Our Little Concordance

‘Canticle’ in the Bible – All 57 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Canticle’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Canticle’ occurs 57 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Canticle’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 31:19 And so, write this canticle now, and teach it to the sons of Israel, so that they may retain it in memory, and may chant it by mouth, and so that this verse may be a testimony to me among the sons of Israel.Deuteronomy 31:19

Deuteronomy 31:21 And after many evils and afflictions have overwhelmed them, this canticle will answer them as a testimony; it shall never pass into oblivion, away from the mouths of their offspring. For I know their thoughts and what they are about to do today, even before I lead them into the land which I have promised to them.”Deuteronomy 31:21

Deuteronomy 31:22 Therefore, Moses wrote the canticle, and he taught it to the sons of Israel.Deuteronomy 31:22

Deuteronomy 31:30 Thus did Moses speak, in the hearing of the entire assembly of Israel, the words of this canticle, and he completed it to its very end.Deuteronomy 31:30

Deuteronomy 32:44 Therefore, Moses went and spoke all the words of this canticle to the ears of the people, both he and Joshua, the son of Nun.Deuteronomy 32:44

Number of the word / term Canticle in Deuteronomy: 5

Bible passages with ‘Canticle’ in the book Judges

Judges 5:12 Rise up, rise up, O Deborah! Rise up, rise up, and speak a canticle! Rise up, Barak, and seize your captives, O son of Abinoam.Judges 5:12

Number of the word / term Canticle in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Canticle’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 12:36 And his brothers, Shemaiah, and Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethanel, and Judah, and Hanani, went forth with the canticles of David, the man of God. And Ezra, the scribe, was before them at the fountain gate.Nehemiah 12:36

Number of the word / term Canticle in Nehemiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Canticle’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 18:1 Unto the end. For David, the servant of the Lord, who spoke the words of this canticle to the Lord, in the day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. And he said: I will love you, O Lord my strength.Psalm 18:1

Psalm 30:1 A Canticle Psalm. In dedication to the house of David. I will extol you, Lord, for you have sustained me, and you have not allowed my enemies to delight over me.Psalm 30:1

Psalm 39:1 Unto the end. For Jeduthun himself. A Canticle of David. I said, “I will keep to my ways, so that I will not offend with my tongue.” I posted a guard at my mouth, when a sinner took up a position against me.Psalm 39:1

Psalm 40:3 And he sent a new canticle into my mouth, a song to our God. Many will see, and they will fear; and they will hope in the Lord.Psalm 40:3

Psalm 42:8 In the daylight, the Lord has ordered his mercy; and in the night, a canticle to him. With me is a prayer to the God of my life.Psalm 42:8

Psalm 45:1 Unto the end. For those who will be changed. To the sons of Korah, toward understanding. A Canticle for the Beloved. My heart has uttered a good word. I speak of my works to the king. My tongue is like the pen of a scribe who writes quickly.Psalm 45:1

Psalm 48:1 A Canticle Psalm. To the sons of Korah, on the second Sabbath. The Lord is great and exceedingly praiseworthy, in the city of our God, on his holy mountain.Psalm 48:1

Psalm 65:1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David. A Canticle of Jeremiah and Ezekiel to the people of the captivity, when they began to go into exile. O God, a hymn adorns you in Zion, and a vow will be repaid to you in Jerusalem.Psalm 65:1

Psalm 66:1 Unto the end. A Canticle Psalm of the Resurrection. Shout joyfully to God, all the earth.Psalm 66:1

Psalm 67:1 Unto the end. With hymns, a Canticle Psalm of David. May God have mercy on us and bless us. May he shine his countenance upon us, and may he have mercy on us.Psalm 67:1

Psalm 68:1 Unto the end. A Canticle Psalm of David himself. May God rise up, and may his enemies be scattered, and may those who hate him flee from before his face.Psalm 68:1

Psalm 69:30 I will praise the name of God with a canticle, and I will magnify him with praise.Psalm 69:30

Psalm 75:1 Unto the end. May you not be corrupted. A Canticle Psalm of Asaph. We will confess to you, O God. We will confess, and we will call upon your name. We will describe your wonders.Psalm 75:1

Psalm 76:1 Unto the end. With Praises. A Psalm of Asaph. A Canticle to the Assyrians. In Judea, God is known. In Israel, his name is great.Psalm 76:1

Psalm 83:1 A Canticle Psalm of Asaph. O God, who will ever be like you? Do not be silent, and do not be unmoved, O God.Psalm 83:1

Psalm 87:1 A Canticle Psalm to the sons of Korah. Its foundations are in the holy mountains:Psalm 87:1

Psalm 88:1 A Canticle Psalm to the sons of Korah. Unto the end. For Mahalath, to answer the understanding of Heman the Ezrahite. O Lord, God of my salvation: I have cried out, day and night, in your presence.Psalm 88:1

Psalm 91:1 The Praise of a Canticle, of David. Whoever dwells with the assistance of the Most High will abide in the protection of the God of heaven.Psalm 91:1

Psalm 92:1 A Canticle Psalm. On the day of the Sabbath. It is good to confess to the Lord and to sing psalms to your name, O Most High:Psalm 92:1

Psalm 92:3 upon the ten strings, upon the psaltery, with a canticle, upon stringed instruments.Psalm 92:3

