Our Little Concordance

‘Come’ in the Bible – All 391 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Come’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Come’ occurs 391 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 11:7 Therefore, come, let us descend, and in that place confound their tongue, so that they may not listen, each one to the voice of his neighbor.”Genesis 11:7

Genesis 12:1 Then the Lord said to Abram: “Depart from your land, and from your kindred, and from your father’s house, and come into the land that I will show you.Genesis 12:1

Genesis 12:5 And he took his wife Sarai, and Lot, the son of his brother, and all the substance which they had come to possess, and the lives which they had acquired in Haran, and they departed in order to go to the land of Canaan. And when they arrived in it,Genesis 12:5

Genesis 15:4 And immediately the word of the Lord came to him, saying: “This one will not be your heir. But he who will come from your loins, the same will you have for your heir.”Genesis 15:4

Genesis 16:8 he said to her: “Hagar, handmaid of Sarai, where have you come from? And where will you go?” And she answered, “I flee from the face of Sarai, my mistress.”Genesis 16:8

Genesis 17:6 And I will cause you to increase very greatly, and I will set you among the nations, and kings will come forth from you.Genesis 17:6

Genesis 18:10 And he said to him, “When returning, I will come to you at this time, with life as a companion, and your wife Sarah will have a son.” Hearing this, Sarah laughed behind the door of the tent.Genesis 18:10

Genesis 24:5 The servant responded, “If the woman is not willing to come with me into this land, must I lead your son back to the place from which you departed?”Genesis 24:5

Genesis 24:39 But truly, I answered my lord, ‘What if the woman is not willing to come with me?’Genesis 24:39

Genesis 26:27 Isaac said to them, “Why have you come to me, a man whom you hate, and whom you have expelled from among you?”Genesis 26:27

Genesis 32:11 Rescue me from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am very afraid of him, lest perhaps he may come and strike down the mother with the sons.Genesis 32:11

Genesis 37:13 Israel said to him: “Your brothers are pasturing the sheep at Shechem. Come, I will send you to them.” And when he answered,Genesis 37:13

Genesis 42:7 and he had recognized them, he spoke harshly, as if to foreigners, questioning them: “Where did you come from?” And they responded, “From the land of Canaan, to buy necessary provisions.”Genesis 42:7

Genesis 42:9 And remembering the dreams, which he had seen in another time, he said to them: “You are scouts. You have come in order to see which parts of the land are weaker.”Genesis 42:9

Genesis 42:11 We are all sons of one man. We have come in peace, nor do any of your subjects devise evil.”Genesis 42:11

Genesis 42:12 And he answered them: “It is otherwise. You have come to examine the unguarded parts of this land.”Genesis 42:12

Genesis 42:21 and they spoke to one another: “We deserve to suffer these things, because we have sinned against our brother, seeing the anguish of his soul, when he begged us and we would not listen. For that reason, this tribulation has come upon us.”Genesis 42:21

Genesis 45:9 Hurry, and go up to my father, and say to him: ‘Your son Joseph commands this: God has caused me to be lord of the entire land of Egypt. Come down to me, do not delay,Genesis 45:9

Genesis 45:18 and take from there your father and kindred, and come to me. And I will give you all the good things of Egypt, so that you may eat from the marrow of the land.’ ”Genesis 45:18

Genesis 45:19 “And you may even instruct that they take wagons from the land of Egypt, in order to transport their little ones as well as their wives. And say: ‘Take your father, and come quickly, as soon as possible.Genesis 45:19

Genesis 46:31 And he said to his brothers and to all his father’s house: “I will go up and report to Pharaoh, and I will say to him: ‘My brothers, and my father’s house, who were in the land of Canaan, have come to me.Genesis 46:31

Genesis 47:5 And so the king said to Joseph: “Your father and brothers have come to you.Genesis 47:5

Genesis 48:18 And he said to his father: “It should not have come to pass this way, father. For this one is the firstborn. Place your right hand over his head.”Genesis 48:18

Number of the word / term Come in Genesis: 23

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 1:19 They responded: “The Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women. For they themselves have the wisdom of a midwife, and so they give birth before we can come to them.”Exodus 1:19

Exodus 3:9 And so, the outcry of the sons of Israel has come to me. And I have seen their affliction, with which they are oppressed by the Egyptians.Exodus 3:9

Exodus 3:10 But come, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may lead my people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.”Exodus 3:10

Exodus 18:6 And he sent word to Moses, saying: “I, Jethro, your kinsman, have come to you, with your wife, and your two sons with her.”Exodus 18:6

Exodus 18:15 And Moses answered him: “The people come to me seeking the verdict of God.Exodus 18:15

Exodus 18:16 And when any kind of dispute occurs among them, they come to me to judge between them, and to reveal the precepts of God and of his laws.”Exodus 18:16

Exodus 19:9 the Lord said to him: “Soon now, I will come to you in the mist of a cloud, so that the people may hear me speaking to you, and so that they may believe you continuously.” Therefore, Moses reported the words of the people to the Lord,Exodus 19:9

Exodus 20:24 You shall make an altar from the earth for me, and you shall offer upon it your holocausts and peace-offerings, your sheep and oxen, in every place where the memory of my name shall be. I will come to you, and I will bless you.Exodus 20:24

Exodus 23:4 If you come across an ox or a donkey of your enemy, which has gone astray, lead it back to him.Exodus 23:4

Exodus 26:5 A curtain shall have fifty loops on each of two sides, inserted in such a manner that loop may come against loop, and one can be fitted to the other.Exodus 26:5

Exodus 35:10 And whoever among you is wise, let him come and make what the Lord has commanded:Exodus 35:10

Number of the word / term Come in Exodus: 11

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 10:4 If you sound it only once, the leaders and the heads of the multitude of Israel shall come to you.Numbers 10:4

Numbers 10:29 And Moses said to Hobab the son of Raguel the Midianite, his kinsman: “We are setting out to the place which the Lord will give to us. Come with us, so that we may do good to you. For the Lord has promised good things to Israel.”Numbers 10:29

Numbers 10:32 And if you come with us, whatever will be best among the riches which the Lord will deliver to us, we will give to you.”Numbers 10:32

Numbers 16:12 Therefore, Moses sent to call for Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, who responded: “We will not come.Numbers 16:12

Numbers 16:14 You have led us, it is true, to a land that flows with streams of milk and honey, and you have given us possession of fields and vineyards. But will you also tear out our eyes? We will not come.”Numbers 16:14

Numbers 22:6 Therefore, come and curse this people, for they are stronger than I am. If only, in some way, I might be able to strike them and to drive them from my land. For I know that he whom you bless shall be blessed, and he whom you curse shall be cursed.”Numbers 22:6

Numbers 22:7 And the elders of Moab, and those greater by birth of Midian, continued on, holding the price of divination in their hands. And when they had come to Balaam, and had explained to him all the words of Balak,Numbers 22:7

Numbers 22:11 saying: ‘Behold, a people, which has gone forth from Egypt, has covered the face of the earth. Come and curse them, so that, in some way, I may be able to fight them and drive them away.’ ”Numbers 22:11

Numbers 22:14 Returning, the leaders said to Balak, “Balaam was not willing to come with us.”Numbers 22:14

Numbers 22:16 And when these had come to Balaam, they said: “So says Balak, the son of Zippor. Do not hesitate to come to me.Numbers 22:16

Numbers 22:17 For I am ready to honor you, and whatever you would want, I shall give to you. Come and curse this people.”Numbers 22:17

Numbers 22:32 And the Angel said to him: “Why did you beat your donkey three times? I have come to be an adversary to you, because your way is perverse and contrary to me.Numbers 22:32

Numbers 22:37 And he said to Balaam: “I sent messengers to call you. Why did you not come to me immediately? Was it because I am not able to pay the cost for your arrival?”Numbers 22:37

Number of the word / term Come in Numbers: 13

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 28:2 And all these blessings shall come to you and take hold of you, but only if you listen to his precepts.Deuteronomy 28:2

Deuteronomy 28:7 The Lord will grant that your enemies, who rise up against you, will fall down in your sight. They will come against you by one way, and they will flee from your face by seven ways.Deuteronomy 28:7

Deuteronomy 28:15 But if you are not willing to listen to the voice of the Lord your God, so as to keep and do all his commandments and ceremonies, which I instruct to you this day, all these curses shall come to you, and take hold of you.Deuteronomy 28:15

