Our Little Concordance

‘Brothers’ in the Bible – All 519 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Brothers’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Brothers’ occurs 519 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 9:22 Because of this, when Ham, the father of Canaan, had indeed seen the privates of his father to be naked, he reported it to his two brothers outside.Genesis 9:22

Genesis 9:25 he said, “Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants will he be to his brothers.”Genesis 9:25

Genesis 13:8 Therefore, Abram said to Lot: “I ask you, let there be no quarrel between me and you, and between my shepherds and your shepherds. For we are brothers.Genesis 13:8

Genesis 16:12 He will be a wild man. His hand will be against all, and all hands will be against him. And he will pitch his tents away from the region of all his brothers.”Genesis 16:12

Genesis 19:7 “Do not, I ask you, my brothers, do not be willing to commit this evil.Genesis 19:7

Genesis 24:53 And bringing forth vessels of silver and gold, as well as garments, he gave them to Rebekah as a tribute. Likewise, he offered gifts to her brothers and her mother.Genesis 24:53

Genesis 24:55 And her brothers and mother responded, “Let the girl remain for at least ten days with us, and after that, she will continue on.”Genesis 24:55

Genesis 25:18 Now he had lived from Havilah as far as Shur, which overlooks Egypt as it approaches the Assyrians. He passed away in the sight of all his brothers.Genesis 25:18

Genesis 27:29 And may the peoples serve you, and may the tribes reverence you. May you be the lord of your brothers, and may your mother’s sons bow down before you. Whoever curses you, may he be cursed, and whoever blesses you, may he be filled with blessings.”Genesis 27:29

Genesis 27:37 Isaac answered: “I have appointed him as your lord, and I have subjugated all his brothers as his servants. I have reinforced him with grain and wine, and after this, my son, what more shall I do for you?”Genesis 27:37

Genesis 31:23 And taking his brothers with him, he pursued him for seven days. And he overtook him at Mount Gilead.Genesis 31:23

Genesis 31:25 And now Jacob had pitched his tent at the mountain. And when he, with his brothers, had overtaken him, he set his tent at the same place at Mount Gilead.Genesis 31:25

Genesis 31:32 But, since you accuse me of theft, with whomever you will find your gods, let him be slain in the sight of our brothers. Search; anything of yours that you will find with me, take it away.” Now when he said this, he did not know that Rachel had stolen the idols.Genesis 31:32

Genesis 31:37 and searched all the items of my house? What have you found from all the substance of your house? Place it here before my brothers, and your brothers, and let them judge between me and you.Genesis 31:37

Genesis 31:46 And he said to his brothers, “Bring stones.” And they, gathering together stones, made a tomb, and they ate upon it.Genesis 31:46

Genesis 31:54 And after he had immolated sacrifices on the mountain, he called his brothers to eat bread. And when they had eaten, they lodged there.Genesis 31:54

Genesis 34:11 And Shechem even said to her father and to her brothers: “May I find favor in your sight, and whatever you will appoint, I will give.Genesis 34:11

Genesis 34:25 And behold, on the third day, when the pain of the wound was greatest, two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, the brothers of Dinah, boldly entered the city with swords. And they put to death all of the males.Genesis 34:25

Genesis 37:2 And these are his generations. Joseph, when he was sixteen years old, was pasturing the flock with his brothers, when he was still a boy. And he was with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah, the wives of his father. And he accused his brothers to their father of a most sinful crime.Genesis 37:2

Genesis 37:4 Then his brothers, seeing that he was loved by his father more than all his other sons, hated him, and they were not able to say anything peacefully to him.Genesis 37:4

Genesis 37:5 Then it also happened that he recounted the vision of a dream to his brothers, for which reason a greater hatred began to be nurtured.Genesis 37:5

Genesis 37:8 His brothers responded: “Would you be our king? Or will we be subject to your dominion?” Therefore, this matter of his dreams and words provided kindling to their envy and hatred.Genesis 37:8

Genesis 37:9 Likewise, he saw another dream, which he explained to his brothers, saying, “I saw by a dream, as if the sun, and the moon, and eleven stars were reverencing me.”Genesis 37:9

Genesis 37:10 And when he had related this to his father and brothers, his father rebuked him, and he said: “What does it mean to you, this dream that you have seen? Should I, and your mother, and your brothers reverence you upon the earth?”Genesis 37:10

Genesis 37:11 Therefore, his brothers were envious of him. Yet truly, his father considered the matter silently.Genesis 37:11

Genesis 37:12 And while his brothers were lodging at Shechem, pasturing their father’s flocks,Genesis 37:12

Genesis 37:13 Israel said to him: “Your brothers are pasturing the sheep at Shechem. Come, I will send you to them.” And when he answered,Genesis 37:13

Genesis 37:14 “I am ready,” he said to him, “Go, and see if everything is prospering with your brothers and the cattle, and report to me what is happening.” So, having been sent from the valley of Hebron, he arrived at Shechem.Genesis 37:14

Genesis 37:16 So he responded: “I seek my brothers. Tell me where they pasture the flocks.”Genesis 37:16

Genesis 37:17 And the man said to him: “They have withdrawn from this place. But I heard them saying, ‘Let us go to Dothan.’ ” Therefore, Joseph continued on after his brothers, and he found them at Dothan.Genesis 37:17

Genesis 37:23 And so, as soon as he came to his brothers, they very quickly stripped him of his tunic, which was ankle-length and woven of many colors,Genesis 37:23

Genesis 37:26 Therefore, Judah said to his brothers: “What will it profit us, if we kill our brother and conceal his blood?Genesis 37:26

Genesis 37:27 It is better that he be sold to the Ishmaelites, and then our hands will not be defiled. For he is our brother and our flesh.” His brothers agreed to his words.Genesis 37:27

Genesis 37:30 And rending his garments, he went to his brothers and said, “The boy is not present, and so where shall I go?”Genesis 37:30

Genesis 38:1 About the same time, Judah, descending from his brothers, turned toward an Adullamite man, named Hirah.Genesis 38:1

Genesis 38:11 Because of this matter, Judah said to his daughter-in-law Tamar, “Be a widow in your father’s house, until my son Shelah grows up.” For he was afraid, lest he also might die, just as his brothers did. She went away, and she lived in her father’s house.Genesis 38:11

Genesis 42:3 And so, when ten brothers of Joseph went down to buy grain in Egypt,Genesis 42:3

Genesis 42:4 Benjamin was kept at home by Jacob, who said to his brothers, “Lest perhaps he may suffer harm on the journey.”Genesis 42:4

Genesis 42:6 And Joseph was governor in the land of Egypt, and grain was sold under his direction to the people. And when his brothers had reverenced himGenesis 42:6

Genesis 42:8 And although he knew his brothers, he was not known by them.Genesis 42:8

Genesis 42:13 But they said: “We, your servants, are twelve brothers, the sons of one man in the land of Canaan. The youngest is with our father; the other is not living.”Genesis 42:13

Genesis 42:19 If you are peaceful, let one of your brothers be bound in prison. Then you may go away and carry the grain that you have bought to your houses.Genesis 42:19

Genesis 42:28 and he said to his brothers: “My money has returned to me. See, it is held in the sack.” And they were astonished and troubled, and they said to one another, “What is this that God has done to us?”Genesis 42:28

Genesis 42:32 We are twelve brothers conceived of one father. One is not living; the youngest is with our father in the land of Canaan.’Genesis 42:32

Genesis 42:33 And he said to us: ‘Thus will I prove that you are peaceful. Release one of your brothers to me, and take necessary provisions for your houses, and go away,Genesis 42:33

Genesis 43:32 And when it was set out, separately for Joseph, and separately for his brothers, likewise separately for the Egyptians, who ate at the same time, (for it is unlawful for Egyptians to eat with Hebrews, and they consider feasting in this way to be profane)Genesis 43:32

Genesis 44:14 And Judah, first among his brothers, entered to Joseph (for he had not yet departed from the place) and together they all fell down before him to the ground.Genesis 44:14

Genesis 44:33 And so I, your servant, will remain in place of the boy, in ministry to my lord, and then let the boy go up with his brothers.Genesis 44:33

Genesis 45:3 And he said to his brothers: “I am Joseph. Is my father still alive?” His brothers were unable to respond, being terrified by a very great fear.Genesis 45:3

Genesis 45:15 And Joseph kissed all his brothers, and he cried over each one. After this, they were emboldened to speak to him.Genesis 45:15

Genesis 45:16 And it was overheard, and the news spread by word throughout the king’s court. The brothers of Joseph had arrived, and Pharaoh was gladdened along with all his family.Genesis 45:16

Genesis 45:17 And he told Joseph that he should command his brothers, saying: “ ‘Burden your beasts, and go into the land of Canaan,Genesis 45:17

Genesis 45:24 Thus he sent away his brothers, and as they set out he said, “Do not become angry on the way.”Genesis 45:24

Genesis 46:31 And he said to his brothers and to all his father’s house: “I will go up and report to Pharaoh, and I will say to him: ‘My brothers, and my father’s house, who were in the land of Canaan, have come to me.Genesis 46:31

Genesis 47:1 And so Joseph entered and reported to Pharaoh, saying: “My father and brothers, their sheep and herds, and everything that they possess, have arrived from the land of Canaan. And behold, they stand together in the land of Goshen.”Genesis 47:1

Genesis 47:2 Likewise, he stood in the sight of the king five men, the last of his brothers.Genesis 47:2

Genesis 47:5 And so the king said to Joseph: “Your father and brothers have come to you.Genesis 47:5

Genesis 47:11 Truly, Joseph gave his father and brothers a possession in Egypt, in the best place of the land, in Rameses, as Pharaoh had instructed.Genesis 47:11

Genesis 48:6 But the remainder, whom you will conceive after them, will be yours, and they will be called by the name of their brothers among their possessions.Genesis 48:6

Genesis 48:22 I give you one part beyond that of your brothers, which I took from the hand of the Amorite with my sword and my bow.”Genesis 48:22

Genesis 49:5 The brothers Simeon and Levi: vessels of iniquity waging war.Genesis 49:5

Genesis 49:8 Judah, your brothers will praise you. Your hand will be at the necks of your enemies; the sons of your father will reverence you.Genesis 49:8

Genesis 49:26 The blessings of your father are strengthened by the blessings of his fathers, until the desire of the hills of eternity shall arrive. May they be at the head of Joseph, and at the summit of the Nazarite, among his brothers.Genesis 49:26

Genesis 50:8 and the house of Joseph with his brothers, except their little ones and flocks and also the herds, which they left behind in the land of Goshen.Genesis 50:8

Genesis 50:14 And Joseph returned into Egypt with his brothers and all those of his company, having buried his father.Genesis 50:14

Genesis 50:15 Now that he was dead, his brothers were afraid, and they said to one another: “Perhaps now he may remember the injury that he suffered and requite us for all the evil that we did to him.”Genesis 50:15

Genesis 50:17 that we should say these words to you from him: ‘I beg you to forget the wickedness of your brothers, and the sin and malice that they practiced against you.’ Likewise, we petition you to release the servants of the God of your father from this iniquity.” Hearing this, Joseph wept.Genesis 50:17

Genesis 50:18 And his brothers went to him. And reverencing prostrate on the ground, they said, “We are your servants.”Genesis 50:18

