Our Little Concordance

‘Damascus’ in the Bible – All 53 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Damascus’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Damascus’ occurs 53 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 14:15 And dividing his company, he rushed upon them in the night. And he struck them and pursued them as far as Hobah, which is on the left hand of Damascus.Genesis 14:15

Genesis 15:2 And Abram said: “Lord God, what will you give to me? I may go without children. And the son of the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus.”Genesis 15:2

Number of the word / term Damascus in Genesis: 2

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 8:5 And the Syrians of Damascus arrived, so that they might bring reinforcements to Hadadezer, the king of Zobah. And David struck down twenty-two thousand men of the Syrians.2 Samuel 8:5

2 Samuel 8:6 And David positioned a garrison in Syria of Damascus. And Syria served David under tribute. And the Lord assisted David in all things whatsoever that he set out to accomplish.2 Samuel 8:6

Number of the word / term Damascus in 2 Samuel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 11:24 And he gathered together men against him. And when David put those of Zobah to death, he became a leader of robbers. And they went away to Damascus, and they lived there. And they appointed him to be king of Damascus.1 Kings 11:24

1 Kings 15:18 And so, Asa took all the silver and the gold which had remained in the treasuries of the house of the Lord, and in the treasuries of the house of the king, and he gave it into the hands of his servants. And he sent them to Benhadad, the son of Tabrimmon, the son of Hezion, the king of Syria, who was living in Damascus, saying:1 Kings 15:18

1 Kings 19:15 And the Lord said to him: “Go, and return on your way, through the desert, to Damascus. And when you have arrived there, you shall anoint Hazael as king over Syria.1 Kings 19:15

1 Kings 20:34 And he said to him: “The cities that my father took from your father, I will return. And you may make streets for yourself in Damascus, just as my father made in Samaria. And after we have made a pact, I will withdraw from you.” Therefore, he formed a pact with him, and he released him.1 Kings 20:34

Number of the word / term Damascus in 1 Kings: 4

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 5:12 Are not the Abana and the Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel, so that I might wash in them and be cleansed?” But then, after he had turned himself away and was leaving with indignation,2 Kings 5:12

2 Kings 8:7 Also, Elisha arrived in Damascus, and Benhadad, the king of Syria, was ill. And they reported to him, saying, “The man of God has arrived here.”2 Kings 8:7

2 Kings 8:9 And so, Hazael went to meet him, having with him gifts, and all the goods of Damascus, the burdens of forty camels. And when he had stood before him, he said: “Your son, Benhadad, the king of Syria, sent me to you, saying: ‘Will I be able to be healed from this, my infirmity?’ ”2 Kings 8:9

2 Kings 14:28 But the rest of the words of Jeroboam, and all that he did, and his strength, with which he went to battle, and the manner in which he restored Damascus and Hamath to Judah, in Israel, have these not been written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Israel?2 Kings 14:28

2 Kings 16:9 And he agreed to his will. For the king of the Assyrians ascended against Damascus, and he laid waste to it. And he carried away its inhabitants to Cyrene. But Rezin he killed.2 Kings 16:9

2 Kings 16:10 And king Ahaz traveled to Damascus to meet Tiglath-pileser, the king of the Assyrians. And when he had seen the altar of Damascus, king Ahaz sent to Uriah, the priest, its pattern and likeness, according to all of its work.2 Kings 16:10

2 Kings 16:11 And Uriah, the priest, constructed an altar in accord with all that king Ahaz had commanded from Damascus. Uriah, the priest, did so, until king Ahaz arrived from Damascus.2 Kings 16:11

2 Kings 16:12 And when the king had arrived from Damascus, he saw the altar, and he venerated it. And he went up and immolated holocausts, with his own sacrifice.2 Kings 16:12

Number of the word / term Damascus in 2 Kings: 8

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 18:5 Then the Syrians of Damascus also arrived, so that they might offer assistance to Hadadezer, the king of Zobah. And so, David then struck of them twenty-two thousand men.1 Chronicles 18:5

1 Chronicles 18:6 And he stationed soldiers in Damascus, so that Syria also would serve him, and would offer gifts. And the Lord assisted him in all the things to which he went forth.1 Chronicles 18:6

Number of the word / term Damascus in 1 Chronicles: 2

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 16:2 Therefore, Asa brought forth silver and gold from the treasuries of the house of the Lord, and from the treasuries of the king. And he sent to Benhadad, the king of Syria, who was living in Damascus, saying:2 Chronicles 16:2

2 Chronicles 24:23 And when a year had turned, the army of Syria ascended against him. And they went to Judah and Jerusalem. And they put to death all the leaders of the people. And they sent all the spoils to the king of Damascus.2 Chronicles 24:23

2 Chronicles 28:5 And so the Lord, his God, delivered him into the hand of the king of Syria, who struck him and took great plunder from his kingdom. And he carried it away to Damascus. Also, he was delivered into the hands of the king of Israel, and he struck him with great affliction.2 Chronicles 28:5

2 Chronicles 28:23 immolated victims to the gods of Damascus, those who had struck him. And he said: “The gods of the kings of Syria assist them, and so I will please them with victims, and they will help me.” But to the contrary, they had been the ruin of him and of all Israel.2 Chronicles 28:23

Number of the word / term Damascus in 2 Chronicles: 4

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book Song

Song of Solomon 7:4 Your neck is like a tower of ivory. Your eyes like the fish ponds at Heshbon, which are at the entrance to the daughter of the multitude. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon, which looks out toward Damascus.Song of Solomon 7:4

Number of the word / term Damascus in Song: 1

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 7:8 For the head of Syria is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin; and within sixty-five years from now, Ephraim will cease to be a people.Isaiah 7:8

