Our Little Concordance

‘Curtains’ in the Bible – All 15 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Curtains’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Curtains’ occurs 15 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Curtains’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 26:1 “Truly, thus shall you make the tabernacle: You shall make ten curtains of fine twisted linen, and hyacinth as well as purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, with diverse embroidery.Exodus 26:1

Exodus 26:2 The length of one curtain shall have twenty-eight cubits. The width shall be four cubits. The entire set of curtains shall be of one measure.Exodus 26:2

Exodus 26:3 Five curtains shall be joined to one another, and the other five shall be similarly coupled together.Exodus 26:3

Exodus 26:4 You shall make loops of hyacinth on the sides at the edges of the curtains, so that they will be able to be joined to one another.Exodus 26:4

Exodus 26:6 You shall also make fifty rings of gold, with which the veils of the curtains are to be joined, so that it shall be one tabernacle.Exodus 26:6

Exodus 26:13 And one cubit will hang down on one side, and another on the other side, which is more than the length of the curtains, protecting both sides of the tabernacle.Exodus 26:13

Exodus 35:17 the curtains of the atrium, with the columns and the bases, the hanging at the doors of the vestibule,Exodus 35:17

Exodus 36:8 And all those who were wise of heart, in order to accomplish the work of the tabernacle, made ten curtains of fine twisted linen, and hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, with diverse workmanship by the art of embroidery.Exodus 36:8

Exodus 36:9 Each of these was twenty-eight cubits in length, and in width, four. All the curtains were of one measure.Exodus 36:9

Exodus 36:10 And he joined five curtains to one another, and the other five he coupled to one another.Exodus 36:10

Exodus 36:13 For these, he also cast fifty gold rings, which would retain the loops of the curtains and so make the tabernacle one.Exodus 36:13

Number of the word / term Curtains in Exodus: 11

Bible passages with ‘Curtains’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 3:26 the tabernacle itself, and its covering; the tent that is drawn before the doors of the covering of the covenant; and the curtains of the atrium; likewise, the tent that is suspended at the entrance of the atrium of the tabernacle; and whatever pertains to the ritual of the altar; the cords of the tabernacle and all its implements.Numbers 3:26

Numbers 4:25 to carry the curtains of the tabernacle, and the roof of the covenant, the other covering, and the veil over everything, and the violet tent, which hangs at the entrance of the tabernacle of the covenant,Numbers 4:25

Numbers 4:26 the curtains of the atrium, and the veil at the entrance, which is before tabernacle. Everything that pertains to the altar, the cords, and the vessels of the ministryNumbers 4:26

Number of the word / term Curtains in Numbers: 3

Bible passages with ‘Curtains’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 10:20 My tent has been destroyed. All my cords have been broken. My sons have gone away from me; they did not remain. There is no one to stretch out my tent any more, nor to set up my curtains.Jeremiah 10:20

Number of the word / term ‘Curtains’ in Jeremiah: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 15

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