Genesis 50:24 After these things happened, he said to his brothers: “God will visit you after my death, and he will make you ascend from this land into the land which he swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”Genesis 50:24

Number of the word / term Brothers in Genesis: 69

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 1:6 When he had died, along with all of his brothers and all of that generation,Exodus 1:6

Exodus 2:11 In those days, after Moses had grown up, he went out to his brothers. And he saw their affliction and an Egyptian man striking a certain one of the Hebrews, his brothers.Exodus 2:11

Exodus 4:18 Moses went forth, and he returned to Jethro, his father in law, and he said to him, “I shall go and return to my brothers in Egypt, so that I may see if they are still alive.” And Jethro said to him, “Go in peace.”Exodus 4:18

Number of the word / term Brothers in Exodus: 3

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 10:4 Then Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel, the paternal uncle of Aaron, and he said to them, “Go and take your brothers from the sight of the Sanctuary, and carry them beyond the camp.”Leviticus 10:4

Leviticus 10:6 And Moses said to Aaron, and to his sons, Eleazar and Ithamar: “Do not uncover your heads, and do not rend your garments, lest perhaps you may die, and indignation may rise up over the entire assembly. Let your brothers, and all the house of Israel, bewail the burning that the Lord has kindled.Leviticus 10:6

Leviticus 21:10 The high priest, that is, the priest who is the greatest among his brothers, upon whose head the oil of anointing has been poured, and whose hands have been consecrated for the priesthood, and who has been vested with the holy vestments: he shall not expose his head; he shall not rend his vestments.Leviticus 21:10

Leviticus 25:46 and, by the right of inheritance, you shall transmit them to your posterity, and you shall possess them forever. But do not oppress your brothers, the sons of Israel, by power.Leviticus 25:46

Leviticus 25:48 after the sale, he is able to be redeemed. Whoever is willing among his brothers shall redeem him:Leviticus 25:48

Leviticus 26:37 And they will each fall upon their brothers, as if they were fleeing from wars; no one among you will dare to resist your foes.Leviticus 26:37

Number of the word / term Brothers in Leviticus: 6

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 8:26 And they shall be the ministers of their brothers in the tabernacle of the covenant, in order to care for the things that have been commended to them, but not to perform the works themselves. So shall you assign the Levites in their duties.”Numbers 8:26

Numbers 16:10 Was the reason that he caused you and all your brothers, the sons of Levi, to approach him, so that you would even claim for yourselves the priesthood too,Numbers 16:10

Numbers 18:2 But take to yourselves also your brothers from the tribe of Levi, and the scepter of your father, and may they be prepared, and may they minister to you. Then you and your sons shall minister in the tabernacle of the testimony.Numbers 18:2

Numbers 18:6 I have given your brothers, the Levites, to you from the midst of the sons of Israel, and I have delivered them as a gift to the Lord, in order to serve in the ministries of his tabernacle.Numbers 18:6

Numbers 20:3 And as it turned into sedition, they said: “If only we had perished among our brothers in the sight of the Lord.Numbers 20:3

Numbers 25:6 And behold, one of the sons of Israel entered, in the sight of his brothers, to a prostitute of Midian, within view of Moses and of all the crowd of the sons of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle.Numbers 25:6

Numbers 27:9 If he has no daughter, his brothers shall succeed him.Numbers 27:9

Numbers 27:10 But if there were also no brothers, you shall give the inheritance to the brothers of his father.Numbers 27:10

Numbers 32:6 And Moses answered them: “Should your brothers go to battle, while you sit here?Numbers 32:6

Number of the word / term Brothers in Numbers: 9

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 2:4 And instruct the people, saying: You shall cross through the borders of your brothers, the sons of Esau, who live at Seir, and they will fear you.Deuteronomy 2:4

Deuteronomy 2:8 And when we had passed through our brothers, the sons of Esau, who were living at Seir by the way of the plain from Elath and from Eziongeber, we arrived at the way which leads to the desert of Moab.Deuteronomy 2:8

Deuteronomy 3:18 And I instructed you at that time, saying: ‘The Lord your God gives to you this land as an inheritance. Having armed yourselves, go before your brothers, the sons of Israel, all you strong men.Deuteronomy 3:18

Deuteronomy 3:20 until the Lord provides rest to your brothers, just as he has provided for you. And they, too, shall possess the land, which he will give to them beyond the Jordan. Then each one shall return to his possession, which I have allotted to you.’Deuteronomy 3:20

Deuteronomy 10:9 As a result, Levi has no portion or possession with his brothers. For the Lord himself is his possession, just as the Lord your God promised him.Deuteronomy 10:9

Deuteronomy 15:7 If one of your brothers, who dwells within the gates of your city, in the land which the Lord your God will give to you, falls into poverty, you shall not harden your heart, nor tighten your hand.Deuteronomy 15:7

Deuteronomy 17:15 you shall appoint him whom the Lord your God will choose from among the number of your brothers. You cannot make a man of another people king, one who is not your brother.Deuteronomy 17:15

Deuteronomy 17:20 And so may his heart not become exalted with arrogance over his brothers, nor turn aside to the right or to the left, so that he and his sons may reign for a long time over Israel.”Deuteronomy 17:20

Deuteronomy 18:2 And they shall receive nothing else from the possession of their brothers. For the Lord himself is their inheritance, just as he said to them.Deuteronomy 18:2

Deuteronomy 18:7 he shall minister in the name of the Lord his God, as do all his brothers, the Levites, who will be standing at that time in the sight of the Lord.Deuteronomy 18:7

Deuteronomy 18:15 The Lord your God will raise up for you a PROPHET from your nation and from your brothers, similar to me. You shall listen to him,Deuteronomy 18:15

Deuteronomy 18:18 I will raise up a prophet for them, from the midst of their brothers, similar to you. And I will place my words in his mouth, and he will speak to them all the things that I will instruct him.Deuteronomy 18:18

Deuteronomy 20:8 After these things have been declared, they shall add the remainder, and shall say to the people: ‘What man is there who is overwhelmed by fear and is fainthearted? Let him go, and return to his house, lest he cause the hearts of his brothers to fear, just as he himself has been thoroughly stricken with fear.’Deuteronomy 20:8

Deuteronomy 25:5 When brothers are living together, and one of them dies without children, the wife of the deceased shall not marry another. Instead, his brother shall take her, and he shall raise up offspring for his brother.Deuteronomy 25:5

Deuteronomy 33:9 He has said to his father and to his mother, ‘I do not know you,’ and to his brothers, ‘I will disregard you.’ And they have not known their own sons. Such as these have kept your word and have observed your covenant:Deuteronomy 33:9

Deuteronomy 33:16 and from the fruits of the earth with all its plenitude. May the blessing of him who appeared in the bush, settle upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of the Nazarite among his brothers.Deuteronomy 33:16

Deuteronomy 33:24 Likewise, to Asher he said: “Let Asher be blessed with sons. Let him be pleasing to his brothers, and let him dip his foot in oil.Deuteronomy 33:24

Number of the word / term Brothers in Deuteronomy: 17

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 1:14 Your wives and sons, as well as the cattle, shall remain in the land which Moses delivered to you beyond the Jordan. But as for you, pass over with weapons, before your brothers, all you who are strong of hand, and fight on their behalf,Joshua 1:14

Joshua 1:15 until the Lord gives rest to your brothers, just as he has given to you, and until they also possess the land, which the Lord your God will give to them. And so shall you be returned to the land of your possession. And you shall live in the land, which Moses, the servant of the Lord, gave to you beyond the Jordan, opposite the rising of the sun.”Joshua 1:15

Joshua 2:13 that you will save my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all that is theirs, and that you may rescue our souls from death.”Joshua 2:13

Joshua 2:18 if, when we enter into the land, this scarlet cord has been placed as a sign, and you have tied it at the window by which you let us down. And so, gather your father, and mother, and brothers, and all your family into your house.Joshua 2:18

Joshua 6:23 And the youths entered, and they led out Rahab, and her parents, also her brothers, and all her goods and kindred, and they caused them to dwell outside the camp.Joshua 6:23

Joshua 14:3 For to the two and one half tribes, Moses had given a possession beyond the Jordan, aside from the Levites, who received no land among their brothers.Joshua 14:3

Joshua 14:8 But my brothers, who had ascended with me, broke the heart of the people. And I nevertheless followed the Lord my God.Joshua 14:8

Joshua 17:4 And they went before the sight of Eleazar, the priest, and Joshua, the son of Nun, and the leaders, saying: “The Lord instructed by the hand of Moses that a possession ought to be given to us, in the midst of our brothers.” And so, he gave to them, in accord with the order of the Lord, a possession in the midst of the brothers of their father.Joshua 17:4

Joshua 22:3 Neither have you forsaken your brothers during this long time, even to the present day, keeping the orders of the Lord your God.Joshua 22:3

Joshua 22:4 Therefore, since the Lord your God has given your brothers peace and quiet, just as he promised: return, and go into your tents and into the land of your possession, which Moses, the servant of the Lord, delivered to you beyond the Jordan.Joshua 22:4

Joshua 22:7 Now to the one half tribe of Manasseh, Moses had given a possession in Bashan. And therefore, to the one half that was left over, Joshua gave a lot among the remainder of their brothers across the Jordan, in the western region. And when he had blessed them and dismissed them to their tents,Joshua 22:7

Joshua 22:8 he said to them: “Return to your settlements with much substance and wealth, with silver and gold, brass and iron, and a multitude of garments. Divide the spoils of your enemies with your brothers.”Joshua 22:8

Number of the word / term Brothers in Joshua: 12

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Judges

Judges 4:11 Now Heber, the Kenite, had previously withdrawn from the rest of the Kenites, his brothers, the sons of Hobab, the relative of Moses. And he had pitched his tents as far as the valley that is called Zaanannim, which was near Kedesh.Judges 4:11

Judges 8:19 He answered them: “They were my brothers, the sons of my mother. As the Lord lives, if you had preserved them, I would not kill you.”Judges 8:19

Judges 9:1 Now Abimelech, the son of Jerubbaal, went to Shechem, to his maternal brothers, and he spoke to them, and to all the relatives of the house of his maternal grandfather, saying:Judges 9:1

Judges 9:3 And his maternal brothers spoke about him to all the men of Shechem, all these words, and they inclined their hearts after Abimelech, saying, “He is our brother.”Judges 9:3

Judges 9:5 And he went to his father’s house in Ophrah, and he killed his brothers, the sons of Jerubbaal, seventy men, upon one stone. And there remained only Joatham, the youngest son of Jerubbaal, and he was in hiding.Judges 9:5

Judges 9:26 Now Gaal, the son of Ebed, went with his brothers, and crossed over to Shechem. And the inhabitants of Shechem, uplifted by his arrival,Judges 9:26

Judges 9:31 And he sent messengers secretly to Abimelech, saying: “Behold, Gaal, the son of Ebed, has arrived at Shechem with his brothers, and he has set the city against you.Judges 9:31

Judges 9:56 And so did God repay the evil that Abimelech had done against his father by killing his seventy brothers.Judges 9:56

Judges 14:3 And his father and mother said to him, “Is there not a woman among the daughters of your brothers, or among all my people, so that you would be willing to take a wife from the Philistines, who are uncircumcised?” And Samson said to his father: “Take this woman to me. For she has pleased my eyes.”Judges 14:3