Deuteronomy 28:45 And all these curses shall come to you, and shall pursue you, and shall take hold of you, until you pass away, because you would not listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and you would not serve his commandments and ceremonies, which he has instructed to you.Deuteronomy 28:45

Number of the word / term Come in Deuteronomy: 4

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 7:14 And you shall draw near in the morning, each one by your tribes. And whichever tribe will be found by lot shall come forward by its families, and the families by houses, and the house by the men.Joshua 7:14

Joshua 8:5 But I and the remainder of the multitude that is with me will approach from the opposite side of the city. And when they come out against us, we will flee and turn our backs, just as we did before,Joshua 8:5

Joshua 9:6 And they traveled to Joshua, who at that time was staying in the camp at Gilgal. And they said to him, and to all of Israel with him, “We have come from a far away land, desiring to make peace with you.” And the sons of Israel responded to them, and said,Joshua 9:6

Joshua 9:12 Lo, the loaves were taken up warm when we departed from our houses, so that we might come to you. Now they have become dry and broken, due to age.Joshua 9:12

Joshua 10:6 But the inhabitants of the city of Gibeon, when it was besieged, sent to Joshua, who was then staying in the camp at Gilgal. And they said to him: “May you not draw back your hands from helping your servants. Come quickly, and free us, and bring troops. For all the kings of the Amorites, who live in the mountains, have gathered together against us.”Joshua 10:6

Joshua 18:6 The land that is in the middle, between these, write it down in seven parts. And you shall come to me, so that I may cast lots for you about this, before the Lord your God.Joshua 18:6

Number of the word / term Come in Joshua: 6

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Judges

Judges 4:8 And Barak said to her: “If you will come with me, I will go. If you are not willing to come with me, I will not go.”Judges 4:8

Judges 5:23 ‘Cursed be the land of Meroz!’ said the Angel of the Lord. ‘Cursed be its inhabitants! For they did not come to the aid of the Lord, to the assistance of his most valiant men.’Judges 5:23

Judges 9:15 And it responded to them: ‘If truly you would appoint me as king, come and rest under my shadow. But if you are not willing, let fire go forth from the bramble, and let it devour the cedars of Lebanon.’ ”Judges 9:15

Judges 11:7 But he answered them: “Are you not the ones who hated me, and who cast me out of my father’s house? And yet now you come to me, compelled by necessity?”Judges 11:7

Judges 11:9 Jephthah also said to them: “If you have come to me so that I may fight for you against the sons of Ammon, and if the Lord will deliver them into my hands, will I truly be your leader?”Judges 11:9

Judges 13:8 And so Manoah prayed to the Lord, and he said, “I beg you Lord, that the man of God, whom you sent, may come again, and may teach us what we ought to do about the boy who is to be born.”Judges 13:8

Judges 15:10 And some from the tribe of Judah said to them, “Why have you ascended against us?” And they responded, “We have come to bind Samson, and to repay him for what he has done to us.”Judges 15:10

Judges 15:12 And they said to him, “We have come to bind you, and to deliver you into the hands of the Philistines.” And Samson said to them, “Swear and promise to me that you will not kill me.”Judges 15:12

Judges 18:3 And they recognized the speech of the youth who was a Levite. And while making use of an inn with him, they said to him: “Who brought you here? What are you doing here? For what reason did you want to come here?”Judges 18:3

Judges 18:19 And they responded to him: “Be silent and place your finger over your mouth. And come with us, so that we may have you as a father as well as a priest. For which is better for you: to be a priest in the house of one man, or in one tribe and family in Israel?”Judges 18:19

Judges 19:17 And the old man, lifting up his eyes, saw the man sitting with his bundles in the street of the city. And he said to him: “Where have you come from? And where are you going?”Judges 19:17

Number of the word / term Come in Judges: 11

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Ruth

Ruth 1:11 But she answered them, “Return, my daughters. Why come with me? Do I have any more sons in my womb, so that you could hope for husbands from me?Ruth 1:11

Ruth 2:12 May the Lord repay you for your work, and may you receive a full reward from the Lord, the God of Israel, to whom you have come, and under whose wings you have taken refuge.”Ruth 2:12

Ruth 2:14 And Boaz said to her, “When mealtime begins, come here, and eat bread, and dip your morsel in the vinegar.” And so she sat beside the reapers, and she piled up parched grain for herself, and she ate and was satisfied, and carried off the leftovers.Ruth 2:14

Number of the word / term Come in Ruth: 3

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 9:10 And Saul said to his servant: “Your word is very good. Come, let us go.” And they went into the city, where the man of God was.1 Samuel 9:10

1 Samuel 10:8 And you shall descend before me into Gilgal, (for I will descend to you), so that you may offer an oblation, and may immolate victims of peace. For seven days, you shall wait, until I come to you, and reveal to you what you should do.”1 Samuel 10:8

1 Samuel 14:9 if they have spoken to us in this way, ‘Stay until we come to you,’ let us stand still in our place, and not ascend to them.1 Samuel 14:9

1 Samuel 14:11 And so, both of them appeared before the garrison of the Philistines. And the Philistines said, “See, the Hebrews have come out from the holes in which they had been hiding.”1 Samuel 14:11

1 Samuel 16:5 And he said: “It is peaceful. I have arrived in order to immolate to the Lord. Be sanctified, and come with me to the sacrifice.” Then he sanctified Jesse and his sons, and he called them to the sacrifice.1 Samuel 16:5

1 Samuel 17:28 Now when Eliab, his eldest brother, had heard this, as he was speaking with the others, he became angry against David, and he said: “Why did you come here? And why did you leave behind those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your pride and the wickedness of your heart, that you have come down so that you might see the battle.”1 Samuel 17:28

1 Samuel 17:45 But David said to the Philistine: “You approach me with sword, and spear, and shield. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, which you have reproached.1 Samuel 17:45

1 Samuel 20:29 and he said: ‘Permit me. For there is a solemn sacrifice in the city. One of my brothers has summoned me. Now therefore, if I have found favor in your eyes, I will go quickly, and I will see my brothers.’ For this reason, he has not come to the table of the king.”1 Samuel 20:29

1 Samuel 23:27 And a messenger came to Saul, saying, “Hurry and come, because the Philistines have poured themselves out upon the land.”1 Samuel 23:27

1 Samuel 25:34 But instead, as the Lord God of Israel lives, he has prevented me from doing evil to you. But if you had not come quickly to meet me, there would not have been left to Nabal by the morning light, anything that urinates against a wall.”1 Samuel 25:34

1 Samuel 31:4 Then Saul said to his armor bearer, “Draw your sword and strike me, otherwise these uncircumcised may come and kill me, mocking me.” And his armor bearer was not willing. For he had been struck with an exceedingly great fear. And so, Saul took his own sword, and he fell upon it.1 Samuel 31:4

Number of the word / term Come in 1 Samuel: 11

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 1:3 And David said to him, “Where have you come from?” And he said to him, “I have fled from the camp of Israel.”2 Samuel 1:3

2 Samuel 3:13 And he said: “It is best. I will make a friendship with you. But one thing I ask of you, saying: You shall not see my face before you bring Michal, the daughter of Saul. And in this way, you shall come, and see me.”2 Samuel 3:13

2 Samuel 5:23 Then David consulted the Lord, “Shall I ascend against the Philistines, and will you deliver them into my hands?” And he responded: “You shall not ascend against them; instead, circle behind their back. And you shall come to them from the side opposite the balsam trees.2 Samuel 5:23

2 Samuel 9:6 And when Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, had come to David, he fell upon his face, and he reverenced. And David said, “Mephibosheth?” And he responded, “Your servant is here.”2 Samuel 9:6

2 Samuel 12:1 Then the Lord sent Nathan to David. And when he had come to him, he said to him: “Two men were in one city: one wealthy, and the other poor.2 Samuel 12:1

2 Samuel 12:4 But when a certain traveler had come to the wealthy man, neglecting to take from his own sheep and oxen, so that he might present a feast for that traveler, who had come to him, he took the sheep of the poor man, and he prepared a meal for the man who had come to him.”2 Samuel 12:4

2 Samuel 13:5 And Jonadab said to him: “Lie down upon your bed, and feign sickness. And when your father will come to visit you, say to him: ‘I ask you to let my sister Tamar come to me, so that she may give me food, and may make a small meal, so that I may eat it from her hand.’ ”2 Samuel 13:5

