Our Little Concordance

‘Blood’ in the Bible – All 384 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Blood’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Blood’ occurs 384 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 4:10 And he said to him: “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the land.Genesis 4:10

Genesis 4:11 Now, therefore, you will be cursed upon the land, which opened its mouth and received the blood of your brother at your hand.Genesis 4:11

Genesis 9:4 except that flesh with blood you shall not eat.Genesis 9:4

Genesis 9:5 For I will examine the blood of your lives at the hand of every beast. So also, at the hand of mankind, at the hand of each man and his brother, I will examine the life of mankind.Genesis 9:5

Genesis 9:6 Whoever will shed human blood, his blood will be poured out. For man was indeed made to the image of God.Genesis 9:6

Genesis 37:22 “Do not take away his life, nor shed blood. But throw him into this cistern, which is in the wilderness, and so keep your hands harmless.” But he said this, wanting to rescue him from their hands, so as to return him to his father.Genesis 37:22

Genesis 37:31 Then they took his tunic, and they dipped it in the blood of a young goat, which they had killed,Genesis 37:31

Genesis 42:22 And Reuben, one of them, said: “Did not I say to you, ‘Do not sin against the boy,’ and you would not listen to me? See, his blood is exacted.”Genesis 42:22

Genesis 49:11 Tying his young colt to the vineyard, and his donkey, O my son, to the vine, he will wash his robe in wine, and his cloak in the blood of the grape.Genesis 49:11

Number of the word / term Blood in Genesis: 9

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 4:9 But if they will not believe even these two signs, and they will not listen to your voice: take from the water of the river, and pour it upon the dry land, and whatever you will have drawn from the river will be turned into blood.”Exodus 4:9

Exodus 7:17 Therefore, thus says the Lord: In this you will know that I am the Lord. Behold, I will strike, with the staff that is in my hand, the water of the river, and it will be turned into blood.Exodus 7:17

Exodus 7:19 The Lord also said to Moses: “Say to Aaron: ‘Take your staff; and extend your hand over the waters of Egypt, and over their rivers and streams and marshes and all the pools of waters, so that they may be turned into blood. And let there be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, as much in vessels of wood as in those of stone.’ ”Exodus 7:19

Exodus 7:20 And Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord had instructed. And lifting up the staff, he struck the water of the river in the sight of Pharaoh and his servants. And it was turned into blood.Exodus 7:20

Exodus 7:21 And the fishes that were in the river died, and the river was polluted, and the Egyptians were not able to drink the water of the river, and there was blood throughout the entire land of Egypt.Exodus 7:21

Exodus 12:7 And they shall take from its blood, and place it on both the door posts and the upper threshold of the houses, in which they will consume it.Exodus 12:7

Exodus 12:13 But the blood will be for you as a sign in the buildings where you will be. And I will see the blood, and I will pass over you. And the plague will not be with you to destroy, when I strike the land of Egypt.Exodus 12:13

Exodus 12:22 And dip a little bundle of hyssop in the blood which is at the entrance, and sprinkle the upper threshold with it, and both of the door posts. Let none of you go out of the door of his house until morning.Exodus 12:22

Exodus 12:23 For the Lord will cross through, striking the Egyptians. And when he will see the blood on the upper threshold, and on both the door posts, he will pass over the door of the house and not permit the Striker to enter into your houses or to do harm.Exodus 12:23

Exodus 22:2 If a thief will have been discovered breaking into a house, or digging under it, and he has received a mortal wound, he who struck him down will not be guilty of blood.Exodus 22:2

Exodus 23:18 You shall not immolate the blood of my victim over leaven, nor shall the fat of my solemnity remain until morning.Exodus 23:18

Exodus 24:6 And so Moses took one half part of the blood, and he put it into bowls. Then the remaining part he poured over the altar.Exodus 24:6

Exodus 24:8 In truth, taking up the blood, he sprinkled it on the people, and he said, “This is the blood of the covenant, which the Lord has formed with you concerning all these words.”Exodus 24:8

Exodus 29:12 And taking some of the blood of the calf, you shall place it upon the horns of the altar with your finger, but the remainder of the blood you shall pour next to its base.Exodus 29:12

Exodus 29:16 And when you will have sacrificed it, you shall take from its blood and pour it around the altar.Exodus 29:16

Exodus 29:20 And when you will have immolated it, you shall take of its blood, and place it on the tip of the right ear of Aaron and his sons, and on the thumbs and big toes of their right hand and right foot, and you shall pour the blood upon the altar, all around.Exodus 29:20

Exodus 29:21 And when you have taken from the blood that is on the altar, and from the oil of unction, you shall sprinkle Aaron and his vestment, his sons and their vestments. And after they and their vestments have been consecrated,Exodus 29:21

Exodus 30:10 And Aaron shall pray over its horns once a year, with the blood of what was offered for sin. And he shall make atonement over it in your generations. It shall be the Holy of holies to the Lord.”Exodus 30:10

Exodus 34:25 You shall not immolate the blood of my victim over leaven; and there shall not remain, in the morning, any of the victim of the Solemnity of the Passover.Exodus 34:25

Number of the word / term Blood in Exodus: 19

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 1:5 And he shall immolate the calf in the sight of the Lord. And the priests, the sons of Aaron, shall offer its blood, pouring it all around the altar, which is before the door of the tabernacle.Leviticus 1:5

Leviticus 1:11 And he shall immolate it at the side of the altar which looks out toward the north, in the sight of the Lord. Yet truly, the sons of Aaron shall pour its blood upon the altar all around.Leviticus 1:11

Leviticus 1:15 the priest shall offer it at the altar: and twisting back the neck with the head, and also rupturing the place of the wound, he shall make the blood run down over the edge of the altar.Leviticus 1:15

Leviticus 3:2 And he shall place his hand upon the head of his victim, which shall be immolated at the entrance of the tabernacle of the testimony. And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall pour the blood all around the altar.Leviticus 3:2

Leviticus 3:8 he shall place his hand upon the head of the victim. And it shall be immolated at the vestibule of the tabernacle of the testimony. And the sons of Aaron shall pour its blood all around the altar.Leviticus 3:8

Leviticus 3:13 he shall place his hand upon its head, and he shall immolate it at the entrance of the tabernacle of the testimony. And the sons of Aaron shall pour its blood all around the altar.Leviticus 3:13

Leviticus 3:17 by a perpetual law, in your generations and in all of your habitations, neither blood nor fat shall you eat at all.Leviticus 3:17

Leviticus 4:5 Likewise, he shall take from the blood of the calf, carrying it into the tabernacle of the testimony,Leviticus 4:5

Leviticus 4:6 and having dipped his finger into the blood, he shall sprinkle it seven times in the sight of the Lord, opposite the veil of the Sanctuary.Leviticus 4:6

Leviticus 4:7 And he shall place some of the same blood over the horns of the altar of most pleasing incense to the Lord, which is in the tabernacle of the testimony. Then he shall pour out the remainder of the blood at the base of the altar of holocaust at the entrance of the tabernacle.Leviticus 4:7

Leviticus 4:16 the priest who is anointed shall carry some of its blood into the tabernacle of the testimony.Leviticus 4:16

Leviticus 4:18 And he shall place some of the same blood on the horns of the altar, which is in the presence of the Lord in the tabernacle of the testimony. But the remainder of the blood he shall pour out at the base of the altar of holocaust, which is at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony.Leviticus 4:18

Leviticus 4:25 the priest shall dip his finger in the blood of the victim for sin, touching the horns of the altar of holocaust, and pouring out the remainder at its base.Leviticus 4:25

Leviticus 4:30 And the priest shall take some of the blood with his finger, and touching the horns of the altar of holocaust, he shall pour out the remainder at its base.Leviticus 4:30

Leviticus 4:34 And the priest shall take some of its blood with his finger, and touching the horns of the altar of holocaust, he shall pour out the remainder at its base.Leviticus 4:34

Leviticus 5:9 And he shall sprinkle some of its blood at the side of the altar. But whatever will remain, he shall cause it to drip down to the base, because it is for sin.Leviticus 5:9

Leviticus 6:27 Whatever will touch its flesh shall be sanctified. If a garment will be sprinkled with its blood, it shall be washed in a holy place.Leviticus 6:27

Leviticus 6:30 For the victim that is slain for sin, whose blood is carried into the tabernacle of the testimony, for expiation in the Sanctuary, shall not be eaten, but it shall be consumed by fire.Leviticus 6:30

Leviticus 7:2 Therefore, where the holocaust is immolated, the victim for a transgression shall also be slain. Its blood shall be poured out all around the altar.Leviticus 7:2

Leviticus 7:14 Of these, one shall be offered to the Lord as the first-fruits, and one shall be for the priest who will pour out the blood of the victim.Leviticus 7:14