Judges 16:31 Then his brothers and all his relatives, going down, took his body, and they buried it between Zorah and Eshtaol, in the burying place of his father, Manoah. And he judged Israel for twenty years.Judges 16:31

Judges 18:8 And they returned to their brothers at Zorah and Eshtaol, who questioned them as to what they had done. And they responded:Judges 18:8

Judges 18:14 the five men, who before had been sent to consider the land of Laish, said to the rest of their brothers: “You know that in these houses there is an ephod and theraphim, and a molten idol and a graven image. Consider what it may please you to do.”Judges 18:14

Judges 19:23 And the old man went out to them, and he said: “Do not choose, brothers, do not choose to do this evil. For this man has entered to my hospitality. And you must cease from this senselessness.Judges 19:23

Judges 20:13 Deliver the men of Gibeah, who have perpetrated this deplorable act, so that they may die, and so that the evil may be taken away from Israel.” And they were not willing to listen to the command of their brothers, the sons of Israel.Judges 20:13

Judges 20:23 But first they also went up and wept before the Lord, even until night. And they consulted him and said, “Should I continue to go forth, so as to contend against the sons of Benjamin, my brothers, or not?” And he responded to them, “Ascend against them, and undertake the struggle.”Judges 20:23

Judges 20:28 And Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, was the first ruler of the house. And so, they consulted the Lord, and they said, “Should we continue to go forth in battle against the sons of Benjamin, our brothers, or should we cease?” And the Lord said to them: “Ascend. For tomorrow, I will deliver them into your hands.”Judges 20:28

Judges 21:22 And when their fathers and brothers arrive, and they begin to complain against you and to argue, we will say to them: ‘Take pity on them. For they have not seized them by right of war or conquest. Instead, begging to receive them, you did not give them, and so the sin was on your part.’ ”Judges 21:22

Number of the word / term Brothers in Judges: 17

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 16:13 Therefore, Samuel took the horn of oil, and he anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the Lord was guiding David from that day and thereafter. And Samuel rose up, and he went away to Ramah.1 Samuel 16:13

1 Samuel 17:17 Now Jesse said to his son David: “Take, for your brothers, an ephah of cooked grain, and these ten loaves, and hurry to the camp, to your brothers.1 Samuel 17:17

1 Samuel 17:18 And you shall carry these ten little cheeses to the tribune. And visit your brothers, to see if they are doing well. And learn with whom they have been stationed.”1 Samuel 17:18

1 Samuel 17:22 Then, leaving the items that he had brought under the hand of the keeper of baggage, David ran to the place of the conflict. And he was asking if all was going well with his brothers.1 Samuel 17:22

1 Samuel 20:29 and he said: ‘Permit me. For there is a solemn sacrifice in the city. One of my brothers has summoned me. Now therefore, if I have found favor in your eyes, I will go quickly, and I will see my brothers.’ For this reason, he has not come to the table of the king.”1 Samuel 20:29

1 Samuel 22:1 Then David went away from there, and he fled to the cave of Adullam. And when his brothers and all of his father’s house had heard of it, they descended to him there.1 Samuel 22:1

1 Samuel 25:6 And you shall say: ‘Peace be to my brothers and to you, and peace to your house, and peace to whatever you have.1 Samuel 25:6

1 Samuel 30:23 But David said: “You shall not do this, my brothers, with these things that the Lord has delivered to us, for he has preserved us, and he has given into our hands the robbers who broke out among us.1 Samuel 30:23

Number of the word / term Brothers in 1 Samuel: 8

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 2:27 And Joab said: “As the Lord lives, if you had spoken in the morning, the people would have withdrawn from pursuing their brothers.”2 Samuel 2:27

2 Samuel 3:8 “Why did you enter to the concubine of my father?” But he, being exceedingly angry at the words of Ishbosheth, said: “Am I the head of a dog against Judah this day? I have shown mercy to the house of Saul, your father, and to his brothers and friends. And I have not delivered you into the hands of David. And yet today you have sought me, so that you might rebuke me over a woman?2 Samuel 3:8

2 Samuel 15:20 You arrived yesterday. And today should you be compelled to go away with us? For I should go to the place where I am going. But you should return, and lead your own brothers back with you. And the Lord will show mercy and truth to you, because you have shown grace and faith.”2 Samuel 15:20

2 Samuel 19:12 You are my brothers; you are my bone and my flesh. Why are you the last to lead back the king?’2 Samuel 19:12

2 Samuel 19:41 And so, all the men of Israel, running to the king, said to him: “Why have our brothers, the men of Judah, stolen you away. And why have they led the king and his house across the Jordan, and all the men of David with him?”2 Samuel 19:41

Number of the word / term Brothers in 2 Samuel: 5

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 1:9 Then Adonijah, having immolated rams and calves and every kind of fat cattle beside the Stone of the Serpent, which was in the vicinity of the fountain Rogel, summoned all his brothers, the sons of the king, and all the men of Judah, the servants of the king.1 Kings 1:9

1 Kings 12:24 ‘Thus says the Lord: You shall not go up, and you shall not make war against your brothers, the sons of Israel. Let each man return to his own house. For this word came from me.’ ” And they listened to the word of the Lord, and they returned from the journey, as the Lord had instructed them.1 Kings 12:24

Number of the word / term Brothers in 1 Kings: 2

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 9:2 And when you arrive in that place, you will see Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi. And upon entering, you shall raise him up from the midst of his brothers, and you shall lead him into an inner room.2 Kings 9:2

2 Kings 10:13 he found the brothers of Ahaziah, the king of Judah, and he said to them, “Who are you?” And they responded, “We are the brothers of Ahaziah, and we are going down to greet the sons of the king, and the sons of the queen.”2 Kings 10:13

2 Kings 23:9 Yet truly, the priests of the high places did not ascend to the altar of the Lord in Jerusalem. For they would only eat from the unleavened bread in the midst of their brothers.2 Kings 23:9

Number of the word / term Brothers in 2 Kings: 3

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 4:9 But Jabez was renown, more so than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “For I bore him in sorrow.”1 Chronicles 4:9

1 Chronicles 4:27 The sons of Shimei were sixteen, and there were six daughters. But his brothers did not have many sons, and the entire kindred was not equal to the sum of the sons of Judah.1 Chronicles 4:27

1 Chronicles 5:2 Moreover, Judah, who was strongest among his brothers, from his stock leaders sprung up, but the right of firstborn was reputed to Joseph.1 Chronicles 5:2

1 Chronicles 5:7 Now his brothers and all his kindred, when they were being numbered according to their families, had as leaders Jeiel and Zechariah.1 Chronicles 5:7

1 Chronicles 5:13 Truly, their brothers, according to the houses of their kindred, were: Michael, and Meshullam, and Sheba, and Jorai, and Jacan, and Zia, and Eber, seven.1 Chronicles 5:13

1 Chronicles 5:15 along with their brothers, the sons of Abdiel, the son of Guni, the leader of the house, in their families,1 Chronicles 5:15

1 Chronicles 6:44 Now the sons of Merari, their brothers, were on the left: Ethan, the son of Kishi, the son of Abdi, the son of Malluch,1 Chronicles 6:44

1 Chronicles 6:48 There were also their brothers, Levites who were appointed for every ministry of the tabernacle of the house of the Lord.1 Chronicles 6:48

1 Chronicles 7:5 Also, their brothers, throughout all the kindred of Issachar, were numbered as eighty-seven thousand, very fit for battle.1 Chronicles 7:5

1 Chronicles 7:22 And so their father, Ephraim, mourned for many days; and his brothers arrived, so that they might console him.1 Chronicles 7:22

1 Chronicles 8:32 And Mikloth conceived Shimeah. And they lived opposite their brothers in Jerusalem, with their brothers.1 Chronicles 8:32

1 Chronicles 9:6 Then from the sons of Zerah: Jeuel, and their brothers, six hundred ninety.1 Chronicles 9:6

1 Chronicles 9:9 and their brothers according to their families, nine hundred fifty-six. All these were leaders of their kindred, according to the houses of their fathers.1 Chronicles 9:9

1 Chronicles 9:13 and also their brothers, leaders according to their families, one thousand seven hundred sixty, very strong experience men, for the work of the ministry in the house of God.1 Chronicles 9:13

1 Chronicles 9:19 Truly, Shallum, the son of Kore, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, with his brothers and his father’s house, these Korahites, were over the works of the ministry of keeping the vestibules of the tabernacle. And their families, in turns, were keepers of the entrance to the camp of the Lord.1 Chronicles 9:19

1 Chronicles 9:25 Now their brothers were staying in the villages, and they arrived on their Sabbaths, from time to time.1 Chronicles 9:25

1 Chronicles 9:32 Now some of the sons of Kohath, their brothers, were over the bread of the presence, so that they might continually prepare it new for each Sabbath.1 Chronicles 9:32

1 Chronicles 9:38 Then Mikloth conceived Shimeam. These lived opposite their brothers in Jerusalem, with their brothers.1 Chronicles 9:38

1 Chronicles 12:2 bending the bow, and using either hand in casting stones with slings, and shooting arrows. From the brothers of Saul, out of Benjamin:1 Chronicles 12:2

1 Chronicles 12:29 and from the sons of Benjamin, brothers of Saul, three thousand, for still a great part of them were following the house of Saul.1 Chronicles 12:29

1 Chronicles 12:39 And they were in that place with David for three days, eating and drinking. For their brothers had made preparations for them.1 Chronicles 12:39

1 Chronicles 13:2 And he said to the entire assembly of Israel: “If it pleases you, and if the words that I speak come from the Lord our God, let us send to the remainder of our brothers, in all the regions of Israel, and to the priests and Levites who live in the suburbs of the cities, so that they may gather to us.1 Chronicles 13:2

1 Chronicles 15:5 From the sons of Kohath, Uriel was the leader, and his brothers were one hundred twenty.1 Chronicles 15:5

1 Chronicles 15:6 From the sons of Merari: Asaiah was the leader, and his brothers were two hundred twenty.1 Chronicles 15:6

1 Chronicles 15:7 From the sons of Gershom: Joel was the leader, and his brothers were one hundred thirty.1 Chronicles 15:7

1 Chronicles 15:8 From the sons of Elizaphan: Shemaiah was the leader, and his brothers were two hundred.1 Chronicles 15:8

1 Chronicles 15:9 From the sons of Hebron: Eliel was the leader, and his brothers were eighty.1 Chronicles 15:9

1 Chronicles 15:10 From the sons of Uzziel: Amminadab was the leader, and his brothers were one hundred twelve.1 Chronicles 15:10

1 Chronicles 15:12 And he said to them: “You who are the leaders of the Levitical families, be sanctified with your brothers, and bring the ark of the Lord God of Israel to the place that has been prepared for it.1 Chronicles 15:12

1 Chronicles 15:16 And David spoke to the leaders of the Levites, so that they might appoint, from their brothers, singers with musical instruments, specifically, psalteries, and harps, and cymbals, so that a joyful noise might resound on high.1 Chronicles 15:16

1 Chronicles 15:17 And they appointed from the Levites: Heman, the son of Joel; and from his brothers, Asaph, the son of Berechiah; and truly, from their brothers, the sons of Merari: Ethan, the son of Kushaiah.1 Chronicles 15:17

