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‘Devastate’ in the Bible – All 33 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Devastate’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Devastate’ occurs 33 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Devastate’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 24:17 I shall see him, but not presently. I shall gaze upon him, but not soon. A star shall rise out of Jacob, and a rod shall spring up from Israel. And he shall strike down the commanders of Moab, and he shall devastate all the sons of Seth.Numbers 24:17

Numbers 24:24 They shall arrive in Greek warships from Italy. They shall overcome the Assyrians, and they shall devastate the Hebrews, and yet, at the very end, even they themselves shall perish.”Numbers 24:24

Numbers 32:39 Moreover, the sons of Machir, the son of Manasseh, continued on within Gilead, and they devastated it, putting to death its inhabitant, the Amorite.Numbers 32:39

Number of the word / term Devastate in Numbers: 3

Bible passages with ‘Devastate’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 28:39 You will dig and plant a vineyard, but you will not drink the wine, nor gather anything at all from it. For it will be devastated by worms.Deuteronomy 28:39

Deuteronomy 28:55 lest he give to them from the flesh of his sons, which he will eat. For he has nothing else due to the siege and the destitution, with which your enemies will devastate you within all your gates.Deuteronomy 28:55

Deuteronomy 32:25 Outside, the sword will devastate them; and inside, there will be dread, as much for the young man as for the maiden, and as much for the newborn as for the old man.Deuteronomy 32:25

Number of the word / term Devastate in Deuteronomy: 3

Bible passages with ‘Devastate’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 19:17 Truly, O Lord, the kings of the Assyrians have devastated all peoples and lands.2 Kings 19:17

2 Kings 21:14 And truly, I will send away the remnants of my inheritance, and I will deliver them into the hands of their enemies. And they will be devastated and plundered by all their adversaries.2 Kings 21:14

Number of the word / term Devastate in 2 Kings: 2

Bible passages with ‘Devastate’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 11:3 The simplicity of the just shall direct them, and the rebellion of the perverse will devastate them.Proverbs 11:3

Number of the word / term Devastate in Proverbs: 1

Bible passages with ‘Devastate’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 1:7 Your land is desolate. Your cities have been set ablaze. Foreigners devour your countryside in your sight, and it will become desolate, as if devastated by enemies.Isaiah 1:7

Isaiah 17:14 In the time of the evening, behold: there will be a disturbance. When it is early morning, he will not remain. This is the portion of those who have devastated us, and this is the lot of those who have plundered us.Isaiah 17:14

Isaiah 23:14 Wail, you ships of the sea! For your strength has been devastated.Isaiah 23:14

Isaiah 24:3 The earth will be utterly devastated and utterly plundered. For the Lord has spoken this word.Isaiah 24:3

Isaiah 60:12 For the nation and the kingdom that will not serve you will perish. And the Gentiles will be devastated by solitude.Isaiah 60:12

Number of the word / term Devastate in Isaiah: 5

Bible passages with ‘Devastate’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 4:13 Behold, he will ascend like a cloud, and his chariot will ascend like a tempest. His horses are swifter than eagles. ‘Woe to us! For we are being devastated!’Jeremiah 4:13

Jeremiah 4:20 Destruction upon destruction has been called forth. And the entire earth has been devastated. My tabernacles have been destroyed suddenly, and my tents in an instant.Jeremiah 4:20

Jeremiah 4:30 So then, when you have been devastated, what will you do? Though you will clothe yourself with scarlet, though you will adorn yourself with a gold necklace and tint your eyes with cosmetics, you will be dressing yourself up in vain. Your lovers have spurned you; they will be seeking your life.Jeremiah 4:30

Jeremiah 9:19 For a voice of lamentation has been heard from Zion: ‘How is it that we have been devastated and greatly confounded? Our tabernacles have been thrown down because we have forsaken the land.’ ”Jeremiah 9:19

Jeremiah 30:16 Because of this, all those who devour you, will be devoured. And all your enemies will be led into captivity. And those who devastate you, will be devastated. And all those who prey upon you, I will offer as a prey.Jeremiah 30:16

Jeremiah 36:29 And you shall say to Jehoiakim, the king of Judah: Thus says the Lord: You have burned that volume, saying: ‘Why have you written in it, announcing that the king of Babylon will advance quickly, and will devastate this land, and will cause both man and beast to cease from it?’Jeremiah 36:29

Jeremiah 47:4 because of the arrival of the day on which all the Philistines will be devastated, and Tyre and Sidon will be destroyed, with all the rest of their helpers. For the Lord has depopulated the Philistines, the remnant of the island of Cappadocia.Jeremiah 47:4

Jeremiah 48:1 Against Moab, thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Woe upon Nebo! For it has been devastated and confounded. Kiriathaim has been seized; the strong one has been confounded and has trembled.Jeremiah 48:1

Jeremiah 48:15 Moab has been devastated, and they have cut down her cities. And her elect young men have descended to slaughter. So says the King, whose name is the Lord of hosts.Jeremiah 48:15

Jeremiah 48:20 Moab has been confounded, because he has been conquered. Wail and cry out! Announce it in Arnon: Moab has been devastated,Jeremiah 48:20

Jeremiah 49:3 Wail, O Heshbon! For Ai has been devastated. Cry out, O daughters of Rabbah! Wrap yourselves with haircloth. Mourn and circle the hedges. For Milcom will be led into the transmigration: his priests and his leaders together.Jeremiah 49:3

Jeremiah 49:10 Yet truly, I have stripped Esau bare. I have revealed his secrets, and he is not able to be concealed. His offspring has been devastated, with his brothers and his neighbors, and he himself will not exist.Jeremiah 49:10

Number of the word / term Devastate in Jeremiah: 12

Bible passages with ‘Devastate’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 14:15 And if I also lead in very harmful beasts upon the land, so that I devastate it, and it becomes impassable, so that no one may cross through it because of the beasts,Ezekiel 14:15

Number of the word / term Devastate in Ezekiel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Devastate’ in the book Joel

Joel 1:10 The region has been depopulated, the soil has mourned. For the wheat has been devastated, the wine has been disfigured, the oil has languished.Joel 1:10

Number of the word / term Devastate in Joel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Devastate’ in the book Micah

Micah 2:4 In that day, a parable will be taken up about you, and a song will be sung with sweetness, saying: “We have been devastated by depopulation.” The fate of my people has been altered. How can he withdraw from me, when he might be turned back, he who might tear apart our country?Micah 2:4

Micah 5:1 Now you will be devastated, you daughter of a robber. They have placed a blockade against us, with a rod they will strike the jaw of the judge of Israel.Micah 5:1

Number of the word / term Devastate in Micah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Devastate’ in the book Nahum

Nahum 3:7 And this shall be: everyone who sees you, will recoil from you, and he will say: “Nineveh has been devastated.” Who will shake his head over you? Where might I seek consolation for you?Nahum 3:7

Number of the word / term Devastate in Nahum: 1

Bible passages with ‘Devastate’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 11:2 Howl, you fir tree, for the cedar has fallen, because the magnificent have been devastated. Howl, you oaks of Bashan, because the secure forest passage has been cut down.Zechariah 11:2

Zechariah 11:3 The voice of the howling of the shepherds: for their magnificence has been devastated. The voice of the roaring of the lions: because the arrogance of the Jordan has been devastated.Zechariah 11:3

Number of the word / term ‘Devastate’ in Zechariah: 2

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 33

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