Leviticus 7:26 Likewise, you shall not take as food the blood of any animals at all, whether of birds or beasts.Leviticus 7:26

Leviticus 7:27 Every soul that will have eaten blood shall perish from his people.Leviticus 7:27

Leviticus 7:33 Among the sons of Aaron, whoever will have offered the blood and the fat, the same one shall also have the right shoulder for his portion.Leviticus 7:33

Leviticus 8:15 he immolated it. And drawing the blood, and dipping his finger in it, he touched the horns of the altar all around. And when it was expiated and sanctified, he poured out the remainder of the blood at its base.Leviticus 8:15

Leviticus 8:19 he immolated it, and he poured out its blood around the altar.Leviticus 8:19

Leviticus 8:23 And when Moses had immolated it, taking up some of its blood, he touched the tip of Aaron’s right ear, and the thumb of his right hand, and similarly also his foot.Leviticus 8:23

Leviticus 8:24 He also offered the sons of Aaron. And when, from the blood of the ram which was immolated, he had touched the tip of the right ear of each one, and the thumbs of their right hands, as well as their feet, he poured out the remainder upon the altar all around.Leviticus 8:24

Leviticus 8:30 And taking up the ointment, and the blood that was on the altar, he sprinkled it over Aaron and his vestments, and over his sons and their vestments.Leviticus 8:30

Leviticus 9:9 And his sons brought its blood to him, and dipping his finger in it, he touched the horns of the altar, and he poured out the remainder at its base.Leviticus 9:9

Leviticus 9:12 He also immolated the victim of holocaust. And his sons brought its blood to him, which he poured out all around the altar.Leviticus 9:12

Leviticus 9:18 He also immolated the ox, as well as the ram, as peace offerings for the people. And his sons brought him the blood, which he poured out upon the altar all around.Leviticus 9:18

Leviticus 10:18 especially since none of its blood has been brought into the holy places, and since you should have eaten it in the Sanctuary, as was instructed me?”Leviticus 10:18

Leviticus 12:4 Yet truly, she herself shall remain for thirty-three days in the blood of her purification. She shall not touch anything holy, nor shall she enter into the Sanctuary, until the days of her purification are completed.Leviticus 12:4

Leviticus 12:5 But if she will bear a female, she shall be unclean for two weeks, according to the custom of her monthly flow, and she shall remain in the blood of her purification for sixty-six days.Leviticus 12:5

Leviticus 12:7 He shall offer them in the sight of the Lord, and he shall pray for her. And so she shall be cleansed from the issue of her blood. This is the law for one who bears a male or a female.Leviticus 12:7

Leviticus 14:6 But the other living one, with the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, he shall dip in the blood of the immolated sparrow.Leviticus 14:6

Leviticus 14:14 And taking some of the blood of the victim, which was immolated for transgression, the priest shall place it upon the tip of the right ear of him who is being cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and likewise the foot.Leviticus 14:14

Leviticus 14:17 But the oil which remains in his left hand, he shall pour over the tip of the right ear of him who is being cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand as well as the foot, and upon the blood which was shed for transgression,Leviticus 14:17

Leviticus 14:25 And when the lamb has been immolated, he shall place some of its blood upon the tip of the right ear of him who is being cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, as well as the foot.Leviticus 14:25

Leviticus 14:28 And he shall touch the tip of the right ear of him who is being cleansed, and the thumb of his right hand, as well as the foot, in the place of the blood which was shed for transgression.Leviticus 14:28

Leviticus 14:51 he shall take the cedar wood, and the hyssop, and the scarlet, and the living sparrow, and he shall dip all these in the blood of the immolated sparrow, and also in the living water, and he shall sprinkle the house seven times.Leviticus 14:51

Leviticus 14:52 And he shall purify it as much with the blood of the sparrow as with the living water, and with the living sparrow, and the cedar wood, and the hyssop, and the vermillion.Leviticus 14:52

Leviticus 15:19 The woman who, at the return of the month, undergoes the flow of blood shall be separated for seven days.Leviticus 15:19

Leviticus 15:24 If a man has sexual intercourse with her in the time of her monthly flow of blood, he shall be unclean for seven days, and every bed on which he sleeps shall be polluted.Leviticus 15:24

Leviticus 15:25 The woman who undergoes a flow of blood many days beyond her time of menstruation, or whose blood does not cease to flow after the menstrual blood, as long as she is subject to this affliction, she shall be unclean, just as if she were in her time of menstruation.Leviticus 15:25

Leviticus 15:28 If the blood has stopped and has ceased to flow, she shall number seven days for her purification,Leviticus 15:28

Leviticus 15:33 and of her who is separated in the time of menstruation, or who has a continual flow of blood, and of the man who sleeps with her.Leviticus 15:33

Leviticus 16:14 Likewise, he shall take some of the blood of the calf, and sprinkle it with his finger seven times opposite the propitiatory, toward the east.Leviticus 16:14

Leviticus 16:15 And when he has slain the he-goat for the sin of the people, he shall carry its blood within the veil, just as he was instructed to do with the blood of the calf, so that he may sprinkle it away from the area of the oracle,Leviticus 16:15

Leviticus 16:18 And when he has exited to the altar which is before the Lord, let him pray for himself, and taking the blood of the calf, and of the he-goat, let him pour it upon its horns all around.Leviticus 16:18

Leviticus 16:27 But the calf and the he-goat, which were immolated for sin, and whose blood was brought into the Sanctuary to complete the expiation, these shall be carried outside the camp and be burned with fire: as with their skins, so also with their flesh and dung.Leviticus 16:27

Leviticus 17:4 and not have presented it as an oblation to the Lord at the door of the tabernacle, he shall be guilty of blood. It is just as if he had shed blood; so then, he shall perish from the midst of his people.Leviticus 17:4

Leviticus 17:6 And the priest shall pour the blood upon the altar of the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony, and he shall burn the fat as a sweet odor to the Lord.Leviticus 17:6

Leviticus 17:10 Any man at all of the house of Israel, or of the newcomers who sojourn among them, if he has eaten blood, I will harden my face against his soul, and I will drive him from his people.Leviticus 17:10

Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you, so that you may atone with it upon the altar for your souls, and so that the blood may be for an expiation of the soul.Leviticus 17:11

Leviticus 17:12 For this reason, I have said to the sons of Israel: No soul among you shall eat blood, nor among the newcomers who sojourn with you.Leviticus 17:12

Leviticus 17:13 Any man at all from the sons of Israel, or from the newcomers who sojourn with you, whether by hunting or bird-catching, if he seizes a wild beast or a bird, which is lawful to eat, let him pour out its blood and cover the earth with it.Leviticus 17:13

Leviticus 17:14 For the life of all flesh is in the blood. Therefore, I said to the sons of Israel: You shall not eat the blood of any flesh at all, because the life of the flesh is in the blood, and whoever has eaten it shall perish.Leviticus 17:14

Leviticus 18:6 No man shall approach her who is a close blood-relative to him, so as to uncover her nakedness. I am the Lord.Leviticus 18:6

Leviticus 19:16 You shall not be a detractor, nor a whisperer, among the people. You shall not stand against the blood of your neighbor. I am the Lord.Leviticus 19:16

Leviticus 19:26 You shall not eat with blood. You shall not practice divination, nor the observation of dreams.Leviticus 19:26

Leviticus 20:9 Whoever curses his father or mother shall die a death; he has cursed his father and mother. So let his blood be upon him.Leviticus 20:9

Leviticus 20:11 Whoever will have slept with his stepmother, or will have uncovered the shame of his father, they shall both die a death. So let their blood be upon them.Leviticus 20:11

Leviticus 20:12 If any man will have slept with his daughter-in-law, both shall die, for they have acted according to wickedness. So let their blood be upon them.Leviticus 20:12

Leviticus 20:13 If any man has slept with a male in place of sexual intercourse with a female, both have committed a nefarious act, they shall die a death. So let their blood be upon them.Leviticus 20:13

Leviticus 20:16 The woman who will have lain under any animal at all shall be destroyed together with it. So let their blood be upon them.Leviticus 20:16

Leviticus 20:18 Whoever has sexual intercourse with a woman in her menstrual flow, and has uncovered her nakedness, and she has opened the fountain of her blood, both shall be destroyed from the midst of their people.Leviticus 20:18

Leviticus 20:27 A man or a woman, in whom there is an oracle-like or a divining spirit, shall be put to death. They shall stone them. So let their blood be upon them.Leviticus 20:27

Leviticus 21:2 except only by his blood-relatives and near-relatives, that is, by a father or mother, or by a son or daughter, or also a brother,Leviticus 21:2