1 Chronicles 15:18 And with them were their brothers in the second rank: Zechariah, and Ben, and Jaaziel, and Shemiramoth, and Jahiel, and Unni, and Eliab, and Benaiah, and Maaseiah, and Mattithiah, and Eliphelehu, and Mikneiah, and Obededom, and Jeiel, who were gatekeepers.1 Chronicles 15:18

1 Chronicles 16:7 In that day, David made Asaph the leader, in order to confess to the Lord with his brothers:1 Chronicles 16:7

1 Chronicles 16:37 And so, there before the ark of the covenant of the Lord, he left Asaph and his brothers, so that they might minister in the sight of the ark continually, throughout each day, and in their turns.1 Chronicles 16:37

1 Chronicles 16:38 Now Obededom and his brothers were sixty-eight. And he appointed Obededom, the son of Jeduthun, and Hosah to be porters.1 Chronicles 16:38

1 Chronicles 16:39 But Zadok the priest, and his brothers the priests, were before the tabernacle of the Lord in the high place, which was in Gibeon,1 Chronicles 16:39

1 Chronicles 23:22 Then Eleazar died, and had no sons, but only daughters. And so the sons of Kish, their brothers, married them.1 Chronicles 23:22

1 Chronicles 23:32 And let them keep the observances of the tabernacle of the covenant, and the rituals of the sanctuary, and the observance of the sons of Aaron, their brothers, so that they may minister in the house of the Lord.1 Chronicles 23:32

1 Chronicles 24:31 And they also cast lots concerning their brothers, the sons of Aaron, before David the king, and Zadok, and Ahimelech, and the leaders of the priestly and Levitical families, as much concerning the elder as the younger. The lot divided all things equitably.1 Chronicles 24:31

1 Chronicles 25:7 Now the number of these, with their brothers, who were instructing in the song of the Lord, all the teachers, were two hundred eighty-eight.1 Chronicles 25:7

1 Chronicles 25:9 And the first lot went forth to Joseph, who was of Asaph; the second went forth to Gedaliah, to him and his sons and his brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:9

1 Chronicles 25:10 The third went to Zaccur, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:10

1 Chronicles 25:11 The fourth went to Izri, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:11

1 Chronicles 25:12 The fifth went to Nethaniah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:12

1 Chronicles 25:13 The sixth went to Bukkiah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:13

1 Chronicles 25:14 The seventh went to Jesharelah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:14

1 Chronicles 25:15 The eighth went to Jeshaiah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:15

1 Chronicles 25:16 The ninth went to Mattaniah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:16

1 Chronicles 25:17 The tenth went to Shimei, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:17

1 Chronicles 25:18 The eleventh went to Azarel, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:18

1 Chronicles 25:19 The twelfth went to Hashabiah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:19

1 Chronicles 25:20 The thirteenth went to Shubael, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:20

1 Chronicles 25:21 The fourteenth went to Mattithiah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:21

1 Chronicles 25:22 The fifteenth went to Jeremoth, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:22

1 Chronicles 25:23 The sixteenth went to Hananiah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:23

1 Chronicles 25:24 The seventeenth went to Joshbekashah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:24

1 Chronicles 25:25 The eighteenth went to Hanani, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:25

1 Chronicles 25:26 The nineteenth went to Mallothi, to his sons and his brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:26

1 Chronicles 25:27 The twentieth went to Eliathah, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:27

1 Chronicles 25:28 The twenty-first went to Hothir, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:28

1 Chronicles 25:29 The twenty-second went to Giddalti, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:29

1 Chronicles 25:30 The twenty-third went to Mahazioth, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:30

1 Chronicles 25:31 The twenty-fourth went to Romamtiezer, to his sons and brothers, twelve.1 Chronicles 25:31

1 Chronicles 26:7 Then the sons of Shemaiah were Othni, and Rephael, and Obed, Elzabad and his brothers, very strong men, as well as Elihu and Semachiah.1 Chronicles 26:7

1 Chronicles 26:8 All these were from the sons of Obededom: they and their sons and brothers, very fit for the ministry, sixty-two from Obededom.1 Chronicles 26:8

1 Chronicles 26:9 Then there were the sons of Meshelemiah and their brothers, very robust men, eighteen.1 Chronicles 26:9

1 Chronicles 26:11 Hilkiah the second, Tebaliah the third, Zechariah the fourth. All these, the sons and brothers of Hosah, were thirteen.1 Chronicles 26:11

1 Chronicles 26:12 These were distributed as porters, so that the leaders of the posts, as well as their brothers, were ministering continually in the house of the Lord.1 Chronicles 26:12

1 Chronicles 26:22 The sons of Jehieli: Zetham and Joel; his brothers were over the treasuries of the house of the Lord,1 Chronicles 26:22

1 Chronicles 26:25 along with his brothers, Eliezer, and his son Rehabiah, and his son Jeshaiah, and his son Joram, and also his son Zichri, and his son Shelomoth.1 Chronicles 26:25

1 Chronicles 26:26 The same Shelomoth and his brothers were over the treasuries of the holy things, which king David sanctified, with the leaders of the families, and the tribunes, and the centurions, and the commanders of the army.1 Chronicles 26:26

1 Chronicles 26:28 Now all these things were sanctified by Samuel, the seer, and by Saul, the son of Kish, and by Abner, the son of Ner, and by Joab, the son of Zeruiah. All those who had sanctified these were under the hand of Shelomoth and his brothers.1 Chronicles 26:28

1 Chronicles 26:30 Now from the Hebronites, Hashabiah and his brothers, one thousand seven hundred very strong men, were in charge of Israel across the Jordan toward the west, in all the works of the Lord, and in the ministry of the king.1 Chronicles 26:30

1 Chronicles 26:32 And his brothers of a mature age were two thousand seven hundred leaders of families. Then king David placed them in charge of the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the one half tribe of Manasseh, in all of the ministries of God and of the king.1 Chronicles 26:32

1 Chronicles 28:2 And when the king had risen up and was standing, he said: “Listen to me, my brothers and my people. I thought that I would build a house, in which the ark of the covenant of the Lord, the footstool of our God, might rest. And so I prepared everything for its building.1 Chronicles 28:2

Number of the word / term Brothers in 1 Chronicles: 75

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 5:12 with both the Levites and the singing men, that is, those who were under Asaph, and those who were under Heman, and those who were under Jeduthun, with their sons and brothers, clothed in fine linen, sounded out with cymbals, and psalteries, and harps, standing toward the eastern side of the altar. And with them were one hundred twenty priests, sounding out with trumpets.2 Chronicles 5:12

2 Chronicles 11:4 Thus says the Lord: You shall not ascend and fight against your brothers. Let each one return to his own house. For it is by my will that this has happened.” And when they had heard the word of the Lord, they turned back, and they did not continue on against Jeroboam.2 Chronicles 11:4

2 Chronicles 11:22 Truly, he appointed as the head, Abijah, the son of Maacah, to be the ruler over all his brothers. For he thought to make him king,2 Chronicles 11:22

2 Chronicles 19:10 Every case that will come to you from your brothers, who live in their cities, between kindred and kindred, wherever there is a question concerning law, commandment, ceremonies, or justifications, reveal it to them, so that they may not sin against the Lord, and so that wrath may not overwhelm you and your brothers. Then, by acting in this way, you will not sin.2 Chronicles 19:10

2 Chronicles 21:2 And he had brothers, sons of Jehoshaphat: Azariah, and Jehiel, and Zechariah, and Azariah, and Michael, and Shephatiah. All these were sons of Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah.2 Chronicles 21:2

2 Chronicles 21:4 Therefore, Jehoram rose up over the kingdom of his father. And when he had established himself, he killed with the sword all his brothers, and certain ones from the leaders of Israel.2 Chronicles 21:4

2 Chronicles 21:13 but instead you have advanced along the paths of the kings of Israel, and you have caused Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to fornicate, imitating the fornication of the house of Ahab, and moreover, you have killed your brothers, the house of your father, who are better than you:2 Chronicles 21:13

2 Chronicles 22:8 Therefore, when Jehu was overthrowing the house of Ahab, he found the leaders of Judah, with the sons of the brothers of Ahaziah, who were ministering to him, and he put them to death.2 Chronicles 22:8

2 Chronicles 28:8 And the sons of Israel seized, from their brothers, two hundred thousand women, boys, and girls, and immense plunder. And they took it away to Samaria.2 Chronicles 28:8

2 Chronicles 28:11 But listen to my counsel, and release the captives, whom you have brought from your brothers. For a great fury of the Lord is hanging over you.”2 Chronicles 28:11

2 Chronicles 28:15 And the men, whom we mentioned above, rose up and took the captives. All those who were naked, they clothed from the spoils. And when they had clothed them, and had given them shoes, and had refreshed them with food and drink, and had anointed them because of the hardship, and had cared for them, whoever was not able to walk and whoever was feeble in body, they set them upon beasts of burden, and they led them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers, and they themselves returned to Samaria.2 Chronicles 28:15

2 Chronicles 29:15 And they gathered together their brothers. And they were sanctified. And they entered in accord with the command of the king and the order of the Lord, so that they might expiate the house of God.2 Chronicles 29:15

2 Chronicles 29:34 Truly, the priests were few; neither were they sufficient to remove the pelts from the holocausts. Therefore, the Levites, their brothers, also assisted them, until the work was completed, and the priests, who were of higher rank, were sanctified. For indeed, the Levites are sanctified with an easier ritual than the priests.2 Chronicles 29:34

2 Chronicles 30:7 Do not choose to be like your fathers and brothers, who withdrew from the Lord, the God of their fathers. And so he delivered them over to destruction, as you yourselves discern.2 Chronicles 30:7

2 Chronicles 30:9 For if you will return to the Lord, your brothers and sons will find mercy before their masters, who led them away as captives, and they will be returned to this land. For the Lord your God is compassionate and lenient, and he will not avert his face from you, if you will return to him.”2 Chronicles 30:9

2 Chronicles 31:15 And under his charge were Eden, and Benjamin, Jeshua, and Shemaiah, and also Amariah, and Shecaniah, in the cities of the priests, so that they would distribute faithfully to their brothers, the small as well as the great, their portions2 Chronicles 31:15

2 Chronicles 35:6 And having been sanctified, immolate the Passover. And then prepare your brothers, so that they may be able to act in accord with the words which the Lord has spoken by the hand of Moses.”2 Chronicles 35:6

2 Chronicles 35:9 And Conaniah, with Shemaiah and Nethanel, his brothers, indeed also Hashabiah and Jeiel and Jozabad, rulers of the Levites, gave to the rest of the Levites, in order to celebrate the Passover, five thousand small cattle, and five hundred oxen.2 Chronicles 35:9

2 Chronicles 35:15 Now the singers, the sons of Asaph, were standing in their order, according to the instruction of David, and of Asaph and Heman and Jeduthun, the prophets of the king. Truly, the porters kept watch at each gate, so as not to depart from their ministry even for one moment. And for this reason, their brothers, the Levites, prepared foods for them.2 Chronicles 35:15

Number of the word / term Brothers in 2 Chronicles: 19

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 3:2 And Jeshua, the son of Jozadak, rose up with his brothers, the priests. And Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, rose up with his brothers. And they built the altar of the God of Israel, so that they might offer holocausts upon it, just as it was written in the law of Moses, the man of God.Ezra 3:2