2 Samuel 13:6 And so, Amnon lay down, and he began to act as if he were ill. And when the king had come to visit him, Amnon said to the king, “I beg you to let my sister Tamar come to me, and make in my sight two little portions of food, so that I take it from her hand.”2 Samuel 13:6

2 Samuel 13:24 And he went to the king, and he said to him: “Behold, the sheep of your servant are being shorn. I ask that the king, with his servants, may come to his servant.”2 Samuel 13:24

2 Samuel 13:25 And the king said to Absalom: “Do not, my son, do not choose to ask that we may all come and be a burden to you.” Then, after he urged him, and he had refused to go, he blessed him.2 Samuel 13:25

2 Samuel 13:26 And Absalom said, “If you are not willing to come, I beg you, at least let my brother Amnon come with us.” And the king said to him, “It is not necessary that he go with you.”2 Samuel 13:26

2 Samuel 14:15 Therefore, now I have come to speak this word to my lord the king, in the presence of the people. And your handmaid said: I will speak to the king, for perhaps there may be some way for the king to accomplish the word of his handmaid.2 Samuel 14:15

2 Samuel 14:29 And so, he sent to Joab, so that he might send him to the king. But he refused to come to him. And when he had sent a second time, and he had refused to come to him,2 Samuel 14:29

2 Samuel 14:32 And Absalom responded to Joab: “I sent to you, begging that you might come to me, and that I might send you to the king, and that you might say to him: ‘Why was I brought from Geshur? It would have been better for me to be there.’ I beg you, therefore, that I may see the face of the king. And if he is mindful of my iniquity, let him put me to death.”2 Samuel 14:32

2 Samuel 15:4 “Who may appoint me judge over the land, so that all those who have a dispute might come to me, and I might judge justly.”2 Samuel 15:4

2 Samuel 15:19 Then the king said to Ittai the Gittite: “Why do you come with us? Return and live with the king. For you are a stranger, and you departed from your own place.2 Samuel 15:19

2 Samuel 15:33 And David said to him: “If you come with me, you will be a burden to me.2 Samuel 15:33

2 Samuel 19:7 Now then, rise up and go out, and speak so as to make amends to your servants. For I swear to you by the Lord that if you will not go forth, not even one person will be left with you this night. And this will be worse for you than all the evils that have come to you, from your youth even to the present.”2 Samuel 19:7

2 Samuel 24:13 And when Gad had gone to David, he announced it to him, saying: “Either seven years of famine will come to you in your land; or you will flee for three months from your adversaries, and they will pursue you; or there will be a pestilence in your land for three days. Now then, deliberate, and see what word I may respond to him who sent me.”2 Samuel 24:13

2 Samuel 24:21 And going out, he adored the king, lying prone with his face to the ground, and he said, “What is the reason that my lord the king has come to his servant?” And David said to him, “So as to purchase the threshing floor from you, and to build an altar to the Lord, and to quiet the plague that rages among the people.”2 Samuel 24:21

Number of the word / term Come in 2 Samuel: 20

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 1:12 Now then, come, accept my counsel, and save your life and the life of your son Solomon.1 Kings 1:12

1 Kings 2:30 And Benaiah went to the tabernacle of the Lord, and he said to him: “The king says this: ‘Come out.’ ” But he said: “I will not come out. Instead, I will die here.” Benaiah sent word back to the king, saying, “Joab said this, and he responded to me in this way.”1 Kings 2:30

1 Kings 13:12 And their father said to them, “By which way did he depart?” His sons showed him the way by which the man of God, who had come from Judah, had departed.1 Kings 13:12

1 Kings 22:4 And so he said to Jehoshaphat, “Will you come to the battle with me at Ramoth Gilead?”1 Kings 22:4

Number of the word / term Come in 1 Kings: 4

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 3:7 And he sent to Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, saying: “The king of Moab was withdrawn from me. Come to battle with me against him.” And he responded: “I will go up. What is mine, is yours. My people are your people. And my horses are your horses.”2 Kings 3:7

2 Kings 4:10 Therefore, let us prepare a small upper room for him, and place a bed in it for him, and a table, and a chair, and a lampstand, so that when he comes to us, he may stay there.”2 Kings 4:10

2 Kings 5:8 And when Elisha, the man of God, had heard this, specifically, that the king of Israel had torn his garments, he sent to him, saying: “Why have you torn your garments? Let him come to me, and let him know that there is a prophet in Israel.”2 Kings 5:8

2 Kings 5:11 And becoming angry, Naaman went away, saying: “I thought that he would have come out to me, and, standing, would have invoked the name of the Lord, his God, and that he would have touched the place of the leprosy with his hand, and so have healed me.2 Kings 5:11

2 Kings 5:22 And he said: “It is well. My lord has sent me to you, saying: ‘Just now two youths from the sons of the prophets have come to me from mount Ephraim. Give them a talent of silver, and two changes of clothing.’ ”2 Kings 5:22

2 Kings 7:4 If we choose to enter the city, we will die from the famine. And if we remain here, we also will die. Therefore, come and let us flee over to the camp of the Syrians. If they spare us, we will live. But if they choose to kill us, we will die anyway.”2 Kings 7:4

2 Kings 7:9 Then they said one to another: “We are not doing the right thing. For this is a day of good news. If we remain silent and refuse to report it until morning, we will be charged with a crime. Come, let us go and report it in the court of the king.”2 Kings 7:9

2 Kings 9:11 Then Jehu went out to the servants of his lord. And they said to him: “Is everything well? Why has this insane man come to you?” And he said to them, “You know the man, and what he said.”2 Kings 9:11

2 Kings 10:6 Then he again wrote letters to them a second time, saying: “If you are mine, and if you obey me, take the heads of the sons of your lord, and come to me at Jezreel at this same hour tomorrow.” Now the sons of the king, being seventy men, were being raised with the nobles of the city.2 Kings 10:6

2 Kings 10:19 Now therefore, summon to me all the prophets of Baal, and all his servants, and all his priests. Let no one be permitted not to come, for great is the sacrifice from me to Baal. Whoever will fail to come, he shall not live.” Now Jehu was doing this treacherously, so that he might destroy the worshippers of Baal.2 Kings 10:19

2 Kings 18:31 Do not choose to listen to Hezekiah. For thus says the king of the Assyrians: Do with me what is for your own good, and come out to me. And each one of you will eat from his own vine, and from his own fig tree. And you shall drink water from your own wells,2 Kings 18:31

2 Kings 20:14 Then the prophet Isaiah came to king Hezekiah, and said to him: “What did these men say? And from where did they come to you?” And Hezekiah said to him, “They came to me from Babylon, from a far away land.”2 Kings 20:14

Number of the word / term Come in 2 Kings: 12

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 13:2 And he said to the entire assembly of Israel: “If it pleases you, and if the words that I speak come from the Lord our God, let us send to the remainder of our brothers, in all the regions of Israel, and to the priests and Levites who live in the suburbs of the cities, so that they may gather to us.1 Chronicles 13:2

1 Chronicles 14:14 And again, David consulted God. And God said to him: “You shall not ascend after them. Draw away from them. And you shall come against them opposite the balsam trees.1 Chronicles 14:14

1 Chronicles 16:33 Then the trees of the forest will give praise before the Lord. For he comes to judge the earth.1 Chronicles 16:33

1 Chronicles 19:9 And the sons of Ammon, going out, set up a battle line before the gate of the city. But the kings who had come to their aid stood separately in the field.1 Chronicles 19:9

Number of the word / term Come in 1 Chronicles: 4

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 13:9 And you have cast out the priests of the Lord, the sons of Aaron, as well as the Levites. And like all the peoples of the lands, you have made priests for yourselves. Anyone who is willing to come and perform the ritual by his hand, with a bull from the herd and with seven rams, is made a priest of those who are not gods.2 Chronicles 13:9

2 Chronicles 18:14 Therefore, he went to the king. And the king said to him, “Micaiah, should we go to war against Ramoth Gilead, or should we be quieted?” And he responded to him: “Ascend. For everything will come to prosperity, and the enemies will be delivered into your hands.”2 Chronicles 18:14

2 Chronicles 19:6 And instructing the judges, he said: “Pay attention to what you are doing. For you exercise judgment, not of man, but of the Lord. And whatever you will have judged, it will come back to you.2 Chronicles 19:6