Leviticus 25:49 either the paternal uncle, or the paternal uncle’s son, or his close relative, by blood or by affinity. But if he himself will be able also, he shall redeem himself,Leviticus 25:49

Number of the word / term Blood in Leviticus: 70

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 18:17 But the firstborn of a cow, or of a sheep, or of a goat, you shall not cause to be redeemed, because they have been sanctified to the Lord. Thus, their blood you shall pour out upon the altar, and their fat you shall burn as a most sweet odor to the Lord.Numbers 18:17

Numbers 19:4 And dipping his finger in its blood, he shall sprinkle it seven times, opposite the door of the tabernacle.Numbers 19:4

Numbers 19:5 And he shall burn it, while all are watching, delivering into the flame, not only its skin and flesh, but also the blood and dung.Numbers 19:5

Numbers 23:24 Behold, the people will rise up like a lioness, and lie down like a lion. But they will not lie down until they devour the prey and drink the blood of the slain.”Numbers 23:24

Numbers 26:1 After the blood of the guilty was shed, the Lord said to Moses, and to Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest:Numbers 26:1

Numbers 35:6 Now, from the towns which you shall give to the Levites, six shall be separated for the assistance of fugitives, so that he who has shed blood may flee to them. And, aside from these, there shall be forty-two other towns,Numbers 35:6

Numbers 35:11 discern which cities ought to be for the protection of fugitives who have shed blood unwillingly.Numbers 35:11

Numbers 35:15 as much for the sons of Israel as for newcomers and sojourners, so that anyone who has shed blood unwillingly may flee to these places.Numbers 35:15

Numbers 35:18 If he who has been struck with wood passes away, he shall be avenged by the blood of the one who struck him.Numbers 35:18

Numbers 35:27 and he has been struck by him who is avenging blood, he who killed him shall not be harmed.Numbers 35:27

Numbers 35:31 You shall not accept money from him who is guilty of blood, and he shall be put to death promptly.Numbers 35:31

Numbers 35:33 Do not pollute the land of your habitation, so as to stain it with the blood of the innocent; neither is it able to be expiated in any way other than by the blood of him who has shed the blood of another.Numbers 35:33

Number of the word / term Blood in Numbers: 12

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 12:16 Only the blood you shall not eat. Instead, you shall pour it upon the ground like water.Deuteronomy 12:16

Deuteronomy 12:23 Only beware of this: you may not eat the blood. For their blood is for the soul. And because of this, you must not eat the soul with the flesh.Deuteronomy 12:23

Deuteronomy 12:27 And you shall offer your oblations of flesh and of blood upon the altar of the Lord your God. You shall poor out the blood of your victims upon the altar. And you yourself shall eat the flesh.Deuteronomy 12:27

Deuteronomy 15:23 This alone shall you observe: that you do not eat their blood, but pour it upon the ground like water.”Deuteronomy 15:23

Deuteronomy 17:8 If you have perceived that there is among you a difficult and doubtful matter of judgment, between blood and blood, cause and cause, leprosy and leprosy, and if you will have seen that the words of the judges within your gates vary: rise up and ascend to the place which the Lord your God will choose.Deuteronomy 17:8

Deuteronomy 19:6 Otherwise, perhaps the near relative of him whose blood was shed, impelled by his grief, might pursue and apprehend him, unless the way is too long, and he might strike down the life of him who is not guilty unto death, since he had demonstrated that he had no prior hatred against him who was slain.Deuteronomy 19:6

Deuteronomy 19:10 So may innocent blood not be shed in the midst of the land which the Lord your God will give you to possess, lest you be guilty of blood.Deuteronomy 19:10

Deuteronomy 19:12 the elders of his city shall send, and they shall take him from the place of refuge, and they shall deliver him into the hand of the relative of him whose blood was shed, and he shall die.Deuteronomy 19:12

Deuteronomy 19:13 You shall not take pity on him, and so shall you take away the blood of the innocent from Israel, so that it may be well with you.Deuteronomy 19:13

Deuteronomy 21:7 And they shall say: ‘Our hands did not shed this blood, nor did our eyes see it.Deuteronomy 21:7

Deuteronomy 21:8 Be merciful to your people Israel, whom you have redeemed, O Lord, and do not charge them with innocent blood in the midst of your people Israel.’ And so the guilt of the blood will be taken away from them.Deuteronomy 21:8

Deuteronomy 21:9 Then you will be free from the blood that was shed against the innocent, when you will have done as the Lord has instructed you.Deuteronomy 21:9

Deuteronomy 22:8 When you build a new house, you shall make a wall around the roof. Otherwise, someone may slip and fall down violently, and so blood would be shed at your house, and you would be guilty.Deuteronomy 22:8

Deuteronomy 27:25 Cursed be he who accepts gifts in order to strike down the life of innocent blood. And all the people shall say: Amen.Deuteronomy 27:25

Deuteronomy 32:14 butter from the herd, and milk from the sheep, with fat from the lambs, and with rams and goats from the sons of Bashan, with the kernel of the wheat, and so that he might drink the undiluted blood of the grape.Deuteronomy 32:14

Deuteronomy 32:42 I will inebriate my arrows with blood, and my sword will devour flesh: from the blood of the slain and from the captive, from the exposed head of the enemies.’Deuteronomy 32:42

Deuteronomy 32:43 You nations, praise his people! For he will avenge the blood of his servants. And he will distribute vengeance to their enemies. And he will be merciful to the land of his people.”Deuteronomy 32:43

Number of the word / term Blood in Deuteronomy: 17

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 2:19 Whoever will have exited from the door of your house, his blood will be on his own head, and we will be uninvolved. But the blood of all who will be with you in the house shall fall back upon our own head, if anyone touches them.Joshua 2:19

Joshua 20:3 so that anyone who will have struck down a life unintentionally may flee to them. And so, he may be able to escape from the wrath of a close relative, who is an avenger of blood.Joshua 20:3

Joshua 20:5 And if the avenger of blood will have pursued him, they shall not deliver him into his hands. For he struck down his neighbor unknowingly, one who was not proven to have been his enemy two or three days before.Joshua 20:5

Joshua 20:9 These cities were established for all the sons of Israel, and for the new arrivals who were living among them, so that whoever had struck down a life unintentionally might flee to these, and not die at the hand of a close relative who desires to vindicate the blood that was shed, until he should stand before the people, in order to present his case.Joshua 20:9

Number of the word / term Blood in Joshua: 4

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Judges

Judges 9:24 and to place blame for the crime of the killing of the seventy sons of Jerubbaal, and for the shedding of their blood, upon Abimelech, their brother, and upon the rest of the leaders of the Shechemites, who assisted him.Judges 9:24

Number of the word / term Blood in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 14:32 And turning to the spoils, they took sheep, and oxen, and calves, and they slew them on the ground. And the people ate with blood.1 Samuel 14:32

1 Samuel 14:33 Then they reported to Saul, saying that the people had sinned against the Lord, eating with blood. And he said: “You have transgressed. Roll a great stone to me, here and now.”1 Samuel 14:33

1 Samuel 14:34 And Saul said: “Disperse yourselves among the common people, and tell each one of them to bring to me his ox and his ram, and to slay them upon this stone, and to eat, so that you will not sin against the Lord, in eating with blood.” And so, each one, out of all the people, brought his ox, by his own hand, throughout the night. And they slew them there.1 Samuel 14:34

1 Samuel 19:5 And he took his life in his own hand, and struck down the Philistine. And the Lord wrought a great salvation for all of Israel. You saw it, and you rejoiced. Why then would you sin against innocent blood by killing David, who is without guilt?”1 Samuel 19:5

1 Samuel 25:26 Now therefore, my lord, as your soul lives, and as the Lord lives, who has kept your hand to yourself, and has prevented you from coming to blood: now, let your enemies be like Nabal, and like all those who are seeking evil for my lord.1 Samuel 25:26

1 Samuel 25:31 this will not be for you a regret or a scruple of the heart, my lord, that you had shed innocent blood, or had taken revenge for yourself. And when the Lord will have done well for my lord, you shall remember your handmaid.”1 Samuel 25:31

1 Samuel 25:33 And blessed are you, who prevented me today from going to blood, and from taking revenge for myself with my own hand.1 Samuel 25:33

1 Samuel 26:20 And now, let not my blood be poured out upon the earth before the Lord. For the king of Israel has gone out, so that he might seek a flea, just as the partridge is pursued amid the mountains.”1 Samuel 26:20

Number of the word / term Blood in 1 Samuel: 8

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 1:16 And David said to him: “Your blood is upon your own head. For your own mouth has spoken against you, saying: ‘I have killed the Christ of the Lord.’ ”2 Samuel 1:16