Ezra 3:8 Then, in the second year of their advent to the temple of God in Jerusalem, in the second month, Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua, the son of Jozadak, and the remainder of their brothers, the priests, and the Levites, and all who had arrived from the captivity to Jerusalem, began, and they appointed Levites, from twenty years and over, to hasten the work of the Lord.Ezra 3:8

Ezra 3:9 And Jeshua and his sons and his brothers, Kadmiel and his sons, and the sons of Judah, like one man, stood so that they might have charge over those who did the work in the temple of God: the sons of Henadad, and their sons, and their brothers, the Levites.Ezra 3:9

Ezra 6:20 For the priests and Levites had been purified as one. All were cleansed in order to immolate the Passover for all the sons of the transmigration, and for their brothers, the priests, and for themselves.Ezra 6:20

Ezra 7:18 But also, whatever it will please you and your brothers to do with the remainder of the silver and gold, do so in accord with the will of your God.Ezra 7:18

Ezra 8:17 And I sent them to Iddo, who is first within the place of Casiphia. And I placed in their mouth the words that they should speak to Iddo and his brothers, the temple servants, in the place of Casiphia, so that they would lead to us ministers for the house of our God.Ezra 8:17

Ezra 8:18 And because the good hand of our God was over us, they led to us a very learned man from the sons of Mahli, the son of Levi, the son of Israel, with Sherebiah, and his sons, and his eighteen brothers,Ezra 8:18

Ezra 8:19 and Hashabiah, and with him Jeshaiah, of the sons of Merari, and his brothers, and his sons, numbering twenty.Ezra 8:19

Ezra 8:24 And I separated twelve from among the leaders of the priests: Sherebiah, and Hashabiah, and with them ten of their brothers.Ezra 8:24

Ezra 10:18 And there were found among the sons of the priests some who had taken foreign wives: From the sons of Jeshua, the son of Jozadak, and his brothers, Maaseiah, and Eliezer, and Jarib, and Gedaliah.Ezra 10:18

Number of the word / term Brothers in Ezra: 10

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 1:2 And Hanani, one of my brothers, arrived, he and some men of Judah. And I questioned them about the Jews who had remained and were left behind from the captivity, and about Jerusalem.Nehemiah 1:2

Nehemiah 3:1 And Eliashib, the great priest, rose up, with his brothers, the priests, and they built the gate of the flock. They sanctified it, and they set up its double doors, and as far as the tower of one hundred cubits, they sanctified it, even to the tower of Hananel.Nehemiah 3:1

Nehemiah 3:18 After him, their brothers, Binnui, the son of Henadad, the leader of one half part of Keilah, built.Nehemiah 3:18

Nehemiah 4:2 And he said, before his brothers and a crowd of the Samaritans: “What are the foolish Jews doing? Can it be that the Gentiles will allow them? Will they sacrifice and finish in one day? Do they have the ability to make stones out of piles of dust that have been burned up?”Nehemiah 4:2

Nehemiah 4:14 And I gazed around, and I rose up. And I said to the nobles, and to the magistrates, and to the rest of the common people: “Do not be afraid before their face. Remember the great and terrible Lord, and fight on behalf of your brothers, your sons and your daughters, and your wives and your households.”Nehemiah 4:14

Nehemiah 4:23 But I and my brothers, and my servants, and the guards who were behind me, we did not take off our clothes; each one only removed his clothes to wash.Nehemiah 4:23

Nehemiah 5:1 And there occurred a great outcry of the people and their wives against their brothers, the Jews.Nehemiah 5:1

Nehemiah 5:5 “And now, as is the flesh of our brothers, so is our flesh; and as are their sons, so also are our sons. Behold, we have subjugated our sons and our daughters into servitude, and some of our daughters are slaves, nor do we have the ability to redeem them, for others possess our fields and our vineyards.”Nehemiah 5:5

Nehemiah 5:8 And I said to them: “As you know, in accord with what was possible for us, we have redeemed our brothers, the Jews, who had been sold to the Gentiles. And yet you now sell your brothers, and we must redeem them?” And they were silent, nor did they find anything to answer.Nehemiah 5:8

Nehemiah 5:10 Both I and my brothers, with my servants, have lent money and grain to many. Let us agree not to ask for its return. Let us forgive the other money that is owed to us.Nehemiah 5:10

Nehemiah 5:14 Now from that day, on which the king had ordered me to be governor in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year even to the thirty-second year of king Artaxerxes, for twelve years, I and my brothers did not eat the yearly allowance that was owed to the governors.Nehemiah 5:14

Nehemiah 10:10 and their brothers, Shebaniah, Hodiah, Kelita, Pelaiah, Hanan,Nehemiah 10:10

Nehemiah 10:29 All who were able to understand, pledged on behalf of their brothers, with their nobles, and they came forward to promise and to swear that they would walk in the law of God, which he had given to the hand of Moses, the servant of God, that they would do and keep all the commandments of the Lord our God, and his judgments and his ceremonies,Nehemiah 10:29

Nehemiah 11:12 and their brothers, who were doing the works of the temple: eight hundred twenty-two. And Adaiah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Pelaliah, the son of Amzi, the son of Zachariah, the son of Pashhur, the son of Malchijah,Nehemiah 11:12

Nehemiah 11:13 and his brothers, the leaders among the fathers: two hundred forty-two. And Amassai, the son of Azarel, the son of Ahzai, the son of Meshillemoth, the son of Immer,Nehemiah 11:13

Nehemiah 11:14 and their brothers, who were very powerful: one hundred twenty-eight. And their foremost leader was Zabdiel, the son of the powerful.Nehemiah 11:14

Nehemiah 11:17 And Mattaniah, the son of Mica, the son of Zabdi, the son of Asaph, was the leader of praise and confession in prayer, with Bakbukiah, second among his brothers, and Abda, the son of Shammua, the son of Galal, the son of Jeduthun.Nehemiah 11:17

Nehemiah 11:19 And the gatekeepers, Akkub, Talmon, and their brothers, who guarded the doorways, were one hundred seventy-two.Nehemiah 11:19

Nehemiah 12:7 These were the leaders of the priests and of their brothers, in the days of Jeshua.Nehemiah 12:7

Nehemiah 12:8 And the Levites, Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Judah, Mattaniah, they and their brothers were over the hymns,Nehemiah 12:8

Nehemiah 12:9 with Bakbukiah, as well as Hannai, and their brothers, each one in his office.Nehemiah 12:9

Nehemiah 12:24 Now the leaders of the Levites were Hashabiah, Sherebiah, and Jeshua, the son of Kadmiel, and their brothers, in their turns, so that they would praise and confess, according to the precept of David, the man of God. And they served equally and in order.Nehemiah 12:24

Nehemiah 12:36 And his brothers, Shemaiah, and Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethanel, and Judah, and Hanani, went forth with the canticles of David, the man of God. And Ezra, the scribe, was before them at the fountain gate.Nehemiah 12:36

Nehemiah 13:13 And we appointed over the storehouses, Shelemiah, the priest, and Zadok, the scribe, and Pedaiah from the Levites, and next to them Hanan, the son of Zaccur, the son of Mattaniah. For they had proven to be faithful. And so the portions of their brothers were entrusted to them.Nehemiah 13:13

Number of the word / term Brothers in Nehemiah: 24

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Job

Job 19:13 He has put my brothers far from me, and my friends have withdrawn from me like strangers.Job 19:13

Job 22:6 For you have taken away the collateral of your brothers without cause, and stripped them naked of their clothing.Job 22:6

Job 42:15 And, in the whole world, there were not found women so beautiful as the daughters of Job. And so their father gave them an inheritance along with their brothers.Job 42:15

Number of the word / term Brothers in Job: 3

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 22:22 I will declare your name to my brothers. In the midst of the Church, I will praise you.Psalm 22:22

Psalm 69:8 I have become a stranger to my brothers and a sojourner to the sons of my mother.Psalm 69:8

Psalm 122:8 For the sake of my brothers and my neighbors, I spoke peace about you.Psalm 122:8

Psalm 133:1 A Canticle in steps: of David. Behold, how good and how pleasing it is for brothers to dwell in unity.Psalm 133:1

Number of the word / term Brothers in Psalm: 4

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 6:19 a deceitful witness bringing forth lies, and he who sows discord among brothers.Proverbs 6:19

Proverbs 17:2 A wise servant shall rule over foolish sons, and he will divide the inheritance among brothers.Proverbs 17:2

Proverbs 19:7 The brothers of the poor man hate him. Moreover, even his friends have withdrawn far from him. Whoever pursues only words shall have nothing.Proverbs 19:7

Number of the word / term Brothers in Proverbs: 3

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 66:5 Listen to the word of the Lord, you who tremble at his word. Your brothers, who hate you and who cast you out because of my name, have said: “Let the Lord be glorified, and we will see by your rejoicing.” But they themselves will be confounded.Isaiah 66:5

Isaiah 66:20 And they will lead all of your brothers from all of the Gentiles as a gift to the Lord, on horses, and in four-horse chariots, and on stretchers, and on mules, and in coaches, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, says the Lord, in the same manner that the sons of Israel would carry an offering in a pure vessel into the house of the Lord.Isaiah 66:20

Number of the word / term Brothers in Isaiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 7:15 And I will cast you away from my face, just as I have cast away all your brothers, the entire offspring of Ephraim.Jeremiah 7:15

Jeremiah 12:6 For even your brothers, and the house of your father, even these have fought against you. And they have cried out after you with loud voice: ‘You should not believe them, when they speak good things to you.’ ”Jeremiah 12:6

Jeremiah 29:16 For thus says the Lord, to the king who sits upon the throne of David, and to all the people who live in this city, to your brothers who have not departed with you in the transmigration:Jeremiah 29:16

Jeremiah 34:9 that each one should release his man servant, and each one his woman servant, as a free Hebrew man and a free Hebrew woman, and that they should never be rulers over them, that is, over the Jews, their own brothers.Jeremiah 34:9

Jeremiah 35:3 And so I took Jaazaniah, the son of Jeremiah, the son of Habazziniah, and his brothers, and all his sons, and the entire house of the Rechabites,Jeremiah 35:3

Jeremiah 41:8 But ten men were found among them, who said to Ishmael: “Do not kill us! For in the field we have storehouses of grain and barley and oil and honey.” And so he ceased, and he did not put them to death with their brothers.Jeremiah 41:8

Jeremiah 49:10 Yet truly, I have stripped Esau bare. I have revealed his secrets, and he is not able to be concealed. His offspring has been devastated, with his brothers and his neighbors, and he himself will not exist.Jeremiah 49:10

Number of the word / term Brothers in Jeremiah: 7

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 11:15 “Son of man, your brothers, the men among your close relatives, your brothers and the entire house of Israel, are all among those to whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said: ‘Withdraw far from the Lord; the earth has been given to us as a possession.’Ezekiel 11:15

Number of the word / term Brothers in Ezekiel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 2:1 “Say to your brothers, ‘You are my people,’ and to your sister, ‘You have obtained mercy.’Hosea 2:1

Hosea 13:15 For he will make a division among brothers. The Lord will bring a burning wind, rising up from the desert, and it will dry up his streams, and it will make his fountain desolate, and he will tear apart every collection of desirable useful things.Hosea 13:15