Isaiah 8:4 For before the boy knows how to call to his father and his mother, the strength of Damascus and the spoils of Samaria will be taken away, in the sight of the king of the Assyrians.”Isaiah 8:4

Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus will cease to be a city, and it will be like a heap of stones in ruin.Isaiah 17:1

Isaiah 17:3 And assistance will cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom will cease from Damascus. And the remnant of Syria will be like the glory of the sons of Israel, says the Lord of hosts.Isaiah 17:3

Number of the word / term Damascus in Isaiah: 4

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 49:23 Against Damascus. “Hamath has been confounded, with Arpad. For they have heard a most grievous report. They have been stirred up like the sea. Because of anxiousness, they were not able to rest.Jeremiah 49:23

Jeremiah 49:27 And I will kindle a fire at the wall of Damascus, and it will devour the defensive walls of Ben-hadad.”Jeremiah 49:27

Number of the word / term Damascus in Jeremiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 47:16 Hamath, Berothah, Sibraim, which is between the border of Damascus and the confines of Hamath, the house of Ticon, which is beside the border of Hauran,Ezekiel 47:16

Ezekiel 47:17 and the border will be from the sea, even to the entrance of Enon, at the border of Damascus, and from the north to the north, at the border of Hamath, on the northern side.Ezekiel 47:17

Ezekiel 47:18 Moreover, the eastern region will be from the midst of Hauran, and from the midst of Damascus, and from the midst of Gilead, and from the midst of the land of Israel, to the Jordan, marking the boundary to the eastern sea. For so shall you measure the eastern region.Ezekiel 47:18

Ezekiel 48:1 “And these are the names of the tribes, from the parts of the north, beside the way of Hethlon, continuing on to Hamath, at the entrance of Enon, to the border of Damascus toward the north, beside the way of Hamath. And from the region of the east to the sea, there will be one portion for Dan.Ezekiel 48:1

Number of the word / term Damascus in Ezekiel: 4

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book Amos

Amos 1:3 Thus says the Lord: For three wicked deeds of Damascus, and for four, I will not convert it, in so far as they have threshed Gilead into iron wagons.Amos 1:3

Amos 1:5 And I will shatter the crowbar of Damascus, and I will destroy the inhabitants of the camp of the idol and the holder of the scepter of the house of pleasure; and the people of Syria will be transferred to Cyrene, says the Lord.Amos 1:5

Amos 3:12 Thus says the Lord: Just as if a shepherd had rescued two legs from the mouth of a lion, or the tip of an ear, so also will the sons of Israel be rescued, who dwell in the sick bed of Samaria, and in the cot of Damascus.Amos 3:12

Amos 5:27 And I will cause you to go into captivity across Damascus, says the Lord. The God of hosts is his name.Amos 5:27

Number of the word / term Damascus in Amos: 4

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 9:1 The burden of the word of the Lord in the land of Hadrach and its respite in Damascus. For the eye of man and of all the tribes of Israel is of the Lord.Zechariah 9:1

Number of the word / term Damascus in Zechariah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book Acts

Acts 9:2 and he petitioned him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that, if he found any men or women belonging to this Way, he could lead them as prisoners to Jerusalem.Acts 9:2

Acts 9:3 And as he made the journey, it happened that he was approaching Damascus. And suddenly, a light from heaven shone around him.Acts 9:3

Acts 9:8 Then Saul rose up from the ground. And upon opening his eyes, he saw nothing. So leading him by the hand, they brought him into Damascus.Acts 9:8

Acts 9:10 Now there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias. And the Lord said to him in a vision, “Ananias!” And he said, “Here I am, Lord.”Acts 9:10

Acts 9:19 And when he had taken a meal, he was strengthened. Now he was with the disciples who were at Damascus for some days.Acts 9:19

Acts 9:22 But Saul was increasing to a greater extent in ability, and so he was confounding the Jews who lived at Damascus, by affirming that he is the Christ.Acts 9:22

Acts 9:27 But Barnabas took him aside and led him to the Apostles. And he explained to them how he had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken to him, and how, in Damascus, he had acted faithfully in the name of Jesus.Acts 9:27

Acts 22:5 just as the high priest and all those greater by birth bear witness to me. Having received letters from them to the brothers, I journeyed to Damascus, so that I might lead them bound from there to Jerusalem, so that they might be punished.Acts 22:5

Acts 22:6 But it happened that, as I was traveling and was approaching Damascus at midday, suddenly from heaven a great light shone around me.Acts 22:6

Acts 22:10 And I said, ‘What should I do, Lord?’ Then the Lord said to me: ‘Rise up, and go to Damascus. And there, you shall be told all that you must do.’Acts 22:10

Acts 22:11 And since I could not see, because of the brightness of that light, I was led by the hand by my companions, and I went to Damascus.Acts 22:11

Acts 26:12 Thereafter, as I was going to Damascus, with authority and permission from the high priest,Acts 26:12

Acts 26:20 But I preached, first to those who are at Damascus and at Jerusalem, and then to the entire region of Judea, and to the Gentiles, so that they would repent and convert to God, doing the works that are worthy of repentance.Acts 26:20

Number of the word / term Damascus in Acts: 13

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 11:32 At Damascus, the governor of the nation under Aretas the king, watched over the city of the Damascenes, so as to apprehend me.2 Corinthians 11:32

Number of the word / term Damascus in 2 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Damascus’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 1:17 Neither did I go to Jerusalem, to those who were Apostles before me. Instead, I went into Arabia, and next I returned to Damascus.Galatians 1:17

Number of the word / term ‘Damascus’ in Galatians: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 53

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