2 Samuel 1:22 From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the strong, the arrow of Jonathan never turned back, and the sword of Saul did not return empty.2 Samuel 1:22

2 Samuel 3:27 And when Abner had returned to Hebron, Joab took him alone to the middle of the gate, so that he might speak to him, but with deceit. And there, he stabbed him in the groin, and he died, in revenge for the blood of Asahel, his brother.2 Samuel 3:27

2 Samuel 3:28 And when David had heard of it, now that the matter was done, he said: “I and my kingdom are clean before the Lord, even forever, of the blood of Abner, the son of Ner.2 Samuel 3:28

2 Samuel 4:11 How much more so now, when impious men have put to death an innocent man in his own house, upon his bed, shall I not require his blood from your hand, and take you away from the earth?”2 Samuel 4:11

2 Samuel 14:11 And she said, “Let the king remember the Lord his God, so that close blood relatives may not be multiplied in order to take revenge, and so that they may by no means kill my son.” And he said, “As the Lord lives, not one hair from your son shall fall to the ground.”2 Samuel 14:11

2 Samuel 16:7 And so, as he was cursing the king, Shimei said: “Go away, go away, you man of blood, and you man of Belial!2 Samuel 16:7

2 Samuel 16:8 The Lord has repaid you for all the blood of the house of Saul. For you have usurped the kingdom in place of him. And so, the Lord has given the kingdom into the hand of Absalom, your son. And behold, your evils press close upon you, because you are a man of blood.”2 Samuel 16:8

2 Samuel 20:12 Now Amasa was covered with blood, and was lying in the middle of the road. A certain man saw this, with all the people standing nearby to look at him, and he removed Amasa from the road into a field. And he covered him with a garment, so that those passing by would not stop because of him.2 Samuel 20:12

2 Samuel 23:17 saying: “May the Lord be gracious to me, so that I may not do this. Should I drink the blood of these men who have set out to the peril of their own lives?” Therefore, he was not willing to drink. These things were accomplished by these three robust men.2 Samuel 23:17

Number of the word / term Blood in 2 Samuel: 10

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 2:5 Also, you know what Joab, the son of Zeruiah, has done to me, what he did to the two leaders of the army of Israel, to Abner, the son of Ner, and to Amasa, the son of Jether. He killed them, and so he shed the blood of war in peace time, and he set the bloodshed of battle on his belt, which was around his waist, and in his shoes, which were on his feet.1 Kings 2:5

1 Kings 2:9 yet do not choose to treat him as if he were innocent. Since you are a wise man, you will know what to do with him. And you shall lead away his grey hair to death with blood.”1 Kings 2:9

1 Kings 2:31 And the king said to him, “Do just as he has said. And put him to death, and bury him. And so shall you take away the innocent blood, which was shed by Joab, from me and from my father’s house.1 Kings 2:31

1 Kings 2:32 And the Lord shall repay his blood upon his own head. For he killed two men, just and better than himself, and he killed them with the sword, while my father, David, did not know it: Abner, the son of Ner, leader of the military of Israel, and Amasa, the son of Jether, leader of the army of Judah.1 Kings 2:32

1 Kings 2:33 And their blood shall be turned back upon the head of Joab, and upon the head of his offspring forever. But as for David, and his offspring and house, and his throne, may there be peace from the Lord, even unto eternity.”1 Kings 2:33

1 Kings 2:37 For on whatever day you will have departed and crossed the torrent Kidron, know that you shall be put to death. Your blood will be upon your own head.”1 Kings 2:37

1 Kings 18:28 Then they cried out with a loud voice, and they cut themselves, in accord with their ritual, with knives and lancets, until they were entirely covered in blood.1 Kings 18:28

1 Kings 21:19 And you shall speak to him, saying: ‘Thus says the Lord: You have killed. Moreover you have also taken possession.’ And after this, you shall add: ‘Thus says the Lord: In this place, where the dogs have licked the blood of Naboth, they shall also lick your blood.’ ”1 Kings 21:19

1 Kings 22:35 Then the battle was undertaken throughout that day. And the king of Israel was standing on his chariot opposite the Syrians, and he died in the evening. For the blood was flowing from the wound into the joints of the chariot.1 Kings 22:35

1 Kings 22:38 And they washed his chariot in the pool of Samaria. And the dogs licked up his blood. And they washed the reins, in accord with the word of the Lord which he had spoken.1 Kings 22:38

Number of the word / term Blood in 1 Kings: 10

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 3:22 And rising up in early morning, and when the sun was now rising before the waters, the Moabites saw the waters opposite them, which were red like blood.2 Kings 3:22

2 Kings 3:23 And they said: “It is the blood of the sword! The kings have fought among themselves, and they have slain one another. Go now, Moab, to the spoils!”2 Kings 3:23

2 Kings 9:7 And you will shall strike down the house of Ahab, your lord. And I will avenge the blood of my servants, the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the Lord, from the hand of Jezebel.2 Kings 9:7

2 Kings 9:26 ‘Certainly, I will repay you in this field, says the Lord, for the blood of Naboth, and for the blood of his sons, which I saw yesterday, says the Lord.’ Therefore, take him now, and cast him into the field, in accord with the word of the Lord.”2 Kings 9:26

2 Kings 9:33 And he said to them, “Throw her down with force.” And they threw her forcefully, and the wall was splattered with her blood, and the hoofs of the horses trampled her.2 Kings 9:33

2 Kings 16:13 And he offered libations, and he poured out the blood of the peace offerings, which he had offered, upon the altar.2 Kings 16:13

2 Kings 16:15 Also, king Ahaz instructed Uriah, the priest, saying: “Upon the great altar, offer the morning holocaust, and the evening sacrifice, and the holocaust of the king, and his sacrifice, and the holocaust of the entire people of the land, and their sacrifices. But their libations, and all the blood of the holocaust, and all the blood of the victim, you shall pour out upon it. Then truly, the altar of brass shall be prepared for use at my will.”2 Kings 16:15

2 Kings 21:16 Moreover, Manasseh also has shed an exceedingly great amount of innocent blood, until he filled Jerusalem even to the mouth, aside from his sins by which he caused Judah to sin, so that they did evil before the Lord.”2 Kings 21:16

2 Kings 24:4 and because of the innocent blood which he shed, and because he filled Jerusalem with the slaughter of the innocent. And for this reason, the Lord was not willing to be appeased.2 Kings 24:4

Number of the word / term Blood in 2 Kings: 9

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 11:19 saying: “Far be it from me, that I would do this in the sight of my God, and that I would drink the blood of these men. For at the peril of their own lives, they brought the water to me.” And for this reason, he was not willing to drink. The three most powerful accomplished these things.1 Chronicles 11:19

1 Chronicles 22:8 But the word of the Lord came to me, saying: ‘You have shed much blood, and you have battled in many wars. You are not able to build a house to my name, so great was the shedding of blood before me.1 Chronicles 22:8

1 Chronicles 28:3 But God said to me: ‘You shall not build a house to my name, because you are a man of war, and have shed blood.’1 Chronicles 28:3

Number of the word / term Blood in 1 Chronicles: 3

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 24:25 And upon departing, they left him greatly debilitated. Then his servants rose up against him, in vengeance for the blood of the son of Jehoiada the priest. And they killed him on his bed, and he died. And they buried him in the City of David, but not in the sepulchers of the kings.2 Chronicles 24:25

2 Chronicles 29:22 And so they slaughtered the bulls. And the priests took up the blood, and they poured it upon the altar. Then they also slaughtered the rams, and they poured their blood upon the altar. And they immolated the lambs, and they poured the blood upon the altar.2 Chronicles 29:22

2 Chronicles 29:24 And the priests immolated them, and they sprinkled their blood before the altar, for the expiation of all Israel. For certainly the king had instructed that the holocaust and the sin offering should be made on behalf of all Israel.2 Chronicles 29:24

2 Chronicles 30:16 And they stood in their order, according to the disposition and law of Moses, the man of God. Yet truly, the priests took up the blood, which was to be poured out, from the hands of the Levites,2 Chronicles 30:16

2 Chronicles 35:11 And the Passover was immolated. And the priests sprinkled the blood with their hand, and the Levites drew away the pelts of the holocausts.2 Chronicles 35:11

Number of the word / term Blood in 2 Chronicles: 5

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Esther

Esther 9:1 Therefore, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which as we have said before is called Adar, when all the Jews were prepared to be executed and their enemies were greedy for their blood, the situation turned around, and the Jews began to have the upper hand and to vindicate themselves of their adversaries.Esther 9:1

Number of the word / term Blood in Esther: 1

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Job

Job 16:18 O earth, do not conceal my blood, nor let my outcry find a hiding place in you.Job 16:18