Number of the word / term Brothers in Hosea: 2

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Amos

Amos 1:9 Thus says the Lord: For three wicked deeds of Tyre, and for four, I will not convert it, in so far as they have completed an excellent captivity in Idumea and have not considered the bond among brothers.Amos 1:9

Number of the word / term Brothers in Amos: 1

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Micah

Micah 5:3 Because of this, he will provide for them, even until the time in which she who bears him gives birth. And the remnant of his brothers will be converted to the sons of Israel.Micah 5:3

Number of the word / term Brothers in Micah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 1:2 Abraham conceived Isaac. And Isaac conceived Jacob. And Jacob conceived Judah and his brothers.Matthew 1:2

Matthew 1:11 And Josiah conceived Jechoniah and his brothers in the transmigration of Babylon.Matthew 1:11

Matthew 4:18 And Jesus, walking near the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea (for they were fishermen).Matthew 4:18

Matthew 4:21 And continuing on from there, he saw another two brothers, James of Zebedee, and his brother John, in a ship with their father Zebedee, repairing their nets. And he called them.Matthew 4:21

Matthew 5:47 And if you greet only your brothers, what more have you done? Do not even the pagans behave this way?Matthew 5:47

Matthew 12:46 While he was still speaking to the crowds, behold, his mother and his brothers were standing outside, seeking to speak with him.Matthew 12:46

Matthew 12:47 And someone said to him: “Behold, your mother and your brothers are standing outside, seeking you.”Matthew 12:47

Matthew 12:49 And extending his hand to his disciples, he said: “Behold: my mother and my brothers.Matthew 12:49

Matthew 13:55 Is this not the son of a workman? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brothers, James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Jude?Matthew 13:55

Matthew 19:29 And anyone who has left behind home, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or land, for the sake of my name, shall receive one hundred times more, and shall possess eternal life.Matthew 19:29

Matthew 20:24 And the ten, upon hearing this, became indignant with the two brothers.Matthew 20:24

Matthew 22:25 Now there were seven brothers with us. And the first, having taken a wife, died. And having no offspring, he left his wife to his brother:Matthew 22:25

Matthew 23:8 But you must not be called Master. For One is your Master, and you are all brothers.Matthew 23:8

Matthew 25:40 And in response, the King shall say to them, ‘Amen I say to you, whenever you did this for one of these, the least of my brothers, you did it for me.’Matthew 25:40

Matthew 28:10 Then Jesus said to them: “Do not be afraid. Go, announce it to my brothers, so that they may go to Galilee. There they shall see me.”Matthew 28:10

Number of the word / term Brothers in Matthew: 15

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Mark

Mark 3:31 And his mother and brothers arrived. And standing outside, they sent to him, calling him.Mark 3:31

Mark 3:32 And the crowd was sitting around him. And they said to him, “Behold, your mother and your brothers are outside, seeking you.”Mark 3:32

Mark 3:34 And looking around at those who were sitting all around him, he said: “Behold, my mother and my brothers.Mark 3:34

Mark 10:29 In response, Jesus said: “Amen I say to you, There is no one who has left behind house, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or land, for my sake and for the Gospel,Mark 10:29

Mark 10:30 who will not receive one hundred times as much, now in this time: houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and land, with persecutions, and in the future age eternal life.Mark 10:30

Mark 12:20 So then, there were seven brothers. And the first took a wife, and he died without leaving behind offspring.Mark 12:20

Number of the word / term Brothers in Mark: 6

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Luke

Luke 8:19 Then his mother and brothers came to him; but they were not able to go to him because of the crowd.Luke 8:19

Luke 8:20 And it was reported to him, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.”Luke 8:20

Luke 8:21 And in response, he said to them, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.”Luke 8:21

Luke 14:12 Then he also said to the one who had invited him: “When you prepare a lunch or dinner, do not choose to call your friends, or your brothers, or your relatives, or your wealthy neighbors, lest perhaps they might then invite you in return and repayment would made to you.Luke 14:12

Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to me, and does not hate his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, and yes, even his own life, he is not able to be my disciple.Luke 14:26

Luke 16:27 And he said: ‘Then, father, I beg you to send him to my father’s house, for I have five brothers,Luke 16:27

Luke 18:29 And he said to them: “Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has left behind home, or parents, or brothers, or a wife, or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God,Luke 18:29

Luke 20:29 And so there were seven brothers. And the first took a wife, and he died without sons.Luke 20:29

Luke 21:16 And you will be handed over by your parents, and brothers, and relatives, and friends. And they will bring about the death of some of you.Luke 21:16

Luke 22:32 But I have prayed for you, so that your faith may not fail, and so that you, once converted, may confirm your brothers.”Luke 22:32

Number of the word / term Brothers in Luke: 10

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book John

John 2:12 After this, he descended to Capernaum, with his mother and his brothers and his disciples, but they did not remain there for many days.John 2:12

John 7:3 And his brothers said to him: “Move away from here and go into Judea, so that your disciples there may also see your works that you do.John 7:3

John 7:5 For neither did his brothers believe in him.John 7:5

John 7:10 But after his brothers went up, then he also went up to the feast day, not openly, but as if in secret.John 7:10

John 20:17 Jesus said to her: “Do not touch me. For I have not yet ascended to my Father. But go to my brothers and tell them: ‘I am ascending to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God.’ ”John 20:17

John 21:23 Therefore, the saying went out among the brothers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but only, “If I want him to remain until I return, what is that to you?”John 21:23

Number of the word / term Brothers in John: 6

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Acts

Acts 1:14 All these were persevering with one accord in prayer with the women, and with Mary, the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.Acts 1:14

Acts 1:15 In those days, Peter, rising up in the midst of the brothers, said (now the crowd of men altogether was about one hundred and twenty):Acts 1:15

Acts 1:16 “Noble brothers, the Scripture must be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit predicted by the mouth of David about Judas, who was the leader of those who apprehended Jesus.Acts 1:16

Acts 2:29 Noble brothers, permit me to speak freely to you about the Patriarch David: for he passed away and was buried, and his sepulcher is with us, even to this very day.Acts 2:29

Acts 3:17 And now, brothers, I know that you did this through ignorance, just as your leaders also did.Acts 3:17

Acts 3:22 Indeed, Moses said: ‘For the Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet for you from your brothers, one like me; the same shall you listen to according to everything whatsoever that he shall speak to you.Acts 3:22

Acts 6:3 Therefore, brothers, search among yourselves for seven men of good testimony, filled with the Holy Spirit and with wisdom, whom we may appoint over this work.Acts 6:3

Acts 7:2 And Stephen said: “Noble brothers and fathers, listen. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he stayed in Haran.Acts 7:2

Acts 7:13 And on the second occasion, Joseph was recognized by his brothers, and his ancestry was made manifest to Pharaoh.Acts 7:13

Acts 7:23 But when forty years of age were completed in him, it rose up in his heart that he should visit his brothers, the sons of Israel.Acts 7:23

Acts 7:25 Now he supposed that his brothers would understand that God would grant them salvation through his hand. But they did not understand it.Acts 7:25

Acts 7:26 So truly, on the following day, he appeared before those who were arguing, and he would have reconciled them in peace, saying, ‘Men, you are brothers. So why would you harm one another?’Acts 7:26

Acts 7:37 This is Moses, who said to the sons of Israel: ‘God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your own brothers. You shall listen to him.’Acts 7:37

Acts 9:30 And when the brothers had realized this, they brought him to Caesarea and sent him away to Tarsus.Acts 9:30

Acts 10:23 Therefore, leading them in, he received them as guests. Then, on following the day, rising up, he set out with them. And some of the brothers from Joppa accompanied him.Acts 10:23

Acts 11:1 Now the Apostles and brothers who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the Word of God.Acts 11:1

Acts 11:12 Then the Spirit told me that I should go with them, doubting nothing. And these six brothers went with me also. And we entered into the house of the man.Acts 11:12

Acts 11:29 Then the disciples declared, according to what each one possessed, what they would offer to be sent to the brothers living in Judea.Acts 11:29

Acts 12:17 But motioning to them with his hand to be silent, he explained how the Lord had led him away from prison. And he said, “Inform James and those brothers.” And going out, he went away to another place.Acts 12:17

Acts 13:15 Then, after the reading from the Law and the Prophets, the leaders of the synagogue sent to them, saying: “Noble brothers, if there is in you any word of exhortation to the people, speak.”Acts 13:15

Acts 13:26 Noble brothers, sons of the stock of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, it is to you the Word of this salvation has been sent.Acts 13:26

Acts 13:38 Therefore, let it be known to you, noble brothers, that through him is announced to you remission from sins and from everything by which you were not able to be justified in the law of Moses.Acts 13:38

Acts 14:2 Yet truly, the Jews who were unbelieving had incited and enflamed the souls of the Gentiles against the brothers.Acts 14:2

Acts 15:1 And certain ones, descending from Judea, were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.”Acts 15:1

Acts 15:3 Therefore, being led by the church, they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria, describing the conversion of the Gentiles. And they caused great joy among all the brothers.Acts 15:3

Acts 15:7 And after a great contention had taken place, Peter rose up and said to them: “Noble brothers, you know that, in recent days, God has chosen from among us, by my mouth, Gentiles to hear the word of the Gospel and to believe.Acts 15:7

Acts 15:13 And after they had been silent, James responded by saying: “Noble brothers, listen to me.Acts 15:13

Acts 15:22 Then it pleased the Apostles and elders, with the whole Church, to choose men from among them, and to send to Antioch, with Paul and Barnabas, and Judas, who was surnamed Barsabbas, and Silas, preeminent men among the brothers,Acts 15:22

Acts 15:23 what was written by their own hands: “The Apostles and elders, brothers, to those who are at Antioch and Syria and Cilicia, brothers from the Gentiles, greetings.Acts 15:23

Acts 15:32 But Judas and Silas, being also prophets themselves, consoled the brothers with many words, and they were strengthened.Acts 15:32

Acts 15:33 Then, after spending some more time there, they were dismissed with peace, by the brothers, to those who had sent them.Acts 15:33

Acts 15:36 Then, after some days, Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us return to visit the brothers throughout all the cities in which we have preached the Word of the Lord, to see how they are.”Acts 15:36

Acts 15:40 Yet truly, Paul, choosing Silas, set out, being delivered by the brothers to the grace of God.Acts 15:40

Acts 16:2 The brothers who were at Lystra and Iconium rendered good testimony to him.Acts 16:2

Acts 16:40 And they went away from the prison and entered into the house of Lydia. And having seen the brothers, they consoled them, and then they set out.Acts 16:40

Acts 17:6 And when they had not found them, they dragged Jason and certain brothers to the rulers of the city, crying out: “For these are the ones who have stirred up the city. And they came here,Acts 17:6

Acts 17:10 Yet truly, the brothers promptly sent Paul and Silas away by night to Beroea. And when they had arrived, they entered the synagogue of the Jews.Acts 17:10

Acts 17:14 And then the brothers quickly sent Paul away, so that he might travel by sea. But Silas and Timothy remained there.Acts 17:14

Acts 18:18 Yet truly, Paul, after he had remained for many more days, having said goodbye to the brothers, sailed into Syria, and with him were Priscilla and Aquila. Now he had shaved his head in Cenchreae, for he had made a vow.Acts 18:18

