Our Little Concordance

‘Expenses’ in the Bible – All 10 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Expenses’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Expenses’ occurs 10 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Expenses’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 9:15 This is the sum of the expenses that king Solomon offered for the building of the house of the Lord, and his own house, and for Millo, and the wall of Jerusalem, and Hazor, and Megiddo, and Gezer.1 Kings 9:15

Number of the word / term Expenses in 1 Kings: 1

Bible passages with ‘Expenses’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 12:12 and restoring the surfaces, and to those who were cutting stones, and buying timber and stones to be cut, so that the repairs to the house of the Lord might be finished: for all that was needed toward the expenses in order to strengthen the house.2 Kings 12:12

Number of the word / term Expenses in 2 Kings: 1

Bible passages with ‘Expenses’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 22:5 And David said: “My son Solomon is a young and tender boy. But the house that I desire to be built to the Lord ought to be so great that it is renowned in every region. Therefore, I will prepare what will be necessary for him.” And for this reason, before his death, he prepared all the expenses.1 Chronicles 22:5

1 Chronicles 22:14 Behold, in my poverty I have prepared the expenses for the house of the Lord: one hundred thousand talents of gold, and one million of talents of silver. Yet truly, there is no measuring the brass and the iron. For their magnitude is beyond numbering. And I have prepared the timber and the stones for the entire project.1 Chronicles 22:14

1 Chronicles 29:2 Now with all my ability, I have prepared the expenses for the house of my God: gold for items of gold, and silver for those of silver, brass for those of brass, iron for those of iron, and wood for those of wood, and stones of onyx, and stones like alabaster, and stones of diverse colors, and every kind of precious stone, and marble from Paros in great abundance.1 Chronicles 29:2

1 Chronicles 29:19 Also, I give to my son Solomon a perfect heart, so that he may keep your commandments, your testimonies, and your ceremonies, and so that he may accomplish all things, and may build the temple, for which I have prepared the expenses.”1 Chronicles 29:19

Number of the word / term Expenses in 1 Chronicles: 4

Bible passages with ‘Expenses’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 8:16 Solomon had all the expenses prepared, from the day on which he founded the house of the Lord, even until the day when he perfected it.2 Chronicles 8:16

Number of the word / term Expenses in 2 Chronicles: 1

Bible passages with ‘Expenses’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 2:69 They gave to the expenses of the work in accord with their ability: sixty-one thousand gold coins, five thousand silver minas, and one hundred priestly vestments.Ezra 2:69

Ezra 6:4 with three rows of rough stones, and so as to have rows of new timber, and that the expenses shall be given from the house of the king.Ezra 6:4

Ezra 6:8 Moreover, it has been instructed by me as to what ought to be done by those priests of the Jews, so that the house of God may be built, specifically, that from the king’s treasury, that is, from the tribute which is taken from the region beyond the river, the expenses shall be scrupulously given to those men, so that the work may not be impeded.Ezra 6:8

Number of the word / term ‘Expenses’ in Ezra: 3

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 10

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