Job 39:30 Her young will drink blood, and wherever the carcass will be, she is there immediately.Job 39:30

Number of the word / term Blood in Job: 2

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 9:12 Because of those who yearned for their blood, he has remembered them. He has not forgotten the cry of the poor.Psalm 9:12

Psalm 14:3 They have all gone astray; together they have become useless. There is no one who does good; there is not even one. Their throat is an open sepulcher. With their tongues, they have been acting deceitfully; the venom of asps is under their lips. Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood. Grief and unhappiness are in their ways; and the way of peace, they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes.Psalm 14:3

Psalm 16:4 Their infirmities have been multiplied; after this, they acted more quickly. I will not gather for their convocations of blood, nor will I remember their names with my lips.Psalm 16:4

Psalm 26:9 O God, do not let my soul perish with the impious, nor my life with the men of blood,Psalm 26:9

Psalm 30:9 What use would there be in my blood, if I descend into corruption? Will dust confess to you or announce your truth?Psalm 30:9

Psalm 50:13 Shall I gnaw on the flesh of bulls? Or would I drink the blood of goats?Psalm 50:13

Psalm 51:14 Free me from blood, O God, the God of my salvation, and my tongue will extol your justice.Psalm 51:14

Psalm 58:10 The just one will rejoice when he sees vindication. He will wash his hands in the blood of the sinner.Psalm 58:10

Psalm 59:2 Rescue me from those who work iniquity, and save me from men of blood.Psalm 59:2

Psalm 68:23 so that your feet may be soaked in the blood of your enemies, so that the tongue of your dogs may be soaked with the same.Psalm 68:23

Psalm 78:44 And he turned their rivers into blood, along with their rain showers, so that they could not drink.Psalm 78:44

Psalm 79:3 They have poured out their blood like water all around Jerusalem, and there was no one who would bury them.Psalm 79:3

Psalm 79:10 Let them not say among the Gentiles, “Where is their God?” And may your name become known among the nations before our eyes. For the retribution of your servants’ blood, which has been poured out:Psalm 79:10

Psalm 94:21 They will hunt down the soul of the just, and they will condemn innocent blood.Psalm 94:21

Psalm 105:29 He turned their waters into blood, and he slaughtered their fish.Psalm 105:29

Psalm 106:38 And they shed innocent blood: the blood of their sons and of their daughters, which they sacrificed to the graven images of Canaan. And the land was infected with bloodshed,Psalm 106:38

Psalm 139:19 O God, if only you would cut down sinners. You men of blood: depart from me.Psalm 139:19

Number of the word / term Blood in Psalm: 17

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 1:11 If they should say: “Come with us. We will lie in wait for blood. We will lay traps against the innocent, without cause.Proverbs 1:11

Proverbs 1:16 For their feet rush to evil, and they hurry to shed blood.Proverbs 1:16

Proverbs 1:18 Likewise, they lie in ambush against their own blood, and they undertake deceits against their own souls.Proverbs 1:18

Proverbs 6:17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,Proverbs 6:17

Proverbs 12:6 The words of the impious lie in wait for blood. The mouth of the just shall free them.Proverbs 12:6

Proverbs 28:17 A man who slanders the blood of a life, even if he flees to the pit, no one will tolerate him.Proverbs 28:17

Proverbs 30:33 But whoever strongly squeezes the udder to bring out the milk, presses out butter. And whoever violently blows his nose, brings out blood. And whoever provokes wrath, brings forth discord.”Proverbs 30:33

Number of the word / term Blood in Proverbs: 7

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 1:11 The multitude of your sacrifices, what is that to me, says the Lord? I am full. I do not desire holocausts of rams, nor the fat of fatlings, nor the blood of calves and of lambs and of he-goats.Isaiah 1:11

Isaiah 1:15 And so, when you extend your hands, I will avert my eyes from you. And when you multiply your prayers, I will not heed you. For your hands are full of blood.Isaiah 1:15

Isaiah 4:4 Then the Lord will have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and will have washed away the blood of Jerusalem from its midst, by means of a spirit of judgment and a spirit of intense devotion.Isaiah 4:4

Isaiah 9:5 For every violent plunder with a tumult, and every garment mixed with blood, will be burned up and will become fuel for the fire.Isaiah 9:5

Isaiah 15:9 Because the waters of Dibon have been filled with blood, I will place even more upon Dibon: those from Moab who flee the lion, and the survivors of the earth.Isaiah 15:9

Isaiah 26:21 For behold, the Lord will go forth from his place, so that he may visit the iniquity of each inhabitant of the earth against him. And the earth will reveal its blood, and it will no longer cover its slain.Isaiah 26:21

Isaiah 33:15 The one who walks in justice and speaks the truth, who casts out avarice with oppression and shakes all bribes from his hands, who blocks his ears so that he may not listen to blood, and closes his eyes so that he may not see evil.Isaiah 33:15

Isaiah 34:3 Their slain will be cast out, and from their carcasses a foul odor will rise up. The mountains will languish because of their blood.Isaiah 34:3

Isaiah 34:6 The sword of the Lord has been filled with blood. It has been thickened by the blood of lambs and he-goats, by the innermost blood of rams. For the victim of the Lord is in Bozrah, and a great slaughter is in the land of Edom.Isaiah 34:6

Isaiah 34:7 And the single-horned beasts will descend with them, and the bulls along with the mighty. Their land will be inebriated by blood, and their ground by the fat of their lazy ones.Isaiah 34:7

Isaiah 49:26 And I will feed your enemies their own flesh. And they will be inebriated with their own blood, as with new wine. And all flesh will know that I am the Lord, who saves you, and your Redeemer, the Strong One of Jacob.Isaiah 49:26

Isaiah 59:3 For your hands have been polluted by blood, and your fingers by iniquity. Your lips have spoken lies, and your tongue utters iniquity.Isaiah 59:3

Isaiah 59:7 Their feet run to evil, and they rush to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are useless thoughts; devastation and destruction are in their ways.Isaiah 59:7

Isaiah 63:3 I have trod the winepress alone. And among the nations, there is no man beside me. I have trampled on them in my fury, and I have tread them down in my wrath. And so, their blood has been sprinkled on my vestments, and I have stained all my garments.Isaiah 63:3

Isaiah 66:3 Whoever immolates an ox, it is as if he slaughters a man. Whoever sacrifices a sheep, it is as if he is smashing the head of a dog. Whoever offers an oblation, it is as if he is offering swine’s blood. Whoever makes remembrance with incense, it is as if he is blessing an idol. All these things, they have chosen according to their own ways, and their soul has taken delight in their own abominations.Isaiah 66:3

Number of the word / term Blood in Isaiah: 15

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 2:34 and in your armpits there is found the blood of poor and innocent souls? I have found them, not in ditches, but everywhere that I mentioned previously.Jeremiah 2:34

Jeremiah 7:6 if you do not act with deceit toward the new arrival, the orphan, and the widow, and if you do not pour out innocent blood in this place, and if you do not walk after strange gods, which is to your own harm,Jeremiah 7:6

Jeremiah 19:4 For they have abandoned me, and they have made this place foreign, and they have offered libations in it to foreign gods, whom neither they, nor their fathers, nor the kings of Judah have known. And they have filled this place with the blood of the innocent.Jeremiah 19:4

Jeremiah 22:3 Thus says the Lord: Exercise judgment and justice, and free anyone who is oppressed by violence from the hand of a false accuser. And do not be willing to sadden the new arrival, or the orphan, or the widow, nor should you burden them unfairly. And you shall not shed innocent blood in this place.Jeremiah 22:3

Jeremiah 22:17 Yet truly, your eyes and your heart are toward avarice and the shedding of innocent blood, and toward false accusations and the pursuit of evil deeds.Jeremiah 22:17

Jeremiah 26:15 Yet truly, know and understand this: if you kill me, you will be bringing innocent blood against yourselves, and against this city and its inhabitants. For in truth, the Lord sent me to you, so as to speak all these words in your hearing.”Jeremiah 26:15

Jeremiah 46:10 For this is the day of the Lord, the God of hosts, a day of vengeance, so that he may vindicate himself of his enemies. The sword will devour, and be satiated, and be inebriated with their blood. For there is a victim of the Lord, the God of hosts, in the land of the north, beside the river Euphrates.Jeremiah 46:10

Jeremiah 48:10 Cursed is he who does the work of the Lord deceitfully. And cursed is he who prohibits his sword from blood.Jeremiah 48:10

Jeremiah 51:35 This iniquity is against me, and so my flesh is upon Babylon,” says the habitation of Zion. “And my blood is upon the inhabitants of Chaldea,” says Jerusalem.Jeremiah 51:35