Psalm 93:1 The Praise of a Canticle, of David himself. In the time before the Sabbath, when the earth was founded. The Lord has reigned. He has been clothed with beauty. The Lord has been clothed with strength, and he has girded himself. Yet he has also confirmed the world, which will not be moved.Psalm 93:1

Psalm 95:1 The Praise of a Canticle, of David himself. Come, let us exult in the Lord. Let us shout joyfully to God, our Savior.Psalm 95:1

Psalm 96:1 A Canticle of David himself, when the house was built after the captivity. Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing to the Lord, all the earth.Psalm 96:1

Psalm 108:1 A Canticle Psalm, of David himself. My heart is prepared, O God, my heart is prepared. I will sing songs, and I will sing psalms in my glory.Psalm 108:1

Psalm 120:1 A Canticle in steps. When troubled, I cried out to the Lord, and he heard me.Psalm 120:1

Psalm 121:1 A Canticle in steps. I have lifted up my eyes to the mountains; from thence help will come to me.Psalm 121:1

Psalm 122:1 A Canticle in steps. I rejoiced in the things that were said to me: “We shall go into the house of the Lord.”Psalm 122:1

Psalm 123:1 A Canticle in steps. I have lifted up my eyes to you, who dwells in the heavens.Psalm 123:1

Psalm 124:1 A Canticle in steps. If the Lord had not been with us, let Israel now say it:Psalm 124:1

Psalm 125:1 A Canticle in steps. Those who trust in the Lord will be like the mountain of Zion. He will not be disturbed for eternity, who dwellsPsalm 125:1

Psalm 126:1 A Canticle in steps. When the Lord turned back the captivity of Zion, we became like those who are consoled.Psalm 126:1

Psalm 127:1 A Canticle in steps: of Solomon. Unless the Lord has built the house, those who build it have labored in vain. Unless the Lord has guarded the city, he who guards it watches in vain.Psalm 127:1

Psalm 128:1 A Canticle in steps. Blessed are all those who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways.Psalm 128:1

Psalm 129:1 A Canticle in steps. They have often fought against me from my youth, let Israel now say:Psalm 129:1

Psalm 130:1 A Canticle in steps. From the depths, I have cried out to you, O Lord.Psalm 130:1

Psalm 131:1 A Canticle in steps: of David. O Lord, my heart has not been exalted, and my eyes have not been raised up. Neither have I walked in greatness, nor in wonders beyond me.Psalm 131:1

Psalm 132:1 A Canticle in steps. O Lord, remember David and all his meekness,Psalm 132:1

Psalm 133:1 A Canticle in steps: of David. Behold, how good and how pleasing it is for brothers to dwell in unity.Psalm 133:1

Psalm 134:1 A Canticle in steps. Behold, bless the Lord now, all you servants of the Lord, who stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God.Psalm 134:1

Number of the word / term Canticle in Psalm: 39

Bible passages with ‘Canticle’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 5:1 I will sing to my beloved the canticle of my paternal cousin, about his vineyard. A vineyard was made for my beloved, at the horn in the son of oil.Isaiah 5:1

Isaiah 23:15 And this shall be in that day: you, O Tyre, will be forgotten for seventy years, like the days of one king. Then, after seventy years, there will be, for Tyre, something like the canticle of a harlot.Isaiah 23:15

Isaiah 23:16 Take up a stringed instrument. Circulate through the city, you harlot who had been forgotten. Sing many canticles well, so that you may be remembered.Isaiah 23:16

Isaiah 26:1 In that day, this canticle will be sung in the land of Judah. Within it will be set the city of our strength: Zion, a savior, a wall with a bulwark.Isaiah 26:1

Isaiah 42:10 Sing to the Lord a new canticle, sing his praise from the ends of the earth, you who descend into the sea and all its fullness, the islands and their inhabitants.Isaiah 42:10

Number of the word / term Canticle in Isaiah: 5

Bible passages with ‘Canticle’ in the book Amos

Amos 5:23 Take away from me the tumult of your songs, and I will not listen to the canticles of your lyre.Amos 5:23

Number of the word / term Canticle in Amos: 1

Bible passages with ‘Canticle’ in the book Ephesians

Ephesians 5:19 speaking among yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual canticles, singing and reciting psalms to the Lord in your hearts,Ephesians 5:19

Number of the word / term Canticle in Ephesians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Canticle’ in the book Colossians

Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ live in you in abundance, with all wisdom, teaching and correcting one another, with psalms, hymns, and spiritual canticles, singing to God with the grace in your hearts.Colossians 3:16

Number of the word / term Canticle in Colossians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Canticle’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 5:9 And they were singing a new canticle, saying: “O Lord, you are worthy to receive the book and to open its seals, because you were slain and have redeemed us for God, by your blood, from every tribe and language and people and nation.Revelation 5:9

Revelation 14:3 And they were singing what seemed like a new canticle before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. And no one was able to recite the canticle, except those one hundred and forty-four thousand, who were redeemed from the earth.Revelation 14:3

Revelation 15:3 and singing the canticle of Moses, the servant of God, and the canticle of the Lamb, saying: “Great and wondrous are your works, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of all ages.Revelation 15:3

Number of the word / term ‘Canticle’ in Revelation: 3

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 57

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