

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 1 Peter

1 Peter 1:5 By the power of God, you are guarded through faith for a salvation which is ready to be revealed in the end time.1 Peter 1:5

1 Peter 1:7 so that the testing of your faith, which is much more precious than gold tested by fire, may be found in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.1 Peter 1:7

1 Peter 1:9 returning with the goal of your faith, the salvation of souls.1 Peter 1:9

1 Peter 1:21 Through him, you have been faithful to God, who raised him up from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope would be in God.1 Peter 1:21

1 Peter 5:9 Resist him by being strong in faith, being aware that the same passions afflict those who are your brothers in the world.1 Peter 5:9

Number of the word / term Faith in 1 Peter: 5

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 2 Peter

2 Peter 1:1 Simon Peter, servant and Apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have been allotted an equal faith with us in the justice of our God and in our Savior Jesus Christ.2 Peter 1:1

2 Peter 1:5 But as for you, taking up every concern, minister virtue in your faith; and in virtue, knowledge;2 Peter 1:5

Number of the word / term Faith in 2 Peter: 2

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book 1 John

1 John 2:28 And now, little sons, abide in him, so that when he appears, we may have faith, and we may not be confounded by him at his advent.1 John 2:28

1 John 5:4 For all that is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world: our faith.1 John 5:4

Number of the word / term Faith in 1 John: 2

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Jude

Jude 1:3 Most beloved, taking all care to write to you about your common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you in order to beg you to contend earnestly for the faith that was handed down once to the saints.Jude 1:3

Jude 1:20 But you, most beloved, are building yourselves up by your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,Jude 1:20

Number of the word / term Faith in Jude: 2

Bible passages with ‘Faith’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 2:13 I know where you dwell, where the seat of Satan is, and that you hold to my name and have not denied my faith, even in those days when Antipas was my faithful witness, who was slain among you, where Satan dwells.Revelation 2:13

Revelation 2:19 I know your works, and your faith and charity, and your ministry and patient endurance, and that your more recent works are greater than the earlier ones.Revelation 2:19

Revelation 13:10 Whoever will be led into captivity, into captivity he goes. Whoever will kill with the sword, with the sword he must be killed. Here is the patient endurance and faith of the Saints.Revelation 13:10

Revelation 14:12 Here is the patient endurance of the Saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.Revelation 14:12

Number of the word / term ‘Faith’ in Revelation: 4

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 261

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