Number of the word / term Blood in Jeremiah: 9

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 4:13 MEM. It is because of the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, who have shed the blood of the just in her midst.Lamentations 4:13

Lamentations 4:14 NUN. They have wandered in the streets like the blind; they have been defiled with blood. And when they were not able, they held their garments.Lamentations 4:14

Number of the word / term Blood in Lamentations: 2

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 3:18 If, when I say to the impious man, ‘You shall certainly die,’ you do not announce it to him, and you do not speak so that he may turn aside from his impious way and live, then the same impious man will die in his iniquity. But I will attribute his blood to your hand.Ezekiel 3:18

Ezekiel 3:20 Moreover, if the just man turns aside from his justice and commits iniquity, I will place a stumbling block before him. He shall die, because you have not announced to him. He shall die in his sin, and his justices that he did shall not be remembered. Yet truly, I will attribute his blood to your hand.Ezekiel 3:20

Ezekiel 5:17 And I will send among you famine and very harmful beasts, even unto utter ruin. And pestilence and blood shall pass through you. And I will bring the sword over you. I, the Lord, have spoken.”Ezekiel 5:17

Ezekiel 7:23 Cause it to be closed. For the land has been filled with the judgment of blood, and the city is full of iniquity.Ezekiel 7:23

Ezekiel 9:9 And he said to me: “The iniquity of the house of Israel, and of Judah, is vast and exceedingly great, and the land has been filled with blood, and the city has been filled with what is abhorrent. For they have said: ‘The Lord has forsaken the earth,’ and, ‘The Lord does not see.’Ezekiel 9:9

Ezekiel 14:19 Then, if I also send the pestilence upon that land, and I pour out my indignation upon it with blood, so that I take away from it both man and beast,Ezekiel 14:19

Ezekiel 16:6 But, passing by you, I saw that you were wallowing in your own blood. And I said to you, when you were in your blood: ‘Live.’ I tell you that I said to you, in your blood: ‘Live.’Ezekiel 16:6

Ezekiel 16:9 And I washed you with water, and I cleansed you of your blood. And I anointed you with oil.Ezekiel 16:9

Ezekiel 16:22 And after all your abominations and fornications, you have not remembered the days of your youth, when you were naked and full of shame, wallowing in your own blood.Ezekiel 16:22

Ezekiel 16:36 Thus says the Lord God: “Because your money has been poured out, and your disgrace has been uncovered, in your fornications with your lovers and with the idols of your abominations, in the blood of your sons, whom you gave to them:Ezekiel 16:36

Ezekiel 16:38 And I will judge you with the judgment of adulteresses and of those who shed blood. And I will give you over to blood, in fury and in zeal.Ezekiel 16:38

Ezekiel 18:10 But if he raises a son who is a robber, who sheds blood, and who does any of these things,Ezekiel 18:10

Ezekiel 18:13 who lends upon usury, and who takes an increase, then shall he live? He shall not live. Since he has done all these detestable things, he shall certainly die. His blood shall be upon him.Ezekiel 18:13

Ezekiel 19:10 Your mother is like a vine, in your blood, planted by the water; her fruit and her branches have increased because of many waters.Ezekiel 19:10

Ezekiel 21:32 You will be food for the fire; your blood will be in the midst of the land; you will be delivered to oblivion. For I, the Lord, have spoken.”Ezekiel 21:32

Ezekiel 22:3 And you shall reveal to her all her abominations. And you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: This is the city which sheds blood in her midst, so that her time may come, and which has made idols against herself, so that she may be defiled.Ezekiel 22:3

Ezekiel 22:4 You have offended by your blood, which you shed from yourself. And you have been defiled by your idols which you yourself made. And you have caused your days to approach, and you have brought on the time of your years. Because of this, I have made you a disgrace to the Gentiles, and a derision to all the lands.Ezekiel 22:4

Ezekiel 22:6 Behold, the leaders of Israel have each used his arm to shed blood within you.Ezekiel 22:6

Ezekiel 22:9 Maligning men were within you, in order to shed blood, and they have eaten upon the mountains within you. They have worked wickedness in your midst.Ezekiel 22:9

Ezekiel 22:12 They have accepted bribes among you to shed blood. You have received usury and superabundance, and in avarice you have oppressed your neighbors. And you have forgotten me, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 22:12

Ezekiel 22:13 Behold, I have clapped my hands over your avarice, which you have worked, and over the blood that has been shed in your midst.Ezekiel 22:13

Ezekiel 22:27 Her leaders in her midst are like wolves seizing the prey: to shed blood, and to perish souls, and to continually pursue profit with avarice.Ezekiel 22:27

Ezekiel 23:37 For they are adulteresses, and blood is in their hands, and they have fornicated with their idols. Moreover, they have offered even their children, whom they bore for me, to them to be devoured.Ezekiel 23:37

Ezekiel 23:45 But there are just men; these shall judge them with the judgment of adulteresses and with the judgment of those who shed blood. For they are adulteresses, and blood is on their hands.Ezekiel 23:45

Ezekiel 24:6 Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Woe to the city of blood, to the cooking pot that has rust in it, and whose rust has not gone out of it! Cast it out piece by piece! No lot has fallen upon it.Ezekiel 24:6

Ezekiel 24:7 For her blood is in her midst; she has shed it upon the smoothest rock. She has not shed it upon the ground, so that it could be covered with dust.Ezekiel 24:7

Ezekiel 24:8 So shall I bring my indignation over her, and take my vengeance. I have presented her blood upon the smoothest rock, so that it would not be covered.Ezekiel 24:8

Ezekiel 24:9 Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Woe to the city of blood, out of which I will make a great funeral pyre.Ezekiel 24:9

Ezekiel 28:23 And I will send a pestilence upon her, and there will be blood in her streets. And they will fall, slain by the sword, on every side in her midst. And they shall know that I am the Lord.Ezekiel 28:23

Ezekiel 32:6 And I will irrigate the earth with your rotting blood upon the mountains. And the valleys will be filled with you.Ezekiel 32:6

Ezekiel 33:4 then, having heard the sound of the trumpet, whoever he is, if he also does not take care of himself, and the sword arrives and takes him: his blood will be upon his own head.Ezekiel 33:4

Ezekiel 33:5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, and he did not take care of himself, so his blood will be upon him. But if he guards himself, he will save his own life.Ezekiel 33:5

Ezekiel 33:6 And if the watchman sees the sword approaching, and he does not sound the trumpet, and so the people do not guard themselves, and the sword arrives and takes some of their lives, certainly these have been taken due to their own iniquity. But I will attribute their blood to the hand of the watchman.Ezekiel 33:6

Ezekiel 33:8 When I say to the impious, ‘O impious man, you will die a death,’ if you have not spoken so that the impious man will keep himself from his way, then that impious man will die in his iniquity. But I will attribute his blood to your hand.Ezekiel 33:8

Ezekiel 33:25 Therefore, you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord God: You who eat even the blood, and who lift up your eyes to your uncleannesses, and who shed blood: will you possess the land as an inheritance?Ezekiel 33:25

Ezekiel 35:6 Because of this, as I live, says the Lord God, I will hand you over to blood, and blood will pursue you. Even though you have hated blood, blood will pursue you.Ezekiel 35:6

Ezekiel 36:18 And so I poured out my indignation upon them, because of the blood which they shed upon the land, and because they defiled it with their idols.Ezekiel 36:18

Ezekiel 38:22 And I will judge him by pestilence, and blood, and violent rainstorms, and immense hailstones. I will rain fire and brimstone upon him, and upon his army, and upon the many peoples who are with him.Ezekiel 38:22

Ezekiel 39:17 As for you, then, son of man, thus says the Lord God: Say to every flying thing, and to all the birds, and to all the beasts of the field: Assemble! Hurry! Rush together from every side to my victim, which I have immolated for you, a great victim upon the mountains of Israel, so that you may consume flesh, and drink blood!Ezekiel 39:17

Ezekiel 39:18 You shall eat the flesh of the powerful, and you shall drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams and lambs and he-goats and bulls, and of fattened birds and all that is fat.Ezekiel 39:18

Ezekiel 39:19 And you shall consume the fat unto satiation, and you shall drink the blood unto inebriation, from the victim that I will immolate for you.Ezekiel 39:19

Ezekiel 43:18 And he said to me: “Son of man, thus says the Lord God: These are the rituals of the altar, in whatever day it will be made, so that holocausts may be offered upon it, and blood may be poured out.Ezekiel 43:18

Ezekiel 43:20 And you shall take from its blood, and you shall place it on its four horns, and on the four corners of the rim, and on the crown all around. And so shall you cleanse and expiate it.Ezekiel 43:20