Acts 18:27 Then, since he wanted to go to Achaia, the brothers wrote an exhortation to the disciples, so that they might accept him. And when he had arrived, he held many discussions with those who had believed.Acts 18:27

Acts 21:7 Yet truly, having completed our journey by boat from Tyre, we descended to Ptolemais. And greeting the brothers, we lodged with them for one day.Acts 21:7

Acts 21:17 And when we had arrived at Jerusalem, the brothers received us willingly.Acts 21:17

Acts 22:1 “Noble brothers and fathers, listen to the explanation that I now give to you.”Acts 22:1

Acts 22:5 just as the high priest and all those greater by birth bear witness to me. Having received letters from them to the brothers, I journeyed to Damascus, so that I might lead them bound from there to Jerusalem, so that they might be punished.Acts 22:5

Acts 23:1 Then Paul, gazing intently at the council, said, “Noble brothers, I have spoken with all good conscience before God, even to this present day.”Acts 23:1

Acts 23:5 And Paul said: “I did not know, brothers, that he is the high priest. For it is written: ‘You shall not speak evil of the leader of your people.’ ”Acts 23:5

Acts 23:6 Now Paul, knowing that one group were Sadducees and the other were Pharisees, exclaimed in the council: “Noble brothers, I am a Pharisee, the son of Pharisees! It is over the hope and resurrection of the dead that I am being judged.”Acts 23:6

Acts 28:14 There, after locating the brothers, we were asked to remain with them for seven days. And then we went on to Rome.Acts 28:14

Acts 28:15 And there, when the brothers had heard of us, they went to meet us as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns. And when Paul had seen them, giving thanks to God, he took courage.Acts 28:15

Acts 28:17 And after the third day, he called together the leaders of the Jews. And when they had convened, he said to them: “Noble brothers, I have done nothing against the people, nor against the customs of the fathers, yet I was delivered as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.Acts 28:17

Acts 28:21 But they said to him: “We have not received letters about you from Judea, nor have any of the other new arrivals among the brothers reported or spoken anything evil against you.Acts 28:21

Number of the word / term Brothers in Acts: 51

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Romans

Romans 1:13 But I want you to know, brothers, that I have often intended to come to you, (though I have been hindered even to the present time) so that I might obtain some fruit among you also, just as also among the other Gentiles.Romans 1:13

Romans 7:1 Or do you not know, brothers, (now I am speaking to those who know the law) that the law has dominion over a man only so long as he lives?Romans 7:1

Romans 7:4 And so, my brothers, you also have become dead to the law, through the body of Christ, so that you may be another one who has risen from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit for God.Romans 7:4

Romans 8:12 Therefore, brothers, we are not debtors to the flesh, so as to live according to the flesh.Romans 8:12

Romans 8:29 For those whom he foreknew, he also predestinated, in conformity with the image of his Son, so that he might be the Firstborn among many brothers.Romans 8:29

Romans 9:3 For I was desiring that I myself might be anathemized from Christ, for the sake of my brothers, who are my kinsmen according to the flesh.Romans 9:3

Romans 11:25 For I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, of this mystery (lest you seem wise only to yourselves) that a certain blindness has occurred in Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has arrived.Romans 11:25

Romans 12:1 And so, I beg you, brothers, by the mercy of God, that you offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, with the subservience of your mind.Romans 12:1

Romans 15:14 But I am also certain about you, my brothers, that you also have been filled with love, completed with all knowledge, so that you are able to admonish one another.Romans 15:14

Romans 15:15 But I have written to you, brothers, more boldly than to the others, as if calling you to mind again, because of the grace which has been given to me from God,Romans 15:15

Romans 15:30 Therefore, I beg you, brothers, through our Lord Jesus Christ and though the love of the Holy Spirit, that you assist me with your prayers to God on my behalf,Romans 15:30

Romans 16:14 Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the brothers who are with them.Romans 16:14

Romans 16:17 But I beg you, brothers, to take note of those who cause dissensions and offenses contrary to the doctrine that you have learned, and to turn away from them.Romans 16:17

Number of the word / term Brothers in Romans: 13

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 1:10 And so, I beg you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that every one of you speak in the same way, and that there be no schisms among you. So may you become perfect, with the same mind and with the same judgment.1 Corinthians 1:10

1 Corinthians 1:11 For it has been indicated to me, about you, my brothers, by those who are with Chloes, that there are contentions among you.1 Corinthians 1:11

1 Corinthians 1:26 So take care of your vocation, brothers. For not many are wise according to the flesh, not many are powerful, not many are noble.1 Corinthians 1:26

1 Corinthians 2:1 And so, brothers, when I came to you, announcing to you the testimony of Christ, I did not bring exalted words or lofty wisdom.1 Corinthians 2:1

1 Corinthians 3:1 And so, brothers, I was not able to speak to you as if to those who are spiritual, but rather as if to those who are carnal. For you are like infants in Christ.1 Corinthians 3:1

1 Corinthians 4:6 And so, brothers, I have presented these things in myself and in Apollo, for your sakes, so that you may learn, through us, that no one should be inflated against one person and for another, not beyond what has been written.1 Corinthians 4:6

1 Corinthians 6:8 But you are doing the injuring and the cheating, and this toward brothers!1 Corinthians 6:8

1 Corinthians 7:29 And so, this is what I say, brothers: The time is short. What remains of it is such that: those who have wives should be as if they had none;1 Corinthians 7:29

1 Corinthians 8:12 So when you sin in this way against the brothers, and you harm their weakened conscience, then you sin against Christ.1 Corinthians 8:12

1 Corinthians 9:5 Do we not have the authority to travel around with a woman who is a sister, just as do the other Apostles, and the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas?1 Corinthians 9:5

1 Corinthians 10:1 For I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and they all went across the sea.1 Corinthians 10:1

1 Corinthians 11:2 Now I praise you, brothers, because you are mindful of me in everything, in such a way as to hold to my precepts as I have handed them down to you.1 Corinthians 11:2

1 Corinthians 11:33 And so, my brothers, when you assemble together to eat, be attentive to one another.1 Corinthians 11:33

1 Corinthians 12:1 Now concerning spiritual things, I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers.1 Corinthians 12:1

1 Corinthians 14:6 But now, brothers, if I were to come to you speaking in tongues, how would it benefit you, unless instead I speak to you in revelation, or in knowledge, or in prophecy, or in doctrine?1 Corinthians 14:6

1 Corinthians 14:39 And so, brothers, be zealous to prophesy, and do not prohibit speaking in tongues.1 Corinthians 14:39

1 Corinthians 15:1 And so I make known to you, brothers, the Gospel that I preached to you, which you also received, and on which you stand.1 Corinthians 15:1

1 Corinthians 15:6 Next he was seen by more than five hundred brothers at one time, many of whom remain, even to the present time, although some have fallen asleep.1 Corinthians 15:6

1 Corinthians 15:31 Daily I die, by means of your boasting, brothers: you whom I have in Christ Jesus our Lord.1 Corinthians 15:31

1 Corinthians 15:50 Now I say this, brothers, because flesh and blood is not able to possess the kingdom of God; neither will what is corrupt possess what is incorrupt.1 Corinthians 15:50

1 Corinthians 15:58 And so, my beloved brothers, be steadfast and unmovable, abounding always in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not useless in the Lord.1 Corinthians 15:58

1 Corinthians 16:11 Therefore, let no one despise him. Instead, lead him on his way in peace, so that he may come to me. For I am awaiting him with the brothers.1 Corinthians 16:11

1 Corinthians 16:12 But concerning our brother, Apollo, I am letting you know that I pleaded with him greatly to go to you with the brothers, and clearly it was not his will to go at this time. But he will arrive when there is a space of time for him.1 Corinthians 16:12

1 Corinthians 16:15 And I beg you, brothers: You know the house of Stephanus, and of Fortunatus, and of Achaicus, that they are the first-fruits of Achaia, and that they have dedicated themselves to the ministry of the saints.1 Corinthians 16:15

1 Corinthians 16:20 All the brothers greet you. Greet one another with a holy kiss.1 Corinthians 16:20

Number of the word / term Brothers in 1 Corinthians: 25

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 1:8 For we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, about our tribulation, which happened to us in Asia. For we were weighed down beyond measure, beyond our strength, so that we became weary, even of life itself.2 Corinthians 1:8

2 Corinthians 8:1 And so we are making known to you, brothers, the grace of God that has been given in the churches of Macedonia.2 Corinthians 8:1

2 Corinthians 8:23 and whether it concerns Titus, who is a companion to me and a helper to you, or whether it concerns our brothers, the Apostles of the churches, it is to the glory of Christ.2 Corinthians 8:23

2 Corinthians 9:3 Now I have sent the brothers, so that what we glory about concerning you might be not be empty in this matter, in order that (as I have explained) you may be prepared.2 Corinthians 9:3

2 Corinthians 9:5 Therefore, I considered it necessary to ask the brothers to go to you in advance and to prepare this blessing as promised, and in this way, you may be ready as a blessing, not as an excess.2 Corinthians 9:5

2 Corinthians 11:9 And when I was with you and in need, I was burdensome to no one. For the brothers who came from Macedonia supplied whatever was lacking to me. And in all things, I have kept myself, and I will keep myself, from being burdensome to you.2 Corinthians 11:9

2 Corinthians 11:26 I have made frequent journeys, through dangerous waters, in danger of robbers, in danger from my own nation, in danger from the Gentiles, in danger in the city, in danger in the wilderness, in danger in the sea, in danger from false brothers,2 Corinthians 11:26

2 Corinthians 13:11 As to the rest, brothers, rejoice, be perfect, be encouraged, have the same mind, have peace. And so the God of peace and love will be with you.2 Corinthians 13:11

Number of the word / term Brothers in 2 Corinthians: 8

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 1:2 and all the brothers who are with me: to the churches of Galatia.Galatians 1:2

Galatians 1:11 For I would have you understand, brothers, that the Gospel which has been preached by me is not according to man.Galatians 1:11

Galatians 2:4 but only because of false brothers, who were brought in unknowingly. They entered secretly to spy on our liberty, which we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might reduce us to servitude.Galatians 2:4

Galatians 4:28 Now we, brothers, like Isaac, are sons of the promise.Galatians 4:28

Galatians 4:31 And so, brothers, we are not the sons of the servant woman, but rather of the free woman. And this is the freedom with which Christ has set us free.Galatians 4:31

Galatians 5:11 And as for me, brothers, if I still preach circumcision, why am I still suffering persecution? For then the scandal of the Cross would be made empty.Galatians 5:11

Galatians 5:13 For you, brothers, have been called to liberty. Only you must not make liberty into an occasion for the flesh, but instead, serve one another through the charity of the Spirit.Galatians 5:13

Galatians 6:1 And, brothers, if a man has been overtaken by any offense, you who are spiritual should instruct someone like this with a spirit of leniency, considering that you yourselves might also be tempted.Galatians 6:1

Galatians 6:18 May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen.Galatians 6:18

Number of the word / term Brothers in Galatians: 9

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Ephesians

Ephesians 5:15 And so, brothers, see to it that you walk cautiously, not like the foolish,Ephesians 5:15

Ephesians 6:10 Concerning the rest, brothers, be strengthened in the Lord, by the power of his virtue.Ephesians 6:10