2 Chronicles 19:10 Every case that will come to you from your brothers, who live in their cities, between kindred and kindred, wherever there is a question concerning law, commandment, ceremonies, or justifications, reveal it to them, so that they may not sin against the Lord, and so that wrath may not overwhelm you and your brothers. Then, by acting in this way, you will not sin.2 Chronicles 19:10

2 Chronicles 20:20 And when they had risen up in the morning, they went out through the desert of Tekoa. And as they were setting out, Jehoshaphat, standing in their midst, said: “Listen to me, men of Judah and all inhabitants of Jerusalem. Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be secure. Believe in his prophets, and everything will come to prosperity.”2 Chronicles 20:20

2 Chronicles 25:10 And so, Amaziah separated the army, which had come to him from Ephraim, so that they would return to their place. But having become very angry against Judah, they returned to their own region.2 Chronicles 25:10

2 Chronicles 30:1 Also, Hezekiah sent to all of Israel and Judah. And he wrote letters to Ephraim and Manasseh, so that they would come to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, and so that they would keep the Passover to the Lord, the God of Israel.2 Chronicles 30:1

2 Chronicles 30:5 And they resolved that they would send messengers to all of Israel, from Beersheba even to Dan, so that they might come and keep the Passover to the Lord, the God of Israel, at Jerusalem. For many had not kept it, just as it was prescribed by the law.2 Chronicles 30:5

2 Chronicles 35:21 But he sent messengers to him, saying: “What is there between me and you, O king of Judah? I have not come against you today. Instead, I am fighting against another house, to which God instructed me to go promptly. Refrain from acting against God, who is with me, otherwise he may kill you.”2 Chronicles 35:21

Number of the word / term Come in 2 Chronicles: 9

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 2:17 And so I said to them: “You know the affliction in which we are, because Jerusalem is desolate, and its gates have been consumed by fire. Come, and let us rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and let us no longer be in disgrace.”Nehemiah 2:17

Nehemiah 4:21 And so let us accomplish the work. And let one half part of us hold spears, from the ascent of dawn until the stars come out.”Nehemiah 4:21

Nehemiah 6:7 you also have stationed prophets, who preach about you in Jerusalem, saying: ‘There is a king in Judea!’ But the king will hear about these words. Therefore, come now, so that we may go to counsel together.”Nehemiah 6:7

Nehemiah 6:10 And I entered into the house of Shemaiah, the son of Delaiah, the son of Mehetabel, in secret. And he said: “Let us consult together in the house of God, in the midst of the temple. And let us close the doors of the temple. For they will come to kill you, and they will arrive in the night to put you to death.”Nehemiah 6:10

Number of the word / term Come in Nehemiah: 4

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Esther

Esther 4:14 For, if you remain silent now, the Jews will be delivered through some other opportunity, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for this reason, so that you would be prepared for such a time as this?” And he entrusted her (there was no question but that it was Mordecai) to go in to the king, and to petition on behalf of her people and her native land.Esther 4:14

Esther 5:4 But she responded, “If it pleases the king, I beg you to come with me today, and Haman with you, to the feast that I have prepared.”Esther 5:4

Esther 5:8 If I have found favor in the sight of the king, and if it pleases the king to give me what I ask, and to fulfill my petition, let the king and Haman come to the feast which I have prepared for them, and tomorrow I will open my mind to the king.”Esther 5:8

Number of the word / term Come in Esther: 3

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Job

Job 1:7 The Lord said to him, “Where do you come from?” Answering, he said, “I have circled the land, and walked around in it.”Job 1:7

Job 2:2 So the Lord said to Satan, “Where do you come from?” Answering, he said, “I have circled the land, and walked around in it.”Job 2:2

Job 2:11 And so, three friends of Job, hearing about all the evil that had befallen him, arrived, each one from his own place, Eliphaz the Themanite, and Baldad the Suhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. For they had agreed to come together to visit and console him.Job 2:11

Job 6:20 They have been thrown into confusion, just as I had hoped; they have even come to me and are overwhelmed with shame.Job 6:20

Job 14:2 He comes forth like a flower, and is crushed, and he flees, as if a shadow, and never remains in the same state.Job 14:2

Job 22:28 You will decide on something, and it will come to you, and the light will shine in your ways.Job 22:28

Job 30:26 I expected good things, but evil things have come to me. I stood ready for light, yet darkness burst forth.Job 30:26

Job 36:32 Within his hands, he hides the light, and he commands it to come forth again.Job 36:32

Job 37:9 From the interior, a storm will come forth, and a cold winter from the north.Job 37:9

Job 41:21 His breath causes coal to burn, and a flame comes forth from his mouth.Job 41:21

Number of the word / term Come in Job: 10

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 35:8 Let the snare, of which he is ignorant, come upon him, and let the deception, which he has hidden, take hold of him: and may he fall into that very snare.Psalm 35:8

Psalm 37:13 But the Lord will laugh at him: for he knows in advance that his day will come.Psalm 37:13

Psalm 44:18 All these things have come upon us, yet we have not forgotten you, and we have not acted unjustly in your covenant.Psalm 44:18

Psalm 55:15 Let death come upon them, and let them descend alive into Hellfire. For there is wickedness in their dwellings, in their midst.Psalm 55:15

Psalm 58:7 They will come to nothing, like water flowing away. He has aimed his bow, while they are being weakened.Psalm 58:7

Psalm 65:2 Hear my prayer: all flesh will come to you.Psalm 65:2

Psalm 68:31 Ambassadors will come out of Egypt. Ethiopia will offer in advance her hands to God.Psalm 68:31

Psalm 81:15 The enemies of the Lord have lied to him, and their time will come, in every age.Psalm 81:15

Psalm 83:8 For even Assur comes with them. They have become the helpers of the sons of Lot.Psalm 83:8

Psalm 88:13 And I have cried out to you, O Lord, and in early morning, my prayer will come before you.Psalm 88:13

Psalm 95:1 The Praise of a Canticle, of David himself. Come, let us exult in the Lord. Let us shout joyfully to God, our Savior.Psalm 95:1

Psalm 98:9 before the presence of the Lord. For he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the whole world with justice, and the peoples with fairness.Psalm 98:9

Psalm 102:13 You will rise up and take pity on Zion, for it is time for its mercy, for the time has come.Psalm 102:13

Psalm 121:1 A Canticle in steps. I have lifted up my eyes to the mountains; from thence help will come to me.Psalm 121:1

Number of the word / term Come in Psalm: 14

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 9:4 “If anyone is little, let him come to me.” And to the unwise, she has said:Proverbs 9:4

Proverbs 24:25 Those who argue against the impious shall be praised, and a blessing shall come upon them.Proverbs 24:25

Number of the word / term Come in Proverbs: 2

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 36:16 Do not listen to Hezekiah. For the king of the Assyrians says this: Act with me to your own benefit, and come out to me. And let each one eat from his own vine, and each one from his own fig tree. And let each one drink water from his own well,Isaiah 36:16

Isaiah 39:3 Then Isaiah the prophet entered before king Hezekiah, and he said to him, “What did these men say, and from where did they come to you?” And Hezekiah said, “They came to me from a far away land, from Babylon.”Isaiah 39:3

Isaiah 47:13 You have failed in the multitude of your plans! Let the seers stand and save you, those who were contemplating the stars, and figuring the months, so that from these they might announce to you the things to come.Isaiah 47:13

Isaiah 49:12 Behold, some will come from far away, and behold, others from the north and from the sea, and still others from the land of the south.Isaiah 49:12

Isaiah 49:18 Lift up your eyes all around, and see: all these have been gathered together; they have come to you. As I live, says the Lord, you shall be clothed with all these things, as if with an ornament. And like a bride, you shall wrap these things all around you.Isaiah 49:18

Isaiah 55:1 All you who thirst, come to the waters. And you who have no money: hurry, buy and eat. Approach, buy wine and milk, without money and without barter.Isaiah 55:1

Isaiah 57:3 But come here, you sons of the prophetess, you offspring of an adulterous man and a fornicating woman.Isaiah 57:3

Number of the word / term Come in Isaiah: 7

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 3:18 In those days, the house of Judah will go to the house of Israel, and they will come from the land of the north, at the same time, to the land that I gave to your fathers.Jeremiah 3:18

Jeremiah 4:12 A full spirit from these places will come to me. And now I will speak my judgments over them.Jeremiah 4:12