Ezekiel 44:7 For you bring in foreign sons, uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, so that they may be in my sanctuary and may defile my house. And you offer my bread, the fat, and the blood, yet you have broken my covenant by all your wicked deeds.Ezekiel 44:7

Ezekiel 44:15 But the priests and the Levites who are the sons of Zadok, who observed the ceremonies of my sanctuary when the sons of Israel went astray from me, these shall draw near to me, so that they may minister for me. And they shall stand in my sight, so that they may offer to me the fat and the blood, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 44:15

Ezekiel 45:19 And the priest shall take from the blood that will be for the sin offering. And he shall place it on the doorposts of the house, and on the four corners of the rim of the altar, and on the posts of the gate of the inner court.Ezekiel 45:19

Number of the word / term Blood in Ezekiel: 46

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 1:4 And the Lord said to him: “Call his name Jezreel because, after a little while, I will visit the blood of Jezreel upon the house of Jehu, and I will put the kingdom of the house of Israel to rest.Hosea 1:4

Hosea 12:14 Ephraim has provoked me to wrath with his bitterness, and his blood will overcome him, and his Lord will requite him for his shamefulness.Hosea 12:14

Number of the word / term Blood in Hosea: 2

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Joel

Joel 2:30 And I will grant wonders in the sky and on earth: blood and fire and the vapor of smoke.Joel 2:30

Joel 2:31 The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall arrive.Joel 2:31

Joel 3:19 Egypt will be in desolation, and Edom will be a wilderness destroyed, because of what they have unfairly done to the sons of Judah, and because they have shed innocent blood in their land.Joel 3:19

Joel 3:21 And I will cleanse their blood, which I had not cleansed. And the Lord will remain in Zion.Joel 3:21

Number of the word / term Blood in Joel: 4

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Jonah

Jonah 1:14 And they cried out to the Lord, and they said, “We beseech you, Lord, do not let us perish for this man’s life, and do not attribute to us innocent blood. For you, Lord, have done just as it pleased you.”Jonah 1:14

Number of the word / term Blood in Jonah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Micah

Micah 3:10 You build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity.Micah 3:10

Micah 7:2 The holy ones pass away from the land, and there is no one righteous among men. All wait in ambush for blood; a man hunts his brother to death.Micah 7:2

Number of the word / term Blood in Micah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Nahum

Nahum 3:1 Woe to the city of blood, filled with all manner of lies and violence. Crime shall not depart from you:Nahum 3:1

Number of the word / term Blood in Nahum: 1

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Habakkuk

Habakkuk 2:8 Because you have despoiled many peoples, all those who are left of the people shall despoil you, because of the blood of men, and the iniquity of the earth, of the city and all who dwell therein.Habakkuk 2:8

Habakkuk 2:12 Woe to him who builds a town with blood and prepares a city by iniquity.Habakkuk 2:12

Habakkuk 2:17 For the iniquity of Lebanon will cover you, and the devastation of animals which will deter them from the blood of men, and the iniquity of the earth and the city, and of all who dwell therein.Habakkuk 2:17

Number of the word / term Blood in Habakkuk: 3

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Zephaniah

Zephaniah 1:17 And I will trouble men, and they will walk like the blind, because they have sinned against the Lord. And their blood will be poured out like soil, and their bodies like manure.Zephaniah 1:17

Number of the word / term Blood in Zephaniah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 9:7 And I will take away his blood from his mouth, and his abominations from between his teeth, and yet he will be left for our God, and he will be like a governor in Judah, and Ekron will be like a Jebusite.Zechariah 9:7

Zechariah 9:11 You, likewise, by the blood of your testimony, have sent forth your prisoners from the pit, in which there is no water.Zechariah 9:11

Number of the word / term Blood in Zechariah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 9:20 And behold, a woman, who had suffered from a flow of blood for twelve years, approached from behind and touched the hem of his garment.Matthew 9:20

Matthew 16:17 And in response, Jesus said to him: “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father, who is in heaven.Matthew 16:17

Matthew 23:30 And then you say, ‘If we had been there in the days of our fathers, we would not have joined with them in the blood of the prophets.’Matthew 23:30

Matthew 23:35 so that upon you may fall all the blood of the just, which has been shed upon the earth, from the blood of Abel the just, even to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you killed between the temple and the altar.Matthew 23:35

Matthew 26:28 For this is my blood of the new covenant, which shall be shed for many as a remission of sins.Matthew 26:28

Matthew 27:4 saying, “I have sinned in betraying just blood.” But they said to him: “What is that to us? See to it yourself.”Matthew 27:4

Matthew 27:6 But the leaders of the priests, having taken up the pieces of silver, said, “It is not lawful to put them into the temple offerings, because it is the price of blood.”Matthew 27:6

Matthew 27:8 For this reason, that field is called Haceldama, that is, ‘The Field of Blood,’ even to this very day.Matthew 27:8

Matthew 27:24 Then Pilate, seeing that he was able to accomplish nothing, but that a greater tumult was occurring, taking water, washed his hands in the sight of the people, saying: “I am innocent of the blood of this just man. See to it yourselves.”Matthew 27:24

Matthew 27:25 And the entire people responded by saying, “May his blood be upon us and upon our children.”Matthew 27:25

Number of the word / term Blood in Matthew: 10

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Mark

Mark 5:25 And there was a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years.Mark 5:25

Mark 14:24 And he said to them: “This is my blood of the new covenant, which shall be shed for many.Mark 14:24

Number of the word / term Blood in Mark: 2

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Luke

Luke 8:43 And there was a certain woman, with a flow of blood for twelve years, who had paid out all her substance on physicians, and she was unable to be cured by any of them.Luke 8:43

Luke 8:44 She approached him from behind, and she touched the hem of his garment. And at once the flow of her blood stopped.Luke 8:44

Luke 11:50 so that the blood of all the Prophets, which has been shed since the foundation of the world, may be charged against this generation:Luke 11:50

Luke 11:51 from the blood of Abel, even to the blood of Zachariah, who perished between the altar and the sanctuary. So I say to you: it will be required of this generation!Luke 11:51

Luke 13:1 And there were present, at that very time, some who were reporting about the Galileans, whose blood Pilate mixed with their sacrifices.Luke 13:1

Luke 22:20 Similarly also, he took the chalice, after he had eaten the meal, saying: “This chalice is the new covenant in my blood, which will be shed for you.Luke 22:20

Luke 22:44 and so his sweat became like drops of blood, running down to the ground.Luke 22:44

Number of the word / term Blood in Luke: 7

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book John

John 1:13 These are born, not of blood, nor of the will of flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.John 1:13

John 6:53 And so, Jesus said to them: “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you will not have life in you.John 6:53

John 6:54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.John 6:54

John 6:55 For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.John 6:55

John 6:56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.John 6:56

John 19:34 Instead, one of the soldiers opened his side with a lance, and immediately there went out blood and water.John 19:34

Number of the word / term Blood in John: 6

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Acts

Acts 1:19 And this became known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that this field was called in their language, Akeldama, that is, ‘Field of Blood.’Acts 1:19

Acts 2:19 And I will bestow wonders in heaven above, and signs on earth below: blood and fire and the vapor of smoke.Acts 2:19

Acts 2:20 The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and manifest day of the Lord arrives.Acts 2:20

Acts 5:28 and said: “We strongly order you not to teach in this name. For behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and you wish to bring the blood of this man upon us.”Acts 5:28

Acts 15:20 but instead that we write to them, that they should keep themselves from the defilement of idols, and from fornication, and from whatever has been suffocated, and from blood.Acts 15:20

Acts 15:29 that you abstain from things immolated to idols, and from blood, and from what has been suffocated, and from fornication. You will do well to keep yourselves from these things. Farewell.”Acts 15:29

Acts 18:6 But since they were contradicting him and blaspheming, he shook out his garments and said to them: “Your blood is on your own heads. I am clean. From now on, I will go to the Gentiles.”Acts 18:6

Acts 20:26 For this reason, I call you as witnesses on this very day: that I am clean from the blood of all.Acts 20:26

Acts 20:28 Take care of yourselves and of the entire flock, over which the Holy Spirit has stationed you as Bishops to rule the Church of God, which he has purchased by his own blood.Acts 20:28

Acts 21:25 But, about those Gentiles who have believed, we have written a judgment that they should keep themselves from what has been immolated to idols, and from blood, and from what has been suffocated, and from fornication.”Acts 21:25

Acts 22:20 And when the blood of your witness Stephen was poured out, I stood nearby and was consenting, and I watched over the garments of those who put him to death.’Acts 22:20

Number of the word / term Blood in Acts: 11

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Romans

Romans 3:15 Their feet are swift to shed blood.Romans 3:15

Romans 3:25 whom God has offered as a propitiation, through faith in his blood, to reveal his justice for the remission of the former offenses,Romans 3:25