Ephesians 6:23 Peace to the brothers, and charity with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.Ephesians 6:23

Number of the word / term Brothers in Ephesians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Philippians

Philippians 1:12 Now, brothers, I want you to know that the things concerning me happened for the advancement of the Gospel,Philippians 1:12

Philippians 1:14 And many from among the brothers in the Lord, becoming confident through my chains, are now much bolder in speaking the Word of God without fear.Philippians 1:14

Philippians 3:1 Concerning other things, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. It is certainly not tiresome for me to write the same things to you, but for you, it is not necessary.Philippians 3:1

Philippians 3:17 Be imitators of me, brothers, and observe those who are walking similarly, just as you have seen by our example.Philippians 3:17

Philippians 4:1 And so, my most beloved and most desired brothers, my joy and my crown: stand firm in this way, in the Lord, most beloved.Philippians 4:1

Philippians 4:8 Concerning the rest, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is chaste, whatever is just, whatever is holy, whatever is worthy to be loved, whatever is of good repute, if there is any virtue, if there is any praiseworthy discipline: meditate on these.Philippians 4:8

Philippians 4:22 The brothers who are with me greet you. All the saints greet you, but especially those who are of Caesar’s household.Philippians 4:22

Number of the word / term Brothers in Philippians: 7

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Colossians

Colossians 1:2 to the saints and faithful brothers in Christ Jesus who are at Colossae.Colossians 1:2

Colossians 4:15 Greet the brothers who are at Laodicea, and Nymphas, and those who are at his house, a church.Colossians 4:15

Number of the word / term Brothers in Colossians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 1:4 For we know, brothers, beloved of God, of your election.1 Thessalonians 1:4

1 Thessalonians 2:1 For you yourselves know, brothers, that our acceptance among you was not empty.1 Thessalonians 2:1

1 Thessalonians 2:9 For you remember, brothers, our hardship and weariness. We preached the Gospel of God among you, working night and day, so that we would not be burdensome to any of you.1 Thessalonians 2:9

1 Thessalonians 2:14 For you, brothers, have become imitators of the churches of God which are at Judea, in Christ Jesus. For you, too, have suffered the same things from your fellow countrymen as they have suffered from the Jews,1 Thessalonians 2:14

1 Thessalonians 2:17 And we, brothers, having been deprived of you for a short time, in sight, but not in heart, have hurried all the more to see your face, with a great desire.1 Thessalonians 2:17

1 Thessalonians 3:7 As a result, we were consoled in you, brothers, in the midst of all our difficulties and tribulations, through your faith.1 Thessalonians 3:7

1 Thessalonians 4:1 Therefore, concerning other things, brothers, we ask and beg you, in the Lord Jesus, that, just as you have received from us the way in which you ought to walk and to please God, so also may you walk, in order that you may abound all the more.1 Thessalonians 4:1

1 Thessalonians 4:10 For indeed, you act in this way with all the brothers in all of Macedonia. But we petition you, brothers, so that you may abound all the more,1 Thessalonians 4:10

1 Thessalonians 4:13 And we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who are sleeping, so as not to be sorrowful, like these others who do not have hope.1 Thessalonians 4:13

1 Thessalonians 5:1 But concerning dates and times, brothers, you do not need us to write to you.1 Thessalonians 5:1

1 Thessalonians 5:4 But you, brothers, are not in darkness, so that you would be overtaken by that day as by a thief.1 Thessalonians 5:4

1 Thessalonians 5:12 And we ask you, brothers, to recognize those who labor among you, and who preside over you in the Lord, and who admonish you,1 Thessalonians 5:12

1 Thessalonians 5:14 And we ask you, brothers: correct the disruptive, console the weak-minded, support the sick, be patient with everyone.1 Thessalonians 5:14

1 Thessalonians 5:26 Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss.1 Thessalonians 5:26

1 Thessalonians 5:27 I bind you, through the Lord, that this epistle is to be read to all the holy brothers.1 Thessalonians 5:27

Number of the word / term Brothers in 1 Thessalonians: 15

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 2 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians 1:3 We ought to give thanks always to God for you, brothers, in a fitting manner, because your faith is increasing greatly, and because the charity of each of you toward one another is abundant,2 Thessalonians 1:3

2 Thessalonians 2:1 But we ask you, brothers, concerning the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ and of our gathering to him,2 Thessalonians 2:1

2 Thessalonians 2:13 Yet we must always give thanks to God for you, brothers, beloved of God, because God has chosen you as first-fruits for salvation, by the sanctification of the Spirit and by faith in the truth.2 Thessalonians 2:13

2 Thessalonians 2:15 And so, brothers, stand firm, and hold to the traditions that you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle.2 Thessalonians 2:15

2 Thessalonians 3:1 Concerning other things, brothers, pray for us, so that the Word of God may advance and be glorified, just as it is among you,2 Thessalonians 3:1

2 Thessalonians 3:6 But we strongly caution you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to draw yourselves away from every brother who is walking in disorder and not according to the tradition that they received from us.2 Thessalonians 3:6

2 Thessalonians 3:13 And you, brothers, do not grow weak in doing good.2 Thessalonians 3:13

Number of the word / term Brothers in 2 Thessalonians: 7

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 4:6 By proposing these things to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, nourished by words of faith, and by the good doctrine that you have secured.1 Timothy 4:6

1 Timothy 5:1 You should not rebuke an old man, but rather plead with him, as if he were your father; with young men, like brothers;1 Timothy 5:1

1 Timothy 6:2 But those who have believing masters, let them not despise them because they are brothers, but rather serve them all the more because they are believing and beloved, participants of the same service. Teach and exhort these things.1 Timothy 6:2

Number of the word / term Brothers in 1 Timothy: 3

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 2 Timothy

2 Timothy 4:21 Hurry to arrive before winter. Eubulus, and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and all the brothers greet you.2 Timothy 4:21

Number of the word / term Brothers in 2 Timothy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 2:11 For he who sanctifies, and those who are sanctified, are all from One. For this reason, he is not ashamed to call them brothers, saying:Hebrews 2:11

Hebrews 2:12 “I will announce your name to my brothers. In the midst of the Church, I will praise you.”Hebrews 2:12

Hebrews 2:17 Therefore, it is fitting for him to be made similar to his brothers in all things, so that he might become a merciful and faithful High Priest before God, in order that he might bring forgiveness to the offenses of the people.Hebrews 2:17

Hebrews 3:1 Therefore, holy brothers, sharers in the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession: Jesus.Hebrews 3:1

Hebrews 3:12 Be cautious, brothers, lest perhaps there may be, in any of you, an evil heart of unbelief, turning aside from the living God.Hebrews 3:12

Hebrews 7:5 And indeed, those who are from the sons of Levi, having received the priesthood, hold a commandment to take tithes from the people in accord with the law, that is, from their brothers, even though they also went forth from the loins of Abraham.Hebrews 7:5

Hebrews 10:19 And so, brothers, have faith in the entrance into the Holy of Holies by the blood of Christ,Hebrews 10:19

Hebrews 13:22 And I beg you, brothers, that you may permit this word of consolation, especially since I have written to you with few words.Hebrews 13:22

Hebrews 13:24 Greet all your leaders and all the saints. The brothers from Italy greet you.Hebrews 13:24

Number of the word / term Brothers in Hebrews: 9

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book James

James 1:2 My brothers, when you have fallen into various trials, consider everything a joy,James 1:2

James 1:16 And so, do not choose to go astray, my most beloved brothers.James 1:16

James 1:19 You know this, my most beloved brothers. So let every man be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to anger.James 1:19

James 2:1 My brothers, within the glorious faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, do not choose to show favoritism toward persons.James 2:1

James 2:5 My most beloved brothers, listen. Has not God chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that God has promised to those who love him?James 2:5

James 2:14 My brothers, what benefit is there if someone claims to have faith, but he does not have works? How would faith be able to save him?James 2:14

James 3:1 My brothers, not many of you should choose to become teachers, knowing that you shall receive a stricter judgment.James 3:1

James 3:10 From the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so!James 3:10

James 3:12 My brothers, can the fig tree yield grapes? Or the vine, figs? Then neither is salt water able to produce fresh water.James 3:12

James 5:7 Therefore, be patient, brothers, until the advent of the Lord. Consider that the farmer anticipates the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently, until he receives the early and the late rains.James 5:7

James 5:10 My brothers, consider the Prophets, who spoke in the name of the Lord, as an example of departing from evil, of labor, and of patience.James 5:10

James 5:12 But before all things, my brothers, do not choose to swear, neither by heaven, nor by the earth, nor in any other oath. But let your word ‘Yes’ be yes, and your word ‘No’ be no, so that you may not fall under judgment.James 5:12

James 5:19 My brothers, if anyone of you strays from the truth, and if someone converts him,James 5:19

Number of the word / term Brothers in James: 13

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 1 Peter

1 Peter 5:9 Resist him by being strong in faith, being aware that the same passions afflict those who are your brothers in the world.1 Peter 5:9

Number of the word / term Brothers in 1 Peter: 1

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 2 Peter

2 Peter 1:10 Because of this, brothers, be all the more diligent, so that by good works you may make certain your calling and election. For in doing these things, you do not sin at any time.2 Peter 1:10

2 Peter 3:17 But since you, brothers, know these things beforehand, be cautious, lest by being drawn into the error of the foolish, you may fall away from your own steadfastness.2 Peter 3:17

Number of the word / term Brothers in 2 Peter: 2

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 1 John

1 John 3:13 If the world hates you, brothers, do not be surprised.1 John 3:13

1 John 3:14 We know that we have passed from death to life. For we love as brothers. Whoever does not love, abides in death.1 John 3:14

1 John 3:16 We know the love of God in this way: because he laid down his life for us. And so, we must lay down our lives for our brothers.1 John 3:16

Number of the word / term Brothers in 1 John: 3

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book 3 John

3 John 1:3 I was very glad when the brothers arrived, and when they offered testimony to the truth in you, that you are walking in the truth.3 John 1:3

3 John 1:5 Most beloved, you should act faithfully in whatever you do for the brothers, and those who are sojourners;3 John 1:5

3 John 1:10 Because of this, when I come, I will admonish his works which he does, babbling against us with malicious words. And as if this were not sufficient for him, he himself does not receive the brothers. And those who do receive them, he hinders, and he ejects them from the church.3 John 1:10

Number of the word / term Brothers in 3 John: 3

Bible passages with ‘Brothers’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 6:11 And white robes were given to each of them. And they were told that they should rest for a brief time, until their fellow servants and their brothers, who were to be slain even as they were slain, would be completed.Revelation 6:11

Revelation 12:10 And I heard a great voice in heaven, saying: “Now have arrived salvation and virtue and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers has been cast down, he who accused them before our God day and night.Revelation 12:10

Revelation 19:10 And I fell down before his feet, to adore him. And he said to me: “Be careful not to do so. I am your fellow servant, and I am among your brothers, who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Adore God. For the testimony of Jesus is a spirit of prophecy.”Revelation 19:10

Revelation 22:9 And he said to me: “Be careful not to do so. For I am your fellow servant, and I am among your brothers the prophets, and among those who keep the words of the prophecy of this book. Adore God.”Revelation 22:9

Number of the word / term ‘Brothers’ in Revelation: 4

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 519

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