Jeremiah 6:3 The pastors will come to her with their flocks. They have pitched their tents against her all around. Each one will feed those who are under his hand.Jeremiah 6:3

Jeremiah 17:15 Behold, they themselves are saying to me: ‘Where is the word of the Lord? Let it come.’Jeremiah 17:15

Jeremiah 18:18 And they said: “Come, and let us devise a plan against Jeremiah. For the law will not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor a sermon from the prophet. Come, and let us strike him with the tongue, and let us pay no attention to any of his words.”Jeremiah 18:18

Jeremiah 26:2 “Thus says the Lord: Stand in the atrium of the house of the Lord, and speak to all the cities of Judah, from which they come to adore in the house of the Lord, all the words that I have commanded you to speak to them. Do not choose to subtract any word.Jeremiah 26:2

Jeremiah 32:7 Behold, Hanamel, the son of Shallum, your cousin, will come to you, saying: ‘Buy for yourself my field, which is in Anathoth. For it is your right, as next of kin, to buy it.’Jeremiah 32:7

Jeremiah 36:14 And so, all the leaders sent Jehudi, the son of Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Cushi, to Baruch, saying, “Take in your hand the volume, from which you have read in the hearing of the people, and come.” Therefore, Baruch, the son of Neriah, took the volume in his hand, and he went to them.Jeremiah 36:14

Jeremiah 38:25 But if the leaders hear that I have spoken with you, and if they come to you, and say to you: ‘Tell us what you said to the king. Do not conceal it from us, and we will not put you to death. And tell us what the king said to you,’Jeremiah 38:25

Jeremiah 39:15 But the word of the Lord had come to Jeremiah, when he had been confined to the vestibule of the prison, saying: “Go, and speak to Ebedmelech, the Ethiopian, saying:Jeremiah 39:15

Jeremiah 40:4 Now therefore, behold, I have released you this day from the chains which were on your hands. If it pleases you to come with me into Babylon, then come. And I will set my eyes upon you. But if it displeases you to come with me into Babylon, then remain. Behold, all the land is in your sight. Whatever you will choose, and wherever it will please you to go, so shall you go, proceeding to that place.Jeremiah 40:4

Jeremiah 40:5 And you may decline to come with me. For you may live with Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, whom the king of Babylon has made governor over the cities of Judah. Therefore, you may live with him in the midst of the people. And you may go wherever it will please you to go.” And the leader of the military also gave him foods and gifts, and he released him.Jeremiah 40:5

Jeremiah 43:11 And he will come and strike the land of Egypt: those who are meant for death, shall go to death, and those for captivity, to captivity, and those for the sword, to the sword.Jeremiah 43:11

Jeremiah 46:18 As I live, says the King, whose name is the Lord of hosts, just as Tabor is among the mountains, and just as Carmel is beside the sea, so will he come.Jeremiah 46:18

Jeremiah 46:20 Egypt is like a stately and finely-formed calf. The one who will goad her will come from the north.Jeremiah 46:20

Jeremiah 46:22 Her voice will sound out like brass. For they will rush forward with an army, and with axes they will come against her, like those who chop wood.Jeremiah 46:22

Jeremiah 51:10 The Lord has brought forth our justices. Come and let us describe in Zion the work of the Lord our God.”Jeremiah 51:10

Number of the word / term Come in Jeremiah: 17

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 22:3 And you shall reveal to her all her abominations. And you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: This is the city which sheds blood in her midst, so that her time may come, and which has made idols against herself, so that she may be defiled.Ezekiel 22:3

Ezekiel 24:26 in that day, when one who is fleeing will come to you, so that he may report to you,Ezekiel 24:26

Ezekiel 30:4 And the sword will come to Egypt. And there will be dread in Ethiopia, when the wounded will have fallen in Egypt, and its multitude will have been taken away, and its foundations will have been destroyed.Ezekiel 30:4

Ezekiel 32:11 For thus says the Lord God: The sword of the king of Babylon will come to you.Ezekiel 32:11

Ezekiel 33:31 And they come to you, as if the people were entering, and my people sit before you. And they listen to your words, but they do not do them. For they turn them into a song for their mouth, but their heart pursues their own avarice.Ezekiel 33:31

Number of the word / term Come in Ezekiel: 5

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 3:2 Then king Nebuchadnezzar sent to gather together the governors, magistrates and judges, generals and sovereigns and commanders, and all the leaders of the regions, to come together for the dedication of the statue, which king Nebuchadnezzar had raised.Daniel 3:2

Daniel 3:26 Then Nebuchadnezzar approached the entrance of the furnace of burning fire, and he said, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the supreme God, come out and approach.” And immediately Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego went out from the midst of the fire.Daniel 3:26

Daniel 9:13 Just as it has been written in the law of Moses, all this evil has come upon us, and we did not entreat your face, O Lord our God, so that we might turn back from our iniquities and consider your truth.Daniel 9:13

Daniel 9:22 And he instructed me, and he spoke to me and said, “Now, Daniel, I have come forth to teach you and to help you understand.Daniel 9:22

Daniel 9:23 At the beginning of your prayers, the message came forth, yet I have come to explain it to you because you are a man who is seeking. Therefore, you must pay close attention to the message and understand the vision.Daniel 9:23

Daniel 10:14 But I have come to teach you what will happen to your people in the latter days, because the vision is for a long time from now.”Daniel 10:14

Daniel 10:20 And he said, “Do you not know why I have come to you? And next I will return, to fight against the leader of the Persians. When I was leaving, there appeared the leader of the Greeks arriving.Daniel 10:20

Daniel 11:6 And after the end of years, they will form a federation, and the daughter of the king of the South will come to the king of the North to make friendship, but she will not obtain the strength of arms, neither will her offspring stand firm, and she will be handed over, along with those who brought her, her young men, and those who comforted her in these times.Daniel 11:6

Daniel 11:7 And a transplant from the germination of her roots will stand up, and he will come with an army, and will enter into the province of the king of the North, and he will abuse them, and will hold it fast.Daniel 11:7

Daniel 11:30 And the Greek warships and the Romans will come upon him, and he will be pierced, and will retreat, and will have scorn against the testament of the sanctuary, and he will act. And he will return and will consult their adversaries, who have forsaken the covenant of the sanctuary.Daniel 11:30

Daniel 11:40 And, at the predetermined time, the king of the South will fight against him, and the king of the North will come against him like a tempest, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with a great fleet, and he will enter into the lands, and will crush and pass through.Daniel 11:40

Daniel 11:45 And he will fasten his tabernacle, Apadno, between the seas, upon an illustrious and holy mountain, and he will come even to its summit, and no one will help him.”Daniel 11:45

Daniel 12:1 “But at that time Michael will rise up, the great leader, who stands up for the sons of your people. And a time will come, such as has not been from the time that nations began, even until that time. And, at that time, your people will be saved, all who will be found written in the book.Daniel 12:1

Number of the word / term Come in Daniel: 13

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 6:1 In their tribulation, they will arise early to me. Come, let us return to the Lord.Hosea 6:1

Hosea 6:3 He will revive us after two days; on the third day he will raise us up, and we will live in his sight. We will understand, and we will continue on, so that we may know the Lord. His landing place has been prepared like the first light of morning, and he will come to us like the early and the late rains of the land.Hosea 6:3

Number of the word / term Come in Hosea: 2

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Amos

Amos 8:2 And he said, “What do you see, Amos?” And I said, “A hook to draw down fruit.” And the Lord said to me, “The end has come for my people Israel. I will no longer pass through them.”Amos 8:2

Amos 9:10 All the sinners of my people will die by the sword. They say, “Disaster will not come near us, and it will not overcome us.”Amos 9:10

Number of the word / term Come in Amos: 2

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Jonah

Jonah 1:12 And he said to them, “Take me, and cast me into the sea, and the sea will cease for you. For I know that it is because of me that this great tempest has come upon you.”Jonah 1:12

Jonah 2:7 When my soul was in anguish within me, I called to mind the Lord, so that my prayer might come to you, to your holy temple.Jonah 2:7

Number of the word / term Come in Jonah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Micah

Micah 1:9 For her wound has been in despair. For it has come even to Judah. It has touched the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem.Micah 1:9

Micah 4:8 And you, cloudy tower of the flock of the daughter of Zion, even to you it will come. And the first power will arrive, the kingdom to the daughter of Jerusalem.Micah 4:8