Romans 5:9 Christ died for us. Therefore, having been justified now by his blood, all the more so shall we be saved from wrath through him.Romans 5:9

Number of the word / term Blood in Romans: 3

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 10:16 The cup of benediction that we bless, is it not a communion in the Blood of Christ? And the bread that we break, is it not a participation in the Body of the Lord?1 Corinthians 10:16

1 Corinthians 11:25 Similarly also, the cup, after he had eaten supper, saying: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.”1 Corinthians 11:25

1 Corinthians 11:27 And so, whoever eats this bread, or drinks from the cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be liable of the body and blood of the Lord.1 Corinthians 11:27

1 Corinthians 15:50 Now I say this, brothers, because flesh and blood is not able to possess the kingdom of God; neither will what is corrupt possess what is incorrupt.1 Corinthians 15:50

Number of the word / term Blood in 1 Corinthians: 4

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 1:16 to reveal his Son within me, so that I might evangelize him among the Gentiles, I did not next seek the consent of flesh and blood.Galatians 1:16

Number of the word / term Blood in Galatians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Ephesians

Ephesians 1:7 In him, we have redemption through his blood: the remission of sins in accord with the riches of his grace,Ephesians 1:7

Ephesians 2:13 But now, in Christ Jesus, you, who were in times past far away, have been brought near by the blood of Christ.Ephesians 2:13

Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the directors of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in high places.Ephesians 6:12

Number of the word / term Blood in Ephesians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Colossians

Colossians 1:14 in whom we have redemption through his blood, the remission of sins.Colossians 1:14

Colossians 1:20 and that, through him, all things be reconciled to himself, making peace through the blood of his cross, for the things that are on earth, as well as the things that are in heaven.Colossians 1:20

Number of the word / term Blood in Colossians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 2:14 Therefore, because children have a common flesh and blood, he himself also, in like manner, has shared in the same, so that through death, he might destroy him who held the dominion of death, that is, the devil,Hebrews 2:14

Hebrews 9:7 But into the second part, once a year, the high priest alone entered, not without blood, which he offered on behalf of the neglectful offenses of himself and of the people.Hebrews 9:7

Hebrews 9:12 entered once into the Holy of Holies, having obtained eternal redemption, neither by the blood of goats, nor of calves, but by his own blood.Hebrews 9:12

Hebrews 9:13 For if the blood of goats and oxen, and the ashes of a calf, when these are sprinkled, sanctify those who have been defiled, in order to cleanse the flesh,Hebrews 9:13

Hebrews 9:14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the Holy Spirit has offered himself, immaculate, to God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, in order to serve the living God?Hebrews 9:14

Hebrews 9:18 Therefore, indeed, the first was not dedicated without blood.Hebrews 9:18

Hebrews 9:19 For when every commandment of the law had been read by Moses to the entire people, he took up the blood of calves and goats, with water and with scarlet wool and hyssop, and he sprinkled both the book itself and the entire people,Hebrews 9:19

Hebrews 9:20 saying: “This is the blood of the testament which God has commanded for you.”Hebrews 9:20

Hebrews 9:21 And even the tabernacle, and all the vessels for the ministry, he similarly sprinkled with blood.Hebrews 9:21

Hebrews 9:22 And nearly everything, according to the law, is to be cleansed with blood. And without the shedding of blood, there is no remission.Hebrews 9:22

Hebrews 9:25 And he did not enter so as to offer himself repeatedly, as the high priest enters into the Holy of Holies each year, with the blood of another.Hebrews 9:25

Hebrews 10:4 For it is impossible for sins to be taken away by the blood of oxen and goats.Hebrews 10:4

Hebrews 10:19 And so, brothers, have faith in the entrance into the Holy of Holies by the blood of Christ,Hebrews 10:19

Hebrews 10:29 how much more, do you think, someone would deserve worse punishments, if he has tread upon the Son of God, and has treated the blood of the testament, by which he was sanctified, as unclean, and has acted with disgrace toward the Spirit of grace?Hebrews 10:29

Hebrews 11:28 By faith, he celebrated the Passover and the shedding of the blood, so that he who destroyed the firstborn might not touch them.Hebrews 11:28

Hebrews 12:4 For you have not yet resisted unto blood, while striving against sin.Hebrews 12:4

Hebrews 12:24 and to Jesus, the Mediator of the New Testament, and to a sprinkling of blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel.Hebrews 12:24

Hebrews 13:11 For the bodies of those animals whose blood is carried into the Holy of holies by the high priest, on behalf of sin, are burned outside the camp.Hebrews 13:11

Hebrews 13:12 Because of this, Jesus, too, in order to sanctify the people by his own blood, suffered outside the gate.Hebrews 13:12

Hebrews 13:20 Then may the God of peace, who led back from the dead that great Pastor of sheep, our Lord Jesus Christ, with the blood of the eternal testament,Hebrews 13:20

Number of the word / term Blood in Hebrews: 20

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book 1 Peter

1 Peter 1:2 in accord with the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, with the obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: May grace and peace be multiplied for you.1 Peter 1:2

1 Peter 1:19 but it was with the precious blood of Christ, an immaculate and undefiled lamb,1 Peter 1:19

Number of the word / term Blood in 1 Peter: 2

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book 1 John

1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, just as he also is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.1 John 1:7

1 John 5:6 This is the One who came by water and blood: Jesus Christ. Not by water only, but by water and blood. And the Spirit is the One who testifies that the Christ is the Truth.1 John 5:6

1 John 5:8 And there are three who give testimony on earth: the Spirit, and the water, and the blood. And these three are one.1 John 5:8

Number of the word / term Blood in 1 John: 3

Bible passages with ‘Blood’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 1:5 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the first-born of the dead, and the leader over the kings of the earth, who has loved us and has washed us from our sins with his blood,Revelation 1:5

Revelation 5:9 And they were singing a new canticle, saying: “O Lord, you are worthy to receive the book and to open its seals, because you were slain and have redeemed us for God, by your blood, from every tribe and language and people and nation.Revelation 5:9

Revelation 6:10 And they were crying out with a loud voice, saying: “How long, O Holy and True Lord, will you not judge and not vindicate our blood against those who dwell upon the earth?”Revelation 6:10

Revelation 6:12 And when he had opened the sixth seal, I saw, and behold, a great earthquake occurred. And the sun became black, like a haircloth sack, and the entire moon became like blood.Revelation 6:12

Revelation 7:14 And I said to him, “My lord, you know.” And he said to me: “These are the ones who have come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and have made them white by the blood of the Lamb.Revelation 7:14

Revelation 8:7 And the first Angel sounded the trumpet. And there came hail and fire, mixed with blood; and it was cast down upon the earth. And a third part of the earth was burned, and a third part of the trees was entirely burned up, and all the green plants were burned.Revelation 8:7

Revelation 8:8 And the second Angel sounded the trumpet. And something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was cast down into the sea. And a third part of the sea became like blood.Revelation 8:8

Revelation 11:6 These have the power to close up the heavens, so that it may not rain during the days of their prophesying. And they have power over the waters, to convert them into blood, and to strike the earth with every kind of affliction as often as they will.Revelation 11:6

Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of his testimony. And they loved not their own lives, even unto death.Revelation 12:11

Revelation 14:20 And the basin was trodden beyond the city, and blood went forth from the basin, even as high as the harnesses of horses, out to one thousand six hundred stadia.Revelation 14:20

Revelation 16:3 And the second Angel poured out his bowl upon the sea. And it became like the blood of the dead, and every living creature in the sea died.Revelation 16:3

Revelation 16:4 And the third Angel poured out his bowl upon the rivers and the sources of water, and these became blood.Revelation 16:4

Revelation 16:6 For they have shed the blood of the Saints and the Prophets, and so you have given them blood to drink. For they deserve this.”Revelation 16:6

Revelation 17:6 And I saw that the woman was inebriated from the blood of the saints and from the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And I was amazed, when I had seen her, with a great wonder.Revelation 17:6

Revelation 18:24 And in her was found the blood of the Prophets and of the Saints, and of all who were slain upon the earth.”Revelation 18:24

Revelation 19:2 For true and just are his judgments, he who has judged the great harlot that corrupted the earth by her prostitution. And he has vindicated the blood of his servants from her hands.”Revelation 19:2

Revelation 19:13 And he was clothed with a vestment sprinkled with blood. And his name is called: THE WORD OF GOD.Revelation 19:13

Revelation 22:14 Blessed are those who wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb. So may they have a right to the tree of life; so may they enter through the gates into the City.Revelation 22:14

Number of the word / term ‘Blood’ in Revelation: 18

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 384

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