Micah 4:9 Now, why have you come together in grief? Is there not a king in you, or has your counselor gone away? For sorrow has overtaken you, like the pain of giving birth.Micah 4:9

Micah 5:5 And this man will be our peace, when the Assyrian will come into our land, and when he will trample on our houses; and we will raise against him seven shepherds and eight principal men.Micah 5:5

Micah 5:6 And they will graze on the land of Assur with the sword, and the land of Nimrod with its spears; and he will free us from Assur, when he will come into our land, and when he will trample our borders.Micah 5:6

Micah 7:12 In that day also, they will come towards you even from Assur, and even to the fortified cities, and from the fortified cities even to the river, and from sea to sea, and from mountain to mountain.Micah 7:12

Number of the word / term Come in Micah: 6

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Nahum

Nahum 2:13 Behold, I will come to you, says the Lord of hosts, and I will burn your chariots even to smoke, and the sword will devour your young lions. And I will exterminate your prey from the land, and the voice of your messengers shall no longer be heard.Nahum 2:13

Nahum 3:5 behold, I will come to you, says the Lord of hosts, and I will reveal your shame to your face, and I will show your nakedness to the Gentiles, and your disgrace to kingdoms.Nahum 3:5

Number of the word / term Come in Nahum: 2

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Habakkuk

Habakkuk 3:3 God will come from the south, and the Holy One from mount Pharan. His glory has covered the heavens, and the earth is full of his praise.Habakkuk 3:3

Number of the word / term Come in Habakkuk: 1

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Zephaniah

Zephaniah 2:10 This will come upon them for their arrogance, because they have blasphemed and have been magnified over the people of the Lord of hosts.Zephaniah 2:10

Number of the word / term Come in Zephaniah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 1:21 And I said, “What have these come to do?” He spoke, saying, “These are the horns that have winnowed Judah, through every single man, and none of them lifted up his head. And these have come to frighten them away, so as to cast down the horns of the Gentiles, which have lifted up a horn over the land of Judah, so as to scatter it.”Zechariah 1:21

Zechariah 9:9 Rejoice well, daughter of Zion, shout for joy, daughter of Jerusalem. Behold, your King will come to you: the Just One, the Savior. He is poor and riding upon a donkey, and upon a colt, the son of a donkey.Zechariah 9:9

Zechariah 12:9 And this shall be in that day: I will seek to crush all the Gentiles that come against Jerusalem.Zechariah 12:9

Zechariah 14:21 And every cooking pot in Jerusalem and Judah will be sanctified to the Lord of hosts. And all those who make sacrifices will come and take from them, and will cook with them. And the merchant will no longer be in the house of the Lord of hosts, in that day.Zechariah 14:21

Number of the word / term Come in Zechariah: 4

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Malachi

Malachi 4:6 And he will turn the heart of the fathers to the sons, and the heart of the sons to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with anathema.Malachi 4:6

Number of the word / term Come in Malachi: 1

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 2:2 saying: “Where is he who was born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and we have come to adore him.”Matthew 2:2

Matthew 2:8 And sending them into Bethlehem, he said: “Go and diligently ask questions about the boy. And when you have found him, report back to me, so that I, too, may come and adore him.”Matthew 2:8

Matthew 3:11 Indeed, I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who will come after me is more powerful than me. I am not worthy to carry his shoes. He will baptize you with the fire of the Holy Spirit.Matthew 3:11

Matthew 3:14 But John refused him, saying, “I ought to be baptized by you, and yet you come to me?”Matthew 3:14

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to loosen the law or the prophets. I have not come to loosen, but to fulfill.Matthew 5:17

Matthew 6:10 May your kingdom come. May your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth.Matthew 6:10

Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.Matthew 7:15

Matthew 8:7 And Jesus said to him, “I will come and heal him.”Matthew 8:7

Matthew 8:9 For I, too, am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”Matthew 8:9

Matthew 8:11 For I say to you, that many shall come from the east and the west, and they shall sit at table with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.Matthew 8:11

Matthew 8:29 And behold, they cried out, saying: “What are we to you, O Jesus, the Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the time?”Matthew 8:29

Matthew 9:13 So then, go out and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the just, but sinners.”Matthew 9:13

Matthew 9:18 As he was speaking these things to them, behold, a certain ruler approached and adored him, saying: “Lord, my daughter has recently passed away. But come and impose your hand upon her, and she will live.”Matthew 9:18

Matthew 11:3 “Are you he who is to come, or should we expect another?”Matthew 11:3

Matthew 11:14 And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah, who is to come.Matthew 11:14

Matthew 13:19 With anyone who hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, evil comes and carries away what was sown in his heart. This is he who received the seed by the side of the road.Matthew 13:19

Matthew 13:32 It is, indeed, the least of all seeds, but when it has grown, it is greater than all the plants, and it becomes a tree, so much so that the birds of the air come and dwell in its branches.”Matthew 13:32

Matthew 14:28 Then Peter responded by saying, “Lord, if it is you, order me come to you over the waters.”Matthew 14:28

Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “If anyone is willing to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.Matthew 16:24

Matthew 18:11 For the Son of man has come to save what had been lost.Matthew 18:11

Matthew 19:14 Yet truly, Jesus said to them: “Allow the little children to come to me, and do not choose to prohibit them. For the kingdom of heaven is among such as these.”Matthew 19:14

Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him: “If you are willing to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and then you will have treasure in heaven. And come, follow me.”Matthew 19:21

Matthew 20:28 even as the Son of man has not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a redemption for many.”Matthew 20:28

Matthew 21:5 “Tell the daughter of Zion: Behold, your king comes to you meekly, sitting on a donkey and on a colt, the son of one accustomed to the yoke.”Matthew 21:5

Matthew 21:9 And the crowds that preceded him, and those that followed, cried out, saying: “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!”Matthew 21:9

Matthew 21:38 But the farmers, seeing the son, said among themselves: ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and then we will have his inheritance.’Matthew 21:38

Matthew 22:3 And he sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding. But they were not willing to come.Matthew 22:3

Matthew 22:4 Again, he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell the invited: Behold, I have prepared my meal. My bulls and fatlings have been killed, and all is ready. Come to the wedding.’Matthew 22:4

Matthew 23:39 For I say to you, you shall not see me again, until you say: ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ”Matthew 23:39

Matthew 24:5 For many will come in my name saying, ‘I am the Christ.’ And they will lead many astray.Matthew 24:5

Matthew 26:60 And they did not find any, even though many false witnesses had come forward. Then, at the very end, two false witnesses came forward,Matthew 26:60

Matthew 27:49 Yet truly, the others said, “Wait. Let us see whether Elijah will come to free him.”Matthew 27:49

Matthew 27:64 Therefore, order the sepulcher to be guarded until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples may come and steal him, and say to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead.’ And this last error would be worse than the first.”Matthew 27:64

Matthew 28:6 He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where the Lord was placed.Matthew 28:6

Number of the word / term Come in Matthew: 34

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Mark

Mark 1:7 And he preached, saying: “One stronger than me comes after me. I am not worthy to reach down and loosen the laces of his shoes.Mark 1:7

Mark 1:24 saying: “What are we to you, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: the Holy One of God.”Mark 1:24

Mark 4:15 Now there are those who are along the way, where the word is sown. And when they have heard it, Satan quickly comes and takes away the word, which was sown in their hearts.Mark 4:15

Mark 5:23 And he beseeched him greatly, saying: “For my daughter is near the end. Come and lay your hand on her, so that she may be healthy and may live.”Mark 5:23

Mark 10:14 But when Jesus saw this, he took offense, and he said to them: “Allow the little ones to come to me, and do not prohibit them. For of such as these is the kingdom of God.Mark 10:14

Mark 10:21 Then Jesus, gazing at him, loved him, and he said to him: “One thing is lacking to you. Go, sell whatever you have, and give to the poor, and then you will have treasure in heaven. And come, follow me.”Mark 10:21

Mark 10:45 So, too, the Son of man has not come so that they would minister to him, but so that he would minister and would give his life as a redemption for many.”Mark 10:45

Mark 12:7 But the settlers said one to another: ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him. And then the inheritance will be ours.’Mark 12:7

Mark 12:9 Therefore, what will the lord of the vineyard do?” “He will come and destroy the settlers. And he will give the vineyard to others.”Mark 12:9

Mark 13:6 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘For I am he,’ and they will lead many astray.Mark 13:6

Mark 15:36 Then one of them, running and filling a sponge with vinegar, and placing it around a reed, gave it to him to drink, saying: “Wait. Let us see if Elijah will come to take him down.”Mark 15:36

Number of the word / term Come in Mark: 11

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Luke

Luke 1:43 And how does this concern me, so that the mother of my Lord would come to me?Luke 1:43

Luke 4:34 saying: “Let us alone. What are we to you, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know you who you are: the Holy One of God.”Luke 4:34

Luke 5:7 And they signaled to their associates, who were in the other boat, so that they would come and help them. And they came and filled both boats, so that they were nearly submerged.Luke 5:7

Luke 5:17 And it happened, on a certain day, that he again sat down, teaching. And there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting nearby, who had come from every town of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was present, to heal them.Luke 5:17

Luke 5:32 I have not come to call the just, but sinners to repentance.”Luke 5:32

Luke 5:35 But the days will come when the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast, in those days.”Luke 5:35

Luke 6:18 who had come so that they might listen to him and be healed of their diseases. And those who were troubled by unclean spirits were cured.Luke 6:18

Luke 6:47 Anyone who comes to me, and listens to my words, and does them: I will reveal to you what he is like.Luke 6:47

Luke 7:3 And when he had heard about Jesus, he sent elders of the Jews to him, petitioning him, so that he would come and heal his servant.Luke 7:3

Luke 7:4 And when they had come to Jesus, they petitioned him anxiously, saying to him: “He is worthy that you should provide this to him.Luke 7:4

Luke 7:7 Because of this, I also did not consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant shall be healed.Luke 7:7

Luke 7:8 For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”Luke 7:8

Luke 7:19 And John called two of his disciples, and he sent them to Jesus, saying, “Are you he who is to come, or should we wait for another?”Luke 7:19

Luke 7:20 But when the men had come to him, they said: “John the Baptist has sent us to you, saying: ‘Are you he who is to come, or should we wait for another?’ ”Luke 7:20

Luke 8:12 And those beside the way are those who hear it, but then the devil comes and takes the word from their heart, lest by believing it they may be saved.Luke 8:12

Luke 9:23 Then he said to everyone: “If anyone is willing to come after me: let him deny himself, and take up his cross every day, and follow me.Luke 9:23

Luke 11:2 And he said to them: “When you are praying, say: Father, may your name be kept holy. May your kingdom come.Luke 11:2

Luke 12:49 I have come to cast a fire upon the earth. And what should I desire, except that it may be kindled?Luke 12:49

Luke 12:51 Do you think that I have come to give peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division.Luke 12:51

Luke 13:14 Then, as a result, the ruler of the synagogue became angry that Jesus had cured on the Sabbath, and he said to the crowd: “There are six days on which you ought to work. Therefore, come and be cured on those, and not on the day of the Sabbath.”Luke 13:14

Luke 14:17 And he sent his servant, at the hour of the feast, to tell the invited to come; for now everything was ready.Luke 14:17

Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to me, and does not hate his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, and yes, even his own life, he is not able to be my disciple.Luke 14:26

Luke 14:27 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after me, is not able to be my disciple.Luke 14:27

Luke 14:31 Or, what king, advancing to engage in war against another king, would not first sit down and consider whether he may be able, with ten thousand, to meet one who comes against him with twenty thousand?Luke 14:31

Luke 16:28 so that he may testify to them, lest they also come into this place of torments.’Luke 16:28

Luke 17:1 And he said to his disciples: “It is impossible for scandals not to occur. But woe to him through whom they come!Luke 17:1

Luke 17:22 And he said to his disciples: “The time will come when you will desire to see one day of the Son of man, and you will not see it.Luke 17:22

Luke 18:16 But Jesus, calling them together, said: “Allow the children to come to me, and do not be an obstacle to them. For of such is the kingdom of God.Luke 18:16

Luke 18:22 And when Jesus heard this, he said to him: “One thing is still lacking for you. Sell all the things that you have, and give to the poor. And then you will have treasure in heaven. And come, follow me.”Luke 18:22

Luke 18:30 who will not receive much more in this time, and in the age to come eternal life.”Luke 18:30

Luke 19:9 Jesus said to him: “Today, salvation has come to this house; because of this, he too is a son of Abraham.Luke 19:9

Luke 19:10 For the Son of man has come to seek and to save what had been lost.”Luke 19:10

Luke 20:16 “He will come and destroy those settlers, and he will give the vineyard to others.” And upon hearing this, they said to him, “Let it not be.”Luke 20:16

Luke 21:8 And he said: “Be cautious, lest you be seduced. For many will come in my name, saying: ‘For I am he,’ and, ‘The time has drawn near.’ And so, do not choose to go after them.Luke 21:8

Luke 22:52 Then Jesus said to the leaders of the priests, and the magistrates of the temple, and the elders, who had come to him: “Have you gone out, as if against a thief, with swords and clubs?Luke 22:52

Luke 23:42 And he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”Luke 23:42

Luke 23:55 Now the women who had come with him from Galilee, by following, saw the tomb and the manner in which his body was placed.Luke 23:55

Number of the word / term Come in Luke: 37

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book John

John 1:15 John offers testimony about him, and he cries out, saying: “This is the one about whom I said: ‘He who is to come after me, has been placed ahead of me, because he existed before me.’ ”John 1:15

John 1:27 The same is he who is to come after me, who has been placed ahead of me, the laces of whose shoes I am not worthy to loosen.”John 1:27

John 1:31 And I did not know him. Yet it is for this reason that I come baptizing with water: so that he may be made manifest in Israel.”John 1:31

John 3:8 The Spirit inspires where he wills. And you hear his voice, but you do not know where he comes from, or where he is going. So it is with all who are born of the Spirit.”John 3:8

John 3:19 And this is the judgment: that the Light has come into the world, and men loved darkness more than light. For their works were evil.John 3:19

John 3:31 He who comes from above, is above everything. He who is from below, is of the earth, and he speaks about the earth. He who comes from heaven is above everything.John 3:31

John 4:15 The woman said to him, “Lord, give me this water, so that I may not thirst and may not come here to draw water.”John 4:15

John 4:40 Therefore, when the Samaritans had come to him, they petitioned him to lodge there. And he lodged there for two days.John 4:40

John 4:47 Since he had heard that Jesus came to Galilee from Judea, he sent to him and begged him to come down and heal his son. For he was beginning to die.John 4:47

John 4:49 The ruler said to him, “Lord, come down before my son dies.”John 4:49

John 5:40 And you are not willing to come to me, so that you may have life.John 5:40

John 5:43 I have come in the name of my Father, and you do not accept me. If another will arrive in his own name, him you will accept.John 5:43

John 6:14 Therefore, those men, when they had seen that Jesus had accomplished a sign, they said, “Truly, this one is the Prophet who is to come into the world.”John 6:14

John 6:15 And so, when he realized that they were going to come and take him away and make him king, Jesus fled back to the mountain, by himself alone.John 6:15

John 6:25 And when they had found him across the sea, they said to him, “Rabbi, when did you come here?”John 6:25

John 6:35 Then Jesus said to them: “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.John 6:35

John 6:37 All that the Father gives to me shall come to me. And whoever comes to me, I will not cast out.John 6:37

John 6:44 No one is able to come to me, unless the Father, who has sent me, has drawn him. And I will raise him up on the last day.John 6:44

John 6:45 It has been written in the Prophets: ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has listened and learned from the Father comes to me.John 6:45

John 6:65 And so he said, “For this reason, I said to you that no one is able to come to me, unless it has been given to him by my Father.”John 6:65

John 7:6 Therefore, Jesus said to them: “My time has not yet come; but your time is always at hand.John 7:6

John 7:30 Therefore, they were seeking to apprehend him, and yet no one laid hands on him, because his hour had not yet come.John 7:30

John 7:37 Then, on the last great day of the feast, Jesus was standing and crying out, saying: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink:John 7:37

John 7:41 Others were saying, “He is the Christ.” Yet certain ones were saying: “Does the Christ come from Galilee?John 7:41

John 7:42 Does Scripture not say that the Christ comes from the offspring of David and from Bethlehem, the town where David was?”John 7:42

John 8:20 Jesus spoke these words at the treasury, while teaching in the temple. And no one apprehended him, because his hour had not yet come.John 8:20

John 8:42 Then Jesus said to them: “If God were your father, certainly you would love me. For I proceeded and came from God. For I did not come from myself, but he sent me.John 8:42

John 10:8 All others, as many as have come, are thieves and robbers, and the sheep did not listen to them.John 10:8

John 10:10 The thief does not come, except so that he may steal and slaughter and destroy. I have come so that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.John 10:10

John 11:19 And many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary, so as to console them over their brother.John 11:19

John 11:27 She said to him: “Certainly, Lord. I have believed that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God, who has come into this world.”John 11:27

John 11:34 And he said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to him, “Lord, come and see.”John 11:34

John 11:43 When he had said these things, he cried in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out.”John 11:43

John 11:45 Therefore, many of the Jews, who had come to Mary and Martha, and who had seen the things that Jesus did, believed in him.John 11:45

John 11:48 If we leave him alone, in this way all will believe in him. And then the Romans will come and take away our place and our nation.”John 11:48

John 11:56 Therefore, they were seeking Jesus. And they conferred with one another, while standing in the temple: “What do you think? Will he come to the feast day?”John 11:56

John 12:12 Then, on the next day, the great crowd that had come to the feast day, when they had heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,John 12:12

John 12:47 And if anyone has heard my words and not kept them, I do not judge him. For I did not come so that I may judge the world, but so that I may save the world.John 12:47

John 14:6 Jesus said to him: “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.John 14:6

John 14:23 Jesus responded and said to him: “If anyone loves me, he shall keep my word. And my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and we will make our dwelling place with him.John 14:23

John 15:22 If I had not come and had not spoken to them, they would not have sin. But now they have no excuse for their sin.John 15:22

John 16:7 But I tell you the truth: it is expedient for you that I am going. For if I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you. But when I will have gone away, I will send him to you.John 16:7

John 16:13 But when the Spirit of truth has arrived, he will teach the whole truth to you. For he will not be speaking from himself. Instead, whatever he will hear, he will speak. And he will announce to you the things that are to come.John 16:13

John 16:28 I went forth from the Father, and I have come into the world. Next I am leaving the world, and I am going to the Father.”John 16:28

Number of the word / term Come in John: 44

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Acts

Acts 8:16 For he had not yet come to any among them, since they were only baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.Acts 8:16

Acts 16:37 But Paul said to them: “They have beaten us publicly, though we were not condemned. They have cast men who are Romans into prison. And now they would drive us away secretly? Not so. Instead, let them come forward,Acts 16:37

Acts 17:15 Then those who were leading Paul brought him as far as Athens. And having received an order from him to Silas and Timothy, that they should come to him quickly, they set out.Acts 17:15

Acts 19:4 Then Paul said: “John baptized the people with the baptism of repentance, saying that they should believe in the One who is to come after him, that is, in Jesus.”Acts 19:4

Acts 20:18 And when they had come to him and were together, he said to them: “You know that from the first day when I entered into Asia, I have been with you, for the entire time, in this manner:Acts 20:18

Acts 21:11 And he, when he had come to us, took Paul’s belt, and binding his own feet and hands, he said: “Thus says the Holy Spirit: The man whose belt this is, the Jews will bind in this way at Jerusalem. And they will deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.”Acts 21:11

Acts 22:14 But he said: ‘The God of our fathers has preordained you, so that you would come to know his will and would see the Just One, and would hear the voice from his mouth.Acts 22:14

Acts 24:8 ordering his accusers to come to you. From them, you yourself will be able, by judging about all these things, to understand the reason that we accuse him.”Acts 24:8

Acts 25:7 And when he had been brought, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood around him, throwing out many serious accusations, none of which they were able to prove.Acts 25:7

Number of the word / term Come in Acts: 9

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Romans

Romans 1:10 always in my prayers, pleading that in some way, at some time, I may have a prosperous journey, within the will of God, to come to you.Romans 1:10

Romans 1:13 But I want you to know, brothers, that I have often intended to come to you, (though I have been hindered even to the present time) so that I might obtain some fruit among you also, just as also among the other Gentiles.Romans 1:13

Romans 5:14 Yet death reigned from Adam until Moses, even in those who have not sinned, in the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a figure of him who was to come.Romans 5:14

Romans 15:23 Yet truly now, having no other destination in these regions, and having already had a great desire to come to you over the past many years,Romans 15:23

Romans 15:29 And I know that when I come to you I shall arrive with an abundance of the blessings of the Gospel of Christ.Romans 15:29

Romans 15:32 So may I come to you with joy, through the will of God, and so may I be refreshed with you.Romans 15:32

Number of the word / term Come in Romans: 6

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 14:6 But now, brothers, if I were to come to you speaking in tongues, how would it benefit you, unless instead I speak to you in revelation, or in knowledge, or in prophecy, or in doctrine?1 Corinthians 14:6

1 Corinthians 16:11 Therefore, let no one despise him. Instead, lead him on his way in peace, so that he may come to me. For I am awaiting him with the brothers.1 Corinthians 16:11

Number of the word / term Come in 1 Corinthians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 1:15 And with this confidence, I wanted to come to you sooner, so that you might have a second grace,2 Corinthians 1:15

2 Corinthians 12:14 Behold, this is the third time I have prepared to come to you, and yet I will not be a burden to you. For I am seeking not the things that are yours, but you yourselves. And neither should the children store up for the parents, but the parents for the children.2 Corinthians 12:14

Number of the word / term Come in 2 Corinthians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Colossians

Colossians 4:10 Aristarchus, my fellow prisoner, greets you, as does Mark, the near cousin of Barnabas, about whom you have received instructions, (if he comes to you, receive him)Colossians 4:10

Number of the word / term Come in Colossians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 2:18 For we wanted to come to you, (indeed, I, Paul, attempted to do so once, and then again,) but Satan impeded us.1 Thessalonians 2:18

Number of the word / term Come in 1 Thessalonians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 3:14 I am writing these things to you, with the hope that I will come to you soon.1 Timothy 3:14

Number of the word / term Come in 1 Timothy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 10:9 then I said, ‘Behold, I have come to do your will, O God,’ ” he takes away the first, so that he may establish what follows.Hebrews 10:9

Hebrews 10:37 “For, in a little while, and somewhat longer, he who is to come will return, and he will not delay.Hebrews 10:37

Number of the word / term Come in Hebrews: 2

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book James

James 4:1 Where do wars and contentions among you come from? Is it not from this: from your own desires, which battle within your members?James 4:1

James 5:1 Act now, you who are wealthy! Weep and wail in your miseries, which will soon come upon you!James 5:1

Number of the word / term Come in James: 2

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book 2 John

2 John 1:10 If anyone comes to you, and does not bring this doctrine, do not be willing to receive him into the house, and do not speak a greeting to him.2 John 1:10

Number of the word / term Come in 2 John: 1

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book 3 John

3 John 1:10 Because of this, when I come, I will admonish his works which he does, babbling against us with malicious words. And as if this were not sufficient for him, he himself does not receive the brothers. And those who do receive them, he hinders, and he ejects them from the church.3 John 1:10

Number of the word / term Come in 3 John: 1

Bible passages with ‘Come’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 1:4 John, to the seven Churches, which are in Asia. Grace and peace to you, from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are in the sight of his throne,Revelation 1:4

Revelation 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.Revelation 1:8

Revelation 2:5 And so, call to mind the place from which you have fallen, and do penance, and do the first works. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.Revelation 2:5

Revelation 2:16 So do penance to the same extent. If you do less, I will come to you quickly and I will fight against these ones with the sword of my mouth.Revelation 2:16

Revelation 3:3 Therefore, keep in mind the way that you have received and heard, and then observe it and repent. But if you will not be vigilant, I will come to you like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you.Revelation 3:3

Revelation 4:8 And each of the four living creatures had upon them six wings, and all around and within they are full of eyes. And they took no rest, day or night, from saying: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come.”Revelation 4:8

Revelation 7:13 And one of the elders responded and said to me: “These ones who are clothed in white robes, who are they? And where did they come from?”Revelation 7:13

Revelation 7:14 And I said to him, “My lord, you know.” And he said to me: “These are the ones who have come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and have made them white by the blood of the Lamb.Revelation 7:14

Revelation 11:17 “We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, who is, and who was, and who is to come. For you have taken your great power, and you have reigned.Revelation 11:17

Revelation 22:20 He who offers testimony to these things, says: “Even now, I am approaching quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.Revelation 22:20

Number of the word / term ‘Come’ in Revelation: 10

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 391

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